Full Race Replay: 1979 Daytona 500

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You can really see the personality in this broadcast vs. today's broadcasts. We never know where a driver is from unless we look them up or they happen to say it during the race. We hardly get any info on the majority of the drivers, which is bad for new fans who might just be tuning into a race.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/ShadowCammy 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Bought this on DVD because of that video. Also have Dale's Daytona win on DVD.

I love having them on for company while I clean the house.


👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/StevieRaveOn63 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

A quick YouTube search shows only 1 other result which is lower quality.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Luke2222 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Oh man, I've never realized the crowd at the end was so loud. Wonder if they remixed it or that's just a clean copy of how it was broadcast?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PowderedToastMaaaann 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

no plates, amazing racing

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/pointmanzero 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

trying to one-up F1 uploading the full 2001 Malaysian Grand Prix, aren't they?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/elfroggo69 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

Thanks, nascar!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GollyWow 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2017 🗫︎ replies
there you see the front row Buddy Baker on the pull car number 28 he's tried since 1961 to win this race he came so close to 1973 so close a year ago in 78 now when 79 will it turn around and there is his arch nemesis on the front row one of the Alabama gang Donnie Allison he's been here since 1967 he's never won this race although he's won the Firecracker 400 on the 4th of July and there you see Row 2 with Cale Yarborough the first man to ever win the national title three straight years with a junior Johnson car and beside him car number 88 the flamboyant and colorful one from Franklin Tennessee joining the million dollar club last year Darrell Waltrip then in position number five car number 27 rolling down pit road with our race vision CBS camera onboard the 1975 winner of this event Benny Parsons flanking Parsons in that row the man four-time Indianapolis champion 1972 Daytona 500 champion from Houston Texas AJ Foyt moving to Row 4 in the seventh starting position leader of the Alabama gang defending Daytona 500 mile champion Bobby Allison and car number 15 and with him dick Brooks in car number o8 it'll be Richard Brooks starting in the 8th position from Porterville California moving to 9th position today the Silver Fox David Pearson of Spartanburg South Carolina Italy Pearson in car number he's won this race one of the most dramatic finishes in history can he do it again today David Pearson at car number 21 starts inside of row number five flanking him will be the sensation of yesterday's sportsman race this kid was behind two cars as they grew up inches away at 190 miles per hour then he get a tire cut down he kwame wound up six but mark Dale Earnhardt in car number 2 starting 10th as a rookie to watch in this race the 11th position is a former Rookie of the Year Ricky Rudd of Chesapeake Virginia in the junior Dunlevy car today he'll start 11th going to the 12th position from Wausau Wisconsin comes Dave Marcus he'll be driving car number Oh to a car he has entered and prepared himself and then him the 13 starting position the all-time champion name at Daytona five times a winner of this event Richard Petty in an Oldsmobile car number 43 in that same row with him in the 14th position is Harry Gant another rookie who qualified very well with and here is the rest of the beer 40 as they go up for the first time behind the pace car the field for the Daytona 500 is sprinkled this year with a host of rookie drivers I'm looking to see Dale Earnhardt do extremely well in this race he's done some fantastic jobs this week in other races ro8 buddy Arrington from Martinsville Virginia and from Bellingham Massachusetts Geoff Bodine row nine is Bruce hell out of Topeka Kansas and Louisiana's skip Manning in row 1 is the row 10 as the young Texan Terry Labonte and beside him is another Alabama driver Neil Bonnett won the LA Times 500 a year back then in row number 11 cops grant had Cox and Johnny Huntsman from Tennessee row 12 is Paul best in the longtime veteran Frank Warren in car number 79 in row 13 again to look out for Dave Watson and time to come and he is flanked by Rob Jones row 14 is the kid that used to tear him up and running Pennsylvania Gary Balu and beside him from Portland Oregon Chuck Bown the son of a great driver and his dad of course her father lies the great Marcelin grip row 50 and Bobby Warwick Ken the stout is giving them the one lap side to go down here it seems incredible it looks like they're going to let them go on this slightly damp track now there you see the rest of the viola grow and Jim Vandiver back here in row 20 runni Thomas last year's Rookie of the Year all the way as the tailgater riding the shotgun position the officials are moving back and what you're seeing now begins to lock in place on the live pictures from Benny Parsons automobile we'll be back with that in just a moment the field begins to amass as they go down that 3100 foot back structure we saw disaster strike in a terrible seven car crash yesterday the field rolling down through there at about 75 80 miles an hour Baker on the pole at 190 6.0 for nine miles per hour braking Cale Yarborough's record which had stood for seven years they are going to a green and yellow this time that means they will hold positions it will allow them to escalate their speed with a pace car off the track dry off this track dependent on again eight perhaps ten laps at a pretty good foot and then they will get a full green condition now you're watching live the 21st annual Daytona 500 here on CBS today there you see that front row that's our speed shot and let me tell you it's friendly head over 190 miles per hour Damon 11 inches of that camera as you say head over 190 miles an hour and during the race we're going to see some fine shots from that camera it's quite interesting the way NASCAR do this green and yellow business makes it turn out quite fast but of course they don't allowed to change positions at all until they get the full green which should be 10 laps in this race one of the circumstances which viewers should be made aware of now is the fact that all the inside of the track that safety apron is extremely wet so if a car slides on it's going to take off like on a skating rink let's go to Brock gauge of the pits cannot down herb nap with me them crew chief on buddy Baker's Paul winning car perfect its sentence but he gets tits a little bit sometimes at the beginning of these things how does he feel today well it's the coolest I've ever seen buddy my racing career he's caught walking about this high most of time that Specter owned the builders runs are good and the Indian performance are good and all that we use that's better how about how about the this humidity you've had some changes in the weather right away just before the start of you made any corrections in this engine set up my engine made made changes for the weather change and I mean that's one thing it makes him so good I mean what else is one of the greatest things you man in the business we change for the temperature the tire wears gonna think it's gonna be good they have been up all week that team is so pumped they didn't come in with new sponsorship this year there's penny Parsons automobile there's the shot you're the passenger you're riding for the Daytona champion Benny Parsons and that will give you just a slight feeling of what it's going to be like when they put the pedal to the metal ops that's what they'll be doing in about ten laps time of course as you say the infield now is terribly wet so if anybody sleds off slides off into that grass they're going to pick up speed awfully about sixty miles per hour at the present time as they come by [Music] it's done just an incredible job all week baker as I've seen him over the years is always tensed he has been relaxed over the past few days but how can anyone be relaxed when they know they're going to go for 500 miles here are this two and a half mile track earlier we talked to the man who won this race one year ago leader of the Alabama gang Bobby Allison about his strategy for today's 500 this is the just another race I've won some and I've lost some and I'd like to win this one again and I know it'd take a little bit of luck on our part to win it this time and took a little look last year and maybe it can happen again Bobby Allison hoping to make it two years in a row after coming here and struggling so many years this track always defeating him and it was the track year after year it worked there like a shadow over Bobby Allison and then last year driving for but more now we'd like to make it two in a row not only do they come home winners because they came home when is some right near the back of the pack he started off last year in 33rd spot under promoting skies live from the world center of speed you're watching the lapse bean ticked-off they have just completed the fourth lap they're working the fifth at the present time with a caution condition because of rain Darrell Waltrip is right up there in the front of the field what is his strategy in the early part of the race for car 88 the first two three laps of any any race is the most hectic part guys are sort of jockeying for positions and moving around a lot on the racetrack and the guys in the back are trying to charge to the front and of course everybody's trying once they get strung out it's not so bad but seem like you're the first few laps you're worried about the car is it gonna handle alright is the engine running alright those kind of things and if if you're going to try to stay out of trouble and not have anything bad to go wrong knock you out of the race right off notes are going to be even worse a Darrell and the rest of these dollars in this meal because the track has changed a lot since they last drove here on Friday afternoon the rubber has all been washed off the groove and they're all going to be trying to see settings of course even the engine settings will be changed because it's today it's been all week the report from the drivers out that is the track is still very damp they of course tilt for their pit crew then the pit crews can talk to the NASCAR officials so we know exactly what's going on all the time the NASCAR officials are down in buddy Baker's pits at the present time he's reporting it is very damp they have asked on the radio for either Donnie Allison or for Darrell Waltrip to go out and run his rabbits and they're not too excited about that to go out and test the track right now those they are another thing that Darrell said there was the first few laps of the worst in the race because they are for some reason are the racing drivers are so pumped up all the time that they always want to win on the first lap but of course at a track like this it's absolutely essential to maintain contact with the fast car so there is a lot of scrabbling around but once you lose touch you may never ever make it back up again even in the 500 miles so there's an automotive position scrambling going on we have one change of drivers in the 35th position at the last moment DK already has stepped out of the car and dick may of Watertown New York has started bar number 40 okay all wrong do it got the wheel at the last moment elected dr. Ron and dick may of Watertown New York a longtime journeyman driver he has the record in one race he drove five different cars years ago down at Darlington dick may is now out on the track in car number 40 [Music] veal goes back to the turn number one and remember they're going very slowly here they're going about 90 last lap was at 98 miles an hour they're hardly moving [Music] five laps have been completed twelve and a half miles into the Daytona 500 and they are running if you're just joining us live here on CBS Arthur caution there's Benny Parsons car and there you are in the passenger seat right beside AJ Foyt down the 3100 foot backstretch and you won't have to imagine today folks what it's like when he hellhounds through there at over 190 miles an hour we put that little monitor in there so he can position himself on the track properly so that he gets the full effect of the drafting in the wall and so that week proper excitement car 88 is going to be a rabbit they say in one lap let's go to a spot from Richard Petty about strategy for this race it looks like for me to win them we'll have to run wide open ever lap in this nope but I can keep up Ned we're not really running that good we're not really running that bad it's just the kind of deal that there's so many people are running basically the same speed is what we were running that we're just gonna have to run and try to keep up with a crowd and just hope it we get two good breaks and somebody else gets the bad Richard Petty looking for a good break after going for the first time in his career an entire season without a victory unheard of in the great heading domain he's always come through but not in last year except for one race on the western nascar Joran Phoenix Arizona at the end of the year but in the grand national competition the 30 races that are run for some five million dollars annually he went out scoreless in 1978 need actually had 45 races without a score unless you include the Phoenix racers he doesn't seem to want to include well isn't he today Ken we're at the Haas Ellington pit he has been in touch with Donnie Allison's with his radio all the way around Donnie reports that it's still wet coming off of four and there's some dampness down the back straightaway he reckons that maybe 10 12 laps will be ready to go under full green but in the meantime it looks as if Darrell Waltrip is going to go out and run some hard laps in front of the panel up here there is Waltrip he has been told to go out and try the track Donnie Allison put a new rear end in car number one this morning what do they do if Donald Walsch it blows up who sues who well that's exactly what happened to Buddy Baker here a few years ago 1973 slight rain condition they sent him out as a rabbit and at the end eight laps from the finish the engine evaporated why is going to say if he doesn't warm I'm on laps in about six laps to the end of the race that thing inspires me rather I'm putting as I said the trouble of the track here is the bank card to dry out very quickly but coming off turn four as the track flattens out to only five degrees in bank because the water can sit there and of course you can sit on the back straightaway once again you're in Betty Parsons car you get a little feeling for thirty-one degree banking the g's pulling down on your stomach and then you begin to roll out into turn number two and at 190 miles per hour your vision is rather limited and when you've come off here there are seven cars spinning as you saw yesterday you have less than one second to make a decision and it better be right that camera is situated lower than the drivers head one of the things you get when you're driving around the banking here is of course you can't see around the corner Waltrip go out his pit crew has agreed and the dye guard racing team sent car number 88 out of Racine the car at speed for the first time course this is a double-edged sword it may may hurt him and he's going to get a secret of how to set his car up on the new track before the others yeah that's the trade-off yeah if you have some knowledge the other Stoneham and I think he was pretty reluctant to do it and I can tell you he does not have his food in it that doesn't look that quickly be a hundred fifty hundred sixty miles an hour hey well put his foot right into when we race here in the 24 hour race us man that it rains we up to race here in rain while your tires are different the tires on these cars are slick very slippery on select water out here [Music] there you see Waltrip to get a little speed at least there's no roostertail of water because it's pretty dry rate I think this is a slippery coming off turn four there as the road flattens out coming into the tri-oval strike out here still a bit down but just the Sun would come through it would really try this place up very quickly because it is quite warm out there it's probably 75 degrees very humid now waltrip believe me it's not getting an advantage these are called laps he will fall back into his natural starting position he is in communication on radio with his 50 lost buddy parrot let's go to that Jarret right now Hanuman depends with glenwood who started the very first Daytona 500 as a driver himself now he's a car on her for David Pearson when you have a slight problem with the windshield on that car number 21 photos a crack straight up it but I don't think he'll give it in pro because of three braces right there where it is and and I don't think he'll be a problem what we're told it to crack so earlier the low speeds are running now [Music] Oh more than a other one or something that we had run-ins with - laughs so it has got a little plays in it I don't think it'll bother what you plan to do anything about it well we can butter please the tape over one will stop the first time did you give David any particular instructions before he went out as for strategies concerned no he hated to use it on we got a radio though and we'll take you there okay that's the story from Grant Wood back to you cam Waltrip's car is pulled on pit road he's talking with crew chief buddy parrot at the present time and there's a NASCAR official earth think - is Nene ting down by the car yeah there is easy years he'll be they say it's about five laps we just might change things that windshield is a bit scary you know when you're going around here 195 mile an hour there's an awful lot of pressure trying to push that windshield into the car which is why these NASCAR cars have the bars inside the cab you can see that on Benny's car in fact they say five laps and they will be under grade in the 21st annual they taught a 500 live today on CBS [Music] the Sun beginning to play peek-a-boo with over 100,000 people gathered to watch the running of the Daytona 500 about three and a half more laps and they will be cut loose and sent on their way at top speed in the control tower you see Bill Gassaway controlling all the ambulances all the emergency equipment the fire trucks and around his track our observer points and he's in constant contact with those observer points finding out what the exact conditions are because we might have it bright and sunny on one man you've got this two and a half mile track I don't have it rainy on the other let's go to Brock Yates in there Darrell Waltrip hit Ken I've got buddy parrot with me Darrell Waltrip screw chief you just ran a couple of brother brisk hundred sixty mile an hour laps what did he find out on those trips he's talking with Dell right now okay Darryl was just on the phone timmy turn-- - is still slick and he's going to get it cleaned up because it could read it could wreak a lot of cars and everything so I know they'll feel sure that NASCAR will do the right thing and try the racetrack up so we can give a good race for the fans Jed Lane looks a little slick that might be a little adventurous on the first round of pit stops that's true [Music] here we go late word late word okay there okay we're gonna send it back up to you can we'll keep in touch with buddy well you can see buddy parrot they're actually talking to his driver radiates Waltrip having a busy day you trying to talk to Brock and Daryl at the same time - laughs there's a lot of psyching going on down here they're trying to plot each other around against the best possible advantage but you heard that they 88 feels it turned to is still a tad slippery well the adrenaline will be starting to flow now because this is a very very important race to these men we've already heard that from Ned Jarrett who failed to win this one there's a whole lot of money at stake this year over 65 so when it pace car coming by they're showing two laps and they're going to turn them loose 13 laps completed 32 and a half miles Baker alaikum frantically waving at the officials I think he's trying to wave them off he was waving his hand out in the window and he certainly wasn't saying hi to anybody I really think that he was telling them no not one lap to go or two laps to go let's leave it a bit longer we have three cars pulling out of pit road dick may comes in Jim bamberger's car also fitting and Terry mock from Florida pitting his automobile here maybe topping the tanks are making a final adjustment on the cars countdown continues we are working the 15th lap like when chip warned caution flag in hand now he's shaking his head is someone telling him something different if you're just joining us it has rained through the night on into the morning and cleared just about an hour before post time they have tried frantically to drive the track out for a start we have now run 14 laps officially on the 1979 Daytona 500 there you see the poll okay we've just had a word from the control center that Baker since turn two is too slick and so did Alison as well Bobby Allison and I noticed the UNESCO officials are coming back out here to the side of the track and there will be a few more laps before they turn them loose in this event well maybe they just say I'm gonna give them any more standing beside the track chef Warren looking up at the control center to see what is the latest word giving them the signal for one lap to go watch buddy begging gonna say to that they're going to try and turn them loose this time while of course isn't the point you know you could little bit it and say well they're racing drivers they'll just have to go through turn to a bit slower and you know played according to the rules it's not that when it is just a little bit down KooKoo Marlin getting his automobile back in the control tower there you see the switch in hand [Music] Lance Childress and Ernie Moore who had moved off to the side of the track are now running back the pace like cars sorry the lights on the base guy you see her off and that tells the drivers also there's only one lap to go indicative of a start 15 laps have been completed 37 and a half miles they'll be getting green this time Ken Baker pull it off only one drivers ever won the pole position that the 125 mile qualifying race and come in and win the 500 fireball Roberts and Baker do it the new record the 125 he ran almost as an experiment to make sure the car would do all the things they wanted to do under race pressure and it certainly did that buddy bake has been looking incredibly strong all week but of course 500 miles is a long long way to go at 190 miles an hour the pressure is really on here they come out of turn number four settling down for a start the cars wanted to wave it off a few more laps conditions reported from the observers tower in turn two it's okay to race let's see what happens watch to that switch to turn in the only racing starter all yours come on can't let them out there's the word Donnie Allison goes out in front maker dropping to second second turn Allison port car likes into the back straightaway everybody okay that's what's called a a multiple car draft if you imagine the wind by now [Music] trying to drop packing into third Allyson is in front here they come to complete from flap one under green the sixteenth lap of the race as they come to the tri-oval the leader is Donnie Allison Buddy Baker Darrell Waltrip wives in v HJ point is in six Bobby Allison back there in seven Donnie Allison tried to break away from the field universe 1 & 2 back straightaway Alice and drawing away there's Parsons you can see the windshield already spattered as he flies down the back straightaway the hey comes on the slingshot who's the Amanda slingshot then he pulls up it looks like buddy Baker's automobile directly in front of him into turn 3 and 4 over 195 miles an hour you're riding with Benny Parsons how to turn 4 it's Allison in front did that let me take over one of these pitch stuff [Music] she came this is going to be a controversial one maker in second and look at that Oklahoma land rush back there word forth all of the kibble Donnie Allison is doing an incredible job here pulling away from a multiple card draft which is almost impossible to do in his racing if he could just make enough room and really get away he would be in very very very good shape [Music] number three Allisyn maintain the lead by six car lights from the Goodyear blimp there you see the field on the third and fourth burn hi Bank Daytona Speedway here they come for the tri-oval directly down below us now it is Donnie Allison in first CBS camera in any Parsons karjala 30 squat Bobby Allison is in court there you see the leader Allison first Cale Yarborough and second Benny Parsons in thirds Parsons nearly won this race a second time he won it back in 75 Donny Adelson looking for his first win the most prestigious car race of them all first 16 laps today under caution because of the rain conditions earlier Taliaferro in second these ice for positions coming to the tri-oval running fourth is Bobby Allison going fifth and night this neyman-pearson ears Pearson moving under funny Baker grenade I can only think that buddy buddy here is just biding his time in not the sort of thing he's been doing all week Yarbrough closest ground on Allison cale yarborough twice the winner of the Daytona 500 moves in on Donnie Allison back straightaway goes to the inside noses down through slingshot cale yarborough takes delayed turn four [Music] inches apart at 190 miles per hour first Donnie Allison second number 27 Parsons in third [Music] here they come screaming I've been to the banking they go first seven cars have pulled out quite a lead seven cards raffle the lead there you see them going down the back straightaway here's a slingshot it's Benny Parsons dropping to the inside they stacked them almost three deep that he Parsons at number 27 going gets the second as it gets around Donnie Allison Bobby Allison goes side by side with his brother for third spot Bobby Allison lo Donnie Allison hi have turned four and Bobby takes away third spot from Donnie AJ Foyt now going alongside Neil bottom he Loggins in a position [Music] David Pearson is pulling up on this lead group they're being hotly pursued by Richard Petty on things cale yarborough still in first Benny Parsons in second Allison and Tommy Imani in Burt Allison Donnie imported sweeping down the back straightaway talk about a choo-choo train Parsons pressing in the first place the second drank a lot when in his last year 605 cale yarborough falling 2/3 Donnie Allison forth Waltrip in the fifth position as they have turned forth Waltrip in fifth Dave Marcus in six the red car [Music] behind HJ points up front for Parsons in front second Bobby Allison second his brother the younger brother ganni Allison and third we'll be back with more live coverage of the Daytona 500 after this word from your local station it's 3 and 1/10 seconds between the 1st and 13th card David just three seconds from first back to 13 miles Vandiver Limpy not a pit road field coming by struggling the Allison brothers are going to go at it it's Bobby Allison low Donnie Allison high side by side into turn one at over 190 miles an hour and Cale yeah bruh getting a nice drop from both of the man Donnie Allison spinning he gets hit by his brother he's all the way around Cale Yarborough's on the grass that went grass now incredibly slippery Donnie and Bobby Allison I'm off the track spinning splashing their way yellow this will bring out a caution flag and Cale Yarborough desperately trying to get that part car back on the track now cuz they just might get stuck in the mud that might be the simple thing that puts them out of this race tagging each other caution flag is on they'll race back to the line they're racing back to the stripe as the surprise party walls have been first it will be Benny Parsons in second I think these guys are just stuck in the mud because Cale really didn't hit anybody well it's been an unbelievable start to the Daytona 500 we are in the 31st lap and let's look at it again David ha I think what happens here is that Cale coming up on his No Bobby Allison just tacks his brother Donny that's all there is to it he just runs that left rear fender and almost put him upside down right there and darrell waltrip all jaws slips through that gap and person's right with him see kale still hasn't touched anybody yet he just takes to the infield at about 200 miles an hour a muddy wet infield in fact doesn't even get the car sideways tremendous car control Bobby on the left of the picture they're sliding towards the bank protecting them from going into lake lloyd Donnie's spinning around but nobody touched anybody hard yet so those cars are really probably in perfectly race working shape it's just a case of getting them out of the mud Cale Yarborough getting the bath of the year in car number 11 as you could see him splashing up way down to the apron Donnie Allison trying to get back out there here is another view the field coming down out of the turn it looks like Donnie started to come down Bobby started to move up and those are the front cars that Donnie's car right off the floor that bear went around on the left front wheel only and that's right where that disaster took place yesterday coming off turn two is definitely the spookiest place on his track people into the pits now of course whilst I'll be doing chassis changes sorry Waltrip and car number 88 is in net Jerry we'll have a report in Brockie eights from the pits in just a moment from the drivers as to their feelings about the track car number one is moving Donnie Allison is coming around we are under caution we are now working the 30 second lap of the race there's Cal's car back on the track 168 laps to go Kayla's back out what a marvelous job of driving by Yarber Waltrip out but Richard Petty coming out in front of him well you're talking about an event filled race this is it David Dave Marcus they're going bro Buddy Baker running on seven cylinders today as hard luck continues to follow and Dale Earnhardt the rookie is in the hood is up on his car in this the twenty first Daytona 500 from the control tower hearing the commands driven around the racetrack now come in and change tires most of them are changing all four tires we're sitting in the pits of Buddy Baker who is having a problem only running on seven cylinders they raise the hood on the car but did not do any changes they were planning to change sparkplug they are going to bring you back in and see if they can find that problem now let's go to Brock eights Johnny Ellison back in and just a second stop in as many laps he's going to have to get this right side he's had troubles on the right side now they're going to make a left-side tire change as you can see the cars badly dented Justin in front of the left rear fender he took a hard tag to hold on their side of the cars covered with mud he's got some real problems the car does not sound very strong we wonder how long he can last back to you Ken I think what's happened here is running through all that water has Bob as his brother just in front of him Bobby Allison car number 15 coming on the track well they're dead lucky to be there at all because we saw earlier what happened when the had the cracks at that same point yesterday and here they are both just coming in and changing tires if nothing in happen so they're both extremely fortunate to be out there in the race because this is just what Buddy Baker needed a yellow early on to try and keep the average down while he can get his engine trouble sorted out unfortunately for Cale he's still stuck out that I think all that pushing around with the truck frenzied action the pin scale is just coming into the pit road area now Kelly Armour on the junior Johnson car kale twice a winner here in 1968 and again in 77 hitting car number 11 he has to be frantic but what a fantastic job he did a driving he kept the car straight while going across a skating rink with a 600-horsepower car absolutely there's a look of Cale Yarborough but he's not looking like that now I bet he's absolutely fuming in there because he was nothing to do with that accident really car number 28 Buddy Baker is also back in and they evoke the hood up and they have the trunklid up here's Ned Jarrett they're changing spark plugs on the car cam this is something that they thought they'd have to do buddy what happened I don't know Nana's got something fouled out the engine that won't run you can see he's a very disappointed gentleman now let's go back to Brock Jake's where Bobby Ellison's Petty as you can see the left side of his car has done it as well they did not make a tire change I just made a fuel stop but we all will only have to wait and find out what kind of damage is done underneath after that spin up to you at the 34th lap the car which it started 20th on the field Neil Bonnett of Hueytown Alabama plagued by problems all week has appropriated first position in these pit stops bonnet number five is now out in front in the gym Stacy Harry hi brother in the gym Stacy automobile hears car number five Neil Bonnett a young driver out of Hueytown Alabama from the same mold as the Allison's they they have brought this kid along he was encouraged on the short tracks of Alabama the Birmingham International Raceway and those tracks out there well we talked about buddy baker's Daytona Lumpur on Neil Bonnett just hasn't had much luck in racing generally he keeps joining teams and then disband and it's good to see him doing so well today Donnie Allison is back on pit road and there's Benny Parsons car again and you can see that's the kind of mission a driver has windshield wipers at 190 miles an hour are not too effective they certainly are not too efficient and that's oil it's from somebody's car in a bit of water and you can see the sort of problems they have as the race progresses and it gives you some idea of the kind of pressure of these drivers are under the only pit stop the only time out the pit stop such as we're seeing now other than that they are on deck all the time there's no defensive unit no offensive unit taxi squad to put it out here pod it is first AJ point 1972 Daytona violent champion has come to second remember a year ago point flipping six seven times down here and turnable on side over side he's back just as tough just as strong just as great as ever probably the greatest driver of our time in America now we're going to see in slow-mo another time what happened here they are turn to Donnie Allison coming in Bobby Allison just touches his brother at 190 miles per hour Donnie's car gets down on the apron back end kicks up and they start that wild slide Yarborough chooses where to go he had like an eighth of a second and he went in the only place he could go to escape disaster yeah looking at that tape again Yarborough might have just touched the back of Bobby Allison before Allison Bobby touched Allison Donny it's let's take a look again if we can in a moment we'd like to see that again in that replay and watch car number 11 so that's the thing when you're doing 190 mile an hour around a 31 degree Bank turn it's very very difficult not impossible to keep these cars within inches of each other without touching time to time I hear it isn't it again see Cal's got the advantage of the jar from both of them and he's pulling up very fast there it might have even pulled the back end out of the car never had to probably pull exactly he got into the draft that just touched the corner there of car 15 Donny and 15th comes up bumper tag at 195 miles an hour and here you see the results luckily everybody absolutely fine Buddy Baker is back in the pit still another time working frantically on his automobile down there what a terrible break but this man who's tried so hard this race means more to him than any other race that he's won nearly $70,000 thus far with the pole position with the 125 mile victory with the Busch race that we saw yesterday here on CBS but the race that he wants continues to elude him and Donnie Allison is it again now I wouldn't be surprised at these guys because when they took that wild ride across the mud all that mud water slid up under the hood there because it could have went the electrics which is not the sort of thing these guys normally have to worry about too much Donnie Allison's car number one convalescing here on pit road Compass's the Buddy Baker whoa buddy Baker you know this is really the main race to the end of these guys we're still under caution Bobby Allison won this race a year ago we had the opportunity to fly to Daytona with him as he prepared for this great racing classic [Music] the defending Daytona champion Bobby Allison loves racing and well he should he's earned over 2 million dollars on the track but while other drivers use fishing trips and hunting expeditions to get away from the pressures of power and speed Allison uses his aircraft for all the relaxation he desires I really enjoy flying and it just seems to go together the flying allows me to do more racing hey Allison as a kid did you want to be a pilot or did you want to be a race driver well really both I've got real interested in flying when I was 14 15 16 years old but I was also interested in racing and finally my interest in racing took me away from flying when you're up here on this twin-engine plane do you think about the old days when you and Judy used to scramble still pitching those cars out of Miami all over the country I think about a lot of those times when we spent all night the night after a race getting home all night the night before qualifying getting to the racetrack and the times when I would really would have loved to have stopped in a motel and I couldn't because we didn't have the money or I couldn't because we didn't have the time I wouldn't be able to get the car ready for the next race if I stuck a night off as we get over Daytona and you prepare to sit down what are your feelings about the Daytona Speedway I feel that it's can be one of the best tracks and it can be one of the worst tracks it's a track that's not been my friend for a long long time and now it's kind of one of the places that that I feel good about I'd like to come back and win the Daytona 500 again for many years Daytona was a very ominous place for you didn't hold much luckier than last year at all turned around when you come back here this year is it a friend or is it just as ominous as it used to be well it differently as ominous as it's always been it's a place where you know disaster can strike in just a split second and you have to be aware of that you know I think that you have to really totally keep in mind that you know you're at a big fast Speedway and even though now I've had success here I still have to be as careful and as is on guard as I've ever been here steady and as on guard as ever today victimized by a spin out of turn number two Bobby Allison defending champion in the Warner Hoxton car is two laps down and on this track five miles is a long way to make up David Hart yep well as I said earlier he's lucky to be only two laps down but of course it's almost impossible to make up unless tremendous trouble strikes everywhere else and his brother's back in the pits again hood up he is reported as one lap down he was able to come around and get back in here I think Cale Yarborough is also reported as two laps down Yarborough twice a champion here now two laps down here's Brock kicks Kandice Donnie Allison crew is just having a terrific time down here they if they've just been working their tails off for the last four or five laps it's the toe-in on the right front side that was damaged in that collision with his brother and they just can't seem to get it right hopefully they've got got it so it'll steer correctly now but we've got some problems down here back to you Donnie Allison now reported his three laps down and let's look at the standings bond at his first point his second Richard Petty his third Waltrip fourth Markus runs in fifth while in six is ty Scott seventh is Ricky Rudd Benny Parsons in eighth Geoff Bodine at night David Pearson is intense live coverage of the Daytona 500 now running at its 39th lap 161 remaining ninety seven and a half miles down the control tower bill is away NASCAR race director Chuck Nagle back straightaway if I give him one to go can everybody get home there's the command one lap to go and they will be racing let's go to that Jerry and I'm standing in the pits of jr. Johnson who has the Cale Yarborough car out there what kind of condition is he in pretty good shape except baby when he's fun had he got in the water and it might a winter cleaner down it goes it the best for a little bit but we've already seen it where on f it will we're just gonna leave it alone Jennsen can sense the dirt-track nascent a stock remember anyone having to change an air cleaner on a car and he went through a lot of water over there when he made that span back and a lot of but junior Johnson the last American Hero hoping to get this one home but he's two laps down a lap and chip Warren will drop the flag once again now Parsons is running in the 8th position we mentioned to you the top rookie in the race is Geoff Bodine from Bellingham mass and ninth David Pearson is in 10th than Bruce Hill is in 11th as we look further back in the field a lap and they'll be getting the green once again it's been a whale of a charge up in front tremendous pressure on the leaders nobody's able to get away the average for the race is down about 130 miles an hour because of the spins and because of that very slow start the first 15 16 laps being run under caution as they tried to dry off the track buddy Baker's car is still on pit road as they get ready for green there's your field coming down the back straightaway and out on pit road rest buddy Baker's hopes in car number 28 of being the first man since fireball Roberts to win all three the pole the one twenty-five qualifying race of this one and it looks like this race is going to restart without Baker here they are now on the bottom of the track are the lapped cars the slower cars well the height sailors are all up on the outside on you Nagar on the switch yeah they're like we did yet it goes I'll get rid of the alert on come on all yours mr. Starr to green-light oh and here it comes a charge the green flag [Music] bottom of the track trying to make up about four places which he successfully did before they cross the start/finish line story of Cale Yarborough do it he is the one there's Neil Bonnett out in front hey J boy tucked in second place hey J the back straightaway type running looks like one car from that angle they're running so close together in the draft trying to break away from Richard Petty and third naejay going to the inside [Music] muscles is way too he goes in the first place Richard Petty gaining ground on Neil Bonnett in live the Daytona 500 on CBS with AJ poison late thunder into turn number wife the inside waltrip working darrell waltrip the franklin tennessee driver goes into second place dropping Boyd in the third now he falls to fourth now he's pulling to fifth and Dale Earnhardt the rookie coming up on the inside of him now it might be a lap down Hank blue and yellow car number two Waltrip goes for the lead [Music] Scot the Pen Argyl Pennsylvanian driver Thai Scot mixing it up with the Giants out here nervous about that oh it's close just tiny but much holds out of the draft right into the front all number five goes back in front Neal potted back into the lane look at those switching and swapping positions after the drop in there is tremendous ease gossiping something floating around the whole spa bed Neil Bonnett the currently it is nice to see him up there because he's had that bad company is it's in that second position trying to make up a lap as Bobby Allison here's Bobby Allison down to the inside as he thrust the but board car in front of a caution there's the kid to watch California the drivers of North Carolina second generation driver is drivers in American history 12 no Ralph Earnhardt his kid [Music] Dale's had a fantastic week here he really has foreplay as I say I think he died lap down but I'm not sure at the moment look at those cars kissing that wall and they go into turn one Barnett challenged on the inside by Earnhardt we're checking now to see if Earnhardt is that lap down still wield a wheel and right in the middle of the mix-up on the outside is number 30 ty Scott just some of those cars weaving about that may cause [Music] five is relator number 2 is one lap down we're told he was a lap down and now they're rechecking at scoring hey sure runs like a champ today with a bumpy Alice's car that old beaten up at the front but still go - kidding number Oh - I can't believe what there's going to be trouble up here on the front they're so tight so close and nobody giving an inch nobody giving at all as you said down covering a city block a second in rush hour traffic take a look at that they LNR guys three-wide unto ty Scott Baker back in the pits another time ernhardt blazes back into the front of this group Earnhardt is the leader Earnhardt reported as the later let's go to that Jerry [Music] they already changed oh and did not cure the problem the head now they're going to other parts of the ignition hopefully to find the problem here on the carpet and they're too far down now to make a comeback and have a chance of winning this race dozen car number two here he is out in front here's Bobby Allison drafting wood and trying to make up a lap meanwhile down on the inside Betty Parsons at number 27 making his own staff to get back in the lead then he Parsons has pulled into second spot dropping ty Scott into third Waltrip has moved to port there's Earnhardt your leader gotta turn four hi cars less than the second apartment thank God a good baker's dozen ernhardt at first the crumpled part number 15 riding just behind him still trying to make up a lap Earnhardt not intimidated and putty Baker is climbing out what a disappointed man he must be this is the biggest race of the year on the NASCAR circuit which is like the Indianapolis of the USAC scenes of these men and what a terrible disappointment it must be the buddy who had such a fantastic week right up till just 47 laps ago 1961 it began for him his father came here his dad couldn't win this race buddy Vegas a reputation as a car breaker people say he drives very hard but there's no way you could say that jar hard it always rolling up on a yellow light let's go to Ned Jarrett as soon as that car run all the week and then today on race day I don't know when they drop the green flag it was hip hop it so bad I couldn't keep up and it just got worse to where I wouldn't turn but about 6000 rpm where it been turned 75 to look like I'll be back next year trying for my first one they're both disappoint well you can just see it in his face can the disappointment he has he was so high for this race thought that he was going to be his first Daytona 500 win after everything had gone so well Buddy Baker a spectator watching this meal wishing he was part of it over on 90 miles an hour assaulting the high banks of Daytona that's racing luck Betty Parsons out in front Parsons going to the lead in second place Earnhardt there's your leader as he flies right away [Music] gives you just some of the feeling that is Racing a car in the lane here at Daytona he's trying to hold on to the lead they're beginning to close on him again as he comes into the tri-oval that mess speed on the screen gives you so much that's gonna get was like a giant ballet by these three dollars Kars pinches of mine one miscalculation one miscue and you've seen what can happen Baker seems to be drying away and the reason is the second place car Earnhardt is running side by side with Allison and if they run side by side they slow down now on the inside fact a couple grams right in there behind Betty Parsons says you walked right in over there fingernails then I would they come for the trial [Music] is theis God what a run the kid from commercial Waltrip trying to hold on to fourth and oppai let's not discount the chances of Oh five today he's beginning to roll Richard Brook supportive of California books in a terrible crash at Talladega four years ago he rolled over 217 times here he is running one of their will now in fourth position white automobile back and forth ty Scott number 30 just in front of him then the blue and yellow car Bernard and Benny Parsons is out in front as they come by this time to complete the 52nd black miles but on the starting grid and this is a new carbon you team an idiot Parsons in front as a seagull laces over the Speedway Earnhardt laces in second place Oh tag on the wall turn four [Music] we have a crash in turn number four as you can see several cars just as we are coming back out of control and the fourth turn sliding slithering into the wall bouncing into the infield no one seems upside down line number 50 Brutus just coming to rest we have some replays of this incident there is Bruce Hills car sliding with the 87 the Ballou car into the infield and then behind it all hell broke loose from another viewpoint out of turn four down off the 31 degree banking you see them spinning sliding trying to ease the cars they even in here Samba 21 in there to Pearson's cars crashed in the front crashed in the rear we have one car destroyed up in the wall this is taking place in the fifty-fifth lap a wreck strewn Daytona 500 this is going to bring out a very very long caution they're gonna have to move these cars obviously and then they're gonna have to go it is trapping the fine to come pick up all the debris that these guys have loved there [Music] seven cars becoming damaged commodities up here in turn number 135 to $65,000 cars out of it here in the Daytona 500 and there is David Pearson's car he's standing beside the machine already free of it I know the red car there's not any J points car is it oh it is not that's the car number 50 no the other red car the one in the mid of the track Bruce Hills automobile there's one in the middle of the track a red car but we can't see the number from here and I'm just wondering if that's AJ Foyt's car Bruce Hill out of his automobile Bruce Hill has climbed away from his car and there you see the two wrecked automobiles a wedding for verification on the two cars in the crash feel coming by and apparently the drivers are all right you see the safety crews down there and they're indicating the third thing there's going to be a pretty massive entry into the pits at this stage of the game David Pearson former winner will not be a winner today chewing his gum always silver-fox no matter how bad it is looks a little relaxed hi Scott fitting his car most of the leaders now coming on pit road but the Wood Brothers car which is won so many times here at Daytona will not be a winner today from the very beginning the Wood Brothers have been so formidable out here in this race they won this race with AJ point of course they wanted with Cale Yarborough in 1968 they've won it with David and now you see the safety crews taking away one of the drivers on those wrecked automobiles well there's a boy pulling of the pit so that's not his car that's stuck in the middle of the track it may be Joe Milliken looks to me like it's Joe must be Joe Milliken which is very unfortunate he was a man I if I was going to be asked to pick an outsider it have been Dale Earnhardt or Joe Milliken both rookies and both extremely showed tremendous form this week Joe Miller can in fact is driving Benny fastest car from last year number 72 owned by L Jean to win from a lobby [Music] 56 laps have been completed a bad crash in turn four we've had one and two one and four [Music] we'll look at it again a replay as they pick up the debris from these two cars that have shocked the wall I believe it started with 50 and 87 and then behind it everybody gets into a David Pearson right in the middle of it sliding toward the infield and almost cuffing another car on the inside of the track because this is the thing when you have these fantastic multiple drafts when anything goes wrong I mean everybody is right in it and there's just no really avoiding it no way at all and here is the car number 50 and 87 splashing down to the inside it happened far up on the banking and I believe it started with these two automobiles as they come to rest down on the inside of the track and you can see how wet anybody it is from all the rain we had last night is does that have any effect as that's what's creating the problem here well I think we're having an extra-special fast race and the track is green news of the rain last night so once again caution is unfurled the yellow flag is out in our live coverage of the 21st annual Daytona 500 [Music] 56 laps complete with just an identification on the two crash cars butch Mach was one Millican the other the NBA regional games coming up later today Washington vs. Seattle Chicago versus Kansas City that's coming up next today consult your local listings for the game and time in your area here at the Daytona 500 we are in the 56th lap of the race we're down 140 miles you got a multiple crash and while we have a moment let's go to one of the lounges here at the Daytona Speedway with Mary Ann bunch I'm in the VIP suite above the start/finish line with me is mr. bill France senior the founder of NASCAR bill this is not your usual Daytona 500 this is a rain and the weather we've had has some effect upon this well it hasn't had any effect on the crowds because most of the tickets were sold in fact all the reserved seat tickets were sold beforehand and so the only problem that we've had was trying to get the track dried off because it stopped raining along about a quarter of 12:00 and we wanted to get the cars rolling the quarter after that didn't give us quite time enough but we there was one other time that we had to do what we did today we started under the yellow flag and I think we counted the first 15 laps under the yellow flag gave him the green flag and away they've gone now we've had we just had a big pileup and I don't know probably will take another five or six laps maybe to clear the track up but yeah we've had rough weather yesterday we had to shorten the event yesterday on account of the bad weather had rain this morning but in no way is our weather here been as bad as it's been up north can you tell me these are the fastest speeds they've been turning here this past week all through the timing and the qualifying do you think the combination the speed plus some of the water possibly on the track is causing the race and their happenings today no I don't think so I think well the speed the cars the the thing about it is the cars are all running pretty close to the same speed and it was probably 15 or 18 cars out there running pretty much of a bunch and when cars are running at 180 miles an hour and it's that many in like a big high-speed traffic jam you're often fortunate if somebody saw that doesn't even spin out or something right in the middle of it and that's what apparently happened I didn't see the beginning of the accident up there I don't think anybody was injured in the accident but it was a big pileup from the mentor of NASCAR back to you Ken thank you Mary Ann here's Darrell Waltrip coming in a car number 88 one of the leading contenders to win it and you see Benny Parsons car in and for sure it looks pretty rough for a lot of the guys considered favorites in this race David now lifting the hood the bonnet I'd say on Darrell's car sounded rough when he went past last time let's go down to Brock gates in the pits [Music] can now Betty Parsons just made his stop here under yellow and he saw me standing here and he gestured as to how the camera was operating and I gave him a big thumbs up and told him that things were working just fine and gave me back a big smile and he's very pleased that he's contributing to our show as well as deleting this race right now interesting point Benny stop did you know under the caution flag everybody I'm sure out was viewing this race wonders why everybody leaps into the pits as soon as the yellow goes out well obviously when you come in under a green flag here at Daytona the cars out on the racetrack running 190 miles an hour they're departed they're running away from you at the matter of a 1 mile every 20 seconds so you spend 20 seconds of the pit you've already had your candy capped yourself a mile so the secret is gonna come in what everybody's nice and slow and you can get there you get your fuel on board and get underway without losing a lap that's the secret that's why everybody's in here that's why we're here as well up to you Richard Petty is now in the lead with all of these pit stops in the 59th lap number forty-three petty is first Terry Labonte is running in second he is a rookie running in second spot and another rookie Jeff bowtie his running third buddy Baker he's back on the track at this point he is just running four points for the NASCAR championship this year he's well out of the hunt we've had a report that that shut up in turn number four began when Kerry Ballou another rookie get up into the wall and started to spin and the Carna 487 you saw the results he came bounding down in front of car number 50 and from there on it was a wholesale Holocaust for some six or seven automobiles all drivers are reported as alright all the drivers are ok but the former winner of this event David Pearson is out of the race terrible break for a man who's tried so hard to win on so many occasions the Silver Fox lives less than three miles from where he was born but it's a lifestyle removed from the beginnings for the mill workers son from Whitney's Mills along with a new house airport attached a new five acre lake David Pearson has perhaps the most unusual trophy room in sport Country Store in the bargain - oh yeah what are you keeping a little bit of everything Wow let's take a look at it okay gosh it's not the easiest place to find [Music] general store hardware store I don't know I guess there's no tenant here but this is probably three-quarters of them coolers oh I probably got about third this many more David does any one of these trophies mean more to you than another I would probably say the very first thing I got which was the a world 604 stock car goes but I forgot one somewhere that river was the first one I've ever got which is just a little car that sets on top of the truck yeah that was a sport - will you stand in here among all these symbols of victories how do you feel you know I haven't really thought about it that way when since you said that but I enjoyed coming in looking at the trophies and it reminds you back of some of the early trophies reminds you of Becca you know old times from when I first started so on David Pearson is out of this race and here's one of the men he's raced with all those years Richard Petty now having an opportunity to lead the event question is can petit stay there it's been a long lean streak for Richard Petty who's won 185 races in his career but has gone more than a season without a victory he's changed everything he's changed cars he's changed engine suspension setup all week David you look so cool and relaxed after having gone through an accident of that sort well I don't need to cry about it you know it's done over with but I just hated you know encounter Leonard and Glen if you're lighter in it because the car it was a new car and it's taut pretty bad so I just hope that we can get it back running in his hand a good as it was Ken he's disappointed but he's taking it in stride that's the mark of a true champion now one of the greatest champions in American stock car racing David Pearson the winner of the Savannah 1976 will not grace Victory Lane today David Hobbs should have been interesting to put out cardiograph on him and see what his heart rates gonna do probably hasn't altered at all he looked pretty he'll be calm considering he just bounced off the wall with a couple of other cars and close to 200 miles an hour there's for old Darrell Waltrip coming into the pits again frenzied activity on Waltrip spits carnivore 88 has been in and out several times and we noted earlier that the engine was beginning to gargle a little on carnivore 88 let's go to Brock aids okay we're over here at the Darrell Waltrip pit Darrell what's the problem oh we run so long on the dirt caution flag is fouled out all the spark plugs everybody's having the same trouble is it a question of the race track fans who slick or just a lot of crashes what's the problem too many cautions we found all the plugs or the cautions very very displeased young man at this race card he's he's having trouble as crew chief and engine man Robert Yates are changing plugs in his car and it's obviously very fortunate that they're in here under a yellow or they would be totally out of contention up to you cam 62 laps are down 155 miles and the cautions have really counted here and a mounted there is David Pearson's car and as they count and them out it's going to change the whole complexion of this race for some of those leaders you heard what Waltrip said it's beginning to have some ramifications in the engine department we're watching o-5 come in one more lap and they will be racing Richard Brooks is coming back on the track officially out of the race now he'll Pearson Gary Balu butch Mach Joe Milliken they are officially retired from the event cars catching up one lap and they will be running and here's the situation up in front Richard Petty number 43 is leading Terry Labonte a young Texan is driving in second place Jeff Bodine is in third Ricky Rudd is and fourth Dale Earnhardt lies in this grandad Cox is in 6zo bada-bing Jody and seven some cars back there getting set for a start once again here at the Daytona International Speedway when they come around they'll be working in the 65th lap as they take the green they're working the 64 in the present moment there you see them lining up to get this race restarted Darrell Waltrip is just going beneath this and there you see the shot from Denny Larson's car and he has a lot of traffic to clear Parsons is way back from the leaders now with these pit stops and he will just come out blitzing to get up with those leaders as Donnie Allison trying to scrape along the front man Darrell Waltrip managed to get in out of the pits there without losing another lap so he's rushing around behind this field now to try and catch up so he stood on the same lap great shots today from that old Goodyear blimp floating up here over the speedway and some 100,000 racing enthusiasts on a gray day here at the Daytona Speedway for the 21st Daytona 500 live today on CBS David Hobbs brigades Ned Jarrett Mary bunch I'm Ken Squier we're ready for a green flag precautions boy we've had a few all those cars you see in the lower lane that is two lanes of traffic on there's supposed to be two lanes of traffic there all the people that are least one lap down and so the right-hand lane to them left empty on green light is on yellow light comes off Carson's trying to fight his way up one car touches the wall on the start you could see him grinding along the wall for just a moment just racing the law for a second and now he's back and rolling but that will change the aerodynamics on that car some now Donnie Allison scoots out in front he's trying to make up some time another caution here would run him around have been make up these more experienced drivers like the Allison brothers of course can can work together flights to their advantage and actually gain a lap under the course if they get it just right if the pace car comes out in the right place I'll tell you with so many rookies mixed among the Masters so many the top cars have fallen by the wayside in the early going it could get really rough from here on Richard Petty in front this race for the sixth time a lapped car directly in front of him Donnie Allison in the trial over the winter this track has been totally resurfaced which is one of the reasons why the speeds are up so much this year it also makes it if you could call Racing 190 easy it does make it a little bit easier which is why you've got some inexperienced people mixing in there I also think is a contributory course to some of the incredible accents that we've been having here this week people are just trying too hard and the other thing now is that the track is completely green it was washed all night with a steady rain fifthly asphalt has gone away there you see penny in first Earnhardt running in the second position with car number two and Labonte number 44 [Music] yesterday unfortunately having a bloke player tire right near the end classified but he's been driving very well experience really although a rookie in Grand National race there you see Neil Bonnett moving to the inside bond at number five trying to pick up a car Labonte's car and here goes number two Earnhardt working on Richard Petty for the lead that he drops back in snuggles right up on the rear bumper down Richard Peddie here in the Daytona 500 trying to bring it on here is petit in first Earnhardt is in second young Dale Earnhardt's hitching his wagon to the star of Richard Petty as he tries to win the Daytona 500 [Applause] rookie Dale Earnhardt just sliding underneath Richard Petty dragging Donnie Allison down with him car number 50 Bruce Hill has re-entered the race he was officially out took it back to the garage area looked at it and decided to give it here's Parsons trying to move on to the body blasting down in a terminal 1 and here comes the body right back beside him they're side by side for fifth position now down the inside goes Benny Parsons under car number five he moves into fourth and as Richard Petty right in front of him inches apart on the outside of Benny Parsons his car number five Neil Bonnett and here you see them looking in from the outside now what a picture five the inside he's on the boom the second drops Earnhardt 2/3 here's Benny Parsons will be depart about a dropping 1/5 let's go to Ned Jarrett in the pits we sure did hi oh he's a very gutsy guy he's very dedicated and he's got the little natural instinct that you know about Ned right now I think it feels like one - well he's doing a fine job did you give him any special instructions he's doing it on his own I think it's pretty much a team effort right now okay that's the worst brought us to landowner that car number two they're very proud of the job Dale Earnhardt's doing here now back to you can there you see in at second place with Neil Bonnett out in front what up nobody is getting any edge no room for error no room for the pressure 24 cars here and that is sound back three seconds covering the first 24 cars before we have a significant gap in the field and Donnie Allison is just one lap down in carnivores you could see the rent in the side of it to get back in that lead lap look at him go number one Alison trying to make up that lap if he could just get in front then if there was an incident he could circle around the track and he would be right back marcin's goes down the inside and number 27 there you see him he's moving right in beside number 2 Earnhardt for second position back we go to the lead automobiles coming out of turn number four look at this jam session good Ally [Music] this is simply incredible out of mobile racing no March and no speed limit well this is all a result of the resurfacing here it has made it just a little bit easier and as you can see they're absolutely all hanging in it car number 27 drafting off car number one Benny Parsons is in the lead he is drafting behind see them seesaw back and forth down the back straightaway going to second place getting beneath Neil bottom back in turns three and four working lap no crash at turn four deal five asana spending Harry get out of control [Applause] hi the worst circumstances can happen in NASCAR he hit the end of that pit bull and threw him back into the track and he was just missed by everybody Harry Gant in the Kenny Childers car number 12 destroyed Gant trying to get out of the car I think Neal Bannen may have had a blown tire because just as the last picture went out of frame I noticed him very very high on the track we have to replay from the Goodyear blimp shot now watch what happens here there's number 5 breaking away it could have been a tire down and look at that field just touching each other nudging bumpers and watch that car number 12 the black automobile of rookie Harry Gant former national modified champion out of control at 180 miles an hour headed for the wall slams into the wall and rockets 300 feet into traffic back across the track just missed by one car just missed by another automobile and slamming into the concrete retainer on the outside I've never seen a race like this what an incredible lucky man Harry Gant was there and listened to this Donnie Allison it's car number 1 when the caution came out brushed around and Donnie Allison they say has made up his lap so an Allison will be right back in the hunt try to win this Daytona 500 bill Gaza waivers talk to 28 flip out the number one car coming behind you know what he go ma'am I'm any red let me get to getting by you here I'm gonna need you to help clean up something back there - there's steel bonnets automobile let's go to Brock eh I was I am at Neil Bonnett Smith the car came in here it is a rolling wreck three of the four tires were flat they were changed the hood was suffered shake the trunk lid was up the automobile has just narrowed up and bent on all corners and I wouldn't be surprised if he's back in here and another laughs for more work up to you Ken there's Richard Petty out in front but the story right now is the resurgent Donnie Allison he's never won this race and here you see Bobby Allison's car looking even more sullen more bruised coming back on pit road number 15 the water huntsman car defending Daytona 500 champion Allyson is in let's take another look at that crash David hops [Music] there is a bullet just coming down from high up and he was hit by Labonte at number 44 who is Harry little hottie the rookie [Music] terry labonte handled that very very well to touch that car moody longer than word about 175 miles an hour and not lose his cool and control was pretty impressive especially for a rookie well gets efforts today and in the fourth turn savage crash he is reported as okay arrogant oh so rookie who's been having quite a good week this week in slow motion watch the 40 for the red and white Carney inside the number five looked like it might have cut a tire down and came in front of him he just rolls around the front of the bound his car it never even fazed him and the Perry Gant comes down through the entire pack there what an unbelievable sight that hurts you just wouldn't believe that was possible to be missed by so many cars in such a short time Gant he took the full brunt of that in the driver's door and he is all right never really speaks well for the safety of these cars Neil Bonnett scar five is back in more work on it emma has one man add so much to so many we'll be back with more live coverage of the Daytona 500 after this word from your local stations the driver of the JW hunt Kenny Childers car number 12 that you saw take that terrible sock into the wall is standing by with Ned Jarrett Harry what happened as you came home for that turn will the cars in front of Richard and Alison spun already who was so much fun they went down and we backed off or they backed off and he come back up kind of in front of them and they blocked it down more and I was right behind Alison tipped him in the back end and never I touched it with my car started fishtailing in and I think somebody clipped me in the back then I miss around and then you went into the wall sort of a sudden stop yeah what does it feel like to run into a wall at about 190 miles an hour seem like you're doing 200 right the last competition around the country this is his first full year of competition in the Grand National Division and his efforts here today were not what he expected him they sure weren't well right now how about this the rookie winner of 56 races in the modified ranks of NASCAR a year ago from Bellingham Massachusetts Geoff Bodine his dad the owner of the Chipmunks Speedway for years up in New York as car number 47 out in front we have a rookie leading this race I don't think of rookies ever won the Daytona 500 Pete Hamilton wanted in 1970 but Emily Mead had some grand national experience the year before indeed he had in 1969 but here is a looki and this kid in Modifieds has been having phenomenal success for two or three years he has the patience and the prudence to be a Grand National driver he is out in front and there's a black flag they say [Music] going out for car number 50 that's Bruce Hill a Topeka Kansas car being told to come in for consultation that's not a disqualification that's what the inspectors won't have a little chat with it about one thing or another I think they do because the cars already slammed into the wall once it's half-full part sounds better just checking out that is really fit to race take a look at these standings rookie Jeff bodean from New England is in front Benny Parsons the ex Detroit taxicab driver running at second ty Scott the Pennsylvania driver in third AJ Foyt position back in fourth Richard Petty and fifth and this start is going to be just as rough just as close and tight is everything we've seen before it's going to be frenzied activity all day today close the positions in these NASCAR races they change all the time we've had I don't know how many litt lap leaders so far but of course the only lap that it really counts on is lap 200 maryanne bunch is standing by with the honorary starter for today's Daytona 500 I'm with Ben Gazzara then is this your first race and what's your opinion so far well it's the most exciting thing I've ever seen it is my first race I came down here because Richard Petty Cale Yarborough Darrell and and Bobby Allison have become honorary chairman of a foundation that I'm the national chairman of and that's retinitis pigmentosa they did that because a friend of theirs has it you know it's a it's a genetic disease that blinds young children and young adults usually and we're gonna see if we can lick it we've started a foundation eight years ago and they've doing terrific research these men are involved in seeing insight and that's part of racing and it's back to you Ken indeed they are and the guys like cutting young or are there other kind of people actually work on things like that here is car number 47 Bruce Hill the leader there you see Benny Parsons in second place Parsons is running in the second spot hi Scott running for geoff bodine Zelena there you see Benny Parsons looking at the leader races I view penny bastards of course could be a sleeper in this race he's been complaining all week that he's been a bit off the pace but he's not showing signs of that at the moment sitting right there behind the leader Geoff Bodine one lap and they'll begin fidgeting with a lead once again here at Daytona it'll be lap number 80 when they come by this time lap number 81 the green will be unfurled I'll tell you this it must be in honor of our first time here for flight to fly cover having the slowest race in daytona history today it's certainly not gonna be the record race for all the new speeds this is must be the slowest race ever had Reis vision camera in car number 27 Parsons in second place there it is looking for the leader Geoff Bodine who moved out of the modified ranks he drove for a man named Nick Armstrong with a Massachusetts car for the past three or four years had fantastic success and elected this year to give it a shot and Armstrong who wasn't ready to move into Grand National didn't want to ran full-page ads a couple of weeks ago congratulating this kid Bodine and wishing him well for the season there was a lot of feeling and the modified ranks that they might have left not on the best of relationship not true at all well the cost was 54 wins is difficult to envisage him as being that so cookie but he's not used to racing on these super speed racing all those things all those wins came up a half miles in the third miles of America so all this drafting is new to him the ultra high speed is new to him and of course this massive cars all moving it round about 200 miles an hour is also new to him and we should point out that he said trouble twice out here in the past week he is spun out twice at over 180 miles but he hasn't been in any any of the walls the car was running well and here he is up in front ready to mix it up with the Masters as we get down for a restart when they come by they will have completed two hundred two and a half miles the field punches up once again it has been the most wreck wreck Daytona 500 I can recall here's Bruce Hill up in number 50 on pit road for consultation there you see the leader here is Benny Parsons right in behind him as they come down off the banking headed into the tri-oval area that race vision camera in Benny Parsons automobile may be able to get a shot just on the start [Music] Rena's on bow dine in the lead Benny Parsons in second here they come for turn one right behind many bosses [Music] there you see daddy Parsons going to the lead he closes on Jeff bodean he pulls to the inside Bodine is in front of the back straightaway here comes Benny Parsons into first place you were with him as he takes the lead again wooden Richard puts in the second place incorrect Brooks has shown one lap down [Music] I don't know where dick Brooks lost that that would be one pitched up somewhere [Music] and second tie Scott running in third [Music] there's Richard Brook sandwich right in between the first and second place car Bobby Allison still hanging in here today we'll give you a capsule version of what's happened so far with all the action we've seen it shouldn't take more than 20 minutes it's been an incredible race back straightaway now here's Richard Roach down to the inside [Music] Betty Parsons there you saw it in the cockpit then Benny jump back him behind him to pick up that job what pictures back that come Parsons going again [Music] and he tagged his Fender in the tri-oval [Music] been hit on either side of his car race speed Bobby Allison has led a charmed life today because in the accident a few minutes ago with Mary gondii notices ghin crossed over that he did in fact tag Allison and pushed Allison into petty and he just carried straight on these have been tagged three times today but the resurgent Allison is still out here still trying to make ground away of a car slowing up [Music] very slowly down the back straightaway as the field hurdles by [Music] poverty for Plenty pod conned out of it leaders coming back for the tri-oval to the stock finish line Betty Parsons Detroit Michigan Parsons back to the stripe [Music] so rooking the new england kid is staying wanted to erase me Parsons pulls away by for car likes what more can happen out here today here's Bodine after Parsons down the back straightaway bowtie going [Music] I push on you see them come back lay that through that speed shot you get some kind of feeling what it's all about Cale Yarborough's going very well out of the draft some of that junior Johnson power here are the standings you see them there its bow tied in front the second place directly behind his Benny Parsons then in third is number 30 ty Scott running fourth overall in the field running in the fourth position car number 51 hey Jay boy a leader down plunging into turn number three up on the 31 degree banking just barely out in front [Music] he's managing to keep that car pretty low down through turn three and four which is important part of race strategy here if you can run low [Applause] [Music] eh standing by one of the drivers that did not make it today we're in the Lenny pond pit what's the problem engine problem Lenny's not talking right now he's had a lot of problems a lot of stops as you can see his crew is just hovering over that engine it looks like they're trying to change the wedge and the right front side the cars not been handling it it's not as deaded as some of them out here Ken that's amazing but he's pressing on back to you Donnie Allison now seventh he's made up the lap and Donnie Allison there you see him in the back of that hunt for the first position Donnie Allison is back in it on the point I have never seen him [Music] xiety there's just no margin for error whatsoever out here today oh we can't get away we've demonstrated three or four times this week there is no margin for error and the tremendous responsibilities put on all these drivers back straightaway they continue to swap them around here's Cale Yarborough try it again the old age [Music] with David Hobbs at the start/finish line of the Daytona Speedway we're watching perhaps the most incredible race we've ever seen Benny Parsons you see him Cale Yarborough Baylin actually in second is Jeff bodean tie Scott running third Richard Petty is in the fourth Dale Earnhardt running himself up into the fifth position they're coming to the tri-oval to complete the 91st lap this [Music] we have 16 cars running less than three seconds of 516 cars three seconds apart the head area wasn't that Jared we're standing by with Neil Bonnett who just had to park his car well I got real high up turn four and gonna lose stuff and a car start it around you know I've come bouncing through the infield come across that road and I think a pretty wheel towards chase you have another car trying to go back you were running up front did the car surprise you today yeah there's no doubt about it you know we'd had a lot of trouble all week and turned out if I worked real hard today there whether it's strong as the draft is I could keep up with the guys and about the time we get to having a lot of fun with a car y'all get hit it wrong see any pit stops under green because there's been so many cautions here at the race but they're tightening pit stops as well for the time they come on to pit road all the time they leave and to keep teaching accumulate in times Parsons has made three pit stops in the race total time on pit road two minutes twenty five and seven of a second the tie scott-carr amazingly is doing very well on pit road [Music] J has been the fastest on pit row up to the time he headed for the 90 limbo three occasions 2 minutes 21 and 88 seconds let me see the two leaders while we see the leader Benny Parsons being followed by caviar but they doing the classic is taking Cale Yarborough away from his opposition and Kenny pulling out all that just look at them the two car perfect raft pulling away from the rest of the meal remember Yarborough is a lap down or two laps down car number 11 Kaylee [Music] [Applause] number two today with Dottie and Bobby Allison that there's Donnie Allison they allison is making up time he has come from way back a lap down he is back and currently is running up in the top five his car badly torn up on the left side the driver's side it's still out here going to lose right behind Dale Earnhardt for fourth place Earnhardt is important back with a leader there you see Benny Parsons and here you see second third fourth fifth back to 10th fall in a bundle as they moved through the trial pulling back up to 120 passes in Cale Yarborough's got the NASCAR drivers dream come true perfect two-car draft is putting away from the field this is helping Benny who's leading and of course it just could bring Kay around at one [Music] eat along and right behind him AJ Foyt and car number 51 AJ begins to get in there now he has waited now he's shown a lot of patience he's beginning to make tissue now these people be getting a bit desperate way so much and if they would just settle down into a signal to go faster but it course that's like ah see and bustable if you are new to motorsports two cars running as these two cars are there you see the leader number 27 gonna Parsons [Music] wait mr. Cole invisible wait car in second place gets a good drag and he runs in about half throttle as Bobby Allison and the white number 15 is doing on his brother Allison number one later black car goes to the principle of the drop is pretty simple really but to the hole in the air as well as in the round then the second car runs in that hole [Music] [Music] Donnie Allison now in second number two is a the Allison brothers the Alabama gang back together again as Donnie and Bobby try to hitch up on their own two cars raft and run down the leader Benny Parsons [Music] Parsons [Music] laughs behind stays with him [Music] more and more Ajay - look formidable as we move to the halfway point of the race and one thing one can't forget there's Benny Parsons car out in front whipping down the back straightaway [Music] his brother a lap down for 15 years third spot his point right here that fourth spot number two Earnhardt and fifth is Richard Petty net Jeff can a week ago this young man was behind the wheel [Music] these were committed Kyle how are things going for you dad out there all right they're going alright right now we're having we've been changing tires and we're a little behind on the tire so we got to get them ready here he's not going quite as good as you did last Sunday though race was a little shorter last Sunday than is this something we might well probably stronger than the tires here for his dad what does what a story there Richard Petty being passed by Dave Marcus in the o2 no petty fights him off 18 year-old youngster you just start talking the first place he ever drove a week ago on this track and in the great tradition the Petty's he came home a winner that was unbelievable first Daytona 500 Richards won it five times and Kyle Petty at 18 the first race he ever drove wins on the Daytona Speedway Benny Parsons continues out in front going for his second 500 victory [Music] we'll be halfway in the race and one of the basic axioms of motorsport is if Richard halfway point you'd better pack up the tools and go home because from there on and he's been a champion so many times he is running 5th right now [Music] for half way chip Warren cross flags halfway in the event slowest first 250 miles in the history the Daytona 500 but you have seen some of the most incredible unbelievable action we've ever witnessed in a motor race here at Daytona [Music] well these two are driving a race very reminiscent of Buddy Baker and Darrell Walter from last week in the bush - run away from the rest of the field hooked up just like these are besides Richard Petty Richard Petty obviously is running very strong in this name to halfway as these two to consider Liz Donnie Allison to consider and of course AJ point sitting there in third spot hasn't really made any serious moves yet but there's a man to watch probably the most formidable racing driver of all 47 Jeff Bodine running back in seventh slowing down Jeff bro Dinah not a big [Applause] while driver but his talents are inverse order to his physical size he's having children he's coming in meanwhile here the safe his brother trying to keep those cars single pile because they can go so much quicker the one they run side by side there the half way standings Parsons and cale yarborough goes by Parsons and I would presume [Applause] you'll have to let him do that there we see the picture from inside the car now or in the blimp the thing is you can't just follow these guys forever because the engine gets very happy to just let Hale lead them around obviously fairly evenly matched Ghazi [Applause] [Music] keep scales engine cool yes that's the big problem running the traffic the gauges just get red and rosy out there you have to watch them all the time watching the bumper of the car in front of you because you can blow an engine so easily in a situation like this here they are two cars [Applause] we've had a rash of yellow fever here today caution flag number five is over this far from Bluff City Tennessee watching a replay Johnny huntsman hand-grenades the engine right at the start/finish line fifth caution of the afternoon as the hopes of Johnny excellent go up in smoke [Music] the car going down at a turn number one bringing out the middle and picture this we're better than halfway in the race and 19 cars are running in the lead lap this I'm afraid is going to be a long caution as its amended streak of oil all the way through the tribe down the straight and into turn one and they gonna have to clean all that up how about this when that caution came out Cale Yarborough leading Parsons came around the track first that he is making up a lap question does that put Yarborough back in illegal no he was three laps down beat up a bull left Cale Yarborough has now made up a full lap and there is now word that Benny Parsons is showing some smoke meanwhile this story is developing in the pit box [Music] here comes our leader into the pits David if the crew chief ready ready to put on 22 gallons of fuel he's stopping at 25 lives here he is the world's fastest cameraman windshield being clean this car is getting like the rest of them about four miles to the gallon and generally they can go about 35 laps before stuff he's stopping on 25 but obviously he's taking advantage of the caution getting two right-side tire chains now they're going to do the left side as well this very very new surface on this racetrack is definitely taking its toll of tired probably these guys will end up changing about 16 tires before this race is over they sense what they plan to do before windshield being clean again every good small pit stop but it's gonna be a little bit lumpy because of the four tire changes there he goes any other way the tires the car stalled but he got it going again quickly Becky you can rock gates if you have an opportunity we have a report there has been signs from the observers towers around the track that the leader Benny Parsons car is beginning to show some signs of smoke coming from the rear of the machine I wonder if you can talk with his crew chief David if and get that story confirmed here is the 106 lap being completed at the present time there will be just 93 laps to go they come around 19 cars in the lead lap more than halfway into the race David hops that's some kind of story well of course we haven't had an awful lot of racing unfortunately we've had so much yellow flag that's kept the field together but boy are they together in that race him you've had these 22 and 24 car drafts absolutely the most spectacular racing you never like to see anywhere might get a bit more spectacular than all this stage ride down and put down his powder the soak up the oil and of course the powder itself can be a little bit slippery they're trying to get the race Monto back under green but they're checking this area on the track if you're just joining us the race started a little bit hope that bail down below dry chemical they put on the track a little higher on the track to dry double Cyril lost its engine Parsons is back in the hood is up let's go to Brock eh J's hunt he's running hot they've got a water line on the Cana header tank that is the problem certainly in that tight draft is Cale Yarborough they made it gotten things a little bit warm fortunately again he's in under the caution so this is going to hurt him so bad but it's not something they like to do crew chief David it is very very definitely in earnest man right now Parsons pretty calm pretty cool considering the situation slow process to put water in these things it's just a regular garden hose going in here just about got it finished back up to you kami I was a pretty bad sign if you start to put water in a race at the halfway mark on a 500-mile races not very promising I'm afraid Parsons back of the track let's review at the halfway point in depth the standings Parsons was in first in the second position Donnie Allison in third AJ more running fourth the rookie Dale Earnhardt running fifth AJ point running sixth high Scott running in seventh of that juncture was number 47 bo time in the eighth position was grant Adcox running in ninth was cuckoo marlin and in the tenth position stood Dave Watson's car while in eleventh was Richard Childress in twelfth was Darrell Waltrip Richard Petty pitting in the 13th position was Labonte 14 was carnauba nineteen bill Dennis 15 was the DK ulrich car as petty fits with dick may driving 16th was JD McDuffie 17th was the 39 car of Blackie Wang Gruen 18th was Frank Warren 19th was number 98 and remember all those cars back to 98 Ralph Jones of Upton Kentucky are all in Patty's pitched off complete Waltrip in the pitch trouble beneath the hood Parsons is in another time back to Brock Yates they're putting their putting radiators sealer in this schooling system that that does not bode well for this engine as you know once this starts to get a leak in it he may not be able to save it a lot of problems down here for many parts inspector you can hit our it is battlefield conditions here today in the Daytona 500 later today NBA contest the National Basketball Association with Washington vs. Seattle Chicago versus Kansas City that's coming up next here on CBS consult your local listing for the game and time in your area here today in the 21st running the Daytona 500 at the start/finish line with David Hobbs I'm Ken Squier we're one lap away from resumption of the race with 19 automobiles running in the lead lap unbelievably halfway through the race well it's been a pretty unbelievable race all together we started off under caution to the first 10 laps then we had some green running and the track was a bit damp the - Allison Brothers having a tremendous dice for the lead ran into each other coming off turn 2 caused a bit of a wreck for themselves in Cale Yarborough put themselves down Donnie Allison is now back on the lead lap his brother is still one lap down and kale has also gained one of his laps back meanwhile as you say they're 19 cars left on this lead lap and every time they come past he at 195 miles an hour they are all over each other one more lap and they will be racing 100 91 to go 272 miles have been completed yet this 588 thousand become a bus stop today a demolition derby time after time with cars wrecking we saw because one of the most consistent runners today is a man who's had a tremendous week down here and that's the rookie Dale Earnhardt in a yellow and blue car number two who right now is lying second behind Donnie Allison and car number 11 they say is down in the bottom lane up there and turns one and two car number 11 being Cale Yarborough three-time national champion previous winner of this race Donnie Allison in front remember he was one of those puddle jumpers earlier here today he and his brother and Cale Yarborough's sliding and spinning for a thousand feet earlier today and he's fought his way back in front there you see Waltrip dropping way down on the inside he wants to make up another lap make no mistake about that he goes up to have a chat with Donnie Allison who was saying thank you very much I'd appreciate it who stay where you belong here they are Cale Yarborough right down there on the bottom and right beside him is Bobby Allison in the middle of that sandwich and the rookie Dale Earnhardt holding up beautifully on the outside back to go to Trent three that's Chuck Bown on the bottom of the inside he's a lap down he is the former Western champion out of Portland Oregon his father-in-law the famous Hershel mcgriffin here you see Manny parsons automobile Parsons is running an eighth position after these pit stops getting ready for starting pulling up through traffic picking up speed here he comes down for the start picking up speed pulls by Richard Childress here they come for the stock that one coming behind he goes back charges on to the turn wad Donnie Allison in praat Dale Earnhardt is in second third Richard Petty losing a spot or two here on that stock back straightaway Bobby Allison number 15 remember is laterz he is a lap or two back [Music] first and second place up in front numbers one and two Donnie Allison Taylor and Arnold would be in second place coming for the trial right in there driver out of Tennessee as bad as his crew chief straighten up in there well today that cost running third [Music] 31 degree bank back straightaway ryo-san Donnie Allison this is my most amazing Midway coughs Langford cuckoo Marla in fourth on a rookie Dale Earnhardt lying a very very strong second [Music] there you see that speech coming off turn four ernhardt going for the lead aah a boy pulls it back there over on the package third for the lead two cars lap Donna Mobile's just in front of it they're using the two lap cars behind the blue and yellow Earnhardt car and coming down the back straightaway there's h8 4451 your third place machine though to the blue car of Dave Marcus he is a labradoodle working down [Applause] ready to just want to lap down we don't we only have 1841 grant dicots bringing up the rear of this run train behind those dropping back just a little bit J coid and third Dale Earnhardt running in second Donnie Allison in the run of his career is out in front Kenny stay there his car rumbled ripped up on the left side but the driver just flat putting the Machine around the Speedway stays out in front in this astonishing Daytona 500 [Music] great [Applause] possession ernhardt right there in second and you see AJ boy just holding on in third and waiting grant at Cox phase and forth Richard Petty is back in the fifth position going seventh is Betty Parsons need to tie Scottie and moving up tonight comes Darryl Waltrip [Music] 116 laps 290 miles into the Daytona 500 nose-to-nose Willie Earnhardt falling back Donnie Allison commanding the event another time the lead continuing to switch back and forth Donnie Allison the second Fred Adcox in third Earnhardt back to fourth take a look at what it's like as they come into the tri-oval just barely turning the wheel at 190 miles per hour turn that wheel about two inches and you through the tri-oval turn it three and you could be through for the season and you can see them work you and that wheel soaring away that we were these 37 hundred pound cars and they putting people up to 500 mile the draft has a tremendous effect on these guys not just the cars moved in around the wind of the other cars eventually moves these cars [Music] [Applause] using a Holloway's track allison coming out roll continues to try to make up laps now remember Yarborough is probably one of the smartest savviest drivers out here he's won the national championship three years in a row nobody's ever done that here's a report from Ned Jarrett I'm in the pits with one of the tires that they'll be putting on a car later Richard Petty just made a 15-second pit stop the last time and one way that they were able to do it the lug nuts are already glued into the wheel and they put a hairy [Music] used to have to do it when they would take them off with a love reach to tires and gas in 15 seconds team on pit road Alison in front here he is in the back straightaway watch him when he comes through turns three and four there is Benny Parsons attacking once again Parsons in first position moving around AJ boy he's going to second spot he's slowing up dramatically hey pointers is off the pace he's slowing down and turned 3 here comes Donny Alice now to turn 4 watch him go right to the wall and use that wall like a handrail down the main straightaway is coming on hey J boy bringing number 51 the Jim Gilmore car onto pit road let's go to rock eh here comes AJ whistling into the pits his crew is ready obviously they're gonna check the right side up no AJ didn't want to stop another AJ Foyt move we're not really sure what he did but he just came tell somebody something or what but he's gone again after you Ken 39 Blackie windgren looks like his engine is disassembling you saw him there the crashed I've done three involving our leading group Richard Petty's their leader coming down Donnie Allison coming by Blackie whimpering sparse smoke eater there's caution on the track report that there is trouble at turn number three I think you da man Bazan's it's coming around slowly now Parsons coming by very slowly when he comes across the strike oh the two was in trouble there was a good chance if Blackie Wagner ins engine let go which it looks like it did from the smoke there's a good chance in the leading group got on that oil on the track Dave Marcus of Wausau Wisconsin is having trouble and Cale Yarborough they say is made up still another lap is that correct we have a report now that Yarborough keeps fighting his way back and these cautions we have yet to see anyone come in and make a green flag pit stop in this race where they come over the wall and do it in 15 seconds I think we're gonna have to see it yet we're 121 laps into this race and at this rate we're never gonna see a green Wow they've only got to go another 80 yard laps and they can do nearly 50 anyway so we'll be lucky to see savage brutal 507 at Daytona this the 21st annual as the purse climbed to nearly $600,000 leaders are pitting Donnie Allison is on pit road a lonely pace car waiting for someone to join him rocky angel hips Johnny's in right side tires look good the left side they're gonna change both left side tires possibly - just told me that the car is getting good tire wear and everything seems to be funny back oh well it looks like it's spent about 20 years under Harper free white there he goes back out up do you Ken it certainly doesn't look like a proper stock car does it well actually it looks like a proper short track car with that side all at Kimball there's Earnhardt's car coming back on a swirl engine car number 2 is back on the track we're working in the 122nd lab ladies and gentlemen AJ Foyt is now in the pits they have completed 305 miles just 78 laps to go there are 11 cars still in the lead lap of this the most unpredictable Daytona 500 that's ever been run I can understand why AJ made that slowing down pit stop before he slowed up came in and then just drove out again most peculiar Brock Yates is trying to get a report right now on why AJ came in it may have been a missed signal down there the Gilmore car going back on the track but he suddenly slowed up going through three and four I mean it did look as if he had some sort of trouble perhaps he thought a tired gun or something and came in as he was there and there you see number o2 Dave Marcus we saw that car being built about a month ago that banjo Matthews in our North Carolina back to Brock Yates of the pits can we just found out why may AJ made that mysterious stop his crew chief Nick Contras and as you know as an old-timer in racing spotted the yellow flag come out yet just as he grew to a stop and set go one more time it will come in when we got a little bit more leisurely place for maker that's why so he's back out again with a quick stop a few so it was no mistake it was just a quick maneuver on the part of the crew chief there you see one of the cars in the race built by one of the most amazing stories in automobile racing the story of a man up in North Carolina this frozen bit of acreage behind me is Buncombe County North Carolina and those mountains are the Great Smokies they do a lot of hunting and fishing around here grow some tomatoes and some apples but they also build Grand National Stock cars inside this building every 1978 Grand National winner was welded together the doing of this man banjo Matthews as with most members of the southern stock car fraternity banjos pace is deceivingly relaxed with long hours devoted to chatter about racing but in the shop the work schedule is quick and determined here a small skilled squad of craftsmen bond a pile of steel tubing into the stiff an incredibly safe combination chassis and roll cage that forms the skeleton of Grand National stock cars internally the machines are the same whether they are finally shrouded with sheet metal of a General Motors Ford or Chrysler brand automobile the technique is a distillation of years of trial and error of failure and horrendous crashes out of these ordeals men like banjo Matthews will create for you for about sixty thousand dollars one of the safest most reliable racing cars known to man [Music] most of the great cars in Grand National racing began their lives here at banjo Matthews a good percentage of them in their lives here as well on this million-dollar pile of bent iron and steel that stands as a gravestone to most of the great crashes in Grand National racing they'll be able to add a few more after today David Hobbs there you see the Marquez car coming in on the hook Marcos hopes have evaporated today there's been problems for Dale Earnhardt Ned Jarrett has the story the rookie has been running up front all afternoon Ken but on his last pit stop to change all four tires this is one of the tires that came off the left side and it's been rubbing on the fender we have Roland melodica who's the crew chief on that car Roland is that a problem not really it's been on there too full pit stop so he had to get it off anyway but the tire feels extremely hot they were warm we've listed a right front tire in 30 laps before that's why we made a four-tire stop on this time to get some scuffs back on if they're not anything you could do about that fender rubbing nah it's not a problem it does that all the time and it's not gonna blow a tire okay it looks to me like his problem can but he knows a lot more about it than I do blow a tire famous last words we are back under caution for the sixth time today in the 21st annual Daytona 500 live with more of the action in a moment [Music] from the Goodyear blimp you see some of the over 100,000 gathered here at the two and a half mile world center of speed Daytona Beach Florida and perhaps the most unpredictable astonishing 500 ever run here as they come down for a green flag Donnie Allison in first Richard Petty and second Dale Earnhardt in third theis Scott is fourth Terry Labonte in fifth Darrell Waltrip is shown in the sixth position so he got three out of the first six are rookies in this race Dale Earnhardt ty Scott Terry Labonte ty Scott's not really a rookie but he's not you'd be up there with the leaders Yarbrough number 11 two laps now 75 laps to go let's listen to Bill gasp away as they get ready to resume it 41 all yours mr. starter [Music] for the seventh time today [Music] sixty-eight Chuck Bown out there now he's second place on the road three laps from the leaders and there you see Yarborough trying to get back out in front to make up another lap as he knows there are 11 cars in the lead lap running less than two and a half seconds apart there you see Richard Petty there's Jonathan Livingston Seagull comes in to take a look at what's it more and more the factor running right in front of Dale Earnhardt in third spot and to take a brave man to bet on Richard Peddie done pretty good Daytona 500 54 anyone five times six times the national champion five-time the Daytona winner [Applause] 59 has won it but once [Music] [Applause] dodging and weaving go on in any race ever anyway the way they keep putting in and out of the drop it's just steps east a great really quite hot stumping off those corners like a dancing puppet they fly down the back straightaway in nearly 200 miles an hour there's that tight craft for second place [Music] leader are two laps down we noticed out Cale Yarborough seems to have the ability to pull away of current leader of the race and get it onto the card ROM memory down to the bottom attract interns tray and pours we watch these positions [Applause] [Music] cale yarborough hooked onto Donnie Allison and can they pull away from Richard if they can and there's another yellow flag Oldtown Yarbrough would have picked up yet another lap of the three he was down a master tactician [Music] now Yarbrough is only one lap down doubt if he can pull this up again he's already done it twice he could be back there on the lead with Donnie Allison who's also game a shallow lead for car number one Donnie Allison [Applause] are the eyes Yarbrough staring him down at top speed and they have pretty [Music] Donnie Allison maintains that front running position Richard Petty begins to close in from second place with old 43 we'll be back with more live coverage of the Daytona 500 after this word from your local station while they've groundout 131 laps three hundred twenty seven and a half miles just 69 laps to go Donnie Allison trying to hold on his car pummeled and beaten here thus far in the race is in 20 car lengths over number 43 Richard Petty in second spot mark maintaining third ties Scott is stabilized in Port Darrell Waltrip is still in fifth Labonte is in six Parsons is at 7,000 sit down all afternoon as this race continues to shake ramble and roar 11 cars still and only fighting about three and a half seconds apart when you watch these two lead cars going down the backstraight Cale Yarborough's gonna ground on Donnie Allison who you imagine next time you pull up at the stoplight ride up to the car in front that's what it's like for him at a hundred and ninety five to two dropped back a little bit as they go into the turn there you see Donnie Allison in second place here's Edwards to win a second Daytona 500 a Rolls wanted as he spun with his brother in Korea [Applause] [Music] Donnie Allison and brought here comes petty more than a season without a win his car always seems to work better in the latter part of a race when the other cars it's very slippery and oily down to the track Patty's car just grits it bites into it and begins to move in on leaders and that's what number 43 patty is doing right now he has we've seen so far today here he is in second place Richard Petty trying to break a 45 race losing streak and closing on the leader Donnie Allison [Music] Allisyn station front cale yarborough just one lap down trying to get that lamb back Richard Petty and second here you see them on the 31 degree banking at the East End of the two and a half mile Daytona International Speedway with Richard Petty second Earnhardt third Scott fourth Parsons with Waltrip in the sixth position Walter by the that's among the leaders Carson stays in front look at this look like a little smoke out the number 15 Bobby Allison's car now watch all the way around every lap has to be exactly right an engine another car goes up in smoke I think it's giving a loose car car number 82 dropping down on the inside rail we're all trying to make up the lap this is the thing if Gayle can lead it goes to stop in his line he's picked up that lap caution is coming on here's Kayla make up a lap if Donnie Allison gets back in front of him he'll put him a lap down they must race slide cale yarborough here's Donnie Allison trying to get the Lap back on a slingshot [Music] set up he's back in the lap with the leaders 12 cars now as we move down to the end hook this they totally using the word incredible David here's Ned here with jr. Johnson a very elated crude as cale yarborough went across that start/finish line to get back in the same lap with the leader jr. that God never gives up [Music] we might have a shot to win you have to make a lot of adjustments on that completely done accessory rich man so we got a lot to do did I just hope to stay together grand national championship they were several laps down but they always some of those races they want well there he is the old grand master the last American hero he is called junior Johnson who has just one instruction for Cale Yarborough go to the front and indeed he has put himself back in the front lap and there will be ten cars running for the lead number one Donnie Allison is back in the pits neighbor 1 and let's go to Brock gates here comes Donny it's a routine stop right-side tires this time everything going normally Donnie very cool incredibly cool and both these Alison's never seem to be ruffled no matter what happens quick stop back to you Ken Top Trumps car number one Donnie Allison probably giving up the lead now have reported 10 cars in the lead lap there will be 10 automobiles hey on CBS coming up next Saturday and next Sunday from Los Angeles the Los Angeles up on the Glen Capel don't miss it here on CBS Marianne budge has a report for us now I'm in the start-finish grandstands with some of the fans and I have someone here I'd like to make a question I put to you how long have you been coming to the Daytona 500 since about 1962 what's your name Louise Vermilya and you said you left her in Florida right we live in armen Beach what do you think of the 21st running the Daytona 500 I think it's terrific I'm sorry about the accident so far I'm very happy that no one was hurt thank you very much Ken back to you staunch race fan there's 62 staunch race fans paying the money for the seats keeping us racing drivers employed so I can see me not being employed in here much longer Dale Earnhardt didn't come into the pits on that lap then when everybody else did so I wonder does that put him a lap ahead taking a risk like that he's gone around twice now everybody else support now that's why I'll dump down down there pace cars picked up the field and there's Cale Yarborough's Pitts net Jarrett cale yarborough in the pits he's made that lamp up now they go for a ride sighs tire chain tailgates am a cool drink and he has a smile on his face now he's a bit happier than he was earlier in the race now they're going to the left side to make a four-tire change they can do this in about 35 seconds it takes about 15 to 18 seconds when the only change two tires with only five hand are allowed over the wall when [Music] my trousers four-tire change and cale yarborough is out he is back with the leaders and we could have a three-time winner Benny Parsons is in there you see the hood is up yeah Benny's having some trouble with under the hood de he's maintaining on the lead lap all right he's maintaining a good place the car goes well when he's out it's overheating there's water running out from beneath the automobile well he's certainly he and his crew David IFFT have given it their best try today good coming down crew working on that automobile there you see the visibility all these drivers have talked about pressure and working under well the visibility definitely goes off there's a lot of sin because one of them to go a half a lap to go for degree like when they racino the sand picks up and it scrapes the screen clean at home dirty in a bit since very hard sander and the race progresses it just becomes almost nil green flies that catalyst to bring these 11 drivers back together for another start is about to be unfurled with Dale Earnhardt the rookie out in front one lap and they will be racing one lap in Dale Earnhardt of Kannapolis North Carolina will lead the pack with Donnie Allison from Hueytown Alabama in second AJ point of Houston Texas running third with 140 laps complete just 60 laps to go seven cautions today slowest 500 in history perhaps the most eventful well it certainly has been what one would describe as an action-packed afternoon I'll say I can't get over the Alice about this Donnie it's just had enough sleep well Bobby's had a fantastically wild ride it's been running to at least three times quite hard and he's still in the race Donnie's been run into at least once kales been in the mud up to his axles and then David we've seen a lot of tumultuous finishes here at Daytona but I've got a feeling we're in for one today like we've never seen before we've never had ten automobiles running together this late in the race in the same lap and they are reconfirming just now we're talking to scoring that Cale Yarborough indeed is in that lead lap so this is it and you can hear the crowd perhaps behind us as they've just announced in the public address that Yarborough is back in the lead lap and they love him I think with in the bat in the next 10 minutes we're gonna see Kayaba take the lead of this race for the first time this afternoon Cale Yarborough one of the most incredible characters I've ever met he still enjoys his Sunday afternoon duck hunting or fishing or catching water moccasins barehanded originally was in a farm team for the Washington Redskins in football we're going to listen to Bill Gassaway as we come down for a start we're back in the control tower you're hearing the signals being given green flag the flag swirling the bars [Music] tailor bobby allison with dale that ha we could have five six seven cards jamming for the finish on this one today we could have a rookie win the race the biggest race of the lot the Daytona 500 could be won by Dale Earnhardt not if Donnie Allison has his way he takes it away from the kid Donnie Allison presses it's a cliche kill me that is absolutely right this afternoon their feet of married right through that firewall look at their Dale right up high hey Jeff boy [Applause] hi Scott station port and that is an amazing story hi Scott still young drivers sophomore driving back to the pits with blockades can we we're hearing the MC Anderson pit with David if the crew chief or Benny Parsons David you're you're having some problems relating to the cool system exact cooling system will exactly what is it we don't know for sure we've got a cracked head or head gasket or something we've been trying to seal it up and we just hope we can keep getting some cautions and keep sealing it as when we run about 30 32 laps temperature rise about 260 270 so we're just holding on okay thank you the camera out there not doing quite as well as we'd hoped but he's still in there after you can I'll say still [Music] areas drafting right along behind Richard Petty now we're seeing the other thing that Richard Petty he was saying he goes drunk late in the rain the other thing he does late in the races he goes incredibly high [Music] let's watch them all the way around from just one camera give you a feeling for what a driver copes with no cuts here just watch as they string out like beads down the back straightaway at 200 miles an hour now they climbed the 31 degree banking at the East End the Daytona Speedway you're watching Donnie Allison in front to Dale Earnhardt and secondly here they come through that 16 hundred foot straightaway to the trial here they come into the 1600 feet leading down into turn number one no room for Bastille crusher rock except for those few spare seconds on pit road and notice how they're climbing way up on the banking as it's getting very slippery that's how it looks all the way around one time make one miscue one slight misjudgment and in this one year history except for the fact [Music] like Donnie Allison and cale yarborough and Bobby Allison are out here mate burro's back in the hunt it might be interesting to buy cale yarborough and see if he's able to close by some honorable meals here as he tries to hunt down the leader Donnie Allison 47 seconds 10 cars in the lead lap six just 54 laps to go and we could have a gang finish here today remember in 1959 Lee petty winning this race the race was so close it took three days to decide the winner now they have electronic cameras [Applause] solving the trial the last lap of this epic $528,000 battle Donnie stays in front Bernhard in second AJ Foyt in third tied Scott a surprise at 4th Richard Petty stays in fifth Cale Yarborough moving Betty Parsons Detroit Michigan LLB North Carolina in a long time and this will put him out of the hunt this will put him in fact when the leaders come by right now that'll put him two laps down please a 10-car draft nine of them running for the lead there's Parsons car the hood is buttoned down the pins around and he comes back on the track a valiant effort goes for naught [Music] but temperature inside that cockpit about 120 degrees all day that's a cool day here [Music] back up into turn three [Applause] the third place car you picture remember is a couple of laps back but Donnie Allison is the leader Earnhardt is in second the red car of AJ boy is there isn't room to put your hand between the bumpers there absolutely is in total posted a sixty four thousand five hundred four first about 41,000 for second that is in the total posted awards we're back with David [Applause] come on stop anymore diagnosis yeah we got a crackhead or something can it laughs if it rains not so good back to you a very disappointed crew chief have no doubt a very disappointed Benny he won this race in 1975 [Music] small this race that goes every race counts for the NASCAR Cup points fund and you just got to keep on our voice if you want to pick up all that money in the end again can you imagine the mental stress on these drivers inches apart of this tremendous speed and there has been no brain no chance except under these caution areas in the pitch when they're out here there just hasn't been room to breathe all afternoon David Lee this is one of the closest races I've ever seen anyway as you say you couldn't put your hand between Chuck Bown just went down a lot our nine cars running the lead lap as Richard as always [Music] which if any ye runs away [Music] leaders in that short chair he goes almost tags the wallet I don't think he feels very happy that's definitely scraping down one thing he really knows where he is then it is Donnie Allison and first day learn are deployed in 2nd position then mommy slaps back as the caravan cohorts down the backstretch at top speed the third-place automobile is a June boy it's Richard Petty being challenged that a main challenge moving around out there Kaylie I broke right behind Hetty here is Cale Yarborough going into fifth remember Yarborough has come from three laps down to fight his way back behind petty in six his darrell waltrip still lurking in seventh with many people he was the favorite for today's race he won the first event of the year Riverside California Donnie Allison in front continuing to repulse the advances of Dale Earnhardt [Music] the span from first to eighth position 154 laps into the event [Music] who's going to win it nine contenders are all in here together late in the race Benny Parsons winning again it's over for Parsons he may just continue via Betty Parsons how quickly that car of Donny allison's goes with that great gash in the side put us up on Parsons car I'm afraid that she's not having water problems on the car Morris say you've had it you know it's just no jar see what now he's four laps down now the engine tortured at car number 27 and beginning to give up the heart of the car beginning to go it's over from any Parsons but for nine others they are still very much in the thick of it to the side which will not be decided until the fourth burn [Applause] live from Daytona Beach then tie Scott now Kayleigh ah Poirot into fourth and you are watching hey Jenny boy holding his own of that red automobile just behind the leader and there you see Donnie Allison [Music] [Applause] around the Speedway at top speed holding on like a heavyweight champion the latter rounds of a world champion not just one opponent one eight others tried to take that first spot away from him here they are out of turn number two Donnie Allison [Music] that shut when he spun a thousand feet off turn number two earlier with his brother in cale yarborough hold on [Music] right in the standings Earnhardt the big unknown commodity the uncap from Kannapolis North Carolina and there is Darrell Waltrip closing out Richard Petty Waltrip in seventh petty and six don't see them off Darrell waltz it's been running incredibly well all week his engine palette 1 the plugs that had to change the plugs and areas right back up into 6 position another man very well-deserved and his young ty Scott he started off in 33rd very strong cloth and he's not really used to raising these guys he must have some very good equipment probably the first time he's had such good [Music] of course as a rookie running at restaurants second but he's been showing tremendous form all week so it's no real surprise to us here a press of novels out of turn four another few laps we might yet see [Applause] you see how the crews really were man might be the car Donnie Allison from this vantage point you can see how the left side of car number one is slightly warmer he nearly went side over side one hundred miles to go his car came off that point where we've just seen it right now his car came off at about a speed they're himself back up under that kind of stress and go out here at race is the mark of the professional drops to the inside here Dale Earnhardt's slowing down Earnhardt coming in will put a watch on him for his pit stop this is a stop under green place balls on pit road those turns now just a curved package of oil gas cement let's go to the pits scheduled pit stop burner they did not stop during the last caution period I really questioned why the rest of the message from hero 20 laps and they had a problem they didn't Jack down but the other competitors have about 20 laps on Earnhardt now to work and hopefully get a caution to make their stop the field is coming out of turn number 4 as Earnhardt is rolling down pit road Earnhardt is out on the track down here here comes the leader by Donnie Allison [Music] as they say Ln how it's gonna go a lap down here we come in a turn number two they're trying to put a lap on Dale Earnhardt who has been running in second to rookie let's see if the strategy's going to work throw into the back straightaway there is that big drive pulls alongside ernhardt but the strategy as he can go home from here he does not have to pin again we'll see if that strategy works I doubt very much of it well it seemed a funny thing to me last time we had together that he didn't put it the team that Dale Earnhardt drives for AJ Foyt spits that's what the story is now here's Brock gates can we've got dick country sent in the builder of AJ Foyt's car here dick how does it look out there well there's a lot of cars running for the lead right now but we're running second at the time we've only got to make one more pit stop so I think we've got a shot at it is he he's running pretty strong can he run stronger we've had our problem this week and he's kind of been keeping his nose clean out there and we'll try to make a run board at the end what set 51k me up to you car number 51 right in there this tight pack small so what's that number eleven nine seven tenths of a second apart nine automobiles less than one second apart eight of them are now running for first place Bobby Allison no doubt hello hoping you can lead just for a short bit get a yellow and take off piss one remaining lap in arrears and you you would wonder if the Alison brothers might work together bring Bobby around they saw Bobby win it a year ago Donnie is in second place [Music] here on a couple of previous occasions [Applause] [Music] Emo's shouting up on their feet as cale yarborough begins to continue to pull up [Applause] [Music] Yarbrough takes away second spot AJ point three laps down to second place one bit stop to go look at this [Applause] perfected racing finesse that s mark Cale Yarborough is one of the greatest champions in racing [Music] in the second position Cale Yarborough's about to make his assault on Donnie first Daytona 500 live you're watching the Daytona 500 coming up later this afternoon on CBS NBA and Chicago up against Kansas City that's coming up next coming up next year heaven only knows nine competitors are running for the lead here they calmed down still another time to complete one miles to go it is going to be a land rush to decide that they taught a 500 apart running less than one second apart in what could be the most amazing finish we have ever seen [Music] since first Cale Yarborough made up a remarkable three laps in second place Bobby Allison still runs directly turn to earlier in this race it isn't exactly be to that scenario let's hope that it doesn't happen again AJ point tucked in right behind ya Dale Earnhardt is racing furiously with ties Scott and Kaylie darrell waltrip just back there just off the face he has to maintain with his group because if he drops off when they all stop next time he's got to try and make up a lap on them to have any chance of winning this race [Music] there's Benny Parsons automobile that is the beauty no driver likes to see the viola backmarker had no one to chase down the leaders screaming by Betty Parsons and all he can do is hold on and now he begins to ache he begins to hurt [Music] no chance for him today 13 race leader's 29 lead changes thus far 20 cars remain hi Scott morning off the base there it getting stuck behind if he really needs to be right up there with the leaders preferably leading the race predict there's a yellow flag [Music] Donnie Allison who on that controversial race at the end of last season Atlanta Georgia stay together laughs ticking away 117 laps now completed 75 [Music] excrutiating the pressure top speed and there's just no place for a mistake here they're all here you have some of the very best Cale Yarborough in seconds Boyden in third and you know the story of the they never win Indianapolis he's won LeMond he can win at anything he puts his foot in now [Music] way it's off there's 75-mile significant call pressure being off banana as the traffic has died down on the track across many cars left running these men could conceivably run like this right to the end of the race Wow Gauri Allyson trot down Gauri Allyson Floyd and Bobby Allison is coming in they're on pit road the leader for Donnie Allison Bobby Allison coming in first remember he is a couple of laps down directly behind him car number one is n let's go to Brock gates this is the last one this is where it's really serious look at this group letter work the two outside tires the right side tires are being changed 22 gallons of fuel being put on board a very very quick stop it looks like he's underway how about 12 seconds for two tires and fuel 12 and three tenths of a second Donnie Allison is back on the track AJ boy is now the leader of the Daytona 500 super tech slides a level in turn four engaged [Music] cale yarborough will the will man is out of car number two that's Dale Earnhardt and I can see the hood is in fact the right-hand corner in your picture of the front of Dale Earnhardt Saudis own Richard Petty is pitted petty has come in here you seen the battle for the lead it's AJ the star car they're side by side [Music] [Applause] leaving the pitch petty is getting back up for three spell wielder well Cale Yarborough Yarbrough going for his third win AJ for his second no h8 rot from the inside and for over 100 racing enthusiasts this is Magic this is what it's all about from Houston Texas and with him cale yarborough the king of Timmonsville South Carolina and leads to dueling for supremacy boy has saved it he's waited for driver he waits you out he works on you he'll tap and he loves to come down here and during the Jim Gilmore colors into turn number three Junior Johnson car number 11 cause they's a point he's a ranger place cause he deeded up the witnessed race again carolien in the lead of this race Yarborough's second place that jared is standing by in juniors pizza is the most crucial stuff that made all day be able to catch their drift when they come by it's a change of right-side tires very quick pit stop for Cale Yarborough 13 at 9:10 second speed while there's trouble for nice gun as he started to come out his road units nice God unfortunately fell right into the trap came into the pits far too fast and slid by his bit his right front tire lock down that'll cost him precious [Music] pick through a five men for just 14 seconds that's the only he gets a CH a boyish town penning car number 51 we'll be back with more live color [Music] word from your local station [Applause] [Music] just came in and he made a pit-stop in five seconds just added 22 gallons of fuel and sent Waltrip Bank on we're trying to find out what the strategy is on Waltrip there you see Kaylee [Music] unofficially were showing him in second place now as all these cars that may be stopped [Music] pastor Walter therefore what is going on what's your weight down KLR in relationship to each other that's made a pit stop all the leaders have made pit stops Darrell Waltrip car when it drove bosses the stand here sounded rough to me again like he did early in the race the engine may be going sour on Waltrip's car crashed and spun for a thousand feet in the back straightaway and here they are [Applause] we keep talking about the speed but that's over 195 miles an hour she watch it live from Daytona Beach Florida with David Hobbs I'm Ken Squier here at the start/finish line [Music] what has been the most mile race I have ever witnessed well tail Yarbrough is the absolute master tactician he's right exactly where he wants to be with just 21 short laps to go there it is starting the race under a rain condition there is together now Waltrip maybe slipping back Waltrip is heavy think about harmonious sounds uncommon [Music] [Applause] Ellison and Cale Yarborough now and a 2-car draft or [Music] [Applause] they are these two are the top champions remember AJ is one more races in the United States Auto Club than any driver in their history the same at NASCAR they're the leaders again Donnie Allison Hearst AJ is reported [Applause] and fifth that's the battle support [Music] double-checking the photo finish camera they expected we'll finish today at the end of five hundred miles your Brock can wear with buddy parrot and darrell waltrip spent buddy whirling a mystified while you didn't change tires on that last stop well you know we're running out of clothes that's a spark plug and run halfway but it runs good in the draft so we're just gamble you know the tires look good and everything so we're just uh we came here to win the race anyway we're good and that's why we're why we did there thank you buddy Mik gambled on a part of darrell waltrip in his crew back to you Ken Richard Petty has made pit stops today hey Jake Lloyd has made eight stops and there is petty remember they are fighting for fourth down closing on the leaders we'll stay right there and run behind AJ in that draft and try to close up we may have five cars charging to the finish line at the end of this race well they're about nine seconds down on the two leaders both of whom are running in identical situations Donnie Allison and Cale Yarborough together as a nice pair and point and Penny is another pair both getting the most out of them more cars respectively but unfortunately can they make up nine seconds in less than 20 laps they'll be jolly lucky to don't forget the NBA action is coming next the excitement of basketball is professional best is up next on CBS this afternoon what a battle here continuing to grapple for horse position Dalia cale yarborough that's the biggest advantage anyone has had in 500 miles thus far today a hundred eighty-two laps complete to be specific Donnie Allison and Cale Yarborough putting a lap on ty Scott there who had a very good afternoon probably his best ever but unfortunately his inexperience at this really tough racing came out in the end they're closing on Waltrip for third place Waltrip just barely holding on a third hey Jay boy he's inches up the seatbelt a little tighter quenches those tough old Texan teeth and he goes after Waltrip had a Waltrip will know he's in a fight now Jay is within striking distance of a checkered flag [Music] average speed the 183rd laughs my guardian and cale yarborough in a draft at one hundred ninety three point nine miles per hour [Music] 500 will be remembered as the bat'leth a rien surgeons here today both Donnie Allison and Caylee are now in a tight craft a two cars raft two cars together nose to tail running faster than one car by itself [Music] eh eh that is the third place car AJ Foyt Richard Petty Wagner Oh Walter Wallen they are 15 to those leaders the two leaders have gotten again the perfect situation just the two cards draft and they're pulling away quite rapidly nearly a second a lab they're making on that second group well we may have to go away and come back on this photo finish today I'll tell you it may be that close that Jared in the jr. Johnson pitch net Jr kale seems to be content running right on Donnie Alison's bumper well I think it'll stay that private to the last lap then he'll try to get done either down no it's pretty much worry can set him up and get by him and that's where you'll try it he might make it to them okay that's the strategy from jr. Johnson in cale yarborough they're gonna wait Donnie Allison must be one nervous man now just wondering what's going on in that very brain but one of the master tactician said look at him weaving it out he has to drop out of that draft every now and then he kinda [Applause] the engine remember it's $64,000 second it now appears it will be decided between this pair Donnie Allison who has been tried to win this race since 1967 [Applause] leaves that trail with Richard and forth Darrell Waltrip and fifth and for the moment 15 seconds back unless there is a caution [Music] to card dice to decided at the finish line back to rock eggs can we get hustling to Donnie Allison screw cheap we just heard that jr. Johnson said that kill is going to probably wait and try to make a shot on the last lap what is Donnie gonna do to Connor [Music] we would have Providence get him Celeste and if we'd have known the truth while ago while during the race when he said it was three laps down sometime told me who's five so [Music] and you know I just hoping holding back I really do okay thank you doctor you can all right we're into it ten laps to go to decide $88,000 21st Daytona 500 between a non winner mistake and the two-time champion cale yarborough they lead by 18 seconds and now the strategy begins they have slowed it down event thinking about how they will run the last lap that will decide it all it is going to be perhaps just one roll of the dice you have to be absolutely right or in second place so nobody remembers second place David they sent it out to speak he is play said but so much depends and where the traffic is to on those last couple of laps and there's nothing you can do about that you know between the second-place automobile and you'll see here they integral back to the third place car as they come through the tri-oval and from this massive crowd 1000 here they come they're pulling away fast they really are a successful duo together I think one of the things that's slowing these three down is that Boyd and Penny are dragging Darrell Waltrip along who's got engine trouble less than nine laps to go to decide the 21st annual Daytona 500 [Music] [Applause] any previous Daytona 500 with six laps to go the photo finish put in place Donnie Allison stays in front Cale Yarborough five hundred thirty thousand dollars last year they have an advantage of 22 seconds over Richard Petty AJ point remembered is also running this race there go the leaders to slap me around dick Bay of Watertown New York five laps to go the countdown continuing to the end of the Daytona 500 [Music] remarkably back in the race were bigger completely out of it like em which there have been seven back to church three and four talked about an avenging shadow just imagine having him hovering around there behind it with 20 laps right on your no the last lap he's going to make that smooth taking pasta and leave a trace on the one lap that it really count how will God eat Alison scuttled the upper of cale yarborough and this race coming up next on CBS today don't miss it the NBA [Music] [Applause] Thanks by a four-time [Applause] [Music] they got a breather [Music] as it evaporate reeling him back in this daily Opera now let's look at that battle for third quarter there it is petty well he lured Waltrip to fourth AJ point to fifth Chuck Bown drafting along with him last lap strategy for Alison [Music] [Applause] well [Music] I'm gonna do it on the backstretch because I just don't think we have enough room from the fourth turn to the finish line to be anybody the cars are all to equal for that you have to [Applause] Donnie Allison job sameen like he has to throw the block and it has to be absolutely perfectly kind or he's going to be able has to be firmly time and he's got to use what remaining traffic is out there to his advantage and there really isn't much traffic out there 100,000 people on their feet watching these two cars galvanized through them looking for any signs of distress for either automobile a black buddy Arrington in the tri-oval stays right there just staring down in that rearview mirror got a Allison uh shallowly for Donnie Allison stays there pulse it again [Applause] eally to be one of the toughest drivers [Applause] and handle a car in the first place [Music] fantastic you never gets paid of course this is tremendous value as you get down near the race here we've got to be making some pretty big mental decisions if you're physically physical losses make no effect on you and you could really think clearly [Applause] no doubt about it that kale Java the white flag is out one lap to go this [Music] jool the greatest fiddling here fidgeting with first place the last lap trying to take it home it's all come down to this out of her to Donnie Allison and first where will Cal make his move [Applause] [Applause] third place they're coming around for the finish between a boy and rich down the back straightaway come the leaders now two cars are out in the backstretch are the leaders watching for the leaders to Kirstin it turns to him for down Richard Petty Walter tried to slingshot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Richard Petty as one is six eight hundred five hundred and a crowd here [Music] well there he is after a full year without a win as the two leaders tangled in the back straightaway they throw the block it didn't work AJ Foyt pulls up to congratulate Eddie no matter how hard a J fights when it's over he is the gentleman let's look again at that crash here it is there in the end of the turn already spinning sliding the hopes for Donnie Allison vanished cale yarborough trying to win his third he's out of it a sad moment for these people but for Richard Petty hurt all of last year driving most of the year with a broken and battered body he comes home a winner today after 45 straight losses we if we can we should be down on pit road tell the folks in the truck for just a moment it's going to be some scene in just a moment the 18 year old son of Richard Petty Kyle out there waiting for his father they have both they have both tasted success here is the finish again ladies and gentlemen Richard Petty Darrell Waltrip absolutely fighting that car he got the left wheels on the flat of the bank and was really out of control and here comes a $60,000 car becoming a 22 passenger school bus to bring his crew to Victory Lane Richard Petty the great master has just recorded his 186 career and there's a fight between Cale Yarborough and Donnie Allison the tempers overflowing they're angry they know they have lost and what a bitter defeat a couple of very hard men very hardly upset and Bobby Allison has stopped by his brother to help there's Bobby Allison's car number 15 they're leading them away Darrell Cale Yarborough they're very upset very upset it's difficult to tell from here but whatever happens shouldn't really have happened let's go we'll look at that again a replay in just a moment we're in the victory lane it is absolute ecstasy Hetty's of level across North Carolina as the second Caucasian gets ready to get out of the car let's go to Brock eh says they're trying to get Richard Petty out of his automobile the absolute pandemonium down here can it looks like they're about 300 people in the petty uniform I don't know where they all came from Richard still in the car having a glass of milk he obviously is just so happy ecstatic the Kari comes could you believe it have you been a lot of races was there any whatever I tell I'll also miss clothes but this is the first time I remember in a long time I won one that's good I tell you it's just unbelievable you know come down here last week and Kyle won and we come down here and look up and win this thing hey Steve what's your doctor gonna say I don't I ain't worried about the dogs I'm feeling good no matter what he's I guess Richard did you really feel you had a chance well I tell you what I had a real good feeling they say as they roll down pit road that we had a super good chance today and we run all day and we was really close to everything we kept getting through all the mistakes and stuff they was making and you know I said well you know maybe this is the day and then when Donny them got out and front-right to our last I said well you know I find Salvage the third it's gonna be a good day and I could I seen that Paulson plague coming off a third corner there in the jacket corner my heart just went through congratulations again pandemonium here in victory lane back to you Ken a hundred thousand people can't believe what they've just seen we're going to be seen the crash again and analyzing what happened down here is Richard Petty has come home a winner in the 21st annual by Monday [Music] 100,000 people have just given a standing ovation to Richard Petty and victory lane here today Toto Speedway let's look again at the incident that made him a winner today back straightaway there you see Cale Yarborough drawing to the inside to make his pass Donnie Allison moves down to try to run him in they touch Cale Yarborough goes out of control he slams into the side of Donnie Allison's automobile they both start to slide it looks like they're going to slide down to the bottom of the track they come up on the banking they hit again they are now out of control completely Cale still fighting still trying to gain control but the car turns around the worst thing that can happen of these arms going in they're really trying flailing away the wheels to keep this car into control but there's no hope into the wall at better than 190 miles an hour a thousand feet they slide and scrape and bang along the wall come down to the inside and then the track is open for this truly incredible finish Richard Petty and car number 43 battling Darrell Waltrip here they come to the line the photo finished camera was on the checkered flag and for a Waltrip going right down on the apron as he grappled with Richard Petty for first place but there was no stopping petty for his sixth win a man who has lost 40% of his stomach in the past two or three months who drove hurt all last year who hasn't had a win in a long time comes home the winner of the 21st annual Daytona 500 coming up next on CBS today the NBA for David Hobbs Brock Yates Ned Jarrett Mary Anne Bunch I can't Squire we've been delighted to bring you flag to fly coverage of perhaps the most amazing astonishing Daytona 500 in history
Channel: NASCAR
Views: 728,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -K-GkXe70Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 12sec (10872 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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