20+ People Who Are Having A Worse Day Than You

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cuz you had a bad day you're taking one down but it's not always this bad and we hope that this video will bring a smile to your face stick around until the end to see one of the most ironic but still hilarious things ever don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the things now let's get to the video this car owner okay this is the stuff nightmares are made of we have no idea what kind of speed bumps this car went through but by the looks of it it had to go through a serious accident that ended up spilling the paint absolutely everywhere how is that even possible and more importantly how are you supposed to get this paint off the car we just hope that the person inside ended up okay because this really looks like a nightmare we don't ever want to be a part of this girl have you ever gone to the zoo and things didn't go exactly as planned no well Dudley Dursley and this little girl definitely have a worse day than you we have a feeling this kid's going to be traumatized from her zoo experience for the rest of her life we feel you peacock sometimes we want to be left alone to this hungry person we can all agree that vending machines are the worst but they're especially bad when they don't work how many times have you paid for something but never got it no matter how hard you shake the machine well luckily for you you didn't do what this person tried to do to get that first item out because clearly that method doesn't work on all vending machines shaking the machine might actually help although by the looks of it this vending machine just gave up on life another car owner okay just to warn you cars are going to be super popular in our video so if you're not a car owner you're automatically having a better day than most people but if you do own a car you probably spilled a drink in it before but this this looks like a complete mess and we have no idea how a person's supposed to clean it we just hope they weren't on their way to work because that's just a mess after a mess this mom there are rare a few people that are able to live a life without a phone and since most of our batteries die down pretty fast we need to charge it but with so many cords around things can get easily mixed up like with this mom who clearly thought she was charging her phone but take a closer look the actual plug she plugs it in the headphones not the actual charger sorry mom it happens to the best of us this number 139 okay imagine craving McDonald's ordering your food and waiting in one of those fancy new lines where you actually get a number and your order gets called up we have no idea what this person ordered but seeing this on the screen must be pretty frustrating considering there had to have been number 139 somewhere hope they ended up getting their food because if not nothing says a ruined day as much as having to engage with any kind of customer service more than you're supposed to this chef cooking is not easy and mistakes happen in every single kitchen no matter what you prepare sometimes you might end up completely destroying the dish no we mean the actual dish as in the pot might completely melt off for some reason we have no idea what's happening here but that must suck for whoever just wasted all those potatoes and veggies kids never buy cheap dishes and another car owner still having a bad day here's a bit of irony for you no one likes car accidents and we really hope that this person ended up being okay but here's a lesson never predict what will happen to you with the license plate look at this cars plate numbers or in this case plate letters it's true it actually did get wrecked who knows maybe the car owner really predicted this event this swimmer not a fan of swimming we have a feeling this dude wasn't either after he severely underestimated the distance between the thing he jumped off and the actual swimming pool this one had to hurt but we do hope he ended up being okay we can imagine something like this really would put you off swimming for a while so if you never had an accident like this you're already automatically doing better than this guy sorry dude we hope you didn't get hurt too badly this person trying to get out of the house if your country never gets any snow your life is automatically a lot easier than it is for most people like this person who probably tried to get out of the house but realize they were totally snowed in can you see it the stove looks like another door we can't even imagine what it must have been like digging through this to get out although to be fair they probably just stayed in and took a day off the guy with interesting shoes we're sure this happens you before but if it didn't you better knock on wood imagine getting up in the morning in the dark because your partner is still asleep something like this could easily happen to you and you could be wearing your partner's shoe without even knowing we just want to know how long it took for this guy to find out and how many people actually noticed it before him poor dude this unlucky loser calling someone a loser is usually very rude but in this case there's no better word to describe a total opposite of being a winner have any chance of winning the lottery is very slim but why the odds of having the numbers that are all one number lower than the winning numbers our heart dropped just from looking at this we can't even imagine how this person might have felt when they saw those numbers this kitchen owner having a properly fitted kitchen is important but sometimes just sometimes that just doesn't work out imagine waking up in the morning going to get some breakfast and walking into this we're pretty sure we just go right back to bed because that's just way too much to handle so trust us it's safe to say this person is having a worse day than you but check your kitchen just to make sure because you never know when those cabinets will start falling down this person and the car we're telling you there are a lot of cars in this video car owners really don't have it easy imagine forgetting to close your window coming to your car in the morning and finding it all snowed in from the inside and outside is this a good enough excuse to take a day off work it definitely sounds like it because there's probably nothing you could do until the snow just melts off that poor car and this one too seriously there's nothing worse than something happening to your car cars are expensive but this ridiculous accident looks like it'd be pretty expensive to fix just imagining opening your car door and half the door ending up still attached to the car how could this even happen in the first place do you think the person was just able to shut the door and open it normally again we definitely hope so because otherwise that really looks like the person had the worst day ever this student if you never missed your exam you automatically have a better day than a lot of people sometimes it's hard to track things and keep a calendar when you're a student so imagine what this kid must've felt when they realized their exam actually passed they thought it was the next day we're pretty sure we'd get a heart attack if he ever saw a message like that without knowing about the finals or Diego we hope he managed to sort it out eventually this Ford Fiesta flame owner Ford Fiesta flame just has a cool name but it can easily become something else if one of the letter falls off imagine driving around with a Ford Fiesta lame that definitely doesn't sound anywhere near as cool as the original we really feel for this guy and we hope he wasn't too bothered because driving around in the car with the word lame isn't exactly fun it's a minor thing but it still means someone out there has had a worse day than you these plane passengers most people don't really enjoy flying on a plane anyways so imagine seeing this midair a part of the airplane wings seem to have taken off don't know about you but we probably just closed down the shutters and avoid looking at it for the rest of the flight and pray that everything will turn out fine because this definitely doesn't look good we just hope this plane how to safe landing and nothing else was wrong but from the looks of it we definitely don't want to be on there this stressed person so this person bought a stress relief lotion and were assuming they were under a lot of stress and very excited to use this after all everyone deserves a bit of pampering so imagine if this doesn't happen when you want it to or if you buy an expensive pampering lotion that ends up crashing on the floor like this one we're pretty sure cleaning that up it wasn't really distressing at all this phone owner we've probably shown you one example of how people with this you have a worse day than you but if you're still not convinced this incident might imagine going to the zoo and ending up walking out with an alligator eating your phone definitely doesn't sound like a fun trip and we really feel for the person who probably lost their phone after this and we really hope the alligator didn't actually eat it because that just means problems for those new people too this banana lover nobody likes when their food is being messed with so you're already having a better day if you're not one of those people who doesn't love a banana for breakfast well we don't love a banana that falls apart as soon as you take it out of the bag and less than making a banana bread this person will probably have to waste a whole lot of bananas replay this part of the video back and see how many times we've said the word banana the person who found a snake while driving if you've never had anything happen driving in a car you're already better than this person imagine driving and going to work or somewhere and then seen an actual snake coming out of the car while you're driving it's what happened to this mom who totally freaked out we just hope she wasn't on a highway because that would definitely cause a few accidents snakes on a plane is scary but snakes in the car is definitely scarier this tarmac kid looks like this kid just wanting to play on his scooter but they ended up in a slightly sticky situation it looks like this kid tripped over on their scooter and fell into the tarmac we can imagine that was probably a nightmare to clean but what's even worse is that they didn't pick up their bike this seems like a lot of work for the kid and for the person that has to lay the tarmac all over again the person that just wanted an apple an apple a day might keep a doctor away but we don't think this Apple would actually do that all this person wanted was an apple but what they got was one of the most dangerous fruits ever after the Apple slicer blades got stuck in the fruit luckily you can clearly see them because otherwise this could end up pretty bad remember an apple a day keeps the doctor away only if it doesn't include anything crazy like razor blades this unfortunate person still not convinced your day is not actually that bad imagine seeing this horrifying thing spiders are scary but what's even scarier is not being able to get rid of them because they're standing on top of the bug repellant spray just looking at that spider makes this one - just nope our way out of there and accept the fact this spider will eventually become a house pet will forever fear we really hope that spider eventually got off the spray anyways we hope this made you realize your day actually wasn't as bad and brought a smile to your face and that's all for our video don't forget to subscribe to the things and tell us how you felt about this video thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: TheThings
Views: 323,919
Rating: 4.7475023 out of 5
Keywords: thethings, people who are having a worse day than you, bad days, funny video, bad day, cooking mishaps, hilarious examples of bad luck, funny people having bad, examples of people having bad funny, funny examples, unbelievable examples, most hilarious people, unlucky people, hilarious examples, funny photos, funny pics, hilarious photos, hilarious pics, 0318
Id: Q3PYFW4l2-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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