1930s ABANDONED Time Capsule House with MANY Valuables left inside

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while good Lord Heavens to Betsy look at this Mansion y'all I swear this is like one of the best places I ever seen yet there's a lot left behind now I know I'm gonna get a lot of people in the comments section that's going to ask me Rick did you make it to Europe yet the answer is no I didn't but this looks a lot like Europe so if you want to see Europe and the USA you come here I can't wait to show you what's going on with this place so in this episode I want y'all to come along me grab a pile of popcorn eat that stuff pop it in your mouth grab a coke maybe some snacks and let's get at it click it do what they do [Music] in this episode I'm going to tell you a story about a man who once lived inside this home because his physical therapy and meticulous care prolonged by five years the life of a man who was given only three months to live Mr Smith resolved to open a private nursing home Smith 35 years old who once studied for priesthood is the owner of a private Hospice Care Facility Mr Smith named for the patron of sick and nurses he bought this English Tudor house in 1969 from a former family who once lived inside people described him as a tall skinny mild-mannered and accommodating man who is a licensed nursing home administrator and a licensed male nurse he trained in physical therapy at a local hospital an intern at several nursing facilities after further digging I discovered a note that he had written and it said in 1958 I took care of a patient referred to me by doctors at General Hospital and attended to him at his home his name was Frank 68 years old a mechanic and a widower and he lived nearby and I knew he had Parkinson's disease I attended him for three months and he was confined to a wheelchair unfortunately I had to leave him to study at the seminary in Milwaukee and returned after a year because of back trouble and then I learned that Frank was back in the hospital his doctor said he would not live for three months Frank asked him to live with him I spoon fed him lifted him into his car and took trips with him I also redecorated his home and landscaped his yard when Frank died five years later I decided to care for patients in my own home and continued my education from 1966 to 1969 a took courses in nursing at a community college and business administrator at another in 1972 Mr Smith graduated from Ohio State University's School of administration science in a 1973 he was a licensed nurse home administrator and he gave private physical therapy to patients at their homes on referral by doctors and local hospitals he was also a Bible study teacher at local church gatherings personal Misfortune hit hard for Mr Smith Last Summer he was stricken with a severe case of pneumonia and later while using electric hedge trimmer severed two fingers on his right hand luckily the hospital sewed them back on and he recovered with physical therapy now that you know the back story I think it's time we go inside and see what else we can find and finish the story of Mr Smith and his home [Music] thank you the name is Ranger Rick my mission in the series is to go back to the past dig it up search for Clues and stay curious in each episode I tell stories of abandoned places and their history so come with me let's explore together and see what we can find thank you [Music] with the issuance of a permit Mr Smith was determined to add a two-story twenty thousand square foot Wing to the 14-room Tudor mansion He Was preparing for most of his life the addition will house 50 people and Mr Smith wanted to make his patience as comfortable as possible he and his parents purchased this house in 1969 and it was built in 1933 the house is a typical Tudor mansion with Oak Woodwork and stone-faced fireplaces throughout [Music] this home has a great hall with carved cathedral ceilings and a winding Stairway to a balcony at one end the windows are lit at glass a Solarium connected through the Great Hall and the music room has vaulted ceilings with molded heads of Dickens characters above the windows and Floors that are made of slate really when the new Wing is finished the house will have a living quarter with administration offices for Mr Smith and his parents the house and all public areas of the nursing Wing will be furnished with antique furniture residence rooms will have modern hospital type furniture but the attire will be tutor to match the main structure the second floor will house terminal patients in one area and intermediate patients in another Mr Smith plans a staff of 35 with nine nurses for round-the-clock care until now Mr Smith has done all the work himself the planning the decorating and caring for two patients in his home unfortunately funding would be an issue and these plans never came to fruition Mr Smith would later pass away on December 30th 2020. in his house Still Remains [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] look at me I've been on the road for like a week and I haven't shaved yet anyways it is what it is all right if anybody who's anybody that knows me I like to present this house are houses as if you were the owner how would it look if you were the owner coming through that door right there let's see what it looks like all right so you enter here this is the first thing you see I know it's kind of disappointing at first this is the first thing you see but you know what I'm not gonna keep you waiting let's go into the main room of this masterpiece and no we are not in England even though it kind of looks like it I'm gonna just go ahead and name just the panda Mansion because there's like tons of them in this house and I mean tons you're gonna see as we go along but that's one right there I told you didn't I tell y'all look at this place this place oh my goodness I tell you man these time capsules they just keep getting better and better oh my goodness look at that that is an instant win for me you know why look at that like they use an old Barn wheel from a horse carriage and they just put it on the ceiling has a chandelier that is an instant instant win look at this this is their living room set it looks very European almost like a French style look I'm pretty sure this is French and I know I'm gonna have some people in the comments telling me Rick that is not French well guess what I think it is but really correct me if I'm wrong in the comments you know I like playing with y'all all right so look at this could you imagine coming through right there you have a long day of work and you just want to sit home kick your shoes off maybe put your feet right here read a book and the only thing that's missing is the TV but in a place like this you really don't need one because it's just that damn good but yeah can you picture yourself doing that so we got a Satay or a love seat we got a little wing back chair and of course you can't forget the sofa with a very very very miniature style coffee table in the middle and a little three tiered oh no two-tiered end table I put that piece there just for show it wasn't there before I had to make it look pretty yes indeed look at this this house is just like one big pot of jambalaya because like it just has every little thing in it you know what I mean there's a lot of ingredients to this house there's a little bit too much to film in here wow this is impressive good God all right let's go ahead and concentrate on the little things so the first thing that you see in this room is a grand fireplace and I say Grand because I mean it kind of looks like it you have these people right here don't know who that is just yet but I'm going to do some homework maybe I can find out but look at this look at that fireplace that was an actual wood burning fireplace as you can see the charcoal marks in there wow look at all the soot that came out through the years I'm sure they cleaned it up with this little witch broom oh yeah I'm thoroughly impressed yes indeed and when you come over here you have a few things to look at of course you got this big Christmas tree followed by by the Virgin Mary don't know who that is but for sure I'm gonna do my homework y'all know I do my homework but if I don't do it thoroughly enough I have all y'all commenting in the comments how awful of a person that I am but we just got to get through it right as you can see I'm very excited about this one and of course here's the floor we have more like a stone no no this is more like a slate type of look wow look at this rug this is amazing can y'all tell I'm excited now let's take a look at this section right here because it looks like they like to read this is like a little miniature Library look at that that's so cool and on this side it says American law and procedure that's what they like to read look at all these books they're they're just so old they collect and dust through the years and they just look at this so many spider webs on them it's ridiculous but I'm thoroughly impressed look at this you can't forget the wood y'all look at that look at the wood look look at wood I love that wood gotta get the wood everybody likes wood right especially in a house look at the ceiling but look at this right here look at look this is probably my favorite piece of furniture in this whole house it just looks like a king would sit here you know what I mean it's like it's made for a king I'm gonna do what I do and bring you all upstairs because I know y'all want to see the upstairs right here we go I'm excited y'all getting excited watch this I'm very excited here we go whoa yes indeed all right y'all so we just made it up the stairs and this is what I want to show you when you come up the stairs if downstairs wasn't enough for you check this out yes indeed look at that so if being downstairs wasn't enough being upstairs is a whole different story yes indeed this is like a little Loft area there's no furniture we could definitely put some up here to make it a little bit more cozy you know can y'all hear that can y'all hear that what the hell is that noise I'm standing in the hallway but it sounds like a a rodent is like right behind this wall you could barely hear him I don't know if that's coming across on camera but I can hear him squealing a little bit very faintly all right let's continue can't be worrying about a rodent all day let's get one last look of this living room before we proceed all right all right we are still on tour I want to take you guys in here with me now we are leaving the living room leaving the living room and we are going into the main hallway this is probably the most well-lit room in the house one of them I'll show you another well-lit room this is one of my favorites but look at this look look at the faces what oh my God look at all these faces why that is creepy like get out of here why do they have all these oh my God that's like the Hunchback or something that's a witch it's a big fat guy I don't know who that is he looks like the town Wizard or something yeah this is creepy here we are stepping to the other room I'm not gonna take too much time in this room I love this room but like there's just not that much to see got American flag oh we've got to like that and then we got a piano which is cool made by Julius Bauer j-u-l-i-u-s-b-a-u-e-r I'll do my homework on that a little later see if that's worth any money for y'all wonder if it is oh look at this I think I see a record of Bach no who is this uh I don't know who that is let's get some Italian name or something but this is some of the music they like to listen to here Simon bear William kempf wow Mozart all right so let's put these back like we had it because I get a ton of y'all in the comments saying well you don't put back stuff where you had it well I just did okay so as we move along I get a lot of y'all in the comments saying Rick you never put anything back like you found it well in this episode well I do behind the scenes but in this episode I'm going to show you real time that I do all right let's continue I know some of y'all sensitive about that so I'm gonna uh try to fix that problem hopefully y'all can accept me for who I am and what I do I love that piece look at that Medallion up there wow that is amazing all right so believe it or not here's the upstairs but it's kind of hard to find in a place like this you would think it would be easy to find because it's like the grand staircase however it's almost kind of like hidden it's kind of hard to explain but damn things like hidden this is the uh floor looks like they might have updated this place at one point in time I want to say this more like 80s but I could be totally wrong I can't get everything right y'all I'm not a historian I'm just here to take y'all on a tour and to see what we see and discuss it in the comments if I do say so myself I do a good bit of history and background checks on these places when I create the story in the beginning but I can't get everything right but like I said that's why we're here to discuss it in the comments oh here's like a picture of well I mean a figurine of is that Jesus who is no this is not Jesus this is like a I don't know what that is like a Ken doll or something I don't know maybe a religious Kindle sandals hmm almost looks like he's from Jerusalem I noticed one thing about this house is that the person who lived here had a lot of religious artifacts lying around like you'll see a whole bunch of like figurines and everything don't know why but that's what they went with maybe they're really religious yeah of course there's nothing wrong with that so people out there are really religious whether you are or not doesn't matter as long as you're a good person and this is the kitchen wow brick that's what the outside kind of looks like we turn down my exposure a little bit yeah that's what the outside looks like so picture this as you are washing your dishes and cleaning your chicken get to look outside through that window right there and here we are on this side on this end we have excuse me I'm hiccuping we have an old stove from I want to say the [Music] maybe 70s or 80s I don't think this is the 90s I'm gonna say 70s or 80s if anybody remembers the thermatic two by ferment how you said it t-h-e-r-m-a-d-o-r omatic thermatter I have no idea leave it in the comments if you remember I'm probably making a fool of myself right now but it is what it is I'm just completely dumbfounded and bum fuzzled by this house is that miraculous I'll find even though there's only like one or two cool rooms everything else is just basically a a mismatch of whatever another panda bear another panda bear panda bear panda bear panda bear I know I saw another one around here somewhere all right I promise you there's like 10 more so right here we just came what we did what we did was wrap around through this end and remember the front door well we're going right back to it but not just yet here's the basement floor which I will save that for last all right so we're still I guess this is where we were before I guess that was the den area no that was the living room and this has got to be like the den area this is just like a massive room we come right here see a cool few artifacts more religious stuff it's a cross of Jesus that's pretty cool look at this desk my Lord look at this all right so all right it's wood right here But Metal everywhere else given it somewhat of a steampunk type of look there's a look from outside all the vines and everything gotta appreciate that here's a look from this side more Vines and as we look up here that is the Second Story which we will go to in just a moment I promise you that but let's see what else we can find downstairs here we go alrighty walking down this hall right here Believe It or Not here's another entryway this place I think has a front door side door back door actually has two side doors and uh front door and a back door and of course it's locked you can't get in through this way I can't tell you how I got in but I did I managed to get in no I didn't have to break nothing but uh yeah this is really cool no alarms I can confirm that promise you no alarms so if anybody finds this place after me or before me you know what's up hey look at these wood beams my God this is something you would see on like HGTV or something you know what I mean like when they restored wood beams going across the ceiling this is some heavy duty stuff right here and look if it even even flows down from the wall all the way down here which is more wood paneling that's amazing amazing as you'll see as we go along you'll see a lot of stained glass windows I love that beautiful [Music] we're headed upstairs let's go ahead and check I doubt there is anybody up here because this place was way too hard to get into like way too hard it was a mission it used to be really easy for a lot of people but now I got a lot harder here's the upstairs look of a nice little tub very cool again one of my favorite rooms skylights shining through all the way down right there so you get a suntan while you bathe you know what I mean a lot of Windows too again you got the pretty medallions in the ceiling we still in the bathroom got a toilet right there sink right over there you know what I'm saying now this from is probably the most well now this room right here is probably the most lackluster room I can find in here you got some cool Jesus statues and a lot of cool religious statues and artifacts in here but nothing like really stands out got a few old newspaper papers let's see what we got can we find a date can we find a date can we find the date no there's no date on that uh is there a date on here July 16th 2011. can y'all see that now here we go we're getting into the juicy stuff here when I say juicy stuff I mean like letters actually I'm going to take a picture of that I might have to blank that out but this is how I do research on things sometimes I might see envelopes laying around the house and they could be the people that lived here or they're getting notes from somebody else and I have to look that family up and it just it's just a chain of friends and family then I could probably link it back to this house oh here we go all right that is not this house this is somebody else oh here's a whole stack of letters God upstairs still and we could not forget about this beautiful room even though there's nothing here still looks good I like it very bright very airy I have a chair here two tier end tables and a little pedestal table I'm starting to find a lot of postcards oh I don't know who that is it's weird oh look at this General Electric old radio yes believe it or not that is a old radio from maybe the 60s I want to say it kind of looks like that maybe the 50s beautiful chandeliers attention to detail everywhere even in this nice looking fireplace look at this this is completely nuts we have a little pendant right here this actually kind of feels like plastic I don't think this is a wood that's wood this feels like something else let's see is it no this don't even look like wood here oh this is all show let me see well it's real but I think this might have been like oh yeah it's propane look at that this is where you twist it for the gas okay so we're still in this room but this room has a bathroom and look what's inside the toilet come on y'all I mean really look at this uh look at this bathroom I swear I keep on forgetting my light I don't have a proper light with me right now but look at this pink and green and blue tile I will call this the Easter bathroom your Easter basket bathroom I thought this these little Pebbles right here were like feces from like an animal or something but these are like little round BBs yeah they're like little round BBs we're back downstairs because I don't think I wait I think I did show you this room but one piece I forgot that I really liked was this little Buffet server right here look at that now that's that's definitely all wood on that one that's got to be from like the 40s or 50s on that thing all right here we go going downstairs into the basement we're doing this real time I'm bringing y'all along with me because I'm stick scared to death going inside basements and stuff but we're here I need a better flashlight than this just using my cell phone right now I always forget my flashlight I got one that hooks on my camera but I forgot it in the car as usual always do that but down here looks like we had a little custom bar or something and this looks like a bar with the cabinets and stuff oh here's an old chick what is this for 120 dollars in 1992 uh-oh I think I see a panda hey Mr Panda here we go I told y'all another panda bear he's just down there chilling whoa look at all this stuff here well more checks we got some a drive floppies that was a thing back in the day huh I just saw now here we go here's some thing interesting right here that's a couple having a drink in a bar I just found a whole bunch of slides all these things let's see if we can find anything else interesting around here let's try this one hopefully we get lucky that one sucks that one is a picture of the outside let's continue I don't know who that is all right so we're leaving the bait well we're still in the basement but this is more like a Cellar here I really wouldn't necessarily call this a basement kinda is but let's say being more of a seller it's cold down here man this is creepy look at all the stuff here's another check that I found 204 dollars but in 1992 200 was a lot of money quite a bit of money actually and of course this leads back to upstairs so let's do that let's go back upstairs so we are back in the living room area I forgot to explore this part and I think the only way you can get up there is this ladder right here so I'll be back in just a moment all right well it looks like we made it upstairs this is what we have I'm completely out of breath now holy goodness this is ridiculous look at all these panda bears I'm telling you this is nuts completely insane what is that oh that looks like a bust of Jesus that's a face of Jesus that's a bust wow wow this is what it looks like upstairs huh there's really nothing up here except junk there's some minor graffiti in here but it's not a big deal cool it lives back here I'm digging this piece of furniture right here beautiful looking end table very European slash farmhouse so you guys want to know what I do with all those pandas laying around they're right behind me look at that I shall Now call this the Panda King Mansion yes indeed aka the Christmas mansion y'all are gonna hold me to this one because I guarantee on Christmas day since we got Christmas colors here going on I'm gonna go ahead and upload a photo to my Instagram because this reminds me of Christmas all right y'all that's everything I hope you all liked the video and if y'all did make sure you subscribe to this channel down in the doobly-doo and that's it thank you for watching on to the next one down in the doobly-doo [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: RangerRickTV
Views: 351,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, abandoned house, abandoned mansion, abandoned places, urbex
Id: ovHOlV4flxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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