15 Most Dangerous Bugs in the World

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[Music] bugs and insects are probably the most innocuous looking creatures that inhabit the earth while they certainly scare the bejesus out of some of us most of us just don't seem to mind them that much however there are some bugs that definitely deserve a second look because one careless move around them might spell certain doom number one is in the title of the deadliest insect on earth so make sure you stay tuned for that with that said here are the 15 most dangerous bugs on earth our very first entry is the deer tick ticks in general are bad news but usually just to animals however there is one that'll be a pain in the backside when you're bit that would be the deer tick which is a major reason for its infecting of people with lyme disease we're not just talking about a couple 100 people here but rather thousands of people every year lyme disease starts with a small rash around the tick bite but soon develops into headaches and heart problems later on the infected person will suffer from stiff joints and a ton of pain few people have died from this disease but whether you survive it or not one thing is for sure the pain and suffering it causes is extreme no wonder made it to the list of most dangerous bugs our next entry is the black widow spider when you look at the word dangerous on the dictionary you'll find the definition of the word dangerous i mean what else were you expecting but if there's a bug whose name is synonymous with dangerous it would be the black widow's spider the black widow spider makes a venom that affects your nervous system some people are only slightly affected by it but others may have a severe response right away you're gonna feel severe pain burning swelling and redness at the site although it is rarely deadly the mere fact that a single bite from one of these bugs can cause breathing difficulties and severe stomach cramps makes it an extremely dangerous bug our next entry is the yellow jacket the yellow jacket is one of the most menacing insects known to man these brightly colored wasps possess a fiery sting and bite seemingly out of proportion to their size yes you heard that right they can sting and bite at the same time and unlike bees who can only sting at once these guys can sing multiple times since their sting stays attached compared to other stinging insects they are the most aggressive especially when defending their territory they will assign a guard to stand watch at the nest opening and alert the colony to a threat if you unwittingly walk into the threshold the chance of a swarm attack is huge so buckle up buddy our next entry is the black spitting thick tail scorpion the name itself should be enough to tell you that this insect is not one that you should mess with the black spinning tail scorpion is definitely one of the most dangerous scorpions in the world they are usually found in the deserts of south africa they can be easily recognized for their thick dark tails which has a stinger on its tip these things hurt that's not the thing you should watch out for you see these guys spit out their venom get it on your skin you're gonna feel extreme pain if it somehow gets into your bloodstream paralysis and even death is fairly common our next century is pus caterpillars the pus caterpillar or woolly slug is the most poisonous caterpillar in the united states its poison is hidden in all those spines among its hairs which funnily enough look kind of like a wig okay yeah the wig may look funny but these guys are no laughing matter a puss caterpillar sting feels like a bee sting only worse the pain immediately and rapidly gets worse after being stung and can even make your bones hurt people unlucky enough to get stung by this crawling toupee of pain can look forward to feeling much much worse aside from the usual swelling itching rash of red blotches and raised riches you're also going to feel restlessness and anxiety that is if you can get your mind off of the pain in your bones our next entry is their human botfly human bodyflies aren't dangerous because they can sing and it's not because they're venomous either these guys are highly dangerous because they live for only one thing reproducing and since these guys don't live that long they need to make sure that the eggs they lay and the larvae that comes out of them hatch in a place that has plenty of food unfortunately that ideal place is under your skin they hijack mosquitoes and deposit their eggs within it the mosquito in turn transfers the eggs under your skin when they're fed and after the eggs hatch is when the true aura begins the tiny larva feed and grow under your skin causing a very nasty infection what do they eat well i'll leave that up to your imagination to add to the [ __ ] you can't just pull these guys out because of reverse facing spikes covering its body firmly anchoring it down into your flesh our next entry is kissing bugs the kiss of death these guys have it kissing bugs get their name because of their habit of feeding near the mouths and nostrils of mammals they're attracted there by carbon dioxide that we breathe out aside from feeding there they also make use of that area as their own personal toilet the danger of these bugs are in its urine and feces that is if you ingest them which is easily considering their placement they are the only known carriers of a microscopic parasite called triponsoma cruzai which causes the deadly chagas disease a deadly disease that causes 10 000 deaths every year chiang's disease is an infection that spreads throughout the body causing a number of complications the disease can take up to 20 years to kill a person and dying from the disease is extremely painful while the symptoms themselves can be treated there is no known effective cure for this deadly disease as of the moment but we can only hope our next entry is the bullet hand bowling ants can be found all over the amazon rainforest so encountering them can be pretty common but be warned they are not called bullet ants for nothing they are known as the insect with the most painful bite people have often liken being bitten by one of these creatures of being shot by a bullet they're also called the 24 hour ant because the pain that it brings lasts for that long despite the excruciating pain that they bring certain amazon tribes actively seek them out they catch the ants and then weave them into large mittens made up of woven palm leaves adolescent males eager to prove their manliness wear the gloves for hours on end all the while dancing with women enduring the searing pain the ants give him our next entry is the brazilian wandering spider the brazilian wandering spider has the most neurologically active venom of all spiders and is regarded as the most dangerous spider in the world the problem here is they usually frequent areas in close proximity to us humans greatly increasing the risk of getting fit it will bite in order to protect itself but unless startled or aggravated most bites will be delivered dry or without venom venom bites will occur if the spider is pressed against something or hurt in this case the high levels of serotonin contained in the venom will deliver a very painful bite that can result in muscle shock and when anti-venom isn't administered quickly even death may happen our next entry is zitsi flies the tiny unimposing ztc fly makes its way into this list because of the parasite that delivers into the human body when it bites this little fly can deliver a parasite that causes sleeping sickness sleeping sickness is a disease that can be fatal if left untreated the symptoms include fevers headaches and joint pains in advanced cases a victim can suffer from confusion poor coordination numbness and trouble sleeping hence its name it is estimated that about half a million people have already lost their lives to the disease that this insect brings on the upside it seems that african authorities have the disease pretty much under control only recording 977 cases back over in 2018 our next entry is the brown rick loose spider the bite of a brown recluse is extremely venomous and has led to fatalities through massive tissue loss and the subsequent infection sadly fatalities from brown rick loose spiders have been reported only in children younger than seven years so you know that they're dangerous so you stay away from them right well it's actually not that easy sadly this is because these guys prefer hanging out in dimly lit areas when they get into your house they would probably hang out under sheets or in a shoe you see where i'm going here my advice is just to check your shoes every time you try putting them on our next entry is the fire ant the fire ants thing is quite painful as well and the white pustules caused by fire and stains can last for weeks their venom also causes several skin problems with just some of the effects including bumps rashes chest pain loss of breath and nausea the allergic reaction can be treated with oral medication however the victim will have to undergo treatment if too much toxins were injected fire ant venom although not deadly by itself can cause severe allergic reactions of those susceptible to them it consists of a very harmful toxin called sulinopsin which can cause adverse effects on humans if injected in large amounts which can easily happen because these guys always attack in groups our next entry is the arizona bark scorpion measuring less than three inches in length the arizona bark scorpion is considered the most dangerous scorpion in north america although highly toxic park scorpion sticks are rarely fatal in fact there's only been about two recorded fatalities from bark scorpion sting since they started keeping records in the 60s but that fact shouldn't put your mind at ease not one tiny bit when striking adult scorpions inject the exact amount of venom they need to disable their prey they can also control venom distribution when defending themselves so stings from adult scorpions can vary from the equivalent of a beasting to something far more painful in contrast baby bark scorpions lack this self-control so their stains can often contain more venom now it's time for today's best pick [Music] today's best pick is definitely something straight out of a trypophobic nightmare this bug definitely looks menacing but is it as dangerous as it looks i'll find out next with the abaddas water bug the amita's water bugs are also called tailbiters because well they bite toes for kicks these fascinating bugs are native and found locally in streams in the santa monica mountains so be very careful when waiting in the waters in these areas their bites are extremely painful and if you've been bitten by an end in between your toes before imagine that pain and multiply it by around a hundred that's basically the only danger they pose to as humans their painful bites usually result only in pain and redness and nothing more than that there were rumors that they were carriers of deadly viruses and bacteria but those are false rumors however i would definitely understand why people with trypophobia are afraid of them the males of the species carry the females eggs on their backs until they hatch giving them that terrifying appearance before we move on do me a favor my analytics show that only about 15 of you watching are actually subscribed come on guys what's up with that can you guys please hit the subscribe button you guys watch my videos every day anyway so you might as well subscribe and keep up to date with every video we put out our last entry is mosquitoes ask any bug expert what they think the most dangerous insect is and i guarantee you they'll have the same answer the mosquito they number in the billions and inhabit all areas of the earth except the coldest of areas they're responsible for millions of deaths all over the world every year they carry a multitude of deadly diseases from malaria to typhoid and then of course the zika virus for most folks the symptoms from this virus are mild just a fever rash joint pain and red eyes the real danger may be to pregnant women and their babies it's linked to a birth defect called microcephaly which causes small heads and brain damage know of any other dangerous bugs well let us know down below in the comments also feel free to check out the channel's other amazing videos as always thank you all for watching and i'll see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 198,854
Rating: 4.6168666 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, list, facts, bugs, creatures, spiders, creepy, dangerous, scary, worst, animals, nature, insect, dangerous insects, most dangerous, science, spider, giant centipede, wild, venomous, interesting facts, scariest, worst bugs, giant insects, wild animals, wildlife, ants, most dangerous insects, poisonous, hornet, bee, bizarre, epic wildlife, terrifying, strange, weird, ever, animal, bite, prehistoric insects, prehistoric bugs, facts about animals, unique animals, strange animals, new, viral
Id: 8gO_7ZBSxSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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