(093) Beginners Guide to Curtained Lever Locks and Lever Lock Picking

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[Music] hello again it's locked noob and we have something different today or release for me which is a beginner's guide to lever locks and leave lock picking now I don't do a lot of leave lock picking but the reason I decided to do video on it at the moment is because there is currently a lot doing the rounds I pass around lock which is a chub lever lock padlock which I want to pick on video for you at some point soon so it makes sense do a little video on leave locks and leave a lock picking now because this channel is focused on sort of new Pickers and intermediate Pickers let me first go through the parts of one of these are these lever locks this is an error' mortise curtain'd leaver lock error is to make you might have heard of era it's a leave a lot because the lock has well ideally one or more levers usually 2 to 6 this one has 5 its mortise because it is counter sunk into a hole in the door frame and its curtain'd because if you look here you can see this is a little well in complete circle of metal a shroud in the key way that so the main parts of this 5 lever mortise curtain'd lever lock are the bolt at the moment this cannot retract so if this was in a doorframe we can imagine be like that this would stop you opening the door and it's stopped because you can see here the levers are broking it's retraction the leaves themselves has five of them you might be able to count the number of Springs in the back sir of five leaf levers there and if I turn it there you can see them all stacked up you can also see at the bottom there is a cam and there is the cam and the cam is acted on by a key the cam engages with the bolt and try to retract it if you lift all the levers up so that the gate all line up with this part of the bolt it can retract into the gates of all of the levers so when we talk about a gate we're talking about the gap actually in this lever here if I put a key in you'll see how it works so I'll just angle out a bit for you soon see some of those levers acting and introduce you to the key so the key looks like you look at the bitting on the key and you can see this it looks like this will act on seven different levers so three that side one the middle and three there in this case no is a five-level lock the first two parts of this here and here actually act on the cam and we'll put that in you should be able to see that now you've only exposed the third part here to the levers then this one this one this one is on so that goes in here this is like said oh this is a curtain'd leave a lock and this piece of metal is shrouding inside the keyway is an anti pick device it just I'll show you why in a minute okay so what you do is you put the key in you then turn it and what you can see is it lifts each one of these the key actually lifts all the levers to a specific height and you can see there that the gates all line up okay and you can see that the bolt will just slide in to those gates and retract that means you have an open lock okay so that's how they work these leaves are sprung the key lifts them up to different heights depending on the pitting you can see here that it logically you can see that this low-cut one here lifts the levers very little this hiker lifts it quite a lot some other security features to note are if you look carefully here you can see that there is a gate that is where you want the bolts slide into and then this is other little bits here which the bolt retracts up against as you're as you're pulling now if I line it up here can you see that there's another notch so if I was picking this with a lever pick it may slide into and bind into that groove here just there that is called a false gate it's another anti pick mechanism that means of course that what you end up doing is retracting it and instead of it sliding into this the real gate the true gate it it might retract into this gate so that's true to measure you'd also notice that the bottom here if I line them all up you've actually got a another little ledge that's to stop over lifting you can imagine that if you put in an over lifter which is a tool designed to push all of the leaves as high as they go then what could happen when it's in it what could happen is of course you could just move all the leaves up come by with that ledge and this piece of metal here those levers cannot be over lifted in this look as far as I know any other leave lifters out there please let me know that is wrong but normally these in fact I think these are these this ledge here is is superfluous oh don't think that these leaves could be lifted past this ledge on the bolt anyway okay so I think I've explained mostly how this works like I said then put the key in the cam is activated by the first two parts of the key move it up lists all of the levers to the true gate because it's a correct key then the cam acts on the bolt to move it into the gate and then it's it's locked okay and you can all see if you move the key at this point you can't then retract the bolt without the key going back in and unlocking it and lifting all those levers over again so how do you pick this well remember I said that this is a curtain'd lever lock that means at the bottom you have a curtain and that is designed so when you put in a pick like this you can't actually rotate that around in the lock if you had an open a key way and non curtain lever you imagine it you could turn this all the way around and actually act on the levers how do we get around it well I've actually got a cut-down key okay so what you can do is take one key and cut it down that is a tried and tested technique for these now this will probably work on a number of different locks and there are tools out there that you can buy which actually fit and multiple lock types not just this five liter era I put this in you can actually see it it doesn't act on the levers but it does allow me to get to a position where there's a gap in the curtain where I can act on each of those levers in turn there we go so this is a essentially attention tool they leave a pick itself here which I made is actually made from a coat hanger bitter and a hammer and a dremel and I've got a nice end here which I can turn that lever with and this is thin enough to act on one lever at a time okay so let's have a go okay so we have the lock in position it's a in it's a locked position if you will and we have our tension tool just have interest I don't know if I explained it fully here but this little nib acts on the cam only we slide both of them in together and that will fit nicely in this space here where the curtain is and what we do is just like in well a bit like in standard pin tumbler picking we apply tension to the lock so some turning for some I'm turning this clockwise this tensioner and we go in and we try to find a lever that's binding these levers will bind in an order sometimes you can force the binding order by adding more tension just like in a pin tumbler though there is just to add enough force so that one or maybe two if you're adding a little bit more tension of these levers bind that will mean that when they fall into a gates false or otherwise you should hear a bit of a click a true gate tend to have more room than a false gate so experienced leave a lot because should be able tell difference I'm not sure I'm ready yet for that so attention on try to pick one layer at a time and I heard a little click there as it moved into position now the second lever is one which is a bit of a zero lift so it's sort of almost at the gates already let's try to find another binder and one lever well if we're counting a back to front then this will be leave a three crank onto one leaver to time here there we go either three little click do too your clique you were one little click just not any that levers are and we got an open so there we go so it's important at this point when you still got some movement when when you can feel the bolt has thrown you heard as the bolt acts up on those levers and hits hits the actual gate it goes click very reminiscent of pin tumbler picking isn't it I can then extract this leave a picking tool gently out of the lock and that's because you will get it trapped if you don't especially with these curtain'd locks then you can use the tensioner just to retract that bolt fully ok you can until its own straight in the gate use it to turn turn it backwards once it's in that gate you will need to pick it back out of that position by using the this lever and and doing the same thing but backwards essentially going in and and lifting these levers up to up to up to their gate so that what can happen I won't demonstrate that here a quicker way of course is to just get the key and turn it all back but like I said you can do the picking gets in reverse so there we go ok guys I hope you found that interesting I clearly need a lot more practice with a leave locks knowing the theory is one thing we also explained it's one thing being able to actually put a cover on this and a picket blind is completely different and I have great respect and admiration for any of you leave lock pickers out there if you like this kind of picking please add some comments below and I'll see you next time where I will probably be looking at that Trump ad lock and picking that one okay see you next time
Channel: Lock Noob
Views: 419,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beginner, guide, how, to, lock, mortise, door, bolt, shrouded, curtail, picked, picking, pick, spp, Lever, lifting, lift, wire, lifter, gui, lock pick, lock picking, lock sport
Id: QiFj3_4ZJcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2016
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