#1709 Incredible Resin Fireworks!

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[Music] thank you g'day guys welcome back welcome to pouring your heart out now um I'm gonna do a bloom well a top of Bloom and my resin has been sitting for 40 minutes and it has got to 40 between 41 and 42 degrees Celsius it's feeling nice and warm so I'm going to just get straight into this and pour my resin out I am using the new to me let's resin Fast cure resin I'll show you the bottles as soon as I've cleaned off my little stick here so I can use it again tomorrow my mixing stick all right so um let's give this a quick little torch so with the let's resin resin Fast cure one A and B it says the four hour demold eight to ten hour curing now it will depend on the temperature of your room obviously if you're in a really cold area it's going to take longer if you're in a hot area it's going to take not quite as long so that's what I've used and I'm using my Live Edge tray I haven't filled it up all the way because I don't think I need to fill it up all the way um I used I did 120 grams of a and 105 grams of B so I've got 225 grams so almost a cup almost a cup full of resin and yeah I mix it up in that big cup there I did put it in my vacuum chamber for a couple of minutes just to get the bubbles out because it's it's a thicker resin it's a one-to-one resin so they're generally thicker uh well in my experience they've all been thicker the one-to-one resins but I find that the one-to-one resins do do really good blooms they do do all right so I'm going to do something a little bit different but I'm going to get my ink in first because you always need to get your ink in first I've kept some resin out and about an ounce for my white so I'm using my octopus fluids alcohol ink and I'm going to start with a couple of drops of Navy it's pretty isn't it and then some Sapphire I want to put too much I don't want to put too much ink in I don't think I do anyway I want to be able to see the white let's put another one of those into three of those in the center all right now we'll see how that goes now that can just sit there for a minute and I am going to do well I'm not going to be piping blooms you'll see in a minute what I'm going to do this this one had two drops in it okay so I'm using the just resin can't really see it anymore titanium white now I'm just going to dip that in so it hits the bottom give it a bit of a swish around so that's how much there's on there but now I'm going to wipe the top and wipe the bottom and that's pretty much all that I'm going to use I'll leave that open just in case I want to add a little bit more but I'm going to go slowly to begin with let's drop something in there what is that it must have come off the jar gosh actually you know probably come with my gloves the thing with you reusing your gloves is you get little bits of dried resin on it so I used these earlier today and you know just wipe them with some alcohol and then put them aside so that I could use them later but then you get a little dried stuff fallen off them all right so this is feeling quite warm now so normally when I well last time I did oh this is only my second time using the let's resin and because it's in a deeper cup I mixed up more this time I'm thinking it's going to set up faster so it's still transparent I'll just wipe I'll wipe that little bit of white off there you go so that you can actually see sort of see that it's still still transparent I can see the stick through there now it's a bit more difficult to see with the thicker resin because it is thicker so it's you get a bigger sort of pile sitting there on top of the stick now um what was my timing like so let me just work this out one sec I'm gonna have to add another bit of blue there it's because I was poking the stick in there I think it's gone a bit weird um yes so I'm gonna I've I let it actually it was 30 five minutes it was sitting decanted and then I think I'll wait another ten so that's another five minutes to go so we'll see we'll see yeah last time it was 40 minutes it it sat before I decanted but my room temperature was only 22 degrees today it's 24 degrees and it's a much deeper cup so as I said it was going to get hotter faster so yeah you just I think go by time sorry go by temperature once it gets to about 41 degrees Celsius then decant and then wait 10 minutes and then pop okay so um I've got another five minutes to go it's feeling okay you don't want it to feel too hot but it's you know burning you but it's got to be warm so I'm just going to wait another five minutes and then I will come back to you and I'll show you what I'm going to do next I have a couple of minutes left so [Music] my blue because I've been picking at it it's just not behaving so I'm going to just want to add a little bit of this dark blue into the lighter blue so I'm just going to do this you can see the resin is starting to thicken it's getting quite kind of sticky so um we'll get started I'm going to put my white resin in my Piping Bag and hopefully hopefully I've got my timing right today yeah it's different every time every time I pull it's it's a little bit different feeling warm in there now instead of doing petals spirals I'm going to try something a little bit different today and well we'll see if I can do it anyway we'll see now I've got the cut the tip off and I'm going to do dots so what I'm doing is I'm touching the Piping Bag to the resin so that the resin will actually let go otherwise I mean it's leaving a little bit of a it's like a train a streak can't really help that I'm not going to wipe it off every single time but I figured if I just touch it to the resin it should hopefully not leave whoops not leave too much of a train because it's sticky you know every time you do a DOT it's leaving a little Trend so um yeah I'll just do my best okay we'll just do my best so I'm just squeezing a little bit touching it to the resin and we're going to go all the way around hopefully this little thin bit that's kind of sitting on top will be sort of thin enough that you won't really see it it's the other resin that hopefully is going to drop hopefully you won't see these little thin pieces but it is what it is hope I'm making my dots big enough I'm not sure I guess we'll find out I just wanted to do something a bit different you know and hopefully that I don't know whether they're big enough whether they're too big that one wasn't very big okay there we go there we go there we go all right a bit worried that they're a bit small now never mind can't do anything about it now can we it's done all right now I'm going to give it a little bit of heat with my heat gun just on low I'm just going to go from the side a little bit kind of pushing in I don't know that you have to but look this resin is so new to me like I've only used the I did a practice one the other day and it didn't work I didn't leave it long enough and then I did that other one that I put the video up and now this one so I think three times so it's it's very new to me but and I don't even know whether I need to be heating it but okay I will just a little bit okay let's should we leave it at that so the heating kind of just gets it moving hopefully gets moving a little bit I'm not used to working with such a thick resin and it's really thick and and sticky so yeah we'll see we'll have to just see what happens hey um how about I put you on a time lapse I've never done that with these now when you're doing any sort of 3D Bloom make sure that you put your ink in early and then leave it don't think oh I've missed a spot and drop another bit of ink in and then do your Bloom straight away where that ink is it'll move and it'll make your Bloom move as well and it'll go all out of shape so don't do that right I'm going to put you on a time lapse [Music] okay so how did you enjoy that that was pretty cool wasn't it now I looking at this I can see that I've got quite a few gaps between this is all set now I can see I've got quite a few gaps and I thought how about I go again with another layer there's no reason why I can't isn't there so my resin's been sitting for half an hour I'm just going to take its little temperature just to make sure that it's at 40 degrees let's have a look Celsius I don't know if you can see that or not 36 37 38 39 it looks as if we're going to be able to get to 40. 40. all right so that was half an hour of sitting just going to clean the little probe here so I can use it again next time okay so that's uh got to that temperature for the magic 40 41 degrees now I do need to keep some of this I can't use it all um I didn't get a cup I didn't get a cup all right so just put 20 grams in there because I don't need very much I'm not going to put as many dots on as I did last time but because I didn't fill the mold last time I've still got quite a decent amount of room for a second layer and I thought why not no reason why I can't it's there what's those little bubbles there [Music] and um what am I looking for I'm just looking for something to spread it there we go spread it out to the edges it's already quite thick I mean the resin's thick to begin with and I did put it in my vacuum chamber for about 10 minutes I did it twice d-backed twice all right so I'll do the same thing I'm going to let it sit now for another 10 minutes and I am going to do my drops and I thought about going a lighter blue then I thought no let's do some purple don't look at that that's just a practice I didn't do a video it's just a little practice for me all right so um some plum and I don't want it to take over so I think that'll do I may just give it like a light swirl this is from the octopus fluids as well so we'll just give that a little bit of a a swirl just like that that way it's kind of some of it's staying up here and then some of it's like going down there into the blue and I think that'll look quite nice all right so now um I can finish my dinner I left the table my alarm went off for the saying the 30 minutes and I was at the hospital I'm gonna finish my videos I'll have a mouthful I have a mouthful of dinner my peas and corn my um some chicken parmesan are there as well oh the things we do all right now while that's doing its thing let's mix some white and um I've only got 20 grams in there I think last time I had what I have last time what did I have 35 35 I think I had 35. so we'll just have a little bit of white not as much now if you do want the let's resin Fast cure resin I will put the little link to Let's residence website and to their us Amazon store and to their UK Amazon store so if you want anything from any of those stores there's also a coupon code there and you can get 10 off which is amazing I think I need a tiny bit more a little bit more all right so um I will come back to you I've got I've got another five minutes to wait so this is looking really good I'll see you in five minutes I'm 10 minutes is up let's pour the white into the Piping Bag now because the ink is relatively transparent on my piece there I can kind of see through it and see where I need to add the drops I was a bit hesitant like going again in case it hasn't ruined the whole thing you know I mean it was really beautiful the way it is and then I've gone and done another layer so you know if the next layer doesn't work then I've totally ruined it so I was a bit in two minds about it and I thought oh just go for it you know just go for it it should work I mean there's always a little bit of Doubt when you're doing 3D blooms that it's not going to work but I'm just getting my little bit of paper towel organized there doesn't feel as warm as the last one did Hmm this is when I second guess myself and go oh it's not as warm but my time's up but there wasn't as much resin that is the thing that is the question hmm okay I'm gonna go by the feel of it I'm gonna wait another couple of minutes let's do this it's still not feeling as hot but I'm gonna go with it because I didn't mix up as much as I mixed up the first time so it heated up a lot faster hopefully it will still be okay all right so now basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to do the same thing but I'm going to do a little drop trying to go in between the ones that are already there I can see through the resin so we're hopefully going to have a really 3D look it's maybe these ones that I was a bit concerned about I don't know really what the middle ones are doing I can't really see and I probably should have gone like more like between the two you know but it's difficult when you when you're doing your dots you just you're just going wherever now I'm just gonna try and put them kind of oh look I don't know I've lost the plot now they're just going anywhere they're just going anywhere there's mainly these Edge ones that I was concerned about just going to try not to do one in front directly in front of the other because it'll just join and then you'll have um you know a long a long line basically now I'm just putting these where I can see there's a gap underneath on the first layer I'm trying to go between I don't think this really matters because it's really dark and you're not going to see under there anyway so there we go that's it um and I'm going to do the same thing as I did last time I'm going to give it a bit of heat get it moving hopefully this will work I'll finish my dinner it's cooking dinner tonight because I'm working and um he said quarter to seven so I thought okay I'll have dinner and then I can still decant at seven o'clock and I'm just heating up edges here and then I'm gonna hit the middle same as I did last time the resin as a whole this four hour cure resin I think as a whole it's pretty thick and then when you heat it it doesn't tint the white doesn't tend to sink as much you know as it does with other resins when you heat them they get really thin and then they just sink so there we go all right I think we're done we're done skis and hopefully this will look really pretty it's actually still got a little bit of room for a background um I don't know if I'll do one my purples kind of disappearing we'll we'll have a little bit of purple there I think we'll have a little bit of purple and look they're moving they're moving these little ones aren't moving as much do you guys want a bit of heat hmm a little bit of heat careful doing that though you want to make your resin too thin all right you guys I'm gonna go and um clean up after my dinner this is looking amazing I got you on it I'll bring it down I'm going to go for a close-up but it's yeah it was just mainly the outside ones I'll get rid of those gloves I've used them like five times already um it was many of these outside ones that I was concerned about so if the middle ones don't do much I'm not that fast because you're not going to really see the middle there anyway because it's under that navy blue down that's uh yeah it's blooming beautifully these ones in the middle don't seem to be doing all that much yet I don't know if they will or not the middle ones always take longer the outside ones go faster they've got more space to move to get to the middle whereas these don't have very very much space to get to the middle so they don't move as much so may heat them a little bit more but yeah looking good so far all right um I don't know that I'll go have a time for um a top coat I was hoping to unmold tomorrow maybe I can if I stay up late I can do a top coat what color what color anyway all right see you soon right this has set now um the outside has bloomed really well the center as you can see has just kind of gone a bit Dotty now what's happened with this is the first layer hadn't cured totally and we're still curing so it's quite warm like you know have you ever felt the middle of resin how it's usually hotter than the outside so it was still soft-ish but hard enough for me to put the next layer on but the middle was still quite hot it was curing so because it was still curing it's made the top layer in the center cure really fast so that's what's happened there now um let's try this I've decided to go with a dark purple this is Vineyard or Vineyard from just for you online UK so I'll pop a bit of that in there gosh that's very dark very dark didn't need that much I've got a little bit here I was going to put it on that coaster over there but maybe I'll just actually I actually wanted purple for that one as well so let's do that all right now um I thought I'd add some of this as well it's a stuck up pig it's called pretentious it's for a little bit of something extra because I didn't want to put glitter in it but let's just see what this does you might just give us a bit of a a shimmer Shimmer Shimmer might not be able to see it I don't know I just thought that might be pretty it looks quite nice let's do a bit more oh actually it's coffee see that all right close that up so yeah purple I decided to go with didn't need very much of that post did I oh never mind I did want a dark purple and I've got a dark purple with a shimmer in it so that should look pretty okay here we go let's just pour this on like so spread to the edges I always like having a dark color well there's two ways of looking at it if you really want your white blooms to stand out you put a dark color on them recently I've been doing a very pale sort of transparent blue or a pink they're very transparent Bloom as well and they look nice together as well so it just really depends on what you're going for something that's going to make your white blooms Stand Out is always going to be a good option so I'll get this done quick and then I can go to bed that way I can none mold in the morning I'm loving this uh four hour cure resin and I've just top coated it with my usual Platinum 360 Plus because I know it's going to be ready in the morning it's a it's a two to one resin so it's a bit thinner you get good coverage um and yeah I'll be able to unmold it in the morning doesn't take very long to set up at all and there we go so I will see you all in the morning 10 hours for me but 10 seconds for you so uh yeah see you all real soon how pretty does that look I love purple it's ready it's ready it's ready oh my gosh next day fed the dogs come straight in haven't had my coffee yet super excited super excited out it's quite heavy mold that one I will link this Live Edge tray mold in my description down below as well if anyone wants that one all right oh my gosh a bit nervous do you think it's worked I hope it's worked I hope it looks amazing all right here we go oh wow wow you guys look at it oh it's so 3D look at that oh my gosh oh I love it I love it I love it so much it's like one of those hyperspace things that you see on TV and we've got the crystal Edge because it's basically clear resin there a little bit of the dark but basically clear so you can see all those gorgeous Crystal effects there I love it I'm glad I went with the dark purple I guess you can see a little bit of my purple it's a little bit of the blue but basically it's white it's white it's wet it's so cool um and there's I mean I can see a little bit of my white from the second batch that didn't Bloom as well but it's only a tiny bit and the rest of it's Beauty makes up for it look at it wow it's so amazing oh my gosh all right I better go and take a quick little video of it because I need to upload it today I'm running out of things to upload for you guys we had people over for three days visiting from Interstate and um I really didn't I didn't do much work it was lovely and I had a lovely break but I didn't do much work all right let's go outside and um have a look and see what it looks like in the sunshine oh foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 89,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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