(1466) LockLab Pinning Tray Experiments

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alright guys I thought I might tell you what I've been up to for the last two weeks or so and it also mind to kind of explain why my hands have been a little bit beat up I've been looking at pinning trays now you might ask why because I well you know some of your viewers have sent you some beautiful pinning trees Peter Stevens Ellis built this for me and it's kind of neat he made this with nothing but his hands and a router cut some slots little open chamber there inset a lock with Bosnia bill really nice very nice work I got to say but as I'm looking through some of these each of them has an idea that I like and I'm I'm starting to put these ideas together again another walnut one by Stevens Ellis with a router and I'm putting these ideas together and storing them and I have been well for the last couple of years this was my Bob Stout made out of beautiful piece of bamboo and this one's made with more than a router it's a 3d router I don't know what kind he has but that allows him it's a CNC cutter and it allowed him to put in LOC lab logo so very cool and again we're starting to see multiple chambers and different depths so deeper chambers shallower flutes so really cool ideas that I'm starting to stack up you know unique shapes this one we call this the Jeep because it looks like a windshield with the grille and the headlights so very cool multiple chambers for different stuff and you know I've really been putting these ideas together hoping to to make one of my own someday and then three things have happened lately that made me decide to go ahead and jump onto that the first is this it I know it doesn't look like much but I stole this from lock-picking lawyer no truth is he loaned it to me and this was one of his learning curves as well but it turned out it's a mistake it's made out of a cutting board by the way it was a mistake but he learned an important lesson and it turned out to be a benefit for all of us first of all when we're dumping pins traditionally we tried to dump them very carefully to hit the right flute more often than not the pin bounces around and goes in the wrong place and you got to pick it up and move it well Harry came up with this idea and what happened was he had cut the flue and he was cutting a chamber and he accidentally cut too far and he cut the chamber down into the flutes and the first he thought it was a mistake and then he realized that if he dumps the pins up there he just can drag them into the right chamber it's a great idea so this was basically the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of design this was an important advance in design even though the mistake I thought we just got to have that that's just great the second thing that happened is I found a guy on ebay selling drop offs of quarry an and I thought oh maybe I can get on my milling machine and maybe pop a few of these things out but then I wouldn't going to be able to have some of those other benefits like that custom logo and engraving and all that stuff so I set this aside and then I found this guy this is a shape OCO 3 that I found listed on Craigslist the guy was going through a divorce decided to dump all of his stuff is amiss garage and I grabbed it now I needed some work needed a new circuit board needed a new router it was pretty nasty but I cleaned it up replaced a bunch of parts and it ended up it ends up working great it is a lot cheaper than buying a brand new one so now I took all these things together I went on to my SolidWorks program I designed the very first pinning tray based on the size of the quarry and that I had already bought off of ebay I plugged it into the shape Oakland 3 and out came version 1 now you're gonna see a series of failures here but I'm learning from each and every one of them first of all I tried to cut this entire thing in one pass I had a very slow feed rate obviously and what you see here took 42 minutes to complete but it's got a lot of mistakes in it first of all when it started trying to plunge to cut down into this groove where the core would go it wasn't cutting the complete depth also along that same line this tray is supposed to be three millimeters deep as are these flutes it was cutting this three but it only cut the flutes to I never did figure out why that was but that that's just the way it turn also the logo turned out looking like crap because you don't engrave logos with the ball and endmill just not gonna work so one pass and chest total failure so went on to version two made a couple of changes again I kept the same one pass I kept the quarter-inch ball and end mill it took me 50 eighths to do this one in one pass but I still have some problems it didn't like plunging down aside here even with a slower feed rate so I realized that's gonna have to go to two passes in order to get a successful cut here likewise I'm still having the two height differences between the dump chamber and the flutes and left a little ski ramp there I didn't want that I want these both exactly the same depth one pass wasn't gonna get it also lock lab I'm a slow learner was still screwed up Version three and four were identical failures and they both failed in exactly the same place I sped up my feed rate because I was having two passes so the first be the first one was a very fast speed rate left these real rough marks the second pass was a much slower feed rate and it's beautiful beautiful finish almost class like but by the time it got to here it didn't like plunging down inside of there and so we had a jump cog and we had a complete failure right here two times so I decided to try something else version 5 version 5 was 2 passes like a quarter inch ball and end meal took 91 minutes I got rid of the lock lab logo I put in a tweezer tray I'm a slow learner but I'm not totally stupid and it came out looking pretty good a couple of improvements I decided to make on version 5 everywhere you see red I decided to champ our Filat the edges these are real sharp so I decided to kind of round them off to give it a more finished a more professional look so back to the drawing board came out with this guy again two passes but I changed because I wanted a finer finish I changed it to a 8-bit eight inch ball end end mill and it took hundred and twenty-two minutes to reach this point where that 1/8 inch it started to fail so I'm starting to learn the same lessons again and again back to the quarter inch slowed down my feed rate took two passes and it came out perfect there you go guys everything's rounded all the edges are rounded the plunge is perfect so slow down the feed rate and make two passes everything turns out beautiful I also learned that quarry n is different depending on the manufacturer and the color so when I cut this off-white one with these little particles I think you can see them in there very nice texture now this cut very cleanly and it didn't leave a lot of mark basically what I had to do is run over this with some steel wool and it just took most of those marks out I also found a way to engrave this instead of using the quarter inch ball in Mela I used the bit that I should have used to start with which is intended for engraving than 90 degree V bit and again that came out beautiful put some paint down in there steel wool dit came out looking great this took believe it or not it still took about two hours from beginning to end well because I messed with Harry's prototype I decided to make him one as well and I went ahead and put his logo so by the time you see this video you might have already seen this in some of lair Harry's videos because I'm filming this a little bit ahead of time I decided to try this also in different colors and I tried to do it in black because Harry said he wanted one in black well I did mine it came out okay but what I find about black is that it really shows the toolmarks no matter how careful or how slow your feed rate is if there's any kind of defect like right I think you can see that it really bothers and not mean or retentive so it really bothers me but when you look at it from a distance kind of cool this black has some kind of a Flemish lip it over it's got some kind of reflective material in it and on this shined area all of it had these machine marks I did 400 grit 600 and then I used steel wool to really smooth out all the high points the low points I just left it kind of four hours from beginning to end little over four hours still I decided to make hairy one as well see you guys might have seen this one as well all right my original idea was to kind of produce these things and put them on the website - you know maybe help offset some of the costs of the postage in some of the giveaways so I knew working for four hours I was never going to be able to sell it at that rate so decided to try something different decided to downscale it a little bit get rid of all the deep plunge cuts which reduces the risk of failures and this is what I came up with a nice little tray everything is fileted everything comes out at the right altitude in chess beautiful little steel wool little paint came out perfect this is a ninety minutes beginning to end I decided to make a couple more out of different colors of Corian that I had bought this is out of half-inch material and the shape boko really doesn't care but really is beautiful material it just takes so long to produce again 90 minutes for each of these not economical to produce I decided to look at a different material so I went off to Bed Bath & Beyond I found this guy bamboo this is called a our block for those of you who've gone into bars this is what they bring your sandwiches on a little cheese tray stuff like that kind of nice because the entire perimeter already has that fill it already round already finished so all I'd have to do is do the engraving on the stuff inside of the tray and I'd be done and so that's exactly what I did here because wood is a softer material I went ahead and put the core storage area back in there it had no trouble at all with the plunge cuts on any of this it just came out beautiful from beginning to end and this one is just out of the router nothing's been done to it other than I did a light sanding for about two minutes it takes 45 minutes to cut everything that you see so by the time you sand it and spray it with a little polyurethane varnish you probably got about 45 minutes into it this is what I ended up with still not quite economical to produce so on with my mission all right you guys remember this guy I made him a couple years ago and I made it out of a cheese tray that I bought from Bed Bath & Beyond and me but it's made by a company called epicurean so I went back and I looked for some more and they still make them their logo is different too got a sticker on the back now but see Mike epicurean block except this one's in brown and that is what I came up with no plunge cuts because it's only a quarter of an inch thick but I've got three of these trays that are cut to different depths I got my dump tray and then all the flutes are the same depth cut has that dump tray came out very very nice it comes with a little hole to hang it up out of the way when you're not using it yeah 43 minutes but no post-production sanding or anything is required this is exactly what it looks like when it comes out of the machine anyway still at 45 minutes you're not gonna find these listed on a lock lab for sale sorry guys but I will give you the plans if you'd like to make any of these I'll put all the plans for everything I've just shown you on to Thingiverse and I'll put the link down there in the description so if you want a 3d print it if you want to take the source files and modify it and put your own logo or your own name up there or if you have a 3d cutter you can take the g-code and cut it exactly the way it is right there if you want this stuff check out the link go get it for free anyway guys appreciate your time stay safe stay legal and I hope that explains why my hands have been banged up for the last two weeks thanks guys I produced over 200 videos a year for the last several years and would really appreciate your support all I'm asking is you subscribe click on the like button for each video and share them on social media that's it thanks guys [Music] you [Music]
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 25,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: (1466) LockLab Pinning Tray Experiments, pinning tray amazon, bosnian bill pinning tray, bosnianbill pinning tray, pinning tray uk, lock pinning tray, Lock Lab, LockLab, Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lock picking equipment, locksmith equipment, lock disassembly kit, lock disassembly tools, lock disassembly tool kit, lock disassembly tool set, locksport tools, locksporting
Id: FdEm-Pz3Zj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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