1979 10 07 Steelers at Browns 51 35

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the Steelers and the Browns hook up it is usually a very good one these two teams are about as emotionally high as two football teams can be and the fans are right up there with him John when you look at the Steelers you have to admire their head coach Chuck Noll he's a quiet guy he doesn't get a lot of press but what a motivator what a leader done I think he's the best kept secret in the National Football a he's been the best coach over the past eight or ten years he's got it ready every week he's not only a technician he's also an administrator it's a rare quality he is right now the premier coach in the game well injuries are going to be a factor in this football game both teams are hurt you won't believe this crowd is unbelievable they really happen the Steelers have good backup people they've lost starters and yet their backup people look min and played like all pros I think the Steelers that's the name of the game we talk about key injuries a key injury is an injury that you can't replace so there are there is no such thing in Pittsburgh a kid like Tom Beasley comes on as a down lineman starts playing great football Gary Dunn plays great football when he's asked to play better sacks having the best year of the whole defense we already know about Lambert we already know about grain but when you ask a guy like dirt Winston not only to play the middle but today move outside and play and they're their level of play doesn't go down you're talking about a world champion well Sam Rutigliano Nazz Cleveland Browns have the same problem it got people they have to rely on backup players today I think in order for them to get into the league that pittsburgh has now attained they've got to play some of their first draft choices you're going to see a kid like today you might see a Willis Adam he's a four-four 40-yard runner a guy named Cody Rison Cody is a guard he's got to be doing some play and their offensive line is good for it to get over the hump a kid like this has to come along and play well for him and John Smith will be in there also you need everybody you got it gets to be a game of attrition after a while who do you have less well these teams have two good ones coming in like Willis Adams at wide receiver well will Willis Adams has played very well but he hasn't been given a chance to play in the games he's the kind of guy everybody expects a lot from we'll see today they need somebody to expand the defense and we've got two fine quarterbacks is you know Terry Bradshaw quarterbacks the Steelers and Brian Sipe does a big job for the Cleveland Browns and they're ready and so are we and we're glad you're giving you with us stay tuned now is we're almost set to tee it up that Brown versus the Steelers this is doctor key with John Brodie Cleveland Stadium as the Browns and the Steelers have a teed up and ready to go and that's how it stands right now in the AFC Central at the moment Houston is beating st. Louis 14 to 7 so the winner of this game will have at least a share of first place in the AFC Central kicks off it tarries deepen newly-acquired Dino ha stocks back upfield by the Cleveland Browns he's got some room [Applause] he's right the brilliant young punt returner kick returner for the Browns is out for this season on after undergoing knee surgery earlier this week so Dino heartless command that's how the offensive backfield looks all right Calvin Hills the man that's in place of Greg threw it Brian sacks been having a great year he's carried him actually and if Cleveland's going to really be in the same league with Pittsburgh throughout the afternoon the rest of his club's got to come up to his level of play well I got the field position the Browns come out of the huddle they had an off game last Sunday at Houston were beaten for the first time this season [Applause] broken last Sunday at Philadelphia way up for this here's a the Steelers have given up very little to the run this season the straight-ahead carries out across the 35 yard line to about the 37 I'm talking to Jim Shafter and Sam Rutigliano before the ballgame he said we we know we can go to these fellas these are our big play people Rutger Logan Newsome but what we've got to do and it's an old cliche is established that we can run he said previously in the last couple games we've established we could not and that's not the way we wanted to go well if you can establish you can run against this outfit the Steelers you get some offense Nelkin Hill Alliance now behind Pruitt I formation Calvin Hill tries to bond on a second and six carry out across the 41 yard line the Cleveland Browns in the Pittsburgh Steelers have been meeting since 1950 this is the 59th beating in the series and these are the fellows that have to move people around George Baylor has moved his spots the right guard the left guard he feels like he's playing better Tom de Lyonne is the real spearhead in the middle Henry Shepherds moved from guard to tackle they were pretty solid off moving out to the left flank for the Cleveland Browns is Ricky feature it is third down and about three for the Cleveland Brown early they'll knock you down yet [Applause] jump back in time so the first break of the game goes to the Pittsburgh Steelers and they don't get breaks they make him I think Don what you're going to see is a lot of times fumbles happen because people get to the ball carrier before he's ready to have them do so it wasn't the case this time dirt Winston just got a good piece of the ball when he tackled threw it caused a fumble the first big turnover his Pittsburgh Chuck know now eventuates his defenses they've come up with a big play again they've allowed only 71 points this season there's the Pittsburgh defense and a lot of those are resulting in turnovers given the other team good field position Steelers have turned the ball over 16 it's first in 10 Pittsburgh no score Sydney [Applause] and certain the pig back is Neptunia as he brings the ball all the way down inside the 20-yard line Don Joe Gordon the PR man for Pittsburgh is stated so he says he can't understand and we all know about Rocky Bleier Franco Harris he said Sidney Thornton is carrying this club offensively right now you can see he turns a four-yard gain into it about a 25 yard and he's the been the big play man for Pittsburgh it's Bradshaw Thornton and Harris in the backfield and so the Steelers capitalizing at an early turnover after Cleveland I now starting to challenge ten at the 17-yard line of Cleveland [Applause] to the 10 yard line Charlie Hall Cleveland's leading tackler coming to the game at the left linebacker 59 was on the hit for the Browns so right away the Steelers come out they want to run the football they'd like to keep their offense on the field they're btf defense give it as much rest as they can okay it's a pretty windy day Bradshaw would like to throw sparingly he's got an outstanding receiver in John Stallworth we know swans hurt Jim Smith's a pretty good fill-in then Randy Grossman is playing fine football look for number 89 [Applause] in a second and for for the Steelers and he takes the ball down to the 12 yard line Cleveland's regular middle linebacker dick Ambrose will only be used for spot duty today he's got a back problem in there in his stead is 56 Robert Jackson a former number one draft choice out of Texas A&M and he just went against an all-pro center in Webster and Webster won well that line up right there if you're playing defense you know these fellows are going to trap you the problem is you don't know when and you don't know who but when you talk with these fellas offensively they trap with anybody in the game the left tackle is a great football player for the Steelers John Cole now in the backfield [Applause] for the Steelers Bradshaw let's hit it [Applause] they signal it touch the any rottingham long enough possession when he crossed the plane of the goal line the hands went up it is a touchdown Steelers John I think he was going for a little spike action as he crossed the goal line it's a good thing he did it before he after he got there I've seen several guys go through their act before they got there and then it would have been a six-point mistake because you watch cutting and pick up the ball a little bit low throw he just got there I'll tell you he hid with his knee yeah I think he was gonna go into one of those dams this is just a little too late blocked up he tries to let the linebackers get into there drop it comes across the middle at 6 though now at 7 that bar hits the extra point and so the Steelers capitalized early on a brown fumble Pittsburgh Steelers this is Don quickie with John Brodie Steelers capitalized early there in the end zone right away they knew they had to get started fast they did it alright we're ready now for the Steelers second kickoff of this football game Dennis Winston recovering that fumble on Cleveland's first possession now back again is Dino hall to receive and that fire who hit the extra points ready to kick off for the Stevens he's into the football son starting to break through a lot Oh in here it's going to be effect as the game wears on Paul loses the handle he's got a problem now get across the 20-yard line they got some great NBC pictures of that last touchdown the first of the game watch this now we mentioned Benny Cunningham he was in for Grossman to tight end situation he blocks let's the linebackers clean out then when he comes across it's very difficult to tell whether or not he just crossed the goal line or whether he just got there a little prematurely but you can see he's letting the linebackers go beating the flow you see the ball got hit he's trying to get control of it he was in ruled by the referee that's all it's counted you see in a couple different ways our producer here today for NBC's Larry Cirillo our director Ted Nathanson were in the first quarter the Cleveland Browns have their second possession now they've had a problem moving the ball through it and the Steelers closed it down fast and hard they're looking at Joe green I think they're going to devil up on him this afternoon Joe Green has played very well against the run you can see he stands up the guards it's very difficult when you have when you man you have to pick on is an 8 to 10-year veteran number 75 he's bent they've been running at him they haven't run effectively at him all year he only goes to the Pro Bowl every year Jill Green back in good health he'll sit Greenwood is back in a Steeler lineup - he's at left in his four game foot injury now the Browns try to go to the run and there's nothing there Calvin Hill gets a full load and coming up to get him as John vanna's AK back in his hometown of Cleveland Ohio playing the right end for the Pittsburgh Steelers defensive line of the Steelers we mentioned Gary Dunn bana Zac Beasley they're not the fellas that you're associating with with the greatness of the Pittsburgh defense is over the years but the Pittsburgh defense has not dropped in its play and it's changed in its personnel John Banaszak having his best year of all time [Music] [Applause] it is third down and seven 30 and he might have a first down now as you know Greg crew does Africa leave living there great little step back then we picked up Hall and he provides some of that outside speed which the big packs don't have he's got excellent speed and he needed at that time he just outran all the pursuit hams got a little cold strain Jack Lambert playing injured Dennis twisting had to move over to the corner so you see they've got kind of a makeshift defense but they've still been tough here's some guys who can play football JT Thomas starting at a corner for Ron Johnson Nell plunked and senses all-pro year and year out Donnie shell Brown coaches think he might be the best guy back there the strong safety clout of football talent in the secondary the Steelers go lost their 45 they all are outstanding world champions and expect to be again this is the confidence with 12 diamond right now in a first down carry the Browns move it out again they get good blocking from the left side a tackle is Deacon number 73 the guard is peeler 64 and D Lyon moved out nicely at Center and hit the middle linebacker for the Steelers Jack Lambert they're going to have to get that kind of movement out of their offensive line they put a big burden on them they said you fellas have to move their defense backwards in order for us to move the ball and control it if we can't throw when we want to if they're dictating to us when we have to throw we're in trouble I am site now sets down his Cleveland Brown on a second down and long five play at the 36 yard line the cleveland pitch bacteria's Mike Perdue is stopped by Dennis Winston the outside linebacker Winston got him first and then knocked him down so right now we have 9 minutes and 50 seconds left to play in the first quarter the clock is running hit Cleveland and the Steelers are in the lead 7 up thing a little short touchdown pass over the middle rifled by Brad shot a tight end Benny Cunningham got it into the end zone see what they do riki feature and Reggie Rucker their wide receivers sigh [Applause] the Elven hill was open but site had to come in high as the Vics dealer linemen were in his face very difficult the handicapped this win did you know John Emmett down on the field looking at it closely and feeling it on the playing surface it's a swirling wind coming off Lake Erie which is 100 yards away Johnny Evans hits the punt didn't help anybody on the hop now it takes a little Cleveland roll inside the 30 and the Steelers will go back on offense first in 10 Kansas City under another coach you don't hear a lot about but he really has his team prepared Marv levy they win their fourth game of the season and the city now dropping the throw on a first down [Applause] start with this out there he has it john stott without a strait fly release coming down and Bradshaw with that gun arm puts it right down the number what a beautiful throw it's the kind of throw that nobody had a chance to catch the ball but stallworth from the time it was thrown he saw them in a double zone coverage to people trying to cover play centerfield he's got a good play action pass looks off got Tom Darden to react down toward the left side of the field if he can move his eyes around get get dardan reacting to him he can have a big day if he can't he's trouble Bradshaw is primary prep of this year has been interceptions he's been picked up eight times Franco Harris gets the call and a first down carry he advances the ball close to the 27 yard line Charlie Hall 59 made the stop for the Cleveland Browns right now the Steelers have been dominating this football game on Cleveland's first possession if you joined us late a fumble Dennis Winston got it for the Steelers four plays later they were in the end zone on the payoff and it was Terry Bradshaw a tight end Benny Cunningham so it's 7-nothing now and the Steelers stuff come out the second Channel [Applause] all probe pass catcher is not in this game he's out of the hand the Cleveland linebackers rappers ballgame the Eagles up in there record of five and one he catches the ball on 34 there's the pets and any cut Alma Davis came up in baingan but it was too little too late as Cunningham makes the first down reception at the 15 yard but the 12 yard line let's keep in mind Cunningham weighs over 250 pounds he's an outstanding athlete he can run patterns across the middle and he is the leader when he's going across the middle those defensive backs aren't going to wrap him the way they'd like to wrap those little wide receivers when they do get a piece of him they better hang on a lot of any 250 pounds Jim Smith from Michigan the man at new Navy Kurtz George Welsh girl the best receiver he's ever seen in college football it to the right Sydney third runs a football first down carry he got about three it gives you an idea how deep and how strong the Steelers are when I got it one top coach assesses the best college receiver he's ever seen only gets to start with somebody's hurt but when wen Suan has been hurt Smith has played extremely well there's Lynn Swann awareness number 88 in his Willie Stargell hat looks like he's getting ready for the World Series [Applause] that's it in this much time touchdown 54 Bradshaw strikes early 5:52 still the flame [Applause] just can't ask your linebackers to cover all over the football field both his wide receivers were covered just like a blanket Bradshaw wants to go out to the right then it comes back now finally it comes over to Thornton lacrosse the middle who went out to the right side it came all the way across the field found himself open Bradshaw hit him let's take a look at Robert Jackson there's going to be a burden on him he runs right in nice he's already run his pattern this is 107 second pattern back to the live coverage of the extra point by bar it is up and good and so the world champions had taken command of this football game but we've got a long way to go it's 14 nothing Pittsburgh over Cleveland we'll be back in a bubble I'm Brody this is Don quickie back in Cleveland stadium the Steelers have taken him out of this game in the first quarter 14 nothing as Barr kicks up again Dino Hall awaits the ball at the five yard line [Applause] accelerates ahead across the 20-yard line up to the 25 I draft choice number two coming down and he makes the special teams in and that's the only way you can make the Pittsburgh team you're not going to get right into the lineup playing either offense or defense you go down and take on a few wedges you can find a spot for yourself on the roster Zack Valentine made a great play yeah at this point now is Cleveland have to come out of its game plan and start firing oh I don't think so it's a little early to get out of whatever design here that going into the ballgame they wanted to run it I think they've shown they can but ciphers the thrower and he's been getting this beam by on his arm and I think you're gonna see more of LeBron said the coach the father left [Applause] he catches the boat on Wagner it's a first down for the Browse Ozzie Newsome a strong tight end has got the excellent speed gets down here's an upset the Chicago Bears in a hail storm at Buffalo on a one-yard run by Walter Payton with just over a minute to play in the game he threw the Buffalo Bills 7 nothing Atlanta back on now after Green Bay's big win Monday night over New England Atlanta on the home field beats the Packers 25 to 7 Landon out three and three the factors are two and four Ryan's site with [Applause] I cooked as well to allude Green moment tell them get ahead for Larry Arnaz just Green had him at the line of scrimmage a very nice four or five yard game we mentioned dirt Winston he's got to play the outside see how he does number 53 you can see he doesn't go for much Calvin Hills trying to get a piece on him see if he can't help Mike Frueh he does his job through it picks up four but it was a nice run to get it so far both teams have run 10 plays but the steelers has believe those gregg food on the sidelines the all-purpose back he has a stray knee there was some concern he might need surgery but that is not the case he might be back as early as next week [Applause] down in the second area the Pittsburgh Steelers we could have a car going against Pittsburgh which would be resulted in a first down the point of infraction referee today is Jim Tunney he's going to give us the call I'm gonna go against the Steelers John it is it's going to be first down for the Browns they need to sustain a drive you gotta get some 45 yards first down mr. cyphre donating wide receiver Newsome is aligned to the right wind is really gusting now is going to be tough to throw at us [Applause] Ricky feature was interfered with it is a first down so now they Monticello it was not a well-thrown ball by sight but it was a very well filled at ball by Fichter what he did is he goes down to field little play-action pass he freezes the linebackers gives himself quite a bit of the field to play with if he strolled the ball a little more in the middle features got it onto dead run however feature did slow down enough to force Blount to come over the top of him drew a penalty keeps their drive alive sure does the best field position of the game now for the Cleveland Browns they have the ball down to the 21 yard line of the Pittsburgh Steelers we have 411 left to play first quarter Steelers jumped out their first two possessions to a 14 nothing lead [Music] [Applause] the second it's Christian 10 browse to the 21 yard line was dealer [Applause] the football is Calvin Hill and he's down inside the 15-yard line superb execution as sipes stood tall against the big ROG it looked like an audible now you don't hear much about audibles down anymore but it looked like pittsburgh was in a bliss a six or seven man blitz Lambert was the only one that was in the middle of the field that puts Wagner vandeman on Calvin Hill a perfect throw throwing situation on a play-action pass he took advantage over so the Browns have something going now as Cleo Miller goes into their backfield number Alvin Hill is in there with him Rutger is ride to the right Dave go up in the air and get the second typically I'll never let the bar right into the heart of the Steeler defense you don't get hit once you get hit 1 2 3 times on that play and Down Goes Miller he did get a couple pleased with a whitening aura trailing 14 nothing [Applause] first time for the brows good offensive search both guards they were ahead of center Tom Daly oh just enough search to pick up a first down that 1 or 2 yards is not an automatic it's not easy here's Henry Shepard on the right 65 Jackson on the right at the right guard Dee Lyon real good offensive surge game gave her a chance to pick up the first so now the Browns are challenging there's 15,000 here from Pittsburgh trying to get somebody elected okay Wendy gets pretty good football team out of some of these to follow this dealers [Applause] into the end zone ballers tip the Steeler linebacker Jack Lambert people talk about how good Lambert is and stopping the run but he's one of the most effective linebackers patrol in that middle he gets in the proper lane all the time and he's very tough to throw on and it really helps those safeties generous ting Jack Lambert grew up not far from Cleveland was a Browns fan all his life never missed a game no Browns fan anymore these two teams don't like each other they get after it Jack Lambert the middle linebacker dropping back in that zone covered and he tipped the ball so now it's second [Applause] get a first job I get the best the one it's just outside the ten yard line pitch back goes here is he's down to the six yard line so a third down play comes up and I think John Brodie we could see his site throw into the end zone well certainly we could it's it's no easy trick to pick up five yards when you're down on a six yard line on third down it's the toughest situation for a quarterback I'm sure that you know teams get in to drills where you say inside the ten yard line what's our best third down play you're going to see it right now and I don't so quarterback you know why did you run out of room everybody crowd you and there are no patterns that you can run effectively down there you just have to get one on one situation somewhere right now it's going to be tough for buying site when the Browns offense third at the six and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for a little bit - would have come down outside the end zone so the kicking team goes out would have been a great catch but scythe did throw the ball the only place he had a chance to make the reception so now a very capable place kicker particularly when the weather's bad like it is today with this guesting wind down CAC rough comes on the playing field for the Cleveland Browns a site go zap he actually threw the ball over 40 times last year key considering the number of plays were callback on penalties and Sam Rutigliano says we don't to be thrown a football 40 times we usually don't win a game when you do that and it certainly did not last week here's cock-crow he hasn't missed many though he hits it he's wide John Cockcroft doesn't get it there the swirling wind he is wide and so a good grounds Drive comes up empty 1:22 left to play in the first quarter and the Steelers give up yardage but they do not give up points as we watch that kick again here is the seemingly point-blank field goal attempt to don rough as we see it just goes wide to the right it pretty solid but you can see it comes in a little late and mr. crow but disappoint he doesn't miss him from way out let alone in close but oddly enough he's old for two from that distance visionary first three games of the year I put them on the window [Applause] now the Steelers use their power game as driving straight ahead into tech Oh Sims in shirt is Franco Harris NBC sports world coming up in two weeks in October 20th you'll see two of the hardest hitters in boxing go toe-to-toe for the WBA heavyweight championship of the world undefeated Big John Tate goes against undefeated Harry Cook see alive from Victoria South Africa now so you'll see action with the legends of bowling possibility of celebrity poker tournament but a real championship fight coming up October 20th on NBC [Applause] quillon he got up really question who is the hitter and who is the hit II when he runs into a defense because he's dealing it out to Jackson got him finally along with Ron bolt but there's good yardage the New England Patriots had to work hard and come from behind to beat Detroit today 24 217 Lions lost another quarterback home low went down in that game [Applause] it's third and less than two yards now for the Pittsburgh Steelers the brought up their 29 yard the first quarter is in its final seconds right down the Steelers are in the lead 14 under [Applause] we mentioned 71 yards for a touchdown a guy as you said at 230 pounds Tom dart is a free safety pre safeties are known for their speed he did not have more than his fried on Darden as he left the line of scrimmage got through the secondary he maintained it and extended it once he got down to fair now here's a man can fly he's stated in his own in his own words he's gotten off to a slow start he certainly hasn't started slow today [Applause] interesting the longest run in his career prior to this was a 75 yard touchdown run and that was against the Cleveland Browns so now fire is out to try an extra point again 21 in the first quarter Pittsburgh 21 Cleveland nothing we'll be right back after these messages from your local station our creepy camera from the end zone gives you a look at this play as an offensive back would look at a defense when he breaks through there you can see you just need one little crack there's nobody in the secondary they've got ten minute the line of scrimmage doing all they can to stop them from making a first down but they didn't stop from making a touchdown Sam Rutigliano we're on the Left Chuck Noll on the right around the right tackle through great block after the tight end Grossman ooh block down on the line back yard it's 21 nothing now Dino [Applause] the world champion is fired last week with fan [Applause] people can make a lot of noise because it sounds like this is a Pittsburgh well I think Pittsburgh did what was so until a streak in the dressing room for some reason they were they were uh not accustomed to to being the way they were they're a little nervous a little tense just kind of ready for the ballgame they knew this was big for them look at the way they get after that ball down the field do you know Smith didn't know where they came from but they did get the ball from Michigan State Tom graves without a football so now the Steelers challenge yet again first and ten at the 12 yard line of Cleveland it's outside good play by hall caught him from behind outside linebacker 59 Charlie Hall gets big Sid Courtney so far the Browns have turned the ball over twice the first one was converted into the first score of the game by the Pittsburgh Steelers and now is where early in the second quarter it is 21 nothing Pittsburgh now this game should get any more out of hand we're gonna switch out to Denver where the San Diego Chargers and the Broncos are hooked up in a scoreless game that's if the Steelers start to blow this one wide open if they have not effect on that already well 21 is you can come back from there 20 [Applause] he's the replacement for Lynn Swann now that's about as fine a catch as you're going to see all year he knew he had it all away though that the end zones a little bit soft in there Bradshaw made a pretty good throw but it was a great catch look little play-action he's putting the ball the only place anybody can grab it he beats bull you think Terry cares they say another big factor in Pittsburgh's success they all believe now in Bradshaw few years ago he'd had the great game in the off game they know that he's going to take in the distance he's done it here's the extra point attempt it's wide by far that wind out that into the field the open end is going to be a factor but with 1407 left to play in the first half the Pittsburgh Steelers have moved out in front 27 to nothing we'll be back at Cleveland in a moment and now that fire is ready to kick it up once again for the Pittsburgh Steelers that they've taken command of this game 27 nothing early in the second jano ha who saw the last kickoff return result in a fumble subsequent recovery and then on to the touchdown the Browns have done that twice in this game this telecare the Steelers have the telecast is presented by authority of the National Football League and is intended for the private use of our audience and Jiri broadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Cleveland Browns and the National Football League is prohibited so Bob we'll do it all over again back at the 30 Johnna Cleveland Browns aren't sure what's happened to them but they know it is not good and Pittsburgh has not made one mistake all day long that's throughout a whole first quarter of football they scored a touchdown every time they got their hands on the ball and they haven't allowed Pittsburgh Cleveland's offense to really move the ball effectively here's the live you wouldn't know if he's a hit 27 or nothing in behind it he doesn't change the interesting story about when he was hired by the Steelers back in 1969 they interviewed him the day after Baltimore been upset by the Jets in Super Bowl 3 and his composure in the opinion so this is the kind of guy I think you might want leading us out of the wilderness this coach in the NFL 72 you know Harless not done yet guy comes out across the 35 yard line gets to the 37 well Andy Grossman playing special teams he goes both ways for the Steelers made the hit so now Cleveland try to get something cookin again they've not moved the ball at all they did the one possession you remember got it down close and then the field goal attempt by Cockcroft was just wide a lot of good a lot of good things the hood have got to happen for Cleveland to even get back in the ball game they've got to score the ball score twice these groups cork is just like the Steelers like it it's getting a little ugly [Applause] nice play for the Cleveland Browns now that Hill runs patterns runs patterns with any halfback in the game he gives himself a lot of room when he gets gets by the linebackers little play-action pass you can see both dirt Winston and that is Jack Lambert out there trying to recoup on me and make a big play just a very well thrown ball Browns think they could get an over man no Winston normally a backup middle linebacker is outside right now starting today Houston leading st. Louis 1710 fourth quarter game so the Oilers looking to hold in their share the AFC Central League [Applause] down at ten now for the pittsburg it sucks gonna go down slowly and in almost in pieces well he bat snap from the center when that happens get what she can fall on the ball and go back regroup 7 7 is the score at the Superdome in New Orleans the Rams in the Saints Galbraith ran in for a touchdown for New Orleans Wendell Tyler came back and scored for the Rams 5-yard run Sam Rutigliano quarterback coach Jim shop new year old pal from San Francisco job they're looking a little bit up right now we gotta go way down on your back 27 to nothing [Applause] to hit for a first down to the 21 yard line the Browns moving nicely off the snap of the ball get the break in a stealer defensive front Donnie shale and Mike Wagner the safeties were on the tackle [Applause] it's going to be first down now for Cleveland as they've advanced the ball to the 21 yard line of Pittsburgh first half clock shows 11:55 to play well yo Miller comes in the backfield of the Browns now there's so much time left but just a little bit of a letdown by Pittsburgh would allow get back in the ballgame we've seen a lot stranger things happen just a couple weeks ago citation [Applause] came off the play the ball was intended for another Anderson grabbed at Mather his it was intended for Miller but Newsome came back it was simply a decoy back around JT Thomas made a fine play he didn't even know Cleo was in the area the big guy from Bama Ozzie Newsome brings the Browns down close they'll have it first and goal from the 2 yard line [Applause] temperature in the 40s winds are gusty [Applause] the rounds as close as they've been in us [Applause] take a look into the end zone [Applause] swinging my crew lost the ball came in a little high had both hands out though he should have caught it well when it rains it pours you know the ball was thrown a little hard Sipho actually had a lot of time he didn't expect to have as much time as he was given and she'll just kind of ran into a bobble ball take a look here's a little bootleg play he's got rising out in front of him he finds Mike Pruitt in the end zone little bobble allows shale to get on the ball and they get another turnover Steelers are getting it every which way the round have been down close twice they've come up empty it is 22 having it up in Pittsburgh the Otis brown three yards after a Cardinal touchdown very direct bearing on the the central and up - Cartman it's out on the first and ten plate of the 27 yard line they say Ted marchibroda job is on the line should Baltimore lose this week there's one of the Jets Dallas holding to a 10-7 lead over Minnesota hold on get down at 3:00 Franco runs gets the ball up to the 28 yard line now the brown stick down to impress dealers they go to the power run Thornton puts his head down Cleveland's dirty hit him knock him down short of the first down so the Browns will get the ball back now on the punt for the first time in this game Nikki Sims number 78 the left tackle made the hit also asking to the Cleveland Browns and cut it earlier course Keith Wright the fine country Turner for the knee operation [Applause] that's the way the putter sees it down line drive punch by Colquitt Dino Hall is going to have a problem here as he alerts the man who came down yeah the ball again briefly but got it back he's out to the 39 yard line first for the Pittsburgh Steelers was Larry Anderson but he missed him and right now we'll take a pic of the extra where the Steelers Dylan can add 27 to nothing first at 12:30 Eastern Time NFL 79 with Brian Gumbel and Mike Adamle and a look at Wild West football Canadian style and Calgary then most of the country will see the big inter conference matchup between the high-powered Patriots and the Bears with Walter Payton who won the game today at Buffalo other key games the Seahawks and the Chargers Denver Kru it comes out wide and he is down inside the 45 yard line before the Lambert finally ran him down and there again they're trying to pick on Dennis Winston he's an outstanding middle linebacker he hasn't played the outside he has to go in because two or three injuries have occurred they have been able isolate of a couple times when they have they've been effective still haven't got any points on the board it's a long way back from 27 - man that is a big hole you've dug yourself 27 nothing Pittsburgh is in the lead the Browns have moved the ball on two possessions once they were down point-blank range and interception in the end zone step them another time is good and clue it on a first down carry rips ahead for close to ten yards he Dennis Winston 53 made the tackle Pruett comes into the game as Cleveland's leading rusher he's averaging three and a half yards to carry he's up close to 300 yards for the season after his efforts here in the first half the Steelers with Banias jacket right in down a right tackle is pronounced Joe green and Greenwood [Applause] those kelvin halen he's down close to the 32 yard line Kelvin Hill gets a first down for the Cleveland Browns with 706 to play in the first half I really think Cleveland has a chance to get back in the ball game it's very difficult to keep your intensity level as high as they have [Applause] also stop the three-point attempt from hearing his sight was a family locking it into the inside it's a touchdown look like a defensive penalty and that's what we're talking about that time Rutger goes down beats a little double coverage there was really nothing to it and he just ran a ran a simple little pattern he was down there beating to people and sight through the ball it's like ho-hum how easy it is here we go Reggie record this is the double coverage he's got Donnie shale who he who thinks he's going to make the cut down about a 15 yards deep he just turns it outside throws on the ball and they've closed the gap a bit have indeed here's a good throw and Rucker right out there takes it make sure he's got it into the end zone he goes so the car was against the Steelers and the play goes and the Browns around the board for the first time in the game [Applause] he is right through the uprights so at 6:28 left to play in the first half now let's go Steelers 27 the Cleveland Brown 7 will be back and Cleveland stadium in a moment they need for Cleveland's all-purpose back the farmer of Oklahoma sooner well can he play not big enough to play they told it was a five foot two inch tight end in high school you'd probably taller the other guys over [Applause] Barry Anderson feels that children pay the Browns it might be down but they're pretty high as their defense now comes running out out of the field [Applause] so it will be first intent for the Pittsburgh Steelers they have a 27 to 7 Lee they've converted to brown fumble recoveries in two subsequent touchdowns they've done it without lynn swann who stands on the sidelines winners tell jokes and losers say deals as if this games filling you know we're still playing this game and quarters to go [Applause] goes wide five yards downfield here's a penalty coming in John after the play I don't think it was I don't think it was her for anything after the play I think it was a holding penalty we'll see this is a bit this is a big a big series of plays for Cleveland you know they could have 17 points would be right in the thick and thing but they're playing well offensively their defense knows it if they can hold him as they did the last time they still get within reach you know 13 points is not out of reach they only need one touchdown to get within that area there's quintanilla referee Olli can live number 38 go first out Sidney Thornton was caught holding and so now the Steelers are set back to their 10-yard line it'll be first in 20 we'll look at it again take a look Sidney Thornton's the man that got called we're trying to help out his back [Applause] the Clarence Scott the strong saftey who came in for the Cleveland Brown so the knockdown is made and the Steelers fall you know you get a funny feeling about this game John I just you just have the feeling sometimes you felt you can almost feel Pittsburgh just get a little bit listless after they got to 27th point and now Cleveland getting seven points on the board is kind of pumped up they know they have a chance to get back in it it's a home crowd and a lot stranger things have happened now some new people go down the brown defense rich dimmler a big from Southern California comes in Sims comes out they go to a they've got such defensive back the game rookie from LSU really starting up in Cleveland now GRE shirk number 72 and all pro football player makes the big play you can tell the people in the stands feel the same thing when you get a twenty seven to seven game and the home team's got the seven and the fans are as excited as these people are there's something going on here that I'm not quite aware of but they're going to get the ball back they've got plenty of time to put another drive together something happened here in Cleveland now his shirt makes the big long way to go 4:52 playing [Applause] the Browns will get the football back Lyle Alzado 77 on the snap for Cleveland there he shirts a tough guy to block well shirt gets good penetration Sam Davis trying to handle shirk alone as a tough thing to do he does his job he gives flyer a chance to get into the secondary just too many hearts to pick up at math usually hits only 57 he comes over the top [Applause] Oakland well he can hit it knew some signals for makes a fair catch so now the Browns go on offense first and ten and we pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network this is WI CTV your new spirit station in Pittsburgh there's a big score fourth-quarter Astrodome Houston Texas Cardinals 24 the Houston Oilers 17 Wayne Morris just scored with 235 left so that holds up the winner of this game will take over sole possession of first place in the AFC Central second quarter the chargers and Broncos dilip got put points up that was a 48 yard cotton the steam [Applause] site Thanks the completion is made to Mike Pruitt is ahead to the 41 yard line didn't get much get some yep three stores coming in as the one o'clock games are winding up second quarter score now this was a - a pick off at Baltimore they poked - leading the Jets 10 to nothing baltimore winless going into the game dallas has now moved out in front 17 to 7 over minnesota they're playing at Bloomington Minnesota Dorsett has run for two touchdowns for Dallas from three yards out both times last time Cleveland played at home [Applause] to come back its second out of six now for Cleveland [Applause] puts his shoulder in Danelle blood and into Jacqueline Burton takes the bottom a 50-yard line it's a first time for the Cleveland Browns offensively Cleveland is moving the ball there probably as effective as anybody's been against Pittsburgh all year long and they as we mentioned they've got over 30 minutes to play they've got over three minutes in this half and they're moving they really are they're moving the ball against the Steelers have points now a getting out of bounds through it not only got the first down but he stopped the clock but 3:13 left to play in the his offense right there 49 yard site drop she's looking at and all-pro cornerback almost had the interceptions Mel Blanc's six four ways 218 pounds he's a cornerback that he can fly you can get downfield they say John on one-on-one coverage he's as good as there is on the keys I think he is as good Lewis Wright is outstanding Jimmie Johnson it's funny all those fellows are built alike - they're over six foot tall long legs and they can really cover usually you don't see the long-legged fellas playing quarter but these are exceptions Steelers are very selling though in man-to-man they put blood [Applause] Kelly Markos go down Ozzie Newsome was running at deep cannon he's always a threat he could be more as the game wears on last week when they were upset by the Philadelphia Eagles he fell through the hoop defensive encroachment of five-yard assessment will be knocked off against the Pittsburgh Steelers last week against Philadelphia Kressley the tight end for the Eagles on a straight release on the tight end position got 92 yards in four catches 75-68 still second down rich coat tight one of the assistant coaches for the Browns says the guy they're really concerned about is shell back there look at this tells you how good pittsburgh has been coming into this ball game of Cleveland's moving the ball second down and five now 46 yard line of Pittsburgh site plaything so Brian Sipe did very well not only to elude the Russians to get rid of the ball it is a completion he sure did a good job to get rid of the ball he had none of his receivers open he was caught this is the bad this is when it you're having a little problem you don't have any backs out he kept a few backs in to help lock Greenwood got by a few blockers early when he did so sight made a fine play just to get rid of it the one thing John you have to be concerned about when you play the pittsburgh steelers is the fourth quarter this year they've outscored the opposition in the fourth quarter 52 to 7 they come at you in the last 15 minutes hard they came they came at the Browns pretty hard the first quarter was 21-nothing at the end of [Applause] that's 27-7 his Saipan third down at seven arsalan one she's on the coverage of record clean all the way the official right on the plate Don Rutgers had a little a little lake problem he hasn't been able to run at full speed which is the reason we mentioned you might see a Willis Smith or a John Smith or Willis Adams you can see right now he's one-on-one sipes got the defense he wants the Rutger can't outrun JT Thomas and if you get the right defense you still have to be at Lex he's the great comeback story his career was over last year because of a blood disorder unusual illness but JT Thomas is back and flames strong football for the Steelers and now the Browns will have to punt with two minutes left [Applause] Carolina State key feature for the first down and Schoff said he may be an outstanding quarterback before he's through but when your punter can throw the ball boy is that a tangent he hasn't shown it all year that's the first girl he's fake during the regular season right on the money Cleveland keeps its drive alive so with two minutes left to play in the first half the Browns get it going now and they're starting to mount another challenge looking to get back in this football game the first NFL completion for Johnny Evans is a big one we'll be back with the Browns of the Burstyn 10 in a moment Cody this is Don Ricky back at Cleveland stadium two minutes left to play in the first half the Browns fell behind 27 nothing to the world champion Steelers now Cleveland scoring on its last possession is driving again the Browns have the ball at the 34 yard line of Pittsburgh with 2 minutes to play in the half it's her stint in Cleveland logan goes wide to the right regi Rutgers rider left the last time a crowd cyclist looking at rocker dance tell you that bounty shall did a heck of a job of covering because Newsom didn't get 101 with shel Wagner was out of the play completely and he stayed right with him okay everybody in the house knows he's going to throw but to who Newsom goes right down the field just with a band form and covers them all away and an affair Brian said is the best pass catch you we ever had in Alabama yes Bear Bryant one time if they ever retired his number as a college players that no because I wore a different one every week we all did that's how he saw programs second down and ten for this Cleveland Browns slogan is and Rutgers to either side Brian Sipe cool man when the hee FNC takes the rap [Applause] to catch it's really difficult people say hey if you're a linebacker you're a linebacker sure we know but he hasn't played the outside he's got to play it right now because coals hurt and they've got a couple other injuries to go with him he's the most experienced linebacker they have at this time and he's filling in he's doing the best he can but it's awful tough to cover an area that's what the Browns were going to work out now he sees act Valentine because they're going to try another man at that outside position he's doubling up down the others have a mistake in their coverage site was looking at first in tannins [Applause] the prawns are going to be able to score their get people open well that time they had the proper call against the proper defense tiny shell had to watch newsom all by himself however Newsome couldn't get loose Sipho ended up having to throw the ball away and it's one thing to call the proper play it's another thing to be able to execute Chuck know going with a lot of people on his defensive line Dwight White number 78 is now in the game he is the right end has been in there Gary done the right tackle Joe Green the left tackle and Tom Beasley the left end 65 Rucker goes out of the game if second [Applause] when you had it 27 with two touchdowns [Applause] Ozzie Newsome came across the middle didn't release to the weak side he scooted out behind the linebackers we'll watch him catch the ball and take it you can see my crew it gave him a fine block to help out through it's on the outside do some cuts behind him he just up Ben's Thomason Aryan for six and so now the Browns are on the book again with 135 left to play in the first half and they're looking for their 14th point Matt missed extra point by Matt fire good hot rod nails the Browns have ahead all the points they should have this would be airtight Cleveland turns the game around gets back in at the second quarter we'll be back with what has turned into a very exciting football game heating up here in Cleveland we still might be switching part of our network to Denver and San Diego they're still in a scoreless tie out at Mile High Stadium as the wind gusts down on the playing field and blows the ball off the tee for Don Cochran 1:35 left to play in the first half Cleveland scoring in its last two possessions after missing earlier chances now trails the Steelers 27 to 14 and the impetus has turned around it's in the white shirts now this is very typical of Pittsburgh Cleveland ball games most of them are very low-scoring hard-fought into trenches everybody's trying to control the ball this one the ball is up for grabs the Browns offensive line has really done a good job in the second quarter taken care of site they've given him time to throw and he has been there with a foot he's been there for the last 10 or 12 games that he's played with clearly he's turned into an outstanding quarterback [Applause] this way [Applause] to the 47 yard line so Larry Anderson explosive kick returner brings the ball back nicely for the Steelers a 42 yard return and Bradshaw the Steeler offense now has enough time to possibly get something else up willis adams was on attack before Cleveland but all the way up to the Steelers 47 yard line Bradshaw ever the great completed 6to4 touchdown [Applause] bacon the 42 yard line John Starwood came back at the football looked like a brown defensive back might have a play on it but the reception is made John John you can see that that Bradshaw knows the whole trend of momentum has changed they have to get back hundred on the offense and they were starting to hold the ball trying to control it almost just kind of eaten up the clock with a little over two quarters to play now they know they're back at a ballgame they've got to go on attack Sam Rutigliano starting to feel a little better about this tonight on NBC Disney's wonderful world we coming up at 7 o'clock Eastern Time our two of the $1,000,000 duck starring Dean Jones at 8 o'clock it is a big event great [Applause] first intent steal [Applause] and shortin doesn't get much shirt playing a brilliant again fights off the block got a piece of Sidney Thornton and the clock continues to run it's going to wind down to a minute now the Steelers going into formation without a huddle that is the game clock you see winding down second and ten ratshot pixel [Applause] to the 30-yard line very near to a first down he might have a job excellent pattern all away Bradshaw just kind of looked people off let flyer come out late out of the backfield there were no linebackers in the area picked up a first down and they're on the move with 46 seconds left now he had a conversation on the sidelines as Bradshaw comes over to talk to Chuck Nola's dick hope the longtime running back with the Steelers what are they saying I don't really think there's any wisdom going on it's just they're trying to discuss details on how to handle their timeouts what plays they feel they might fall at this time they're probably two or three thoughts that he'll go out there with I think Chuck Noll is an outstanding offensive coach see the light side on us now a very cold afternoon here in Cleveland temperature dropping in the wind is picking up in intensity right here we see the Steelers they've done offense in rushing north in passing seventh overall Cleveland grading out as the eighth best defensive team at this point Charlie Hall goes out to Dave graph comes into play linebacker wind is really gusting now it's very unusual wind you can't tell which way it's going to come at you from before well I don't think it's with it's not with Pittsburgh if there is any wind at all it's going the other way third down and a foot if they do try to pick up the first down which I think they will I really think they will they've still got to get back on the ball let's get another play and that's what they were discussing I'm sure what it was they break the high lace Tim Smith [Applause] they go for the first down Thorton runs it down to the 25-yard line and also advances the ball in the middle of the field 35 seconds left [Applause] it was Nikki Sims was applets he gets credit for the tip ball because it was Sims lots of guys were wide open swinging out nice patterns being run by the Steelers that's you know John that's really about the only way you can protect them against the back coming out of the backfield late after the linebacker has moved into his drop area you've got to depend on your lineman to get the hands up and get a piece of the ball they'll work that time for the Browns after the first incompletion of the day for Jerry Bradshaw 26 seconds left to play first half score Cleveland trailing Pittsburgh 27 14 Browns defense trying to stave off the Pittsburgh Steelers [Applause] in shorts of any kind they're down in ten gonna be a tough field goal if the Steelers don't advance the ball on this play this third down ten play coming up bar the rookie place kicker from Penn State was having a lot of problems in pregame in the yesterday's practice getting it through here with the win and he's going a little bit against it at this time it's difficult for the college tickers to community NFL because in college you may know they use a kickin T on field goals next two points and the pros you pick it off the door [Applause] betcha 30:10 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think they should Cleveland Jim Tony is the man who makes that devotion Tony was sitting there making sure of the play between the tackles the rush and Bradshaw and I don't even think he saw the ball being released by Terry Mike st. Clair says a course of intentional grounding is that it lost it down now the field goal attempt [Applause] across the vine looked like it was going to come up short so meth bar delivers a real Club field goal for the Pittsburgh Steelers they extend their lead to 30 to 14 and it's a it's a good distance it's a long 42 yards done the win almost stopped it but it dropped over the crossbar by our 10 feet in the air and that bar hits an important field goal for the Pittsburgh Steelers and with 11 seconds left to play in the first half it is the Steelers 30 the Browns 14 and Chuck Dolson let's get it out here and get after these guys ready to kick off his mat bar many of our stations around the NBC network will be going to news and very briefly after this kickoff we can update the other stores that far [Applause] each other with twits to think that he's now afraid let me ask those big guys I'll whack em boy Anthony Anderson finally knocks him down John John he just escaped a collision between you can see the two Pittsburgh Steelers who are in on the play Larry Anderson's getting up very slow take a look this is Zack Valentine coming down on to play he know Smith runs right through a collision just barely got through it we don't see it on the screen but it happened so while a Pittsburgh player is down we'll review the scores around the rest of the National Football League San Diego and Denver at halftime have not scored it is a nothing nothing tied at Mile High Stadium la has now moved out to a 2107 lead over the Saints at the Superdome and even as we speak the Rams get in the end zone again 28 7 5 seconds left to play in the first half here at Cleveland Stadium the Browns have the ball as an injured Steelers intended to [Applause] I'm Graves rookie linebacker from Michigan State so alright second quarter score Baltimore leading the Jets as they did in the first quarter it is 10 to nothing Colts they need a win so badly they say marchibroda could be gone if the coast do not come out on top this week they go into the game oh and five Giants won their first game today they beat it previously unbeaten Tampa Bay Buccaneers Dallas leading Minnesota in the second third quarter 23 to [Applause] Ryann site takes a look long last play of the half he's going to throw the homerun ball [Applause] looking for blockers look into lateral who know what the ball at this point right now Wagner diction across 445 and gets to the 47 so the first half ends know when a team gets off to a twenty seven to nothing lead it's almost too much too quick and a team can't have it now Cleveland has been running the ball moving the ball in the air effectively if they continue to do this we've got a ball game left right now let's go to Brian Campbell in New York Sunday number six has been a Sunday of upset and confrontation upset for that man John McCain coached the Tampa Bay Buccaneers because of this man Billy Taylor for the Giants he rushed for 100 yards they scored two touchdowns the Giants post their first victory of the season Tampa Bay knocked from the ranks of the unbeaten after six weeks the NFL has no unbeaten teams in Cleveland two teams battling off the first place the Steelers in the Browns Franco Harris having a big afternoon 70 yards on this play the Steelers rushing to a big early lead they lead at halftime by 16 points hello again everyone Bryant Gumbel in Mike Adamle welcoming you back to NFL 79 let's try to get you caught up very quickly and what's happening with this Sunday Kansas City Chiefs very young very good ballclub they win their third straight they beat the Bengals 10 7 Cincinnati still winless in the Meadowlands New York Giants it was the first start for quarterback Phil Simms it didn't matter he didn't have a very good day 37 yards he handed off to Billy Taylor 144 yards 2 TDs Washington a loser to Philadelphia today 28 17 that phyto Wilber Montgomery scored three touchdowns New England over Detroit 24 17 they're having problems again that it wasn't until a Tom Owen touchdown pass to Don Calhoun that they went ahead sweet Walter Payton 39 carries 155 yards the Bears turned back the bills and shut about $7 Atlanta big winner over the puzzling Green Bay Packers 25 - 7 3 Tim as Eddy field goals the difference in that one you think they're puzzling figure this one out the Oilers dropped a four and two the Cardinals beat him 24 to 17 that's an upset quite an offensive showing in the Municipal Stadium in Cleveland Ohio 32 14 that's the score Terry Bradshaw three touchdown passes Brian sight - we're not sure what the Broncos and chargers are doing third quarter there's no score is that possible I don't know but halftime in Los Angeles or in New Orleans 28 7 - wendyl Tyler touchdown runs to Pat Haden touchdown passes Jeff's Baltimore Colts seeking their first win up front 10 3 and Dallas Minnesota up in Bloomington 23 10 and a half time and Seattle leading San Francisco right now 14-7 remember the 49ers still without a win this year we've got a second half of football to come we'll get to it after this commercial break well hello hello Cleveland is we're back now Cleveland stadium Don crookie with John Brodie ready for the third quarter the Steelers zip them out onto the field Brian Sipe has done a good job in the blowin way Carrie Bradshaw has been even better as we take a look at statistically how this game breaks down at the Steelers in the lead well Terry Bradshaw had such an outstanding first half everything came so easy for him at one time he was seven for seven and he thrown three touchdowns now it's just been real easy for Pittsburgh then they had to get back and do some playing toward the end of the first half he took him down for another three-pointer and a 16 point lead I don't really think those statistics are indicative of the difference in the score I mean the brown sacks we had the ball longer than did Pittsburgh they scored so quick when they got it they didn't have it much [Music] arts only great 32:14 is the score Lyle Alzado getting taped up getting cleaned off they're gonna put a new hoof on they're off track today little muddy down in the playing field he's been a big addition since he's come over from Denver done and he's had a lot to do with these guys coordinating their defense last week he couldn't play it and hurt him badly I think today he's playing very well but their defense has been a little suspect yes you go with whatever works they start using different shoes this of course is a natural grass field a good part of a natural mud after heavy rains of course the baseball infield is still down as the Indians just got done Steelers will be receiving news doctor third quarter and teeing up the ball is down khakhra the swirling gusting when temperature must be somewhere in the mid 40s now the chill factor from this wind brings it below that so we're ready to go in the third quarter as the Pittsburgh Steelers after leading 27 to nothing 2:14 lead among we'll go this before the end of the half up back takes it let me down the--with abolish Greg popped on the rookie one graph choice he's a power back out of Baylor and he gets the ball across the 35 yard line out to about the 39 tackle by Randy rich now sir as we break down the pittsburgh steelers on offense you see the Cleveland Brown defensive unit come out the quarterback is Bradshaw wide receivers 82 star worth an 86 Jim Smith Danny Cunningham 89 is now in a tie Danny's been alternating with Randy Grossman the setbacks are [Applause] [Music] Mullins and Davis vegard's Colvin Larry here comes started running up higher he gets out across the 40 yard line like st. Clair 74 is it left in for the round Mickey Sims and Jerry's [Applause] the outside back there Davis at the corners gotten Darden there the safeties second down and five Kira he gets close but not enough for the first down I do turn football games [Applause] for sure [Applause] two yards for Pittsburgh [Applause] Franco Harris who you remember took one the distance on a third and short yardage remember he went 71 yards for a touchdown Sam Davis blocking well for the Pittsburgh Steelers Sam Davis has blocked well for a long long time he's been their offensive captain he's their workhorse what you stand somebody up at the line of scrimmage you're doing your job you've won the collision [Music] while against the Cleveland Browns has declined it's a first down in the carry as the bottles advance down now to the 47 yard line of Cleveland the Steelers break the huddle 1st down and 10 [Applause] to the 45-yard line and he is knocked down by the middle linebacker Robert Jackson short gain on the play it's going to be second down in a long e for this dealers 45 yard line of Cleveland Bradshaw coming out with a conservative offense he can afford that with a 32 14 lead well they're doing right now what they thought they could do when they started the ballgame they thought they can trap Cleveland their heads come off the field a little bit and Pittsburgh's been a trapping team since they since know got there they [Applause] let's play fake it looks long I won't happen to John Stallworth Browns getting back real well in that zone coverage Matthews the outside line back on the right side makes a very quick drop and you know Don Robert Jackson was was in the lane very swiftly that time he's been playing the run much better this week than he did last week against Houston I think one game really helps a guy get his feet on the ground and I think at the middle he's played very well you can see there's quite a congestion in there little play-action pass nobody gets to Terry but nobody gets open either now the Browns go to extra defensive backs [Applause] Ron Bolton was with him stride for stride they hit the infield the dirt and the footing went and both felt very fortunate getting away without a touchdown on that or an interference penalty dantella Jim Smith is disappointed or he's hurt apparently he's injured he's hurt he's holding his left knee Jim Smith the wide receiver 2nd year University of Michigan is down at the 2 yard line where he lost the ball and that will bring up fourth down the Steeler punter is out we'll watch it again here John he's got good time offensive line giving him plenty of protection all day long nobody's really come close to Terry he throws the ball pretty well I think Smith will come up with 2 out of 3 of those right now Jim Smith is down though he is being attended to he's been playing hurt he's had a hamstring injury I think that one was I think he got the wind knocked out that's good he's okay he might still write in the football I can take him out for play [Applause] Webster is the punch snapper there's the deep man Ozzie Newsome is back to return punch now for the Cleveland Brown [Applause] we only got part in that one it goes out of bounds at the 30 and so the Browns come out with relatively good field position after this commercial we'll be switching to San Diego and Denver for an update on that very close football game in the AFC West at the moment it is Denver 7 San Diego nothing there's a timeout in the field here at Cleveland with the Steelers in the lead 32:14 airing out the laundry here in Cleveland the Browns fan with the Terrible Towels he got it all going Browns have the ball for the first time in the third quarter Brian Sipe drops to throw deep drop he's got a man but he sings it as Calvin Hill ran into one of the officials you bet he did the official head was looking at the line play he got himself fixated to where he couldn't get out of the way of Calvin effectively busted up the pattern ran into the umpire Pat harder that was a good old fullback he has to get it he has to get a little action every week today that umpire he's got to stand-in tall against right in the middle of that defense referee can play off to all be in front of him [Music] second down and ten for the Cleveland Browns ball at the a Steeler defense suits the gap Jack ham as projected as a man soon to go or one day to go to Canton Ohio in the Hall of Fame he's that good made the staff at the left mind Decker Gary Dunn number 67 was also on the stop looking at the Steelers on defense they've been aligning different people Zack Valentine is now starting the third quarter outside linebacker and go Dennis Winston also in the game Leo Miller comes in the Cleveland backfield Rickey features in as a wide receiver site takes a drop what's he left to loop knocked down by Dennis earlier you remembered by Calvin Hill this time Winston is on the play yeah he moved into the middle where he's very comfortable he and Lambert were playing inside middle linebackers both of them at the same time and he was he took a fine angle the par was a little bit under throwing and that's all Winston dated so Johnny Evans is in to punt I don't think we'll see him throw the bottles he did the first time when he had that nice completion to keep a Browns drive alive Evans a good throwing putter because he was a good throw-in quarterback at North Carolina State this is this is the throw that could have kept a drive alive would have put them back on the move they move very effectively in the first half just a poorly thrown ball really kept from getting a first down [Applause] there's the snap ball hit end-over-end hit fairly deep tea Bell loses the football see they Oh bill is a stick not say the wind kaput just took John Brody's happy store carried everything [Music] around 40 we'll be back in a moment standards come out the crowd starts up here at Cleveland 80,000 on hand at Cleveland stadium Steelers leading the game 32:14 Bradshaw most valuable player in the league last year in most polls gives off to Thornton and Sydney five point six yards a rush is shut down quickly by the Cleveland defense Nicky Sims number 78 was on the staff Cleveland's that tighten it up a little bit they've been very tough against the road in the past two or three series joining us in the booth is one of NBC's new football commentators Mike Lucci the former all-pro middle linebacker for the Detroit Lions I helped him and get him some votes every time he was going a little bad I threw him a couple second down and eight running on the daughters Franco Harris he gets it out to the 40 yard line and Franco Harris is knocked down charlie hall 59 and Clay Matthews 57 the outside backers for the browns Brown to stop Franco Harris got 71 of those in one fell swoop crash down okay just a straight-ahead block they've got a combination between between shirt in all Zito that's their responsibility three here's a pitch back to Franco Harris who has his first hundred yard game of this season but he has had many in fact he's going to equal go Jay Simpson and Jim Brown is the only back to get 8,000 yards in his first eight years in the National Football League Lyle Alzado and Tom Darden we're on the stop it's only his 31st 100-yard game what he's listed at 62 225 atheism 6 Ford 235 he's not a pound [Applause] get out here [Applause] Bertinelli in the end zone doing a stealer work yet right now it is dark in Cleveland ominous skies the overhead gusting winds continue as the Steelers break the huddle under the lights [Applause] sets up fun first down eros goes wide means the corner and he's knocked out of the 48 yard line he got five Oliver Davis not too big made the play coming up from the corner number 21 Oliver Davis and Ron Bolton at the corners Clarence Scott and Tom Darden the safeties Paul Jackson and Matthews back the line for Cleveland [Applause] he's second down and five now for the Pittsburgh Steelers volunteer 47 yard line [Applause] [Music] these are interns the car yet he is a truck this man Northeast Louisiana [Applause] the Steelers are challenging again well as we watched earlier we saw he picked up 58 yards on 13 carries pretty fair day he's been just about par for him he's been doing a a lot for this team coming up with big plays when they needed most this time he picks up 20 27 yards when it looks like the defense has stopped the play dead Mike Webster makes his first blocking isn't done yet he's going to stay right with it well Mike is a very active guy when your center is as active as Mike is it allows you to do a lot of things offensively that sometimes you can't he's good got good seismic real good agility I can pump that iron they've got three guys the Steelers cold [Applause] takes it into the another Pittsburgh touchdown it's 36 214 Steeler what Pittsburgh is known most for their ability to trap right at the heart of the defense right over the tackles when Eric broke the line of scrimmage he was in the end zone I mean everything was cleaned out there was nothing left excellent trap block bike by Davis and the center Webster where Franco gets out there it's all over folks Franco Harris with his first 100-yard day of the season he might have his first 200 yard day before this one's over Barr tries the extra point it's good let's watch Franco tear it up from ground level it's the second play of the day that has has gone so cleanly so smooth you can see Sam Davis comes out just handles the defensive tackle before he can come in to close the play Aran's can see into the secondary case is closed touchdown Steelers into the end zone we're going to have more it is 37 to 14 the Steelers leading around and ready to play football once again at Cleveland the Steelers ready to kick it off they lead the game 37 to 14 here is the kick downfield of Dino Hall of the brown he's dead Karla's finally swept under by a wave of those picked Steelers and about the 33 yard line brandy gross Knorr down along with Valentine so Steelers stack up in touchdowns this year they've been in the end zone 18 times pretty good balance but you notice you notice they're passing stats are just getting a little higher and a little higher and a little higher when they need to Theriot get it done there's a tremendous football game going on at Mile High Stadium Denver Colorado we'll be updating that game with a report very shortly and we may be picking up some of the coverage for you as right now it is first in ten Cleveland Browns 813 to play third floor [Applause] swing pass goes to Adam thinking it's up to the 38 yard line close to five yards the starting runners for the Steelers John Harrison Thornton have 219 yards between them you can credit a lot of that to the backs but a lot of it to the guards because they were given it they were given a break at the point of attack right at the line of scrimmage and that's that that's due for about 130 of it the Browns break the huddle a second down and five coming up now for Cleveland at the Browns 38 yard line through it turns up Peter runs ahead fro first down and gets the ball to the 47 yard line Lambert knocked him down Jack Lambert the middle linebacker Mike crew is getting a lot of work here today for the Cleveland Browns Joe green other tackles [Applause] right white side swings it out here's perilla [Applause] some big people hit and hit on out there show cars in those deals there's no way to go but head along into each other those look like very simple patterns but actually crew had read a very nice pattern he stayed away games type a good target to hit sighs look down the field long enough so that he didn't tip off where he was coming with the ball it made it a tough reaction for them for the linebackers to come back and make the flight picked up six and boarded they make the play [Music] get down and to it's worthless now [Applause] site takes the drop wind is swirling Brian Sipe loss in a man is open the ball is cut down to the 20 Ritchie Rutger for a touchdown brings the Browns all the way down to the 20-yard line of the Pittsburgh Steelers JA was an excellent throw and an excellent adjustment by Rutger I mean when he got by Thomas he was looking for the ball right now and it was a double coverage they in they shortened logged and he just beat the coverage Brian threw it at the right time and put at the right place I'll show a short and long in him is but it worked shorten logo means one goes up and gets him in the other stays back Bella except he couldn't get over there fast enough you get shorted a little bit now first can browse his sight books in the end so here's a rush Eco she's got [Applause] I see Newson when he hit the dirt boy they have put a real responsibility done on Donny shale all day long he comes right up on that tight net he's taking him all over the field and it says hey I better get him right now get what I can because a little later it's going to be tough and he's been following them all over the football field very effectively once again we look ground level as you see Newsom grab it now this is an earlier one to Rucker this one went for the first down to 20 so now the ball is after 20 it's going to be second down we pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network this is WIC TV your new spirit station in Pittsburgh [Applause] third down and ten for Cleveland you know what the defense for Pittsburgh those quarterbacks I have been put in a bind they forced them to play man-to-man all over the field trying to give their linebackers a little more help and in doing so it really puts a burden on both blood and Thomas so far they've been up to it they have they played good football blitz comes those corners aren't single coverage well not even the Blitz so much done as it is their their usual they're trying to keep their safeties in to help their linebackers because they've been think about the linebackers Winston's playing a position he's not too this is their way of down in ten now [Applause] he swings he hits Logan down inside the 15 it'll be well short of a first down and it'll bring up fourth down Donny shale playing up tight watch him cover Newson okay and he's got it tough he's got a tough job to do he makes a fine play on Newsome pushes him to the outside and then recovers to come up and make the tackle on Rover shell is one of those real finds free agent it makes all-pro that was Dave Logan's first catch of the day [Applause] site standing it against well there was a blitz counted elevated he got out there was nobody on him when he did so psych just had to lay the ball over to him as he did I don't know if there was a man responsible for him but my gut reaction is that they sent four men but they thought they could pick up at the quarterback as a result he's running all alone for six here's Calvin Hill turning up the sideline and into the end zone he go [Applause] now sees his team put up his third touchdown of the game my staff taught cross kick is up and through but there are two penalty markers down the attendance over 81,000 for this game it's the biggest ball yard the NFL may fill it a lot of weeks always when the pittsburgh steelers come to town one aftertouch will complete normally they refer to the twelfth man Brian Sipe John has now completed 15 of 28 for 213 yards and three touchdowns according to Joe Costanza who keeps the numbers for us and very well you normally that's enough to get you a win now he only need 17 more points and that may not do it there's a high spinning kick off by drop moving up on the ball as Anderson he's at his 10-yard line Anderson gets out across the 30 up to the 33 yard line I talk about the players getting bigger but there's anything that stands out you notice more and more John as the speed in this game for this is this like a track that he's picked off reaching when you're talking about when you're talking about speed you talk about Greg Hall and the kid from Baylor he's in the ball game now we haven't seen him carry the ball very much I think you'll see him put his hands out and do some flips doubt the backup quarterback for Youngstown State and Cruz ik now just keep the chart he can play though [Applause] [Music] [Applause] takes a couple of shots advances the ball out to the 35 yard line to the 36 they're going to give him and the clock runs 4 minutes and 14 seconds left to play in the third quarter Steelers 37 Cleveland 21 81,000 to 6o is the official attendance 15,000 here from Pittsburgh [Applause] [Music] recho mocks his arm just twin of it all was tip Cleveland had a play on it goes as an incompletion shirk was on Bradshaw and I'll tell you what Clay Matthews was all over Hawthorne Terry would like to have gone to him but he couldn't beat the linebacker jerry shirk having a fine year keep it up with Lyle Alzado on the right side they play a little game he finally does get to Terry and Terry can't find anybody open we've not had a sack in the game yet the realm outcomes in the game along with Ricky Jones as they pull the middle backer [Applause] rounds of six defensive backs and a third [Applause] the ball but he went out of bounds so it's an incomplete pass the Steelers now nooshin drops back for the Cleveland Browns with 339 left to play in the third quarter Newsome standing back inside his 25-yard line Colquitt will hit the ball somewhere around [Applause] knuckle ball downfield and 33:32 fight NBC sports world Brian Sipe crops foxes I'll let er rip long Lucien is [Applause] that's it unbelievable bro he shouldn't throw the ball because there were four people sitting in the area ready to break it up four intercepted it was thrown so perfectly it just kind of hit boost them right on the dead run look at this Lambert is back at a great drop Donnie shale comes over Wagner comes over it almost picked it off it's a big play it's the kind of plane Cleveland Beach to get back at his ballgame [Applause] first down and ten Cleveland 30-yard line of the Pittsburgh Steelers [Applause] is inside the 25 drove my head a couple the yard and here's another problem Dennis Winston is going off the field which necessitates a replacement in an area where they can least afford it well they're going to go with a rookie Tom graves comes in the game number 50 as site counsels his team in the offense at that Olympic Cleveland Browns second down and five is coming up [Applause] we go to the run and the carry is down inside the 25-yard line Calvin Hill got it to about the 23 Gary Dunn knocked him down he heard down and about two yards to go for the first time job very big drive they can they now have enough time to where they can run it or throw it they put themselves in a position where they have to get it in on this Drive even three points puts it within two touchdowns [Applause] have gone up on the board this game that could be [Applause] down in free--free Cleveland big play inside the Steeler 25 Galvan Hill did get there and so the Browns have to go to the fourth down play they will go from scrimmage I'm fourth down there was excellent loss on the play Bob will be spotted about the 23 it's going to be fourth and free you notice jackhammer was in another tackle yes [Applause] fourth down thanks way to the press sighs rolls out he runs [Applause] down to where he had to go the 20 now the dealer they spot the ball I'm thinking well it's really close Steelers think they stopped him that we don't know let me see the chains come out and the measurement name he really was stood up hard on a driving tackle Wagner hit him engraves number 50 also got him he slipped just a little bit coming out he tried to make a make a move up a little quicker and I just cost him the six inches he was short so there Steelers fist raised in the air go off the field the defense holding on fourth down and Pittsburgh takes over the ball 32 seconds left to play down the third quarter take another look at it you see just kind of slipped when he tried to cut upfield you know six inches short you don't want your quarterback taking those shots on the shoulder [Applause] first in 10 Pittsburgh Bradshaw take silicon goes today and Harris runs the ball out across the 25 yard line before Mickey Sims next him down next Sunday there was an outstanding line of exciting NFL action on NBC first at 12:30 Eastern Time NFL 79 with Bryant Gumbel and Mike Adamle and a look at Wild West football Canadian style then most of the country will see the big inner conference matchup between the Patriots and the Bears other key games include Buffalo at Miami the Seahawks in the explosive San Diego Chargers Denver versus Kansas City a team is now fourth - after wind and now the third quarter comes to Cleveland where the Steelers who possess to the ball and of 37 to 21 we will be back in a moment [Music] Franco Harris having a big day and the US Olympians getting set for a big summer [Applause] wide receiver screen he gets a head go about the 29-yard line he'll be short of a first down on a second and foreplay here's that address again you can send your tax deductible contribution the upper American Olympic athletes to u.s. Olympics post office box 1980 Cathedral Station Boston Massachusetts Oh 201 1 8 Franco Harris as we mentioned says his 31st 100-yard game Oh Jay Simpson Aspira had 42 so far Jim Browns the all-time leader [Applause] well once he got by you see a short yardage situation you've got everybody committed to filling a home they put a break for the third time today right in the middle of the defense what'd she do that the back is long gone Grossman coming over there's nobody in pursuit once you break the line of scrimmage you've gone wouldn't come at a better time for rocky he's having a little trouble getting back in the lineup because Sidney Thornton is playing so well really good rushing interested atemi he's got a pretty good rushing average every day Rocky Bleier the longest runs from scrimmage and his pro career and as [Applause] so the rock busted one loose for the Pittsburgh Steelers there is more popular guy on the team rocky says here but uh laughs longest Russia his career Rocky Meyer takes it into the end zone and we'll be back at Cleveland stadium with Laura this Pittsburgh this is Don quickie with John Brodie and the kickoff is returned by Dino Hall now for reporting that exciting game in Denver between the Chargers and the Broncos here's Sam Dover now you own Cleveland and you in Pittsburgh we're going to stay right here at mile higher at the red Mile High Stadium part of our network where Cleveland's to him when lastly look and it is 44 to 21 Rocky Bleier went the distance in 70 50 70 yards out longest run of his career Ryan cybernetics dumps it off threw it has and he's knocked out of bounds at about the 37 yard line stopping the clock with 1348 to play we get 65 points up so far John how many more do we get well there's no telling right now every time every time Pittsburgh gets the ball something good has happened for them they've been able to break big plays how many times have you ever seen a football team run from the line of scrimmage 70 in 71 yards I've been watching Pittsburgh a long time I have not seen them run one play that far and they've got two of those today their offensive line would have to be credited they've just knocked some holes in there and given their backs and the opportunity to get out and go Steelers say they've only had one good performance this season when they blow away Houston 38 to 7 site takes a look we will catch it in the crowd takes it at the 49 yard line cutting back he's knocked down in about the 48 it'll be a first down for the Cleveland Browns Donnie shell finally knocked him down Pittsburgh has over 300 yards rushing John and they're averaging a carry this is unbelievable fifteen point three yards I'll get you there how sweet it is the quarterback can be brilliant you know Cleveland has had a very good day offensive ly it just they can't keep pace pretty good shape is good 21 [Applause] sigh pixel [Applause] Mike Wagner picks it off the Steelers own cover it's closed in on the receiver Ozzie Newsome and Mike Wagner picks Brian Sipe is intercepted for the third remember when Ozzie Newsome we write down the scene a little earlier on the drive before we mentioned that's that's a very tough pass to hit and you're not going to fool Mike Wagner more than once in a day he's already got his one charted up and laggers just been baiting him hoping this play he'll come back he's got the ball all the way take a look yep he sure does so Mike Wagner takes the ball the free safety back there playing center field on the long pass yardage play picks it off and now this [Applause] right [Applause] 20 and up close to the 28 yard line [Applause] updating some of the other scores around the league as Hawthorn carries Denver is leading San Diego in the fourth quarter a big game in the AFC West LA continues to lead the Saints at New Orleans 28 to 10 now the Jets have scored but Baltimore still holding on to a 10-6 lead as the Baltimore Colts look for their first win of this season Dallas up by 10 over the Vikings fourth quarter Bloomington [Applause] he does not go down easily runs about right into the heart of the Cleveland defense gets the ball ahead and advances it close to the 35 yard line a pickup of five yards on the play you're watching a running back Greg Holland that you may see an awful lot of in the future at Pittsburgh number one draft choice big 240 pounds lots of speed and they really just haven't had an opportunity to insertive in the lineup big backs are so fast [Applause] break away scat Becks when he got 230 pounds of and it lost it Lorenz Johnson wants to fool everybody like he's got an interception but if you get it on the one half well you know top darden thought he was going to pick the ball off however he came up there and fell down and Hawthorne almost picked it and ran off there probably has a lot of speculation right now you notice the Bradshaw is in the ball game they've got a 23 point lead they've got 12 minutes to play in the fourth quarter it's the philosophy of Chuck Noll Terry you start the ballgame and you finish it I agree with it because you can't get a lot of conversation going if you put another quarterback in he starts to have a good day the first time you're a little off they start yelling for their points here's a black ball Grossman was near to it st. Claire appeared to tip it Mike st. Clair the left hand number 74 that's how the Steeler offense has scored on the top line how their defense has given up points in the fourth quarter you don't beat Pittsburgh now there are fourth-quarter statistics through this game are 59 to 7 that day about score the brown 7 nothing first quarter was a big one for Pittsburgh 21 nothing Dino Hall is back now to return the punt get Sitwell downfield Nino takes it at his 20 looks for some Hill goes to the outside [Applause] got it for trip and booklet it's the only way you can stop it but baroque roller is right on it signals against you right the Steelers get in any way you can but that one is illegal hunt was 45 yards the return was 57 so Dino Hall who's replacing a great injured kick returner Keith Wright has a big job and here's some more penalty yardage tacked on he's almost broken three or four today and he's headed along the back yard back on first down let's watch Dino on the ice oh okay we mentioned several times he's come close to breaking up and when a team scored 44 points she's gonna get a lot of special team work here he gets out around the wedge and it formed for him you see he tries to cut to the inside of Colquitt when he did he got trip you know Hall does a good job close to the end zone [Applause] we almost had the reception then we almost had an interception we had allowed out incomplete as he went to go to Calvin hill again we'll watch the trip again you'll see bulk with the punter come in and yelling with a leg alright we mentioned the wedge it just set up it just set up perfectly you see all those fellas over there didn't even have anybody to block by the time he got around it as he goes down the lane Cole quits in a good position playing him all away as he cuts inside it just sticks his leg out it's about the only play he had he'll take the 10 you're going to wrap them as best you can any way but you can triple Anderson a little shaken up play for the Steelers now the Browns are down close second down intense Ike takes a look he lost it in complete swinging up and down feel was Reggie Rucker with 11:35 left to play in the game so right now it will be third down and ten coming up for Cleveland forced to pass because of the disparity in the score the Browns have come up with a lot of third and long yardage plays [Applause] site gets a free one he lost it into the end zone Logan goes up JT Thomas goes up and it's an incomplete pass they still be third five instead of third and ten you can see LC tried to get a little jump usually the quarterback gets into some sort of rut by this time the ball gave those defensive linemen all know what it is that time you've jumped just a little early since the Steelers got cooking in 1972 there is that bar don't have much a John Deere doesn't you get it quick five coming up [Applause] incomplete dentists Winston was covering Calvin Hill on the play so it's an incomplete pass and it brings up another fourth down and B fourth down and five now as the Cleveland Browns work hard to get it back into the end zone as many points as Pittsburgh is put on the board today 44 Cleveland has left three scoring opportunities fail one time when they were on the 2 yard line then they missed a field goal the last time on 4th and 3 they weren't able to keep their drive alive and now they've got it down here again so they haven't had any problem and just put some points on the board against the rest of the league starting today's [Applause] site fires in the flannel and lost it and the fourth town plate comes up short and so on fourth down at the Steelers hold and take over the ball leading the game 44 to 21 with a lemon 19 left away Cleveland Stadium in the moment the Steelers and route to their fifth win of the year the way it stands to this point can we give the game Steelers 44 that Browns 21 Pittsburgh has the ball first and ten at the Steeler 18 yard line runs free football does drunk ride who's got it well Lawrence Johnson thinks that Cleveland does he put in a claim anyway now a lot of good NBC people bringing you this game we have six cameras here today three replay machines [Applause] and a lot of other of equipment and one of the many find NBC technicians responsible for this is electronic maintenance man L Buckner so 2l and everybody on the NBC crew our producer Larry Cirillo our director Ted Nathanson thank you once again and here we go again Hawthorne trying to get it to get through on a trap play he does break it at the line of scrimmage how Saito gets his hand on the ball as he does so he chants it loose and Cleveland's got a turnover the lights are on the temperature has dropped here at Cleveland Cyclops [Applause] every time people want to quit sight brings him back with some sort of the throne 27:44 71 points I'm the boy the grounds stealers had only given up 71 in the previous five games all right here goes site good excellent protection site didn't have this kind of protection last week against Houston and Logan made a fine booth down to field look at Winston he can't he can't get on him Logan cuts underneath smell blood he's kind of lost once he lets it get to him that quickly as he does so sight puts it right where it had to be thrown Sam Rutigliano tells Logan and Gary Collins with speed the extra point is up and good [Applause] big touchdown day here in Cleveland we've got a lot of way to go 1103 left in play Pittsburgh leading 44 to 28 touch this [Applause] [Music] there's still almost 11 minutes of play left [Applause] Jones recovered [Applause] Jim Smith apparently touched the ball and the ball will be at the 45 yard line here it is drop it's a little swipe [Applause] Akito that's actually Ricky Jones who grabbed it on the run on the one [Applause] site takes a look [Applause] there's a penalty marker down in the Pittsburgh secondary well let me tell you Brian Sipe just got rid of that ball before the lights went out white white was flying after if there's a penalty on the play right in the middle of the field Browns don't look too happy about it here's the call double-file hold 63 offense holding 31 defense play goes over we shall do it again well donny shall we mentioned he's been on him all day long on Ozzie Newsome you get in the middle of the field if you've got it's a one-on-one situation now he goes with the play but he was holding on to him I guess it was ruled earlier before we could see it Brian Sipe is just four more yards John for three hundred yard a gasser he also needs 7c my boy so it'll be first down to ten now for the Cleveland Browns well if they're 45 yard line buttercup slide to the right [Applause] see the like sad Stadium [Applause] Brian Sipe took the hard hit from white-white Ozzie Newsome with the antenna receiver this wind has blown a lot of things on the field it's amazing how well they've thrown in the question we just see Cypress rather disappointed because that screed was pretty well set up it's a timing situation with the tackle you have to get a little bit for the defensive end then the Deacon got that time still a lot of time left on the horse site takes it Rob thanks a lot sir first time this thing is something out we would forgot to quit how many times if they come back at home in the last ten games it must have been three or four if they come back today it's a miracle and they're playing the best defense in the National Football League but they are moving the ball on it okay Dave Logan we saw him just a little bit earlier catch a touchdown pass get him within 16 points runs the same pattern only pulls it up in there well thrown right at the spot of the move picks up a first Logan would be your basic athlete [Applause] [Music] 13 yard line and we still got a lot of time left 950 let me tell you something these balls are pretty easy to complete you can see the lanes the safe has to throw in it's because Lauren caves Robin pool the linebackers are hurting it causes rookies to play linebacker top grades may be an outstanding football player later in his career but he's still young it's very difficult for him to start cutting off power so Logan has been the guy down the stretch inside has been there to him so it is first in ten [Applause] lay site looks lofts it into the end zone [Applause] [Applause] I think [Applause] this is like the old days whoever gets her gets the ball last wins lasted bat just like a highlight reel 350 yards recite so far still ten minutes left to play his team is 10 [Applause] didn't score on the head of they add those ten we'd really have some yeah you think back that's history [Applause] 20/20 hindsight [Applause] 41 times he has completed 22 for 350 one yards and five touchdowns 910 left to play so we've got a long way go [Applause] [Music] these guys will not buy that there beep [Applause] okay site makes an excellent throw the only place at camping cart Logan plays the ball all away never really gave milk machine you joined us late we've got a show going out of Cleveland the Pittsburgh Steelers and their awesome defense and a clean Brown's moving through them at this point but it has not been easy as the Browns keep rallying back in the game 44 to 35 [Applause] Plus to go [Applause] from digit score boy this time [Applause] to play this is great witless Adam and his Bentley Marquez also down on the play what a game against the Steelers the play pittsburg death will set them back still more they have got to get it out of this hole you'll be interesting to see this is this the other team comes back now you've got to get your group reorganize look at Chuck no boy he is unhappy about this turn of events there's awesome Steeler defense that has taken this team to three world championship passing a Brian site hands up in the crowds close it down I tell you Cleveland is playing football right now [Applause] you think the offense score in fetch - doesn't pump the defense up they seem to be playing better right at this moment than they have all throughout the game this is Robert Jackson fill in the hole you noticed a few earlier few times earlier elephants just punched him on that one Hawk running [Applause] second down and nine with the six hand off Alzado puts a smashing tackle on and also on the stand Jackson and dimmler 92 [Applause] that's how Cleveland breaks down offensively and defensively scoring infinity the four quarters of wave coming into this game [Applause] another shot just like the lot like the halfback looks at it that hole closed fast [Applause] here's a pitch back to Harris he puts his head down and it looks like Franco Harris might have the first down he had to get the vial to the 16 yard line he knew right where he had to get it and he got it they're a big play for the Pittsburgh Steelers as their lead has been cut to 9:40 seven minutes and 25 seconds left to play in the game the clock is running here in Cleveland 1,000 are standing the most exciting games Brian ciphers the world [Applause] Bradshaw gives after Franco Harris and he's chopped after a gain of less than two yards and the clock run six minutes and 50 seconds to go John Brodie that was a big seven yard game air is picked up he's run one 471 today but that seven yards was for reading he's quiet at this crowd now and he's giving his team a little room to operate with they want to control the clock [Applause] pick up the first down [Applause] Cleveland's defense digs in and she got to the 20 it will be third down at about seven Jack Gregory came in number 81 who made the stop on Franco Harris [Applause] all right we look at the offensive line has been having the best comment all day long during this dr cleveland looks up to the past there's the big guys they get in Gregory in it left hand then came back to Cleveland [Applause] stealer first down a superb connection by the Steelers when the pressure is on what her pattern darkness this patter was run just as well as you can run it he got inside the defense when he did so in a loud Bradshaw to have a lot of room throwing it to the outside you noticed when he did what he did throw it Stallworth has given him a lot of room and throw it in a lot of sidelines to work with he picks up the first down and it just quieted down everybody in the house the clock is running five minutes left to play now it's down to four 58 44 to 35 Pittsburgh with and the Steelers all-pro quarterback chuckles - Harris giving him less and less Franco Harris has over 150 yards running the ball in this game he got 71 and that one shot up the middle out of third and short yardage play when he took it into the end zone at that point it looked like a laugher for the Pittsburgh Steelers for 25 left to play at the initial Stadium in Cleveland Ohio this is Don creaky with John Brodie 4:14 left [Applause] as the Steelers are holding you a 44:35 lead falling way behind keep rallying back and now they're trying to get the football back from the world champions Brian's site the Cleveland quarterback has thrown for five touchdowns in this game best day of his career and Pittsburgh has been up to the task because nine point lead and there was nine minutes to go in the ball game they've just run off about five and five plus of those Bradshaw has run his tape to his own 6-yard line out to the 42 yard line one fine throw an excellent run by Franco Harris this is a big Drive Pittsburgh keeps coming [Applause] the way it's complete if any credit and he's down to the 45 yard line of Cleveland it's a first down Steelers he just hangs in there and fires it where he has to it is a very difficult thing once a team thinks that they have won a football game for a quarterback the whole team is kind of let down all of a sudden like Franco Harris had even come out of the ball game okay and it looked like everything was well in control all of a sudden they've got a regroup ratshot did it easily a gusting windy day here [Applause] pick back who got a lot of yardage early but has been quieted by the state they ground defense as of late dives ahead but right now the Steelers are doing what they want to do most and that has control the clock with this running game 2:20 left to play Pittsburgh holding to a 44 35 lead with 213 to go that would seem to be a lot of points to be leaving a football game by in this league with two minutes left to play but this has not been a normal National Football League game it's a whole lot more points than it was seven minutes ago and Cleveland hadn't had the ball back since since they did score to get it to within nine and really this is the best driver we've seen all day and it's been it's been fine execution by Bradshaw too real fine runs by Franco Harris it's not over but it's looking pretty thin if you're a Cleveland fan Cleveland has 351 yards passing pittsburgh has 351 yards rushing everybody's getting their numbers up in this one and this game will decide the leader in the American Football Conference Central Division the st. Louis Cardinals upset New England beat Detroit 2417 Kansas City over Cincinnati ten to seven Chicago beat Buffalo 7-nothing Atlanta over Green Bay twenty five to seven little l50 Washington 28:17 the New York Giants upset Tampa Bay 17 to 14 [Applause] [Music] that's uh start with the therapy Bradshaw never ceases to amaze me two minutes to go we've got a nine-point lead he just comes on since thank you very much they could pick up 30 yards and fires the ball now baby that's why he is as good as he is I mean you just have to be using with confidence to be able to do that at this time of the ballgame so we have a break in the action here in Cleveland stadium 153 left to play and now the Steelers are down close once again how's the back he saw something he wants to make sure but he's got on the same page somebody said hey what's it others let's regroup shall go start run this down inside the 10-yard line he stops the clock as he gets down inside the 5-yard line Tom Darden finally knocked him down remember this drive started on their own six right with everybody yelling now they're on the other team's five and nobody say a word here we call that third down play when branch up through the strike for the first down and the Steelers kept it going they take over the line of scrimmage on this Drive and now with 148 left to play the clock stopped Steelers have the ball at the Browns four yard line next week the world champions go to Cincinnati we'll be back here the Washington Redskins 148 left to play [Applause] safety [Applause] wanna grab something he wasn't allowed to the facemask facemask all against people when you try to handle Franco Harris you grab anything you get this time Franco thinks maybe he can get around the corner he got it by the head pretty clearly clearly illegal so the penalty stops the clock with 142 left to play the others will have the ball inside the 5-yard line about the three the players cloaked on the sidelines and jackets capes as the wind swirled has been all game long but now the temperatures down lower here like sipping on since the Badshah shuts his team with too Sidney shorten up the yep down to the goal line did he cross it no signal apparently he's going to be ruled down just short of the touchdown line another good trap block Davis Webster play Matthews hit him head on and Matthews a little slow get enough [Applause] we've seen them break three of these at the line of scrimmage Matthews fills the hole very well at time but Thornton just does a great job of running it picks up three and a half clock is running now it's down to 108 left to go and running for those of you who have just joined us due to the length of today's game we will join Disney's wonderful world part 2 of the million dollar duck right after this game dealers break the huddle at their leisure we see the trap block Davis Poli Webster doing a five point of attack they've got the ball on the 1-yard line [Applause] and starting touchdown Pittsburgh that'll do it 94 yard drive took it took about 8 half minutes at impressive Sam Sam Davis again moving those tackles [Applause] let's take another look Webster seals off Davis comes in that's a big hole show there's a break in the action as the Cleveland Browns leave this game 51 to 35 we're not over yet 36 seconds ago I am Gumbel reporting 3000t 9 in New York reporting to you the Colts have managed the victory what you're seeing here is Bucky Diltz no he is not lacking in Courage he is taking a safety intentionally to preserve a bolt lead that made a 10-8 they punted the ball to the Jets but they ran off the clock Ted marchibroda strips for the first time in six tries this week get themselves a victory let's go back to Cleveland joined Don Chrissy and John back at Cleveland Dino Hall has just run back to Pittsburgh kickoff across his 25 yard line and after the 30 the Wayne rudra rookie made the hit although this is a very short yardage situation we've seen Pittsburgh breaking at the point of attack several times during the day and it's the same exact play you see Sam Davis pull out he takes care of Robert Jackson and the hole is just too big nobody's closed it down they broken seven or eight on his like to thank our spotters John best coal and peat Hovind and our statistician Joe Costanza as we have 31 seconds left to go at Cleveland it is a very unlikely score 51 to 35 and we reach [Applause] after middle the Browns go to the run Mike Pruitt carries against it across the 35 yard line and apparently that will be the final play of the game as Cleveland would lets the clock run down 17 seconds left to go they've not stopped it yet and apparently not going to trailing 51 to 35 so you see the final seconds tick away in a game was really like a highlight reel most raise you'll see in half a season [Applause] that is the Pittsburgh Steelers extend their record to five and one and they take over sole possession of first place in the AFC Central Division as today the Houston Oilers were upset by the st. Louis Cardinals the final score 51 to 35 here at Cleveland
Channel: Classic NFL
Views: 27,869
Rating: 4.8540144 out of 5
Id: rQT00A27-no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 16sec (8236 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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