Full NASCAR Race Replay: 1980 Daytona 500

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ladies and gentlemen here they come again live from the world center of speed welcome to the 22nd running of the $660,000 Daytona 500 [Music] the greatest stock car race in the world is less than 12 minutes from its start the Daytona 500 we're in the control tower this is David Hobbs I'm Ken Squier the field has been augmented from 40 to 42 cars for today's race and it should be a thriller from top to bottom well the tensions really been building here this week the money the quality of the fields up and so our speeds and if you thought last year was a gripper what's this space very closely the entire field group very closely together after those 125 mile qualifiers some 80 cars tried to make the field again it's 42 that will be rolling out here this afternoon over 130,000 people have gathered to see these cars they're great drivers in their effort to win this the greatest race of them all in stock car racing brockett's is standing by with one of the key figures in last year's finish his car will start outside of row number one in today's race number one Donnie Allison Ken we're down here with Donnie as he gets strapped up and ready to a year ago the last lap one of the most memorable and exciting and perhaps most discouraging moments for you and your racing career again this year what if Donnie Allison leads it down the backstretch on the final lap what does he do well I can rock I just hope I don't get knocked out like I did last year that's it from down here Ken believe me it's going to get wild stick around Ned Jarrett is standing by with the man on the pole he's the hard luck driver of this race he's been here since 1961 trying to win it Buddy Baker know the feeling I was here for seven years trying to win this race myself but it always eluded me I came close in 1963 with a third place finish Buddy Baker what's going through your mind right now you've been here for a week in arena ketta well yeah you know this is the worst part of all right now I'm getting ready to go I got a little butterflies or what have you soon as the green flag drops it's just like anything else that's a job to do but right now anticipation hoping the car don't do what it did last year you know and this fired right on the start and I never got a chance to even participate but if it runs like it ought to I'll be seeing you over in a victory circle later on Ken he acts mighty calm there right now but I've been standing here about five minutes and he's a very nervous individual so let's wish them all well as you saw last year it was a thundering herd that had all kinds of problems there were a lot of caution flags in the race we've had a lot over the past three days Buddy Baker the man on the pole earlier had promised me the opportunity for a ride around this racetrack if he made it to the pole and so for the fourth time in his career he pulled it off second year in a row he's on the pole and as promised he gave me a ride around the Daytona track but it wasn't quite the kind of vehicle that I had had in mind I didn't realize moreover that much bigger than one in it what are your qualifications to fly this thing well I'm not very well checked out as you can see we're four-person that's a little dead but I'm thinking a little you know if you spent a little time on it you'd get it where you can hang it out a little bit in the corners buddy will this be your 500 well I'm certainly going to try because you know I've told you a hundred times that I guess all the places that I want to win at Daytona is that I've had so much our times you know just trying to finish the race but less winning it I've been very close on many occasions but I believe this year and an all-out effort I'm best prepared that I've ever been one of the most dramatic things we saw last year in the 500 was early in the guy when you fell by the wayside and I sort of get the feeling watching those pictures you were saying what is it with me that this is is not going my way it never has you know you begin to wonder if is maybe you're not supposed to win at this particular racetrack but this happens to most everybody in racing they have one racetrack they have a lot of problems they win in half but eventually I went here when a Daytona is the most important I'm still young enough I got years to do it in but I believe that this year I have the best chance I've ever had one of the gentlest of people one of the most brutal race drivers Buddy Baker on the pole and we'll see him rolling out in just a matter of moments for the start of the Daytona 500 when we return the fields should be just about set to get the command to fire the engines and 42 cars will come to life here at Daytona [Music] forty-two drivers have cinched up the seatbelts about to make war under combat conditions for $660,000 but just two hours ago these same drivers who will attempt to out drive out think out brave each other at 195 miles per hour were joined together in a far different setting a setting which is duplicated every Sunday morning prior to a Grand National race it is a most unusual flock the men who live in the fast lane who turned their garage and grimy work benches into a place of worship each race morning shared by hero and mechanical life and their spiritual leader the Reverend Hill bears only vestments are a sateen racing jacket this is a tightly knit fraternity it's really a family outfit and you know it means a lot to them I think to have have their own their own pastor their own minister and you know church on Sunday just like you know Church and any of downtown city except we're out here and they're down there this is the beginning of my second year to be with you fellows and some of you have been to almost every service and you'd listened to tentatively and you've heard every word that I've said and I preached nothing but Christ and him crucified how long 30 minutes that we spend together on Sunday morning even though we're gonna be maybe rubbing fenders at 200 miles now we're gonna be very close throughout the race that I feel like that's probably as close as we ever get is in that church services on Sunday morning [Music] our families that are told that you would watch over them most of all father help us to have the courage they want in our hearts we know Israel in Jesus I mean thank you god bless the command of fire the engines will be given in a matter of moments a crowd you see has gathered they are in their seats waiting and let's go to the control tower and now let's go down on pit road [Music] forty-two racecars to breathe life to a race director in the control tower [Music] ready to roll out to be about $17,000 rattled through than him another picture there you see Donnie Allison and there you see the camera in the car our CBS live camera again this year impressed with Betty Parsons and you're looking up there's windshield now as you get set to pull out an under Benny Parsons started a 14th position you're going to be riding right there in the car with him again today 1975 winter incident he totally adds about 20 pounds to the car finally some people question whether it's wise to have the camera in their pen is very happy with it here and there you see the immensity of the Daytona 500 approximately 100,000 130,000 have gathered here today inspectors are checking the temperature in the cars right now back in the garage area this morning mostly by heaters it is a very cool day here today David it could be rather unfortunate factor for some of these guys they don't forget these cars warmed up good and proper before they really get under speed some of the more fragile and is allowed to let go because of the extreme oil pressure so I Pete what are we looking like down there we can see the hell's down there with a blanket over the front of the racers stumping any nuts away checking all around the racetrack for your security points the different observer points before you lose theirs Baker he's been second he's been third he's been fifth he's been wrecked so many times here since 1961 trying to win this race he loves to go fast he loves this Speedway some drivers have reservations about a two and a half mile track but not Baker he said he loves to go fast I'm sure he's changed the setting of his car from the NASCAR class of last week when he had to slip off the face the car got very loose on it which is the fastest way to run but not often the easiest from the race they set them a little bit tighter to make the car easy to drive but he's sure likes going fast you're watching live the field will be taking two preliminary laps before they are given the green flag today checking with those front cars 20 arresting ages come up here there you see Richard Petty in the second row on Poseidon Neil Bonnett John have been impressive in the past five days as you saw yesterday on the CBS Sports of attack Euler he won one of the 125 mile qualifying races by about three to five feet and five cars finished less than a half second apart David well as we get racing like that today we're in for one exciting day because it's up as he twice as many cars out there and all the hot 122 Oldsmobile said there is Dale Earnhardt's a time field car with metal piping on the top tube will be isolating on Earnhardt he'll be starting back in the 32nd position 22 Oldsmobile six Buicks seven Chevrolet's for Mercury's to doctors he'd won 40 of the air came around it's unusual for them to that these cars belong as long as it's but it's obviously a very wise precaution on the cold air maybe three now they're telling the crews they must leave the cars same thing they want to get those cars good and warm before they start this race because there's nothing worse than someone splitting a transmission or a rear end out there on this track with a whole massive guard monster could be very desert temperatures 49 degrees and for these pit crews who cuddled these cars and babied them and massage them now these three thousand seven hundred pound roots come to full life and you see the moving down pit road and towards 500 miles of action recorded is still two pools his bill gas way and that is the reason for the three warm-up laps ladies and gentlemen your starting grid for this twenty second Daytona 500 front roll Buddy Baker and Donnie Allison in row two the Wood Brothers car with Neil Bonnett the 65 champion Richard Petty Row three the two-time Daytona champion Cale Yarborough and the guy from the Midwest Johnny Anderson who's been a big surprise here row for Darrell Waltrip and Jill Milliken in car 72 in row five it's Bobby Allison the former winner with a but more car and Harry Gant in row six the 1972 Daytona champion the great H a point and Lenny pond The Virginian rose 7 his Marcus at another former winner with our CBS camera number 27 Benny Parsons row 8 from the far west Portland Oregon and tie Scott the great Pennsylvania campaigner ro9 terry labonte and look how well Janet Guthrie qualified wrote at is Cecil Gordon and the Winston Western champion Ville Smith in row 11 is Kevin house B and Richard Childress in road 12 comes Don Whittington of Fort Lauderdale Florida and Bill Elliott in row 13 is JD McDuffie and Jimmy means row 14 it's Jody Ridley in the junior Donovan car in Joel poor just assigned that machine this morning in the 15th row Tommy Gale and Jim Hobart have picked up an assignment this morning row 16 his buddy Arrington out of Virginia and there's Dale Earnhardt with him in 32nd position Ronny Thomason Johnny yachtsman from Tennessee in row 17 row 18 is Bruce hill and the alfalfa farmer CooCoo Marlin from Tennessee row 19 James Hilton and Bill house week making it into the field row 20 rookie slick Johnson and Jim panned over a real veteran and out back the 21st roll is Richard Brooks and Bill Whittington the other Wittington brother in the field we should probably have a camera isolated on that back row as well to keep our eye on young bill he's a fiery driver please cale yarborough resting back in this field coming from fifth position is mental control the most important factor as the race goes on two more laps to the competition this year is going to be two so strong that you're just gonna have to run just as hard as you can possible run 500 miles and hope and hope you're at it in I don't think I really don't see any runaway whatsoever and any kind of any kind of strategy other than just flat-out all day cale yarborough that's definitely the strategy flat-out all day David I think it's gonna have to be because there's so many fast runners in there this year I make it there's about 11 probable winners and another six Possible's and they're just no one's going to be able to leave off at all four stories high 31 degree banking west end of the speedway now you see the car is going down that 3,000 foot backstretch Richard Peddie the man who's won this race more than anyone six times it's a phenomena buddy tries so hard he just seems to win here how will you win another one Richard wide open all day long did you know we were really really not running that good we're not running that bad either I guess but every race I've run down here last three or four years it's been a wide-open race and everybody runs it wide over to the kennel all day and just they don't have no trouble and a man with the less troubles when why the point the field is in the east banking now and this is the most difficult part of the track for some reason this has become accident alley just out of turn number four let's go to Ned Jarrett in the pits Ken the tires that they'll be using here today here is a cutaway of one of the tires and you can see the thickness it's very thin compared to a street tire which is about three times as thick of course the street tire is also treaded the tires they'll be racing with here today have a slick surface they need the slick surface to keep the heat down and also the thinness to keep from generating too much heat this tire has a cube inside it has a tower inside of the tire and then a cube inside of that so actuaries to three piece and the figures here today one lap to go Hugh Carter jr. their honorary starter indicating one lap to go a car in the pits number 19 this had a change of drivers bill Dennis was scheduled to go in 19 and then they changed at the last moment with that machine and it will be JD McDuffie starting the car McDuffie replacing Bill Dennis what a terrible way to start the race to go back to those ties of meds you know with a 4,000 pound car going around that banking which as you've already said four stories high 195 miles an hour all right the field is to get the green this time by $75,000 Richard now you're with Benny Parsons in the back straightaway as he prepares for the start remember now 27 the car you're at and with the starting in 14th position okay and I guarantee you he's going to give you a run around the field is midway down the backstretch next time through it that particular juncture of the track they'll be traveling in excess of 190 miles an hour talk about rush hour traffic here it comes ladies and gentlemen the Daytona 500 is instead we understand the president is watching you this is one of his favorite of that says are all the Grand National Tour events now we're going to the control tower with Bill Gassaway as he brings the field down for the start Oh turnable on 42 grand national drivers and [Music] Donnie Allison going to second Neil Bonnett in third Richard Petty is important as they exit turn to Earnhardt back during 32nd position stop through traffic will be isolating on him as he roars up through traffic back stretch remember Earnhardt started in thirty-second position and he should make a very strong over the next two laps in order from the initial start as they come around a complete lap number one you say the grid hasn't changed it just came out a lot of dust on the track you can see that's very unnerving on these only glance dust all sorts begins to move in on cars in the back he has jumped ten automobiles but the pressure is on the leader there's Earnhardt on the inside beneath Cecil Gordon my in putting back the 32nd position in the 120 qualifier bonnet is in the second Baker comes back Hamilton is the man of the point here's Benny Parsons in number 27 riding right behind bound as he hits the banking straightaway coming down by us and once again you see Donnie Allison [Music] some competition here's Baker coming to the inside to challenge Allison for the lead [Music] retakes the lead making pulling a bit of the gap out there but Donny behind him on that straight we've seen tremendous power from Donnie Allison this week he won 125 mile Pete I wouldn't say with consummate ease but he certainly made it look relatively easy if you can go number ninety four point three miles per hour at lap number two by Baker and everybody they're all in there together back to the strike maintaining the fourth position millions - 14 cars in the league track Baker breaks away by six car lengths and watch them overhaul him as they go down that 3,000 foot area behind the Lakewood [Music] working lap number four of 200 with Baker in private this car has tremendous power Waddell Wilson and company have done a tremendous job on the engines this will be a Ford's day they draft so well here in 1980 after they come to Speedway [Music] second Dale Earnhardt has now clambered into the 19th spot on his own out there temporarily he's looking for a drop up with his leading group who oversee but a tremendous drop going home look at Baker pulling away there you see the man who's out in front trying to win his first began back when this track literally began 1970 Alison's dropping way back he's jumping down to the inside on the back soon richard brooks number seven running out behind the field he's a soda guy dial n ha needs to find themselves and hammers away in second Richard Petty and third Millican to fourth than here to see Darrell Waltrip number 88 the fifth position is very time running the laps are in excess of 194 miles begins to overhaul Baker Neil Bonnett in the Wood Brothers car moves in looking for his first Daytona 500 win he pulls up Neil Bonnett scar on its own seems to be incapable of going much over 190 Rose Bunny can run 196 but in a draft and our opponent is something complete the six lap 194 to go John Anderson runs in the sixth position let's go to Brockie eggs can obviously everybody is wondering what happened to Donnie Allison I checked with Hoss Ellington his car owner and crew chief he says the car is loose is not behaving in this draft of the way it should be so Donny's just gonna try to hang in there in the hunt until the first pit stop when they can make the adjustments to put him back in I think that's one of the problem spells but bills have been having - all this week and that's where Neil Bonnett is really strong Baker's last lap 46 and 3 10 seconds 193 point 1 mile per hour average for Buddy Baker trying to hold off the field in the Daytona 500 stay with her and hard who's Dale drafting that now who is Earnhardt with now [Music] [Music] Kailas in seventh Dale's 14th now he's got he's on his own again [Music] it's at AJ and eights [Music] Janan gutter is having a heck of a race when terry labonte just the two of them right in the middle of the sort of a big gap my fifth bad idea to show her I guess [Music] [Music] [Music] we're back with you at the Daytona International Speedway where they are working the tenth lap of the Daytona 500 25 miles down 190 laps 470 miles two cars running for the lead they are it is Baker running first fourth running in the fifth position Walter than just maintaining fit Anderson holding on the sixth place AJ point is now in the seventh position cale yarborough running in tonight then comes the Allison car Bobby Allison and running out back to that pack Marcus Marcus is number 71 who was hurt yesterday here's Benny Parsons time actually [Music] that's Donnie Allison now maybe we can see how loose Donnie Allison's car is [Music] you heard the audio from in the car of any Parsons and it was floating docks the leaders completing their 11th lap would still linger on the point and Neal Bannen that's in a way it behoves these eleven leaders to just stay exactly like they are in a long line like that because they're all getting the best draft they possibly can get and pulling themselves away from any possible contenders further on down the field from the Goodyear blimp enterprise the field now and back straightaway good soldierly fashion headed for turn number three david has run to a good sell deserve a shoulder to shoulder as neil bonnett hangs right in there with buddy baker look at that great shot you can see how turn four get up in here now lift that you really could make her coming by him first bonnet in second Anderson six Yarbrough moving to seventh and falling back to eighth is AJ Boyd with ninth Bobby Allison Dave Marcus those are the front ten and they are running in a lead raft nobody able to take out of that thing except the audience Carson's car running a tad loose in the back in first ten laps average 193 for the first 10 laps 25 miles in competition number 44 Terry Labonte running in 19th position has pulled onto pit road Texas is now on pit road early in the race there we see the leaders coming up to overtake three of the slow one of whom is Lenny pawn together number 74 the car in the back of that [Music] subscribing hurt today he crashed yesterday in the sportsman grace and broke a rib me down for the finish of the sportsman 300 yesterday afternoon so he is hurting as he continues to stay with that lead pack Dale Earnhardt starting to the bar back do you have a chance to win this race starting back in 32nd position that's you know the game I'll have to play is waiting and just picking my way through the back just trying to get there quick as you can before the leaders get too far out of way from the rest of the field and just you know there's 500 mile this long way Dale Earnhardt now in 14th position there you see him right behind Donnie Allison closing round was one of his problems is if they don't have any yellow flags for a long time they come round to regular pit stops on the green they could in fact lap him we have a new leader Neil Bonnett has a soon first place buddy Baker is back to second as they continue to shuffle on the back straightaway here's another challenge for the lead it's Baker back in front Richard Petty going to second Lamar different petty strategy today that we'd seen in past 500 he's running with the leaders Terry Gannon defense the racial farms car from Connecticut making an early stop that in the 14th lap as he came in Harry Gant a good day yesterday coming second in sports than 300 but still 10 cars for the lead petty is now in second Baker is in front it's back of it out of this kind of thing in the early going but today he's right up there battling for the lead early on seeking an unprecedented 71 in this race culture 42 all Richard Peddie doesn't exactly hang around I must say that his fighting spirit is just incredible he's been doing this for 20 odd years now he never gives up credible crash here in the twin 125 races eliminating clock reporting - from the event Earnhardt is now 8 and 3 10 seconds that car number 2 of Dale Earnhardt 8 and 3 SEC 10 seconds down to the lead car now he's trying to close on Allison remember he is back in 14 and he's trying right here to pick up some positions there you see Benny Parsons he's in 11th they're the leaders [Music] [Applause] back straightaway Baker let's go to that Jared and you mentioned it back to Dave Marcus was injured yesterday and the sports been 300 we talked to him just before they rolled off of the line he says he saw her he has some injured rib Stringer's raise most physically and mentally so we'll keep around and see if it does affect his driving out there as the race goes on the top ten back to complete their 17th laps 17 laps complete on the 10 leaders and there is Earnhardt moving in and getting around Benny Parsons says he swept by three automobiles now Parsons closest ground again we're riding with Benny Parsons through the tri-oval adela has called himself up well he used this group is a pretty good group Benny Parsons and Ty Scotland Donnie Allison and dales leapfrog past all of them laid machine car number 28 Cuddy Baker trying to pull away from the field Richard Petty attempting to contain him the front 10 still riding on rails out here in the Daytona 500 [Music] boy we got off that number two at the wrong time no on the high camera not the inside camera [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in just 16 laps 40 miles Dale Earnhardt worked his way from 32nd into the 11th position now we're watching the leaders Baker in front we are running at the present time of the 19th lap 47 when they they have finished they come around this time they will have finished their working lap 20 coming down on a pit road looks like one of the leaders coming in 88 Waltrip smoke coming out of car number 88 [Music] meanwhile the leader is up and turn to now that may bring in the yellow flag and he's trouble you olive oil that could bring out a yellow flag a little hits here you see Waltrip's car put is up let's go to Brock can the hood is up as you can see I'm going to try to get over here to talk to Darryl Darryl what's the problem darrell waltrip one of the favorites to win it is now in the 20th lap fifty miles into the race and it's all over put the nygaard team today Darrell Waltrip out of action climbing out of his automobile and walking away that is a hard one this that what he wanted Darryl's had a lot of heartbreak see so nearly won the national championship last year and lost him CBS last year Jim Herbert's car number 79 is also showing some smoke as the field works in the 22nd lap 55 miles when they come around this time net jared is standing by the garage area let's go to then laughs car started losing power got weaker and weaker theirs went to a dead mist I think it might be a foul spring or something broke are they going to try to fix it they're going to check it out and see if we can hope so get as you can see Jam is still in his car hoping you can get back in the race now last year they used to change engines during the race but that's been outlawed this year in the terms for economy and so if anything's really badly wrong he's gonna be out of the race leave change here's making macaroon again averaging 194 miles per hour one hundred ninety four point eight oh five in his last lap you're watching Buddy Baker out in front complete their 23rd lap going to second spot is Cale Yarborough petty the third Neal bottom in four the line back to Brock eh can I've got zero with me now he's regained a little bit of his composure after that terrific disappointment did you have any warning at all before she blew you yeah I really did well we took the green flag I started telling me it wasn't running it's running on seven cylinders we ran the whole race last year on seven children I thought maybe we could do it again this year but wasn't ubi you know we've been down all the time we've been here ten days we haven't run well we didn't qualify well I never want to thank since I've been here I didn't run this sportsman race it's been a very very very disappointing week we're sorry better luck that Darrell said yesterday one of the competitors dropped out of the Sportster race he said that's racing and the next time someone said that to me I shall personally places talking in the back car number 30 hi Scott on pit road and that's been for a sizable time hi Scott who qualified very well and run the ran the 125 mile an exceedingly good order this year in the harry hyde car and the car is still up on the jacket has been in now for a couple of laps Earnhardt is now losing ground the leaders now 12 seconds back he was eight seconds back he sure could use a caution flight get up with that lead draft well one of his problems of course is he hasn't got a good job to use he was in fact with ty Scott and Emma going real well together now ties pulled in Dale's that down there with no job hi Scott has just come back on the track hi Scott number 30 the leaders of course have an absolutely perfect situation 67 cars they're dragging each other along and a tremendous pace and pulling away handily from the rest of meal which includes of course Dale Earnhardt and this is the big problem they're starting a long way back in these race 25 laps 62 and a half miles complete 170 tries to anyway Kaleigh armor-all hangs right there with him now Yarbrough moved up to the slingshot and hammers right edge another guy who's absolutely desperate big yellow flag at the caution will be Donnie Allison to try and get that car of his squared away as the leaders come I Neil Bonnett hangs on the back of the draft and then it's a few feet back to the port place on the other front for our break here you see that quartet domina turn number one and they have finally off some lap cars some three [Music] down as this race goes on and naturally those behind will try to get right back up in that choo-choo train what they really want to do is get it down to just two nothing would suit buddy make it better than to just be with him and say Donnie Allison changeably car number 28 Baker on the high side goes back around the second place car car number 11 Cale Yarborough petty hanging in cars Baker nosing his way through the lapped machinery and comes back to the tri-oval another 27 laps dick Brooks and Terry Labonte just before I lap down there as they worked the 28 flap we go back to ninja tant a Scot was running in the top five before he made an unscheduled pit stop lost a cylinder he thought Paulie was in they changed all four tires they're keeping it they're going back under the hood it could be out of a portrait long way I grew going back to work on Scott as the leaders come around to complete the 28th lap in the 22nd run into the Daytona 500 70 miles completed 430 to go and yet to see continues the Buddy Baker can he do it after all those years of trying finally have one go his way in the greatest stock car race of them all [Music] yeah we do just back of it they've dropped that alarmingly I can't understand how there's something got so far back there's 51 in here who's up within a scripture Milliken isn't it yeah Celtic Seattle game [Music] [Music] [Music] bruce'll has just pitted car number 50 as we work to 29 a gala McKeesport Pennsylvania 64 car he's coming back on the track as well the lead pack of four cars you see them working there number one thank you still in front yard and second petty in third Neal for and we have a good battle John Anderson is crawling out into mode a little further back and then a good battle for 6th position with AJ Foyt stomping on about his hamon own and trying to stay in this hunt along with Dave Marcus and there you see that battle there's the blue car of Marcus now around AJ Foyt and Joe Millikan's in that group as well they're having a good race but they seem that lost about six seconds on the leaders suddenly I mean they must have got caught up in traffic somewhere lost the draft and that's what happened that's what's happened amoral Dale Earnhardt of course he's still out there somewhere leaders coming down into turn one still maker in flight they're willing to let him run out front Cale Yarborough who's won this race in 1968 and 1977 tried again there you see Cecil Gordon's car on pit road originally from Porsche North Carolina now out of Roanoke Rapids Cecil Gordon in the pits fire change so Baker continues to hold off Cale Yarborough and he stays right there with him the fourth position is still Neil Bonnett a very solid competitor here all week long front four is the car of Richard Brooks a lap car as well as Terry the unscheduled pit stop John Anderson is qualit backing up into fifth position goes Dave Marcus HJ point is now in six in that battle the second squabble on the racetrack coming up later today it's the Boston Celtics against Seattle that ought to be some humdinger of an NBA contest today as Larry Bird will be action with the Celtics don't miss it again what is gonna be exciting in about eight laps or maybe a hair less maybe somewhere between six to ten we're gonna have some degree of accident at 30 laps 75 miles we had a new track record of 196 87 miles per hour 190 3.6 87 that's really humming the old mark was 182 that had some cautions by them AJ Foyt's pulling over to the side he Sloane AJ pointed out of that group racing Pacific problems on AJ Foyt's automobile named Marcus runs a sound v with his car number 71 and going to sixes Jill hillock and Johnny Anderson is now in seventh Anderson has really been impressive he's been here three times before at Daytona but running the modified race where he's been on the pole on two occasions he's putting on a good show this week he's been consistently fast in qualifying Barney City 21 one of the four hot contenders comes in on the 34th lap this should be a scheduled stop and watch the choreography as they [Music] [Music] they change the right-side tires and fill it up with gasoline about 14 or 15 seconds Bobby Allison is also on J running very slowly in the back straightaway AJ used up three engines just trying to qualify for this race it has not been a good 1980 Daytona 500 for super techs AJ Foyt Allison is coming back on the track being pushed away by the more crew from you see Kevin house be coming out of pit road let's see car number 28 the lead automobile is now on pit road Racine carrée Rainier comes to a stop and the water Wilson through his over the wall meanwhile cale yarborough picks up the lead number 11 Yarborough is in front with Richard Petty and second in his pit stop time Reddick so Millikan's in the face there's the pitstop on body baker's car 1/2 seconds and he's underway [Music] Donnie Allison we'll be doing some adjustments on his car so his pitstop maybe just a little bit longer somebody no Millican coming in AJ Foyt struggling to get on pit road the car [Music] cale yarborough is in there's Benny Parsons in and here he comes back on the track and already you can see that windshield and they say AJ may be out of gas AJ point has not had an engine cave-in but he may be Richard his new car tire rubbing on the left side Richard Petty back straightaway Boyd on pit road going to work let's go to Brock Brock Higgs Jen we're in the pen with AJ I'll tell you that is one angry man he ran out of gas he's got the engine started now they've changed the outside tires AJ caution on the Speedway there's been a crash in turn two a caution coming out midst these midst off that's a break for some on unhappiness for others as Richard Petty is coming in believe Richard Petty's luck at Daytona Speedway give him a lap on the field just like that here's Richard Petty back on the track he had come on pit road he's just slowing down on the radio they said hustle get yourself out there and get back on the Speedway so petty is out we're getting a report now on what has happened in turn number two for you Don Whittington takes a I think we can see right now what developed up there which has brought out the first caution of the day which happened in the 35th lap two cars breaking away looked like someone may have lost an engine that gentleman's Chuck bound for Shore the Portland Oregon runner former Western Champion and the other car was Kevin House be Kevin House be his father is a truck dealer on in Ohio and has brought cars down here for years the Drake University student in car number eight having trouble up there on the west banking along with Chuck Bown and those two cars are mounted and it creates the first caution period of the afternoon the field is now working in the 37th lap 92 and a half miles are down 400 seven and a half to go 163 laps remaining Lena's coming around house because all right because he justifies drove by here look like truck bounce car might have been in contact through the law we'll look at that again in a moment as car number 68 the Jim testa car was spinning careening through turn number 2 now buddy Baker's number 28 is in for left side tires on pit road and the number 17 car which was scheduled for Roger Hamby and given to Don Whittington this morning is on pit road years Baker and his crew side tire change and apparently a problem on the rear tire little problem getting the wood cuts off on the rear tire or tightening them up be more proper let's go to blockades can the problem was an impact wrench that the compressed air wrench that they used to take these lug nuts off didn't operate so they had to make a quick change and of course they lost a couple of precious seconds not quite so important under the yellow situation that we have now under caution would have been a disaster on the green pit stop which of course he's already made one that could give Richard Petty as I say a hole that lead at 30 laps and 30 laps in the race 75 miles here's penny now pitting we had a new record of 190 3.6 miles per hour let's go to Ned Jarrett but Richard Peddie came here just a moment ago with that talk coming out in he had already committed himself to come down pit road they're going to change all four tires now that they're doing it under the caution period is true as something as you said that it did pick up the left push to wait on the NASCAR pick up a lamp I Mostafa my fate there's under room that is away changing all four tires all four tires mind you taking on a bank of fuel in 30 and six 10 seconds we'll be back with more live coverage of the Daytona 500 after this word from your local station [Music] [Music] we got a feature we can run [Music] one to go I'm undergo next time.bye no time for feature [Music] [Music] [Music] 39 laps are complete they're working the 40th lap when they come by this time they will have completed the first 100 of the Daytona 500 miles in this twenty second go and they'll be getting green when they come around this time with David Hobbs I'm Ken Squier in the control tower here they told International Speedway and down to the pits Ned Jarrett ROC Yates bringing to the action live and complete of this the classic of American stock car racing the leader as we prepare for this race to go back to green will be our CBS camera car Benny Parsons will have appropriated first place going into second listener into second position will be car number 28 Buddy Baker will be riding in second spot with a third position Donnie Allison was having trouble earlier got that car already the windshield is scattered out there the first 100 miles of competition of his battling is one thing the other problem is they get scratched very badly from this sand around here and it gradually shot beans the windscreens by the end of the afternoon that very difficult in Seattle coming down for the start and we're going to start to race you're riding with Benny Parsons as he picks up speed in the 31 degree banking it comes down and Buddy Baker is pulling bias the green flag comes out Baker screaming down Joe Milliken roars through pace car is off Parsons crawling back to fifth position six position on the start did not gain a laugh he simply stayed in the lap of the leaders and their reporting 227 Parsons was running on so with that move Parsons has now gone one lap down one car stopped slowing one car slowing just at the exit of pit road working the 42nd lap and we have a car down at 105 miles leaders are in the back straightaway as you see is in second Richard penny back and forth that third spot is Jo Milliken and now in the third host Neil body and the caution flag is coming out they are racing to the flag back to the flag and another caution trying to haidle its way down it's Jim Vandiver then to verse number 89 in trouble going to turn number one [Music] Jim Vandiver having trouble again at the Daytona 500 he's tried a lot of times out here is a good race driver but this one has never been very lucky for him he's been here since 1971 he was third here in 1972 but he will be a far back DNF did not finish in this 22nd running of the 500 Jim bandura's car getting an assist so that record at 30 miles looks pretty good but the record 440 drops back to 170 point 5 35 miles per hour there's Jim Bandemer of Charlotte North Carolina his sister is a very good driver and she has been driving in the International sedan series the car takes a little life here and on its own begins to putter around down an apron of the track so we are under caution for the second time and it should be a very short run perhaps just a lap and we'll be back underway here of the Daytona 500 can we get a strategy piece when we come back [Music] what was the record at 40 before [Music] [Music] one flap and they're gonna go as the field works the 44th lap completing the 100 mile as they come by this time Jim Vandiver has come around the track into the pits car number 89 which has brought out the second caution of the day just a lap or two after he had come up to a green flag condition again one lap and they will be racing house keys car number eight coming on pit road and Richard Childress made a pit-stop of a difference or during the last caution period you can see the damage to this windshield he had to change it it has a new one in there now and they did it under caution without losing a left but they don't expect to do that before they start but they are prepared to do it just in case there's a tremendous amount of pressure wind pressure on the windshield but something hit he is coming off with another car or either picking up a rock that cracked it and once the crack was there the pressure just bursted it open the Childress car is running back in 25th position he is running a couple of laps down and he abused that car took feel getting ready on a restart it just shows the bakeries of NASCAR racing the poor already pastors with our camera board lost the lap on all that bit stop with the green and the other business he just made a slightly line for stopping the other guys on green yellow came out as they line up buddy Baker will be in front cale yarborough and second Neil Bonnett will be in third Joel Milliken in fourth Richard Petty in fifth the Daytona 500 worth darn near $700,000 this year field is in the back straightaway getting ready to come around to take green another run to lose out in that shuffle of course was Dave Marcus who's driving out here today with a broken rib so he's an extreme pain anyway now he'll be an extreme mental pain having lost the lap again under that green it's not business car number 90 Jolie Ridley is a lap car down on the inside the fast cars on the high side and there you see car number 27 Benny Parsons does that camera in the car bother you Benny we asked him about that a little earlier and here's what the man would the CBS camera said I don't even know he's there you know I may be much to go for a ride that's fine but I really don't pay any attention to him and I don't have to flip any switches or do anything else so he just going along for a ride and he don't bother [Music] Benny Parsons in card number 27 and there he is you are number one that's the field assaults the high banks of the Western what is very significant here is that Dale Earnhardt who started in 32nd place did not lose a lot in seventh spot and in fact is in that leading group right there from thirty second up to seven boy he's really had his work [Music] to draft with but now he's with the leaders and there you see Baker back to the front cale yarborough right behind him and these two trying to make a break on the field there's Neal Bannen in third spot he dropped and passed these two to win one of the hundred twenty-five mile he's but they're making a break to car drop just look how close together they are but the more that following bunch race amongst himself the Dale Earnhardt ghost of it the now there is a distinct break there are the two leaders and now here's Richard Petty and Earnhardt fighting it out and moving up his Earnhardt he is now fighting his way as you say he is fifth position he is going for fourth on the back straightaway Bernhardt trying to close some ground the leaders have drawn away by about three seconds Neil Bonnett leads the third position group right behind him is Joe Milliken Earnhardt rides in fifth Richard Petty is in six as we follow this second battle on the speedway down they come they are the leaders and there you see the interval between the first two cars and then in third Neil Bonnett Joe Milliken pork Richard Petty and six and another caution is out another caution is out there is debris on the back straightaway after a flawless start with no mr. Report thus far we've had three cautions the major crumpet of the day was Chuck Bown Zephyr to number 68 when its spot in turn number 2 but since then it's been minor matters that have brought out the caution flag David up to lap 30 we had an absolutely shattering speed of 193 on Mazda now that is the Richard portes car coming in as Marilyn Drake to somebody Richard Brooks his in with his brand-new machine observers report the fact bumper showing oil on the O 5 car as well the s lick car so he must have done something pretty hard apparently brushing the wall Dale Earnhardt in car two with the new superstar of racing if you wonder how a driver who just two years ago was scrimping along is now a six-figure year five year contract driver listen to this from Dale Earnhardt you should listen to the race on the radio your home and listen to Richard Petty and kill and those guys racing and dream about being there someday myself and wonder what it'd be like now I know and racing guys that's great super ain't nothing like going faster Daytona you don't have to you don't have to worry about letting off of cracking and gas you just go and it's just the biggest thrill I've ever had relax I can get get around the racetrack and if I've got any other troubles in life or or anything I don't think just racing that's it I can I can have all kind of problems and people say what doesn't bother you on the racetrack you think about all mister I think about beating the guy in front of me or behind me why would you want to do something that you know darn well could turn around and bite you could kill you I'd never want them do anything else I never ever wanted anything as much they want racing or enjoy it or like it or would give up most anything in life to have it you know why I didn't read in me I reckon I think racing that's all the things I have let it get in my way of personal failings a lot of time and I've chose racing every time any question what you're gonna win this Daytona 500 I think we got a 99% chance of winning you know cause the team's pumped up right now the car looks so good everybody's got everything together so well if I can just put put it together on the racetrack I think we're we're got a good chance the Dale Earnhardt definition of commitment has brought him from 32nd position to battle with the leaders right up in front David a lot of hitting taking place right here bill Schmidt is in Johnny Anderson is on pit road the wood eatin Tommy gales car is in a lot of folks taking on many of Myers so we get ready to go would a little traffic jam there's bill Whittington number 40 back to net Jared I'm standing by with jr. Johnson a Hall of Fame member who won 50 grand national races himself of course he owns the car the Cale Yarborough drives now Jr you changed the engine in kales car this morning before you came out did you have any anxious moments at the start of the race that maybe it might not perform right well yeah Ned when you go to change an engine you have to do it off a lot of unhooking and hooking up the only thing we're kind of worried about is we got everything hooked up and it looks like right now you know we're in pretty good shape they changed that engine Kym because in practice yesterday afternoon the one they had in it was not performing wipe the way they wanted it they felt the one that put in there now would be the one that would get the job done and it looks like it's working for them jr. Johnson who won this race in 1960 himself and his cars have won it again in 69 with Leroy Yarborough in 1977 with Cale Yarborough assist changing engines can be a mixed blessing because Benny Parsons took out his rough engine 22 AJ point hood qualified at the higher speed let's go to the control tower [Music] [Music] once again as they enter the 51st lap here is Neil Bonnett tucking to the inside [Music] trying to get beneath Dave Marcus who in those pit stops had found himself up in front driving her today after he crashed on taxi medallion yesterday back straightaway bonnet in first Marcus is now in second and the field is there's your leader Neal the youngest member of the Alabama game out of Hueytown Alabama driving for the Wood Brothers and what a superstar he's going to make in years to come the Alison's car number one is in that back but he has been shown as a lap down the AJ point car is also up in that muddle he is down after here out here how would you like to be on his pit crew after today's race David to school boys just changing it was showing Richard Childress is third but we believe two laps down up to third goes in fact general Malika the young guy who was raced right to the wireless here with Dale Earnhardt the Rookie of the Year honors new leader there's Mark Mustafa slide hurt or not he's back in front well you know how tough it is with a broken rib well here he is back in the lead Richard Petty going to second [Music] I think in fact that Paul Dave Marcus is in fact a lap down really hero is coming back into the trial but again with the vagaries of stock car racing with NASCAR stock car racing he must stay over that much there's another course [Music] the 50-lap rundown he was being shown in the lead lap number 71 but he is being shown on the tail end of the lead lap so those two have just put him a lap down he was indeed running in ninth position the tail end of the front running left they have marked him down as the leader markeson 71 there's a J in there and there you see Earnhardt the number two of the blue and yellow car just behind Richard Petty's number 43 out of that accident Ali turned for area it still Neil Bonnett lead is actually Richard Petty and race the third position is Dale Earnhardt and here comes Buddy Baker out of the inside trying to make that number 28 handle Buddy Baker trying to wind his way through the piece 500 is bonnet goes for his first win [Music] look at Baker go bye everybody yeah fine [Music] [Music] seven [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] buddy Baker's last lap in the lead of 192 point seven one nine miles per hour eight cars in the lead draft some of them are lap down Cale Yarborough hangs right in there with Neil Bonnett they are now working the 57th lap when they come by they'll have completed 140 two and a half miles 357 five this Daytona 500 live on CBS buddy baker still up in front [Music] very tight draft Neil Bonnett pulls up and now Dale Earnhardt clearly into third Buddy Baker dropping to floor the Obama's been running strong living all that paper and dust come up with those cars rush up to the wall and squeeze up laying in the bed the 17 car comes back out Don Whittington from Fort Lauderdale back on the track buddy baker pull away down he has come from fifth up to lead and then falling back to fifth here in the matter of a commercial here's Neil Bonnett McNally here comes Earnhardt into second this is the highest Earnhardt is one today with a rod Osterlund car from California to the crew chief along with JCL there and what a job ernhardt just signing a five-year contract six figures annually the chauffeur's back to the tri-oval you have the two Young Turks of Grand National racing up in the lead story is Dale Earnhardt this race last year his total earnings of NASCAR racing was 26 thousand is up to nearly 300 now Bernhard old Santa's hippie watched let's see if you'll take a shot at him right here there they go into the back straightaway Earnhardt perhaps first place when they enter turn three he drops it down a little comes to the inside Baker is down the inside back there in the fourth position inside of Calliope or [Music] until a second apart as they blast bite over 190 miles per hour report is showing some smoke number one Alison's car the observers are digital maybe losing an engine and they say now that making tire smoke drops down inside pulls up goes for the lead Earnhardt is taking the lead in the 59th lap in actually in the 60th lap we're working 150 miles complete when we come by this time in the new leader the first going to second Cale Yarborough third Buddy Baker and Gordon teal bottom we go to Brockie eggs with Waddell Wilson buddy Baker's brilliant crew chief an engine builder what else he seems to be the fastest men in the racetrack at the present time although he's sitting back in third is that part of the strategy [Music] that's what's really gonna count is just making sure that we can is the wind bothering him at all well he hasn't complained about the wind although it's picked up considerably to what it was when we first started to write okay Taliaferro goes back in front Yarbrough again a new leader with a second place as they continue to swap around the 500 jr. Johnson's crew back out in front jr. looking for his fourth 500 win third you can see those arms twitching away those wheels there they got 500 miles of that this is a tough race with 61 laps complete seven cars have officially retired Harry Gant Jim Hobart and Richard crooks have retired from the 22nd running of the Daytona 500 leaders Yarborough first ernhardt second and from the inside of the track here they come by the multitudes here at the Daytona 500 [Music] into the first turn and it's still a pretty strong draft you see bonnet and fourth Richard Petty hanging on and fifth a lap car in between them which is today Marcus on absolutely scraping down that wall there's a bit of a bump going in there and it tends to throw the cars on fire there we see [Music] a very fast car and a tough driver Richard Petty and Bobby Allison fighting for fifth position right behind Neil Bonnett Richard Petty with those familiar petty colors and his sponsors livery in comes Allison Bobby Allison who is a truly strong contender to win this race 50 that bud more car in the Bonnet Carre 125 mile races on Thursday in which climate won a race and Allyson looked like he was just kind of on Sunday let's go to that Jared the garage area can with two disappointed drivers Joe Milliken one of the top rookie candidates last year is out of it Joe what happened your car well Ned you know the car was running real good and was comfortable and everything and it just locked up the motor tightened up on the thing and standing masada Joe is big Brooks who started in the rear and had made a good run up towards the front Nick what happened to you we just exploded a brake rotor and didn't have any brakes and then on a restart I got on the outside of a car and when he come up I couldn't stop and I scraped a wall and I guess we've bent the rear end up pretty bad because they won't I can't steer it okay so both of them out of the race and you can see the disappointment the late the late trio just averaged 46.2 for time one hundred ninety four point eight oh five four miles per hour on the last lap for those front three cars and we're following them all the way around the speedway to give you the perspective of this two and a half mile track here you see the lead car down on the east end of the Speedway down to that very tricky fourth turn area into the trial Kaylin first ernhardt and second Baker in third-wheeling by the crowd into turn number 123 fourth place car just behind of his number 20 watt Neil Bonnett and then comes petty Dale Earnhardt really goes high there trees around this two-and-a-half mile Speedway it's 65 laps down 162 and a half miles seven miles to go in this Daytona 500 [Music] no we're fine I think we better AJ Foyt is back in the pits let's see if we can't get that second place battle that is a big interval between the first battle in the second battle yeah [Music] Alice key [Music] okay [Music] it's broken up into three groups because Marcus Neil Bonnett have got left out on their own they're running before but behind them as rigid and Bobby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as the race unravels here at Daytona through its 69th lap 172 and a half miles complete when they come by the line this time it is Dale Earnhardt who started 32nd now in the lead in that second spot the armor altered is Buddy Baker the Donnie Allison car has been shortened Allison's car just in front of Richard Petty's number 43 that his car has fallen back to six spot NASCAR officials have notified Hoss Ellington but there is more smoke coming gets any worse building in AJ Boyd is back in the pits number 51 AJ point is back on pit road Johnny Hut's been also kidding in the back straightaway the front three less than a heartbeat apart car number two is being challenged Yarborough the inside maybe listen to heartbeat apart there's a few heartbeats complete going on out there I'm tired this is close stuff and you're going to have great confidence in yourself and the guys you race against as they come around a complete 70 laps the leader is Yarborough is on it mixing it up in there [Music] with a Gilmore Racing college [Music] nail kale and buddy had pulled away from Dave Marcus and Bob Neil Bonnett but they seem to pull themselves back in there now we shall greatly one car up Dave Marcus the driver with a broken rib that is showing forth on your picture is running a lap down he is shown in ninth position Donny brother Dave Marcus in the number 71 car let's go to report on Donnie Allison Scott [Applause] [Music] it doesn't look like this is going to be Donnie Allison's day he always already stopped the mix of suspension changes and now he's smoking Collington his crew chief says that it's probably the oil pan they may be able to make the repair but certainly it's going to put them way down in the standings by the time they get it fixed they would be looking for a caution here well be looking for a caution because there we see Donnie Allison but Richard Petty will be radiating to his pits to tell them to tell the officials to get him off there because that oil could well be going on Richards windscreen which would make life doubly difficult for him plus he's losing ground on that leading Bunch 72 laps complete this time by 180 miles finished in the Daytona 500 with Cale Yarborough seeking his third win staying in front burner in second and then holding on the third is Buddy Baker there is Bill Whittington card 442 DK already coming back the only time he has spot on just about every point of the track getting used to this thing but nothing has bothered his determination to get out here and run this race one of the Whittington brothers of Fort Lauderdale he's been out of time for the last ten minutes so he must be way down now leaders tyke trout Yarborough in first and second here's your Earnhardt coming to the inside talked about racing being his blood that's for sure true with him his dad Ralph Earnhardt [Music] he doesn't have a heart he has a rotary mouth in there now here he is in second place doing the thing he loves anything in life Buddy Baker they tried to get that back market between them and Buddy Baker which as far as here Cale Yarborough's concerned if we just fine and dandy if they could be left on their own to be terrific sixty-eight mile an hour average is not a record independence 70 lap we've had three cautions close to it stands at one sixty eight one three four to get back up into record time here they just keep up take up a few ball that's over 190 miles now speed up Ned Jarrett dick hunterson who's a former driver and a former winner himself on several racetracks dick what's happening with AJ's car Ned we got a VAD by vibration I believe we're going to add the bargain it's not in the tire five line someplace they've changed all the tires trying to find that batteries but just haven't been able to do so one of the things that gets out of shape at this high speed sustain high speed mr. drive lines if they're out of balance they vibrate themselves apart and of course that's very disaster spent the drive sharp pops off the car we understand there's a windshield problem now on Benny Parsons car our camera a windshield problem kind of car and we'll have a report from that car just a bit later right now we have five laps complete miles down and there you see the congestion into turn number one freerunning just in front of the pack as they go through the corner [Music] meanwhile Bobby Allison continues to school in the sixth position gradually losing touch with the leading Bunch mr. beginning mr. pendick I would say pretty come tonight there are three cautions and here's H a point retiring his car I'm a red blur that flash was him back into the garage area now who wants to go interview AJ today yeah we'll send them send me AJ's been campaigning long enough to know when he's beat that cars by braising miles down Kaylee Auburn with the lead it is still Dale Earnhardt running second puddy Baker is in third Neil Bonnett is in fourth as we look at it from the Goodyear blimp Enterprise out of Pompano Beach Florida that's the newest airship in the world getting those pictures for us the pilot captain Patrick Henry from Parsons West Virginia Jorge nadir our cameraman onboard the Goodyear blimp enterprise today as the field wheels up into the banking another time now you see how tight turned more is truly a mad merry-go-round you think of those short tracks up in the Pennsylvania's or out in the Midwest they run the banking like in Dayton huh I'm banking here that'll really throw your mind up into your throat that's bill Whittington's car back in the pits again he's up as he got serious motor trouble he's too far down now to be a contender in this race at all several easy Ives complete 195 miles for skyline you'll be very disappointed but I can tell you one thing he'll certainly be back later in traffic his way past cuddly Richard Childress cars they mop into the east end of the Speedway and Jodi Ridley dirty ridden is another Lenny pond down on the inside of the yellow car the leaders whip down into that tri-oval more cars still mesh together out there yeah only one repeater in that worst group this could be a day for a new face - grace victory lane here at Daytona Donnie Adelson still smoking up here in the East Banking wonder why penny hangs on why does move around him David 4:27 Benny Parsons is pitting had his windshield tech and take on right-side tires and the jar burro Earnhardt and Baker for the first spots in the Daytona 500 [Music] [Music] help very slow the trial [Music] [Music] [Music] Petie is pity and so is bonnet [Music] as the field works in the 80 first lap 205 James Hill was running swore lay down on the bottom of the track Cochran down here on pit road you see Neil Bonnett in and Richard Petty fighting their way back up [Applause] stop Petie away Neil Bonnett away leaders coming down in a turn for look the mall bit action now [Music] in 2nd bakery in 3rd here's net Jared weird ending by Bill Willingham bill what's wrong [Music] head gasket all right we're gonna go back out try it might be a head gasket hope willing road-racing the cylinder can and they don't know they're fine to problem or not and the windshields pretty well taped up on that car too they've had some problems today bill and don't worry you can haven't been in racing long but they were forts enough to win the Lamont 24-hour race in last year so they've got some good credentials car number 21 going down a lap as you see the leaders overhauling them but those leaders left to come in and hit in just a moment here's Petty going to lap down as closing on the Cale Yarborough and Dale Earnhardt but those gentlemen have yet to come in and take on fuel and tires Donnie Allison still huffing and puffing his way around vo in the eighty third lap two hundred seven and a half miles of the Daytona 500 completed with cale yarborough in-kwon and Dale Earnhardt doing an outstanding job as he did a year ago running in that second spot Bobby Allison now pitting the Warner Hudson car crew gets him out in fine shape very close to the end of pit road where they pit that button [Music] with the report on Bobby Allison here's Brock Yates Ken I'm in the Donnie Allison fit the other brother from the Alabama gang and he's got some problems it's an oil pan leak as we speculated earlier he made his pass Ellington had a look he says he's got 11 quarts on board in that dry sump system so that should be enough he says we'll be all right as long as they don't get too bad with n black flag car number 52 is coming down pit road Jimmy sweat beans out of Huntsville Alabama making his pit stop here and here is Donnie Allison coming in correction [Music] like Johnson a rookie driver out of Florence South Carolina we might be seen these the end of the summer looks like kale make them in here for sure Earnhardt is down on the bottom side Earnhardt is coming in Earnhardt is in and all three of those leaders are going make the racing wheel the wheel with Cale Yarborough down pit road racing in pit lane erasing into the warning [Music] watch this pitch down from top to bottom [Music] once again one of the Whittington cars coming in there's the Baker through at work [Music] when he came in there up to fifteen sixteen they should be done off the jacket eighteen nine not the quickest top we've seen that crew may the leader fail the automated terrible spell twenty five and a half seconds he's having trouble getting out of the pits as well maybe kales got transmission trouble here's kill Yarborough trying to get that beeping on the wheel swearing just pulling yourself now this is way he could lose a draft right there if Baker and Earnhardt hook up now the arm is going to be out of the 85 laps complete and picking up on first place some new people presumably these two will having pitted early get an opportunity to go back out in front heel bonnet and Richard Petty [Music] puts himself right flat back in the middle of things as he hangs on 4:21 they've done a good job going Richard got a bit out of things that when he was drafting with them Donnie Allison but now he's back with a good drop with Neil pollination Pope cells into the lead let's find out Warriors with cale yarborough David right on the nose honey we have some technical problems in here from Ned Jarrett location down on pit road we'll be getting back with him a bit later meanwhile with 85 laps complete 86 to complete 215 this time the lead is belonging to car number 15 buddy having pitted all at the same time 15 is still out there and because he pitted first they're reporting 15 as running the number one spot that would be the Bobby Allison machine Allisyn join as your lead car coming to the start/finish line right now [Music] at 28 are back in there again running very very close trying to close up on the leader number 15 Bobby Allison high gear only has high gear this pit stop competition here today as the competition on the track were some $60,000 grand national tour and in the first three stops [Music] and at forty two and ten seconds faster than they Donnie Allison through and faster than the Dale Earnhardt crew Allyson is in front Bobby Allison with that Ford products face lead now or mercury car has the advantage but it is rapidly being diminished as far 428 buddy wolves end there is your leader number 15 Alison and here come those three cars directly behind him trying to close in there you see number 28 and then the rest of the field and they have closed the breach as they move down the back straightaway here's Alison being challenged and Baker is again taking the lead with him comes car number two Earnhardt is back into second position another time Vega has exhibited tremendous speed for the last two weeks Justin [Music] I've around anybody which is a very very confidence giving feeling since 1960 Rhonda when it's was never gone his way but thus far it looks like he is going to be one of the real contenders comes out at lap 199 we are now running in the 89th level two hundred twenty two and a half miles completed in the Daytona 500 Baker in front burn mark that's the second Allyson mean Sheldon third with a four spot Neil Bonnett and fifth is Richard Petty after they epitome [Music] Dale Earnhardt pits at the president I miss Brock eh I'm here when a crew chief on the Dale Earnhardt car and he says that things are just behind the wheel he's great Annie he sure is [Music] down here right now bill Weddington 'he's number 40 is being pushed back behind the wall number 40 is coming out of the race one of the Whittington brothers retired the DK Ulrich car we have eleven retirees from the race and I'll review them for you again at this time Harry Gant is out in the race hill farms entry buddy Arrington with his own car out of Virginia Darrell Waltrip the dye guard team ties Scott with the hairy hide crew Chuck Bown the car is out Jim Richard silicon AJ point Jonnie excellent and Bill Whittington has now the tire as we moved to 100 laps laughs complete this time 225 front three in the back stretch another time [Music] ernhardt today that makeup he's done and then playing this very cautious game what's terrific don't forget later today against Boston the Celtics against the Seattle SuperSonics here on CBS the top basketball action in the world the end later today Boston go out at the top of East and West here today on CBS later [Music] while the front three cars seem to get an interval here David they're developing just a bit of an advantage over crime one Neil Bonnett and we'll check that interval between third and fourth see just how these cars are deployed in seconds around the racetrack and a second in the pit on the track the difference 276 feet per second that they spend anywhere besides in quietly these sort of speeds of course that's why the pit stops are so important NASCAR is real true team sport you've got something up to there maybe 12 or 13 pit stops another mile race and he's got a run everything just dead on it's not just the driver eight seconds on neil bonnett and Richard many who are lying in more business and they'll never pull that back on the road the only way they can do it is in pitstop [Music] opportunity of sitting interval in just a moment there you see the number 20 car 21 carbine forty-three that's petty just behind Neil Bonnett as they run up in the banking [Music] lead pack is running consistent laps at forty six and four tenths of a second they're turning this two and a half mile track at an average speed of 193 point nine miles per hour and we have a new record at 90 laps complete five hundred two hundred twenty-five miles the average speed is 171 point five seven four miles per hour and there you see the internal team at the leadership going into turn number one back in 4th and 5th just going to the tri-oval and now marina and Richard Petty number 47 is going back on the track Harry Gant has just come back on the track he was the first car to leave the race they worked on the car for a considerable time they can't change engines remember those incredible 15-minute engine changes those are no more he's had about a 45-minute midst onset seems draw the point this to me to go back but there it is so the night ona 500 has three cars that lead pack dicing for the line and we'll be back with more live coverage nearly 500 for this word from your local station [Music] more live coverage of the Daytona after this word from your local [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe I need something else [Music] at 90 labs 225 miles we have a new race record at 225 the new record belongs to moneymaker at an average speed of 170 1.57 for or breaking a record which has stood since 1966 when Paul Goldsmith at the mark at 165 point six one oh so it looks like we're in for record-breaking speed here today in the 589 certainly all winding it up and if they keep up these lap speeds that speeds gonna go up and up and up in front car number 28 with the advantage it is Buddy Baker in front Dale Earnhardt in second the third place car is Alison and now you see the fourth place machine as they struggle around the Speedway that is number 21 holding on to the fourth position Neal Bannen myth is Richard Petty Ned Jarrett is with Junior Johnson life Jr what went wrong when Cale came into the pits and went out so slow well I guess the thing something's happened to transmission see the jam to synchronizers or something the it's only in high gear does not affect the car once he gets his speed up but stopping under the green with that kind of a problem [Music] and so the Daytona two-time champion cale yarborough is running back in sixth place on the end of the lead lap as we approach 100 laps of competition the halfway juncture of the event Baker and Earnhardt an advantage now nine and three tenths of a second second back of automobiles suddenly garbs a 10-point for those two leaders are sending a cracking face and the other just can't maintain it they graduate Bing are they crazy pulling away from mommy alice is running a lonely vigil in third spot with no one around until either help it you know around the hill making any ground unless the show in seventh position going to eight is Donnie Allison and there you see the car number 27 Benny Parsons isn't actually that dirty on a race car well it gets very dirty Costa lenses only got one eye so you can see just a little bit better than when you're in there but they get pretty guns up as the day goes on the 9th position is day markers number 7 number 27 with the CPS camera buddy Parsons those are the front ten and six cars continue to run the lead lap and these two as we come to the halfway point next time by our setting incredible speeds [Music] breaking all the records now all the records from 100 laps on this racetrack are held by and they are going to be ripped apart by this pair here neither one having won the Daytona 500 or and they are now trapped in lap cars money problems inside Bill Elliott on the inside we're all passing flag is out here's Baker dropping to the inside halfway moon former sign is given simultaneously like pushing those lap cars out of the way in the cross flags it's really the responsibility of those slower guards to stay low on the tracking around the pass cars to go on the high side you'll see there yellow side when the drivers not paying full attention this he gives up the one car doesn't realize there's another one there and tries to help the last guy who's because that can be disasters has mr. artifact there is Earnhardt just in front of the Betty Parsons car Parsons running a lap down there you see those two leaders just up in front of our camera car and there you see Parsons he's only about three car lengths for most leaders as they go through the car those two leaders are neighbors up on Lake Norman they'll be going fishing together come Tuesday but right now they're banging in the $75,000 numero-uno amount for this event well one up we'll be able to buy lots of drinks up they've been fishing boats right and there is the other battle that is the scramble for fourth with Neil Bonnett number 21 leading Richard Petty in the fifth position that's John Anderson in net he's a lap down but he has shown a very very good track since this whole week he's done very very well car number 33 obviously going to be a bright young home in NASCAR racing Anderson wanna race the Ohio driver at Talladega on the 2.6 mile track and as I mentioned earlier he was on the pole for tuning friday modified races here in speed weeks at Daytona on past occasions this is actually as performance here he's another leader intently he's another contender for Augie of the Year honors thus far we caution they all mustard and then after that free sailing for these competitors with Baker still in flight Earnhardt just holding on cagey guy for a relative youngster Earnhardt has all the moves of a ten-year veteran and the Richard Petty Pitts there's knows let's get another SEC charity we're standing by with the bearded one Maurice Mann is the brother Richard and everything real good but Buddy Baker seems to be behind the best guy out there and everybody's trying to jump on him [Music] it's somebody behind him I just seem to go off and leave the field [Music] when you won the race no we run along about the same speed which it was last year and seem like everybody is this massage buddy-buddy seem to have everybody our class today okay that's a report from Maurice paddy the brother of Richard while he's suddenly right Buddy Baker seems to be able to run from anywhere to anyway come up go by and lead and follow and everything a good look at Richard Petty the six-time winner as he goes back and moves under and takes the fourth position from Neil Bonnett Richard Petty forty number 43 through its paces going into turn number three and penny has moved back in the fourth position Neil Bonnett dropping to fifth I knew I certainly wouldn't want to put money at this stage on Richard Petty not the old adages if he is in the lead lap and the halfway mark of the race go home because you don't take the victory I'll believe that's what you said last year now right you were last part of my day at bars skittering and not working like they want them to in the latter part the petty cars seem to always once longer as the track gets slippery or in brief scuffle and petty himself Richard Petty himself as a Drake tactician he knows well the tracks doing and he can send his car up at the halfway point we have a new Daytona 500 mile record listen to this the old record Malone the loser petty at 165 point eight miles per hour that record goes back to 1966 you have just seen it shattered [Music] one hundred seventy three point five four four our we have six cars grunt Earnhardt is in second Allisyn historic score fifth is Neil Bonnett six is Cale Yarborough those six cars are all in the lead lap one lap down in seventh is Anderson in 8th Marquess running night Donnie Allison to lap 7/10 is many margins yes the number 44 what was Christie driver Terrell about it number 75 is it hard to keep your mind on your job we're 500 miles buddy baker no very hard when you run it faster than airplane flies you are keeping your attention it's like standing up on a motorcycle it's not very hard tough business and if you ever really took your mind off of it you'd end up going around backwards and tearing your a scarlet eights and maybe yourself he's Trudy is not true I mean concentration is a very very major part of real racing and of course you've just got to concentrate very very hard the whole time but it is easy sometimes it just laps a little bit car number one going to let down tires number 24 cork is in again and here you see those leaders back through the first and second turn Baker a hard luck story he reminds me in some ways of Blois moving at Indianapolis who tried so many years such a good race driver and could never win there is trouble and that's Cale Yarborough and Dave Martin [Music] it looks like Cale Yarborough's pirates with him rekted turn four right word Dave Marcus ended the day yesterday and sustained a broken rib in the last laps of his sports we may get a chance to show it to you show how he was injured yesterday in an awful crash up there an accident alley here is Baker maintaining the front position as he crossed a line Dale Earnhardt coming in the second position to the stripe one of the incredible memories the first two plus watch one of the incredibly unlucky coincidence the day Marcus we're going to get a chance to see again what happened in the turn four area Neal coming through already in contact Marcus's car sliding Yarborough's car to the inside will try to get a report as to where it began up there car number 71 coming to rest day Parker's about word did a year ago rather a day okay I go yeah one day ago he must be beginning to wonder by that time the lead is a ride into the pits now last year was turned to area trouble Road there's Baker and watch that crew under caution so the question they get the job done pretty good time tire change here for the fourth caution today get this opportunity she continues to lead the Daytona 500 [Applause] [Music] okay somebody got the finish from yesterday for me yep got the finish from yesterday right there Ingram Gant yeah we got any report on what happened [Music] [Music] we got the guest commentators comment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for the second day in a row accident Ali has taken Dave Marcus contention here in competition there you see number 71 being towed in from the fourth turn area now let's take a look at what happened yesterday Joe Thurman had slammed the wall he's pinned up against the wall and then dell court slowing down losing his tag from behind that car behind was the Dave Marcus car he was running for third place when it happened just yesterday then as they came to the line Jack Ingram was victorious yesterday Harry Gant second and Marcus who looked like a sure thing for third instead ended up out of it with a broken rib he comes back here today and he's in the another crash in the same place victimized a second time but that fourth turn and fate let's take another look from another angle of what happened to Dave Marcus just a day ago get to that in a moment we may get another look at what happened just a moment ago here you see Yarborough sliding down the inside and Marcus hi I wonder if an engine cut loose on Dave Marcus's car David huh minded on it's difficult to tell who was in front those who had been drafting each other around for quite a number of laps but in fact we're about to be put down yet another lap by the leave group [Music] there's car number one Donnie Allison back in again remember he had gone down but up another lap just moments ago before that caution we're getting set on the restart with 111 laps complete a lot of people felt the die Alison might well win this race we're in the control tower of race director Bill Gassaway they'll complete 112 laps 280 miles as they come back to get the green from Harold kinder and the leader will be Buddy Baker with the second-place car number 2 Earnhardt third Allyson fourth petty reporting the garage areas they're going to try to get Dave Marcus back in the spice baby if I behave marks I'm not sure I'd want to be back in this race if we could perhaps have the race back go around turn four you might be all right just skip turn four completely right go from three to go do not pass four pick up $200 Cale Yarborough has made another pit stop he's made two now one after the crash and now another one on this yellow and he's pulling himself out of the pits very slowly and as he leaves pit lane the others are coming down for a restart and they'll probably catch him on this lap and put him yet another lap behind [Music] fires all together laughing Jetta cuffs we got the inside the turn number wine now as you look here coming out of turn two is called Yarbrough and you'll see the mail overwhelm him and put him down another lap and almost certainly out of contention for the 22nd running of the Daytona fire that Jarrett standing by with Ned Jarvis let's get a report from down there right now Dave Marcus what happened that their net it was my fault I went down underneath kale on my car just broke loose and the rear end started coming around and when I swung it back to straighten it out I clipped kale not kale side with flat tires is that the only thing that's wrong without a car the shifter broke and all I got left is high gear but we're going back in the race as soon as we get four tires on the car as yesterday's an injury bother doing this today yesterday's injury is that bothered you today okay they're gonna try to get him back in there and Ken there's a real sportsman admitted that it was his fault that calls that spin out and he'll think about those ribs tomorrow yeah he'll also leave his helmet on when Kyle sees a replay of this race tale in the pits again car number 11 Cale Yarborough back on pit well there you see jr. Johnson a man who won this race himself in its second year 1960 running for the Daytona Kennel Club if you can imagine that and he won the event and he's won it twice since with Leroy Harbor Winston Cale Yarborough here they are out of turn number four your leaders Buddy Baker still trying to win this one for the first time Dale Earnhardt a relative newcomer Bobby Allison hoop on for so many years to win this race and finally pulled it off and then right behind him Richard Petty and Neil bottom five bars in a tight draft all hanging in there together coming across starting with a slide down that short 1600 foot straightaway to turn one and here you see them back in the banking another time at the back of that group is our camera cards Rupert's again by the vapors of yellow flags and courses he could in fact pull onto the lead lap there you see him right behind Neil Bonnett as they screamed down the backstretch at over 190 miles per hour about 195 up they go into turn number three [Music] now that couldn't see who it was incidentally we have another new record at 110 laps run [Music] was broken by a number 15 Allisyn as they came down to that caution period and some leaders were coming in the new record three point two eight nine miles per hour the old record goes back to 1966 Richard Petty who can erase the mark of 165 but in 173 its you've seen it here in 1980 Yarbrough struggling to get back on the track using only high gear leaders still cuts tightly together and notice how these two front cars the first and second-place cars Baker and Earnhardt try to get away and they move into lap traffic hard to get away from him he's a master at staying in the draft but this is where Bobby Allison and Neil Bonnett in no sports and we're going to stay close to these guys and in traffic because once they lose the gap they don't see better make it up again five cars running for the lead better than halfway through the 1980 Daytona 500 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my number 47 Maryanne he was 100 laps down when he brought the lace Hill Farms car back on the track it lasted about five laps he's gone back to the garage area [Music] his life is 100 laps cale yarborough has dropped four laps down and that's perhaps even more critical here Jarett standing by in the arc be dropping more lens down to because he's definitely not running up to speed now in that altercation with Dave Marcus the front end was knocked out of alignment so he's not able to run full speed so Cale just going to try to ride it out and get the business a man burro's Daytona 500 who will it be will it be Buddy Baker who's driven every kind of car conceivable he came here twice with cars back in 1961 and women then dodge then Chevrolet he's doing boards he's driven Oldsmobiles he's tried everything here he is out here night making a tremendous effort in car number 28 the Waddell Wilson Harry Rainier on Oldsmobile car which is currently leading there's Benny Parsons car Wally for the lead Neil Bonnett directly in front running event that Benny Parsons our camera car which is being shown as two laps down in tenth position mind you Benny pastas is hanging on to this lead group very very well I think he can use them to pull him away from his immediate contenders and maybe get at least one of those laps back from the Goodyear blimp enterprise watch that field go back to the start place they are really holding around here buddy making the last two years has been clearly the fastest car in practice and qualifying having been on the pole this year and last year last year he had desperate luck very early on in the race so obviously as it Millar's part of this huge crowd here really rooting for Buddy Baker couraging time to readjust 38 laps running them up in front then having big mechanical problems won the pole 125 mile qualifying race here you see Richard Petty there's our camera car right on the tail end twenty-one Benny Parsons Rock Gates has a report from the pits Ken our man Benny had some problems with his clutch it was slipping and I his purse as they think they got a repaired now and that's why we may be seeing more as the afternoon progresses one of the big stories here is running in sixth place number 33 John and Henderson autumn excellent Ohio is staying right up with the leaders here again as Parsons car how about this at 195 miles an hour just going to say that last lap was at over 194 miles an hour so our camera car Plus coffee slipping a lot badly just hang on here bet again very shortly here's Bakersfield alright willing the sit in the catbird seat just see what develops out well there's obviously no point in they aren't doing anything else it's obvious that Buddy Baker does have more power than most of these cars here and Dale Earnhardt might as well use buddy baker's pineapple himself around here as his own the more they race the slower they go so he's just very happy to sit there riding buddy Baker's draft and pulling sells rounded laps of 194 miles an hour we can see even more records fall here yet that initiated the 22nd run near the Daytona 500 the David Hobbs I'm Ken Squier hope you're enjoying our live coverage of this one of the great spectacles sport and certainly the most exciting automobile race there is the Daytona 500 all was an incredible event bing bang wouldn't fourth turn a few years back in Pearson won his first race you think of last year beautiful finish and we're still a long way to go we have 123 laps complete 123 307 half just 77 laps the garden police five men the longest part of the day as Dale riding with money way closer after 100 well I say 195 just at that particular point they're probably doing close to 200 if they're lapping at 194 they must be doing 200 down that back shoe the chief forces just take over on these automobiles and pulled them down banking but here is Baker on top of the wheel just guiding it and that pliable as you see that shot the roof shot here is one of the trickiest parts of the racetrack a lot of people lose their head and slide all the way into turn number one here in Daytona that third guy was smoking as it went around the banking Bobby Allison might be just a suspension of the tire as they go over that bump there's a bump right between two and that's what it is you have five contenders to win the Daytona 500 all running within one second of each other now look how high they're go Richard Petty's above that white line if you don't stand there that's not very far from that white line to the wall he's put his whole car in there Baker first Earnhardt second pavia Richard Petty and fourth Neil Bonnett rides in fifth on our CBS camera car right behind the front five as they slam down into you watched moneymaker 2 in the frontier ride up to that line I say if you go and stand up there it's not very far from the line to the wall cause it's impossible to stand up there notice it 125 laps now complete 300 12 and a half miles [Music] laughter goal in fact I did hear that bill France has got an eye for business next week's opening a ski school using these as a slope we have more snow on quorum they met up north part of this year that's pretty chilly out there today which is nice for these guys it goes Friday still over 100 degrees the cockpits it'll be a hundred instead of money back they come out of the tri-oval can you imagine driving 500 miles at over 100 just inches apart is they well of course there's no doubt about at these very high speed races with few caution laps do make it tough on these drivers they gotta concentrate absolutely to the the entire time and physically of course it becomes very demanding Baker in front with car number 28 he loves super screenplays he deftly fast if they could turn 210 miles an hour he doesn't much care for the short track something but on the super speedways he feels really at home other than those bumps said that's was they go over the tongue upsetting God this week and as you called it accident alley we've had a lot of action to turn for their CBS today along with 130 and spectators at the Daytona International Speedway Wow upon their toes live incredibly good drivers continue to intimidate to psych each other flat-footed all the way around this two and a half mile tri-oval [Music] they're not doing too much intimidating or psyching I think they're all very very happy to just follow Buddy Baker reviews and tremendous power that Waddell Wilson is extracting from that engine area see Jimmy means number 52 he's hanging in there today holding on and he should be input than finished before the afternoon is over among the front five they are back out of the fourth part Baker one time Baker spotted miles an hour he hit Mary a wall has spun down into turn number one incredible piece of driving and Baker saying yes it's just amazing what you can do with your eyes closed [Music] checking tire pressure getting ready to change tires on on bakers in our that's on buddy Baker's car they're getting another set of rubber ready for car number 28 these guys run less high a tire presses the most racing cars they run around about 50 pounds per square inch in the outer tire squares in an inner liner that we saw earlier in the program which is a tremendous safety device you can't get a complete deflation out of that safety in the tire goes out on bar number 52 means a number 53 slick job as the leaders slip by on the outside slick were building up for a gangbusters finish here today in the Daytona 500 there's Donnie Allison you see him there number one allison is riding in ninth two laps down for the leaders there's Alison in the he's had some problems and he's riding a little bit off the pace at the present time is that Dylan the Anderson he's with that's the sixth place car Johnny Anderson right there behind him he must need a lap up on Donnie nervously again the leaders coming by the pit area on the front to Buddy Baker and Dale Earnhardt of never won here Richard Petty of course has won here many times and Neil Bonnett never won here so we've got the very great conflict of interest out there so with 130 laps complete Baker is leading now some county board mounted fit [Music] 71 markers coming back on the track you can Isilon him for a moment he's going down pit road I think you ought to take that inside camera a couple of times from this side just to break those shots up [Music] [Applause] [Music] say [Music] we got to use some more strategy pieces guys all phases a gentleman [Music] [Music] I get it pretty close they must be getting pretty close another fix [Music] [Music] who said upon [Music] at the Daytona 500 you are watching Buddy Baker's shatters Oh the Daytona 500 just smashed the old mark at 130 laps 325 miles Baker averaging the old record in 1966 richard Medigap 160 4.4 for one miles per hour and I would point out [Music] 500 miles set at Talladega Alabama by Lenny averaging 174 two miles an hour faster than they're currently running back in August of 1978 in the title day goodbye honey miles per hour per lap they are turning that could break that mark car number 27 Benny Parsons is pitting we're back to a pit-stop period in the race and when the green there's Parsons on pit road 47 that is currently leading this race makers [Music] Pond won his only Grand National race in and is the car in which he's setting that record of 174 miles per hour for a 500-mile race back in 1978 here's Dave Marcus he's back in the race remember a few moments ago he brought out the fourth caution of the day he's back on the track and is once again running and reported out of the top 15 but he has come back up as he continues to battle one race six million NASCAR grand national series now we see the leaders Buddy Baker still leading Dale Earnhardt Bobby Allison very wise to stay right behind him [Music] after 22 years of racing Richard Petty he ever lose your concentration in a 500-mile race like this no way in fact it gets tougher every day and I guess I concentrate more I might realize that you know I haven't got as many good years in front of them is I got behind me and I might order from there but as far as concentration when you get out there you better be can concentrate in 100 percent of the time or you don't get in trouble like every other day Richard Petty concentrating on Bobby Allison's real bummer Bobby Allison in further hot second there's your leader Buddy Baker and just behind the number 43 Richard penny the seven-time national champion sing style they taught a 500-mile winner he is in Fitness Neil Bonnett my lap down is Johnny Anderson in six position here's Ned Jarrett there's not only competition going on on the racetrack there's competition going on in the pit for the pit crew championship and right now Dale Earnhardt is leading [Music] two hundred and twenty three seconds those birds will be working very hard to try to get their pit stops down as low as possible because there's quite a bit of cash for these now something like $60,000 on the tour so they really those are combined times they've already made well that's one thing about NASCAR racing is the first automobile racing in the world where real money has started to come in you know it always breaks my heart when I see these golfers and tennis players when these huge amounts of money and these guys not their brains out all day and pick up half the sort of money but flossing injections of big amounts of money into automobile racing mainly from NASCAR is Cale about to be put down and [Music] here comes ready to overlap Cale Yarborough twice around in the race staying out there here comes Baker he's about to put a lap on Yarborough as they come out of turn two [Music] putting Cale Yarborough lap back as well as Richard Petty in the Obon any lead has not changed in the last most 5 cars less than a second apart just waiting in a cat-and-mouse situation the West Coast champion Hill number 73 he's on pit road the hood has been up on his car they're trying to get him back in the race the inside of the start/finish line where there's another 40 laps to go 60 laps to go it's now beginning to wonder to himself can this really be happening to me Here I am only one year out of being a rookie standing in a tremendous place to win the Daytona [Music] buddy baker's tried this race many many times be thinking on the same lines can I last pull up a win here at Daytona 60 yard laps to go and many a slip twixt cup and lip especially in racing remember Jimmy Club losing the World Championship on the last lap of the last race in Mexico 1962 Oh Taylor and Hart who saw our grace way back 1962 he came utilizers father run this race his father started in 20 and wound up 36 this was never a race for Oliver hit him on a short track he joined a way to go [Music] little boy is doing extremely well on the long time great year last year won over $200,000 his first full year and as a rookie that was a tremendous prize to win there you see Richard Petty and Neil Bonnett still at it out here fighting back there in 4th position who will have completed 141 350 two and a half miles this time just 58 laps to go and there are five cars ended up to decide it live here on CBS [Music] the Daytona 500 with two non previous winners [Music] when he drove that much more car into Victory Lane back in 1978 this race in 1964 and hasn't quit yet he's having a tough time here and it as the race progresses the track the the groove moves up while it moves up and down as you never quite know where it but Richard Peddie always really really hi bill Schmidt is pitting car number 73 still another time already how they're not it's a and series of pit stops if you're under green [Music] in class 275 so back again hello Cecil Wars into another time and directly in front of him Cecil Gordon a great support of NASCAR racing he's always out there he does all the races every year and he tries pretty hard but he's a you know just a that the main sponsorship that some of these other guys there's uphills trouble finding a need more of a struggle at the moment so it still bloody Baker who has been all the way to the top of heartbreak rated so many times will it be his day at the top we'll know shortly [Music] now give me a shot at Johnny Anderson that number 33 car for sure number 33 the sixth place car find him just so we show him and also find number 44 love bounty identify if those guys know that's [Music] where's Anderson on the track [Music] [Music] [Music] buddy baker this race back in 1973 cutting right down to the finish go his way here he is leading another lap in here is Bobby Allison pity Allison is on pit road the Warner Hoxton car - Brock Yates in the Allison pit the Gundam Karen he's the first of the leaders to come in they're going to pull out a pair of roadside wet side tires and two of those picks 70 gallon Karen's gallon cans of gas they both weigh about 70 pounds apiece so you got to be a horse to handle those it's a pretty stout look good stop and he's underway [Music] beautiful kids stopped by the but mark Rove when it's necessary they can really get the job done Jodie Ridley is in Bill Elliott is also pending we should see some more leaders in in here they going to hold front Bunce Dale on hot Buddy Baker Richard Petty and Neil Bonnett all coming into the pits now the chips are down let's go to nature Neil Bonnett we're standing by on his path the Wood Brothers ready to go to work on that car in the Richard Petty has just overshot his pit steered which calls Neil wanted to overshoot his fence so that's going to cause be each of them some extra seconds Connie has a problem with this two-way radio he cannot hear what they're saying to you they can hear his communication pity boy almost hitting the Roger ham big car and petty I was about to say that bonnet is using the primitive way of communication to mess with the blackboard not the modern way of the two-way radio system Buddy Baker back on the track 2016 grand national races in his career but never the Daytona 500 right behind him Richard Petty who was 1 190 grand national races an incredible number and has won this race six times Jonny Addison number 33 there is your sixth place runner that is the rain car which comes out of the Midwest and they have high hopes for him in this 1980 campaign [Applause] six years old a very young team Anderson a short tractor on some 7080 events a year in the past of the short tracks they think they have a winner with his kid Anderson and he's shown a lot of class in the 125 on Thursday a lot of class all weekend so he's going very well today he's on the in fact what one lap down on the leaders with them could put it back on the same rap 149 laps will be completed for the leaders this time by Richard Petty looks like he's going slowly to meet down out of the tri-oval into turn one problem on 43 he's definitely slowing down in turn one and two let's go to Ned Jarrett we're standing by Dale Edwin the Crusader 43 that Richard Petty ran over is good Dale are you okay yeah I'm okay I don't know how bad it is it's dumb right now well he's going right back into the action camp actually family relationship that Richards first customer with him since 1959 and he's hurting she would heard of a 3,700 pound car ran over great crew to management we've had a lot of winning cars for his cousin Richard Petty 14 cars out of the race isla Gordon's trying to get back in it again Cecil Gordon is coming back on the track number 14 Sterling Marlin was in today he is on pit row Janet Guthrie is bidding and petty did not come in you see him down to the banking he's completed another lap we're coming up on a 150 lap one down and we'll give you an accounting on the top five and we'll see right here number 15 Bobby Allison a LeBron none of the leaders can go all the way they will have one more pit stop oh brother that last drop is going to be critical out here coming in it's all going to build up to one pitstop in one laughing when old fault cause came in last time they all left pretty much together of the college buddy bacon and the slight edge x-ray I thought in a space as they come around to complete 150 laps 375 miles just 50 laps to go Bobby Allison in front Neil Bonnett in second Dale Earnhardt in third body Baker in for three of those four have never won this race it'll be interesting to see if Buddy Baker zaps by this law know he's capable of doing or whether he's gonna wait now and just let down the 140 lap record has been shattered today that is back in nineteen 163 6 7 8 Bell - 173 8 1 7 mark establish Bobby Baker Alice Buddy Baker trying to take away at basement airline huh gives up because they're about to pass a slow car that on the back straight so Buddy Baker slips back in behind down one of the savviest drivers in the business he can build them he can drive them he has a tremendous engineering sense about racing cars made his debut here at Daytona back in 1961 as we mentioned we're won this race finally in 1978 has one other major goal and his son far over in Alabama there could be still another member of the Alabama game Bobby Ellis is a very versatile driver he's done it's very well in those I rock championships on the road racing courses he drove a little Batson a few times and he also of course drove at Indianapolis for Roger Penske who thinks very highly of him and he did very very well there too here's Earnhardt ready to challenge Dale Earnhardt in the California down the inside and dealer Oxford car number 15 driven by Bobby Allison crawling back his buddy Baker screams down the inside on the west end of the Speedway as they come down over the over the time here they come back to the tri-oval another time closing ground [Music] Buddy Baker seem to have an excessive power there we see fellow leading well it's okay [Music] because that's the only lap really [Music] the leaders heading down the backstretch working the 153rd lap be back with more live coverage in the 500 after this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the truck that he goes out he a nice idea to show hi Kyle wasn't in a race we're about to be left Richards about me that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Dale Earnhardt in only his second Daytona 500 last year starting 10th finishing in eighth driving to the österlen team running out in front but being challenged and once again we approve reading his position buddy baker is in blood allison in the slingshot tries it out and goes to second and notice how easily in the slingshot that white a blue bar down the inside that Jared in the pits timber standing by with one thing it was not Richard Peddie that hit bail when he came in the pit it was Neil Barney God dropped down to change the tire to drop a foot out vo he didn't knock me down run over the back of my foot and I was real slow getting the tire change and I don't know Richard road to clutch real bad getting out or something I don't know but the car never would go back up to speed ever since but it's begin to pick up a little speed but we've lost around everything now so just its más tarde up for sure needed well that's why the cars of Richard Petty is not running as fast right now he's slipping the clay mid area and if that clutch cools off sometime it will cool so we'll give an hour or even see [Music] in fifth position and falling back we now have four cars battling for the lead as we have 156 laps 44 laps to go on of course things about NASCAR racing is as I said earlier there's so much pit work involved and it's pretty dangerous to be out there in pit lane is always a miracle to me that more people overall just knocked over today linman but of course one can't build too much sympathy for Richard having already won his race six time five cars still the link laughs Johnny Anderson in 6 1 1 Allison and seventh and going eight is caught for 44 chair in the body and that should read two laps back those three competitors are all two laps back Bob the Goodyear blimp you see them moving through traffic once again and leaders are passing Richard Petty penny down on the inside as the leaders over Holland so that puts Richard down one lap and leaves four cars in the lead lap 150 eight laps complete this time by 40 five files remaining Baker now in 1973 when he went right down to the finish of the race and then it was all for naught finished a hundred 94 laps that year running beautifully everything working and in the engine said goodbye now that is a hot breaker a real hot razor [Music] something David the leader just turned another lap 46 seconds flat and 46 flat how about this as we move into the very last part of the race is an average speed on the lap of a hundred and ninety five miles an hour absolutely incredible thing that's a mile an hour faster than the quality lives yeah [Music] tract must be getting too slick and there's a lot of lap traffic just in front of those lead cars there you see the front core moving into lap cars so this will slow their lap down but these four guys have really got a plant cool now there's no need for them to get involved in each other or have any trouble because they've got as you say a hundred miles to go they might as well play it cooled down to that faithful and final and the one that matters last lap it really gives you the feeling they're on a man merry-go-round and you see them up on that 31 degree banking David can that good here bloodshot Ken as they say the plot thickens it's really interesting to talk to these different crew chiefs especially that two crew chiefs on the Oldsmobile cars Baker and Austin and the Austral and Carter and by Dale Earnhardt and the tube Ford products riding in third and fourth ribbon by Neil Bonnett and Bobby Allison here spearheading coming in but more the crew chief on the Bobby Allison Carr says simply they don't have enough horsepower so there are objectives those two lead cars conversely the tools mobiles are making an attempt now with the instructions of their crews to break away from final analysis so we'll have to see if the two Gordon workplace Karsten hang in there Richard Petty a lap down about to accept the fact he's going to laps down his 119 first victory will not be in this state ona 500 hood is up generally moving around over there on the side areas to wait for burgers going to have to move many years talking to Richard through the window big problems for the Petty's here Kyle crashing to one of 125 mile qualifying races let's go right down to the petty pit yeah they're trying to see if they can find what the problem is with that adjust but own it but as you can see they're not games very much right now they're spending a lot of valuable time but he was gradually losing three was not going to be able to be me so they had no alternative but to bring him in and see if they could correct the problem 38 laps to go when the front floor come around this time will it be Buddy Baker tasting victory for the first time Dale Earnhardt had only his second effort no in his second 500 or Neil Bonnett [Music] [Applause] who was the guy he battled with so close that year was it this is anyone at 170 [Music] 76-72 ha1 now we get another shot of the 33 carbon please Johnny Anderson 33 or the 44th card without him thank you [Music] he's getting up that close course right she's 174 something [Music] [Applause] [Music] we may be seen the fastest 500-mile race in history David Hopson Ken Squier with you at the control tower the record for a 500-mile race is one hundred seventy four point seven miles an hour 1978 Fleming from Talladega Alabama in August right now at 160 laps complete miles to go they with Buddy Baker out in front had an average speed of 175 point one eight eight miles per hour so stay with us you may see the fastest 500-mile race in the history of motorsports they're still working on Richard Petty's car still try to get him back out here and keep him in connection for the national championship this is only one of 31 grand national races for some six million dollars in these riders compete cale yarborough trucks on out of the pits very slowly Yarbrough and richard petty will be sorry not to be a part of her the car race win but it can't have to everybody all the time and rich is not his fair share of bricks but just look at these more life hello Bobby Allison Baker putting a bit of daylight between him and the other salmon I don't spend out a last long cale yarborough back up on the first turn banking Sun setting down one not setting but he's getting low now and as you can see the tremendous - rain starting to cast a very big shadow across turn one richen leaders moving him another time [Music] nothing that'll make him three laps down and remember Donnie Allison is in six position a good week one his heat race 125-mile heat race with absolute ease and was obviously the people to a good day here but this was not to be putting a lot another lap down on Donnie Allison buddy Baek is talking to run Rudy hi making that groove between my car got a little sideways on it today current they have in fact they have in fact put Justin [Music] I'm running the third and four if they can continue that not home and free but they're going to be well very happy one hundred sixty six laps four hundred 15 miles complete 34 laps 80 five miles to go there between a hundred seventy five point 180 miles per hour for the race with a pistol on individual laps they are running faster right now in the waning moments of the event than they qualified at over a hundred 95 miles an hour through the heat through the traffic Baker sticks it to this car as he tries to win his first picked up at 500 now he and Alan Centralia left me to try and get away from Bobby Allison and Neal Bannen they just in fact the other two did catch up a bit there so they do again as they go into turn one if there are no more cautions you are going to see a 500-mile speed record today next again best of east and west gathering data a little conflict right here on CBS this afternoon Richard Petty retires petty be done for the day Zoey 166 laughs David always a sad sight to say incoming push behind bit more what ever saw the competitions in I hate to say it week on all the women so the of this race [Music] one former winner car number 43 retiree with a clutch problem kyuri from the 42 starter in the race and now you can see Donnie Allison with a plume of smoke [Music] dolly Allison's car is potentially very fast and one will start to ask oneself at this point he's tagged himself on to manly into this race Bobby Alice's car does need help over these Oldsmobiles one of which Donnie Alice's driving stay with me but even though he's out of content himself to try and help his brother consideration here is Neil Bonnett that we've done the three amendments of the Alabama gang running running they're the back of this group and if you'll remember that 125 mile race which you saw yesterday on the CBS Sports spectacular that Neil Bonnett car would push gut to shove in the final three or four laps it took off I am sure that Leonard Wood is talking to Neal on the radio and settling down get him set for the all-out effort and they are going to put a consultation flag out they say the rear bumper is covered with oil afraid that he is slicking up the racetrack just a bit too much they always drop oil out here but now the word is that a black flag will be given he go on and he's right in the midst of the hottest Harold kinder has the flag in hand consultation flag out and there is a digital readout right behind him or meet him as kinder stands there on the flag span directly below him is a 24 inch digital read and it has the number of a car that the consultation flag could be given to so there's more than the flag and Donnie acknowledged the black flag they say he realized read out that he has a problem [Music] John Anderson is now at the back of that group as well there's Danny Alice has started to run low before coming to the pits there's John Anderson running high at the back of the group of the white car number 33 hanging on to that lead bunch maybe he can pull himself back another lap well John Anderson is going tough on the board very shortly here is Donnie Allison in Allyson petting his crew waiting oscillated people as the car comes to a halt smoke pouring out of that right front wheel well let's go to Brockie eights ken they're jacking up the left side of the car they're going to put a jack stand under there and go after the oil leak which still is the oil pan according to how selling tonight ake some time and it's certainly going to interfere any plans he might have had to help but brother Bobby it's no fun working in there in that hot engine as you well know there are a lot of fingers I think we forget how hard these guys [Music] the guys in the race cars racing mechanics have the most incredible hands they're all covered in blisters and burns chemists pigment in an area and it is smoking very very they may pull him straight back in again living it it's my boy working the 173rd lap just 27 laps to galled it's still Baker in front still are in second Allyson third Neil Bonnett important [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] right now [Music] [Music] Donnie Allison in the pits and back out again there was some fire from beneath the car a few moments ago he's back on the track the four leaders are still locked together in combat there's Donnie Allison on the tracking go to blockages Ken I'm here with Hoss Ellington Hoss you and eschar seem to have an argument about whether that leak is fixed or not yeah we're kind of concerned too but it uh you know spend Lincoln somebody's not been leaking that bad but it's got a it's been smoking pretty good so we're seeing it we porch them all in what we're doing sneak down and make you sleep down feet hold a hitter I play with my head to park it anyway the way it's looking no Jared done to you we're standing by with Richard Patty has dropped out of the race Richard what was the problem well twice went out on it they had made that pit stop and a bunch of us stopped at one time and just that time I got ready to go another car coming in about half way blocked me and just enough I had to slip the clutch submerge by getting out of the pits and it heated up my you know I run down over 45 slow laps and I just kept getting worse and worse and finally got so heated up but he wouldn't even engage it off it's the clutch that sensitive that you can't slip him hardly at all well it was today not really most of time aside but we run real real high gears into cars at these racetracks you know they talk and put such a load on a clutch when you take off you can't let it spin if you do you turn the tires up you're not too closely if you turn the clutch out so you was just a deal and you know I'm in stuffing but thank you we're sorry to see you out of the race we'll be back next I wish I could smile what a great sportsman Richard Peddie is he's won a lot of races but he's also a [Music] and he took the responsibility when someone came into the pits we know that someone was it was the 21 car that caused him to slip the clutch yes right but I mean that's the sort of thing that happens in these crowded pizzas not much you can do about it but he also has another point that I don't think people realize you know these cars are geared tremendously high with only a force transmission even first-year was sort of normally put you down to my way at about 115 miles an hour so it's a very spot a job get him out of it listen to this 170 lap speed is a new record 176 point the old record at the Daytona Speedway Richard netting in 1966 160 2.07 for seventy-six belongs to Buddy Baker it is almost two miles per hour faster than the fastest run in history if it stays under green they could bring that things with it close to 180 model 500 miles today don't let anybody tell you that CBS don't bring you the best last year we boy that's fantastic French Grand Prix last year we had the accident the action-packed Daytona 500 and this could be an absolute wall breaking when you say the world record I know I wonder if people realize you do mean the world this includes state indianapolis if you closed everything this will be the Masters 500-mile race in history this isn't just NASCAR this includes everything here they are in the back straightaway there's your leader Buddy Baker setting this blistering pace and I think that a good question to what L Wilson is are they getting concerned did they think they could run this fast all day at this in ii am in the lead at any time they've stayed in front and pretty much dominated we have a pit stop on Bobby Allison we have a pit stop on Neil Bonnett two of the key factors in the quartet to decide the 500 or now on pit road there is bonnet in down to the other side is car number 15 Bobby Allison while it's not changing tires on its car is not jacked up and changing tires he's going for the super quick stop James - tires in the same time his party work we saw but more win a race for Buddy Baker 11 and 9 10 seconds for a pit stop her from tires and fuel and when the old from the Pacific campaign starts chewing on those men they really get at it out there now here come on pit road heart and body baker now this is what every watch ready you got to keep a really cool head so easy to overshoot the pin ball spin the trucks on the way out Renier team the wind racing team bernard is still in his pit stop is running 1112 Earnhardt is getting hurt here on his pit stop the other three had incredible of quick pit stops but now they're changing left-side tires it's gone he is coming out in twenty five in run ten seconds you can say goodbye to are in hard unless there's a caution on this when those three leaders made incredible stops unless there's some sort of miracle that's the end of Earnhardt and unfortunately if I remember rightly last year Dale lost this race or lost a good chance in this race was with the pit stop turn and it was late in the event it was either the next-to-last or last time see to let him down two of the four cars that came in then just put fuel in they tried to change the left side tires and obviously something went wrong with either the jack or the wheel wrench or something and it took them a long time but the critical stop was Allison he did get tires and as you pointed out we don't believe that 21 did no I don't think it did so if Allison has fresh rubber on we have 181 nineteen lining to go they may a bigger trikey the standings at 180 laps the speed at 176 point nine one four there's a new record 450 miles 250 miles to go Buddy Baker has another new record at 176 Morty back in the pits again Dale Earnhardt been running right in the front of this race for so long if in the pits again and that has absolutely certainly nailed his chance of doing well in fact they're going back that same wheel again something drastically wrong - there's Baker going into they go running by him some and continue to work on the Austral and car number two of Earnhardt and Bobby Allison with less than 20 laps to go Earnhardt coming back on the track Neil Bonnett puts him a LAN down [Music] drivers going for the lion's share of a $660,000 first Baker Bobby Allison and [Applause] [Music] you better be in order to have some second and third place interviews ready and we need some strategy pieces for last part of the race and I still need a shot of number 33 who's now oh it's not in the middle [Music] cause he is showing smog [Music] [Applause] me now is a real factor which is for six place cars now I'm scoring get me a new lineup [Music] [Applause] is to and 33 line together [Music] 33 is slowing down in turn 333 is slowing down Anderson he's limping down up Ronnie if he brings out of washing [Music] [Music] Johnny Anderson carnival 33 running in fifth place has just pulled on pit road and the hood is coming up he showed a puff of smoke through the tri-oval a lap ago and there you see the hood up after our tremendous effort by the Dream Team number 33 out of Ohio and Indiana Janet Guthrie also fitting in the Neil Bonnett pit net jared is standing by body drives when you chose not to change tires when he came here well then it was about 20 laps to go and we 150 on those tires so we could get that done quicker than changing the tires so sometimes you get one out of balance that you have to put in a little bit more gas than some of the others we're not getting quite as good of mileage as Baker and so which over put in about 15 gallon labor I put a little bit loud [Music] they're trying to rush out number 33 and as it started on pit road something broke on the car they're putting that now they have it going it stopped for just a moment now is rolling meanwhile number 28 with 187 laps to go Buddy Baker in command under 97 laps to go I'm sorry 30 laps to go 170 six point nine one four miles per hour the old record 160 point eight nine seven by Richard Petty in 1966 that one falls by the wayside today I just totally put enough viewers that have been just so typically Baker they run out of fuel on the last one he's got the middle happened but here absolutely winding away from me Alison an apprentice right ten laps to go next timeline ten laps to go next time bye there have been 27 teaches among seven competitors thus far in the race [Music] the leader Baker [Music] there we see on the scoreboard the tragic news that they Ilan Hall is down to left what a shame such a fine drive there's Bobby Allison [Music] David the tire that Earnhardt put on that was the problem a long time to put it on then of course they just had the luck to choose a bad one here we are Neil Bonnett and Bobby Allison hooked up in a tow this will help to get back some of that space ten laps to go that rather fine not if we go to right now it side by side like that they've got a pole in draft they've got to drop got to draw Baker had a fast 500 at 169 miles an hour in 1976 in Talladega Alabama but boy this beats everything what he's doing here today less than 10 laps to go is Baker zeroes in on his first 500 [Music] 27 and 44 are together battling for fifth position how far ahead is Baker we get an interval 13 seconds he's going up with about second dollar [Music] can you put a clock on when it comes to [Music] [Music] AJ Foyt's record in 1971 in 161 miles per hour [Music] has been eclipsed by Buddy Baker the new record is 177 point one two nine miles per hour and we are on our way to the fastest 500 mile auto race ever run in history Baker is coming down with a 13 second advantage into the tri-oval about to lap Dave Marcus meanwhile you see the cars in the second and third Bobby Allison and Neil Bonnett as they come out of turn number four after the three main contender polling and they got split up Buddy Baker screamed away at about a second a lap Bobby Ellison still 30 second 30 seconds behind we asked Neil Bonnett about his strategy near the end of the race [Music] the end of the race is the biggest factor horse you know and I'd like to be in a good position in the first race in the middle but the main thing is position at the end of race if you're backing toward the fifth place it's going to be hard to pull out a win so I need to be I'd like to be leading but I can't be leading on over beany further back third try to win this race leaves in third but he's a long way back in third he's not on the bumper there's bars getting a draft off car number 28 Buddy Baker when he said that he meant food about two tenths of a second right now rapidly drawing to a close on the 190 lap four hundred seventy five mile run down Baker in first and then in second [Music] one lap down and fourth in fifth Terry Labonte in sixth Benny Parsons running in the seventh spot Lenny pond of Ettrick Virginia up to seven going 18 in the ninth position was Janet Guthrie Bill Elliott and running 11th was number 90 Joey friendly rapidly getting down to a close five laps to go we'll be back for the finish with more live coverage of the Daytona 500 after this word from your local station [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no real set place to be if you're running slower traffic lead card got an advantage because he eats one it can go through the holes that are available if it's a good open racetrack the man running second could win it's really tough to say that the draft at night is effective now as it was when the card for running 100 75 or 80 miles an hour because the horsepower to car generate down the straightaway you have to get a long run at him to go by and it's just a tough thing to decide where he gonna make you move unless the golfer Buddy Baker with a 13 second advantage tagging along hitchhiking there is de Marcus a blown engine going down into turn number one one car smoldering drops on the inside the yellow is coming out how about that oh my goodness cálmate NASCAR racing can you two laps to go 30-second lead and bang there will be neat ass the Alabama gang of Allison right with him if they gave us a line this may be yet to the end of the race we'll wait and see it still could be a new record even under caution because he'll race back to the line so the earlier loud engine going into turn number one oh and Neil Bonnett Neil Bonnett smoking badly coming up turn floor looks like it is about to go here's Blahnik coming to the tri-oval down now he wants this could be a blessing for him if he can keep running at all absolutely the engine is off he has shut the engine off it's gone bonnet just coasting around here at the end of the race what a situation this is where's Dale Earnhardt no way white flag is out under caution Baker is streaking around to win this race and even under caution it will be the fastest race in history here he is coming out of turn number four and after all those years of efforts heartbreaks the 1980 Daytona 500 waving like mad as he crosses the line Buddy Baker is gone but not without a heart stopper just at the finish as the caution came out 200 laps completed [Music] they will have shattered smash [Music] start/finish line the Renea Racing crew ecstatic over their wind how about this the speed ladies and gentlemen is a new world record for 500 miles faster than Indianapolis faster than today [Music] a happy crow awaiting Buddy Baker all the way around the racetrack how long [Music] just five pits away the Wood Brothers still waiting for thank God had come around has that dropped neil bonnett from third to fourth there is car number 17 trying to help number 21 to the line number 17 trying to Porsche Don Whittington Whittington bringing in car number 21 to assist him to the stripe Don Whittington a Fort Lauderdale Florida the fellow who came from sports car racing to this competition assisting par number 21 in after 500 miles the sportsmanship is still there incredibly and there's the first place man Buddy Baker coming in wave he knew as a bro second place bobby allison going back to the garage ariel try to get a word with him in here is number 21 going back to the guards we're waiting on the official finish on those frontline cars but there is no mistake about it this car and that driver have just won the fastest 500-mile race that has ever been witnessed on the face of the earth i think it's fitting that buddy baker should do that he was the first man to go over 200 miles an hour on a closed circuit he's always like going fast he's a real high speed man and he's won the world's fastest ever 500-mile race here goes the car from Victory Lane the crowd on their feet to give him an ovation as he pulls in 55 seconds the time 29 lead changes among seven drivers in the fastest 500-mile race in history Buddy Baker defeating Bobby Allison in second Neil Bonnett brings reported unofficially in third Dale Earnhardt for fourth Benny Parsons for fifth I don't believe that he lost a spot we're waiting for a further word on that on the Neil Bonnett finish in car 21 and the car number 28 when in the wrong gate there's the first mistake of the race I wonder if they were going to go down into a right-hander but there was no way they could get through so they'll they've been here since 1961 and they never got a map to Victory Lane well that's the sort of mistake that you don't mind making when you've won the race look at that crew just look at that jubilant crew what a night they're gonna have an especially Buddy Baker he's such a nice guy he's one of the gentlemen of the sport he's a great big man huge man but as gentle as anything when he gets in that race car he's a tiger and he's wanted to win this race so badly for so long what a wonderful moment for his father buck Baker who was one of the very first of the serious champions on the NASCAR Grand National Trail buck Baker who was here today to see his son body win and buddy's arm two children are part of his pit crew today his two boys who wanted home who was an all honors fruit in college not a heck of a football player and the other horse was a feature of our CBS program a year ago Brian Brock 8 standing by with Buddy Baker who's taking his first true deep breath today they say in the 500 you take one breath when it starts and you hold it for 500 miles on hitching the belts he looks absolutely dumb plus he can't believe it's happened to him I think well I saw him win at Talladega and be so overcome he was actually sick to his stomach after that fast race he ran there a few years ago almost looks like he's crying to me now he must be a very very overjoyed man it's one of his big goals let's go to brackets with a winner of the Daytona 500 buddy so long I've led so many times I thought I had it made and some always happen today we're two laps to go I looked at the gas gauge and it fell the two pounds us at all no I know what's gonna happen now that's beautiful what L Wilson and all the boys just did a great job and and right now I'd like to say a lot of things that just don't I can't I'm just I'm caught up in myself right now buddy was there at any time in the operation this afternoon when you when you had any doubts that this racecar couldn't do it for you no I knew the car was capable and that to even put more stress on Nikko's when you really have a superior race car they just you don't know what to do you know it's just that they're running so well and I dropped back one time I felt out the computation run a few laps behind them I want to get ready to go out the plan you just said you just uh early in the race we noticed you drive back into about third place but that was just to kind of feel things out with everybody you know what I what I could do if I had to have a showdown you know the running real hard dirt in and it would go any time I want I'm just real proud and they fade do you know you know you had a lot of time to think about it out there you know that you weren't doing much rushing near the end you should have made up a really good speech well I didn't know where they were at and I kept looking in the mirror and I saw a car behind me and it was Dave Marcus but I didn't know exactly who it was right at the time and no you know I run a couple overlap and they kept telling me slow down in the pits and I said they're crazy so I'm going past me if I slow down Rocky eights give every day the place to the race car and the group buddy from all of us at CBS our greatest congratulations to know is he aware that he's just run the fastest 500-mile race in the history of motorsports I I was well it's going to be a good one and already they've grabbed him and taken in another direction buddy do you know was that right fastest 500 ever run everyone I want a new record back in I have the record for a couple of years to Talladega now we got it back again foreign air Renier car has had it ever - well no I want the one at first and bud North car again but if I could drive a race car like that I've run every day if I could get one prepared like that so the interviews continue down in victory lane with the winner buddy baker 18 years of effort all come down to one day and in one day we have seen the fastest 500-mile race in history and Buddy Baker reigned supreme at the Daytona 500 [Music] buddy baker has just become the fourth man in the history the Daytona 500 to win the race from the pole the last man to do that was in 1968 Cale Yarborough prior to that Richard Petty did it once and the late and giant fireball Roberts also pulled that off but it was Buddy Baker's day from top to finish he completed a hundred 43 laps in the lead he led on eight different occasions just a masterful and complete domination of this 500 the fastest 500 in history Brock Yates is standing by with a man who put the car together Ken the man beside me as Waddell Wilson who built the engine and much of the automobile that Buddy Baker drove to victory here today he's a man that has been able to build cars that have stood up under that gentle giants foot for a couple of years now but last year a very frustrating end of this race now victory what are your feelings well it's really great to stand here in victory circle you know buddy is jesus drove a fantastic race I'd like to thank her every year for putting all this together but most of all I'd like to thank God for guiding us through this race today I'd like to thank all the crew and all the people that helped with the sponsorship you know with where we got the Regal ride shocks and we have comfort coach that's Kipnis right now this is our first race with us and I hope they stay with us from now on and we also have all the all the people that have the decals on the car that's too many done you need them yeah well I'll tell me something you talked to buddy all the way through the race on your two-way radio did you have any times that he communicated to you any frustrations or any problems that he thought were developing that gave you a little bit of a fright well no the only thing he said was the first part of the race he said it was pushing just a little but we knew the race track would get slick as it went on which it did and then later in the race we could take the tires off and it was even tire wear so the car neutralized and everything worked well from then on our congratulations again Ken up to you Waddell Wilson is a very interesting fellow he's been around for years he was originally with Holman Moody then with the junior Johnson he not only put the car together but he is a master engine builder and that engine ran that hard to set a new world 500-mile record was put together by water Wilson well they did absolutely everything right of course because the key to their victory really was in the last pit stop when they decided to just put fuel in they did not change tires and they only put a little bit of fuel and they had a tremendously quick pit stop which of course one of the pit stop competition as well so they had a great day all round we would remind our stations along the line that we'll be going to that game this afternoon between the Seattle SuperSonics and the Boston Celtics a tad early because this race ran off at such a record clip and one of the men who was in the hunt right to the finish is standing by with Ned Jarrett Bobby Allison here at an Alabama coming home in second place where you please Bobby well Ned I was pleased with second but he really had everybody covered today it looked like and we could draft and hang on you know and the crew put me out several times in the lead but the automobiles could run me down and get by especially Baker and you know they just were really strong all day and we're real happy that the car station as strong as it did all day you know bud Moore and the whole owner Houston crew did a tremendous job for us and you know ii ain't all that bad it ain't a win but it ain't all that bad and you know we can go on from here and we got a lot of racing this season and we just hope that the Warner Hodges and Mike herb car keeps on going like it's going Bobby your crew chose to change tires on the last pit stop Buddy Baker did and of course that puts you out of the draft with him had you been right there on his bumper on the last lap of course the caution the race ended under the caution but could you have drafted past him well all day long it seemed like I couldn't even get my nose outside of them I could draft by those others Mobile's but he just seemed to have tremendous speed on the straightaway and the only place I could catch up was in the corners on him so I have tried but I think it might have been a pretty difficult situation okay so he says second place is not too bad and I'd say so key and a pretty good payday for Bobby Allison indeed a heck of a payday for everyone out here today with six hundred sixty thousand dollars divvied up among these stars who have raced 500 miles to set a new record our record that's going to stand for some time I would David well the last one stood for over 10 years and there's no reason why this one shouldn't stand for a long time 177 Mars is a heck of a clip for 500 miles we'll be back with more in a moment [Applause] the old record for the Daytona 500 belonged to AJ Foyt back in 1971 he averaged 161 miles per hour for this little jaunt and today Buddy Baker has averaged 177 miles per hour to set the record which I'm sure is going to hang on here for a long long time you don't see that many races with that few cautions meanwhile net Jared has the kid that raced a third place Neil Bonnett Neil we've seen a lot of smoke come from your car rot at the end of the race what went wrong well did you know our game plan from the start was just to hang onto the lead pack all day and try to wait to the very end of the races if we could pull a thing out and you know buddy got away from bobbing myself and I was trying my best to hang on to Bobby and when I saw the caution I knew he had to race back to the line and I made a big sling out around Bobby started gaining on him Danny back straightaway and all a sudden he dropped the valve and just locked the motor up I don't know what happened it seemed to knock the hole inside the engine out a nail of course you have been it's been said that you are a protege of Bobby Allison I know that you're very close friends you come from the same town here town Alabama what were you thinking out there who's going to try to beat him and take that second-place money away from me well you know that's a unique situation about our sport here's a guy that's helped me all through the years and another way I had to repay him was try to turn him around and beat him you know but he's been so helpful through the years and you know I'm sure that if I hadn't tried to pass him he'd wonder what I was doing up there raising a car like I'm doing you had to have a little bit of help being pushed in there by waiting to him yeah you know the race was over and he just gave me a shove in the garage area and you know I'm just glad for the purolator team we could finish the race like that and then I'd like to take off duty my dad's been sick my mother's down here he didn't get a chance to come down like to tell me my everybody always hold high down on football so hi dad I'm glad to see okay all right Neil Bonnett a name you're going to hear a great deal more from in time to come we'll have some final thoughts on this Daytona 500 for you shortly as we get down to wrap up what has been the fastest automobile race in history the 22nd Daytona 500 Buddy Baker and he's still receiving the honors plaudits in victory lane back in a moment for the final time when things work right they will II work right don't they and they certainly worked right for Buddy Baker today they took a bit of a gamble obviously racing is a gamble they took the gamble didn't change the tires Dale Earnhardt elected to change the tire it went all wrong for him and he dropped from right in the lead bunch to fourth place they're a very sad day for Dale Earnhardt but a great day for Buddy Baker who's been trying for 18 years to win this race and when he won it he won a good one a tremendous record and probably a record payout of over $75,000 let's take a look at the standings in this event of course Baker coming to cross first finishing in second place today was Bobby Allison then in third number 21 credit will go to the Wood Brothers car in the fourth spot will be number two driven by Dale Earnhardt in fifth Benny Parsons riding in six was Terry Labonte seventh was Donnie Allison eighth went to Lenny pond and it was Sterling Marlin a number 14 car finishing ninth jody ridley wound up in the 10th position and Janet Guthrie finished 11th take a look at the folks who won this race in the past the most illustrious names in stock car racing have been here on this track and when you go back to year number 1 1959 there was a guy named Lee petty you can add jr. Johnson himself in 1960 Marvin Panch came in here to do it in 61 fireball Roberts tiny lund the late driver who replaced Marvin after he'd been in a crash earlier in the week back in 63 Lorenzen petty Mario Andretti came down here in 67 drove a loosely setup Holman Moody car and scared everybody to death and pulled off a phenomenal victory the Petty's have dominated this race but as we get to the end of this one for 1981 you can add a new name a name that has tried to win this race from almost the very beginning since the third Daytona 500 Buddy Baker has been here and today he has finally succeeded at one of his major goals in motorsport to win the Daytona 500 for Brock Yates and Ned Jarrett along with David Hobbs here in the control tower I'm Ken Squier thank you for joining us for the 22nd running of the Daytona 500 [Music]
Channel: NASCAR
Views: 48,056
Rating: 4.93401 out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, motorsports, racing, stock car, Kyle Busch, Kevin Harvick, chase elliott, fantasy sports, fantasy fastlane, glass case of emotion, ryan blaney, crash, wreck, pileup, pit road, penalty, race track, super speedway, highlight
Id: Nn1QrRiL_fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 24sec (12504 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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