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what is up guys welcome back to the channel today dale and i have come to this absolutely amazing victorian manor in the midlands the place is absolutely huge it's got so much left behind it's almost like a proper time capsule inside this place looks absolutely amazing can't wait to get inside yeah check this out today we take a look inside this beautiful abandoned time capsule once owned by an american couple named thomas and mary the couple were antique collectors that traveled the world together collecting items from all the places they once visited in the 1960s they decided to settle down choosing to make the uk and this victorian manor their home with their love for antiques they decided to keep all the original fixtures in the house leaving a rare insight to how the wealthy of the time once lived they lived in their manner for many years until the house became abandoned in the 1980s when thomas and mary died within a year of each other the house now sits deserted and decaying with the structure of the property declining rapidly and a thick layer of dust covering their once priceless collections once inside the property you could feel how the home was once full of happiness and love now replaced by cobwebs and a sense of emptiness join us as we take a look inside and see what remains of this incredible abandoned victorian time capsule right guys we are inside the house now this place is absolutely massive isn't it check out this entrance nice hallway to start off with it's a bit dark in here in it yeah check this out guys are on the wall still got all the trinkets and glasses left on the windowsill wow loads in here isn't that look at that the little disney characters little trinkets horses ladies lady and the trump this little house here little abandoned house abandoned house inside an abandoned house yeah of course then we got all the like uh some vinegar old shakers and porcelain all this old glass bottles it's cool isn't it what's in there all silver knives and forks dale oh yeah nice some medals here yeah to say what they're for can't make it out junior cup football 1933-34 wow check this out guys curtin's still up it's got the old gas heaters are they electric yeah electric heaters sorry yeah they're always putting afterwards though yeah suitcases and stuff wow look at the damage they'll structural damage this yeah it's got a lot in here yeah archways are collapsing all the plaster huge entrance this though oh marbles on the side here look at this funky chicken it's a bit of a mad one all nice little shells in that what do we have in this unit all oriental little ah what are they like espresso cups wow little daven plate at the back there well looked after this house check the dust out though very dusty in it doesn't look like it's been lived in for a long time especially with like i said the damage you got the mold coming in at the top sir wow that's old hoover i think i've got the new one next to it are they when they operated yeah no idea when this was abandoned guys got ladders on the floor there which i'm not going to get close to because of the dresses next room this is yeah which one do i go in uh living room look at this guys this is so dated as well isn't it yeah nice big fireplace there nowhere modern stuff like tvs or anything oh yeah no tv yeah look how retro everything is here the retro curtains the old lampshade what's that like an old cold bucket yeah yeah it's cozy in it for a big place proper nice vibes in here i like it i'd have this place i'd live in a place like this i wouldn't why my flat's like the size of this living room and that's enough to keep clean yeah imagine that wow yeah i got another unit here full of little bits let's check this out all the glassware in the top there it's massive isn't it little trinket ornaments nicest fair play oh they look absolutely brand new all the china at the bottom here somebody did ask to see if there's a watermark or something i can't see from the dust on the bottom of the china there you go aragon england bone china there you go chinese manufacturer shot glasses there oh how cool is this so dale i'm never seeing that at the back it's like chimes off a grandfather clock or something isn't it i'm not sure like rounds it does doesn't it see where they've had artwork up on the walls you see where it's discolored behind it don't know if you can make that out nice this look at this mirror hey look at this there's a doorbell here the doorbell in the living room for some reason i think that might be like an old servant's bell something like that pretty sure that's what it is it's not the fullest is it but all right plenty left in here it's so big yeah i suppose so yeah have a look in here the old dining room it looks like yeah definitely with another fireplace as always yeah it looks like a few bits have been packed away there looks like they've given up let me check out these books a fortunate term the head girl they're all written by the same person so angela brazil no idea who that is yeah they're all the same the afterlife life after life what [Music] yeah we are on the main road guys so you can't hear the traffic this big old aquarium oh empty i wouldn't trust that though yeah held together with tape full of water imagine check that out guys a little bit of artwork on the walls all the damp and that wallpaper peeling just go back to the plaster look at that look at that there though that's going straight through to the other side that crack oh yeah h230 hf230 can't even read little wooden ship there [Music] the damp coming through the walls nice fireplace that though wouldn't it yeah it's a nice one fair play they're always that type of marble yeah somebody said 50s you know dates back to the 50s oh yeah for these books so you guys these look old like really old that's locked look at that still dead rod ronald knox you see that guys the burger man these two look really old don't they yeah i was saying guys we don't pretend to know it all it looks old to us no idea on dates if anyone can help us out in the comments with dates that's a nice little cabinet isn't it wow put all the design on it the real solid one no nice that isn't it handle's broken off though which is a shame huge rooms though aren't they big bay windows you could definitely see yourself chilling here yeah it's definitely like an old manner like a victorian there's a thing on the door any other room it's got like room one room too you know like someone rings a bell yeah we'll have a look now above your head now into a second dining room guys oh yeah check it out front door back door drawing room dining room bathroom three bedrooms you wouldn't think it would need a servant's belt for a three bedroom house that's a bit strange it's cool little fine though in it i found something for you to record your next video on oh wow wow i'm gonna feel the weight in it oh it goes that way doesn't it whoa have i just recorded something did you hear it yeah not sure it's like real to real i think that is i think so for this guys is there a map on there no no mate just the serial number some old stuff in here isn't there some proper antiques nice more artwork up on the walls here or hunting they like to hunt back in the day didn't they stag hunting yeah love the cheeky hunt harmonica wow that is old man what does it make is that penguin penguin penguin box penguin camera how cool is that nice find that isn't it that bla look at this dining room table though but i've had some parties in here you know yeah well haven't they old says lounge if you're english i can't even say it though chad's long wow more artwork like who's saying they're such big rooms aren't they yeah let's get a pan of that they are all such big rooms look at the designs in this unit here wow they're all full all silver glass wow more china there are your cups and sauces etc it's weird how they they kept all like cutlery in that in the dining room and not in the kitchen like you do nowadays a bit stiff though yeah my ivory feels like it feels like ivory handles uh yeah i think these come out as well because look at the size of that so it might be like a safe or something like a built-in safe look at these guys i can't even open that nice silver they are silver's on quite heavy though i can't open that but there is something in there that's the challenge of having one hand open this tin can you open it someone in there it's like rusted shirt isn't it yeah leave it if it won't open there's no point ragging it chest pieces yeah that's cool isn't it there you go it's like a games room nice little fireplace you know nice riggins aren't they beautiful they are quite good condition as well considering the damage on the outside a little pantry yeah okay it's three little serving hatch there as well it's cool it's mad how different they're built today though isn't it like this like an old victorian manor empty fridge and it's got like servant bells and servant hatches and all sorts more wooden artwork no electric mate what's up it was the door goes on there i don't know what's wrong though that's strange this kitchen's strange isn't it yeah the whole place is a bit really laid out very dangerous [Music] it's like cheaply put together compared to the rest of the house isn't it yeah probably another one anyone know what that is guys some sort of old school flamethrower look like they've been collecting bottles as well i wonder if they would have found stuff like this on the land you know is it i wonder if they find these bottles on the on their land that's why they've kept them here probably makes sense big heavy eye in there look at these i love these old jugs big jugs creedy vintage cider oil sprayer greetings from devon at southdale greetings from devon thanks devon i'm never coming back like 60s style cooker i think that and gas electric heater sorry keep saying gas heater oh look at the cobwebs coming down here nice house this though i bet it costs a fortune yeah oh yeah like the old serving trolleys take your uh your brew and biscuits in on that would you think so far guys i think it's absolutely amazing house downstairs yeah yeah loving it beautiful head upstairs check out the three bedrooms hopefully he's got a few more little surprises upstairs guys let's head up yeah a nice curved staircase you can see the plaster coming off the wall now because it's damp yeah it is a lot lighter standard in these victorian houses to have the toilet separate from the bathroom look at this staircase though it's nice this isn't it yeah there's a nice staircase you know it comes with decorating you've got paint up there yeah it's like in the counter they get stairs on it on this bit uh ladders on this one just leave them over yeah just hope for the best angela brazil again must be a favorite or for us i mean the jolliest term on record hey check out this magazine day on 1988. yeah yeah yeah older than me know your vegetables it's a year older than me though yeah and me let's have a look in these rooms here now are you seeing in here though they're all paintings oh nice look at the size of them they're cool aren't they it's about all really all right as well oh yeah what check that out guys yeah i think it's more of a respirator is it not sure henley if anyone knows guys let us know in the comments it's cool that's like a family like i don't know made out of fur though hope it's not made out of squirrel there's a squirrel on it not room this isn't it yeah that's insane i wouldn't have thought you'd have found such old stuff here no handy andy the miracle of life oh look at the size of this uh landing though absolutely massive very grand isn't it yeah compared to houses nowadays i'm checking these bedrooms on oh wow look at this guys this looks so dated what that's for like artwork i think put your paintings and stuff in there what no what no [Music] confederate five dollars i'm more bothered about the cigars me now look at that old one pound note confederate what yeah is that then loads of half pennies wow i'm trying to figure out when the confederate look oh god more english one pounds i usually have a date and i've never seen an english one-pound note we don't do it before our time then yeah united states of america five dollars confederate 1864 mate wow it's all just like fragrances and stuff is there anymore i don't know much about what we're looking at here yeah look you do that oh there's all reels in there recording imagine what's on there wow this house is amazing associates don't know what that is yeah there's some more stuff there i'm not sure yeah let's put that money back in here wow she put it on the bed so you can see yeah guys has anyone ever seen a confederate five pound note 5 1989 that's mad it's an absolute madness dale these old magazines here from canada usa and canada dale usa yeah 1981. stamps here free pence stamp nice wow proper little collectors these aren't they collectors items what's in there then oh look at that when these magazines are all tucked away here the old sunday bath suit there what's that just more free pictures and stuff that's cool i wonder what this is in this box is look like an old hat box that's empty anyway look at that agreement yeah yeah sort of back in the day when you wanted to be like lightning all his books and little bits and bobs in here i want to check what's in here now because we're finding some right mud stuff aren't we it's in these drawers our drawers are empty i don't know the button holder all videotapes comedies it says more videotapes oh they're a bit stuck at the bottom yes hopefully not oh look at this hat dale hey wet proper wedding hat for the races or something wow these are very got grand clove in these the wallpaper all coming down in the curtains such a shame anyone know what this is a path it looks like it's a video camera nine millimeter looks like a very old camera i think once again guys if you know let us know down below it'll be very helpful indeed it's fooling there's some well nice stuff in here wow look that bad detail in that bed as well oh portable tv there phillips any of these chaps here three little barbies bedding pajamas like a makeup kit wow i think that's all makeup jewelry boxes maybe not sure and i can't get in that one because the carpets rolled up cool this so in it look at the artwork up on the wall as well looks like italy or something nice little suitcases yeah they are nice to find there's chandelier there little chandelier yeah i just saw the look at that it's cool isn't it nice little bars all right so we head over to this room see what we can find in here wow stuffed again it does look like people were ready to move stuff look at this lamp guys little chair up there holding a big horn wow another chaz lounge cheslong i don't actually know how you say it it's called the shea lounge you know when you want to get sexy with your misses look at this the heck the hay wine john constable you just knew they're watching yeah they're creepy that one's eyes move i think no i prefer dolls to moss yeah i don't like muffs either old style telephones there mate look at that i bet after people watching i've never used one of these look at that record player mate solidity seen that before aren't we fidelity fidelity can't read me any clothes in there no no way i'll never know oh wow that drawings wow are you dated look at that yeah nice isn't it buggy or buggy baggy i hate drawing hands me do you yeah well hard to do they always look like bananas when i do so cool this isn't it look at the plaster coming away from the wall right back to the brick there i wanna like i wanted to put like you know one of them coins in the hand huh because i'm gonna do it you're gonna do it just checking out these old lamp shades ah the book's called lampshades as well absolutely amazing place guys i'm just lying on there moloko draw me like one of your french girls all right next room so many bloody rooms in this house it's so big and we are now in the bathroom guys check this out huge bathroom once again no no water been nice to bath this huge i could do with one like that nice anything in these iron cupboards don't think so guys put your towels in bed in there some more towels and bedding is it yeah yeah it didn't look right hugest place isn't it you ever seen a battery in this big it feels massive in there wait when you go into my bathroom i couldn't walk into my bathroom [Laughter] it's such a shame about the the decay coming in doesn't it yeah it's clean everywhere like all over here yeah oh dale look there's another servant belle yeah it says bathroom downstairs i'm going to press one before really we're both getting there i think he's off the side yeah this another bedroom yeah wow wow oh my god i like a bit of pink this is amazing yeah is this jackets and shirts they feel dusty why is that sinking here look at that it's mad when you see uh sinks and that in bedrooms makes me so jealous 1990 that's the latest date we've seen mate 1990 all these books on here as well look at the bottles dale what's this there is boxes absolutely everywhere what is that magnifying glass yes no yeah old style one so you just put that on top of there like that no way yeah back in it's got lenses on it as well there's a little briefcase a few bits in there i'm not gonna go in though what's that bottle no offense i don't know where we are yeah his shoes all these shoes on the bottom here eerie when you see their shoes just sat here yeah diary just uh what he's been buying and that in there just trying to look at these magazines see the dates 25 p this is from canada usa as well i wonder if they were american there's a lot from i've always said if i was able to move anywhere nice little single bed there more units it's absolutely amazing for this artwork you know this fella is very distinguished this is the land you get guys there's all the back guard and all overgrown incredible little mini sewing machine more bottles yeah warwick warwick richards all sops seen one of them before look at the dust on them though chocolate yeah let's have a look at this little last room well that's like a workshop this room it's a strange one to have upstairs isn't it yeah it's a fireplace if it was like maybe they have a lot of stuff stored up here yeah more drawings that's trying to see these newspapers but they're all our bookshelves all cleared that's where all the books will be from downstairs oh yeah well yeah bottled as well it's actually amazing this house it's huge you have a little look in the attic while we're here you never know do you god you can report back see if there's out up there i had a feeling that i was getting so first you like going first out no it's just like it stuff oh insulation yeah stuff itchy attic stuff what's this it's just glass there yeah just paints the glass absolutely amazing this place such a time capsule all right guys hope you've enjoyed it i'm going to finish it off here guys not going to go outside because there's neighbors and be a bit on top so we're going to finish off up here hope you've enjoyed it guys this place has been absolutely amazing right nice little time capsule there's 26 pounds worth of stuff all antiques stuff that i've never seen before confederate money wow amazing place hope you've enjoyed it guys anyway if you have remember to hit the like button subscribe if you're new hit notification future explores we're on to the next one guys so uh we'll see you next week cheers
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 249,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yZlM5aTectU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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