10 Most Dangerous Attacks In The Amazon Jungle

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hey guys it's chris from a cayman trapping a poor girl in its jaws to a boat capsizing with a mysterious monster attacking everyone under the water here are 10 of the wildest attacks from the amazon jungle [Music] number 10 the deadly caiman believe it or not the black caiman is often considered to be the deadliest of all the predators in south america responsible for more attacks on humans than bull sharks anacondas or even jaguars black caimans are huge and there are at least six species of them living throughout brazil they're much smaller than saltwater crocs but can still grow to be upwards of 10 feet long the black cayman is still big and strong enough to take on human prey take this case study published in wilderness and environmental medicine back in 2011 for example in which a young child was eaten by one of these ferocious beasts the incident occurred when seven children were bathing in a remote river near their village in the rondonian state in brazil that's deep in the jungle they were having a great time but the caiman attacked the children managing to grasp an 11 year old girl in its deadly jaws luckily a fisherman was nearby and helped the rest of the children to safety but it was too late for the little girl he said that he saw the reptile with a girl trapped in the mouth but that soon disappeared her body wasn't recovered for a full day until police and other members of the community could successfully track the animal down the study verified this report and confirmed that injuries caused by caimans have a similar clinical profile to those of sharks due to the potentially large wounds blood loss and secondary bacterial infections they'll sneak up slowly using their camouflage to get close and you can imagine that the shrieking children in the water having fun helped it out the study says that an attack by one of these animals is almost always fatal especially when it's an adult specimen because the average length is 4 meters it's 70 to 80 teeth suitable for clamping down on its prey add to the force of the jaw and prevent any reaction from the victim while attacks are rare this poor girl didn't stand a chance number nine bitten on purpose coyote peterson is one of the most insane wildlife experts in the world just last year this guy went into the amazon jungle and was deliberately attacked by bullet ants in case you didn't already know bullet ants have the most painful sting out of any insect in the world delivering excruciating pain that lasts up to 24 hours people who have gotten attacked by these merciless insects have described the pain as on par with being shot with a gun hence where bullet ants earned such a violent name and despite knowing full well how menacingly dangerous these ants are coyote peterson went into the jungle and filmed himself getting bitten on the arms and then falling to the ground and rolling around in pain while the venom pumped into his bloodstream this guy is clearly an absolute lunatic and at 39 years old he's already made dozens of videos of himself getting bitten by other nightmarish creatures but this was definitely the worst especially considering that a bullet ant can produce a neurotoxic venom that's 30 times more painful than a bee sting this is definitely one attack no normal person would willingly sign up for so would you let yourself get bitten or stung on purpose please let me know in the comments below and before we continue i just want to say thanks for checking out the channel don't forget to hit that subscribe button for more videos like these number 8. flesh eating piranha at least 70 people were brutally injured during a horrific piranha attack in a river in argentina back in 2013 forever dispelling the theory that piranhas aren't dangerous piranhas are in fact very dangerous animals and are capable of taking down huge groups of people with their vampire-like teeth this attack happened deep in the jungle about 186 miles from buenos aires it was on a particularly hot day when the people on vacation decided to cool off in the nearby river and that was when disaster struck a young girl lost part of her finger dozens of swimmers suffered injuries to their ankles and hands and the piranhas responsible for this savage attack were described as being the size of small dogs with big and sharp teeth and a whole lot of energy and this wasn't even the first time there was a mass attack perpetrated by hungry piranhas in 2008 40 swimmers were hurt during a similar attack and then just one month after the 70 people were swarmed by these voracious fish the daily mail reported another attack that caused 10 people to suffer similar injuries with at least one boy almost losing his middle toe from a piranha bite and yes fatalities are pretty rare when it comes to piranhas but these fish will definitely do some serious damage and you better hope you're not alone when it happens number 7 savage shark attack not all of the worst animal attacks happen in the brazilian rainforest some of them also occur off the coast of brazil like the recent horrifying incident when a tiger shark attacked an 18 year old kid by ripping off his leg and his private parts ouch this was one of the most brutal shark attacks in recent memory and the poor kid actually passed away because of his grave injuries the young man was immediately taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital but he suffered two heart attacks on his way there then he had to undergo a three-hour operation in which doctors chopped off his left leg and tried to reattach the veins to his boy organs but unfortunately he died anyway just a few hours later according to the director general at the hospital the boy lost way too much blood he suffered hypovolemic shock and there was nothing they could do to stop him from passing away number six anaconda terrorizers while trying to capture an anaconda in the jungles of venezuela a team of scientists came under attack the enormous snake did not appreciate the scientists trying to pull it out of the river where it had just been minding its own business the snake didn't attack them while they were on their boat but it definitely did some damage when the three scientists waded into the water and grabbed a hold of it the anaconda was big enough that it could have easily swallowed one of the men whole if it had been given the opportunity but the men were quick and grabbed a hold of the wriggling serpent but that didn't stop the anaconda from biting down on one of the scientists hands an act that could easily mean losing a few fingers or even the entire appendage the bite from an anaconda may not be venomous but considering how huge its teeth are it can still be deadly in this particular case the anaconda managed to get its fang right through the scientist's finger and that was only the start of his misery he then had to get his hand out of the snake's mouth which is easier said than done an anaconda's fangs curve inwards meaning trying to pull his hand out of the snake's mouth would only rip his hand up even worse he actually had to push his hand deeper into the snake's mouth to unhook himself from its curved fang he got away with his life this time but only because of sheer luck number five deadly arrows the most dangerous animal living in the amazon jungle is actually the human being back in 2020 the bbc reported the tragic killing of a brazilian official who had stumbled upon a secluded indigenous tribe deep in the dense jungles of brazil and ended up being murdered by a hail of arrows rielli franz cado was monitoring the tribe as part of his job working for the brazilian government's indigenous agency when they ambushed him and fired upon him with their primitive arrows because the indigenous group was so secluded from the rest of the world they had no way of knowing if rielli was friend or foe when he approached and so they did what frightened animals would usually do when they attacked eyewitness reports claimed that when rielli and his team of police approached the indigenous group they opened fire everyone attempted to take shelter behind the nearby vehicle but rielli was a little too slow he took an arrow straight to his chest and he died at the scene as for this tribe of isolated humans they're known as the katero river isolated group the tribe is in deep trouble because of ranchers and loggers moving closer into their territory making them a whole lot less secluded and likely this won't be the last attack we see in the coming years by this tribe on encroaching outsiders number four saved by monkeys a chilean tourist named maycool corrosio acuna recently went camping in bolivia only to spend nine days lost and starving in the amazon rainforest in what became one of the most incredible survival stories of the century this guy went out from his tent at night and got lost and then spent nine long days being bitten and attacked by insects that poisoned his mind with their venom he literally went crazy from being attacked by ants mosquitoes and all kinds of other things that creep and crawl but what's truly incredible is that according to maycool himself the only reason he survived is because a group of monkeys led him through the jungle back towards his camp dropping fruit out of the trees every day for him to feed on while the insects were attacking him from below the monkeys were helping him from above however not everybody believes his story he may have been so dehydrated and malnourished and poisoned due to all the insect stings that he hallucinated the whole monkey business then again there really could be a group of angelic monkeys living in the trees and helping him back to safety whatever the case may cool made a full recovery and returned home with a very exciting experience to tell his friends about number three venomous snakes ed stafford a former british army officer and experienced explorer became the first person ever to walk the full length of the amazon river back in 2010 according to the man himself he encountered at least 400 snakes and lived to tell the tale he has a show on discovery channel called left 4 dead where he is dropped in dangerous locations and then has to survive one particular snake that he met was an amazon pit viper one of the most venomous snakes in the entire world this snake injects its victims with a type of haemotoxic venom which can make a person bleed from their hair follicles their fingernails and even from their eyeballs he says the important thing to remember whenever you come across something dangerous is not to panic and while he managed his whole adventure without ever being attacked by a snake not everyone is so lucky there was a case report back in 2007 when a 43 year old man was bit right above his right heel by a speckled forest pit viper according to the case report after being bitten the man walked a short distance through the brazilian jungle to get help he was eventually taken to the nearest hospital in the north of the country and even though he suffered great pain and swelling he lived through the experience and despite pit vipers being so dangerous this was actually the first authenticated case of someone ever being bitten by one number two deadly amazon fish attack in 1981 one of the worst maritime disasters unfolded in the history of the amazon resulting in a tremendous loss of life when a riverboat named the sobral santos ii capsized in a mysterious monster attacked and killed an estimated 320 people in the water nobody ever identified the beast responsible for this attack until extreme angler jeremy wade from the hit show river monsters went into the jungle to investigate he'd traveled to the amazonian port town of abydos in brazil where the local people believed that man-eating piranhas were responsible for the deadly attack in 1981. however after completing his investigation jeremy wade determined that it had likely been a horde of paraba not piranha and red-tailed catfish that had killed all of these people but maybe even with the help of black piranhas and other small carnivorous river fish he theorized that the large red tail catfish pulled the struggling victims under the water with their huge and powerful jaws drowning them and once the people were floating dead in the water the piranhas and the rest of the carnivorous fish picked apart their bodies until nothing remained but their bones number one jaguar encounters jaguars tend to be extremely elusive animals almost nobody actually gets attacked by a jaguar in the amazon forest these animals are too big too stealthy and too smart to go anywhere near humans yet when yoshi ginsburg got trapped for three weeks in the amazon jungle back in 1981 he came face to face with this legendary jungle cat the story of yossi is quite complicated but basically he traveled into the amazon part of bolivia with a few friends got separated from them and then he got lost yossi then survived drowning venomous snake attacks starvation and a brief episode of insanity his survival has been called a miracle and there have even been books and films made about his intense adventures one of the scariest moments throughout his three weeks lost in the jungle was when yossi witnessed a jaguar standing directly in front of him late at night ready to pounce on the poor starving tourist the big cat was about to attack and yossi would have certainly been mauled to death if he hadn't thought fast and improvised a flamethrower by holding a flame in front of his insect repellent spray can and firing it at the animal the jaguar ran away and yossi was left to struggle through the amazon on his own until eventually he was rescued by his friend who came searching for him in a riverboat thanks for watching have you ever come face to face with any of these terrifying animals let me know in the comments and then please be sure to hit that subscribe button for even more amazing videos
Channel: World List
Views: 1,709,649
Rating: 4.7880855 out of 5
Keywords: world list, dangerous attacks in the amazon jungle, dangerous, animals, attack, creatures, jungle, amazon, amazon jungle, animal attacks, dangerous animals, amazon animals, animals in the amazon, most dangerous animals, most dangerous amazon creatures, most dangerous amazon animals, deadliest animals, deadliest amazon animals, jungle animals, amazon river, river monsters
Id: ACbmLRWxA3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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