17 Year Old Brett EXPOSED: "I had dreams..."

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Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin! Today we have another episode of... For those of you don't know what it is... It's uh... The best classical memes in the Since the invention of... Yeah, only 300 years ago. I don't know... Oof! Ooo! Ooo!! Ahh! All the comments are like... Oh, we're not recording the sound... Urgh... - Now the good audio begins! - Now the - Yeah! Ohh, life is so stressful! Ahh! All the comments are like... "Brett thinks classical music only been last 300 years." "Bach was in 1600..." "Fffff!" Okay guys, it's been a while... Guys, calm down. Do - We're making content for you, just... Give us some leeway. It's been very stressful... Ling Ling, help! Alright, the top for last month. Oh god... Wooooow! You had braces! Dude! And they are like the - You had the wire - Not like the one with the black frame like the wired glasses. Not even like just... Flat. Oh my god... I don't know, man. I don't look happy. Do I look happy there? I had dreams. Oohh! Oh, dude! Is this like some freaking... Someone just digging up your whole pa- - freaking past, man. - "I have been subscribed to TwoSet for about 5 months," "and just looked through my 2009 yearbook." Is this the same person? Hugo, I'm gonna... - Anyway, I hope you - - Is it the same person? - It is! - It is. - Whoa! Hugo, you should - - You dominated Reddit! r/lingling40hrs! Call the ambulance. - Alright, a non-Brett related post. - Thank you! Oh, this is Eddy backing - - Hahahaha! I was just kidding, no. - What? It's Eddy... Eddy 10 years ago. - Yeah, that's actually me. - Yeah. Guys, it's not how repeat works. Repeat means you jump back. You don't go backwards. You don't go... Oh, repeat! You go... - Repeat! - Repeat! Duh! I've done that too many times. That's pretty good. I sat on the toilet and why am I even in the toilet... Why do I need to go to the toilet? I went like... - Yeah. Yeah. - A few hours ago like... Hahaha! Hahahaha, so funny! Hahahaha! 5 Gs, get it? Hahahaha! Music degree!!! Nooo!! - Noooo! - Noooo! Not the music! Noooo!!! No! Dude, that was like... What? Hahahaha!! - Nice grammar. - Dude. "I edit-ed" - "this on my phone." - "I edit this on my phone." When did you start learning violin? Five and a half - Actually, I started at four , but I quit after a month. Uhuh. Cause I just fell asleep in my lesson. - I pretend that I was like... - Yeah... Hey, if you're an asian parent watching this. You have a newborn baby's coming out. Remember... The second birthday... - Violin! - Buy them a violin! - Yes! - The way to go. - Oh. - Awww. - Dude! - That's cute. Nice cello! He looks handsome! He looks like he has a big... Piece of wood. I'm just... nah. Hahahaha! Question though, serious question. Would you take... Would you take this guy to the prom? I would. I had a hard life, guys. What? 4 on 3. - I hate 4 on 3! - Yeah. Guys, can you do 4 on 3? Here we go. Can you do 4 on 3? I'll do 3. Wait, what? Alright. Okay, no, you do it, you do it... - So right hand 4, left hand 3? - You do it. Yeah, yeah. Oh, I don't know if I can actually. Ahhahahaha. F**k!! Wait. F**k!! What are we doing here? - That is so hard... - Someone comes into the room, there's two guys go... I had dreams... I had dreams! I had dreams! Can't relate. Play the violin. How cool is she though? - Dude, she is... - She is probs one of the coolest soloists in the world. Yeah. Woah, dude. - Okay. - That's true... Cause they gotta look at their fingers - and gotta look at their... - Yeah. Can't relate! - Violinist - - With our violins, like one here and one there. What? Nah. - Can't relate. - Can't relate! Congratulations! Congrats! You got 1900! Where is it? Where... Are... - Your practice? - Is it there? This is it. Hey, but at least you bought a violin. Congratulations! Okay... *Sigh* So bad... - Oh my god... - Oh my god! - Where did they find that? - Oh my... What's your name, I'm gonna find you. How are they finding these images? I don't even know where that image is from. The first photo, you look like you are gonna become a rich business man. How did people find these pictures? That's what I want to know. That's so true. Oh my god. I just don't understand. The spacing between your one and four... Have to be exact. Mhm. And it gets smaller, the higher you go. Yeah. So, imagine you have to - First of all, you have to get the exact same space. The exact correct spacing. But then you have to adjust it... For every... - Freaking note... It's slightly different. - Yup. And you just gotta practice enough so that your muscle memory gets it. Yeah. Yeah, great. Oh my god... Are you serious? "Amazing!" This guy knows... Knows not to waste time. He was like, so we need to do surg - But, but, but I need to practice. But first, I need to practice. Imagine they found a way to do surgery and like... Stimulate the learning part of your brain. - So it's like he learns faster. - Yeah. I guess it's funny. What a racist meme. What about Asian grip? Oh, Asian grip! Chopsticks! Come on, guys! Guys, you call yourself a Ling Ling... Alright! Thank you very much for watching. Please like and subscribe... Our life depends on it... We will create more memes for everyone... Yes. I mean we will review more memes. If every like... Is one step closer for... Uh... For... 2009 Brett to reach his dreams. - Please... - So please... - We need all the help we can get! - Yes. Oh! Also, check out our TwoSet Apparel Instagram page, we are doing weekly giveaways, but you have to follow it to make sure you know when they happen. Boom! Until next time... Go practice.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 1,555,849
Rating: 4.9810286 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, bass, classical music, opera, sing, song, voice, drums, guitar, symphony, orchestra, conducting, memes
Id: ORip5M6Mc18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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