(1793) CoCraft Padlock 450B-2 (Redefining Disaster)

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[Music] well guys i got this in an envelope from banked in norway and uh he sent a little note with it i'm going to leave it off because there's some personal information he says uh the co craft is i security lock and says it's a nine here we go so it's a nine on a scale of one to ten assuming that that's the high security end um at least for pin tumbler co-craft's a brand of cloth olson stores common in orange sweden blah blah blah he goes on to talk about it's repentable supposedly and he wants to know hi there's how it says there's a hole in the side of the lock body thinks there's a screw in it and some online customers said that a pin fell out of there so um i don't know can't really see the key let's crack this open take a look see if we can't get it picked and see if it is repentable all right let's take a crack at this guy line that up it works ah so the claim of high security so far seems to be holding we got ball bearings so that's a good thing i don't see any screw down in there to take the core out though unfortunately we'll take a look at that in a minute let's first try to figure out how to get this open um in this keyway very paracentric so i'm going to use a bottom of the keyway probably this one gives me room to work from that ledge on the right without interfering with the tensioner that'll work so let's try that and i will try a fifteen thousand this is the attila from sparrows in fifteen thousand you can tell by the blue handle it's all the way in light let's try to bully it so moderate tension see if we can find a binder nothing nothing nothing there it is right there in the front pin one maybe oh there we go a little click well not a little that was a big click little turn on the core so we do have a fault set right off the bat so pin one is probably a gatekeeper probably a standard pin okay i'm on pin two i am getting counter rotation so because we have a fault set we know we're on a security pin probably a spool or mushroom and a counter rotation tells me this is the one that's stuck in the shear line pin two so let's lighten up on our tension and see if we can force him through that gap and there we go we do have a little bit deeper fault set let's check pin one he's good pin two's good that feels like pin four again with the counter rotation these pins feel undersized so i'm having a little trouble getting the tip of the pick positioned correctly and you can also tell i'm about to break my pick here we go so i still kept my fault set so let me check one we're good two still good three still spring e4 is good all right so now we gotta find because we have a fault set we're looking for a security pin [Music] and i can't find him wait a minute that might be him but but this pick doesn't have enough you can see it doesn't have a lot of rise let's try another pick with more ryze and that would be let's try see if we can get this guy in there's a 15 000 pretty stout shaft so you can see i've done it before so if i break it i feel sad for like 30 seconds because i got another one just like it waiting all right i have counter rotation on the flash pin you can see that come on i'm about to break that pick let's see if these guys in the front are still good there's pin two again he's dropped back down let's knock him out first that's my theory anyway come on we go three's back down i don't know how all these guys fell i have lost the faults at pin five come on okay the fault set just popped back pin threes down come on you know these pins are probably undersized and maybe this the head of this pick maybe i'm grabbing two at a time let's try a real fine tip this is the let's see what it is a v0 maybe that's not even enough try one with a little more hook to him this guy this is the v31 from multi-pick get all that stuff out of there and he might be too much too much hook all right i'm definitely getting counter rotation on three and there we go i got a deeper fault set so i think that was it these were probably undersized pins and i was probably grabbing two at a time okay that feels like pin four counter rotation so we got another spool there let me be real careful and come on get positioned right there come on checking everybody in the front now i think everybody in the front is good [Music] pin threes back down counter rotation wow okay i got him checking on the front okay we have a fault set but i have no idea which one it is now there it is pin two again got him okay still have the fault set let's check pin one there we go pin one is now back down come on get on there counter rotation got him i'll pick a stock all right we have a fault set so there's still one spool in there somewhere it looks like now it's pin two and there we go finally my goodness wow all right i've got to say it probably stands up to the rating of a nine that took me according to the camera about seven a little over seven minutes total filming time to get this guy open yeah not a bad little lock i i know what you want you want me to open it but let's take a look at that real quick the hole you talk about here on the side if you take a probe and you slide them in there you can see them in the bottom there so here's a drain hole so when water dribbles down the shaft it gets in there it can drain out doesn't corrode the shackle closed uh the same is true on this hole so that is on the bottom of this shaft so i'm going to close him so i'm going to shove him all the way in and when i push down you'll notice the shaft pushes the probe out so this is the drain hole for that side the core is not replaceable it is really not re-keyable they probably sell blanks which you mentioned in your letter but the blanks are so that you can take one of your keys and get them copied so you can have another one made all right so what am i going to do i'm going to open them up guys i'm going to mill this off and let's see what kind of tricky stuff is inside of here all right guys i made a single pass on the top of this lock and that pin those the drain hole right there that pin just popped out i have no idea where it went but it could have gone very deep that's the pin that holds the core in and the core just slid right actually it popped out about that far so i was able to just pull it right out of there i noticed right away that the back of it is not shielded so this is probably by passable but not with the the standard either abus or the american tool they won't quite fit around the curves of this keyway but it seems that you'd be able to make a bypass tool to get through that warding and turn that actuator anyway enough of that unfortunately i also noticed that this does not want to come apart this is permanently installed there's a pin right there that they drove in to hold the core in yeah so even if we turn it i didn't try this but yeah even if we turn it it won't pop out so i've got to figure out a way to get that pin out let me try to put a real small hole and then maybe i can use the e out to pull that pin and then we can continue with the disassembly all right that wasn't too bad slid that dude right out of there and let's see we got here i am going to shim it because we have that little gap i don't really know i hate to screw up this cutting at this point slide this dude right there he should he should work about right all right let's go ahead and unlock it get everything lined up slide our shim in who almost did it didn't we all right i'm going to turn it let's see let's turn them like that so that we would kind of remove that gap and we'll put the pins uh-oh it's non-standard dang it all right let's see if i got another smaller one here let's see if this yeah he's a flat but that's okay we're shimming it nope still non-standard not gonna work not gonna work all right let's do it this way let's start pulling these guys out and using the core as our plug i'll try to keep the pins on the top so we can kind of do this in a halfway organized way all right the sixth chamber appears empty and that makes sense i didn't feel six so let's keep sliding it forward all right what's holding me up here come on now come on what are you caught in oh man i'll bet you i'll bet you that fourth pin fell into the hole or into the groove oh yeah all right what can we do what can we do another gutting disaster all right let's get the dremel out and just cut this cut this dude apart all right i cut one side of this i really enjoy playing the fool yeah and documenting it no less all right let's try to pry it if not i'll cut the other side should be we'll just snap there we go okay that's exactly what happened looks like pin four fell into that friggin chamber should've had the foresight to see that all right now let's keep going shall we let's push let's push four back up in there get up there now we can continue kind of with this well-documented disaster all right this is not gonna work all right there's five come on come on now four has popped all right hell with it they're all going to fall into that slot guys there are well it makes it easy because they are all spools every single one of them looks like yeah some are sharper than others this first one here let's grab him with tweezers get a close look all of these are spools nice long except this first one it looks like he almost looks like a little anti-bump or you know like serrated he's got grooves in both ends that's definitely not a spool though so he's the only different one so that's kind of what we're looking i'm not even going to bother put that up there i bet you that all of these guys you notice how they're all smaller diameter too this would be probably american size diameter or master lock diameter so they were a little hard to position on nice and sharp anyway yet one more documented disaster appreciate your time appreciate your patience stay safe guys stay legal bing well you got your wish it's gutted there you go [Music] you
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 21,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lockpicking asmr, lock picking asmr
Id: zboiAcEhknU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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