(1594) Review: Multipick's VAG Laser Track Car Picks (WOW!)

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well guys you've heard me say many times I'm not a arlok guy but I couldn't help myself I had several locksmiths recommend this tool this is the vague locks at the 7-piece bag lock set from multi pick it sells for a hundred euros which is about a hundred eleven bucks I ordered one mostly out of curiosity but then I took them and you'll notice these laser tracks are probably filthy because I've spent an entire day going around to two different wrecking yards trying these out on different year model of a glove a little bit difficult to find the states I only managed to find them I think it was a I found it on VW's a lot of UW's I found a few Audis a Porsche and I think even a Mercedes so I tried it out and I got to tell you I had not a single failure to open any of those cars with these locks these things are just in crime a become a car lock guy anyway let's take a quick look at these there as I said there are a total of seven of them there on this neat little ring to keep them in order and you really need to keep them in order if you take a look at these guys now you they almost look like well they actually there are they are jigglers but this one here looks almost like a the Bogota version and this what number one has a high in the front middle and rear they're all a little bit different so somebody and multi pick put an awful lot of thought into statistical analysis of what the cuts of n possible wafers could be because the HU 66 which is a really common lock in 2005 and before had 7 wafers and then the most recent copy is the is the hu 162 which can have up to 10 wafers and these indeed do work on those as I'll show you and prove to you in just a minute anyway that did the analysis and they came up with seven possible combinations now these are not exact fits I thought that I was going to be able to just slide this into a lock and turn it open maybe these are the only seven I didn't know but no in fact these are jiggler keys but they're gonna be very very close so just a little bit of jiggle and I managed to get into probably over 50 cars at the wrecking yard anyway I did there are a couple locks here and these are off I believe of Volkswagen these are different I don't have the keys for them unfortunately they are both completely intact so I'm gonna go ahead and clamp one of these dudes up and I'm gonna show you how easy it is to use these vac keys all right guys something I should point it out earlier these are jiggler keys they are not decoders so if your customer has lost his key and will be needing another key these will only get you in the car they will not decode the lock most situations are where the customer has locked his key inside of the car maybe his dog has jumped on the lock and locked the dog along with the keys in the ignition inside these will get you in and then of course the customer will have access to his key they also will not start a car they have no microchip so any of those security features these keys will not defeat that is only to get access through the door or through the ignition to get it started but to get a turn but it will not start the car and keep it running all right here we go this is the first one I have no idea which one it's gonna take so that the approach I took at the wrecking yard was just to start with number one number one really I never had a lot of luck with number one if you look at the bidding of it it's got high in the middle in the front and a little bit in the back there but I did get a few of them a few cars with it so I'm not gonna give up I'm just gonna start sequentially all you do is you slide it in you notice how it's not as wide as that key way that allows you to jiggle it back and forth as you saw there it doesn't really need to slide in out too much just a little bit while you jiggle it back and forth and you'll know pretty quickly I found that while you're doing this little back and forth action you'll get a little bit of a false set and that tells you that the key is probably very close if after say five seconds you don't get a little bit of a false set it's probably not the right one and like I said I don't have a lot of luck with number one number two though is I started calling it my vague Bogota this thing opened up probably thirty different vehicles by itself this would be my key of joy okay all the way in again a little bit of tension these are spring-loaded and just jiggle back and forth while you pulled it in and out just a fraction of an inch I felt a little turn on the core there I think this one's probably close let's try it again I'm it a little bit of tension giggle again I felt a slight turn on the core but not close enough all right my lucky key wasn't so lucky today I'm gonna go with number three notice how I'm starting the jiggle back and forth and I'm extracting it just a little bit I give it about three cycles of that and if I don't get anything on to key number four I haven't open these and I don't have keys I really don't know what they look like so don't put too much tension on the core I mean twisting action because you'll bind up the wafers all right that's three on four we got nothing let's try number five getting down to the wire here okay Heat really again I didn't have a heck of a lot of luck with number five there's not a lot of bumps there but I guess enough of them exist like that to justify making this particular key nothing all right let's go with six six again that's very similar I think it was to key number three we've got higher cuts laughing all right we're down the wire guys this has to be it number seven again it looks a lot like six doesn't it except two high cuts in one law and wouldn't you know it it's always the last one you try yeah I know I know anyway in this case it was the last key that we had so there you go we got an open I'm not gonna try that again bag number seven let's try let's try this other lock it's off of a different car and said none of these guys had keys so I have no idea what the bidding looks like on these guys all right again I'm gonna start with number one and it seems get number one out here where did you go devil number one again three cycles and I got nothing don't waste any more time let's go with number two my boy he I felt a slight turn on the core there and there we go I have had a lot of luck with this number two he opens almost everything I only have one key number two would be it anyway guys there you go the multi pick seven piece bag jiggler keys at a hundred euros 111 bucks if your locksmith if you open a single car for a customer you're gonna pay for the entire set everything after that I think would probably be profit if I were a car guy these would have to be in my bag anyway guys if you'd like to win this stick around I'll tell you how to do it appreciate your time stay safe stay legal all you need to do is navigate to lock lab comm the tribal website and scroll down the middle of page you'll see all the giveaway buttons Monday Wednesday and Friday but the one you're looking for is the weekend review giveaway man just click on it it'll take you to the registration page again scroll the bottom put in a good email address so if you win I can get in touch with you to let you know I'm put in a username doesn't matter what it is and click Submit when you're done you'll get a green checkmark confirming your entry thanks guys [Music] you [Music]
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 338,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, (1594) Review: Multipick's VAG Laser Track Car Picks (WOW!), Review: Multipick's VAG Laser Track Car Picks (WOW!), Review: Multipick's VAG Laser Track Car Picks, Multipick's VAG Laser Track Car Picks, VAG Laser Track Car Picks, VAG car picks, car lock picking, car lockout kit, car locksmith, car lockout
Id: 9NtDH-8z95M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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