#1733 Absolute Game Changer For Resin Artists!

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[Music] thank you g'day guys welcome back welcome to pouring your heart out now today we are going to play with the fantasy film again this stuff is just incredible and I have worked out a way to make the most amazing amazing resin coasters probably been done before but I haven't seen it so I'm going to show you today what I'm going to do um I am going to use these four coasters here this is my small deep coaster mold now the reason I'm using the small one is because my little sheets of a fantasy film are only this wide so when I cut them I want them to be sitting inside that mold so yeah my bigger one which is 12 centimeters is a bit too big for these so we're going to do that um so there's a few steps to this the first thing I'm going to do though is I'm going to work on my fantasy film once I've got that ready I'm going to come in here and put a very thin layer of black resin into these and let them cure but for now I'll just move this out of the way and I want to show you I want to show you what I'm going to do this this is so exciting all right now because I'm going to get my heat gun out I need to I've got silicone on that I need to put down something to protect my bench so a wooden chopping board would work and it's just zoom you in a little bit how's that everybody see properly hope so all right so this this is where this is where it gets fun all right so I have got Blue Nile and I'm just going to cut a piece now remember when you need a piece about the size of the coaster so that's Blue Nile um this one I haven't used before mother of pearl it's it's a new one that I've just received yesterday so mother of pearl it's going to cut his little rectangle of H and if you've got any off Cuts just save them because you can cut them up and use them again this one is spring morning that's a bit scrunched on the corner there on the end I'm just going to cut that off I will keep it though I'm gonna nice flat piece put that with my scrap section I will link where I got these from um www.artglitter.com I will put the link down in the description for you and the last one I'm using is Christa's eyes so they're all a bit different they're all color changing or color shifting in the light but we are going to do something amazing with them like you could just use them like that you could crinkle them um and that would be amazing but but I'm so excited I'm so excited to share this with you are you ready I'm gonna Zoom you right in is that all right I hope you can see hope you can see okay all right I've got your zoomed in and I'm up on my little step so I can see through the screen at what's going on okay so you will need a heat gun okay now just on low mine's just got low and high so on low from up high about uh not that far I guess above I'm just going to heat this now you watch this okay keep your eyes on this and see what happens I'm just going to hold the corner here so it doesn't blow away I'm just gonna kind of go around in little circles it may get a bit closer if it's not doing what I want it to do just hanging on to the corner here and try not to burn my finger I'm going to get a little bit closer now starting to get some kind of texture to it a little bit closer it takes a little while don't rush it it's important not to rush it otherwise you're just going to end up with a big melted ball of fantasy film because it's basically like a cellophane and as you heat it it kind of crinkles up so it does shrink a little bit so just remember we want to put it into that 10 centimeter coaster so you don't want to shrink it too too much but we do want it to start shrinking can you guys see what is going on oh that was a bit close just gonna be careful I'm just gonna be careful whoa It's Corners are starting to lift now so I'm just going to hang on to it whoa are you gonna go back you're gonna go back let me see if I can heat that back oh get back oh I'm sorry I'm gonna cut that corner off so yeah you can see it kind of starts to blow away a little bit once those Corners have started lifting um it can blow away really easily just with the little bit of air that's coming out of my heat gun so just heating it a tiny bit more you can stop whenever you are ready but I think that'll do now when you put your heat gun down make sure that it's not this edge here is very very hot so be careful where you put it okay you don't want to burn your studio down all right so this is what we've got you guys okay it's all crinkled it's all critical it's just amazing now are you ready that can you see I hope you can see all the colors changing I don't know whether or not the camera picks it up as well as what I can see it so there's that side where all these little Hollows all the little circley bits are all hollowed like that they're concave like that when you turn them over all these little circles or little holes they're all convex so they're all curved on that side and then these little lines are like little Rivers Running flip through and they're like lower down so I personally like this side better where these little areas here are raised they're like little tree roots Meandering through but that's that's what that one is so it still looks pretty like that but once you put your black behind it it is just incredible all right so let's move on keep that that's that's for one um now we'll do the next one let's do the next one if you don't want to watch me crinkle this feel free to fast forward but I'm just going to do all of them in case you guys are interested okay here we go with the next one and this one's slightly different color again I actually I can't remember which is which now because I just put them all in the pile over there I can't actually remember which is which I think this is the this looks as if it's a dark Bluey one okay and just take your time if it starts lifting like that just be careful because it can easily curl over you get quite a lot in in the packet so if you do kind of Ruin one piece if you've got more to play with I'm not terribly worried about the corners because I'm going to be cutting the corners off just trying to get more of a crinkle happening and yeah each one's each one's different every time you do it like you know I've got big crinkles in one I've got small crinkles in one this one's different again so if you wanted again to have more small crinkles like in here you could just hit it again with the heat um it may well crinkle up a little bit more depends on the look that you're wanting but yeah just be careful you don't crinkle it too much so what's happening here with this fantasy film um it reacts with heat so the different colors come out with with the heat okay look at that hello these are just Divine so that's the one side and then that's the other side hopefully you can see the difference this one's got this gold Edge through it looks like gold or copper it is just divine hopefully you can see the different color changes I don't know I don't know what you can see through the screen so there's that one so there's two down and uh get going here's the next one again not sure which one it is but I know I've got four different ones so and I've got four coaster cavities so we'll just do one in each coaster and they'll each have a black background you can do different color backgrounds if you wanted to you can even do clear but as you can see the black really makes them pop it's like the chameleon colors you know the chameleon pigment powders and your holographic powders things like that they're all going to show up much much more with a black background I'm not doing much just there I don't know if I can get it to oh get it to do anything else just in that little section there but yeah you start I don't want to shrink it too much or it's not going to fit into my coaster cavity as it is it's not going to fit totally totally I'll get to that stage that step later and this one's got much smaller little holes I'm calling them holes okay I don't really know what they are look at that one look at that one look at that I hope you can pick up what I can see I just don't know I can't see what see through the screen it's a bit black so I'm not exactly sure what it's showing but is that sad and then there's that side looks like dragon skin is just incredible just incredible it's amazing amazing stuff all right and the last one here we go let's do this one just on low with the heat gun I kind of go in little circles I'm paying attention then I was watching through my screen [Music] okay here we go it's all right you can just if it folds over like that just heat it again and it'll it'll flatten out it's no big deal I hope the heat gun's not too much in your way that you can still see what's going on oops I think that one's sprinkled a bit much I don't know if I can flatten that back out again or not might have to redo this one actually because it's got a yeah I've kind of ruined it in that corner there let me get another piece of that one all right I just did that one again um right now let's have a look at this one look at that that's really green turquoise copper just amazing and then that's the other side all right so the next step now that we've got um all four pieces we have all four pieces next thing we need to do is cut them out so what we need basically now is a coaster um that I have made in this mold previously okay so let me go and grab one and use it as a template so I'm just using this little coaster that I made ages ago and that that's from that mold so this is what we're going to do we're just going to pop that on there now as you can see it's not quite big enough but that's okay so I'm just going to Mark around here where I'm going to cut and I am going to cut on the inside of that line just to get it as big as possible and we go there's that one so what I'll probably end up doing is cutting um yeah like I said on the inside of the line so that when the coaster is is done we'll have like a black edge around the whole thing if you know what I mean um this one's a bit small isn't it they might have shrunk it too much if you don't want to shrink it as much you know just don't heat as it heat it as much and it won't shrink as much and it'll fit into your coaster probably you know a little bit better but I really wanted to get that crinkly effect so let's cut these out now and like I said keep your little bits keep your little pieces you can if you I mean they're probably not worth keeping they're so tiny but you could get some um isopropyl alcohol and a baby wipe and wipe all those little black marks off if you wanted to keep them just going around cutting cutting the corners off may actually get a plastic cup and just see if I can get a total total Circle for them so I've got this disposable cup if I just pop that over the top there and then I can Mark again if there's any little bits kind of poking out and I can just trim those like so and I can hopefully try and have more of a Circle if possible because there's two sides you know that are flat so if we try and do it like this and just make them make the circle a little bit smaller and then like I said we'll have a little bit of black when we put these down onto the black background we'll have a little bit of black all the way around what do you think sound like a plan let's have a little look here that's basically how it's going to fit so I'll have a little bit of black all the way around the edge it's not going to fit in totally totally all the way so but that's that's fine that's um that's about as close as I can get it so I'm gonna just trim up the rest of these I'll use my little my little cup there and I'll mix up some black resin to go in here don't need very much probably only 20 or 30 grams like an ounce less than an ounce just for the background and then pop these in because they're they've scrunched like that they kind of raised so they're not flat anymore like they used to be so they're going to take up more height in your coasters all right I'm going to finish these I'll be right back all done cut them out got my resin this is the Platinum 360 plus and I put some black pigment paste by Larose midnight black in there now I did change over from my deep mold my deep small coaster mold to my regular small Coast mold I had to think about it and I don't think I'm going to need I don't think I'm going to need the depth so we'll just have to make sure I've just put a little thin amount in here not too much just just to cover the base that's all you need it doesn't have to be half full or a quarter four or anything just just to cover the base okay I might have to make some puffy hearts with that pop some gold in it I wonder if I can foreign I have to watch all of them at once [Music] why not hey why not I say as long as I don't overflow the ones I'm not watching okay probably not such a good idea I was just trying to rush here we go let's push them all into the edges all right I'm gonna do that and then um you don't want to watch me push black resin around think hovering I'm going to come back in about three hours once these are touched dry um but certainly not cured I just want them touch dry if you put these in when it's still wet you'll find that the edges will go down the black will come up over the top of them and it'll ruin the look so make sure that they are almost cured just tiny bit tacky so that these will stick all right so I will see you then all right so I've been testing these and I can touch it um probably could have come back half an hour earlier but I was having my dinner so anyway they are set but still um still really bendy as you can see all right now let's go make sure that I've got them the right way because like I said to you earlier I want the little dips facing up like little bowls all right here we go now if I just try and get them kind of centered with a little bit of black all the way around okay yeah I can move them I guess that's okay um you know if they're not totally they're not too sticky you can kind of move them if you need to that'll do all right so I'm going to press that down now and because the resin is still not cured it's a little bit sticky a little bit more space there than there it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it's really hard to cut them because they're all bumpy so try and get them to stick down on the edges if possible just so that you don't have too much resin going underneath when you pour the clear layer but but you can just you know the bubbles will come up and you can just zap them all right here we go with the next one doesn't look quite around there take that little bit off just make it a little bit more symmetrical you can kind of see if it needs a bit of a bit of a haircut but look it doesn't have to be doesn't have to be perfect perfect push that one down make sure that it's smooth in the middle we haven't got a big air bubble underneath it you can hear them go crackle Crackle all right so I thought I'd get this done first and then I'll make up my clear resin these two look very similar I hope I haven't made the same one twice oh gosh all right now this one they do look very similar these two mind you they've all got like similar colors in them greens and blues and Golds they've all got them they're different different amounts but basically I think very similar colors and this one was a little bit smaller than the others we've kind of shrunk it a bit much actually I'm not sure if I have to go back and have a look at the website I think from memory they did have them in bigger sheets they're sort of like this this long or this wide I should say but they were much more expensive but I guess if you want to do something big like a big tray you might go for the bigger roll I also thought that would be nice to um like just cut a few random shapes and make a tray out of them thought that would be really pretty I might try that at some stage and then the other thing oops they're a way off and then the other thing you can do is actually put two pieces together like on top of each other and heat them together and they um melt together basically and you get a really cool effect from that as well because you're getting different colors from that as well so that's really cool too so something else I will have to try okay I think that's it I think they're all down now what about these two they're being the same color oh gosh I do look very similar maybe not I won't know until I pour the clear over them that's so cool this has always been my favorite this one all right um I'm gonna mix up my resin now okay guys I've made up some resin and I thought I'd get you down nice and close so that you can see hopefully there's a difference when I pull the resin on I can see it I just don't know whether the camera will pick it up so here we go can you see it does it look really cool okay I gotta watch what I'm doing rather than watch what's going on through the screen otherwise I might overflow a few things once it gets that top layer on it does change it looks just amazing but yeah I don't think you can see what I'm seeing oh never mind I tried I tried there we go anyway I've got a little bit of resin left so I'm going to pop you back up on the on the stand and I'll just finish filling them up now I'm just going to look across the top as well because that'll give me a good idea of how I full each one is and these coaster molds uh six millimeters so about a quarter of an inch deep just trying to make sure that they're all relatively even I made up [Music] um 100 grams of a and 43 grams of the of my Platinum 360 Plus just so that I'd have enough to top coat oh my gosh you guys these are just Divine Divine I just wish you could see what I can see I'll just so beautiful so amazing oh yay wow all right I think that's that's all my resin gone now I've told you before I don't like to spray alcohol on the tops of my pieces um I tend to get like you know like a little Watermark or some streaking or something like that so I don't do it um I don't mind if it's the back of something but I don't like doing it if it's a top coat so that that's it um and they are they're not doming but they certainly are they're full enough so yeah I'm gonna get you down you have got to see these again I know when I just when I unmold them like I know there's not going to be any wow moment because you know you've already seen what they look like um but when I when I unmold them and I'll take them outside for you so that you can have a look in the sunshine oh it's my favorite the colors the colors I just can't I just can't oh let me just get my gloves off all right I don't know try I'll try and show you again but I just don't know actually let's I'm gonna go around the other side of my table because that's just not doing it that is just not doing it for me no I went around the other side of the table and I couldn't get a better shot it just looks quite dark it's not showing it's just not showing the colors I want you to see anyway I'll try again tomorrow in the natural light see if that's better it's just what I can see is not what you can see through the screen so anyway we'll try again tomorrow I will show you I will if it kills me I will all right um yep I'll see you tomorrow um when I demold these I'm going to put a little net over them so I don't get any fluff and hair in them and I will see you all tomorrow and we'll take them outside it's such a cool cool effect isn't it it's just amazing just an incredible incredible effect I just love it it's my favorite all right I'll see you guys tomorrow okay it's the next day these have set up beautifully so let's get them out I should just pop out really easily [Music] I will take them outside for you because yeah like I said they're not um not really showing up the way I want them to for you get them all out back just black nothing to see there all right we will go outside come with me I don't know how I'm gonna video all four of them but come with me anyway and we'll see what we can do hey put you down I need a helper someone to hold them for me while I'm videoing I've popped them on my counter just in front of the window just to see if you can sort of pick up a little bit more of that color change just before I go outside now this one this has got like a coppery color vein and then you can see green and gold if you tilt it down that way you get that blue and sort of turquoise on that one and then this one it's got a lot more of that sort of copper color if we go up like that we've got green and copper and then if we tilt it we can see some blue and some turquoise so they've all got very similar colors but a little bit different on all of them and then this one's got the a lot more blue and green with the sort of coppery colors the veining is copper look at that and then as you tilt it back get a lot more of that blue background and this one's this one's got a lot of veining the copper veining and then you tip it that way and that's very coppery that way actually the veinings kind of going more of like a purpley tone there but a lot of copper that way and then as you tilt it this way you get more of a green and then a little bit of turquoise so yeah they're really pretty all right I'll go I'll go outside I don't know whether or not we'll get any better sort of effects out there because the sun will be maybe too glary on the surface but we shall see love love love love that one these two are very similar but they are different all right let's see what it's like outside hey all right I'll just pick up one at a time direct sunlight on these so again I don't know how what it's looking like to you my screen is just black I can't see anything of the sun shining on it hopefully hopefully this is doing it just as I don't know there you go and lucky last there we go okay so that's them hopefully you've enjoyed my little video and I will see you all again real soon for the next one okay thanks for watching guys take care for now see you soon bye for now [Music]
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 212,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #resincoasters, #fantasyfilm, #fantasyfilmresin
Id: iWm59M6gh5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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