Creepy Desert Creatures!

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I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Porkchop Charlie..

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/agentfooly 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2016 🗫︎ replies

Really interesting video - find animal, capture animal, give a little knowledge, send it back off into the wild.

Though I did notice that they skipped the black widow? Not sure what's up with that.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/GnsasGAFSUspqgz234gF 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2016 🗫︎ replies

any excuse to post Coyote Peterson and the baby ocelot is a good excuse

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/KidLiquorous 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2016 🗫︎ replies

What a sweet girl, I love her enthusiasm.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2016 🗫︎ replies

can confirm I live in tucson AZ, I've spotted most of these creatures

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/DarkSiper 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2016 🗫︎ replies

initially i thought it was Australia,,, but then who the fuck in their right minds would go outside at night in Australia

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Incontrol_is_mad 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2016 🗫︎ replies

If i ever have kids i want a kid like her.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/Rootner 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2016 🗫︎ replies

I grew up and lived in Tucson for 19 years. I took a few biology and environmental classes. Definitely no expert but I always admired the amount of bio diversity in Tucson. One of Arizona's hidden secrets. Tons of amazing creatures.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Colin_Hicks 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2016 🗫︎ replies

'' stick your hand into it then we know if its a species that bite or sting''

Her logic is flawless.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ImaStillInsane 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2016 🗫︎ replies
- All right, you guys ready? Pup, let's go. - Yes! - Ladies first. - [Mark] It's go time, the A-team assembled. - Okay wow, it feels great out here tonight. I'm Coyote Peterson, this is Pup Peterson. - Hi guys! - We got Chance back here behind the light. - [Mark] Hey Chance. - And of course Mark is there, right behind the camera, capturing all the action. - [Mark] I'm waving at you guys. - He is waving. Okay, right now we are on location in Tucson, Arizona filming episodes of Breaking Trail. It is night time and what does the Brave Wilderness Team do when we're not filming episodes? We go out to look for more animals because we just can't help ourselves, right? - Yeah! - Now you're excited to get out into the desert tonight, aren't you? - Yeah, I am. - Now everyone in the Coyote Pack has been asking for longer episodes, so what we're gonna do tonight is spend one hour out in the field seeing how many creatures we can come across between right now, 11:00 and midnight. Are you ready? - Yeah! - This kid is hyper right now. Now, you need to carry a couple things. What I have here is a flashlight, that's a normal flashlight to look for things like snakes or tarantulas. And then of course we have a black light which glows and luminesces what species? - Scorpions! - Scorpions, that's right. Hold onto this. - And also, it's purple. - It is purple, which is pretty cool. I also always carry a snake stick, just in case we come across. - A diamondback rattlesnake! - [Mark] How much candy did you eat tonight? - [Coyote] Yeah, how much candy did you eat? - I ate 212,000! Ooh! - This is how you keep an eight year old up until midnight, you give 'em candy. It sounds like you're ready to go. If we find any rattlesnakes, leave catching the snakes up to me. But at this point, I think we're ready to head out into the desert. You guys ready? - [Mark] Let's go! - All right. - Yay! - This is gonna be awesome. One hour to find as many creatures as we can. - Whoa, what the heck is that? - [Mark] John, there's a centipede! - Where, where, where? Holy mackerel, oh my gosh, it really is. That is insane, okay. (wild jungle music) That happened really quickly, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. (laughter) - [Pup] I saw it. - Light, light, light, light, light, light. - Got it, got it. (laughing) Whoa. - Whoa, no, no, no, careful, careful. - Sorry. - Careful, Pup, okay here we go. - [Mark] That's the real deal. Wow, I cannot believe you saw that. - What me? - [Chance] And there's a tarantula right behind you. - Is there really, okay. - [Pup] Yeah. - Yeah, definitely. I'm gonna get both in the shot. - Okay, oh going right towards my hand. As we know, there's one thing. - [Mark] This is your favorite animal. - If there's one thing I'm afraid of, it is giant desert centipedes. I'm gonna try to get this thing under control here. - [Pup] I don't want him to go by my foot. - [Coyote] Hold on, hold on, hold on. - [Pup] He won't, right? Okay, good. - [Mark] Right outside our house folks. - [Pup] Cool. - [Mark] That's for real. - [Coyote] All right, I've got it. And a bite from this is unbelievably painful and we want to avoid that at all costs. Ow, ow, ow, those back legs are gripping onto me as well. And it feels like little pincers. Holy cow, whoa okay, heart rate going already. Go ahead Pup, you can get in here a little bit closer. - [Pup] Yay. - I got it under control now. - [Mark] I cannot believe, guys, I don't think anybody's gonna believe that we didn't put that thing. - I don't think anybody's gonna believe that you guys are gonna think that we put that centipede there. Great spotting. - I just saw them without any lights, and I'm like, "Oh my gosh, what's that moving, "is that a lizard?" - Nope, that is a giant desert centipede, Not quite as big as the one that we featured in an episode last year, but wow, that shows you how biodiverse this ecosystem is, here in the Sonoran Desert. Walked right out the front gate and came across the first animal of the night, the one that gives me nightmares, that's for sure. - Not me, I think they're awesome. - Do you want to pet its back? - Yeah. - Okay, just on the scales there, of its back. There you go. - Oh, it feels so scaly. - Isn't that crazy? It is so incredibly powerful, too. - [Pup] Oh, it feels like some fish. - Like a fish? Yeah, a little bit, huh? Wow, oh, those little feet are just digging into me. Mark, you wanna pet it? - Uh. - Don't worry, it just kinda doesn't feel like anything. - [Mark] Oh, yeah. - Pretty crazy feeling, huh? - How are the legs? Do they hurt? - Yeah, well. - [Pup] Can I get pinched by one? - [Mark] They're kinda spiky. - Well, what's interesting about the legs, you see how they're digging into my hand like that? - [Mark] Yeah. That's actually a defense for potential predators. So, if something comes in and tries to grab that end. You see that? This end looks like the centipede's head, right? - [Mark] Mm, hm. - So, oftentimes predators will catch something from the head so they can kill it quickly. Unfortunately in this instance, if you get the rump end, you're not actually getting the head and it can rear around and bite you with those massive fangs. All right, we're gonna let this guy go, and take a look at the tarantula that's right behind us. Okay well, the centipede has safely moved off in that direction. And now we're gonna turn our attention to the wall right there. And most people may see what this is, a giant spider on the side of your house and be absolutely terrified. But for us, we're pretty excited about it because this is the second animal we found, and we are just outside of the gate. I imagine you guys want me to pick this tarantula up, right? - [Pup] Um, hm. - [Mark] Yes, bring it close to the camera. - Don't be frightened, there you go walk on up. There we go, that's a good tarantula. - [Mark] All right, so bring that over here. - All right. - [Pup] Let me hold it. - [Mark] Give us a look. - Now, most people are terrified of spiders. I for one, am not. Centipedes, very scary, tarantulas, not so much. Pup, you wanna hold it? - [Pup] I do. - Well, let it walk onto your hand, 'cause now it's going on my back. - [Mark] Under your backpack. - [Coyote] Under my backpack. - [Mark] That's not great. - [Coyote] This is actually really bad, okay. - [Pup] Okay. - [Coyote] I'm going to. - [Pup] Be careful. - [Coyote] Is it under the backpack? - [Mark] Yeah, it is. You want me to like, scare it out of there? - Uh, is it scare-out-able? Okay. - [Mark] Yeah, I think it is. - [Pup] There we go, it's off, okay. - Get him up my shoulder, okay. - [Mark] Yeah, now he's just going up your face. - Oh, oh, okay what we want to do. - [Mark] He went up on your hat, he's on your hat. - He's on my hat, is he on my hat? - [Mark] Yeah. - Yeah. - [Mark] He's wanting up top there. - Okay Pup, if you put your hand out in front of the tarantula, it should walk onto your hand, real gently. - [Mark] Hang on, I can't see what's going on. - [Pup] Oh my gosh. - [Mark] Oh, you have it. - [Pup] It's just so weird. - Got it, okay. Get down low, there you go, good handle. - (Laughing) Oh, it's just so weird, I like it though. - What does it feel like? - It feels like little, tiny, crawly legs. - [Coyote] That's right, pretty cool, huh? - [Pup] But I think it feels pretty nice and comfortable. - [Coyote] Now, are you afraid of tarantulas? - No, I'm not even afraid of spiders. - That's good. Now, a tarantula never wants to bite you and the only reason it would actually inflict a bite is if you would apply pressure to the top half of its body. And, you're handling that absolutely perfectly right now. Just let it walk from hand to hand, there you go, or let it stay calm. Just hold it real still right there. He seems very comfortable on your hand there. - [Mark] Look at that, how old are you? - I am eight years old. - [Mark] Eight years old and not afraid of tarantulas. - Not even spiders, actually. I think spiders are pretty cool. - It has been less than five minutes and already we've caught a giant desert centipede and a tarantula. There you go. - [Pup] Bye Desert Harry, we'll see you again. - Enjoy your night. All right, high fives. (claps) Way to be super brave. Ho, both of us have been brave tonight. Not only with spiders, but also with giant desert centipedes. Are you guys ready to go find some reptiles? - [Mark] I'm ready. - Okay. - [Mark] We haven't even left the house, the gate's right there. - Yeah, we're just right outside the gate. All right, let's head down to the wash and see what we can find. - [Mark] All right. - Woo! I'm excited. - [Coyote] Man, what a great start to the night. Okay we are, you with me Pup? - Yeah. - We are now getting down to the edge of the wash, Mark, Chance, and I have come down here. Let's regroup, watch out for those ants. Okay, so at this point, we have made it down to the wash and this is like an animal superhighway. This is great for us because we're not gonna run into any cacti when we're out there, right? - Yeah, yup. - No spikes in the legs, and it will allow us to easily see animals. Oh, check this out. - [Pup] Whoa! - All right, come on this side, Pup. Come around. - [Pup] Holy ants! - Come around the back, come around the back. Well, if you were a horned lizard, this would be the right spot to be. I'm not sure what species this is, but wow! They've got quite the mound going. They're not harvester ants, which is good news for me, but I don't think any of us want to be bitten or stung tonight by ants. You don't, right? - No. - Of course not. - But, why don't you? - Why don't I? - Yeah. - Shall I put my hand in there and see what happens? - Yeah, if they don't bite you, who cares then, we know they're not a species that don't bite or sting you. - Listen to this kid, yeah, we probably should try it out, right? I'm sure everybody out there in the Coyote Pack is thinking, "Come on Coyote!" - [Pup] They're like, say it guys, "Do it!" - [Mark] I'm not gonna stop you. - [Coyote] Do it, do it, all right let's see what happens. - [Pup] Do it, dude. Keep it in there for a second. (drums pound) Anything? - [Coyote] So far, nothing. No, nothing's happening. All right, get off me guys, get off. (blowing) Well, it looks like this is not turning into a bite and sting episode, which is good. - Yeah. - Because we didn't intend for it to be one, right? - Yeah. All right, let's keep moving. - [Pup] Yay! - [Coyote] The ants are cool, but nothing's cooler than rattlesnakes. Solpugid. - [Mark] What do you have? solpugid, don't move it's a little one. I'm just going to cup it with my hand. Look at that. - ]Pup] Whoa, he's almost. - [Coyote] Look at his chubby little abdomen. - [Pup] Oh! (laughing) - [Mark] He's a porker. - [Coyote] That is one beefy little solpugid. Oh, oh, look at that defensive pose, did you see that? - [Mark] Oh, let me get in focus. - [Pup] Whoa! - [Mark] All right, yeah. - [Coyote] All right, look at that defensive pose. Pup, kind of put your finger down towards the mouth of the solpugid, don't worry, it's not gonna bite you. As we know, they can't even break skin. You know, just go ahead. Oh, there you go, I just wanted it to do its defensive pose. There you go, there you go, perfect! Look at that, you see that? As we know, the solpugid is all bark an no bite. - [Pup] His name is Porkchop Charlie. Their face kind of looks like a spider. - It does, it's like a mix between a spider and a scorpion, but it is in fact a solpugid, nonvenomous, and in a way, they're kind of cute. - [Pup] I know, they are. - Look at his little, chubby butt, look at that. - [Pup] Abdomen. - How did you, abdomen, you're right thank you, his little, chubby abdomen. That's a pretty good shot right there. All right, let's let him back off into the desert and hopefully come across some reptiles. It's all arachnids tonight. - [Pup] Yeah! - Okay ready? - [Pup] Bye Porkchop Charlie, have a great day! - [Coyote] There he goes, skiddaloo. See ya, bud, all right woo! - [Pup] Bye Porkchop, don't forget your snake stick. - Huh, Pup thank you. I keep doing that. All right guys well, there's a whole lot of dark desert out there in front of us and the potential to find reptiles is in our future. Let's do this. - [Pup] And we're not scared to go in the dark, creepy, dark, desert. - [Coyote] Nothing scares me about the desert. - [Pup] No. - Except for maybe. (Coyote murmurs) - [Mark] What are we looking for, Coyote? - [Coyote] I'm looking for any signs of a rattlesnake. - [Pup] Yeah, I'm looking. - [Mark] What's a sign of a rattlesnake? - A snake, right in the middle of the wash. And what's interesting about rattlesnakes is that this time of night they will travel right along the side of the wash looking for rodents. So, we don't have to even wander off the edges into the cactus and the underbrush. We should be able to find one right here in the middle. - [Pup] Don't walk in that, dude. - [Coyote] No, that's another ant mound. - [Pup] Ant mound. (menacing music tone) - Hey, come here, come here. - [Mark] What do you got? - Come here and tell me if you see it. - [Mark] What are we looking at? - [Pup] Oh! - You see it, Pup? - ]Pup] I do. - Mark, come around this side of Pup. - [Mark] I don't see anything. - Look just up underneath the brush. Probably pretty hard to see with my normal flashlight, let's kill the lights. - [Mark] I don't see anything. - [Coyote] Kill the main light. - [Mark] Oh. - [Pup] Oo la, la, la. - [Coyote] Look at that, can you see it now? - [Mark] I see a big, old scorpion. - [Pup] Oh! - [Coyote] Oh, go ahead and crouch down. Oh there, it's coming out that side. - [Mark] Oh, there he is. - [Coyote] That is a giant desert hairy scorpion right there. All right, I'm gonna try to grab him. You ready? - [Mark] Yup. - [Coyote] One, two, three. (loud, rowdy music burst) Ah, woo! - [Mark] Turn that light on. - That does require some nerves. If you do not get the scorpion right on that last knuckle, you are going to get stung. And what's so dangerous about that, and despite the fact that it's a giant desert hairy scorpion the venom in no more potent than a bee. But, it rears its claws up and then it pinches onto your finger, and every single time, it always gets me and I want to drop the scorpion, but if I do, then you get stung. Okay Pup, it's safe to come on in here. - Okay, hi! - I've got it under control. Now, what I'm going to do, I'm gonna just let the scorpion sit up on my hand like that, so we can get a good shot of it. I have a good, firm hold on the stinger. How cool is that? - Oh, it's so cool! - A giant, desert hairy scorpion. Now this is never an arachnid I would want you to try to catch, and anyone out there who's watching this is a venomous animal, do not try to catch a scorpion if you see it. What is one thing that we know about scorpions, they flouresce underneath UV light. That's how we were able to spot it. - [Mark] Okay, let's take a look at that one more time. Pup, why don't you grab the black light. - Oh yeah, grab the black light. - Okay. - Turn it on. - [Mark] All right, the black light is on. Let's kill the main light. Whoa! - [Coyote] Pretty cool, huh? Now, here's a cool little trick. If you wanna find out if there are scorpions on or around your house, just go outside at night with a black light, and they will glow, just like this. I don't know if that's something you necessarily want to find out, sometimes it's better to not know, than to actually see them all over the side of the house. But, it's pretty cool, huh? - [Pup] Yeah. - [Coyote] All right, say we let this guy go? - [Pup] Yeah. - [Mark] Let's do it. - [Coyote] All right, one more arachnid for the books. One, two, three. - [Pup] Bye, oh whoa. - [Mark] Gone. - Well Pup, so far you're doing a phenomenal job. (claps) - Thank you. - Helping me wrangle all of these animals, but no. - [Mark] Our tally I think, is at six animals? - Is that what it is, let's see, giant desert centipede, tarantula, black widow, ants, solpugid, scorpion. - [Mark] Six, what time is it? - 11:35. - [Mark] All right, so we've got 25 minutes to go. - 25 minutes to go, we're doing pretty good at the moment. - [Pup] Yay! - [Mark] All right, rolling. - [Coyote] Oh wow, okay. Come on up, come slow. - [Pup] Wait, is he venomous? - [Coyote] No, nonvenomous. - [Mark] Okay, let's go, check it out. - [Coyote] I got it, I got it. - [Mark] You gonna bring it to the wash? - I'm gonna come in and bring it to the wash. Wow, hold on, let' me get it under control, it's gonna be frisky now. - [Mark] Very pretty snake. - A very, very beautiful snake, this is really cool. - [Mark] All right, I've never caught one of these out here. - [Pup] Watch the cactus, dude. - Back up, back up, everybody away from the cactus. This is awesome. - [Mark] All right, you come over here. - [Pup] Can I hold it, it's not venomous. - [Coyote] Wow yeah, you can hold this snake, actually. Okay, come on over here. Wow, look at that Pup, that is a long-nosed snake, one of the safest species out here. And actually a species that I'm comfortable with you holding. You wanna hold it? - [Pup] Yeah! - [Coyote] Okay, here you go, there you go, careful, careful. You got it? There you go. That's pretty cool, isn't it? - Yeah. - [Mark] So, you're not afraid of snakes either? Not afraid of spiders, not afraid of snakes? - No. I'm like. - [Mark] You're earning your nickname Pound Pup. - Yeah. - [Coyote] Look at how beautiful it is! Now, what does it feel like? - It feels like rubber. - [Coyote] It does, doesn't it? And look at how shiny and smooth this snake is. Now these snakes look like king snakes and they're really easy to misidentify, but what they're out here eating are lizards and little rodents. We know that king snakes eat rattlesnakes and other snake species. If it was a rattlesnake, you know you couldn't hold it. - [Pup] Yeah. - But long-nosed snake, totally safe to handle. No matter what, when you're out there in the desert, especially in an area with venomous snakes, always make sure you identify the snake first, before you attempt to handle it. Now this species, totally safe, king snake, totally safe. Rattlesnakes? - [Pup] Not safe. - Not so much. Well, let's keep heading up the wash, and maybe we'll come across a rattler. What do you think? - [Pup] Yeah. - [Coyote] Okay, let's keep going. - [Pup] What did you think that was in front of you? (mutters, unintelligible reply) Oh, yeah, (mutters, unintelligible) - [Coyote] Hello, I heard something. - [Mark] What did you hear? - [Coyote] Something in these grasses right here, probably a kangaroo rat, but let me take a look first. - [Pup] I saw it. - Got it, nice spotting Pup. Finally, a little reptile, look at that! - You have some thorns in the back, so be careful. - Yeah I know, I can feel that, yeah. Look at that, here you go, you hold onto that. That was your spotting, I had to dive under that cactus to catch it, ouch! So tell everybody at home what that is. - This is a western banded gecko. - And this is another completely safe reptile species to capture out here in the desert. This is actually one of my favorite reptiles. Let me see. - 'Cause you can see through 'em. - To catch at night, that's right, look at this. Whoa, whoa, come here little guy. Look at the belly, it's semi-translucent and you can see all the little organs working inside there. Can you see that on your camera? - [Mark] Yeah. - [Pup] Can I see? - Isn't that cool? He likes a little belly rub, give him a belly rub. - [Pup] Belly, belly, belly rub. (laughing) - How cute is that little lizard? - He's so cute, let me hold him. - Now, it is a very delicate lizard species, you never wanna try to catch this one by its tail because they will detach their tails, and the tail is where they store all of their fat reserves. Here you go, you hold onto it. - [Pup] Coyote, so is this guy, is he nocturnal? - [Coyote] It is nocturnal. You see how soft and delicate the skin is? - [Pup] Yeah. - [Coyote] If it's out during the middle of the day the heat from the desert will actually cook this little animal. So yes, you notice how it's so much cooler out tonight? - [Pup] Yeah. - Definitely a nocturnal species. Okay well Pup, since I caught him, but you spotted him, why don't you do the honors of giving this little lizard a name? - His name shall be Chiger, mixed with a cheetah and a tiger. - I like it, sounds like perfect. All right, let him go right back over here. - Okay, bye Chiger. Hopefully we'll see you some day. (soft piano music) - We found something, like we're walking and literally I said, "What is that?" And right there in front of us is a spadefoot toad. All right Pup, you got this catch? Real gentle. - [Pup] Got him. - [Coyote] Good job! - [Pup] Hey! - [Coyote] Excellent work. Hold it just like you would a normal toad. All right, bring it towards the camera. - Hello. - [Coyote] Crouch down there. - [Mark] That's beauteous. - Look at that! - What? - Look at those buggy eyes. Now, spadefoot toads spend a great deal of their year buried underground. And I bet you today, because we had that monsoon rain push through, this guy dug himself up from underneath the sand. - Wow. - [Coyote] Can I see? - Yeah. - Wow, that is one buggy looking little toad, wow. - Look how he does that bubble. - [Coyote] That is pretty crazy, isn't it? - [Pup] He is really cute. - Well, our first amphibian of the night. How awesome is that? - Yeah. - You wanna let him go. - Yeah, you know what? - [Mark] Let that hopper go. - You know what? You named him, his name's Hopper. - His name is Hopper? There you go, let him go right back onto the ground there. - All right, bye. - [Mark] Bye, Hopper. - Okay, while we were about to call it a night, we were getting just back to the house. Pup, you back there? - Yeah. - Are you behind the cameras? We've got a western diamondback rattlesnake right here, I'm gonna move up slow. Oh, and look at this scorpion coming down right here next to us, too. The snake just scared this giant desert hairy scorpion right into the scene. Ha, things are out everywhere tonight. All right, I'm gonna slowly bring the snake down here into the wash, so we can get an up-close shot. All right Pup, stay a safe distance back. As we know, this a western diamondback and it is venomous, but how cool is that? Topping off our night with one of the most dangerous snakes that's out here in the Sonoran Desert. Ah, ah, ah, you stay, you stay. And all he wants to do right now is get back off up into the desert to hunt for rats. There we go, that's exactly what we want, stay calm. And, I guarantee you because the monsoons just moved through, everything is moving through the wash at the moment. That makes 10 animals tonight in just a little over an hour. How awesome is that? - [Mark] Sweet, Pup are you seeing this? - [Pup] Yeah. - [Mark] Pup's staying behind me, we've gotta be safe. - Yeah, the safest situation here is to definitely keep Pup far back from the snake behind the cameras. Pup, you got to be in front of the cameras with everything else tonight, but it's awesome for the Coyote Pack just to see this animal. And I bet you guys thought we were gonna go the whole night without seeing a rattlesnake. I think we have literally seen it all tonight here in the Sonoran Desert. All right, rattlesnake is up under the prickly pear cactus and in a burrow. - [Mark] All right, Pup. - Come on here, Pup. Totally safe now. - [Mark] Woo-hoo, how awesome is that? - That was awesome! - Did you have a great time tonight? - Yeah. - Well guys, this is how we totally spend our free time when we're not actually filming Breaking Trail episodes. And nothing could have topped the night off better than a western diamondback rattlesnake. I'm Coyote Peterson. - And I'm Pup Peterson. - Be brave. - Stay wild. - We'll see you on the next location. All right, let's go. - [Pup] Woo! (vigorous string music) - [Coyote] If you enjoyed this on location episode, make sure to go back and watch the time I climbed up a tree to get some coconuts and caught an iguana. And don't forget, subscribe to the Brave Wilderness Channel so you can join me and the crew on our next big adventure. - [Mark] Have you done this before? - No, I've never opened a coconut before. I've also never climbed a palm tree to get a coconut, or climbed a palm tree to get a coconut and catch an iguana, so it's a first for everybody this morning. - [Mark] So, it's safe to say you're a coconut rookie. - Yes, I'm a complete rookie and I hope I don't cut my thumb off doing this. All right, you ready? - [Mark] Here we go, all right. - [Coyote] Here we go. (thunder, coyote howls)
Channel: Brave Wilderness
Views: 25,018,498
Rating: 4.8272576 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, adventurous, animals, breaking, breaking trail, coyote, coyote peterson, Nature, peterson, arizona, desert, desert animals, wildlife, desert reptiles, tarantula, kingsnake, snakes, scorpions, desert adventure, exploring the desert, nocturnal animals, creepy, creepy creatures, creepy crawlies, creepy animals, bugs, insects, spiders, camal spider, camel spider, solpugid, sun spider, exploring for creatures, herping, desert creatures, creature, scary, rattlesnake, snake, scorpion, solifugae, spider
Id: 5szSFt6Xc1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2016
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