MANAGER Interview Questions and Answers! (How to PASS a Management Job Interview!)

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hi there it's richard mcmahon from the interview training website and in this tutorial i'm going to teach you how to pass a manager interview in a second i'm going to walk through this door and i'm going to undertake a live manager interview to teach you exactly how to answer the interview questions now just very quickly please make sure you subscribe to this channel by clicking the red button below the video that way you won't miss out on any of the content that i am uploading lots of you are passing your job interviews as a result and i don't want you to miss out you can also connect with me on linkedin i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video and finally please make sure you give the video a like because that tells me you like the content you find it useful and it motivates me to create more for you okay let's go through this door and let's pass that manager interview here we go come in hi nice to meet you i'm richard hi richard pleased to meet you hello hello nice to meet you please take a seat thank you very much so richard how was your journey here today yes it was really good thank you i actually came yesterday because i wanted to make sure i knew exactly where to come and i got here early this morning so i sat in the car composed myself and got myself ready for the interview thank you so anyway my name is andrew this is joshua we'll be interviewing you today so we've got a number of questions we're going to ask you to gauge your suitability for the role so if you could start with tell us about yourself yeah sure so as you know my name is richard and i am a standards-driven high-performing manager who takes my responsibilities seriously now over the years i've built up an extensive range of skills and qualities that make sure that i always set high standards for my team i give them a thorough brief i monitor them along the way and always make sure that we achieve our goals on time and to the right standard in my previous role i was renowned for being a completer finisher and what i mean by that is somebody who could be relied upon to achieve a task or a project to the right standard and i was also renowned for getting the most out of the people i was responsible for for example one of the highlights in my previous role was that i went into a team they were underperforming before i went there i set high standards i set them objectives of what i wanted them to achieve i then motivated them to get the most out of them and we then consistently performed to a high standard within the organization so i guess what i'm trying to say is i am somebody who you can rely upon to do a great job as a manager and i will always recruit the right people and get the most out of my team excellent thank you can you tell us why you want to be a manager i want to be a manager for the simple reason that i want to be the person who has a responsibility for everything that goes on within my department or my team i can understand that a lot of people don't want that level of responsibility but i actually prefer it when i'm required to work under pressure so for example i go into a team and i'll set really high standards we will be going along and doing our job and all of a sudden something will need to be done we will need to respond straight away and that's what i love about being a manager is when i'm working on the pressure and i have to direct my team lead them to get the most out of them i also want to be a manager because i have ambitious plans for the future i don't just want to sit still in your organization i want to be a really good manager and i want to help you to achieve your commercial and financial objectives i also have my own goals outside of work and the only way that i will achieve them is if i am a high performing manager for your organization so i want to be a manager because of the level of responsibility that comes with the position thank you richard can you tell me why you want to work for us yes i want to work for you for three main reasons the first reason is when i saw the job advertised i was quite excited because you have a really strong reputation as being a market leader within this industry now that's good for me because i have high standards and i feel as your manager you will support me to achieve my objectives the second reason is there are lots of really good reviews online that are left by your customers so that tells me you always put your customers first you do things right and again you set very high standards the third and final reason why i want to work for you is because you clearly have ambitious plans for the future i am somebody who doesn't want to sit still and just do the same thing day in day out i want to feel like i am progressing with the organization i am being a manager for and clearly that is the case with your organization so i feel i can come with you on your journey and achieve consistent success moving forward into the future that's great thank you so could you describe to us what your style of management is please my style of management is firm first and foremost fair consistent and also motivational so i am firm because i always set the bar high with my team whenever i go into a team the team that i'm managing i always tell them to achieve very high standards i think that's really important because if you set the standards high it's very easy to lower them down slightly if you want to but if you go in with lower standards it's a lot harder later on to bring them up so i am a firm manager who always expects high standards from my team i am fair because i will always treat the people within my team consistently i will be respectful of them but again i will expect high standards i am a motivational manager so my style of management is motivational what i mean by that is i will encourage my team to be the best they possibly can be i would see it as my responsibility to get the most out of my team i would also identify people in the team who want career progression because that's good for your organization so i am a firm manager i am fair i am consistent but i am also motivational too thank you richard can you tell me the difference between leadership and management the difference between leadership and management is management is all about controlling and directing the resources and the people whom you are responsible for leadership on the other hand is about inspiring motivating and influencing people to achieve your objectives in order to be effective as a manager you need to be good at management and also leadership so you need a strong combination of both to achieve your goals thank you excellent could you describe a time when you led by example a time when i led by example so in a previous role i was in a meeting with other managers and team leaders and we were all discussing a project for a client now two of the other departmental managers suggested that we should use a substandard product part for the project because this would enable us to save time and money and their suggestion was the client would not find out about using this substandard product and therefore we would get to save money so it was a win-win situation i objected immediately because i don't think that's the right way to do things not only is it unethical but we are also then putting the organization at risk because if the client finds out that we've been using a substandard product then that could damage our brand and our reputation and it's also dangerous for the client so i insisted that we set high standards we stick to the brief that the client requested and we moved forward with the product part that was more expensive now even though they disagreed with my judgment i feel it is important in those kinds of situations to lead by example have the confidence to say no that's not right and to do the right thing okay thank you richard can you tell me about a time when your leadership skills resulted in a positive outcome yes there's been numerous situations where my leadership skills have resulted in a positive outcome and in particular the most recent one i can recall is when i was asked by my previous company owner to go and manage an underperforming team so she wasn't happy with the way the team was operating and also the fact it had low level productivity levels so she wanted me to go in there and sort it out and get that team back to performing to a high level so i agreed to do so when i first went into the team i observed their performance for about a seven day period to find out where they were going wrong after that seven day period i held an initial team briefing so i explained to them where they were going wrong and how i wanted them to perform moving forward and i explained the reasons why i then allocated different tasks to various team members based on their strengths and i then monitored the team moving forward and on a couple of occasions i had to pick them up on their performance and motivate them to achieve things to a high standard because they weren't used to that now literally two months down the line after i went into the team they were performing to a very high standard and all of the team members mentioned to me that they felt more satisfied within their roles because their productivity levels had increased and they felt they now had a leader who was more motivational and inspiring okay great thank you can you give us an example of a tough decision you've had to make a tough decision i had to make was in a previous team i started managing that team and the company owner asked me to allocate one person from that team to go and work within another department within the organization now the person i felt who was most suitable for that role was a senior member of my team who'd been there for many years and he was very popular amongst the other team members now when i told him that he was the person who was going and he was going to the other department he wasn't happy at all and also the other members of the team were not happy either however i had to put the organization's needs above everything else so i explained to him the reasons why he was being that person who was going to the other department and i also persuaded him to go there because i felt he'd been in this team for a long period of time he was really good at what he did but it would be good for him to go and use his skills in another part of the organization where he could gain more experience and expertise so then when he did return to our team his skill set would be more diverse so i managed to persuade him to go off into the other team the other department he did really well and i also explained to the other members of my team that this was now an opportunity for someone within our team to step up and fill his boots so my leadership skills even though it was a difficult decision to make my leadership skills had a positive outcome on that situation great thank you richard what methods will you use to motivate your team i use a variety of different methods to motivate my team the first one is to create team values that everyone buys into as i said at the start of the interview i always make sure i set the standards high because i feel that makes people feel good about the work that they do and they also know exactly what they need to do so we always set high standards really good team values and then i also conduct performance reviews and what i mean by that is i will sit down for about an hour with each member of my team and i will find out about their strengths their weaknesses how we can improve on their weaknesses and also ascertain their future career plans so that gives me lots of knowledge about that team member and how i can direct them to achieve the team's goals finally i will motivate my team by holding regular team meetings where everyone can contribute in a positive and open manner and give me ideas about how we can move forward as a team and again i am empowering my team to achieve everything that is possible and i will also praise the members of my team when needed so on one hand i will call them up when they are not doing things right and i will direct them but i will also praise them so when credit is due i will certainly give it i believe i have lots of different methods i can use that are tried and tested and they will ensure that the team i am managing will always perform to a high standard thank you how would you handle conflict within your team i would handle conflict within a team by first and foremost being confident and dealing with it straight away i believe if you leave conflict to fester then it can become more of a bigger problem there will always be people in a team who will notice the conflict but they won't say anything about it and if they see you as their manager not tackling it then i believe that is weak from a management perspective so i will first and foremost tackle the conflict so if there were two members of my team experiencing conflict i would just say to them i've noticed that you two are having a few problems are you able to resolve it so just by me telling them that i am aware of the conflict should encourage them to sort things out themselves and that would be the first thing i would expect them as responsible employees to sort out the conflict however if i noticed that the conflict wasn't going away i would then call them in together and i would speak to them in private and i would explain how they need to resolve the conflict i would ask them questions give them both the opportunity to speak about the conflicts and i would encourage them to reach a compromise moving forward i would also explain to them that they had a responsibility to work harmoniously within the team because we had targets to work towards and objectives to achieve so to summarize i would always deal with conflict straightaway in a confident and concise manner thank you thank you richard what are your salary expectations before i came along to the interview i carried out a little bit of research based on the salary range for this manager role within this industry and that range is between thirty thousand dollars and forty thousand dollars now of course based on my experience and my confidence levels i believe i am worth the higher salary range of forty thousand dollars however i understand you don't know me you don't know my capabilities and therefore i have a responsibility to prove to you my worth on that basis i would be comfortable with a salary of 37 and a half thousand dollars thank you how would you define success how would i define success success to me first and foremost is doing my job as a manager to a high professional standard success is also about getting the most out of my team if i see my team performing to a high standard then that in my eyes is achieving success i said at the start of this interview that i have my own personal and professional goals and the only way that i will achieve those is by performing as a manager to a very high standard so if i do that i will achieve success outside of work finally success to me is seeing your organization grow continually develop improve and achieve its commercial and financial objectives and the other way that will happen is if managers such as myself do a really good job for you how do you delegate your tasks so delegation is a really important area of being an effective manager so whenever i am delegating tasks i will start off and assess the task that i need doing now because i will have carried out performance reviews with all members of my team i will know each individual's strengths and therefore i will be able to allocate that task to the person within my team who i feel is most suited to it i will then speak to that person and i will communicate with them in a clear and concise manner and i will give them a solid brief of what i want them to do how i want them to do the task and finally the time scale that it needs to be completed by they will then have the opportunity to speak to me during the completion of the task if they need any advice or guidance so whenever i delegate tasks i will ascertain the task that needs to be done i will allocate it to the right person i will give them a clear and concise brief and i will then support them moving forward until that task is completed thank you thank you richard that concludes the questions we have for you um do you have any questions for us i've really enjoyed the process i just have a couple of questions if that is okay so the first question is what are the plans for your organization over the next five to ten years because i plan to stay with your business for a long period of time as a manager and it will be interesting to know how you plan to move the company forward it's great to hear firstly that you you plan on being with us long term um our plans are very much we've got a growth plan for the next five years um we've got new operations we want to launch worldwide and globally that we want you to be a part of and your team needs to grow and help us get there so we want you to be a part of that over the next five years to help us grow and hit our targets worldwide okay thank you the next question is what has frustrated you about managers who've held this or similar positions previously within your organization right yeah so previous candidates that we have had haven't been able to get up to speed as quickly as we would have liked them to get up to speed so one of the first things we'd like you to do is as you mentioned earlier do a performance review of your team get to know your team really well and get them all on the same page and understanding so they can get up to speed as quick as they can that's really been the the key reason where we've struggled with previous candidates in your position yeah okay thank you very much um that's i have no more questions so thank you very much can i just finish off and say i've really enjoyed the process of being interviewed for this manager position i genuinely really want to work for your organization i believe that the skills and qualities i have are a match for the standards that you set and i believe if you do hire me as your manager you will see an immediate and positive impact within the team thank you very much thank you thank you thank you thank you very much thank you thank you thank you goodbye goodbye
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 337,922
Rating: 4.9352064 out of 5
Keywords: MANAGER Interview Questions and Answers, management interview questions and answers, how to pass a management job interview, How do I prepare for a management interview, What is your management style best answer, Why do you want to be a manager, How would you handle conflict in a team, how would you delegate responsibility, Describe a time when you led by example, What’s the difference between leadership and management, what are the interview questions for a management position
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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