Starfield Rifle Tier List

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hello and welcome back to the Stars everybody today we're going to be going over all of the rifles in Starfield and we're going to be ranking them in our tier list rifles have the largest amount of weapons to pick from out of any of the weapons I believe the only other one that comes close is the handguns which we've already talked about so let's begin with our very first one and probably the first one that you're going to find which is the grindle the grindle is the P90 or the space P90 it still kind of looks like a P90 and pretty much functions like one this one is very common to find you're always going to find grindle laying around they hold a lot of shots they have a fast rate of fire they have basically no recoil which is pretty good nice iron sights pretty good sights if you want to put a scope on this as well they shoot fast they have actually a lot of modifications as well they don't do very much damage per shot though and that's kind of where this becomes a problem because at least early on in Starfield you might be running into ammo issues later on it's usually not a factor because you might have four or 5,000 ammo just by looting Raiders with this so later on not a huge deal and it's by no means a bad weapon but I don't think it's an amazing weapon either I would say that the grindle is probably like a c tier weapon I think it's fine I think it does the job just fine there's nothing particularly bad about it you're probably going to get the upgraded versions of this as it goes on and we're not going to be specifically talking about them but they do start popping up sooner and we're also not going to be taking legendary effects into account because yeah if you get this with like the Relentless and Rapid Fire and a larger magazine it becomes really strong but so does any other automatic weapon now this is just based weapons and the grindle I think is a very middle-of the road gun does everything well it's fun to use it feels good to use but it's not going to be super strong even if you build specifically for it unless of course you get a strong legendary version of it in which case then by all means use it because that could easily be S tier just like every weapon in this game could be for our next weapon we have the malstrom the malstrom is basically the space AK M4 it it's kind of both matched together and sort of its own thing this one is the space assault rifle this one shoots the 6.5 mm cartridge which is one of two weapons that fire that I believe this one and the Kraken this one is super common to find Raiders have this all the time spacers have it all the time basically any space mercenary has this all the time vendors always sell this gun they also always sell the ammo same thing goes for the grindle like the 7.77 is super common this one just like the grindle though is an okay gun overall it does low damage although if you do set this or the grle to semi-auto it can get a little bit more damage per shot so early game that can matter when you don't have the most amount of ammo later on you're going to probably have a ton of ammo for this and you can always buy it from vendors so that's really good it's fairly accurate holds a decent amount of shots has nice iron sights has good upgrades for it as well and just like the grindle you're probably going to get like the unique versions of this or the upgraded versions The tiered versions I guess of this much more often than other weapons and it does its job just fine again nothing incredible so I think it's also going to go into C tier probably on par with the grindle maybe a little bit higher because honestly the grindle still shoots 7.77 and there are other guns that use that whereas the only other gun at least caliber wise that the malstrom is competing with is the Kraken and I think it is a bit better than the craken overall unless you're going with a dedicated pistol build in which case then ignore that and just like the grle if you get really good mods with this thing or you you get a lot of legendary effects on it then this can easily jump up a couple tiers or all the way up to S tier if you get something insane on it the drum beat is our first 11 mm gun and the drum beat is pretty decent it does fairly low damage unless again you change it to semi-auto but I like the full auto version too because you can get a large magazine for this and it does have a high rate of fire does pretty good damage per second and it has some pretty cool mods to it the problem I have with like the 11 mm round is that almost all three of the guns that use it feel kind of the sameish to me now that's not necessarily a bad thing cuz they're all decent but I don't think that they're anything incredible most of the time unless again you get really cool legendary effects and the drum beat I think is just kind of like a b tier weapon I think it's decent all the way around but nothing super crazy our next weapon is the equinox The Equinox is the laser rifle one of two laser rifles in the game this and the Orion are the two of them this one does okay damage per shot this one does benefit heavily from mods similar to the soless so that's kind of just how energy weapons work it is very accurate it has nice sights on it it holds a decent amount of shots holding 20 Bas you can change this you can either have it semi-automatic or fully automatic if you would like you could have fire lasers on this you can do quite a few different things with the laser weapons which is pretty cool with mods we not going to be taking that super into account here but it it is an option if you want to be modifying this overall it's a pretty good weapon and there's a lot of customization that can be done with this I think the base Equinox is probably like a high B tier or a low a tier one of those two it's it's pretty good like the extra range that it has the fast follow-up shots the good rate of fire the zero recoil is amazing so if you're heavily wanting that for like medium range then the Equinox is really really good and it can can be pretty good at very close range too even when enemies are trying to melee you because it can follow up its shot so quickly up next we've got the bolf and the bolf is basically like if you took the P90 and scaled it up to a rifle and it's pretty good it fires the same round it fires the 7.77 mm caseless so it is a super common round to find all over Starfield it's also not difficult to find Bea wolfes once you start getting some levels into Starfield either like spacers can have this Merks can have it you can find it just a arsenals and armories and stuff vendors sell it pretty often too it holds a decent amount of shots holding 30 base so not quite as much as the P90 although this one is more common as a semi-auto than a full auto but it can be either it's got really nice sights it's got very low recoil it's probably one of the best cheap weapons to use just to clear up small things as well because you can find tons and tons of the 7.7 mm rounds and they're all pretty good it also has a lot of customizations you can do it's fairly accurate at long range overall the bolf is actually just a really solid weapon and I think I'd put the bolf up into a tier I really enjoy this one it might not be on the high end of a tier it might be on the lower end of a tier and maybe the Equinox could beat it out in certain situations especially if you built like laser weapons but the bolf is pretty consistent across the board then we have the lawgiver the lawgiver is likely the first sniper rifle that you're going to find and this one shoots the 50 cal round this one is a semi-automatic weapon it's only semi-automatic and it holds six shots it does have a okay reload speed I decent rate of fire it actually shoots fairly quick and it does do high damage for when you get it unfortunately it falls off super hard compared to the other sniper rifles so once they become available this one just kind of disappears because there's no reason to use it unless you just really like the aesthetic of it this one I used for quite a while in my very first playthrough and I managed to get a really strong legendary version of this the regular law Giver is perfectly fine though too early on to the game I would say that this thing is probably a or b tier I'm steering more towards B tier later on this thing is probably like C tier and it's just not as good as the other snipers so I think I'm going to put it at the top of C tier the Aesthetics for it are awesome I think it looks very unique but for actual like functional purposes I don't think it's very good and it's not the strongest 50 cal round so it does have competition with the other rounds that it's using up next we have the old Earth assault rifle which is the AK and this one is kind of cool it is the only gun that shoots the 762 by 39 Round so they did get the cartridge right in this which is kind of surprising for Bethesda but okay okay they have that and it's not bad overall in terms of everything it does okay damage per shot it does pretty good damage per second its rate of fire is okay although it feels a little bit off for an AK compared to other games I'm not entirely sure why that is sights are pretty decent it has surprisingly low recoil even when you have the stockless version of this the only problem with it is finding like 762 by 39 ammo that's not a super common ammo type to find vendors don't have it too often so you can't always stockpile a bunch of this at least easily you could if you just go to vendors that do have it and then wait like the 72 hours or however long it is maybe it's 48 hours in this game for the vendors to refresh and then you can buy more of it that is an okay option there are a couple places a couple robots that heck can have this too as well as the 9x 39 which we'll talk about in just a second with the old Earth hunting rifle I've never been super impressed by the AK in this game but it's okay I think it's a little bit better than like the malstrom at least once you have a decent amount of ammo the mom might be better just because you can get a whole lot more ammo for it though so I think I'd put the AK in like B tier I think it's on the lower end of B tier not as good as these two but it's okay overall then we have the old Earth hunting rifle which is the ventz and this one is pretty cool too I like that this is in the game it shoots the 9x 39 Round it is always suppressed and it always has a scope on it which is fantastic it holds 20 rounds in it base that is really cool for a sniper rifle it's semi-automatic it shoots fairly quick it's fairly accurate ammo can be an issue as well 9 by 39 is not super common to come by although you may not need as much of that as you would like AK rounds because this is more of a sniper rifle so you're going to be using it more in a sniper roll it is pretty good in the early game and I would say it's potentially even better than the log Giver because the larger mag size in it is pretty good and the fast follow-up shots make it pretty decent even when enemies are getting to that close and medium range whereas a log Giver isn't as good at those ranges it's still okay but not as good as this one the same kind of problem applies to it though as to when the other two snipers become available this one falls off pretty hard or if you turn a be wolf into a sniper rifle this one also isn't as strong as that because the ammo is just not an issue with the be wolf this one just it becomes more of an issue so I would also put this one into B tier it's good when you can get it early on and sometimes you can find vendors that sell this really early on but as the game goes on it's going to fall out of favor pretty quick then we have the Orion up next this is the other l laser rifle and this one's basically two laser rifles attached together in this gun this gun I think always comes with a scope as well which is kind of cool this one has very low recoil it's fairly accurate although it's not as accurate as something like the Equinox because sometimes one laser might hit but the other laser might go wide and they're not always connecting where you would like them to so that is a little bit of an issue but it does do more damage per shot it can do more damage per second doesn't have as fast of a rate of fire as something like the Equinox but it has a lot of the same mods that you can put on The Equinox which is great and it shoots the same cartridge too it shoots the 3 kilovolt laser cartridge which is kind of nice so both of those are shared this one I would just say is usually better than the Equinox with certain exceptions again with like legendary effects or if you want a more accurate longer range energy weapon and of course you could use both of these because if you're just using Equinox as your sniper rifle and then you're using your Orion as your general purpose gun I think both of them work really well in those two roles and I would put the Orion like high up into a tier I think it's really good I might put it above the Bay Wolf I'm not sure it's really common to find ammo for this too so ammo is not an issue either then we have the aa99 this is kind of more of a standard assault rifle this is also an 11 mm gun and just like what I said with the drum beat all the 11 mm guns kind of feel the sameish and they all feel pretty decent the aa99 is probably one of my more favorite guns it doesn't have as high a rate of fire or something like the drum beat but it does do more damage than it this one can be full Auto or semi-auto it has some pretty good mods to it uh it has a pretty satisfying reload animation too you can find these often with Scopes although they don't come with a scope by default the iron sights are still pretty good with it though and the aa99 I would say is probably my favorite of the 11 mm guns but I still don't know if I'd put it higher than b tier I I think I'd still put it in like B tier just above the drum beat I I think it's the better of the two but both have their pros and cons and depending on what mods you get or what legendary effects you get on of both can be really good and then we have the Nova blast disruptor which the Nova blast disruptor is not really that great at least if you're playing the game normally and you intend on killing enemies the disruptor itself is supposed to knock out enemies it's supposed to be a non-lethal weapon so if you're playing a pacifist run this thing is probably like s tier then since then at least you can shoot enemies and you can feel like you're doing something during combat but you don't actually need to kill anybody but in just regular combat basically every other weapon is going to be more effective than this if you don't care whether you need to kill or not kill it is good on certain Mission types where it's like I just want to stun some enemies if I'm trying to get information there's uh one quest in particular with ryugen that gives you one of these where you're not supposed to kill any employees for actual killing though this one is like d tier it's just not really that good I also wish it would hold more shots too five shots is just not enough to knock people out effectively you shoot them with all five shots and you got to reload and shoot them with like two more shots CU by then the EMP status effect has already worn down so it's just it's kind of frustrating to use it even as like a pacifist weapon when you're supposed to be using it for that plus it uses the heavy particle fuse which is the same thing that the Big Bang uses and there's no way you're going to use this over the Big Bang on basically any build if you want to kill things again besides a pacifist build so yeah bottom of D tier not a favorite weapon of mine at all then we have the mag Shear the mag Shear is a full auto assault rifle type weapon does low damage has a really high rate of fire it's very accurate sort of it's almost like cheating because you just have to get something like within a big Square so as long as you can put that on an enemy you can kill them very quickly with that even though this does do low damage it has such a high rate of fire and this thing has like no recoil to it as well this does shoot the 50 cal Mi array which is different from the 50 cal from the lawgiver and that ammo is kind of difficult to find especially if you end up using your mag Shear a lot that's like the one major con with this weapon everything else about it is pretty good um well maybe if enemies have armor and you don't have like armor breaking either with the skill or with uh some mods on this like armor piercing rounds then it's not as good either but against any soft targets or any lightly armored Targets this one just absolutely shreds through stuff it is very satisfying the legendary version of this is incredibly strong but we're not going to be talking about that here just the regular mag Shear I would put this one like top of a tier I don't think it's quite s tier because like I said without going into Mods and without going into legendary effects it can struggle against tankier enemies enemies with heavier armor enemies with a lot of Health this one doesn't necessarily kill super quick especially if they have both of those then this one's going to be a little bit less consistent but still super long range very high rate of fire very accurate very low recoil has a lot of things going for it then our next one is the mag sniper and the mag sniper is probably going to be like the last weapon that you unlock in the game cuz you don't really see this until like level 50 plus and the mag sniper is pretty insane this does like the highest damage per shot out of any of the rifles here it does one of the highest damage per shots out of any of the weapons it is a long range semi-automatic sniper rifle it does use the 6.5 mm uh Mi array which is also different from the other 6.5 mm again I don't know why they decided to change those I don't know why they just didn't have this say like rail gun shots or something at least then you wouldn't get it confused with anything uh this holds a lot of shots for it as well I think it always comes with a scope too these are very rare uh I haven't seen I think any enemies use using this it would be very terrifying if they were using it most of the time I found this from vendors or I found it in uh rare loot crates so it is a very uncommon weapon but an insanely powerful weapon if you do get it and I'd put this one like right up to S tier it is crazy how much damage it does it's even more crazy if you're going with like a sneak build and you're just sniping at people and using this as an engage because you can just clear up a fight before it even happens and uh kind of speaking of that same craziness we have the Hard Target The Hard Target is another semi-automatic sniper rifle this one fires the regular 50 cal rounds the same way the lawgiver does and this one completely blows the the lawgiver out of the water it isn't even close this thing does so much damage it does pretty decent damage per second because you can fire it fast this one always comes with a scope it's got plenty of mods it's reload is kind of slow but that usually doesn't matter with something like a sniper rifle and I do wish you could more commonly get like a larger magazine for this I haven't found any like rare effects or legendary effects that have given it the large magazine size cuz 10 Rounds in this would be amazing and this one's also going right up into s tier it might even be better than the mag sniper just because the ammo is so common you're like never going to run out of shots with this cuz if you find anybody with a log Giver they're probably going to have 40 50 rounds on them and 50 rounds with a rifle that usually kills in one shot is really really strong speaking of really really strong we have the mag pulse next so this one does have one major downside with it and that's that it uses the same ammo as the mag sniper and that's kind of its only real downside cuz aside from that it's really good this one is way easier to find though it's not too uncommon for Merch to have this it's also not too uncommon to get this uh from merchants or to get this throughout quest lines you are going to need to get some levels to unlock this one though I don't think it unlocks until like level 30 40 or so in the quest line so it's more common for enemies to have it this one acts similar to the magar where you just have a big square that you have to put on an enemy at any given range and it fires and does a lot of damage it's very easy to hit targets at really long range it doesn't have a super high rate of fire like the mag Shear it's in between the other two mag weapons so fairly fast overall I'd say this one does good damage per shot really good damage per second holds a lot of shots in it it works really well at medium range where it can just shred through everything and so long as you don't also have the mag sniper on you or even if you do have both of these honestly it's not that big of a deal because you're probably only going to be using the mag sniper to engage with not a whole lot during fights and even if you are it's not going to use up a whole lot of your rounds then you can use this as your primary weapon I would put the mag pulse also up into s tier but on the low end of s tier and the only reason why it's on the low end is because the mag sniper also exist then we've got the tombstone the tombstone is the last 11 mm gun and this one is also kind of in the middle for me it's okay overall it holds 20 rounds by default which I don't really care for I wish it held 30 since it is usually full auto you can make it semi auto it does decent damage it's fairly accurate has low recoil I think it always comes with a scope on it as well and the mods for it are pretty good just like all the 11 mm rounds I think I'm also going to just throw this one into B tier I think it's my least favorite of the three but they're all pretty good compared to one another any of them are fine if you like using the 11 mm uh I I found that they all feels fairly similar to me and I just like the look of the aa99 a little bit more and the way it feels a little bit more than the other two not to say the other two are bad though I'm perfectly fine with using them as well then we have the Kodama I believe that's how you say this this is the nail gun the space nail gun this one is kind of interesting this one also fires the 7.77 mm round same as the P90 and the bolf and this one has an interesting effect where it also always counts as bleed damage on top of it so it's basically always like flette rounds and that can be pretty good bleed is just a good status effect in general since it can apply pressure to multiple enemies it's good for dealing damage over time so it's good for long drawn out fights and it works very well in most enemies with robots being the one exception where you can't bleed them so this weapon isn't very good against robots but against everything else it's decent this one has a fast rate of fire low recoil it has actually really nice iron sights on it too good damage per second although low damage per shot but then the bleed Stacks up from that so the bleed can make up for that and it usually has an okay sized magazine this one I wouldn't say is as good as the Bea wolf I think the Beowolf is the best one for firing the 7.77 and I think the P90 is probably the weakest so I'd put this one somewhere in the middle but I think I think it's towards the high end of the middle just because of the bleed on it like that's guaranteed and then we have the Veron inflictor the Veron inflictor is the only particle beam rifle and this one has split damage because of that it is very strong it has very low recoil it does good damage per shot good damage per second it doesn't have a super fast rate of fire that usually doesn't matter because it its accuracy is really good at medium and long range this is really effective and at close range it can also be pretty strong I guess the only technical downside that this one has is that it also uses the heavy article fuse the same thing as the big bang and I would usually use the big bang over this but even so I think this is probably one of the best rifles in the game and I think I would put this one up into s tier it's really solid overall and honestly the last tier list where we had the shotgun the Big Bang probably should have been up into s tier same thing goes with like the Bree thinking back on it I put them both in a because I didn't think that they were quite as good as the old Earth pump shotgun but that felt kind of weird to me and I would probably move them up from now the Veron weapons are actually really solid the pistol is solid the shotgun and the rifle is solid I don't know if the big I guess the Big Bang isn't technically considered this but it's also really solid and this is where I put all the rifles in Starfield tell me your thoughts down below up next we're going to be taking a look at heavy weapons and then I might do one more list just putting everything on here and seeing if I would change my mind cuz these lists I more try to compare them to the weapons in their own category more so than all weapons and it might be fun to do all weapons and just kind of put them up here and what I think so tell me if you guys would be interested in that hope you guys enjoyed this and I will talk to you guys next time till then stay cool and bye-bye everybody
Channel: ReapeeRon
Views: 176,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield best guns, starfield best gun, starfield best weapons
Id: DI7idfvovQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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