10 Animal Pets That Attacked Their Owner!

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foreign [Music] we give them all the loving care that we can possibly give and in return we expect them to get back the same or just be all cuddly some bets however are simply ungrateful these Pez didn't just bite the hand that fed them as some of them literally ripped off and ate it here are 10 animal bears that attack their owners number 10. face eating ferrets ferrets are slowly becoming popular pets that is a spike barrier it's not technically being domesticated yet but due to their cuteness people are willing to take the risk of letting a wild animal into their homes that is that or they just don't know any better which is probably the case with this Pennsylvania family it is unclear how the family got a hold of the ferrets but they had three of them apparently it is legal to keep birds as pets in the state of Pennsylvania what was even clearer though was the fact that the cute fuzzy animals weren't as same as the family thought them to be for reasons that will become clear in a bit I'll be keeping the names of the people involved a secret this horrific story started one day when a mother left her one-month-old baby in the living room while she went upstairs to use the bathroom during her absence two of the ferrets and I managed to escape from their cage and proceed to gnaw at the poor baby's face when the baby was discovered 25 of her face had already been eaten she was immediately rushed to the hospital unfortunately she did make a full recovery although the scars she got from that horrible day will never fade I'm also gonna assume the ferrets were either put down or sent away number nine Humphrey the hippo Mario's elves 41 an Army Major who lived on a farm along the Val River in South Africa adopted a five-month-old orphaned hippo Humphrey the name given to the hippo was rescued as a calf during a flood on the river and given to elves after he grew too big for the people who had initially adopted him early on else was worn by a lot of people that hippos are wild aggressive animals but he would have none of it even knowing as far as saying that Humphrey was like a son to him for a few years that statement could actually hold ground owls could even be seen swimming with his 2465 pound Sun Animals even wrote him like a horse sometimes Humphrey was already exhibiting aggressive behavior early on though Humphrey was actually blamed for attacking and killing Kaz belonging to Elle's partner the animal also broke out of its damn enclosure and chased golfers at a nearby club he showed his aggression in full force when he suddenly attacked elves while both of them were in Humphrey's enclosure the attack was completely unprovoked and unfortunately the attack did lead to Elle's untimely death number eight mauled by wolf dogs in my opinion dogs are the perfect pets they're probably the only domesticated animal that reciprocates tenfold the love being given to them depending on how you raise them the same can't be said for wolf dogs wolf dogs are the result of the interbreeding between dogs and wolves and although they do have dog in their DNA it seems that they inherited the viciousness of their wolf parents instead Sandra L pay of a son had raised a pack of nine wolf dogs by herself and was extremely devoted to them saying that they gave her unqualified love as it turns out that love went sour when she failed to show up for a meeting with her daughter her estranged husband went to look for her only to find that her body was inside the cage of her wolf dogs partially eaten she had blood to death after being clawed and bitten and later being dragged to the enclosure by her half-wolf half dog hybrid pets number seven killed by a bull Ricky weinhold loved animals he loved cattle in particular and he loved them so much that he had 10 heads of them and since he didn't actually own a farm to keep all of his massive pets he actually leased a farm I mean how devoted could someone be to their pets most of the cattle were non-problematic key word there is most one particular Bowl was particularly hard to handle and calling it temperamental would have been an understatement this particular bull had such a bad attitude the property owners to whom Ricky was leasing the farm from actually advising to get rid of the bull Ricky didn't listen obviously even after the bull rammed him and broke a few of his ribs this event should have warned him of the unfortunate events that were about to happen a day before his 53rd birthday the bull savagely attacked Ricky no one saw what happened so no one can be certain would triggered the attack the bullet just recently fathered a calf prior to the attack but Bulls aren't really known to be protective of their kids so he's probably just being a jerk Ricky's lifeless body was found by the farm owner's son the following day number six deadly birthday present when bam Weaver turned 60 her husband thought that he would give her a gift that she would never forget a pet camel he was only a few months old when Pam got it and early on it was already exhibiting erratic or in this case erotic Behavior the camel could often be seen trying to mate with other animals he'd been trying to straddle the family's Pet Goat then one day the Randy camos set his sights on Pam and it tried to straddle her knocking the poor woman to the ground the 330 pound animal continued to try to straddle her suffocating her in the process which led to her unfortunate death number five bit by Bettina in 2004 German police were called by neighbors to check on a man named Mark vogel's apartment apparently his neighbors were complaining about a terrible stench that was coming from volga's apartment and they knocked and when they heard no answer they broke into his apartment only to find a horrible scene Volga was lying lifeless on his couch he was covered with cobwebs and there were even spiders coming in and out of his mouth nose and ears Vogel wasn't a very much exotic pets and his pets included a few reptiles that roamed freely in his house and of course spiders it's believed that one of his spiders caused his death police think that his pet Black Widow named Bettina bit him while he was handling her instead of seeking medical help like a normal man he kind of just Shrugged it off and then the spiders Venom did its nasty work police believe that Volvo had been dead for 14 days before they found him 14 days with a hungry reptiles for company I'm pretty sure you can imagine what happened next let's just say that even in death he didn't let his pets go hungry number four all over a sweater are you one of those people who likes to dress up your pets don't let this story be a warning to you a dog named Scarface and two people to the hospital after its owner tried to put a sweater on him why anybody would want to put a sweater on a dog named Scarface I don't know but that's just what dog owner Brenda Aguero of Tampa Bay Florida did Scarface a Pity mix didn't appreciate the makeover he immediately attacked Brenda right in front of her husband Ismail I of course as male gained to his wife say by trying to pull the angry pit bull off but Scarface turned his attention to Ismail and started mauling him as well if it weren't for their son who came to their aid the injuries of the two would have been far more severe as soon as the three escaped they went straight to the hospital fortunately their injuries were not life-threatening police were dispatched to the house to handle Scarface and they found the dog there along with two children who are fortunately unhurt probably got taken away though number three goured by a deer 67 year old Benjamin Rushton was illegally keeping a red deer's stag and a kennel in his backyard this wasn't his first time taking in wild animals as pets going to his neighbors he's done this quite a few times with the goal of domesticating them in fact there were actually other types of deer in his backyard accompanying the Stag one day for unknown reasons the SAG decided to attack Rushton it used its large rack of horns to pin the man against the fence when Russian fell to the ground the deer proceeded to trample all over him an unidentified witness saw what happened and called the police authorities found it extremely difficult to retrieve the man due to the aggressive deer and unfortunately Russian never made it to the hospital alive now it's time for the day's best pick today's best pick is an attack by an animal that seems kind of like the least likely to cause us harm being how closely related they are to humans what animal am I talking about find out next with number two disfigured by a chimp Sandra Harold from Stanford Connecticut had a pet chimpanzee named Travis she had raised Travis since he was young and treated him as if he was a member of the family but out of the blue Travis attacked Charlotte Nash one of Sandra's friends leaving her with a permanently disfigured face the 200-pound chimp had no History of Violence aside from one incident in 2003 when he escaped and stopped traffic in Stanford for hours but when Charlotte visited one afternoon Travis suddenly lashed out at her the 14 year old chimpanzee latched on the Nash's face and tore it apart it might be hard to imagine that a chimpanzee familiar from zoos animal shows and slapstick comedies like Cannonball Run could be capable of the kind of savage violence inflicted on Nash Travis himself was reportedly a beloved figure about Stanford he was recognizable from television commercials could bathe and dress himself and even use a computer but the truth is chimps are still wild animals and are inherently unpredictable they are insanely strong stronger than the average man and have been known to do acts of violence against other chimps out in the wild police further added that no matter how long a chimp lives with humans they're a ticking Time Bomb of aggression before we move on do me a favor my analytics show that only about 15 of you watching are actually subscribed come on guys what's up with that can you guys please hit the Subscribe button if you guys watch my videos every day anyway so you might as well subscribe and keep up to date with every video we put out number one eaten by his own pigs a man from Oregon was actually eaten by the pigs he was Raising in his farm now it's not really known as the pigs were actually the cause of his death but there is no doubt that he was eaten only his dentures and bits and pieces of him have ever been found according to investigators 69 year old Terry Vance Garner went out one Mooring to feed his pigs one morning but never came back a family member found Garner's dentures and pieces of his body scattered throughout the hog enclosure but most of his remains had already been consumed it was possible that Garner had a medical emergency such as a heart attack or was knocked over by The Animals before he was killed according to the victim's brother one of the South bit Garner once the previous year when he accidentally stepped on a piglet aside from that none of the other pigs showed any inclination to violence in fact Garner had taken care of the pig since he finished his Tour of Duty in Vietnam domestic pigs aren't really known to be aggressive but as this case shows anything can happen around animals even the ones who are well cared for have you ever been attacked by a pet let us know Down Below in the comments also make sure to check out the Channel's other amazing videos as always thank you all for watching and I'll see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 187,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 5 Best, facts, countdown, viral, Top, Best, education, animals, top 5, pets, top 10, big, amazing, nature, biggest, caught on tape, animal, best of, top10, caught on camera, mysteries, strange, real, list, weird, real life, funny, 10 Most, people, in the world, Incredible, luck, wild, giant, caught, science, best videos, most, insane, top 10 videos, you wont believe, interesting facts, interesting, dog, cat, wildlife, moments, life, 2022, tiktok, watchmojo, chills, 10, new, 2023
Id: 0PYcYqgHSnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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