1977 Week 5 Washington Redskins at Dallas Cowboys 2nd half

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brought to you as a public service by the National Football League now let's check out what happened in the first half statistically time I've never seen stats that are more indicative of what not should be happening a one-point football game and you can see the Cowboys have all of the yardage Rodger is see if I can find that 10 for 18 for 138 yards 33 off 50 plays for Dallas only 21 on the left there to Washington look at that 75 yards passing for the Redskins to 27 for Dallas including Dorsett's first running pass and yet the block punt and the fumble and the Redskins are not only very much in this game but they may have left the field with more impetus in the Cowboys and a Redskins as almost always seems to happen the last team to come back from the dressing room after the half there is Tom Landry the only head coach the Cowboys have ever had first thing he did was start getting good people 17 years ago and he's got a lot of them now 12 rookies three years ago Tim last year and nine this year and some of those like Tony Hill and all are gonna be not only good football players but perhaps incredible one I'll tell you though if anything Landry gets along with his players and has a better relationship with him any did early in the career I think he's grown right along with them I'm sure that's correct there comes bill Kilmer and Joe Theismann tell you what else you have to give a lot of credit to not just to Landry but to the rest of the cowboy cowboy organization Tex Schramm Gil Brandt and group Kilmer looks like you might be trying to get the uniform together like he's gonna play it but that left arm that's the one that was hurried up and that shoulder let's see what he's gonna do where he's gonna sit I've done he's gonna warm it up in the bullpen Billy Kilburn you know he caught a touchdown pass one time out in San Francisco he's run for 22 he caught a touchdown pass I guess when they were running the shotgun er was he running at halfback he probably threw it and caught it he can throw something that I rather strange speaking of organizations that one is something else too in it yeah this really is they pick up people and say you know something you were a great athlete once now lose ten pounds let's see if you can play like you did maybe better than you did we'll stop and think about the difference in the way these teams were built just almost complete contrast there is Kilmer he's firing him up look at that skipping around limping around taking a few snaps now is Kilmer from Lenny Hawes there's a friend in Herrera Dallas leads 1413 they got a touchdown pass from Staubach to golden Richards Lenny Haas and children in the first quarter was mostly injuries the Redskins got two field goals from Moseley touchdown pass from ties Bannister error and drill to Eddie Brown and the three second half is underway as Browns fly to the left Eddie Brown goes down Mike Eggman just like this and one of the great blockers had ever played outside and football tell you that he can crack back like nobody else Taylor and grants flick to the left first down Washington ferrets Harmon into Dallas territory number 38 is tackled by a penny farm Harmon ever we told you that maybe the Redskins with the block punt and the good defensive stand might have come out of the first half with more impetus you could see the first two plays under Kilmer have been turn-ons and this is not a good quarter for Dallas they have trouble scoring and they'll allow 21 points in the first four games of the third period and two first down now at the Dallas 41 for Kilburn the Redskins Gilmer Frank grant makes the catch mark Washington made the tackle that's grants second catch but the first really effective one and he had to make a good leap to get it it looks like they you know you either hang together you hang separately this is a big day for them if they lose now Dallas goes up unbeaten in five and OH on second down again it's where is Harmon inside the 30 stop by Harvey Martin he was the first guy there but Harmon got the first down George start the big offensive tackle got a cliff blocked that time on to toe Harmon is a free agent out of Mississippi State weighs 190 as we mentioned before he was the Redskins leading rusher and preseason fat there's one guy that turns on that Dallas defense oh we've seen it off and on through the great games and that's mr. Harvey Martin and if he doesn't get mad right now the Cowboys might be sitting back on her heels over it's another first down at the Dallas 29 in children drops fires the Frank Graham mark Washington right back there with an assignment Aaron Kyle did not come back into the Dallas defensive lineup in the second half he is normally the right cornerback crazy shot they're not actually in a cage that's just our camera shooting through some kind of a gate there's nobody's helmet that was a basement that was a basement that's what it looks like well those of you haven't been there what it sounds like it's scary at the 30 second down for the Redskins it's 1413 Dallas jobber sent out the second quarter he's back second of June [Music] can he give to Harmon Dutch for couple yet Jones closed down to make the tackle along with DD Lewis mark Mosley loosening up there have that heavy right leg you don't and now it's third and a little bit long and now Billy Kilmer has to come up with a good play and by the way Kilmer called his own play yes Joe Walton and sometimes George Allen mentioned things but they've been mentioned during the week he's his own man out there right now he faces a tough six deep in sit back shut up for Dallas and drop straight back all over him he got into the backfield quicker than Kilmer did say a filly hurt the last shoulder again if he gets up all he's asking was who was it who was that masked man watch the center of your screen 454 runs through Nugent's block and just crushes the quarterback dang he's strong and quick back to the 36 there's John Riggins with the pipe in his mouth and on crutches and bad he there is ligament damage Mosley from 54 yards it's good Marx Mosley puts the Redskins back ahead 1614 for the long field goal it is what you would expect from a cowboy game 1614 Washington leading with Tom Brookshire this is Pat Summerall watching mark Mosley ready to kick off he just kicked a 54-yard field goal to give Washington the lead and he hangs another kick off behind at the five butch Johnson out of bounds by Danny bugs word on Aaron Kyle is that he has a fractured wrist he will obviously not be back but he should be able to play probably within a week or so at the defensive back your shoulders and hit are all right there the hands usually come later you know I have to really be too sure about about the head either New England 14 San Diego 13th in the third quarter I say you got to be a little bit wacky to play corner in this league anyway right I heard first down Dallas down running backs Newhouse and Preston Pearson and Drew Pearson goes in motion the fake the quick screen to golden Richards he slipped one Joe lavender came up in a hurry and Jake Scott number 13 made the tackle but golden got about five or six good play by Neely the offensive tackle got up and scraped off lavender you see how fast the done defensive reaction was they sure did I thought golden had fifteen or twenty eight nothing the Dodgers over the Yankees the top of the sixth shadows because of the hole in the top of the stadium give us fits that is hard to adjust the cameras you'll be able to see it's back to Pearson started to move inside and skate it back to the outside gave Kenny Houston a limp leg and came around the corner not too smooth is he 11 years and he was a basketball player at Illinois and if you imagine he passed waivers in this league and everybody got a chance to grab e but nobody did and darn if it ended up Dallas Dallas got him for a hundred bucks there's the word on Aaron Kyle fractured wrist event you might not know Preston Pearson is the only one of the cowboy 45 who was not drafted or signed as a free agent by the Cowboys [Music] Pearson again with no place to go found a couple of places struggled for a couple Mike Curtis made the tackle the Redskins had it closed you know we haven't had one call for number 79 on defense McDole he and Donovan must just be having a standoff out there on every running play and he's never been the biggest pass rusher but I guess McDole plays the run is just any defensive in for a long time but everybody says Dallas offensive line remains the same with the exception of Herbert Scottie place has been taken by Jim Cooper at left arm Burton Wallace is the right dog second down ball back McDole has intercepted one pass already this year almost had another one he has ten interceptions in 17 seasons he really thinks he goes down and tried to drill with the deep empty box they have to run the dancing bear up for the other end of the field he and Pat Fisher played at Nebraska together what 15 years ago I think I played against them the guys thanks to the big aid [Music] third down situation and the first time in the second half the shotgun is unveiled Staubach about five yards behind rapper t snap is good Pearson is good Eddie Brown was chasing but he was always behind Preston Pearson that defense was looking for Preston Pearson and where did he filter through and how did he get through let's take a look let's see where he goes through the line of scrimmage there he should come there you to the right part Eddie Browns got the under coverage not the basketball move for Preston Pearson this makes it look so darn easy and that really makes you mad when you're on defense in territory at the 45 it's a first down for the Cowboys with 959 left to go in the third quarter 1614 Washington [Music] Staubach is gonna have to run [Applause] - Roger Staubach down the sideline inside the 40 Dennis Johnson finally ran him down what an athlete he is again Staubach told me before the game he's the same weight as when he came with the Cowboys he only had 25 yards rushing in the first four games but every time he does run or has to run it's usually an important one watch this now fakes that up he looks and sees no coverage getting a big rise from Brundage time to make a move now McDole well he can still leg it Kenny he still wants to take on people though he's not satisfied yet now he gets out with Dennis Johnson on his back he got a first down for the Cowboys vaulter it's June 30 Drew Pearson goes behind him in motion Newhouse the ball carrier Newhouse to the 25 Mike Curtis the tackler dhyryam talbert helped I wonder if young Williams Gerrard Williams that left corner is thinking that he's the young man in that secondary and you don't try to throw down the middle where Scott or Kenny Houston get their hands on it lavenders super solo at the corner you're gonna go to the corner you'd probably go where the young man is in the minute GRU Pearson will go in motion back on second down the Preston Pearson and Preston pearls down to about the 20 before Brad ducek and Harold McClinton and Jake Scott converge he looks like he has a first down just barely and again people are asking Tom Landry I think he even gets the question at home are you gonna start start Tony Dorsett and he says not yet we feel the two of them together doing a heck of a job putting the two up man over almost 500 yards coming in the measurement little bit short about an inch be third and short can be a pretty dangerous play to defense Lorch comes in ducek comes out Dallas offensive huddle we'll be new house Pearson behind stop i-5 down defensive lineman you'll be pension got it Pearson referee dick Jorgenson stops the clock while they own pile and he'll indicate now at the Dallas first down and start it up again number 60 dick Jorgensen these Sixers Dave Hawke trouble times defense the Dallas defenses they came in with about a hundred and ninety some odd passing average a game and a hundred and eighty nine rushing the football they're almost at that great blend that everybody wants [Music] first down at the a team Starbuck gives the piercing again Mike Curtis wraps him up he might have gotten too pretty good adjustment for a guy like Curtis who's been playing middle linebacker or who played middle linebacker for most of his career went from Baltimore to Seattle on out of Washington to move to the outside but he's the kind of fell that would make it all Mike was to do is play as good a football as possible as long as he can in a very free spirit an individualistic guy and I think pro football should be very proud of Curtis a yard will make it second in mine at the 17 of the Redskins Starbuck throws quickly for Newhouse incomplete Curtis was the guy covering on that play Newhouse couldn't quite hold on early today that into the field was completely in sunshine now it's all in shadows let's see the last problem play for new house roger taking the staff quickly unloading into the plant there's Curtis covering and Newhouse might have taken his eye off the ball and just dribbled it a couple of those McDole and McClinton come out extra defensive back is in along with carl lord to help the pass rush third down cowboy [Music] flag is down new house does not have the first down Kenny Houston made the tackle along with Gerrard Williams new house not enough for first down el grab o el grab on the line of scrimmage looked like some holy that is the preliminary indication from dick Jorgensen we'll find out who did it in a minute either lawless our Neely are both watch the left part of your screen here comes the twisting defense and here's the throw to Newhouse Williams coming up with Houston boo and Jake Scott comes in to a whole pile holy number 66 offense third down 66 is Burton lawless Redskins have accepted the penalty would have been fourth down now it's third well I gotta believe this is the biggest play that Rodgers had to call offensively all year about that Denver football team 27 to 7 over Oakland in the third quarter this one I haven't seen there's a guy behind Stover and if he comes in looking Butch Johnson letsa daunting the Redskins fired hi he jumped and was popped by Gerard Williams get hard in the back Eddie Brown also part of that pile up the through tough trying to work on number 45 who did a good job and also got in his free shot with golden trying to get out of some traffic having some problems by the way Roger Staubach that time was hit by Dennis Johnson legally and drill pretty hard too Charlie waters deals at 34 Herrera with a 44 yard field goal attempt [Music] that's a good way he's got down off the head again [Applause] friend Herrera from 44 yards out puts the Cowboys back in the lead 1716 from a man with a deadly mission is sent into the future to change history as two civilizations fight for life on Logan's run Monday at 8:00 7:00 central herrera found at the five Dallas leaves by one Thomas Henderson broke up the words flags go down a cliff that's gotta be called as Henderson came barreling in to the front of the wedge Randy Hughes made the tackle while they're talking about this penalty word on Bob Brunei is that they were very fearful of course they were very careful when they took him off the field that he might have a serious neck injury he is still at the hospital they have taken x-rays and there are no broken bones but they're keeping him there for observation oh is that good news I was really sweating out that report and that's good brew Nate right now is they're gonna keep him there but no bad x-rays anyway huh they're gonna keep him a day for observation but right now [Applause] [Music] why sucky J Brown gets it right to the left there but he did take two men with him now let's see how good Kilmer's offenses from the seven yard line it'll be first and 10 for the Redskins they're down by one Mike humus Skipton states and get nothing Henderson I believe Randy white the first to hit him DD Lewis put the clamp on penetration by number 54 but if you're gonna get somebody stir it up on the defensive side not particularly the people you're seeing now but the players themselves I would stay away from Randy Wyatt and Harvey Martin looked like Billy ran right at him second and 11 they lost the yard the fans come alive as the Cowboys lead 1716 Washington has the ball deep in their own territory Gilmer picked it back to Thomas and again they swarm all over him Charlie waters too tall Jones and a great play by bruenig the middle linebacker number 53 well they are fired up now and the crowd is asking for more from them the crowd is a sellout one they lost another yard and that report on Bob breunig is now on the scoreboard and the whole crowd in Texas Stadium breathes a sigh of relief third and 12 ball back at the six now Gilmer Gibbs again to Thomas and nothing Henderson water bruenig watch the middle linebacker now breunig hood loosen up a little bit and I'll tell you Mike Thomas really sticks it in there the two linebackers collapse on him and I think hitters had had a few things to say the standing deep for his own end zone is Mike brag with foot's Johnson not in single safety for the Cowboys see if they try to block did they sure dude but they don't get it they didn't hurry him however when the ball bounces at the 35 and it's down by tip Frisch Dallas will have the football after Washington 37 the crowd on its feet at Dallas leaves Washington 1716 in the third quarter cowboy first down at the Washington 37 as Roger Staubach is just joining his teammates the drum and bugle corps from the United States Naval Academy put on some show and their man is the quarterback right right as the pregame show and it was terrific the Kansas State van was terrific at the half terrific football game around all that Pearson was lucky to keep the football and Joe lavender is tossing golden Richards around downfield yeah like a rag doll lavender had Richards upside down looks like one of those pod Bill acts the big series for that Washington defense though golden look like he was made out of sawdust he is check back to the sidelines right now and Butch Johnson has brought the play in Johnson and Preston Pearson go to the right left and Jays salving is the tight end in place of Billy Joe Dupree second down draw play Newhouse Errol McClinton one of the tacklers Dyer and Talbert the other he got to the 35 so it'll be a big third down situation coming up all right you're running the Redskins defense you did not have Kris hanburger out there so the man in charge of that right now and any Brown comes in they'll go to a prevent but they've got to get Jared Williams over there the young quarterback give him confidence and supporting from the inside and let's see if Kenny Houston and Jake Scott get him a little bit of safety help down the middle Houston calls the defenses now we've got Dorsett and Pearson in the game together Preston stops sideways out there the shotgun fall back this awakened one then throws to nobody Eddie Brown gesturing saying that he intentionally grounded it they might be within range for Herrera some pattern every patient came all the way under and across the sidelines and young Williams was right with him look at McDowell's undressed now they're gonna bring in Herrera the thing you have to consider here other than the fact that it might be blocked is that if he misses it'll be a 52-yard effort they bring it back to this line of scrimmage not to the 20 well if it's blocked it could be worse blocked his disaster Charlie water-holding 52-yard attempt by a friend Herrera I'm gonna get it there I believe it from the Herrera from 52 yards away mentality Brenda Herrera is 52-yard field goal makes it Dallas Cowboys 20 Redskins 16 309 left third period is first over 50 yards this year but are very very large with Eddie Brown in the middle the Redskins figured it at the chin brown with some room gets outside the 32 about the 30 for Fast Eddie Brown Herrera was really jumped Eddie Brown is hurt - they really stuck him hard Logan's run tomorrow night at 8:00 7:00 central and mountain time Eddie Brown was hit hard on that kickoff return and that's number 25 I think that's the wind out of the sails I believe he just got a shot in the back Redskins are hurting a little bit the defensive backfield Eddie Brown is the backup guy that Fisher is out that bad back see if we can see it it's not exactly a late hit number 65 is the one that sort of lays it on him Dave stalls though his own men came across late too as Harris number 51 Eddie Brown is trying to get up will get up Tennessee tough guy up and I'll tell you that he's had big plays his whole life you know it yeah done a heck of a job the Redskins it's a good-looking youngster huh honey New England leading San Diego down 1713 that's fourth quarter score Lenny Hawes comes up over the ball Dallas ahead 22 16 three minutes left to play in the third quarter Gilmer fake [Music] Larry Cole was the guy who got him down somebody else hit him early do you see who that was I think Henderson might have come on the blips and caught him the crazy thing was that Kilmer managed not to throw it or fumble it here it is now a little semi row left there's the first pressure that's Henderson I believe DD Lewis any Lewis that now Cole comes the Kilmer is just glad to maintain possession keep his left shoulder intact - loss of 11 second and 21 Oh whistle andreas looking for trouble up there to stand doing a job on that rich Jim pennant fade ahead Harmon bill Gregory number 77 made the tackle Gilmer is 3 for 12 for 28 yards and came in as a 50% passer lot of trouble against this team huh a lot of pressure against him Miami 21 the Jets 17 the Jets coming back and Hilmer and the dime defense is in there Billy it will read it he's one of the best reading quarterbacks in football they'll run from one of the dimer Harmon hit by waters and pop by water fast was intended for him we'll see Mike Bragg again listed the crowd for the Dallas defense [Applause] Mike Frank back to punt for Washington Butch Johnson deep for Dallas good kick adds a 31 is butch shakes 1 shakes a couple books Johnson to midfield excellent return and a tough run all the way sports spectacular next Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time Leon Spinks against Scott litter Michael Spinks against Gary Summerhays not all Mercato against Greg Johnson all that plus the world Strongest Man competition they're rolling wheelbarrows this week loaded with 750 pounds and they're going up hill and bad wheels all that on the sport spectacular next week Cowboys have the football right at midfield Roger Staubach still the quarterback he gives to Dorsett Dorsett is caught from behind by bill Brendan whose ankle got well in a hurry chased that play down and remember when Dorsett touches the football they're told get a lot of him even if he tries to block it make him pay that came from behind 20% where he doesn't get hit a lot imagine during his great career at Pittsburgh he'd never had too many people in his wake like a loss of five fourth quarter score is Los Angeles 14 New Orleans 7 so it'll be second and 15 now one minute to go third period is back to doorstep lost the football red gyms have it but remember he's one step away darn near every time he touches the football of doing something incredible he gets cut off the Redskins overplayed the side where they ran to and I watch you cut back and the last man not only gets the ball but keeps him for breaking Dan Houston is the guy who made the recovery about his third fumble of the year Dorsett's third fumble Dodgers 10 Yankees to bottom of the seventh in the World Series like they'll go back to Yankee Stadium first and ten risk involved their own 44 and kilmer wastes no time in the direction of Frank grant Benny Barnes is going to be called for interference got a pressure on Kilmer that time I think Billy would like to have probably had it back and had another chance to set down on it a little bit big rush will holding on Vinnie Barnes that'll be an automatic Dallas Ferda riched in first down Cowboys lead 20 to 16 with 38 seconds to go in the third quarter Chalmers sent out the second quarter with an injured left shoulder it is holding number 30 defense first time that's not the right number I had one more to it there's Riggins we've set the ligaments of the knee and he was running very well at the time first down redskins first and 10 Valter own 49 Harlan will state ahead he doesn't look too bad and I mean covers up that flip falling Sona hunches over toughest kind of guys the tackler those that pull within like a a turtle would give you nothing but a helmet and shoulder pads to get at fourth quarter Seattle 30 Tampa Bay 23 Tampa Bay has lost 18 in a row don't forget the June Fugate is a heck of a tight in and has seen very little thrown his way so far second down Mike where's Harmon carry number first down for Harmon yet Jones came out made the tackle that's the end of the third quarter with the score Dallas Cowboys 20 Washington 16 we now pause for word from your local station Brenda's boyfriend's show up at the same time Roda steps into the picture with disastrous results tonight on CBS Redskins standing in the sunlight Harmon after they got through marking did not quite make a first down I thought he had it by at least a yard they have tell you they just played country boy and nobody even grin in this crowd right now everybody is sitting pretty tight it's third and inches right now with the ball of the Dallas 42 Redskins on the football Calvin Hill five too much his way tell you one thing he didn't look like he got it as much as as Harmon that John Harmon did they're gonna bring out the chains again see if Calvin got her tonight Calvin used to be the big leap ring remember man into space all the time that time he didn't even get up off the ground very much that's the final score Miami 21 Jets 17 that roar from the crowd went up because the bottom score on the scoreboard says Denver Broncos 27 the Oakland Raiders 7 they are moving the markers Calvin Hill did get it but just barely Billy throw on first down perhaps in this series I never know he doesn't want to throw against that defense with the extra defensive back so this is a good time to throw Gilmer DeeDee Luna hurled that body in there I don't know if Dee Dee was firing as they say a linebacker but he came across so fast it was total commitment what's the left of your screen look how fast ducked inside Thomas block and the first down play is so important to get the Cowboys Bob Bruni the guy who made the tackle Larry Cole goes out along with Dede Lewis and Bob bruenig now they're ready for past they've got the rubber band guys back in there now including one Miller in fro number 20 [Applause] Romer takes a long time and the clock is run out the 30-second clock as indicated at the far end of the field and the Redskins will lose five well that makes Billy man see that's the one thing a quarterback especially a great throw like Billy does to win it to play offense second down doesn't eat any words 22 16 is the score Dallas on top with 13 48 left to play Cowboys are unbeaten Redskins have lost once Cardinals won today the Giants won today and the NFC East Kilmer retreats Randy white happened Gregory finally got him plus offensive holding I believe the flag was flown right into that melee man I'll tell you the Cowboys came with a rush that time no blitzing either done what a for the indication is holding and kill burr might be hurting a little bit more he got up very slowly wish you could look into that face cuz Kilmer is really hot and talk about a competitor look at this he's just grouchy now and he's me Lehman's well over 62 offense beep lying there doc did you run the offense is Dan Nugent there it is now watch this Dallas pass rice Pat said it's only for people but I'll tell you they're like four stallions coming out as Randy white he was trying to block so it'll be third down and 20 13 43 left on the scoreboard to play [Applause] [Music] which ballplayer Thomas Henderson made a tackle ball is loose Cowboys are saying we got it that doesn't count referee says they got it Henderson got the ball he made the tackle and recovered the fumble a big turnover to look at this Henderson's taking the ball home that's gonna go on the medal get that one back so Dallas takes over at their own 45 they still lead 20 to 16 Dallas defense is really shut down the Redskins passing attack they netted only 9 yards all day first down for the Cowboys now straight ahead new house tops for a couple like Curtis exactly it is now Denver 30 Oakland 7:00 Greg Morton is found at home when you lose you might as well lose burger yeah but imagine the Cowboys would like some insurance points and a little bit of time chewed up off that clock Raiders at 117 straight regular season appreciate in that time Miami and the Chicago Bears record they're trying to break looks like those dreams have come true like starts to take off flag goes down Dennis Johnson takes him down flag down on the far side of the field near the offensive line of scrimmage but it might have been holding but it was thrown in a rather weird area what if it was must have been when Johnson was trying to get away from kneeling from the Washington bench run saul has a bruised knee probably will not be back some tough day for injuries [Music] [Applause] where are you here is not this replay that is about the call Roger trying to run within the flag was thrown right through the lens fall against kneeling that's third down now on 14 yards to go 12:52 left to play Dallas 20 Washington 16 third and 14 guess who's in the game for the Cowboys number 33 and 26 stage 2 good receiver magazine here come the rest in through Pearson beep Gerrard Williams star back thread two flips and just threw it up in the air Gerard Williams did not play the ball at all and Starbuck made a great impromptu a move against the total class look out look out from the Enzo Patrick here it is from the shotgun and I mean reg consent everybody a quick throat he's gonna hang the job with it and the only difference in back never got a chance to play the ball at all and Pearson is really nifty he's from another century maybe the 24th 59-yard touchdown pass Starbuck to fearsome Herrera with the extra point it is now 27:16 the Cowboys after they read the Blitz perfectly at least Starbuck did put the man on the money to pierce them Starbuck is 13 of 25 down two touchdowns that last 159 yards beautiful really was Larry Jones is deep in the middle for the Redskins taking the place of Eddie Brown Larry it's got the good speed we got Al Ahly to at the 35 bigi brown one of those linebacker types the Cowboys have running around this guy those people oh we got on salado's from him yeah we did stayed up all night remembering it let's see what Kilmer's got in store now there's still a lot of time left so don't stroke it off it's 12 33 left in the fourth period it'll be first down for the Redskins at their own 35 at his Nana Cowboys 27 rich did 16 12 and a half minutes left to play Mike Thomas goes in motion Kilmer still the quarterback Charlie Taylor at the 48 mark Washington let's watch that touchdown pass again this is a thing of beauty remember if you catch the people in the Blitz and you anticipate it and you go with this and this just hanging it up for one of the great receivers in football well I'll tell you the defensive back once he gets his head turned he can't play the ball and it's over look at this move of course he buried mark this ain't his daughter you ought to be able to handle the ball a little bit I wanted to see if it bounced back to him that's brought your stop I had a good day Gomer drops again [Applause] I thought that was legitimate I don't see what the call is yet it tastes all browning but he threw it at the feet of a receiver that's what Kilmer's say it right now I thought the crowd might have call that and the official was very quick to do it when the quarterbacks under duress he has a chance to throw the football he's arguing now with Jorgensen about that very fact the loose loose it down Gilmer's hot I think he has a right to be in this case big rush by Dallas but he did have the arm going forward and threw it right at somebody's feet [Applause] better cover up the bike on the field right now I'll tell you that number 17 off the plaza second out loss of down loss of yards second down see if he won't think his arm is going forward okay let's see why he was throw it to he gets a big rise what's the right part of your screen Larry Cole reaching over now he's got part of it here's Gilmer throwing it and there's a receiver right there I got a complaint if I'm the quarterback yes sir Vitalis Harmon without Harvey Martin Pauling from all the way on the other side of the field it was second in 25 when they began that way got about 11 or 12 Gilbert still man thinking you can't let her do this affect the rest of your game you got to go ahead and call and worry about those plays in front but he is man I'd like to have timeout so he could really get it off his chest and a discussion going on Gilbert I want to talk to you is it you'll cool it down they start the clock again 11 minutes and 15 seconds left to play Marty Martin standing up the line of scrimmage leaning over toward the Washington huddle he's trying to hear the play that was called stirred down now 15 silver drop [Applause] bill Gregory got a piece of him Gilbert jumped under Martin brandy white arrived along with Gregory Gregory and Martin missed him here comes Randy white along like a steamroller I'll tell you billy's hurting now that he really roughed him up on that sir those of you who watched Seattle defeat Tampa Bay 32:23 welcome to Texas Stadium Pat Summerall the Tom Brookshire it's the Dallas Cowboys 27 the rich Jim 16 we're in the fourth quarter with a little over 10 and a half minutes left to play waters in close to blocking it which Johnson handles it at the 20 spins away from one does not get away Marc Murphy Armand and it helped out too everybody's tackling that football right now it shows up on almost every running play Billy I don't blame you for being there pretty bad call the only protection of quarterback has either complete the pass or unloaded somewhere near somebody in 29 left to play Dallas by 11 a little over ten and a half minutes left to play Newhouse thunders out Dennis Johnson made the tackle Newhouse had 50 yards rushing before that plane he got that all by himself after he left the line of scrimmage your thigh has been loosening work from that area the benches that Eddie Brown has bruised ribs and he is not expected to be back again in a tough day a hard hitting day for both teams Dorset and Newhouse the running backs [Music] second in about a half yard ball to Dallas 26 Starbuck in the Dallas quarterback all day gives to Dorsett the Dorsett got the first down and more before he was hacked by Ken Houston and Dennis Johnson also there's Kilmer with his pads off now those of you who watched Los Angeles defeat New Orleans 14 to 7 we welcome you to our broadcast of the Redskins and the Dallas Cowboys Dallas leaves 2716 Eddie Brown is back in the lineup as an extra defensive back now this is one of the most physical football games that I've seen for five years we started to run down an injury list for those of you joined us late it would take a while Newhouse slips a couple attacker Dennis Johnson gets him down and the clock is running it's gonna be under nine minutes very shortly and the Redskins have to turn the football over to get back in it there's Kilmer he'll kill more suffered that injury of the late in the first quarter the rest of the second quarter came back to start the second half and now he is obviously through for the day John Riggins is out with ligament damage Bob Brunei suffered a neck injury he's gone Kyle has a broken wrist here in Dallas Cowboys Brundage had an ankle injury he's back though outside of Johnson Johnson cuts back inside and got a Dallas first down at about the 46 Williams is the guy they're going after boy I'll tell you but Johnson's coming on awfully fast Golan Richards had a big TD pass but the play you just saw was very well done and not in a hurry by a second-year flanker got a good good block by Donovan and he waited for it Roger Staubach has touchdown passes of over 50 yards one two golden Richards and the other two Drew Pearson Robert Newhouse has a touchdown and a friend Herrera has done the rest almost eight minutes left in the game now first and ten Dallas has the ball at their own 46 here's Dorsett gets out of bounds and from the rich convinced you've got about three or four final score and the Oakland Denver game the Oakland winning streak is over at 17 Denver 30 Oakland 7 snakes they were intercepted 7 times good gosh open remains unbeaten Baltimore won earlier today I beg your pardon Denver remains unbeaten ball right at midfield here at Texas Stadium [Music] that'll be all the unbeatens they continue to leave here's Newhouse inside the 45 stopped by Ron McDole good effort by new house in Houston and Butch Johnson elbowed each other in the secondary I'll tell you who's done a heck of a job they're gonna let offensive line is young Rafferty the offenses center in forfeits jail he has blocked very well out there how about this now you can lead a horse to water but I guess you can't make him drink I wonder what's in the cup whatever was the force fitted back there in one Dorset squirms and got the first half brat inducing you see that body extinction by number 33 houston we got hit wrapped up and then the whole body just shot a head watch Doris said now that's what I talked about inside run or watch there's the spin look at this full length out to get the first golden Richards just trying to retaliate against yo lavender and lost again New England has defeated San Diego 24 to 20 that now final score here's Dorsett putting back inside he's been averaging over eight yards a carry is not nearly come close to that today Mike Curtis and Jake Scott made the tackle well this deal is exciting and the Redskins secondary is chopping at a receiver on every play right don't forget 60 minutes will be seen immediately following this game nobody wants to miss that much less those of us in the booth I'll tell you it'll be seen in his entirety entirety entirely entire it'll be at its normal time on the west coast and of course will be seen at its entirety the second and five situation with less than six minutes to play down Dorsett straight ahead just joined us we're in death score 27 16 the cap 5:15 left to play of this football game is third down for the Cowboys [Music] Denis Johnson from behind I'll tell you Kenny Houston had the elbow cocked that time and there may have been three or four elbows Roger knew it was coming didn't get the first but he got out alive it'll be poor about one Danny white is up in front of the Dallas bench here comes Newhouse they're going for it calling the club in somebody's face Karl Lorch comes in it'll be five down layman Lorentz games Jay Sal Dean number 87 look out on this play I'll tell you that the line of scrimmage is gonna be really fearful Starbuck is gonna take a timeout dance for us to remind you again that 60 minutes will immediately follow this football game and you'll see it in its entirety except on the west coast where it'll be seen at its regular time so Dallas takes a timeout with 4 minutes and 15 seconds left to play ball at the Redskins 33 the Cowboys lead by 11 [Music] George Allen never losing his enthusiasm its fourth less than a yard I'll tell you one thing strap yourself down because you're gonna see something down there this time it's all right here Cowboys leave 2716 and they're going for it on fourth and short Newhouse Dorsett gets the call and doorstep gets it how do you stop a speeding bullet my Kurtis made the tackle well you got to just give him a little room and then just try to block your man as best you can he follows Newhouse right into it Dallas 27 the Washington Redskins 16 it's been a typical Washington Dallas game look like Dallas might dominate things in the first half and they did as a matter of fact but the Redskins were down by only one it's Newhouse straight ahead to about the 30 Bach continues ticking 3:45 left to play in Houston and run McDole on that last tackle Pat Summerall with Tom Brookshire forget we remind you again that 60 minutes will be seen immediately following this game in its entirety that is except on the west coast where you will also see it its entirety but at its regular time what time is on the west coast no no but whatever time it is you'll see that Dorsett for the 25 Jake Scott on the tackle great defense Lee played by the two safety men really Dorset in the open field with a blocker he Houston took the blocker and Scott took the ball carrier hey he's scary at me look at door says frightening he's gonna get a rest I believe no it's Newhouse that goes out so Pearson and doorstep will stay that's what Tony D is done today through a 34 yard pass got a fumble he takes part in a lot of the game of football as he caught a pass you through what you also caught one did he I think believe he did yes he did pump the balls up before the game all 24 it's all back lookout there's my Kurtis there was my critter go back out of bounds at the 12 Pearson took a shot at somebody Harold McClendon that who it was on the Dallas side of the field course the whole stadium is full of Dallas people I guess there wouldn't be the right time to start one and very few Dallas people have left stand still just packed tell you Roger can still get it underway in a hurry when he runs now he is still a good running back we talked about taking care of yourselves you know he's no spring chicken anymore and he looks to me like it's in a good a shape is almost anybody sports spectacular is in good shape next week Leon Spinks against Scotland ooh the world Strongest Man competition Michael Spinks against Gary Summerhays and Bernardo Mercado against Rick Johnson we just had some more talking between the Dallas offense and the washington defense and this time even Drew Pearson was yelling at somebody over there he's got a cast on his hand offsetting fouls is to call stall back got enough for a first down 2:23 remain the ball up to Washington 18 if you start a fight in here with Dallas you better get the busses running out stop I told you none of the fans had left you're settin new house shipped into the I new house the whistle said he was stopped we got away from Mike Curtis had stayed on his feet but the whistle had bloom he is tough to get down and he so short and so strong you wouldn't do too badly in that world's strongest men thing I'll tell you no to all four left to play and the Redskins take a timeout that's strange they've waited for seconds get one for nothing right all right next on CBS 60 minutes which you will see in its entirety followed by Rhoda on our own all in the family and Kojak great lineup tonight on CBS it's been a great afternoon at Texas Stadium all those programs you just saw will immediately follow today's game all on the family will have a special our presentation saluting Edith's birthday Archie should ask some classics for the birthday somebody will wear the cake in an hour telling what might happen hmm all those programs will be seen in their entirety you know what we realize you know and I think we might have said this earlier in the season that I don't think Dallas really realizes how deep or how good they are everybody should realize it now they had a lot of people hurt today too and the people that filled in did very very well very young teams well so with 204 Roger Staubach has made his visit to Landry in group second down situation 11 the ball at the 1927 16 the Dallas Cowboys leads stall by Pearson got it not quite well that guy is something else Gerard Williams made the tackle is that incredible what a catch try to figure out how many he's caught today coming across the middle he juggled it a little bit but put it away even with the cast that was catch number six he almost got to touchdown not quite two minutes notification has been given Dallas led by 11 I'm gonna squeeze out the clincher if they haven't already done it they leave 27:16 with a minute 58 seconds left showing on the scoreboard they have it first and goal at the one after that spectacular catch by Drew Pearson saw back it's 15 of 27 for 251 yards doorstep Newhouse Pearson doorstep try to go over the top and didn't get in Mike Curtis jump to meet him impressive last drive though when they were using the clock up and keeping the ball at the same time huh they've been a very impressive football team all day today fly here comes Scott Laidlaw first time we've seen him today forget about the guys they got on the bench Doug Dennison hasn't played at all another good running back second gold in Dorset did not get anything less than a minute the half big fire Jase Alvey had a chance Sal day comes out of the tight end spot a heck of a call from that overbalanced I McClinton is hot in pursuit here's the throw look at Sal he makes a heck of a tries second year out of South Carolina watch the fake by doorstep he's got to protect himself at all times cuz out they're gonna be hitting him whether you have it or not Newhouse takes it to they both scored it's third down still that half yard to go minutes 19 left on the clock same set of backs new house flag goes down new house tripped over somebody like Neely went early these are Neely or Billy Joe Dupree like to explain again that 60 minutes will immediately follow this football game in its entirety except on the west coast where you'll see that it's regular time you're not gonna miss any other illegal motion left an offense third down Billy Joe Dupree the big tight end move now they've got a little breathing room I would thought maybe Roger stopped I could take it in on the quarterback sneak when he came back that last play you know he used to do though you ran a quarterback draw against the Giants very well there's some angry people over there right now the last guy enough for the ball may get hit admire the Christian defensive unit Meyer the whole risk in teams the matter of fact they have hung tough Newhouse his second of the day a heck of a run it was Robert Newhouse three hundred and five pounds on a five nine and a half chassis look at this he really gets stuck here and just gets the big legs working that's quite an effort Jake Scott hit him at about the 2 and Newhouse just kept on burrowing and so a friend Herrera with Charlie waters holding tries to make it 3416 the cowboy is and he does and now they will start to depart as you look at that clear blue Texas sky out through the hole of the roof it is 34 16 Dallas over Washington next week don't forget this Burak Giants and then after Thanksgiving it Dallas take the trip to Washington and that should be quite a game to chuck milton's been our producer of this broadcast lot of tacos last night does all this best work in Dallas sandy Grossman the director it's always so well done there too certainly is Herrera that's Larry Jones we can't find a handle and this beater goes down Dave stalls made the tackle it'll be rescued football at their own 28 yard line these are final scores now Buffalo beat Atlanta 3 to nothing Detroit over Green Bay 10 to 6 they Lewis beat Philadelphia 21 17 the Giants over San Francisco 22:17 the close games there's Theismann dropping and throwing Harmon over the middle Mike Hegman made the tackle less than a minute left to play down more scores then again these are all finals Minnesota 22 Chicago Bears 16 that was an overtime game Cleveland beat Houston 24 23 Wow and Denver 32 7 over open to break that unbeaten streak there it goes Iseman on the scramble stop by Harvey Martin 45 now about 40 seconds left to play New England struggled over San Diego 24 to 20 Miami beat the Jets 21 to 17 the Jets came roaring back at the end Los Angeles over New Orleans 14 to 7 and finally Tampa Bay lost the Seattle 32:23 19 straight losses for the Buccaneers hey whistling ray break it's all a good job wonder if he goes on a road or if they you notice what the he's using to shame those boots Gretzky and pennant oh that's right somehow I missed that there's George Allen that's the toughest trip of all going back to the nation's capital with a lot of injured people and the hopes are dashed a bit nobody's down on the field I believe it's one of them one of the Cowboys which one I can't tell you right now a lot of people have counted out the Redskins before and they just come whistling back wrong about December they're close if they can win a big game right party Martin it's down well it was down and now he's up shaking hands with a friend Herrera Ernie's softer looking back at his prized offensive in Washington's record will be three and two Dallas will be five and old st. Louis the Giants and the Eagles all two and three under stone Senate for higher farming by five fun might Eggman again on the coverage Gregory making a pretty good pass rush to again those are people we haven't call before because they can't quite get into the lineup when they do they're still very strong and good active clock is stopped with 31 seconds now with that incomplete fast Billy Kilmer's final stats were 4 for 14 for 42 yards the Iceland is three pretend for 19 yards and the one touchdown of about a foot Venable pass defense Theismann running away face five feet all Gregory's got a hand on him taste by cold hot diet Jones and Larry Cole he's all never stopped running did he know I didn't Larry Cole - I've been saw to tally put on the brakes 20 seconds left on the clock now in Theismann's coming over to talk to George Allen that incredible Dallas pass defense that allowed something less than 36% of the passes against it going into this game now it's better remind you again that 60 minutes will immediately follow this football game in its entirety it's entirely right that is except on the west coast where it'll be seen at its regular time 20 seconds left to play it's Dallas 30 for the Redskins 16 look out re Martin and Randy the quarterback Theismann Tom Landry a very happy person right now seven sacks for 42 yards loss and a lot of physical abuse two quarterbacks Billy's already wrapped up Kilmer on the sidelines look at this Harvey taking the outside drew a deadbeat on a very tired young quarterback less than 10 seconds now this will be all Harvey again coming around the outside and Harvey again Anna Randy and Larry my clock runs out Harvey Martin sticks his hand into the air Dallas 34 to Redskins 16 60 minutes we'll follow this football game you'll see it in its entirety except on the west coast where it'll be seen that it's regular time don't forget the CBS Sports spectacular Leon Spinks it against Scotland ooh Michael Spinks against Jerry Summerhays Bernardo Mikado against Greg Johnson and the World's Strongest Man competition that's on the CBS Sports spectacular next Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time final score here Dallas 34 Washington 16 this is Pat Summerall saying so long from Texas Stadium for town Brookshire the NFL today is a presentation of CBS Sports this is CBS
Channel: Clan Gordon
Views: 23,473
Rating: 4.6559138 out of 5
Id: 2SGHxw5-CjE
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Length: 74min 3sec (4443 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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