180 HP Grumman Yankee

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[Music] hi this is mark at sky wagon university and today we're going to meet bob who's ex-air force and reno air racer an f-16 pilot who's interested in this t-34 but he's brought this uh gram and yankee is it yes but it's not your average yankee bob what's under the hood it's a 1974 yankee grumman yankee aa1b but that normally comes with an o235 engine with 108 horsepower this has a lycoming 0360 with 180 horsepower nice so it's faster and climbs significantly better and it's still a little it's the little two-seater primary trainer yes six gear fixed pitch but just huge performance yes and it has auxiliary fuel tanks so that it can go long distance as well yeah and interestingly the fuel tanks are the spa and the spa is a tube tube tube however you say hollow wing tip to wing tip a tube about this big and that's the gas wing tip to wing tip so there's like it holds 11 in each tube in each side and five more as a tip so you've got 16 32 yes so 32 that will give you a three hour range max yeah yeah safely but you live on a short strip in the mountains uh no uh down to sea level oh is it still yes but you need to climb out you've got 2000 feet and this uses how much does it use to take off uh about a thousand feet okay so it's not even a problem no these are great yeah so this is the little the smallest of gremlins planes right yes there's yankee cheetah tiger okay yeah so here it is inside just two seats and very conventional but yeah bob talk us through it looks pretty obvious but it's nice well it does have an apollo gps it has a fuel computer which is a very handy in handling the auxiliary tanks they hold five gallons each so what you do when you take off is when it tells you you've burnt six gallons out of the left tank you switch to the right tank and turn on the transfer and the wingtip pumps its five gallons of fuel into the left tank making it so that the right tank is now full again and uh there are the transfer pumps down there yes so you've got left right transfer correct okay it has a uh sky beacon adsb it's uh on the where the the tail is the tail beacon and uh in order for them to see it you have to have all the lights on uh so you fly with the lights on all the time so this is um a week 10 days later and we ended up taking the plane in on trade and now i own it and bob doesn't own it but bob is earlier in the video which is great because he showed us what it was like now i'm actually going to do a test flight so when we thought we weren't going to fight we are going to fly it's a few days if there's an overlap of certain information then sorry about that but this is just a quick test flight of it 180 horsepower ground yankee a1b that's a lot of engine in a very small plane it's a piper archer engine same engines would be in a cherokee 180 or a paper archer or a number of other planes fixed pitch oh 360 carbureted lycoming so it's basically a tiger it goes yankee there's traveller yankee cheetah tiger this is the smallest plane with a bigger engine so this is a tiger engine in a yankee it's very very small when it's on the tight end and the spinners are all lined up with the other planes its vertical fin is near the rear window over 182 almost just like six feet short of the chain barely reaches the tail but be very handy it's like having a little rv nose wheel rv it'd be very handy to put in a hanger with another plane because it doesn't use any space now i'm going to put down a little bit of flaps very good visibility so i can check final and then entire airport environment without even turning the plane quick run up [Music] left right goes [Music] [Music] possible traffic eight eight sixty lemurs departing only two three local player platinum finals clear that's coming up little primer 1200 feet a minute [Applause] and it's got a roll response like a little fighter backing off the rpm a bit which is pretty keen to go into the yellow so it's got fuel flow gauge and it's also got these side gauges on both sides which are a ball floating in the tube and the fuel just floats the ball they're very direct arsenal 62 my left hand two three plasma so it cruises if i went to like 4 500 feet and set her up at 2400 rpm 9 gallons an hour it does 135 knots which is like 182 speed so it's like it's like a little rv it's like nipping around the place for nine gallons an hour 550 pound useful load 30 gallons of gas package in the back two people a great cheap run around fast though and very good if you were in the mountains or high performance i wanted to get out of a high altitude munching mansion in a little plane big engine these are normally 112 or 109 horsepower very small this is 180. shorts more wings so it does want to get up to about 70 before it takes off and land so lower down a little bit classical 16 nameless on left base two three possible elbow flaps the flap indicator is the flap you just look out the window and there it is it's about 12 inches away and you can fly it with a canopy open six inches i'm not gonna because it's cold four flaps classical 60 lima's on final two three look at the visibility in it it's a bubble i'm doing 80 knots i'll probably touch down at 65 70. interestingly i've not touched the trim and it's been very very well coordinated the whole way through the flight found it like a piper batman one two three sixty five so as a primary flight trainer it was not as popular as some of its competition because it has this short stubby high performance wing so you have to land it like 65 70 rather than 150 you could land it at 50. so they didn't catch on as well as grumman hoped they would but they're great if you've already got your license and you just want to go fast for not a lot of money and plasterville 16 lima exiting uh clearing 2 3 of plasma so here [Music] you
Channel: Skywagon University
Views: 5,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zYa1t908piE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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