1979 10 14 Bills at Dolphins

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if to the beer you drink go for it my chrysler corporation see the mileage makers that your Dodge or Chrysler Plymouth dealers by Pennzoil the ask for motor oil when your car it's worth caring for party Pennzoil is worth asking for and by ACDelco quality automotive parts for quality muttering go with the names you know AC Delco [Music] okay very good this is the Orange Bowl in Miami Don quickie with John Brody and the Miami Dolphins and uber van shaman set to kick it off to the Buffalo Bill the Dolphins coming up two consecutive losses who's been pressured but on full attack Bob Griese and there are the Buffalo Bill receivers feed Powell and Keith moody a high spinning kick how we'll take it at the 4 yard line he's in a 10 he'll cross the 20 the 25 to 30 I was all the way out to the 40-yard line he busts a good one a 36 yard return of the opening kickoff on the bills going offense first in Tim he fouled out a big to play on special teams to Miami Jonathan all right Joe Ferguson Terry Miller Curtis Brown Terry Miller got off to a slow start this year Ferguson got off firing everything he hit seemed to stick and when it when the conditions exist so the Joe could throw the ball he's got a man number 80 that can catch it and their offenses potent the bills commit in the game with a three and three record they've not beaten Miami in the last 19 minutes [Music] [Applause] yeah that site in comes strong to the right now and they go to the run Curtis Brown piles into the center of the Miami defense gets the ball out across the 40 employer to the 43 bomb how are the nose tackle 70 play on the staff there are the pass catchers for Buffalo under Goodwin and that Frank Lewis is a very familiar name in Pittsburgh he played very well for a number of years until insulin took over Ruben gets a very strong tied in and Jerry Butler something else John just before the game started we heard the man on the public address tell us we've got a 20% chance of sunshine you got a lot of rain down in Florida right now it's rained hard yesterday and earlier this morning it is not raining now but the field is wet but you think it's a good day to throw we'll get into that here's Curtis Brown good trap block up front by the Buffalo Bills as family Randolph Road guards kicked out and the carry is out to the 49 yard line and close to a first down looks like it's about a foot short done are you were talking about the conditions of the day as we look at the defense then herders having a great year bomb how is just defined playing duck batters is in place of AJ Dewey because do he has a little hamstring fall and he really hadn't broke corn he hasn't been well for the last four or five weeks they've been talking about Bob Griese down here the fact that he's had some bad football games as Don Shula says when he plays well the writers call them cool and collected he gets sacked a couple times he's no good well he's got to Super Bowl championship rings as the xiulet most of these often there's a handoff power he was stood up and hammered linebackers shooting the gap stuff betters number 75 and we'll see if the bills got there if this first down is picked up it's because hooks do exactly where the first down line was he stopped at the line of scrimmage when he comes he's trying to get the ball to that line it's just an official's judgment in that case if he does make it he's within two inches and that's that's right if he got it he's got about the nose of the football and no more as the sticks come out we're on the opening sequence from scrimmage 1328 left to play first quarter the Buffalo Bills in the blue and white the Miami Dolphins and he is used to it let's see what Chuck knocks in the bills elect to do now the ball near midfield early in the football game well here they go they haven't said anybody is they're not going to punt the ball back they're going to go to the run so we'll see Miami go the goal line defense is Baris it's comes into the football game a big [Applause] [Music] right into the right yo ships right into the left [Applause] [Music] Oh up down and inches Ferguson takes it through Canada Willie Parker got the needed yard and the bills get the first down a yard can be very difficult to pick up in this case it was just an inch [Applause] [Music] in this case just everybody fall down get yourself whatever you can and wish them up for the first down that was a big six inches or maybe go [Music] overly upset about remark five kitchen burger the dobkins name we're never good as long as I play but I warn you below is bad [Music] [Applause] the 45-yard line of Miami so the bills come out running the football at the Dolphins well I expect Ferguson to throw the ball quite a bit but if he doesn't have to out this will throw it a lot less Terry Miller who I mentioned got off to a rather slow start this year after finishing fast last year gets good penetration offensively from his offensive line five yards on first down that's piece of cake the Bills have a big disparity and then rushing they're averaging only 3.3 yards a rush you're not going to get they're doing that they're giving up 4.6 to the rush their defense is so Buffalo can throw but they've had trouble running but they're doing all right today here's Curtis Brown and a second down and five carry he drives the ball down to the 43 yard line of Miami BAM Howard the middle tackle again on the stop for the Dolphins the Buffalo Bills with Ken Jones and Joe Devlin of the tackles Reggie McKenzie Delana Lera the guards Willie Parker is the center Ferguson the quarterback comes in with a rating of a hundred and 5.4 he's firing away number one on the NFL star box second at about 88 Ferguson's thrown only three interceptions has completed over 56% of his blow and his average completions on those 10 yards and has had a lot of balls dropped he has seven last week against Chicago when the bills we shut out Furguson this first blow is a straight first down coming out of the backfield was Curtis Brown here's the first score in for today the Pittsburgh Steelers have moved in front of Cincinnati three to nothing on a Matt fire field goal 46 yards are the Steelers last week and they can play football look like a track meet you know the funny thing you mentioned the Steelers they were playing Cleveland and Ferguson in sight throw the ball a lot of like both of their personalities are a little bit similar they're rather introverted they're very businesslike and the way they go about playing football but Ferguson I think as much as anybody in this game has come along as far as knowing what to do and when to do it the technology I'm here to leave early and Ferguson very upset about of the first and ten play almost lambs and football down the Reuben Gantt my to jump so that'll be a first and fifteen that's tough to work against against a very good Miami defense the defense allowed the bills only five first downs in that opening game Miami beat Buffalo nine to seven and right now Miami's defense is number one of the NFL has given up only six touchdown through the first six games of the season John you were saying a day like this even though the fields wet it's a good day of math I think it is because of your perception John you you're able to see the ball so clearly there's no Sun in your eyes there's no glare there's no squint also there's no wind here it's the kind of day when it's a little bit wet I think the offensive receiver has a little edge on the defensive back in a day like that and I think there'll be a lot of balls completed because those that's interesting we'll see what transpires now Ferguson doesn't first and 15 now score first quarter bills with a football following the opening pickup they go to the run and Curtis Brown turns up field and does very nicely and he fights his way down to the 37 yard line of Miami Neal cozy number 20 was on a stop for the Dolphins badge on the Buffalo Bills have been running the ball at the dolphin John they're getting awfully good surge and their offensive line Reggie the kids he's playing awfully well right back in Jones both times they've gone off the left side it's been intended to go up over the middle however he's cut to the outside because Jones and McKenzie I've got an awful good penetration so on a 1st and 15 the carry is good for 7 it's going to be second down and eight now ball of the 37 yard line of Miami no score 1st quarter Furguson he's got time he swings it out [Music] people are out in front it looked like a little bitty layoff that you throw because your receivers are closed however this is a perfect setup for a screen if the Curtis Brown can hang on to that ball I didn't see anybody to handle it within 15 yards Jodl Emilia the right guard was way out in front of the play that wasn't a safety bill that was a set play they had the guards out front Brown caught the ball he'd have gone somewhere that's gonna bring up third down and eight down Jerry Butler who is being devil covered moves out wide to the left three wide receivers in the game now Louis comes out to the right and the cone is in a slot formation that that music [Music] Furguson zips in he lets it rip goes up the ball comes in a little high let's take a look at Jerry Butler run his pattern on the play alright a pass planet is designed so that everybody gets in the act Frank Lewis runs patterns just about as well as anybody but in order for him to get open people have to be concerned here small very concerned with Jerry Butler he's coming in on a quick turn in as you can tell Ferguson and silence already decided to go down over the middle you'll see a lot of butter that ball was thrown just a little bit high now rusty Jackson set to punt the ball and back to receive as net more he's in the middle of a three man formation Jackson will be angling his body hits it in the 47 yard line of Miami nicely done by Jackson their catch is made at the 8 yard line so the Dolphins get the football but they start out in the hole is Kozlowski fair caught the ball and I think that ball might have said enough to show you did the right thing coach but that's what it'll be when we come back here at the Orange Bowl in Miami is the Dolphins ready for their first possession and no score on the board [Music] back at the Orange Bowl in Miami this is Don quickie with John Brody right now it's John in the AFC eastern race we have Miami in New England tied at four and two they're going to play next week and Buffalo only a game behind this is gonna be good right down the wire looks like today's game is so important because it can make this race of three a three theme race I think Buffalo has the people to contend if they get some people defensively they'll be fine but when you start contending with Miami in New England you better stock yourself at all positions as a gas well stocked Don Shula he's got the players Miami going on offense first intend now they go to the run Delvin williams runs hard he is struck hard as hazlit comes in and really popped him 55 the rookie inside linebacker from Indiana State he's a sticker in the first game against the Dolphins haslin opened as a rookie start of the game and had 17 tackles 13 on assistant Oh Lucius Sanford 57s on one outside position they've got Kadish at former number one draft choice in the Dolphins playing the middle guard for buffalo 71 Dan Williams and Sherman whitea the defensive end second down and eight for the dolphin they like to run the ball and buffalo has been vulnerable here's Kelvin William Williams gets out of you'll be short of the first down but not by much job when you talk you know you get Langer and Larry little and Ed new band the guys like that playing up inside and it's very tough no matter how you execute your defense the whole people for less than the three or four you are game that time the entire interior line just opened a whole two three yards wide Delvin wind picks up seven and they got a short third one that's what it will be a third and one now for the Dolphins Griese down behind his off row center chin Langer [Applause] early it's not if it's too early it's not good the bills looked like they anticipated the captive Rishi's as good as there is no any as far as jumping people offside you weren't bad at that either I really think done that there's seven or eight guys in this game who can who can change the count at the right time to give themselves the best of it and if anybody is subject to jumping they'll take advantage of it that time Sherman white trying to make a big play made a bad one what do you do to get the guys to jump offsides well everybody has a rhythm everybody has a personality we'll say and you get into a rut you start calling things on two or three or one all you have to do is change it a little and you'll see some of those hamstrings start puckering Jordan McCarty our referee gives us going to the Condor gives the upside signal against the Buffalo Bill the referees mic is not working at the moment it was Sherman white it was offside for Buffalo right here so the Dolphins move it out they get a first down there is the offensive set for Miami Griese Delvin Williams and Larry Csonka not a bad proof donkeys already eclipse his rushing mark of last year with the Giants he has 350 yards already this season through six game got 10 to go and he's got some more right now big guy just leans in and gets a couple of yard you know people people may disagree done but it's my opinion that this may be the toughest test for Larry Csonka all year because Buffalo has been run against very easily they're going to give up a lot they're gonna make greasy start throwing the ball because he hasn't thrown it very well as we see he's got excellent receivers however he's going to be tested but Buffalo will have seven eight people at the line of scrimmage all day long if they can beat them doing that then they're just a better team it is second and eight now for Miami it's back Kelvin Williams turns up field Buffalo's pursuit is good coming across with Shimon white and also on the play with Steve Freeman number 22 the strong safety another score in now Cincinnati Kent Anderson has just put on the rookie tight end Dan Ross from seven yards out Chris power hit the field goal it is 7.7 to 3 Cincinnati has taken the lead over Pittsburgh there is the offensive line of Miami and this is Bob couch in Birds birthday you know I read where he's a free agent out of Notre Dame do you think Notre Dame has another free agent in the game book you've got a Notre Dame and they don't know you're any good I don't know how you're gonna make any club he can't do it mr. cago I'll begin to leave that you don't get noticed there I guess you're not gonna [Music] very little played well this season and that is in the opinion of his coach Don Shula came running out of there like a getaway thief you know you may have not been snap you know you may have just just captured the methodical look that Miami has has seemed to have adopted because they have always been a group of personalities who really got after their best players Larry little Bob Griese aren't having the kind of big ears that they've always had to carry this club other offense hasn't been there the defense has been just fine but the Miami offense just his not click they had one big game against Chicago blue the Bears out here but Sheila says we've only had two really good quarters of offensive football that was against Chicago in the second half when we scored four touchdowns Ben Williams Mike Kadish is Sherman white they've got a big job Cincinnati is in scoring position again they have recovered a fumble on the pittsburgh 38 yard line so there could be an upset to making a you got a plate swing pastor Joseph Oh [Music] yes Nixon cannon hits him knocks him down it is short of a first down in a third and 12 plate the lodge almost got there but Miami will have to punt we'll take a double look at this now well foolish isn't too happy but he really had very little he could do a screen play with third down and 12 yards to go as a defensive it's a piece of cake for them because they love to give you a little ground everybody move up toward the ball stop the play you can give him seven or eight yards that's just what they game let's take a look at Bob Guttenberg got him a little bit too good couch this is a screen pass Dixon give up and neither hip and stop the first down so now George Roberts will punt from Miami lupa cone and Keith moody are back from Buffalo [Music] but the play is negated by an official's crystal before he kicks the ball they're going to bring it back we have six minutes and 14 seconds left to play in the first quarter here at the Orange Bowl in Miami Don Ricky with John Brodie Buffalo Bills nothing Miami Dolphins nothing has been Lake comes back the Dolphins come in with a good defense against the rush only 3.5 yards a carry if they give enough do we have here now the officials mic is not working Jordan McCarty telling us something What did he say job baby doll over it Nikki said we'll do it again I wanted a new football in there now he's back alone yep tip the block they almost got it hoodie will return it to some good lucky setup [Music] it has been announced by rondalee 86 the rookie from Baylor so the bills go on offense for the second time in the football game first in ten they'll have it inside their 40-yard line against undefeated Harry qudsiya live from Pretoria South Africa that's next Saturday on NBC's sports world it is first intend now for the Buffalo Bills Joe Ferguson at quarterback first down lets her go along he's got a man out to the balls under the video [Applause] but it didn't get there the strange thing to me Don is that Butler did not look for the ball any earlier than he did he actually got about 30 to 40 yards down the field before he even looked back very well covered however good play up in the line of scrimmage when you throw it on first down with white action passes the purpose is to stymie the defensive lineman that time they did a perfect job Neil cozy had a play on the football the free safety are just missed the 39-yard field goal for Cincinnati show the score holds there Cincinnati 7 Pittsburgh 3 down in down [Music] let's go but that's as much as you're going to come without getting one as he throws into three men and two of them weren't Buffalo Bill that was a situation to Ferguson once he let the ball go wouldn't love to have had it back take a look right in the middle of the field Willie Parker on Bob balm how're you can tell McKenzie is back back back back and lofts in who he can help out pick up Ferguson was rushed just a little bit when he did throw it a little earlier than he wanted to he would love to have had it back and take in the sack because it was almost an interception Foley was playing the ball the whole way so Ferguson a 56% throw of this season has hit only one of six now that good for but five yards he'll be gunning it here it's third down and ten three wide receivers in the game is paconne come to join Jerry Butler and Frank Lewis then they get five free yards there is both camp run a blitz he gets a free play does Ferguson need a field that's one of the few times done where they make eight yards they get a five yard penalty but they're gonna have to take a penalty because they'd have been short of the first down it wouldn't help them they'll line up again and half third down five Kimbo camera was coming out of blitz one of the miami linebackers they go with both camper 58 on the outside okay we saw Kimbo camper jump but I think that the purpose of this picture is to show you the zone defense that Miami employs so effectively what they do is they get their linebackers into a deep drop that time Ferguson had to throw the ball early because he rolled out the backers didn't get as deep as they normally do but throughout the afternoon their four linebackers would get as deep into the secondary as any four in the game they got a great zone coverage here is the signal against boat camper if you joined us late we're coming to you from the Orange Bowl in Miami with John Brody this is Don craggy to Buffalo Bill's with their second possession they move the ball well the first time they had it then came up short penalty shuttling back and had a punt Miami got a front of back to Buffalo and now at 5:40 left to play in the first quarter the Bills have a third down and five play coming up their 43 yard line go around the board [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Furguson gets time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Lenore's Thomas s well are both fine this kid is one of those real five four five forty runner just an outstanding athlete playing foreigner where they play a lot of zone he can do just as well playing man-to-man once in a while throughout the day you'll see them put him in that position now rusty jacks is in the game for Buffalo for his second punt and back to receive as a rookie from Alabama Tony Nathan back with him Gary Davis and Mike Kozlowski there is rusty Jackson's former LA Rams putter amen former coach there Chuck Knox [Music] the good one the ball is hit well by Jackson a high punt tearing deep downfield is going to be taken by Nathan inside his 15 [Applause] Hey [Applause] take it down fancy lick made a fine effort to get in a position to make the play he could not handle it need to made an excellent play you could kind of feel the whole thing happening the convene man when he went down the field kind of got a piece but there was nothing to seal him from getting to the outside when he did so easily ran away from it was no contest with an Teaneck try to come over make see it's underneath Willie Parker a couple people overrun it when that happens you know you know the game is in trouble Jackson has no play on Nathan genic makes a fine played again over pourcel to the inside but nobody's coming to help out this is what always happens with putters of the last man waiting to make the play they just can't keep up with a real good punt return [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he hits it hard here's the signal it's good and the Miami Dolphins on a spectacular play by rookie Tony Nathan break open the first score of the game it is 7 nothing Miami will be back with the Dolphins kickoff in a moment to soar like an eagle free every man's dream so you go for it making the most of now from the life to the beer you drink but you got to get him behind the wheel and you gotta you gotta show him what kind of product you've got and we've got a good 160 owners of t-bird Grand Prix Monte Carlo came to test-drive America's newest personal car Mirada by dodge engineered to be gas efficient but not at the expense of styling or luxury and not at the expense of performance better than two out of three who drove Mirada preferred it to their own personal car this Marauder is a car that I'm gonna drive that's gonna be my car test drive total performance from Dodge a world premiere Barbara Cartland the flame is love she loved him passionate but the evil marquee was determined to have linda perot stars and the flame is loved Monday next Sunday kickoff the big day a football action with NFL 79 when a six look at the life on the inactive list through the eyes of injured receiver Billy Brooks of Cincinnati then a dynamite doubleheader most of the country will see the dolphins and the Patriots and also San Diego and Los Angeles here's the kickoff Keith moody takes it back for the LaCrosses the 20 and the Dolphins special teams below him back though the bills will go on offense and they need a big play now as the Dolphins certainly got one the longest punt return in the history of this franchise 86 yards by rookie Tony Nathan of Alabama and the Dolphins take a seven nothing lead that's what it looks like next Sunday here on NBC Miami at New England they'll be gunning for the lead in the AFC East and the four o'clock game San Diego at Los Angeles a matchup of two of the best in the West to the country will see Houston at Seattle Tony Nathan making arrests waiting for another crack at it he just took a meeting Giggy are that hungry [Music] ten Buffalo now the Dolphins defense fired up by the great special teams play comes out and stops the run cold rusty chambers 51 comes in and hits Curtis Brown and there was no gain on the play it'll be second down of 10 for Buffalo John you know you get the feeling with somebody scores on a long punt return or a long pass or some big play it seems to pump up the offense and the defense the whole group gets excited and now a big play has to be created by Buffalo where as things were starting to go their way they had to pretty good field position situations they didn't take advantage of either one somebody runs one back for a touchdown now they have to start over / indeed now Ferguson takes a look he's got a problem go camper runs in him curtis brown catches the ball but he say who yard it all-pro play by Kim bo-kyung firstly Harry Ferguson into the throw and then he came back and made the play here's the first quarter score Steve little hit a field goal for the Cardinals from 27 yards they leave the Eagles three nothing Pittsburgh and Cincinnati but haven't since changed and the Bengals have now taken lead seven to three John Brody's former team the San Francisco 49ers hasn't won yet but they're leading three nothing over the Giants don't try to stand on that babe now it'll be third down at 15 for Buffalo a Raymond worsen field goal but the 49ers up at the Giants to build this Miami's defenses fired up at this point [Music] [Applause] Kimbo camper is one of the biggest linebackers in the game 6-6 245 pounds out of San Jose State he was hurt early in the season he's not today he's hurtin people Don they've got two great players from San Jose State and Gerald small and boat camper now what boat camper does is he gives the team an extra dimension he can go down as a down lineman he can also play as a linebacker at six six 245 just stand up with anybody as a lineman he's very active puts on a very good pass rush the people in the league are gaining more and more and more respect for this guy play the builds have a whole lot of at this point right now the field has been shortened for the bills they're way back in their own end and they Miami Dolphin gonna get good field position Jackson hits the ball at gusty wind kicks up and Miami will head the ball to Buffalo 37 yard line so the Miami defense comes up close the bills back and now greasy and the offense come out dolphins are leading seven nothing but it was Tony Nathan a punt returner who put the points up we'll be back at the yarns ball with B dolphins in possession after this in the first quarter and the Dolphins in the lead 7 nothing at an 86 yard punt return by rookie Tony Nathan Gracie goes Kazakh malicious censored a big linebacker from Georgia Tech came in and filled the gap put a head on slug on sunken but his power drove him inside the 35 Miami is now going with the wind in order that for them to move they're gonna have to throw it you see Langer gets pretty good offensive penetration we mentioned the talk is going to be tested today there's a look there's a lot of effort pick up two yards it's going to be tough going that way all day long just because Buffalo's got an extra man in there John as somebody once said about zonka he doesn't break many 60i runs but after you hit him you wish he had Sanford is one of the hardest hitters around put everything he had into that you saw Sanford went back and here comes Delvin williams buffalo cutting it down on a second and eight play and about the 32 yard line Shane Nelson on the stop now we've got in the second ending and what it what ending is that straight into us to get somebody from the 49ers in the end zone Don Melville the putter snapped out of the end zone but the note says it's pretty tough to snap it out of the end zone you're the putter senator can do that idea norm fool ice is in the backfield now for Miami Gary Davis was in there with him third down and six for the Dolphins 37 yard line of Buffalo [Music] [Applause] Tracy's gonna throw he's got a lot of time he's got a man wide open in that pool [Applause] ferb played by more becomes he plays the play coming out of the backfield gives himself a lot of room going to the sidelines this is the sort of thing that Bob Griese has been excellent at as good as any quarterback in the game hitting backs in the proper spots between the zone areas for the past 10 years you know it's coming but you don't know how to handle it here he goes he's trying to go down fields got good pass protection more comes out of the backfield runs up to field 6 7 yards and then puts on a great effort to pick up the last two and get the first I think he's got the first Fred smallest fighting people pretty hard gets close to greasy but no other bill did so NAT lures good play after he was hit getting ahead for the first down gives the Dolphins possession at the 26 yard line of Buffalo 1st and 10 with men and five seconds left to play in the first quarter here at the Darwins fall in Miami as Miami with a seven nothing lead starts to mount another channel Uriel heresies a deep Clint wide the right [Applause] [Music] Gracie goes to Delvin Williams the PowerSuite and Williams riding behind his blockers gets the ball inside the 25-yard line down close to the 23 64 at Newman at the blocking you know if if you had two backs that you'd like to have to compliment one another I would think zones and devin williams would have to be about as good as any pair however neither one has been quite as effective as everybody was looking forward to when they started the year now we're gonna look at Larry little little can do it he's sitting there trying to seal off all the penetration he does so when Devin Williams cuts up he has nowhere to go still picks up four yards Shula says Delvin Williams Peter never on the ground very long a very quick stepper here if Csonka busting off on the pic back in Syracuse he took at ten years in gotten a street fight with three guys and took another three yards honey green and South Rome's finally knocked him down he's tough that hit the Sanford put out a little bit ago with his heart as you'll see in sandwiches were flying back with death grip the first quarter runs out the Dolphins are challenging again with Miami in the late seventeen we'll be right back after these messages from your local station [Music] we are ready to start the second quarter here at the Orange Bowl in Miami is Bob Bri she goes out and joins it off in offense Don quickie with John Brody the Dolphins are in the lead 7 nothing they scored on an 86 yard punt return by a rookie from Alabama Tony Nathan the longest punt return in Miami Dolphin history that broke the game open and since then the Dolphins have been in command their defense took the ball back stopping Buffalo cold and out greasy down inside the 10 down close to the 8 yard line in the first down Gary Don devitt picked up three yards I mean it's not bad when you're down in that post but when it's first and 10 I think it's the toughest place on the field to pick up a first down from obviously if they do so they'll score a touchdown we're looking at the offensive line the reason I say that is look how bunched up everybody is defensively for Buffalo Delvin Williams made an excellent move to pick up three or four yards it just comes so tough right there that when you pick up three or four now what's he doing second and six you're gonna run it in very seldom take your pick right now the way Miami's lines coming off the ball second down six dolphin inside the Buffalo ten [Applause] Larry Csonka fouls very little and once again they're in the end zone there are many times together just often team over the years they've been together not if nobody gets a piece of song until he gets into the secondary the defensive back - no chance little makes an excellent block Langer makes a fine block he just takes no D green runs right over the top of it the Miami Dolphins own the AFC East here at the Orange Bowl conceal has been here the Dolphins are 32 and 4 against AFC fin alone 60 and 1160 wins on the 11 defeats overall hit up and goodbye Evangeline and so with 1415 left to play in the first half the Miami Dolphins extend their lead to 14 to nothing first tenet 86 yard punt return by Nathan then on the six yard run by Larry Csonka so we'll be back with the dolphins the Dolphins have just gone 64 yards with perfect offense Larry Csonka from 6 yards out on the payoff in is 14 nothing here's the kick up Keith Moody has the ball for the bills across the 20 and the 25 and still working at it he is out to the 29 yard line and there the bill to go on offense first in 10 tonight on NBC at 7 o'clock Eastern Time its Disney's wonderful world baseball fever at 8 o'clock the miracle worker on the big event starring Patty Duke Astin and Melissa Gilbert and then the 10 o'clock Eastern Time on NBC primetime Sunday with Tom Schneider right now 14:02 remains to be played in the first half the wind is kicking up here in Miami that we've not had rain since the start of the game but we've outs coming down it started to come in somebody said before the game they don't like rain on Bob Griese glasses [Music] but they do like it I'm Larry Dawkins feat be good he can fly when the field gets bad and goes Curtis Brown good change of pace move and the pull back from Missouri takes the ball over the 30 and after the 34 yard line Mackenzie led the blocking good gain on the play five yard second down and five coming up for Buffalo John Doe was an article one of the New York papers this morning they've talked about Griese having a hamstring fall but the speculation it could be his eyesight which is failing at this point I've heard so much about peripheral vision over the years done all you see when you're back there in the pocket is a bunch of helmets an elbow you're trying to find any piece in your own Jersey you can find so I don't think it has anything to do with his eyesight you don't need that little good peripheral vision to see these guys come back [Applause] hey Dewey number 77 the right end from LSU and Larry Gordon number 51 the outside linebackers around the play for the Dolphins learn about Howard AJ do it across the bring that in front AJ do it as we see this ball pitched back to Curtis Brown there is nowhere for him to go Dooley makes an excellent play getting across the line of scrimmage being able to force the action when he does so Larry Gordon kind of finishes him off look at the blocking but this is just excellent defensive play nobody's allowing themselves to be pushed back plays an automatic loss now Berra stitches in the game is a tackle as they go to their the gas rushing defense five defensive backs in the gurgenson against the big rush it comes in low Joe Ferguson who's been rather well protected for the most part this season as a problem today against Miami they're coming with linebackers and just about everything they got out there well these guys were clocking everybody that time the property is one of them caught Joe he couldn't get back before it before the defensive lines and he could never set up he was smart enough to find a way to wheel out got around the containment but the play was never going to be any good once he hit Rowland hooks who couldn't get across him to make the block gonna be tough to throw now as the wind keeps up and the umbrellas come out as the rain is falling here at Miami Jackson ready to punt for the bill hits it in his 25 it's a good one downfield they kick it away from Nathan with good reason news Kozlowski put his head down on the rookie from Colorado makes it across the 40 to the 42 got Hutchinson made the tackle for Buffalo number 90 Nathan doesn't see the ball again today that'll be soon enough for Buffalo predicative 86 yards right now a break in the action Miami in command at the moment 14 nothing mirror mirror on the wall who's it for the Washington leads Cleveland 3 nothing 2nd quarter score Philadelphia not failing six nothing to st. Louis's Steve little hit another field goal for the Cardinals its first down and ten for Miami ball to the 41 yard line of the dolphin handoff Delvin Williams good play by the pulao shooting the gap was Shane Nelson number 59 Cincinnati still holding to a 7 to 3 lead over the Pittsburgh Steelers in the second quarter at Cincinnati and the New York Giants now lead 9 to 3 over the 49ers as quarterback Phil Simms has run a 10 from 18 yards out for a giant touchdown Jones with a touchdown on a safety in that game the 49er putter and it Burton Lee kicked out of his own end zone [Music] second down and eight yards to go for the first down for Miami weather conditions making it tough to play football right now is waning and there's a lot of wind up the middle inside the Buffalo 45 yard line and Osaka goes down John sotas a penalty marker you know what suck has done so long I don't know if he did this well in New York when he was playing and he wasn't as effective as he has been here but he sets up so close to the line of scrimmage and he gets fruit the point of attack so fast that if his linemen get any piece of the defensive lineman he's by there and he's got six or seven yards doctors now run the ball five times for 31 yards as you see and the one touchdown from six yards out let's see the call [Music] we apologize if the officials mic is not working Bhalla set now at the 42 yard line now Cleveland has come back to take a 6 to 3 lead over Washington Calvin Hill ran it in from two yards out but the extra point attempt was blocked it'll be a first down for the Dolphins at the 43 yard line of Buffalo 14 nothing Miami in the second quarter [Music] right back to the well and zonka gets similar work just seventh carrier today takes him down inside the 40 to the 37 smallest the nose guard rookie from Boston College on the stop for Buffalo number 76 Larry little at the blocking 66 down we were talking about how close Sunka gets to the line of scrimmage that time he was only four yards deep but ed Newman Jim Langer little coaching Berg when these guys get their forward surge like they do so often offensively he just finds whatever cracks seems to open itself out they don't do a lot of pulling they used to when they were young right now they're primarily a straight-ahead ballclub in the opening game of the season it was a similar circumstance if the Bills had taken the lead over Miami the Dolphins in the rain at Buffalo on September 2nd gave the ball the songket time and again as he drove downfield and subsequently wood in the game deciding touchdown in a 9 to 7 Miami win over the bill but 19th consecutive time to the Dolphins have beaten Buffalo [Music] Buffalo can explode though even though they're shut out last week they're still the highest scoring team in the league this I'm second and five and he is close to a first down night habit Larry little is winning at the line of scrimmage he's been under criticism as Chuck next and do little to stop the play of Duncan little do big guys are just getting out there first I think that's been it's been one of my Miami's big secrets as we look at Chuck Knox he knows one thing his offense can't score if they don't get the ball and Miami controls the ball about as well as any theme in the game and when they get 14 points ahead it's not like a team that has to throw to get points on the board these guys can take the ball move at six seven minutes kick three points and you're all your offensive guys are so cold they don't know what to do very good point Buffalo's explosive offense can't do a thing as long as Miami's running the ball down the field Don Shula his contract is up next year here in Miami a lot of speculation as to where he may go he was quoted in The Boston Globe last week is saying he would like to go to Notre Dame I don't think he'd mind staying here I don't think they'd mind keeping him gets back goes to Delvin Williams he's inside the 30 on a first down Gary and he's down to the 26 yard line Steve Freeman the strong safety made the stop for Buffalo has led the way the Alvin Williams holds the single-season rushing records for two teams the 49ers when he was with them and also for Miami at over 1,200 yards last year as we see the Giants take a 16 to 3 lead over my pals the 49ers seems this time threw the ball to Ernest great for 12 yards a 13 point lead early in the first half you know we were talking about and I kind of got away from it what I was talking about Williams I'm saying they probably as well as they complement each other won't be a statistically great as they have been in the bath but their contribution will be great [Music] they can still play second down and four greasy hands up Sanka takes the ball he is fit in shock I mean he said the fence in New York gettin three hundred and thirty three thousand dollars a year for three years and back here and does this well Haslett met him but he met him about three yards past the line of scrimmage that's too far back into your own secondary for a middle linebacker to be picking up the full-back you can see Langer gets it gets a good piece right in there he moves his man back by the time they get there he still he's already picked up three or four got to meet him with a two-by-four or something that Zama zhanka taking it down the field in the rain here at the Orange Bowl in Miami 8:30 to play first half Dolphins leave the game 40 nothing first intent Delvin Williams lost his footing this is about as good a grass surfaces you'll find in the rain it is that prescription athletic turf the field that was developed at Purdue University there's a suction system it can drain the water off Delvin Williams he's been getting the ball a lot but grease he's had problems of interceptions John doesn't have to worry about a day because he's not throwing it he's throwing the ball pretty well when he's had an opportunity but Larry little just came off seemed as if he hurt his shoulder or his arm anyway Locke so is in replacing him they say he's an excellent player luxo never 68 the right guard on second down at seven right back to zakah he does a crime takes it right along with him all the way down to the 12 yard line the third and short yardage now for Miami as they drive what could be a third touchdown coming up leading the game 14 up it excellent offensive line surges laakso pulls out his offensive line has left him about two yards behind him if he'd known they were going to get that kind of surgery could have snuck up in the hole and helped the running back got to play a few plays before you get comfortable see Larry little being intended to Cincinnati is giving Pittsburgh some problems ken Riley the Bengals just recovered a fumble on the 16 yard line of Pittsburgh Cincinnati leading the game seven to three netfloor wide to the right dorial Harris's to the left greasy hands up to Delfin william burning up feel good play by the Buffalo defense on third down and three they give Delvin Williams the little if anything at all Freeman came up and filled as did lucious Sanford 57 [Applause] so now the field-goal unit comes out hey what have we discussed here they've got a 14 to nothing lead they get the ball on their own 35 or 40 yard line they take about five minutes off the clock they're going to settle for three points but the offense has done its job they haven't allowed Buffalo to get back in it you got it Ron Jaworski just threw a touchdown passing three yards out seven to six Eagles lead the Cardinals go to Harold Carmichael who vivan shaman from Oklahoma the man who displace Garrow you Prem Ian will try the field goal he said seven and 11 this year shaman grill dolphins have three more points 6 minutes and 14 seconds left to play in the first half Miami extensively 17 to nothing Janani is now down on the 5-yard line of Pittsburgh NBC sports world is coming up next Saturday and you're going to see a great one a world heavyweight championship fight we'll tell you more about it after Hoover Vaughn Shulman kicks the ball off for the Dolphins they leave the game 70 nothing he strikes it not too deep Steve Powell across the 15 yard line for Buffalo and across the 20 he's out across the 30 and gets a good return out to the 35 yard line [Music] so the bills need the big strike here they could use a Ferguson to Butler next Saturday it will be live from Pretoria South Africa Big John Tate undefeated against Harry cut see also undefeated for the WBA world heavyweight boxing championship to see that live on NBC sports world we were talking about Larry little he has got a FRU shoulder they've stated he'll be back in the ballgame maybe we got try to work it out there first in ten buffalo bills trail 17 nothing 602 to play in the first half rain has let up now but the bills go to the run and that for much and Baris inches in it nose tackle for bomb Hauer made a stop on Terry Miller Miller was a thousand-yard Russia and you know last season as a rookie but he hasn't been able to get it going this year I don't have the bills but they're running in it just hasn't been there I think a lot of that is due to the fact that the llama lore has been hurting a little bit their offensive line hasn't created the holes that they did late in the season last year their total coordination just isn't quite as good but their offense been productive Ferguson's been throwing great that's right metal got his in the last eight games of the season you really shored up then Rowland hooks runs hard breaks attack on a second down and eight play he carries the ball out to the Buffalo 40 and that'll bring up third down and about four Don we mentioned how the winners are stopped we mentioned how good the guards are for Buffalo Reggie McKenzie Jodl Amalur here's McKenzie he can pull out when you've got a guard that can pull out get around the corner as fast as he does knock small out of the way and give you back a chance to cut up it forces the defense to have excellent penetration and excellent pursuit that time they got there in time almost got a big gain out of it John we just been informed Pete Johnson took it in from two yards out for Cincinnati and the bangles Natalie the Steelers 13 to 3 there's Dan 4 for Buffalo Ferguson with a deep drop veterans bomb safety number 25 from Purdue now on this ninth year kicks off Joe Ferguson throw only the 4th time of season Ferguson's been intercepted an Adele fans have the ball back the real good pass Russian sports good quarterbacks do things they wouldn't ordinarily do this time Ferguson as he gets back he's trying to go to Butler down the field he hasn't been able to get to him all day has to elude somebody on the rush that time he got in front of Frank Lewis Tim Foley almost picked one off earlier on the same play this time he made it stick so at 17 nothing in Miami has the ball back we'll be back at the Orange Bowl in a moment [Music] Griese takes a deep crap lots of time man is open [Applause] and he is down inside the Buffalo already well it states the quality you find the top quarterbacks they have this quality when they're going back bad there's something within them that gets them turned on it's like oh yeah file all of it I'm gonna have myself a good day if you want to come out and watch good luck but that ball was thrown about as well as it could be thrown that was vintage greasy and then it's corporated you get a look on the slow motion our producer here today for NBC is George Finkel our director John Gonzalez Matt Moore moved out on the right flank again [Music] a big surprise going on at Cincinnati the Steelers fumbled the kickoff and the Bengals took it back in and now they leave the Steelers 20 to 3 in the second quarter as you know the bangles have not won a game this season not till today well Pittsburgh's been coming back but they've got their work cut out for them today because they're playing up in the it Cincinnati and when you're playing in that Stadium with a 17 point deficit you've got some work cut out for you yeah you sure do well you better better be ready for 60 minutes when you play this dealer they're the best they are the best they're gonna win it again they are seconds what I've seen this telecast is presented by authority of the National Football League and is intended for the private use of our audience and in rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Miami Dolphins of National Football League is prohibited talking about Shaolin Notre Dame that has been rumored for a long time Shula once applied there to be an assistant coach and was turned down by Joker hi I don't think taking a sister's job here comes some he's been running at we'll all day long give a little rest [Music] 7.now [Music] Gracie takes a look fires and novellas complete down to the 16 yard line [Applause] Bruce Hardy the tight end comes back in the ball and the reception goes it's a first time for the dolphin and we pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network this is WG itv2 [Music] the Dolphins are challenging again as a break in the action with two minutes to play in the first half here at the Orange Bowl Miami 17 and Buffalo nothing [Music] wouldn't it be nice if batteries had gauges so you'd know ahead when you'd need a report and the seventh weekend of play on NFL 79 bryant gumbel and mike adamle are in DC studios in new york to update you of the scores and the highlights here at miami the dolphins are cooking right now two minutes to play first half they lead the bill 17 to nothing Grisha filled the ball four times has completed four for 52 yards and the bills finally get zonka down for no gain took a few hard hit Scott Hutchinson put on a second one Giles Rome was also on the play 147 left to play at the Orange Bowl in Miami the Dolphins in white leading the game 17 ugly this is Don quickie with John Brody as Miami criticized openly bias coach Don Shula for not having offense broke the game early when Tony Nathan rookie from Alabama ran 86 yards for a touchdown on a punt return and that got the Dolphins all jacked up their defense came out push Buffalo back shortly thereafter Zack who was in the end zone after a sustained Drive of 64 yards for a second touchdown Don Shulman hit a field goal of 70 nothing there could be more swing pass goes after lost the handle big boo retired and was lured back he's trimmed down he used to play a 230 down to 210 now he can still get it done he used to be a 9:6 printer to see you and he came into pro football had three or four just outstanding years and then he developed his skills to where he was an all our all-purpose back he's been a fine pass-catching halfback every team needs one Shula utilizes him in that position he dropped that ball but you won't see boo drop very many fool ash when he weighed 225 ran track for Texas Christian ran a 9 500 Cincinnati scored another one Franco Harris fumble for the Steelers and the Bengals win an infant Gracie throws good coverage on the play dropping back Isaiah Robertson number 58 the former la ram which has been playing pretty good here in Buffalo that's two coverages in a row where he planket at the receiver Gracie's trying to pick on him so far it had worked out so agree see now is an incomplete past he's not had many of those today that's his first one [Music] Don Shula seems well pleased with his hold proceedings they got a big one next week we'll be up there for that one John when the Dolphins go to New England to see that most parts of the country started then maybe down [Applause] block by a helmet yeah he didn't get that one up over his offensive line it went under the crossbar that doesn't count so the bills take over the football failing 17 nothing you'll see all the highlights of that spectacular game at Cincinnati spectacular for the Bengals and their outing the Pittsburgh Steelers right now we go to NFL 79 a half time here at Miami we have a minute and four seconds left to play in the first half the Bills have not yet put up points nor have they been close [Music] Buffalo breaks the huddle on offense yo Ferguson a quarterback who has been ly best in the NFL this season having an off day Houston leading Baltimore Jessie Baker a rookie defensive end picked up a fumble and ran in 20 yards for a touchdown Landry fumbled Jones isn't playing again this week fire [Music] reception downfield of a 38 yard line Frank Lewis some rambling going away up in the air to take the ball then a hard hit and killed on that's what I love about the way Ferguson throws as he could throw those scatters 20 yards deep to the outside the ball coach on the line against to receive our chance to beat his defender and when he does get the ball right in the spot you can see when Luis gets his one is usually for a long way almost 25 yards to catch 53 seconds left to play in the first half we'll be back in a moment [Music] the preceding announcement was furnished as a public service by the National Football League 53 seconds left to play in the first half well could Bob Griese waiting on the sidelines the last time I saw Buffalo in this situation before the half they were down by 12 points they ended up winning the ball game big that's right and they need some kind of a play by a Jerry Butler or a Frank Lewis to get him on the scoreboard they've got those two flank to either side a very disturbing report will give you an injury to Ron Jaworski the buff the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback he's been taken from the field at st. Louis with a leg injury [Music] Furguson thrills it right where John Brodie was looking for it when you see a guy throw a ball before a man makes a break and when he turns Butler just turned around the ball hit him right in the z-row the ball can't be thrown any better than this one watch as he turns Bank thank you very much see what I can get those are two perfect throws they've got it down a scoring position there we go another one a swing pass goes out Rowland hooks has the football for the bills inside the 25-yard line he's not done yet he's down to the 24 and the clock shows 19 seconds to play in the first half and it stopped 18 seconds now Ernest Rhone finally made the tackle so the bills are challenging with just seconds remaining in the first half they can get points up here we could have a football game Shula obviously not pleased with the yardages team is giving up to Ferguson at this point Buffalo is the kind of team that I'd be a little scared of if I got too far ahead because it forces them to do what they do best on first down second down third down all the time when you've got Ferguson just firing the ball seeing what sticks you see Bill Munson down there in the frame with it man with the blue jacket on the back of his head - embellishment playing sixteen years around this league and he's helped Joe a lot this year Jos never had an older guy - look - Joe mentioned to me earlier he said you know it's kind of nice having bill Spock's around he's very sane he keeps things to the very level edge and getting back to what I was talking about with Ferguson has to throw the bill scare me to death if I play in the fans when they're trying to mix it up with the run in the past I'm not so worried if I'm playing defense so right now I think Miami has a problem John Steve Grogan just through to Stanley Morgan from 10 yards out New England takes the lead over Chicago at Soldier Field 7 nothing all the details in that game and all the scores will be coming up at half-time on a report NFL 79 Don Shula the master of Miami he says he's just a guy who rolls up his sleeves and goes to work always looking for the winning edge and he usually finds it right now his team has a 17 nothing lead 18 to play first half Ferguson sits his offense with three wide receivers Miami Dolphin crowd comes alive now at the bill start to tennis [Applause] playas whistle dead flag was thrown from way in the end zone oh my Kimbo camper coming off which like it's hurting leg looks to me as if it just took a little bit too long and he's had a knee problem boat camper and it's the early part of the season he's played a great game today and you can tell how he feels about the whole thing oh well we never get anywhere when you get an injured leg done I mean everything you work so hard or is is gone whether it be just for a week two weeks or a year or two it's [Applause] Kimbo camped around the sidelines the assessment against Buffalo five yards since the ball back now to the 29 yard line where it'll be first and 15 the bills were too long getting the ball in play they overused the allotted 30 seconds so now the game clock shows 15 seconds to play in the half bills huddled up again first and 15 is Gordon McCarter's having problem with his microphone I'm plagued first it was trying to get those four seconds back on the clock because they stopped it before the play got underway when there was 19 seconds left four seconds is a whole lot of difference yeah you get down to the end of the half that's right that's another clock game clock shows 15 seconds but what they let the play go for seconds before they start the clock [Applause] first down 15-bottle the 29-yard line miami ferguson with the deep drop again here's the rough he steps in triggers and let's to go out about [Applause] 12 seconds left to play in the first half Fergus has now thrown the ball 13 times to the bills has completed 5 for 55 yards again repeating Ron Jaworski the Eagle quarterback was help from the field with a leg injury in that game at st. Louis and now Bob Chandler who has not played this season after suffering a separated shoulder in the preseason a workout is in the lineup for the first time this is one of the great pass catchers in football another guy you don't hear as much about as you should the last couple of years he's got about 120 passes for Buffalo you don't hear a lot about the team's ability second down and 15 with 12 seconds to play in the half when wisely falls out of at five seconds left the building let the God went out look like it looked like Jojo just dropped the ball the better got his hand in there force the fumble who's an alert play by Devon even Paulo so the buffalo threat is stopped again by fire play by the Miami defense and Shula takes his winnings to the locker room for the halftime at the Dolphins are in the lead 17 nothing a report on NFL 79 is coming up here on NBC guys might be blue but it's still raining rained all day yesterday rained real hard this morning almost the kickoff time then started up late in the first quarter we've had from light to heavy rain ever since now that Nick Amaya moves into the ball hits it well downfield he'll take Nathan four yards deep in the end zone he's going to bring it out Nathan takes it out to the 15 to the 20 eyes to go to the outside but the bills contain him and knock him down at the 22 yard line so Miami goes on offense first intent and for the Miami Dolphins on offense he'll have Bob Griese a quarterback Delvin Williams and Larry Csonka the running backs Derrell Harrison net Mora the wide receiver Bob Hudson Berg and Mike current the tackles ed Newman and Larry's little the guards Jim Langer will be down over the ball at center we'll see if new net slack so apparently going to be back in there a right guard for Larry little I think little did come back at the ballgame he's out there had the injury in the first half a little will start [Music] Kadish is the nose tackle for Buffalo the plumber Miami Dolphin lining up the cross from Langer Gracie goes to the run running with the ball but not very far as Shane Nelson comes in to make the plan as Delvin Williams yard at that Beeler we mentioned Danish Finnish does a good job right at the centre if you can you take Langer and you sum things up up the bill it allows your linebacker to come in and clean up to work and it's exactly what they did haters came here's the number one draft choice outta Notre Dame in 1972 reported out of shape and Shula cut him he's gone played well for Buffalo's been embroiled in some contract difficulties but a gorilla that's been settled hitch back goes to Delvin Williams and the bills come out playing football and they knocked down Devin Williams kadish comes a grunt hey she's taking out an all-pro center and languor and winning right now don't like surely makes no bones about that jewel is overly protective towards K tissue the time that's just the way it works in this game sometimes they say if I don Julie likes those players to play hurt because he has a very high tolerance for somebody else's pain goulash and Gary Davis are the setbacks now for Miami while I win but that much rain at this point but you're at 75 degrees third down and eight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] finally Conover he didn't gone that's the kind of play down and everybody in the same football is that running the ball into the and it's a sucker play they got up the fight the hole is big enough to drive a truck through Gary Davis didn't hit anybody till he got 12 13 yards down the bill picked up along air Miami keeps control 41-yard gain on his first carry 42 yards he comes out the dolphin house Jackson ah Magellan they'll tap them up to that point dr. Rob that he buries it into the middle on down to the 31-yard line gate is stepped up the airy Davis 200-pound back out of Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo [Applause] well 15 left to play in the third quarter and the Dolphins leading as they did at the half 17 nothing the old C's clubs coming off a losses Miami was beaten last Monday night at Oakland Padilla's were beaten at home last week against the Chicago Bears losing seven nothing next Sunday the Buffalo Bills played Baltimore at Ocean Park and the Miami Dolphins go to the Lincoln second down and a long seven for the dolphin [Music] [Applause] had to get on his horse she's haslums down the field because Jim was in a great position he played it all the way Greece he never had a chance to see him he just kind of stayed off the ball what's there now he's over into his area he hasn't committed to the ball yet oh here it goes and he's in perfect addition to come in cut in front by the receiver and pick off the ball gotta hang on to it Tampa Bay at home after losing for the first time last week leading New Orleans in the third quarter a 7 a nothing game as Haslett comes out now it's going to be third and seven for Miami Hills go up the extra defensive back Jeff Nixon the rookie from Richmond who saved the touchdown when he caught Gary Davis playing way back Griese backpedaling takes a look but to go along [Applause] was touched down to Jim Sefolosha that was broken up Charles Road number 26 the Dolphins remember well from the first game when he ran back a block field goal for a touchdown yes gets up in the air his hang time was good he got it Charles Rome was very lucky that he got a chance to get to that ball greasy as you see the balls wobbling a little that's not the way greasing normally throws it it's also a little underthrown well thrown ball would have been six would it has a defense beaten but Charles groans recovered and now ban shaman will try a field goal from the 39 yard line will be a 49 yard attempt [Applause] I didn't even get to the inside now rolls in the puck dive on comin picked up 11 yeah try to get it down inside but he didn't get there just goes in the endzone very nearly eight down ball inside the 5-yard line but the Buffalo Bills get the ball back now to have it first and 10 at their 20 their first possession of the third quarter dodge announces the truck and fan rebates countdown get a full-size pickup with dodge man or a ram charger and a four hundred dollar check that go with it but hurry October 18th is the last day and that countdown is on Chrysler has given dealers the biggest cash incentives in Chrysler's history these discounts they can pass on to you but hurry that countdown is on get a great deal and a $400 check October 18th the very last day for those parents who realize that $500 isn't too much to spend to expand their child's world RadioShack has the perfect gift the trs-80 computer the most significant investment a parent can make programs for your child's education or your business finance and home use let your children discover tomorrow's technology to date the trs-80 the biggest name in little computers only at RadioShack attending company next Sunday start Tuesday with NFL 79 two of the hardest hitters in boxing tear up and go toe-to-toe for the WBA heavyweight championship of the world undefeated Big John Tate squares it off against undefeated Harry qudsiya live from Pretoria South Africa over the [Music] the SEC will be there live coverage here is the handoff to Curtis Brown that middle guard number 73 big nose tackle is 30 years in Alabama shoving the black made the knock down vom our plate to play very well he's got a man on the other side duck betters it's been having an excellent afternoon we'll take a look he's playing Joe Devlin's playing against him right before the half we saw him caused the fumble by Ferguson nobody's run over him all day better just good don't hear a lot about I think he was invested about the ninth round out of Nevada Reno but he's really come on they think they've got something here Doug better seventy-five it right in 2nd down and 10 for Buffalo Ferguson go to the rod Roland hook starting inside loses the ball [Applause] five to play in the third quarter it was dead letters was in there but the play wasn't too effective either now they've got a third down and about nine or ten yards to go as we see nobody's pushing anybody around from Buffalo to Miami when Miami has the ball they seem to be moving people a little better at the line of scrimmage as a result it's going to force the Ferguson to throw the ball at will I I'm a little surprised he hasn't thrown one of the first two bites now the offense has been predictable but maybe because it has been it has been difficult for Miami they've probably been looking for the first down fast consequently Ferguson looking to break it up the crime of the run third down and five he's got a man justin is made for a first down and plenty more out to the 37 yard line Frank Lewis came back at the bottom front of town on one knee he has two good recipients in this game one of those times where the real strong arm comes into play all right many quarterbacks of the game that could get away from a rush be as far off balance as Joe was and still get the ball out to the sideline to Swift as he did Norah's Thomas 41 you saw come back he was beating on the play but it was very difficult to defend against and now at 9:20 to play in the third quarter Miami in the lead 17 nothing the Bills have the ball first and ten at their 37 Butler is fired to the left against Gerald [Music] Buster goes way up and takes the ball of the 45-yard line up Miami a gain of 17 yards and a first down 18 yard game one of the few times today that Ferguson has been able to get butter in a one-on-one situation occasionally as we mentioned earlier in the game he'll be able to do it going to small side because they respects Paul so much this time he had no linebacker help it was an easy throw an easy catch they pick up a burst no there's nobody in front of him to block his vision the ball was thrown a little behind him but he makes a fine reception [Music] Gary that alert comes out again he's going to be seeing the football for his first Indian Buffalo at the 45 yard line up fire Gary Miller I'm a sweet cuts upfield and Miller gets ahead for a gain of six or seven yards inside the 40-yard line of Miami Doug Boehner's finally knocked him down taking a look at Don's surely you can see he's a bit involved he doesn't take much for granted he knows that buffaloes one of those teams put 14 21 points on the board in a very short period of time talk to the Jets or Cincinnati Buffalo scored 51 against Cincinnati 46 against the Jets right now they're looking to break the ice to get off the side archie manning just threw for a touchdown ran for one of five seven seven bateson Tampa Bay Furguson play fakin look she's got a man open blank Louis is inside the 20-yard line he's down to the 19 Buffalo behind the right average Joe Ferguson starts to cook here in the third quarter excellent Paul excellent brawl he's in a run fast situation simple little play-action fashion Steve batters trying to put a little a little pressure on it but he's got Frank Lewis wide open in the middle of the floor [Music] the rain has stopped and so Buffalo's growing gear up right now [Music] Jerry Butler window covers against him coverage against it Ferguson goes to the right [Applause] [Music] quite higher in the game his first carry he lost the ball got it back and he got a hit for 6 yards it looked from up here and we'll see the replay as if it was kicked back to him he loses the ball right here here it comes back thank you very much let's draw a crowd that football okay Willie Parker on bomb our he does his job betters tries to play a game everything I say about [Music] [Applause] second down and five at the 15-yard line up [Music] and another [Applause] that is one of the toughest plays in the game for a quarterback to make he has to contain he came all the way in from the offside efficient 53 he's been around 13 years with the guy who drilled him and Norris Thomas did little work himself Washington and Cleveland now tied six-six kumar closely field goal for the win Campbell has run it in from seven yards out 14:6 if Miss squared loses Houston goes to the top of the AFC Central hi actually with Furguson look fires dance open Frank Lewis is down inside the tenants are first down for the Buffalo Bills in the 8 yard line of Miami that's that's one of those patterns that you have to rely on your receiver to do some adjustment Ferguson went back he had two people running corners Frank Lewis running a little delay pattern when he did so it was cluttered up in the middle he just cut the ball up short came to the outside picked up the first the Dolphins ranked fourth in the NFL in total defense they ranked third in rushing defense they had given up fewer touchdowns and any team of the Buffalo [Applause] [Music] he's down inside the five he's down close to the three yard line good execution they get those power guards out in front of that one Delana leer and reggie mckenzie Jones and Devlin the tackles Willie Parker the center good blocking up front you bet they couldn't couldn't have come at a better time on first down to pick up six yards inside the 10 yard line it's no picnic with second three those are the toughest yards in the game down there but to get six on first down gives them a chance to either run or pass and it makes things a whole lot easier third quarter moving back quickly John 14:15 planet second ago [Applause] it's a one-yard line [Applause] it's down down all the way ten seconds after the play was over they signaled touchdown well they had to make sure they had to find out whether or not he stepped out of Bounce when he started spinning and crap it's outside gets away from Norris Thomas and as he goes out of bounds he's got the ball over the goal periscope Shula looking on now as he sees his powerful defense literally taken apart by a Ferguson Bill's the extra point up and through and with 357 left to play in the third quarter the Buffalo Bills are on the board may not rail miami 17 to 7 [Music] Miami in that man Rowland hooks just went in from three yards out for Buffalo's first touchdown it 17-7 Miami third quarter 356 - planted the kickoff goes to Tony Nathan who ran bad punt a security hands off on reversal down below and that's a little hooky from Georgia Tech is knocked out of bounds of the 33 yard line nikka Meyer got it [Applause] next Sunday kickoff exciting football action with NFL 79 when it takes a look at the life on the inactive list through the eyes of injured receiver Billy Brooks of the Cincinnati Bengals down an NFL double-header early games include the Dolphins versus the Patriots most of the country will see that automats Oakland on the Jets Cincinnati and Cleveland Baltimore Buffalo and then the doubleheader game for most parts of the country San Diego at Los Angeles Houston at Seattle that's an NBC dental header next Sunday [Music] it's first down at 10:00 Miami 32 yard line Griese gives off Delvin Williams is caught by lucious Sanford backer the 25-yard line a loss of seven yard talk about your outstanding defensive plays by lucious Sanford he took ed Newman and just pushed him right back in the backfield when you've got a guard to sleep your back and he's standing behind him you're in trouble and I tell you Newman bench press is over 500 pounds he's the strongest guy in the team I know that always impresses you the weightlifters well you can catch anybody going the wrong way and you can throw them a long ways and that's exactly what's saying for did that's how it stands right now in the AFC Gary Davison Norbu lot in the offensive debt now for Miami second down and about 18 yards to go for the first down and Gary Davis he's got a problem bricks one and the bills are up they're striking hard now he got back some of the lost yardage but it's going to be third Nevada Levin for Miami Mario Clark 29 hit in the left corner Ben Williams made a pretty good play the problem was he didn't have enough pursuit coming with him you can see as he spins off the block he forces Gary Davis to go outside a lot farther than he would like so that when he cuts up the pursuits there to handle Davis as you see has run the ball just twice at first one was a 41 yarder in the first half led to the field goal third down and 11 for Miami perfect strike by Gracie he had no leg to throw it and he had to throw it over the top of linebackers and he did it hit it with perfect touch [Music] hang in there Dario it gets a little rough when that balls coming rather slowly and you're in the middle of the field it does attract the crowd you can see here Bob pulls the string on it a little throws it over the top of the linebacker has it what he does so - real hair is his weight Harris came right between the deep drop of the linebackers in front of his own cover - the defensive backs and the strike is right there for the big gainer as a first down for Miami midfield dolphins leading the game 17 7 1:25 to go third quarter they go to the run up the middle it doesn't get too much maybe three Bob a Bellini has just passed for the first touchdown of the game for the Chicago Bears at 54 yards and dave williams Grogan's thrown for to New England scores as in the second quarter the Patriots lead the Chicago Bears 14-7 and here in Miami we look at number 39 leading number 24 Delvin williams pickup of about for the easy way rather some pretty good collisions in that middle just like we like it well Buffalo's using a lot of people in the middle they're trying to force him to throw you got to stop when they do so second down and six Miami is hit hard and driven back the Hardison in the game a 270 pound offensive end number 74 in second year from North Carolina knock-down is made at the 43-yard line the endzone pylon they call it as you see the ground-level camera and czaka goes back to the backfield with 64 yards in the books today and a 6 yard touchdown run their quarters winding out on us very quickly we're down to 14 seconds and running family the dolphins are gonna let it run out they just soon be going with the wind as it gets you got it [Music] that is the end of the third quarter here at the Orange Bowl in Miami as the Miami Dolphins now will shift sides with the bills and Miami when the timeout leaves 1770 [Music] well so far today they are New Orleans out in front of Tampa Bay 14 to 7 Toni Galbraith just ran in from 6 yards out for the Saints is they take a 14-7 lead maybe 10 that they hit and ready for the Super Bowl they're pretty good team but I know it's a little premature [Music] third down and about three years ago for the first down here comes Gary Davis turning the corner and he has stopped by the Buffalo Bills two yards short of the first down Isiah Robertson number 58 made the play that brings up fourth down George Roberts the putter is coming out as via 1443 left to play in the game Miami leading 17 7 bills dropped back to punt returners Picone goes back out does Keith moody moody number 2 in the AFC and returning punts there is George Robertson the second year from Virginia Tech he came here as a free agent accurate kicker he'll knock it out of bounds inside the 20 he'll place it inside the 10 a little loop punt bills go for the rush ball is hit down at the 5-yard line get an eye on it up and get to it although to touch the end zone line just [Music] despite the best efforts of rookie Glenn Blackwood from Texas was that kid a hitter in college he almost downs it done he makes an excellent play but you can see how accurate the officials are there right there the ball just touches the line out to the 20 [Music] bazooka at rests at the moment then I am a defense on the field as Buffalo takes over the ball on the touchback first in 10 dolphins load up a half 17 nothing builds every only touchdown of the second half they trail 17 7 tere naina looking to break one a lightning-quick back out of Oklahoma State very big drive done four for the bills they can get a score right now they are in the game with a lot of time to play excellent offensive lionsearch to llama lure Willie Parker made good blocks at the point of attack they've only got one yard for a first and it looks when when Buffalo gets hot you can kind of feel it right now it looks as if they feel they got things going their way office well the wind has died down a great deal they're working into it second down and about a yard to have to go for the first down [Music] my car runs and doesn't get there is gonna be shirt that'll bring up third down in about a yard or two big bath bomb how're Shula says when they come here from Alabama they're ready to play pro football the bear train to hell he gets him ready get him ready yesterday they beat Florida 40 to nothing Reuben Gantt double tight ends now Steve Kozakiewicz enthroned amel great for 78 yards and the Cardinals lead the Eagles 13 7 the one good piece of news for Philadelphia however is you're worth Jaworski is back at the ballgame he is back that's good to hear they'll be glad to hear that in Lackawanna New York comes out of Buffalo he's from the worst he is back in the game after being taken out with the leg injury the bills took too long [Applause] instead of third and west of the yard it's going to be third just over five not okay done that's one time where that's that's the sort of error you just can't afford to make it happens for different reasons however that's the second time it's happened to Buffalo today and there's no reason for it other than the fact that maybe plays are a little slow coming in from the bench you notice Miami greasy calls the plays and Buffalo the bench calls the plays there are a lot of people in instrumental in making that call when you get the plate of the quarterback too late sometimes you're going to get caught that way all ice is getting after Tampa Bay now Manning just through to Henry child's with 15 yards [Applause] third time is just over five for Buffalo Furguson look Meijer is a man out there nicely done by Neil cozy free safety from Ohio state news right here from Coral Gables after some years of the Oakland Raiders he comes back now to play in Miami Bill's always been that type of player that he's the centerfielder type of defensive back he loves to be in a position where he can take chances at certain times and that's what that's the opportunity he's got by a me so now the Bills have their pot of rusty Jackson in the game and back deep for Miami is Nathan again Nathan moving up on the ball takes it on the run at the 44 yard line burns outside is caught by Joe ship and is crushed by Doug green number 21 [Music] so the Dolphins go back on offense with 12 21 left to play in the football game in Miami in the lead 17 to 7 we'll be back at the Orange Bowl in a moment we have he wants an area higher Bush natural like there hey just say natural that way you won't have to move his lip so much okay a natural miss Cardew you know for a piece of wood you speak with remarkable clairvoyance yeah what's your like skills yes Amen I apologize forget it anyone so appreciate Ori of natural smooth clean taste is okay by me justly none of the same natural next time must be hard working with this dummy he's alright if anyone looks forward to the start of a new day it's a big a auto parts store because each new day is filled with challenging customer requests for quality parts and friendly service take yesterday for example the black went to the plus or minus I need heavy-duty shocks a muffler for burst oh I have you got metric tools quality parts friendly service that's big a have you got a cup of coffee sure a hard-working auto parts store back at Miami we pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network this is WG r2d2 [Music] [Applause] with John Brodie mrs. Don Croce and the Miami Dolphins on offense as you see the opposing coaches Chuck Knox and Don Shula well 21 left to play in the football game Ayami leading 17 to 7 dolphins were up at halftime 17 nothing they've not scored in the second half right now they have their power offense in two tight ends just one Rogers game they're gonna run the ball aquatic until the clock they go to Devon we got a head for two or three yards Isaiah Robertson fills quickly 58 get Sir John we mentioned earlier that you know Buffalo is taking chances defensively they're trying to stop Miami at the line of scrimmage when they run the ball both of their linebackers I say a Robertson and Lucius Sanford on the outsides are just coming down the line making somebody do something when you've got seven people at the line of scrimmage that are all playing the run you should stop it from very little game because seven people up close long enough somebody's going to kill you along those are looking for that they've got Nixon playing center field JC's looking that way too he's looking deep he fires in the flat okay it's a perfect example right there we're talking about the we're talking about the linebackers play in the run all right now Sanford and Robertson have both been playing right up with the line of scrimmage this time he takes just a couple steps too many forward you could see this and playing the run right now it's a passing situation at second down and nine now he can't get into his Lane when he does so he's late greasy easily throws the ball over the top up and they've got a first down more with 23 receptions on the season is the leading pass catcher for the Dolphins a very sound game he's not made a mistake has been won a turnover in the game on the interception of Joe Ferguson go back to the two Titans Bruce Hardy and finally first to attend Miami 35-yard line of Buffalo Delfin Williams once again got Hutchinson did a good job for Buffalo second years later from Florida got the gap and knocked it down he Franklin just did a field goal for the Eagles they're back in the game setting st. Louis 1310 in the third quarter New York Giants are getting well against the San Francisco 49ers leading 29 to 10 Simms has thrown twice to another rookie Ernest glazier touchdown Steve de Berg no piece of news John Brodie but he's quarterback in the 49er he's played pretty well all year but they can't stop anybody [Music] Gracie is 6 for 10 for 84 yards handoff goes to Delvin Williams second and 10 he got four merliss the nose tackle fifth 76 he's tough 270 pounds he was a wrestler Boston College he's given languor all he can handle on most plays kind of beaten spoilers when I trap lock him as a dolphin is down Kelvin Williams's death Williams running back from Miami is being attended to there's a break in the action here at the Orange Bowl 10:43 left to plan the game the Dolphins in the lead 17 7 taking a three-point lead on Washington late in the third quarter [Music] third down and seven from Miami he got him again [Applause] up in the air looking for the ball a quick hold on but number 77 Ben Williams the offensive end for Buffalo looked like he left early you think just using your head is import third one Buffalo gets pulled off side and they got 37 now Gracie is 37 he pulls the defensive player from Buffalo offsides they got third one and a half and that's kind of third down situation you can handle your saying earlier that he just changed this paint over what they're used to hearing just just a little bit you don't have to change a lot you know everybody on both sides of the line are anticipating when that ball is coming up the good thing is the team with the ball doses goes back in the football game yeah whiff is going back in there you got well hurry Philadelphia is back on top 1713 well Burt Montgomery ran a touchdown five yards up he gets in the endzone of the Eagles take the lead 1730 third in just over a yard for Miami [Music] [Applause] [Music] he gets into the clock now lines down inside ten minutes to play in the game you have to meet some quick in order to stop it but even when you do you've got a lot of work to do this time three people hit Larry just be just in front of the line of scrimmage and he makes two yards on his own picks up the first [Music] first down a tent out for Miami [Music] he's down for left of the yard Buffalo defense well against that Steve Freeman the strong safety given to made the play tonight on NBC it's Disney's wonderful world at seven o'clock baseball fever then at eight o'clock on the big event The Miracle Worker starring Patty Duke Casa de Melissa Gilbert at ten o'clock its primetime Sunday with Tom Schneider that's tonight on NBC balla spotted at the 25-yard line of Buffalo Miami has it second down and 11 [Applause] goulash in Gary Davis now the running backs fitted up it shows 855 to play in Miami lead 17 set [Applause] it's gonna be down at the 8 yard line Terry L Harris making the country delivering and the Dolphins can put this game away if they take it in from here they certainly increase their lead don't go free touchdowns are in the making but excellent pass protection drill Harris Reza fine patentees one-on-one against Rome when you get real good pass protection you're going to hit them take a look here's Jim Langer blocking on Fred fearless got a little help from black so [Applause] language on waiter [Applause] the Dolphins head to the hall first down inside the Buffalo Kelvin Williams in the middle is not much there hills are tightening up against the run then their offenses not delivered in this game there's seven points and the clock shows 750 left to play [Applause] 17-7 Miami it will be second down and goal coming up for me yard-line [Applause] well the Buffalo fans know that 119 straight loss they beat him the first three out of four games they played it and haven't beat him since year [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] second and goal Griese gives up the shotgun he's down at about the seven he didn't get much maybe a yard or two yep Nixon coming up hard to fill against the run the Dolphins continue to do their prime objective here and that's to run that clock down closing in on seven minutes to play and running [Applause] next week is a doubleheader we got NBC one of the feature games to be seen in most parts of the country OB DS Miami Dolphins and the New England Patriots locking up at box per all header game for most positive San Diego and Los Angeles [Music] Gracie takes a look at the end zone he intercepted two bags in a row by Jeff Dixon a kid that just comes in Angola live situations died first he fills the hole it's not stuff for no game now he covers a receiver like a blanket fix the ball tell you one thing the amounted opens have a friend running the clock in this place two seconds ticked up the clock after the intercepting he was down and where it goes at home we'll beat it Jeff Nixon on the left who made every all-america team last year at the University of Richmond and here's what he did in the last play before we broke jumped in front and picked up a greasy pass the Buffalo has back the ball with six and a half minutes to go in the Ferguson he'll be throwing got a man open his tight end Reuben Gant gets ahead across the 30-yard line to the 32 it's a first down for Buffalo per game there's one of the linebackers get him scuse me job no it's the first time he's gone to Reuben all day long and it's actually the first time I've seen him open they keep him in a lot to help protect Ferguson when they do so it takes something from their past offense but it does help their protection Jerry Butler is the bills leading receiver has only one today is averaging 19 yards of catch 26 for the seat [Music] first in 10 Buffalo clock is running to 550 to play Miami late 1770s Terry Miller the bitters was up to make the stop for Miami but trying to keep this dolphin defense honest didn't going to work as far as scoring touchdown well you almost don't have time to run plays like that you've got five and a half minutes to get ten points on the board they've got to score in a pretty quick manner in order to get the ball back again after Miami gets it on the kickoff and in sweeps and running the ball and going to get it [Music] unacceptable record for coach Shula winningest coach in football in the 70 [Applause] 10 Jones trying to handle better betters is taking care of everybody he's been up against in the first half he played one he plays the left the left side now he's playing the right side take a look at him on Ken Jones tires there and he's supposed to be able to help but he gets right around Collier before he gets in a good position 2 men couldn't handle him he handled Ferguson Doug Boehner's is play the big game a defensive end for Miami if the Dolphins defense port number 50 breaking oto mo Campos blocking the line the left side [Applause] [Music] [Applause] looking for burger than to throw her down 15 there's a pension through the roof again the 39-yard line he's going to be about three yards short of the first down they do not it cannot afford the luxury of punting at this point they're only good they've only got time to get the ball on this possession and one other in all probability I think to see him go for it on fourth and three when Blackwood was in the game made the play for Miami 438 left to play the clock is stopped now we have a timeout by the Buffalo Bills Ferguson on fourth down and three wants to talk it over with his head coach so there's a break in the action when it opens in the lead 17 to 7 will return to the Orange Bowl with John Brody the Sudan rookie back at the Orange Bowl in Miami you see the time remaining to be played for 38 [Applause] it's fourth down and three for the mill fourth and three at Buffalo's 39 yard line [Applause] Furguson close bad time for miscommunication put the lid on this one 432 left to play in Miami takes over in Buffalo's end of the field Joe Ferguson goes off an errant throw and the Dolphins on fourth down get back the ball Chuck knocks a little bit disappointed I can understand that he was trying to go to Hook's he couldn't find him he was moving around trying to alter and holiday dis battered with Butler and he actually threw it right in between both of might be the last chance for them through Manny takes over and Shula will go right to the run his team down goes to weary Sokka [Music] [Applause] Zurich is takes it over 270 yard mark for the day delicious Sanford hit him well watch this ground level jakka out of the blocks and right at us all right we get a 10-point lead we give it to the man real good block at the point of attack by Bruce Hardy that tight ends play a pretty good football this he is for those are here today for NBC is George Finkel our director John Gonzalez batters Harry Vance us kill and Bowman Thomason Paul burger is our death man and we had 350 seven months to play suck it down at four [Music] all day long for this big guy keeps plugging [Music] NFL report will have a complete rundown of all the scores as we see in the fourth quarter the Cincinnati Bengals about to win their first game of the season the most impressive victory is they're out front of Pittsburgh 27 to 3 the Steelers have fumbled eight times in that game in lost six that wasn't the last character win that way real hard Duncan has 75 yards at 18 theory 32 now a couple of setbacks he gets the headphone up yardage for the first down but a penalty marker went up with a ball of snap yeah it looks like they got a little bit actions Jacque has taken off almost 30 pounds since last March they may have cuts that for jumping just a little bit before the gut I didn't see anybody off fishing [Music] [Applause] lair is shaken up on the field so there is a pause in the action Shane Nelson to take a nap he was on the tackle we'll be back with 309 left to play the Miami Dolphins will continue to lead the AFC East along with New England if the Patriots hold up and you'll get a report on everything developing today in the National Football League on NFL report which is coming up next here on NBC right now we have three minutes and nine seconds left to play in this game the Dolphins with the ball first and ten 26 yard line of Buffalo Miami leaves 17 chef Dokka like a Clydesdale at me big clumps of turf fly up his offensive line move people back pretty well and then look like the play was stopped at the line of scrimmage he still picked up 3 or 2 he was drafted by the Dolphins back in 1968 after he eclipsed the rushing records of people like Jim Brown and Ernie Davis and Floyd little at Syracuse rush for almost 3,000 yards where his career there the world football league took him made a lot of money but it didn't make him happy and wants to give it one last shot with Dolphin coach Don Shula it's got everything a little money and happy that's it on the right club follows good things Reesey next Sunday it is an NBC doubleheader de Miami at New England is the big one that you'll see in most parts of the country you see the other games Oakland in New York Jets Cincinnati Cleveland Baltimore at Buffalo and then the doubleheader game San Diego and La play at the Coliseum in Los Angeles Houston at Seattle ends next Sunday a doubleheader day on NBC 252 left to play in this game Miami has been running the ball at thicken control as Tom Catlin and Chuck Knox look it over Gracie comes out playing a conservative game a lot of running he's mixed it with the pass you see his numbers he's been intercepted once it would have been a touchdown Jeff Nixon stepped in to pick it off for Buffalo on Miami's last possession Jerry Butler hadn't gotten the ball as much as they'd like him to have it today or he would like to have it [Applause] second down and eight right Kazakh [Applause] he gets stronger as the game wears on zonka takes it down to the 18 yard line [Music] I thought he was going to be retiring in his first year here at Miami because he had very bad headaches somebody in their wisdom found out his helmet didn't fit he's delivered a few to provide [Music] he will pass out those headaches he's doing his job he's created a first down for the Dolphins 245 left it doesn't look like Buffalo's even going to get the ball back watch they'd be third and 2 when we can go back to the action didn't think we can be pretty sure it will be Shaka once again he's been getting the first downs and keeping those chain markers moving even the clock running what do you think the best team in the league is John what you see oh I don't know and I think it's a little too early to say I think that personnel-wise New England stacks up with anybody the team of Miami is playing next week Pittsburgh obviously is the theme of people think are the strongest if you take three teams I gotta take the Alice Pittsburgh and New England that doesn't mean a theme like San Diego can't come out and win I mean the only thing the San Diego can't state right now is that they have been there yeah in my opinion that's the only difference between the New England Pittsburgh and San Diego czaka need 16 more yards for another hundred yard day he's got 84 on the afternoon now they go to a double setback formations akka the up back in the eye as you look at it from ground level this is what the Buffalo Bills will be seeing [Applause] [Music] Danka he makes sure that he carries it left wave behind the poor fellas had a shot [Music] new helmets hit there well this looks like the zonka six or seven years ago he runs low and the worst thing you can do is hit him because it he's going to leave a welt somewhere on your body and he is picks up four yards without any real blocking roof I tell you another guy's little hitches at Charles Rome's number 26 he's coming up from the corner and putting a full shot on Sokka Charles has given away just a little bit of weight about 50 pounds right now with two minutes left in the game Bob Griese goes over to the sideline to get the game plan from Don Shula which he already knows number 39 is the game plan at this point we'll be back in a moment [Music] season and there's been a lot of other developments around the league which you'll see an NFL report nobody runs on the field here in Miami because that's talking here to watch the game he has got his back turned to the action that dog is all business they let that thing run around let people know that the enrollee either [Music] first in ten dolphins me freeman hit him Danka got a little more though on a first half Gary he brought the ball down close to the 13 yard line Don Shula will be 50 years old of his next birthday we were mentioning earlier his contract run through this season and next and there's been a lot of speculation is whether he'll be here in Miami now whether he'll go someplace else there are a few people who would hire him I think I don't think there's any doubt about that he can go just about wherever he wants but he's been so effective here as he has everywhere he's been that good I see no reason for a change man I expect very much to see him back [Music] [Applause] [Music] once again they go to sack at least as close to the 12 yard line he's not getting much but he is getting time and 1:07 shows on the clock and it's running the Bills have no timeouts left so it's just a matter now if the Dolphins running out this football game and extending their fifth victory of the year with a big showdown coming up next Sunday at Foxborough Massachusetts against their arch rivals from the AFC East the New England Patriots Miami 17 Buffalo 745 seconds left to play dolphins got their first touchdown today and an 86 yard punt return and Joe Ferguson his head I guess you'd call it certainly been an off day for him off what he's been doing this season well they haven't had the ball enough and when they did have it they didn't sustain much and it's just been one of those frustrating days against the very good team dr. Ron it might be a delay against Miami whistle blew before the snap of the ball with 17 seconds left goulash coming back from Texas Don Shula needed another pullback that's going to be epic lots going to wind out Shula yet another victory in the Orange Bowl and a Miami Dolphins get ready for the New England Patriots tuning up with a 17 to 7 victory over the Buffalo Bill John well I think when you take a look at Chuck Knox he knows he was out man they played a team that has better people Buffalo continues to play pretty well right now they're a 500 team and they're normally there are 500 team as long as number 12 is playing well down the line I think Buffalo will get a lot better but Miami on the other hand has put themselves in a position to fight for the NFC the NFC of the AFC East and next week when they play New England that will be some kind of football game and stay with us we'll be updating all the scores and the highlights around the National Football League on the seventh weekend of play as Bob Griese must quiet his critics at least for another week as he directs it affected Miami offense that did what I had to do to win the football game the Dolphins winning over the Buffalo Bills 17 to 7 Buffalo going home next week to play Baltimore in Miami going up to go against the New England Patriots with gameand you see in most parts of the country as part of an NBC doubleheader San Diego in Los Angeles the second game so that was the story here in Miami you
Channel: Classic NFL
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Length: 114min 52sec (6892 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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