1974 World Series game 3 Los Angeles Dodgers at Oakland Athletics Catfish Hunter PART 1

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welcome to Game three of the 1974 World Series a nationally champion Los Angeles Dodgers against the American League champion Milton a watching by your Chrysler Plymouth dealer to invite you to see Cordoba the new small Chrysler and buy right guard powder dry antiperspirant the anti strain antiperspirant and we have a gorgeous evening here in Oakland hi everybody for NVC I'm Curt Gowdy this is money more the broadcast of the Oakland A's and my NBC telecasting partner Tony Kubek because of the president's address we're running late into our ceremonies the players have already been introduced we're going to have a ceremonial first pitch thrown out by Karl Malden and the two pictures are already warming up it's going to be a five game winner tonight against a twenty-five game winner Jim catfish hunter the eighth of the Oakland staff goes to them and for the Tigers they're going with experience and a fellow west of impressive late season performances are all doubting that's the setup as most of you know the series is tied one game and money more I'd have to think that tonight we're the age don't win with the race they're going to be in serious trouble in this birthday the same way if the Dodgers had not won Sunday for a start Sutton I think that's true third because the Dodgers in essence are going with their number three starter tonight and if the age can't beat him with their number one starter then the Dodgers will come back with their number two men it'll be tough what do you think I think we're gonna see a change in the complexion the Royals raise more runs are gonna be scored I think starting with tonight hard to say with Hunter pitching but I think they're gonna be some pilot flying around the day Hunter has been an excellent World Series pitcher he's not lost he's won three and lost none al downing pitched in the World Series ten years ago in fact you were a teammate of those in that 63 64 World Series over the years on the Yankee ballclub and he at one time was a very hard thrower with controlled problems now he's become a finesse pitcher who changes up a little bit of a curveball and spots the fastball Tony you say we receive more scoring to talk to the players they agree with you later in the game but they say the first three or four innings at Twilight may be rough to see the ball almani we were out here for the workout yesterday right a game-time which was scheduled for 5:30 and the Sun was glaring in the center fielders eyes and also glaring off the stand that white concrete might not be as much of a factor now with a little bit later right here the new first-rate transportation system here in the Bay Area as been pulling up beyond the centerfield bleachers and hundreds of people have been going off that airplane my boyfriend another year that could add a hundred thousand the antennas here at Hilton Coliseum he's just a country boy in his own words of Hertford North Carolina Jim catfish under Charlie Finley gave him the nickname catfish he's one of the very best in the major Lakes three years in a row of 121 games this year he 125 a is a pressure pitcher and even though he lost the opening game of the playoffs to the Baltimore Orioles he usually does his best job when the A's have to win when the money is on the line under is as good a one-game pictures you'll want in the major league he was a receiving pitcher he doesn't strike out too many batters and he looks hittable for this fans you could grab the batter run out there and hit him but he has marvellous control and if he is up high he will be in trouble he's a low ball pitcher especially a fastball that he tries to pitch low and away to most of the hitters curtain Monty I talked to a spring coach West stock before the ballgame about catfish hunter and let's listen to his capsule report well his greatest asset is he has great control and when he does have fun with control he starts he starts swinging his leg instead of picking his legs up when he starts swinging and he starts rushing too fast and causes him to drop his elbow and this is when he gets his pitches high they talked about his dropping his elbow the players refer to that as pushing the ball instead of actually throwing it [Music] Hunter is also a good hitter the designated hitting rule doesn't go in a World Series and the A's won't lose much with a bat with him hitting number nine the first three Dodgers you're going to see up will be Dave Lopes Bill Buckner and Jim Wynn Lopes the second baseman leading off buck during left field win in center field Steve Garvey the cleanup man at first Willie Crawford in right field the only line of change outside of the pitcher for today's game Ferguson is the catcher he replaces Yeager Cey is at third base batting seventh Bill Russell the shortstop hitting eighth and downing a pitcher batting ninth and half the first pitch three and Down Goes day blow bubble gum and all incidentally the baseball world at Joe Garagiola was not seen tonight because of the president's address but Joe has a great show tomorrow night at 8 o'clock a world bubblegum blowing contest among major league baseball player whoops might be right into running ball to now hunter is up high on the first two fishes it was shelled out by Baltimore because he was up high Lopes hip 266 during the regular season and here's a drive in a center field for a base dip there goes Hunter's no hitters Lopes on first laid off batter of the game Bill Buckner is the next man up two out of nine that's Lopes his first hit of this world series he thought overnight naughty what kind of moved captain hunter the first base with his speedrunners just very average he depends basically on changing the time that he holds the ball he'll set and make the runner come stop he'll never let a runner get a running start on him but as far as the quick turn and throw the first he doesn't really have it Lopes an outstanding baserunner stole fifty nine bases in the season Jim Gilliam is the coach with his hands on his knees Gene Tenace is holding at first against Lopes drives him back panels a third in the infield half announcement shortstop Green a second tennis-playing first the I feel is Rudi and left north of center Jackson right the catcher Ray Fosse vandals playing tight a third against the left-handed batter putter and playing him all series in that manner now back and hundreds I had an aim to strike as gem hunters life a very observing I guess Ellen's your name Viperine hon I like her husband not too emotional that's his strike pitch high fly ball out into deep fried Jackson is backing up for it where do you have it at $1 Jim Wynn the toy cannon coming up here 271 in a regular season smashed out 32 owners knocked in over a hundred runs in the World Series is that one homer he's one out of seven hunter is the kind of pitcher but after you bat against him you say I should have a hip give up again now you're all for two now the third time up you may be over three against you you keep going back to the dugout so I should heavy whoops the first one down top of the first-inning for just under way here in Game three they're playing win as a pull hitter to left field Lopes is going there's a high drive deep to left that ball is a foul ball whoops running on a pitch at a good jump with hit of the long waves of foul earlier in the ballgame as we look at debut lo you'll see these Dodger base stealers when they do not know a pitcher very well take what they call the one-way lead it's a Dodger trademark and will get off the base a long ways with the intention of going back now let so this particular one has seen the hunter move and crossover step start for the good jump but Jimmy Wynn jumped all over that hanging slider and pulled it foul and they found out something else the Green will cover when when is it back the one strike delivery breaking delivery at gym went badly fooled no balls and two strikes [Applause] catfish hunter never pitched in the minor leagues sign his first pro contract in 1964 two strikes the count whoops is going blown away he'll be in there bowling face they had the jump and the pitch low and outside had to horse race posse out there and then raised up to make the throw could I've seen Lopes get better jumps than this I couldn't have been a better pitch to steal on what looked like a breaking ball all the way as we watch Davey Lopes Greene covering once again [Music] getting to be more and more that you see the base stealers going a no ball two strike count Tony and Kurt I know the A's runners North and campaneras both do it a lot because they figured that that pitch is going to be a waste pitches that one was right there and not only lock they're going when they're behind in games there's the attempt to pick off we've seen games this year in the game of the week money where they're behind four runs five runs and they're out stealing the a scouting report on Dodger says that they will run at any time despite what the game conditioner score might be one ball two strikes to Jim Wynn breaking pitch low to him two and two and cleanup batter Steve Garvey's on deck and he's been the best Dodger hitter so far in this series what's the second one out top of the first-inning just missed inside way into account Charlie Finley may be a controversial man but one thing is not he's not afraid many clubs were after there isn't his green Karl Malden next to him and he third Brian hat is green jacket signing something he's going to call the president tonight inviting to the world story to the high pop in the left-field campaneris windmilling his arm signaling he's got a face graphic Jim hunter when he was a senior in high school his brother and an accidental hunting accident were part of his foot off back off but not Finley he went ahead and sign him for a big bonus and then sent him to the Mayo Clinic to have 32 shotgun pellets removed from his blood under tolling he said look you know I may be damaged property and Finley says we're going with you all the way it was a great investment Steve Garvey has been red-hot in recent games to town first pitch of the ball to him in his last seven games the playoffs World Series last game of the season he's at nearly 500 he is the leading hitter so far in this world series before hips and 9 times up he's the only player with four hits the last game of the playoffs but had I just clinched the National League pennant with a virus he had two homers he was doing one thing that Dixie Walker is trying to get his teammates to do a right-handed batter will go to right field there goes low and in the third look nightosphere that was a foul ball whop steals third place : second is : third pretty much of a surprise with two out Bri was able to score on a basis in any way but they're trying to be a little more aggressive it appears right now Kurt he goes on this pitch right now to Garvey for some reason Fosse mid thought it ticked his bath I do not know why he didn't throw us it got stuck in the webbing of his glove I was waiting for the sign from the home plate umpire Doug Harvey if it was a foul tip one ball one strike Lopes a third two down first inning no score Garvey will pop out of the shallow center North comes on fourth Frank Robinson the new manager of the Cleveland Indians with the general manager of drill siegy the telecast presented by authority of Major League Baseball intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience any publication reproduction retransmission or other use of the pictures descriptions and accounts of this game without the express written consent of the Commissioner of baseball is prohibited al downing 33 years old you're alive Ross wife in World Series competition breathe World Series fetched in 10 games wrote with the first part of the 1970 season you're good in them Alaska games for the Dodgers all north has been moved into the leadoff spot tonight mrs. Franklin North is not getting he's all for six he hasn't had the ball out of the infield in the World Series and old for 19 he hasn't had a hit since the first game of the American League playoffs with Baltimore it blessed the bunt at pitches the ball one in one the Dodgers have her and left win and center proper tonight say up third Russell in short looks at second garbage the first baseman Ferguson is catching tonight and downing a pitcher one pitch high and away his last seven appearances star war relief job dining allowed only three earned runs well that record along with his experience earns him the starting shot tonight on the corner [Applause] Pandarus is on deck tandem Sal bando you just saw on the top of the first inning my opponents like to keep lips off the bases the same way with north and campaneris when the A's are back do to count to Bill North swinging at a high fastball well now turning you you played behind downing a shortstop and in the outfield isaac important not to ten years ago a lot different he was a hard thrower at one time he was threw the fastball high and wild at times now he's become a picture that changes speed you saw the last pips in North he turned it over almost looks like a screwball here's the 2 2 pitch and he's grumpy about it but leave it off one down we pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network camping her we went to 90 for the year and his highest average Doug Harvey all plate umpire and Don denkinger the first base umpire having a conference and the Olsens the umpire second Ron Luciano a third time Gorman I'm firing a lefty align the National League bill Kunkel of the American League the right-field line six umpires in a World Series we have no score there's one out nobody on the eighth batting first inning all won the campaneris campaneras being played as a pull hitter to left he's that two hips such times up in this series and he chopped it over the head of say in the field he's a second one out now handle hey captain is up 243 hitter during the year he drove in a hundred every run in the World Series no hips than seven times up two home runs in the playoffs against Baltimore which can't be a second they tried the same thing that most did in the first thing outside Anthony so 34 bases in the season Charles Finley the owner of the A's is right now talking to the President Gerald Ford in Kansas City and he's inviting him to come to the World Series whether the Horde except after the president turned out the world's greatest salesman strike with all that goes on with the ADF that he's done kind of a sale but the winning I asked him about to cut the catfish hunter [Applause] so we'll work it out Jim thinks a lot of mannitol this life is a foul this is a difficult time of day to hit you know what it is driving and the Twilight the lights are on with batting in the Twilight is rough one ball two strikes campaneras the second one out walk the shading second base against the right-hander patter campaneris is not getting a huge lead the way at the basketball all at this right al downing born in Trenton New Jersey lives now in Santa Monica California he attended Muhlenberg College in Allentown Pennsylvania and writer college and Trenton his fourteenth professionals either the on deck matter refuge action Banaras would in fact be a number 19 I'll let up it just whip foul turn it over he's not only changing skis but he's shooting the ball over to make it a screwball [Music] so had a few base hit this year down the right-field line and Garvey's playing him fairly close over the first base but there's a big hole between him and Lopes and of it quite a few balls over though he doesn't kind of go to right but just swinging late as he did on that ball right there that way with power now we'll see what he does money a one-ball two-strike not for self and another ball al downing is called gentleman l very soft-spoken pleasant very relaxed also in 1963 the first World Series game he ever appeared him 15 minutes before game time when he was to be warming up he was asleep on the training team don't tell me with the sleep over 370 why foul ball spoke to George knock Bill Russell that was in science governor now that secondary Reggie Jackson six times up wedgies in the paper every day was something yesterday blasted a writer the way thought was an unfair story in front of all the other writers and we understand commissioned a few and there's Lauren Jackson I have to do that anymore you down habanero second no score last to the first inning Paul when you see Joe Ferguson wearing at number 13 the Dodgers are fortunate they're blessed with two catches two young one Jager and Ferguson those clubs have trouble enough finding one good book Jager catches Ferguson go play the outfield if you saw him do so well in Los Angles tonight they wanted a left-handed batter and it gives that fish Center so they play Willie Crawford Pat Curtis that moves in from right field behind the plate Rogers of moving Davey Lopes around a little bit he was way over in the hole between first and second base and Jackson really doesn't pull that many ground balls that way he it's a ground ball many times it brought over the right edge of the pitcher's mound and they got a big hole right there I am I'm going to left there with necessary money it is home run to left center now check swing butcher straightaway for him and left in the gap in the outfield unless one ball no strikes but a curve they're nothing Jackson could hit a home run over anything left center all right and that much power I'm surprised puck is playing on that much part of the line he hits a lot of ball to left center doesn't Yvonne even higher as you know they pick him they're back to it one he takes one of the hardest cuts in baseball sometimes you'll swing so hard he'll go down on his knees Reggie's wearing a Oakland A's World Series pin on his uniform it looks like that one right there on his yeah surely is a belt buckle would be that's what they passed on to all the press people here freely shamrock tomorrow a strike back to the box maybe play for pounding only aids are gone in the first for the first inning we have no score John Finnie the president of the National League as the league headquarters right here in San Francisco Feeney used to be the general manager of the San Francisco Giants in the second inning that I just end up Willie Crawford Joe Ferguson and Ron Cey property to 95 they suspect 11 homers 61 RBI 1 for 1 in the World Series Jim hunter there's a gem hunter pitch away fights those corners inside outside keeping the ball down watch very few men doctors controls his main asset those eyes slowing away on an on to pitch he didn't give them another thing he doesn't believe in wasting pitches big bounding ball hit to the right side dick green with a flip the first one out so Ferguson after she ran homer on Sunday he's one out of six Sparky Anderson manager the Cincinnati Reds whose team gave the Dodgers a battle right down to the last week monkey knows the A's he's played against them in the World Series here before last no scores second inning Fergus enough various writers serve this really broke for him nothing to one [Applause] Ron Cey is on deck here I want to ask money something on hunter you saw him in the last few years and he has pitched a lot of innings as he's shown signs late in ballgames of hiring and losing a little acity in control not consistently really Tony he's had some office drawn Matheny's I goes one ball two strikes to Joe Ferguson he's won 105 games the last five years say this qurtubi juts into the ninth inning with very much trouble Rowley fingers [Applause] in a second this is more like but he probably with paula slur halfway between a curve in the slider a true slider he throws breaks those six inches or so added a little more of a break but he sure has been location of his pitches Ron say one hit six times up in the series those are seasonal averages did I nobody on no score our handheld camera that's moving around the Oakland Coliseum mausoleum is a phase players call it there's a long flyball to left not far enough though it holds up and Belloc crime tonight in the Oakland Coliseum yo Rudy Gene Tenace ray Fosse Joe Rudi's the leading hitter for the Aged in history he's had three hits eight times up at a 293 on the regular season 22 homers and just missed 100 RBI al downing gave up a hip the first inning struck out one no watch we right-handers in a row for they all won the duel Rudy as you look out at that outfield I see Jimmy Wynn playing hard left centerfield and Rudy money most clubs play them playing third-rate centerfield okay yes they do and as a matter of fact little more made odd because the first pitch was outside away from Jo and again Donnie misses outside two balls and no strikes to Rudy as tennis he'll be up next of course may have something to do with downing throwing a lot of changeup that may be his plan going into this game make Rudy pull the ball alright that side where nothing the Bobby winkles design on a 300 count downing average for walks every 9 innings this season and averaged a little over five strikeouts every night anything he doesn't have outstanding control Reno was taking three and one Alvin dark and Bobby winkles manager to the third-base coach onto the batter three balls and a strike Rudi looking down butI hasn't walked about watch only 35 times during the year and that's man two-out walk collage Jean Genet round ball hit the shortstop Russell one down Dean dennis is in a slump take a look at Bill Russell I can put an outfielder very graceful he knows the speed of his baserunners do we have a little bit more time when Groody running from the right side and that's so arm or elbow yeah did he show on that so the ball took off being tennis has had one hit in six times up in the series added only 211 for the year but hit 26 homers and let the American League in walks how many hits but he gets on Charlie pride great westerns there it was sang the national anthem Crowley was on with us here before last at MPC he was a former minor league baseball player and he stepped in the batting cage tonight grab Reggie Jackson's baton took his car out there's a couple of swings popped it up and they ran him out of there that's ray Fosse on deck two balls and no strikes to Gene Tenace when three and owner Rudy now he's three and all to tennis and tennis what's down for a hitter takes time one of his nicknames is steamboat only his wife calls he had I'm going in the green light and free and all three on one to Tennessee if they don't give him many takes times he takes enough on his own II as a good eye and they figure he's going to get passed balls only when he's behind and are when the pictures behind so they just let him go his one hitter necessary to run a fastball and he grounded the left low for a single at Dodger Stadium he's had one hit these last 25 times up that was it there's another power packed body he's haven't hit much the last month no as a matter of fact it's really been a pitching victory for the A's this year in the American League the defense has been not quite as good as it has been in other years and the offense this year has been really hurting I don't know what the answer is but they haven't scored much [Applause] nobody noticed they gave had a involves three one three two part of the reason is as we looked at John Brodie football collar analyst the theaters following Gene Tenace all hitting 200 or less tennis doesn't get much good to hit money that's one of the reasons he walked a lot this year people don't realize it they say why would you walk a guy hitting 211 but he can hurt you he's up 26 home runs and he's shown in the World Series the last couple of years you can break the game open and as you say nobody behind Dodgers Annie's go score the a's batting the defending world champs in the last of the second ray Fosse is at first base Gene Tenace one down [Music] the flaying posse to pull the left field he had a neck operation crushed vertebrae those kept break body not involved and have fight between bill North and Reggie Jackson try to break it up oh he got out of it with some surgery still going Crawford and scooting back to first base 15 tenants classy lines too right granny hid behind the runner and get him over to down henna still at first dick green in the next hitter he's got no hips in five times up backed the bottom of the eighth batting order I've done much and racial weeks hurt adding to the fact that it hasn't done much as even in the American League where they have the designated hitter the A's this year have not had a designated hitter at any time during the year who was hot or really hitting the ball well you're batting under 200 and postseason play and pitch is a strike by downing a good fit nothing a one on deck is Jim hunter and for the Aged pictures of course the strange role to come up to bat a few late they don't get the bat for the designated hitter rule being Denison first two down no score Downing's fastball he all over that outside corner nothing into there's been a lot of superb game pitch by man over the World Series competition that haven't been the Aces of the staffs I need to come here tonight to that John for the Dodgers we'll see what happens [Applause] on to remember what MC started the surprise starter the iMac you've missed the great ball game back broke the World Series back I record that particular time later been broken robots key came on in a fantastically job in the 66 area with all the boy as the Orioles left the Dodgers for Game one ball two strikes the green the man left at the end of two it's no floor they've already announced the attendance at forty nine thousand three forty seven which is a sellout and for the Dodgers in the third inning go Russell batting number eight will lead it off doubting the pitcher will follow them to the top of the order for Dave low Jim hunter is allowed one hit laid off single by Dave Lopes it's a pop-up coming on for it is tennis the first baseman but he gives way the hunter the pitcher down I'll show you something the hunter does he pitches from the third-base side of that rubber and he hits that outside corner pretty consistently with a fastball slider and gives him just a little bit angle better angle on the right-handed hitters the ball moving away from them just a slight degree and he takes advantage of everything a laconic not much of a hitter one out nobody on no score third inning under now the retired seven in a row let's just break it down even there's an either Brian will sing the national anthem tomorrow night lovely go makes your home in Florida a very good friend of Alvin darkened is black Jackie they're their guests while they're here this weekend this strikes the downing look at this house feel how shallow they are that's a football look how shallow North is at Center and Jackson's almost playing second base a one-two pitch they posse up run away nobody on the Dodgers batting in the third no score [Music] see that protective helmet as you look on this replay again all these caches have gone - oh that hurt one ball two strikes two pitcher al downing to the back [Applause] folks over the game with a single stole second stole third it was left to third when Garvey popped up the center talking to Dixie Walker deny dramatically and I just worked doctor they worked out at 5 o'clock yesterday simulate the lighting and the conditions that he playing under tonight and Walker said if I could get this man to go to right field bar he's going to hit 270 and 280 and he's going to be on base bar to steal more bases maybe still likes the feeling of getting a pitch inside pulling his feet to left field dude i nobody on no score dirt inning Finley's telephone father the president invited President Ford to come out tomorrow night or Thursday but the floor schedule will not allow it we understand the president is looking at the World Series game right now and he asked to get a rain check for next year we hope that he of the World Series next year the one one six I'd the balls gonna strike the Lopes with two down nobody on up doors on deck get a real education from this shot right here and what makes hunter successful he has always near that target well that time but not too much is never very far out of the strike zone because nibbles away at you that was something and every pitch is usually right about where he wanted we want that i watch he didn't wanna water misoo down what's the time first remember his goal twice his first time up after a left-handed batter will step down under the ladder right he's tonight of 10 he is a hard out makes contact he had 300 no minors he has 300 no major he just gets a piece of the ball most of the time whoops also stole free bases in the nationally playoffs it's probably the hair burn heir-apparent aloo palak is the base stealing team in the net look at what a great year loafs had and how many is stole and consider he had a great year and then look what Brock did Marco chief of 5 rocked at his age 35 I think that's where the great records a long time in the fort's 35 year old man to do what he did did I hope the personal score that slashed the first baseman senator fair ball in the style of a fine Europe you have a lot of receiving innovation of these fans in one of the better hitting pitchers of baseball when he gets the hip he hasn't hit the last two years bounty first pitch the strike he did not bat in 74 he had only one regular time at bat and 73 got a double he had a 227 lifetime batting average and six lifetime homers one season three years ago he was paid a $5,000 bonus for his hitting he was such a good hitting pitcher uh nerd Northland campaneris he's batting in the last two the third there's a foul private will be headed for defeat out of play as you can tell by the long run Garvey had been down at Dodger Stadium Los Angeles where they put in some seats down on the field some extra boxes advantage of course for that pitcher I was wondering with the president told Charlie Finley that he'd be at the World Series next year Finlayson well he didn't all the A's would be in the World Series and for reply to default the A's would be in the World Series next year he's calling things a year ahead bat-ball and hunter strikeout number three Braille downing Russell has a habit death it may be a tip-off as we see now the signal was given for a breaking ball or change if you can see him going to this ring because the pitcher or the hitters more like the opponent he does that too soon somebody's right-handed hitters gonna catch on are looking breaking ball villain are struck out his first time were at the top of the Oakland batting order three strikeouts one walk for downing is allowed one hit that was two half an hour the double in the first inning and a high foul right deal way out of play nothing I wanted to bill north really we haven't had a lot of excitement on the field pitching has dominated it's come in spurts they'll go quietly three or four innings and suddenly it'll be a flurry both games one-run games at exciting 9:30 that I just threatening to pull out the first game and he is threatening to pull out the second game is a nice day North bluffing a bunt one ball one strike Harvey's in tight at first sale being on the grass the third against North you can fly down that line and there's a girl fall by the broad and say unless the ladies bolognese with 54 Alice if he goes to work Kurt the eight players were talking wondering a person had as good an arm from behind my field according to Tommy Lasorda the Dodger coach nobody and baseball has the are misty viateur have to clean [Applause] Donnie's move riding north back no score Villa market first the eight paddock here in the last of the third playing habaneros over the left very efficient butter donnie as you've seen in the last two throws or not with an exceptional move the first base anytime's you'll kick his way to our purse and then come home all other staffs in baseball because they've got something tasty there's no hole runners on Donnie high with a fastball one or nothing to campanero [Applause] how the handheld camera looks at the runner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the background pitches in for a strike one on one to brick half an hour happy wife is quite an artist I see some of the paintings are very good market holy Duval's in a strike that had the campaneris [Applause] we can go to write still you might be playing a little game here with Norwich now the thing he does he'll take the bunt and bring the third baseman in and bounce the ball over his head once in a while in this situation the baton well hit for a high of average this year 292 balls in the strike the first Wow there we go foul ball look like it might have died [Applause] mark was going on the to the third base umpire following the play ándale ándale swings late nothing I went to it mantle grounded out his first time bill North the third two down no score last of the third hurt band oh definitely took a shot to right that time he shortened up on his swing a little but they're giving him the whole right side of the infield here walked is almost an ak-47 against you or gonna come up the line outside listen that gap in right-center we did win and dropping waves great for the first time they won't fly over third base with a birthday ball one strike this is just inside the bando lay off the third [Applause] and he's been on that's a strike [Applause] we've all just right going off the third do away Reggie Jackson on deck they're starting to settle it now [Applause] ran through badly want to fetch the bando here instead of Jackson Elizabeth Reggie thought the third we have last year for pictures [Applause] for the third Android Wow neither team has that two base runners on any playing jacks in the same way win a couple of steps in right-center property put in the right field Carter Buckner straight away and left the gap is in left-center is going around in the Dodger bullpen [Applause] Jackson held up on the swing and they appeal at first no a third no swing one another Charlie Hoffman knuckleballers starting warmup there's no and boy Grover the left-hander [Applause] sister bandulus birth [Applause] we went all exactly their bandwidth bird Barbie playing off the bag shouting behind - and old [Applause] he's right furball that Savannah jump on it goo balls and a strike johnny has been thrown many curveballs the right-handed hitters but with Jackson up that takes away that little screwball run so he may feed him on a few more the one pitch [Applause] we're one [Applause] and they say hope you're enjoying the 1974 world 328 year in a row and BC offensive the World Series they won six and he tapped it out in front of the place [Applause] whereas the city [Applause] and Kurt this player right here shows the importance of Billy North's grape - from first to third a minute ago otherwise he would have been there and also Monty and Curtis shows a Reggie Jackson seems to be running a little bit better so now he may become a base stealing putt for his ballclub for left in this area I thought he was really well in Los Angeles Sunday so I Ron first go to second that BB was really moving Rudy tries to planted in right-field and fouled away Rudy grounded out his first time an error has been charged at Joe Ferguson and the A's lead one-nothing in the last of the third two down runners on first and second Kirk this is not to make an excuse for the catcher Joe Ferguson but remember he has been playing the outfield as series and through the playoffs and it stopped the chief from position to position good point Tony of all the distractible the actor has a huge lead of birth Brody drilled out two nothing lead we're that far [Applause] product rights mothers began get the chances any of course on a second they give him a face set routine and an RBI Jackson to third [Applause] Roadrunner [Applause] one prehistory a one hypnagogic the antennas watching first time [Applause] [Applause] almost like [Applause] same spot - no - James Ennis tennis is a great eye of the play dangerous to get behind him in a spot like this Kurt he's been a real good - hot hitter this year for Oakland I've got a play with Ozzy coming up next that down is going to make him in his pitch even for this - a tall can't get into a guy like this tennis the long ball back to Miller that good fastball he does [Applause] the res remember Dennis in a world and he was voted the outstanding player two years ago three balls no strikes lieutenant or half of it warming up in the Dodger bullpen they're ready if needed real delivery and respect to everyone Bobby winkles was part of the season of manager of the California coaching in the world we've all gonna fight Shea's been ordered to go over at water often way up yo hunter the first man up struck out then go horse single campaneras grounded out north went the third on the play and a lot Reggie Jackson hit a topper out in front of the plate that was bobbled by the catcher Joe Ferguson for an error nor scoring and really single up the middle vandal scoring there's the bullpen Hoffman Bruin you wonder if the man on the left isn't what made Walter Alston hesitate then change his mind that knuckleball pitcher coming in Huff to a right-hander with a man on third base they shoulda loaded rave party lined out to right field his first time he is the 8th batter up this heading for the A's are ahead now 2 to nothing [Applause] downing is walk free so far exactly the third the lead man that's it to the box Downey throws him out and the A's are gone in the third that they had to run on two hits there was one costly are we left don't really really received a tremendous ovation when they went out to left field maybe not be appreciated too much around the country but here in the Bay Area they know what a solid player he is and as he went back to his position they gave him a standing ovation on the left field bleachers Jim Wynn Steve Garvey and Willie flopper the heart of the Dodger batting order up in the fourth the age now have two runs three hits of no errors the Dodgers no runs one hit one Earth Wind popped to short his first time Jim hunter on the mound there's a live one hit that was the first man he faced in the game Dave Lowell there's a strike [Applause] under left the American League qualifiers with the lowest earned run average this year of all the qualify you have to pitch at least 162 innings and the catfish had the lowest earned run average his best previous ranking was third Oh merely a fastball pitcher Barbies on deck this is outside the winter he's had many baseball thrills but he'll always remember the night he Piscopo feet game here in the Oakland Coliseum on Timor broadcast that game the two to delivery way into that must have been quite a full of vodka yes it blossomed against Minnesota occurred and I'm think about that as he went to Minnesota and got his next start gave up nine runs in the first inning they stayed in the ball game and won the game three into the gym win when it's a haunting ball just tip hunters blog reboots it wrong way they tip off the pictures blog matter destroyed the timing of green sock the wife did turn his car to his right a little deeper and Hetty had to come in and cut that in between hop tried to smother it but the paul gets to our part in front of them and jenny wind runs well you went at birth now they have scored an error on the green which demons Jack Herman the president of the Baseball Writers Association when the same rule of Democrats one of the scores wardens barrel of the Longbeach independent and Ron Burgundy real official scores for the series of all the Steve Garvey he flied to Center his first time some of you may have heard the beginning of the show the slow motion of catfish hunter let's talk the pitching coach said watch his knee you can tell when he loses it and starts going high maybe Fosse picked up that flaw it was swinging is like instead of picking it up even when still 18 phases of the season he's at first Garvey trying to go to right he's the one young player that I hear they say that is going a right field with outside pitches and is learning to use that part of the field one-on-one is what made him a good hitter has been a very consistent hitter all year longest hitless streak he had three games I wound up hitting over 300 they used to hit the powering Drive now everything's the lines eyes he slaps it down - pow is for line drive homers now then it goes the lofty jobs one ball two strikes the Steve Garvey spheal is an excellent condition we walked the field yesterday during the workouts and the grass is great a better infielder with true bounces than the one down in Chavez Ravine not as pretty a ballpark there the pop foul back into the seats this is a county facility here are the umpires we were late coming on here didn't you have a chance to give it to you Doug Harvey of the National League behind the plate Don denkinger the American legged first and the Olsen of second Ron Luciano the American legend Series I'm Gorman at the left the align will cut it down the right-field a 1 2 pitch that's rhythm deep down the right-field lines and that was foul 1 and 2 to Garvey well our stage manager Jim O'Gorman is got a pretty good track he says any ballpark is pretty when it's full that's right this ballpark Kurt is known as kind of a drab as you said mausoleum but it only looks that way when there's nobody in it one bottle to scribe better going it run on it's in the left field the ball and now the Tigers have a threat in the board wins the second Garvey's at first Garvey that is this if ya hurt money more telling the sky to be part of the Dodgers Dylan anytime to runs down and we also saw some exceptional bat control on the part of Steve Garvey the ball is up and in it was actually a ball maybe you put inside and high but he still got the barrel of the bat on it I get Jimmy Wynn checking the outfield positioning we'll eat proper it is up now runners on first and second nobody out the Dodgers are trailing two to nothing in the fourth bully Crawford is one of the three doctors with previous World Series experience is at 1 for 2 in the 65 World Series during to the fish hitter doubting is the other Gajar with experience and jim breuer who's hittin the ball fast drive and when a double lock in triple play what's that have you got a can time he was ready to throw right there he was thinking three all the way the Dodgers now I'd sit down Garvey's at first he had a big jump on that line drive Joe Ferguson struck out his first time and the fourth inning the A's are leading to nothing the ball that was really stunned by proper though hardest hit ball of the game one ball no strikes blowing inside two and old Ron say on deck they're playing Ferguson deep and toward left play dissolve Ennis tractor on Ferguson even two balls and no strike catfish has movement on the ball he's still around the corners that's coming up on the way when you've had against him and looks good looks good until the last and there's always that movement at the end my buddy has Penner you wanted to stay with the age he said yes besides I want to stay in baseball what other job can you work five months they have a Moncton Arizona Florida then go hunting and fishing the rest of the year it's not a bad life we want fish right at the knees way of doing it the first time Ferguson face Jim hunter was in that big ninth inning in Game one when hunter came out of the bullpen and kept this showed him nothing but basketball threw him four fastballs I believe it was and Ferguson said that he was looking for something else that was hunters first relief job in five years we balls two strikes two down Garvey will be going mr. Burley killed and mrs. Kildare in the front row Joe Cronan retired president American League did back at the Commission putting his hand up through the glasses I'll win them in the vice president of NBC Sports Seeley MacPhail they're the new president the American League and here we are in the last of the fourth inning dick green struck out his first time many of the old-timers when we have that double play in Cavan Harris was ready to throw to first I know thought about the only triple play of World Series history now we pulled off by Bill lom's Ganz the second baseman Cleveland against the Dodgers in 1920 an unassisted triple play we got the line drive he stepped on second retire killed up and tagged Miller coming in from first he got the play Leo outing against the and it was against the Brooklyn Dodgers of that time after shutter you up next Downing Street over living the slip to strike in the green ADEs ahead the last of the fourth to old that's the fourth walk given up by town behind the no heard Bobby winkles the A's third-base coach came over and talked to Alvin dark after that ball for Bobby's real good about that he says that if there's any danger in missing one he'd rather go find out all right Jim hunters up saves in a third looking for a bunt are we ready to charge them first jim breuer throwing in the Dodger bullpen move the first rain is back the hunter swing the bat and home plate you've got a lot of possibilities he's a pretty good hitter he can bunt they can try a bunt and run you can try a hit and run a lot of food coin runner going [Applause] the NBC television network this is Curt Goudy Tony Kubek of NBC Amani more the age broadcaster we're in the fourth age now have dick green a second one out bill North is up he struck out and single he scored a run laying north north is better right-handed and left-handed this is a shade inside the ball we came over here the train between Oakland and Chicago who adjusted to be a utility player and Monmouth with a regular centerfielder 90 pitches a little height again 200 hurt that's right not to be one of Charlie Finley is really good trades hey looking at low centerfield camera we put in for this World Series and championship series but it looks like I'm almost found level over the center fielders shoulder your back almost to the track not quite green flags of halfway and goes back ii see down north sending along fly to left field and that's batter for Oakland campaneras he doubled the left is grounded out Curtis North did hit that ball of % it might have been right against the wall the ball really carries much better before the Sun goes down here it really gets heavy air out here this time and I and a slight breeze blowing right now from third to first that Benares again played as a pull hitter green it suck at you down there's a basement for the catchy went out to meet that brawl [Applause] bird with pepper Derek [Applause] surgery yes what looks like a pretty strong go he says his winters home and Ferguson know immediately that our body was not packing up wait camping was allowed to go all the way to third base your Cubs when he overthrows Garvey the cutoff man and no out doggy packing up the play he thought there might have been a throw to third Jimmy Wynn flowing here is going to have his elbow operated on I asked him before the series airs he's 12 Ferguson had to come out of me going through the cutoff man down he was just standing here I asked when if he can uncork the heart throw it is that maybe one and after that we'll have a lot of pain for the next few days he has a loose chip it is drawing elbow and are going to have to have surgery done on it jim brewers coming on to relieve al downing all we have a break in the action here in the fourth inning with the score Oakland three and Lausanne this is Jim brewer now on the pitch he's facing South handle as watch brewer is as they go line up for the stretch campaneras the third the pitch is high tomorrow night World Series game number four from Oakland Joe Garagiola show has not seen the night and he has a great win for a tomorrow night featuring the bubblegum shores of the major league he'll start at 8 o'clock Eastern Time fastball right by one an error on that last play was given to the Dodger catcher Joe Ferguson Tom Garrett had to take third he ran up there trying to save the throw and definitely left the plate by 15 people half an hour at third he down made the head three nothing watch campy jockey for a lead vandals grounded out a walk [Applause] popped foul and back to the play Ferguson coming back that's not a play the Tigers have not played good defensive ball tonight very birth though surprising I think to me and probably the man though he thrown in three straight basketballs and he's no and of course it's a screwball pitcher but he's come right at him the three straight pitches he feii on Brewer as he takes his wind-up one of the pitchers best weapons against that speedy runner on third he will look him back first before he starts there he goes Pandarus made a slight bluff - up the line and a flatterer backed off the rubber one-ball two-strike count to bando like a screwball that's his pitch but he missed outside with a - and to the south bando who's hitting third in the lineup half an hour third two down [Applause] three balls at this right tomorrow night Andy Messersmith pitches for the Dodgers he started Game one and Ken wolf but comeback for the Aged we'll match up the two opening-day pitchers a right-hander Messersmith a left-hander Holtzman the 3-2 pitch to vandal [Applause] one here one error one left at the end of public service by major league baseball Jim hunter in the fifth inning will face Ron Cey Bill Russell and Jim brewer they flied out to left his first time he looks at a strike the Dodgers out hip da is for the season by 25 points Dodgers have seven more homers they outscored the A's playing in two different leagues the a that fifteen more stolen bases and the pitching was about even the A's pitching staff 2.95 the Dodgers 2.97 very really nasty Bill Russell the on-deck batter some folks gaze the edge on World Series experience and it is and asked first strikeout for Jim hunter and an edge might be given to the A's on a third starter boltzman blue and hunter Messersmith and Sutton for the Dodgers and of course the Dodgers had a rough break to lost Tommy John but when he went out with an army ailment was the best pitcher on the Dodger stat he won 13 and lost 3 when he came up with a bad arm of all Russell up to the fisheries first time Joe Ferguson has two errors tonight that ties the record by catching a series gay and have to fly ball right out to North every scouting reports come in to a great degree positioning defensively where does a man hit what kind of power does you have it does not have Russell listed as having exceptional powers where they played a more shallowly like they see coming out now Lee lacy will bat for Brewer Jim hunter is not a strikeout pitcher the average just four strikeouts every 9 innings this year he has struck out three in his World Series game that's Charlie Hough okay coming on to pitch in the last of the fifth inning bringing the knuckleball myth with him yeah big soft flexible myth that Joe Ferguson will put on behind the plate to better handle a butterfly fish we're waiting for Lee lacy there he is he we how are you peewee Reese former Dodger captain shortstop gentlemen the great job with us here at NBC telecasting I never met a finer person in baseball well wait a minute we got it back to that thanks pal I got a kick out of watching peewee and Maury wills Roth first of all the other day in tandem they cross throws to the two Dodger catchers foul ball Dodgers have had a run a great shortstop peewee for years Maury wills now young Bill Russell who seems destined to be a great one for the future two down nobody on Lee lacy batting that's a strike I wonder if they have to strike the catfish working with a three-run lead I can get Perez Perez who's before Pee Wee Reese Leo Durocher wasn't bad Dave Lopes on deck a ball and two strikes the count so that I could go quietly in a bit halfway through this game the a3 that flower and halfway through we're going to switch now the money more this is the third world series in a row of money more work with us he's riding a winner the Oakland A's the right now are sitting on top of his game 3-nothing Ambani what do you think now the rest of the way Oh catfish is pretty tough when he gets the lead but the Dodgers have proven over the year that they can score a lot of runs so it's certainly a long long ways from over here tonight Tony what about your comments the first half of this game I just think the ball game is being played list of the play-by-play Amani more okay thank you very much curtain here's Reggie Jackson two leaders off on the last half of any number five Joe Rudi and Gene Tenace will follow I got to knuckleballer Charlie Huff the A's have been tough on knuckleball pitchers over the years they've seen a lot of them in the American League from Hoyt Wilhelm to Eddie Fisher brothers now Bruce doc Kenton in Kansas City Wilbur wood though the eggs have seen a lot of knuckleball pitching Jackson takes football to jackson's longest home run he ever hit in this ballpark he hit off the left hand not the ball or Wilbur would there's a look at that big catcher's mitt and you notice the catcher with his finger outside the mitt a lot of the infielders and outfielders are doing that now too all three Paul Richards was the first man to have his team utilize that myth when he had Wilhelm in Baltimore and Gus triandos behind the flake there was nothing in the rulebook at that time they cut it down now though everything I think they have rest geologists look he's looking into the drugged out the squatting report right will huff throw a fastball on three and no hole I think he got an answer his sign language wasn't too subtle was it there's his answer though it's a fastball and he missed with it ball four now we might find out here how well Reggie feels that his leg is feeling as Tony mentioned he was running well and you know that play Ferguson may little while ago or didn't make I think hurt that a factor there was that Ferguson probably was surprised to look over his shoulder and see Jackson running as hard as he was running down that line because Fergie came out away from the plate I'm sure thinking Jackson was going to be running as he's done the whole playoffs in series Jackson says he's only 80% right but the way he's been running I have to believe he's he's close to maybe 90 95 percent right with his late he was really running a lot for last month of the season before he got that leg hurt regi wanted to steal 30 bases and hit 30 home runs they didn't get either one because of the full hamstring muscle he goes and a catcher broke the ball Injection steal second how well he was running there's no contest he started moving before Charlie Hough made his first move in with a knuckleball it made it more difficult for Ferguson ethnic live at the ball gets stuck in the webbing and you can't cut it out big man with power quite a flair so 25 out of 30 in the regular season gets home runs knocks and runs all around stars Joe Rudi's wife Sharon shoot from Modesto through that charm around her neck that's the World Series charm from 1972 Joe bunts at the ball and Jackson is back in at second o'clock she has more to say with her husband Jose kind of a quiet man except for the bat out of the Dodger bullpen Jeff's on I love tender God has no balls two strikes on Joe Rudi whose natural way to hit the ball is to right and right center and I'm sure he'll be trying to move Jackson over some way here by hitting the ball on the right side of the infield nobody down fifth inning the A's lead three nothing he got him here's a big strikeout so there's one out in the fifth inning and Gene Tenace the 8th walking man comes up he led the American League in free passes and has walked twice tonight so far you gotta watch Jackson here you may get a big enough jump that he would try to steal third-base with the right-hand batter up surprise it he's running on all one he was telling me he's gonna change the style of play that he evidently can't run a heart anymore and big chance and as tennis his wife Lindo good he's going to keep pulling look Lake puzzles if he does Franco one in one where you know the national television cameras and big crowds have a way of turning Reggie Jackson on Kurt we've seen that before here's a not enough Oh grip their butt have that ball hanging down by side in the knuckleball grip he'll set his hand on the Sivir his fingers on the seams the way once them then hook the knuckleball in the glove so it is set and ready to go just the way he wants to grip it how does his knuckleball break basically all different directions and he has trouble at times body when he throws it too slowly keeping it in the strike zone it breaks that much so he has to speed it up and that at times gets him in trouble one ball one strike one out fifth inning Furguson backhanded that ball it must be tough enough to come out of right field and go behind the plate against an easy pitcher to catch let alone an upper baller he seems to throw it pretty hard ray balls and a strike [Applause] well Gene Tenace might be looking for a fastball here on three and one he gets that I sure be surprised with that latter part of the betting runner coming up you didn't get it it was a strike it'll go to pass ball boy you talk about a ball jumping that thing really twisted and dive this will give you an example of how tough a knuckleball is look at that the glove is open look how much that ball jump probably a foot his last couple of feet as it was on his way to hold play rather the plate move the skirt on it and everything well they say that I catch her to try to get in front of every ball but how are you going to get in front of one like that great to account of the Dodgers bring their infield in now right on the grass strike three called a great pitch by Charlie Hough he gave him one that he couldn't handle tennis was looking for a ball he could drive right there and that knuckleball just dive down away and it shows something on about Ferguson I think here that he wasn't afraid to go with the best pitch that the pitcher had just fact the banker was runner at third and he already dropped a couple honey that last pitch in fact the last you almost hit in the dirt so you can imagine as it crosses home plate if it's a strike in the opinion of the umpire how far it's got to go down before it reaches that catcher's glove ball one two down fifth inning Oakland three Dodgers nothing there been only six hits there's dick green waiting for a chance to bat here in the fifth Ferguson year before last or actually last year not this season and the best defensive record any catcher ever had in the National League that ball fouled off the only made three errors all years a catcher Reggie Jackson got on on a walk stole second went to third on a pass ball toughest breakout Rudi and Tenace soon one that ball came back in so at that time gay scouting report on half mentioned the fact that most of it not the balls will go down and away from the right-hand batter those were the big ones he threw the TeamTennis they were going down but he's been back inside on Rea now for a couple of on state f play he made it and that's all for the Oakland A's in the fifth inning it's three nothing Oakland at the Oakland Coliseum we go to the top half of the sixth inning and they're the men on television without picture or radio without pictures that's been Scully on the left of your screen and NBC's Jim Simpson doing is sixth straight World Series like he's mad at somebody honey tell me you guys were looking for me other they couldn't find him in the booth Davey Lopes is up and it's the first pitch in a centerfielder they say well every scouting report the A's have says that Lopes is a first ball fastball hitter and he is hit to first fast balls to centerfield in this game for single you see what he does now that I'm here three runs down and it doesn't seem to make any difference to him what the score that he gets to jump he goes he is stolen two bases tonight he's been on free time Bill Buckner as one of the most amazing statistics that I think any of the Dodgers have he's freaking only ninety six times but fact that he went no longer than two games at any time without a base hit this year that's a model of consistency dick green in to talk with catfish hunter Dodgers have been a good come-from-behind team all year conference that greed I think had with utter is where are you gonna pitch them you're gonna make them pull the ball hit away you're gonna come inside of the breaking pitch where you might hit it in the hole of my left or the sinker away will the globe are aptly up the middle even though the A's lead three nothing is Kurt mentioned the Dodgers will run at any time and catfish under all aware that just talk back over the first ball is hit well but too high in a right field Reggie Jackson right there and there's one away in the sixth inning you know by running no matter what the score is if he runs somebody's got to move and the Badgers got a big run the other day in a ballgame because dick green was covering second base and Gene Tenace couldn't get back out into right field to get that little ball that Buckner hit there and that happened just because the Dodgers were a running team one of the most one of the best I think at positioning himself he has lost some speed but dick green you got to give the signals you control it Jimmy Wynn takes the breaking ball low Green Chiefs quite a bit defensively he gets the signs he knows the hitters in the American League much better than he knows these but he really moves around if he sees the ball is gonna be a breaking ball he'll move [Music] all too it's one of the best of that who didn't have any speed that was always there with Lou Boudreau it played shortstop of the India Gil McDougald one out sixth inning votes has a big lead at first now he's not going win hits in the air in the left center field not very deep Billy North runs Joe Rudi off the plane and there's you down a Curt I believe you were in the New York area when almond dark was play shortstop what kind of a defensive shortstop was he it was good he was a smart Larry position himself also handle the bat well went the right bill played in three World Series he was a champion you just saw him whistle right there he's one of the best whistlers I've ever seen he could get the attention of any age player on the field no matter how big the crowd is with that shrill whistle he has we remarked Sunday and you know more than anyone about this he probably had a toughest managerial job in baseball this year I don't think there's any doubt about that and I think he's done as well as any human could have done this year he's a very patient man he's a Christian man and that's been a big virtue for him this year it's taken that because he's got it from all sides the press and the players he sent out in spring training to get this team into the World Series and here they are Steve Garvey the batter for the Dodgers here it goes lope and Garvey ran up on that ball trying to hit behind him and the Raps out of the infield was empty for him Lopes goes back catchers do not like to have any hitter no matter how good you are step up in the batter's box on them takes away that breaking ball or sync you're trying to get it before the break on it and I've known pitchers who've come inside after something like that yes then he definitely went after catfish that time he took a couple of steps up they're going after the ball gotta be guessing where that ball is I'm guessing right right foul off the right-field side Darley hit the ball well the other way ball just jumps off his bat is too strong everything else is live and it did pop through that infield he drives the ball hard Davey Lopes he's fast that he ran under alphaman or two caps his regular baseball cap which he wears under the batting helmet that's something the Dodgers started I think before anyone else wearing those protective caps on the base pass if I recall joe gergiolla during one of our games with the Dodgers he brought that point up somebody's gotten a hit at throwing ball mandatory in the American League now is it the National - strengths the count loads throw second on this got earlier tonight under been going outside to Garvey and the reason is obvious he can pull the inside run out of the ballpark and Hunter doesn't want to have to runs against him real quickly he came inside on him and his foul dog cat once in a while can muscle up and throw the ball buy you a lot of people under ages basketball the Carolina ket the A's field to a man that if they have a big game to win and they hand the ball to him they've got a better-than-average chance of winning and O's going the short route for the final out to dick green for the first player Lopes and the Badger jokes go in the ditch Andy Messersmith pitches for the Dodgers tomorrow night but before that he'll be showing his bubblegum talents on the baseball world of Joe Garagiola a lot of great bubblegum well you get nothing mate shoot up like I say it takes a good prey depends on what weight gummi using if you use a lot of gum and takes a course along the trip and then you kind of mash it around then you get it kind of flat like this notice the lip you got a light light lip and I said he's gonna be tough tomorrow night isn't he I haven't seen this sharp and who you picking aperture saying that's not bubblegum this jaw right I like looks the way open the volcano doesn't do much for you money there's dick green against the knuckleball and Charlie Hough it's a love strike wine hey you know maybe mr. Spears like catfish hunter catfish never choose to back on the mound he chewed bubblegum all the time but the second he gets out of a game into the dressing room who hopes his job a little back inside it's a ball what i won and it looked as if Messersmith was enjoying something other than bubblegum and I got there's the catfish balls outside and I think about the A's since they've been in Oakland they've usually had a better record on the road than they've had at home but this year the A's have been very tough at home they've won 49 and lost only 32 at home that was the best home record in the American League Manny flood Green fouled this pitch away the a is on the road this year were just one game over 500 at 41 and 40 the amazing thing about the Badgers is they were just as good on the road as they were at home we won 52 at home and 50 on the road it's a great record Bobby winkles showing his best moves and odd twist about that documentary little while ago heard about Bobby winkles opening the season as manager of the Angels there's the fact that he's now with the Oakland A's in the World Series in the man who managed the A's in the World Series last year is now manager the angel all three and another twist as winkles votes Sal vandal Reggie Jackson in college Arizona State there's the record of the age of mine he was talking about and the fourth best record in the league away but the best at home look out that it went to a basketball then it looked like he doesn't want to walk dick green dick kidding only to 12 now but most of the season greenie was up around 258 around 265 at times even he's having fun tonight so you got that knuckleball he's one of the funniest guys that you've ever been around he really keeps everybody loose looting himself yes he even asked his retirement at the end the last season and the arbitration came along and he saw all that big money all his teammates forgetting he said I can't make that kind of money in moving business in Rapid City South Dakota he came out for a good salary and he has things all piled up there up and just ran back and throwing basketballs now another knuckleball perspective and break it back dinner the penguin makes the Dench and as one out and that's pretty good pitching you got three ball count on a matter who keeps piling them off and follow them off the pressures on the pitcher he doesn't have any really like any value trying to the Oakland crowd which along with a great crowd in Dodger Stadium in reaches the first two games are going to make this the riches player who I believe in World Series history he was not gonna die with a knuckleball knuckleball we look at it again started off way inside came back yet and you wonder why I catcher misses on a knuckleball it moves left another reason that big glove many times you put it right in front of your face and block your vision by the way one and one you know this Ferguson doesn't give him a target either he just told the Met he stays it lucid he can it up on his feet he's ready to move either direction this plan is paying the ballpark say a story about you see him we mentioned his finger out of the mid a moment ago will tell you story two of the Oakland A's players this year were hurt as a result of their fingers being out of the flood Hat fouls it back there's only two I've ever heard of I'm sure there have been others but Joe Rudi came in and tried to shoot bring a ball in left field and he plays with his finger out of the glove and just blade he tried to shoot bring it and dragged it along the ground his laid his left index finger right back up against his wrist he struck him out fit lilo knuckleball that time here two down and dick green was the other Oakland player to be out of the lineup as a result of an injury with the finger out of the glove he tagged a runner in Anaheim and the runners spiked a man dick tagging with the back of the glove up and took about 18 stitches in his finger going arse in this situation against a knuckleballer may try and beat on a pot and then we may see those legs go to work on the base pass if he's successful and stays looking for the hole Littlefield has come in several steps Brian's a first baseman back behind the bag go Franco not that much of a surprise north very rarely has dragged the ball even though yesterday you're in batting practice see there's a look the infield first attacker Garvey's way back north of working on dragnet one in one good shot here how the national league umpire works left-handed up on the inside this is a good one to Doug Harvey at this right now you could hear him I believe in our field microphone that yell you heard was from Doug Harvey the next one might have been from Billy north this is the second World Series hide opinion whether you guys like north and campaneras Lopes the good runners really try to get on base against these knuckleballers easy to steal on the speed of that knuckleball is very important and sometimes a knuckleballer earlier in the ballgame when he first comes in has difficulty finding the right speed for that day you like to throw it into the wind more than with the wind the break is taken off he got him Charlie Hough is tough after six innings the score the Oakland A's three the Los Angeles Dodgers
Channel: gibomber
Views: 62,550
Rating: 4.7302504 out of 5
Id: IZZgqztTBnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 44sec (6224 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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