10 Animals That Can Live After Death

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immortality as along fascinated as humans numerous people have searched for the secret of living forever for centuries but it seems like we've been beaten to it by our animal friends to an extent at least today we will be looking at 10 animals that can live after death make sure you stay tuned for number one as this creature just might be immortal number 10 cockroaches it shouldn't come as a surprise that these tiny little bugs would make this list cockroaches are infamous for their tenacity and are often cited as the most likely survivors of a nuclear war some even claim they can live without their heads well surprise surprise they can live without their hands in fact they can go on living for two weeks to understand how these bugs can survive decapitation at first we must understand how we fragile humans couldn't first of all humans bleed and when a man's head comes off he bleeds a lot cockroaches don't have that problem though they have an open circulatory system which translates to little to no blood pressure so if their head pops off the wound discloses naturally due to clotting and secondly and probably obviously human heads kind of hold a very important part of our body our brain and without a humans will not function eating drinking and breathing are all impossible without the head but cockroaches on the other hand don't need their heads to breathe as they do this process through little holes located on their bodies called spiracles although a headless cockroach will die of starvation eventually it's gonna take them weeks for them to do so number 9 bees this might sound like a cop-out to you no bees die and they stay dead however there is a reason why they appear on this list because even though a bee might be dead it can still sting you not in the way that you think of course dead bees obviously can't go flying around and actively sting you is that their stinging parts and more importantly the venom delivery system will still work even if the bee is long dead when a bee stings the sting detaches from its body leaving it embedded into the skin of its victim attached to this thing is a tiny organ that both contains the bee venom and a tiny muscle that pumps the venom out due to the simple physiology of bees these actions are not controlled by the bees simple brain but rather by involuntary impulses so if you think that you're safe picking up a dead bee think again number eight chickens there is truth to the expression running around like a headless chicken after all ya ask any farmer and they'll tell you chickens can still run around with their heads cut off and there's a very simple reason for this and it's not because chickens are zombies now the reason is believe it or not human error this error happens to be a butcher's error to be more specific you see a chicken central nervous system is very different from us humans some basic bodily functions are controlled not by the brain itself but by certain parts of the brainstem so what does this all mean well the butcher chopped the chicken's head too high most of the time it's just the forebrain of the chicken that comes off with its head leaving the brain stem and the cerebellum quite intact in fact if the butcher also misses the jugular not only will the chicken continue to move it sometimes can still breathe of course it eventually starves to death but there is one special case that a chicken survived 18 whole months without its head number 7 the octopus I'm pretty sure that you've seen videos online where an octopus after being chopped up continues to move in fact in certain Asian countries eating fresh octopus is a deadly delicacy it's not really the octopus that survives after being chopped up there are there 8 wily arms that continue to move about and it's these 8 arms that usually get stuck in someone's throat resulting into a very bad day the reason why octopuses arms maintain mobility even after being chopped off is quite fascinating it's because their central nervous system is quite unique you see most of an octopuses nerve cells two out of three of them in fact can be found not in the brain where you would expect them to be but rather in its tentacles and these arms can continue reacting to stimuli even if they are no longer connected to the main brain in fact they remain responsive even after the octopus has been long dead and the arms suffered researchers in st. George University in London conducted extensive experiments on this phenomenon after the animals were euthanized their arms were removed and kept in chilled sea water for up to an hour until they were ready for experimentation some arms were suspended vertically and others were laid out horizontally they then pinched them the suspended arms recoiled from the unpleasant stimulus by shortening and curling in a corkscrew shape within one second horizontal arms also moved away from the undesirable stimuli many bending in a sort of contrived joint toward the top these movements can happen up for a week after the octopuses death number six salamanders if you're gonna come up with a list of animals that stubbornly continue to live even after apparent death you'll be hard-pressed not to include the salamander this animal has always been synonymous to long life and immortality it's even revered by people who believe in magic believing that the amazing regenerative powers of this animal can be considered paranormal salamanders have the uncanny ability to regenerate any part of its body that has been chopped off more amazingly these regrown parts actually function the same as or in some cases even better than the original parts this is mainly because of a special protein found in salamanders which facilitates the replication of cells this protein can also be found in humans but in smaller quantities and they help us heal from our wounds so does this mean that we can soon regenerate severed limbs well we're not quite there yet but scientists are continuing to study salamanders and how their unique ability can benefit humans in the future number 5 frogs it has been discovered that frogs continue to move around even when their brain dead in order to put it more accurately with its brain missing this experiment was brought about when scientists discovered reports of various headless animals continuing to move about that's very impressive on its own but let's face it there's only so much any creature without a head can do so what happens if you leave the frogs head intact but take out its brain you ask well thanks to the let's chop out its brain and see what the hell happens approach to science taken by 19th century neurologist David farrier we can tell you a headed but brainless frog actually behaves very similarly to a frog with its green matter perfectly intact if you turn it upside down it will ride itself you pinch its feet it will hop away you put it in water it will swim to the side and climb out and perhaps most disturbing of all it'll even croak intently if you stroke its back the factor that results in frogs zombie-like tendencies is the power of the reflex reaction which fires the necessary electrical impulses that cause a muscle to expand or contract number four flies you probably seen David Blaine resurrect dead flies just by touching them and no this is not because the magician really has supernatural powers flies can survive freezing temperatures and go into some kind of suspended animation but you really see David doing is thawing the frozen fly using his own body heat when the insect fully thaws the fly then flies away but this amazing ability to survive freezing temperatures is not why the humble fly makes it to this list female flies will live for several days after they have been decapitated such beheading females assume an upright stance comparable to that of a normal fly and can do and engage in complex actions such as preening flying and under duress walking even more amazed me males will court to capitated females that's right chop off a female fly's head and not much changes really if anything it serves to make the flies behavior more human-like the males still want to have sex with her while she in turn treats their sexual adventures as noxious foreign stimuli number three Turtles the hearts of fish reptiles birds and mammals alike have their own pacemaker cells that take over when the signals from the brainstem are not coming through for some reason it which ensures that the heart still functions for a while even when the brain does not now the turtle took the term for a while to a whole new level and this is because from their hearts viewpoint being cut off from the oxygen and nutrients usually supplied by the blood is just a normal day at the office because these animals can die for very long time how long well try five thousand hours in the case of the loggerhead musk turtle yeah you've heard that right that was a five followed by three zeros and they survived that long by what oxygen that can take up from the water via their skin throat and butt end as well as their body's amazing potential for producing energy without oxygen their hearts have their own fuel stash and they just won't give up until every last fill up of that has been used up now it's time for the day's best big today we're gonna focus on an animal so ferocious it can still kill you with its head chopped off perfect for Halloween honestly number two snakes people's reaction when faced with a highly venomous se can be boiled down into three categories running away freezing on the spot and Oh God kill it chop its head off while indeed chopping that thing's head off may seem the most feasible way to avoid getting bitten the truth is that that may not be the case a snake's head a vessel for its fangs and deadly poison sacs still have the ability to bite you and deliver deadly venom even if it's no longer attached to the rest of its body the snake has heat sensitive pits at either side of its face which it uses to detect threats now let's face it if you're close enough for your body heat to be detected you're close enough to be considered a threat these heat sensitive pits are capable of detecting a threatening presence for hours after death which means this thing may continue to defend itself zombie style and yes this even applies the body is no longer attached I saved the best for last but first I have a quick challenge that takes 45 seconds 53 if you can leave a like and subscribe within the next five seconds you'll get 10 years of amazing luck just try it it really worked number one flatworms are you familiar with the old wives tale about how earthworms reproduce it states that if you cut an earthworm in half two earth worms will form from the separate halves of course this has since been proven to be completely hokum however substitute the earthworm with a flat worm and then this old wives tale suddenly becomes a very true disturbing story flat worms or planarian are known as masters of regeneration they can rebuild any part of their bodies after amputation if one is cut in half the head portion grows a tail and the tail portion grows a head cut it into 20 pieces and 20 new worms each an exact copy of the first are created this has been exploited by Nottingham University scientists who have created a colony of more than 20,000 worm and guess what they're all from one original whose bodies and organs do not appear to age they are confident a single worm which did not divide would live forever unless it catches an infection or another illness which deathless animal is your favorite let us know in the comments section down below one more videos that would probably still exist until the end of time but got any of the videos you see on the screen as always thanks for watching everybody and you all have a good weekend [Music]
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 15,401,590
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Keywords: Top, Best, creatures, immortal animals, immortal, animal, destiny, interesting facts, interesting, facts, craziest animals, headless, snake, snakes, creature, insane animals, live after death, creatures that live after death, easy money, make money online, passive income, online business, how to make money, residual income, animals, paid every month, investment, atm business, passive business, marketing, leads, fb ads, easy businesses to start, $100 a day, cold email
Id: IMxdjKaRlfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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