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this is one of the most important job interview training videos I have ever created on this channel in this video I am going to give you seven psychological tricks to convince the hiring manager to give you the job therefore if you have an interview coming up soon for any role or company make sure you watch this video from start to finish I promise it will make a huge difference to the outcome of your interview and just very quickly if you are new to my Channel please make sure you hit that subscribe button right now thousands of you and I mean thousands of you are passing your job interviews at the first attempt I can only help you if you are subscribed and please give the video a thumbs up hit that like button right now because that really does motivate me to create more content for you thank you very much indeed okay let's jump straight into the tutorial so to help you par your interview at the first attempt I will cover the following three things in this video number one I will give you seven psychological tricks for passing your interview these seven smart and clever tricks will convince the hiring manager to give you the job number two I will then tell you the three questions you should ask at the end of your job interview to further increase your chances of success and impress the hiring manager and then finally number three I will tell you where you can instantly download my 50 quick answers to difficult interview questions okay let's start working through those seven psychological tricks for passing your job interview at the first attempt please take notes Here We Go psychological trick number one is to to mirror the actions of the hiring manager this is super powerful now when someone mirrors our actions we are instantly drawn to them more importantly when someone mirrors our actions we are more likely to trust them now mirroring is the action of replicating what the hiring manager does to make them like you copying the hiring manager's gestures actions and mannerisms really helps to build rapport so for example if the hiring manager speaks at a slow pace you should speak slowly too if the hiring manager Smiles you should smile back and if the hiring manager uses hand gestures you should use them too so psychological trick number one is to mirror the hiring manager's actions to help build trust psychological trick number two is a really simple but highly effective one and that is to wear a blue colored outfit to your interview now the color blue represents trust and loyalty wearing a dark blue outfit to your interview will tell the hiring manager you are someone who is loyal and can be trusted to do a great job in the role psychological trick number three is brilliant as ask the interviewer a question of your own at the very start of your job interview this is brilliant so WR at the start of your interview when the hiring manager says to you welcome to the interview say this thanks for inviting me to the interview can I just please ask what was it about my CV or resume you liked and made you want to invite me to the interview now asking that question at the start of of your interview is clever for the following two reasons number one it tells you what the employer likes about you you can then keep referencing the thing they like about you in your answers to the questions which will make them like you even more and number two it puts pressure on the interviewer to hire you so providing you have a great interview they will find it hard to turn you down because they have already revealed something they really like about you so psychological trick number three is to ask this question at the start of your interview thanks for inviting me to the interview can I just please ask what was it about my CV or resume you liked and made you want to invite me to an interview psychological trick number four is the act of reciprocation this is great now the act of reciprocation is giving the hiring manager something physical in your interview that will make them want to hire you now when we receive something from a person it automatically makes us like them and want to do something in return now the best thing you can give to a hiring manager that I guarantee nobody else will do in their interview is a physical action plan that details what you will do in the position in the first 90 days of starting work a physical action plan is powerful because it makes you stand out from the competition and it tells the hiring manager what you will do in the role to give them a great return from the salary they are going to pay you now during your interview the hiring manager will say to you why should we hire you in your answer say this you should hire me because I have created an action plan that details exactly what I will do in the role to give you a great return from my salary and I would like to give you a copy now to download my readymade 3060 and 90-day plans for job interviews you can click that link in the top right hand corner of the video at any time psychological trick number five is to make sure you wear a quality outfit to your job interview now a study of job interview several years back revealed that hiring managers were more likely to hire someone who wore a quality-made suit or outfit to their interview because they felt the candidate would be more likely to demonstrate competence in the role now although hiring someone based on the quality of outfit they wear is superficial I think it's worth investing in a smart looking outfit and remember you don't need to spend lots of money on a smart outfit for it to look good psychological trick number six for job interviews is to keep mentioning the company's name in your answers to the interview questions now I know for a fact that hiring managers get frustrated because 90% of candidates are only interested in getting a job and they don't really care which company it is with referencing the company's name in your answers tells the hiring maner you are serious about working for their company Long Term and you have the best interests of their company at heart so when the hiring manager says to you why do you want this job say this I researched company name in detail before applying for the job company name is innovative forward-thinking and wants to be the market leader working at company name will give me the opportunity to collaborate on tasks some projects that make a difference to its customers and clients finally I want this job because company name has an inclusive workplace culture my ideas will be valued and tried and I will be supported in my work to be the best I can be psychological trick number seven is the folder effect now taking a folder with you to your interview that contains three specific documents shows the Haring manager you are organized prepared and serious about the job now 99% of candidates take nothing with them to their interview so when you take your folder it instantly makes you stand out here are the three documents you should put in your folder and take with you to your interview document number one is your CV or resume now although the hiring manager will have a copy of your CV or resume with with them having a copy yourself shows you are prepared and if the hiring manager says to you talk me through your resume it enables you to read from it which will ensure accuracy and it saves you having to memorize its contents document number two to take in your folder is your qualifications and any certificates of courses you have completed now at the end of the interview you can leave a copy of your qualifications and certificates with the hiring manager this gives them additional documentation to read that provides proof of your suitability for the role and the third document you should take with you in your folder is your 30 60 and 90day plan of action as I mentioned in psychological trick number four giving the hiring manager a plan of action when you answer the interview question why should we hire you helps you instantly stand out from the competition make sure you take a professionall looking folder with you to your interview to show you are fully prepared organized and serious about the job don't forget if you want to download my readymade action plan for all interviews click that link okay let me now tell you those three questions you should ask at the end of your job interview to cap things off and really impress the hiring manager you can even write down these questions on a sheet of paper put them in your folder and take them out when they give you the opportunity to ask questions at the end of your interview please write these down here we go question number one what would my success in the position look like in 12 months from now question number two can you please tell me more about the team I would be a part of in this role and question number three is a great one what are the next stages of the process and when when can I expect to hear back from you okay so there you have it seven brilliant psychological tricks to help you pass your interview make sure you watch this video again to ensure you fully understand all of those tricks now the next thing to do if you want to accelerate your learning even further is click that link right now in the top right hand corner of the video head straight through to my website pmy interview.com and you can instantly download my 50 quick and Powerful Answers to difficult interview questions this is a brand new resource I have created myself 50 quick answers to the toughest interview questions they are quick which makes them easy for you to remember make sure you click that link right now also please make sure you hit that subscribe button I am here to help you pass every job interview negotiate the highest salary achievable and progress throughout your career I can genuinely only do those things if you are subscribed please hit the like button that really does motivate me to create more content for you and don't forget to connect with me on LinkedIn I have put my LinkedIn Link in the description below the video it's always a pleasure and an honor to connect with likeminded professionals such as yourself thank you for watching I wish you all the best for passing your interview have a great day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 122,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pqhxoblmhw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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