15 Most Aggressive Animals On The Planet

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given just how weak humans are in comparison to well just about any animal out there it's impressive that we've managed to survive as long as we have we are surrounded by aggressive right violent and determined animals that want to harm us whether we know it or not from a brutal and violent seal to an extremely nervous wild pig here are the 15 most aggressive animals on the planet number 15 elephant seal seals may look like the most adorable and harmless little pups on the planet but some of them harbor a dark secret they can cause great damage to humans and by great we mean you'll be in a wheelchair after this great so not that great the fact that the elephant seal is larger and slightly more intimidating than your average seal should be your first clue but if you're still planning on getting close to one of these things you're in for a shock the elephant seal is known to be a very very dangerous animal experts have shown that this species of seal has huge incisors which can break a human bone with even a small and minor nip so if you consider that to be the seal equivalent of a warning shot imagine the damage it can do with an intentional bite you might be coming home without an arm elephant seals in california are pretty notorious for causing some injuries to unsuspecting humans many of whom wrongly assume that all seals are relatively peaceful with humans in hindsight you should probably not go approaching strange seals just a bit of advice before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] number 14. wild boar you've seen a wild boar you know what these things are some people view them as a larger more aggressive variants on pigs and in a way that's accurate the wild boar is the largest wild pig on earth and it's very very nervous actually found in forests across europe and africa the wild boar is often identified by its seeming hyper nervousness while many animals get a bit unnerved around humans or potential predators the wild boar's response is all together more extreme and while they are generally pretty calm and unaggressive one little bit of nervousness will result in a powerful pig flying at you with some huge tusks anybody that's ever seen a wild boar move will tell you just how quick and frankly frightening that can be even if you manage to get out of the way this thing can swim so you may as well just start preparing your chosen stab point the wild boar is a hard animal to stumble upon in the wilderness and that's probably something we should be happy about but if you do have the misfortune to encounter one you better start planning an exit strategy and above all else do not make it oh you already have okay good luck number 13 black mamba the black mamba needs no introduction but i am contractually obligated to give it one this is one of the most deadly snakes on the planet the fastest land snake in the world and the second longest snake on earth to make that even more summarized avoid avoid avoid like just about any deadly snake the black mamba gets especially aggressive if it believes that it's being threatened this is not a one strike and done kind of animal either if you were to unintentionally anger a mamba you're going to get not one but likely hundreds of repeated strikes all pumping venom into your veins and you know what happens then right bye bye earth hello hell actually it's not much of a change when i think about it while the mamba's venom can be lethal there is an antidote that exists before anti-venom the black member's bite was almost 100 fatal however that antidote is not really available in the mambas native habitat so sorry for getting your hopes up the black mamba has earned its reputation as one of the most fearsome and deadly snakes in the world but it also deserves one for the most aggressive to deliver repeated strikes each loaded with venom makes it one of the most formidable predators on the planet number 12 salt water crocodile our old buddy returns the salt water crocodile is the largest reptile alive today and is pretty easily the largest terrestrial predator on the planet very few living things have ever escaped its grasp which is a pretty impressive accomplishment for a predator not so much for the victims an adult male saltwater croc can reach up to 22 feet in length and weigh well over a thousand kilograms making it not just a formidable foe but a practically unstoppable killing machine and to make it even more frightening the name is kind of misleading saltwater crocodiles do prefer salt water but have also been found in swamps lagoons estuaries deltas and even in rivers so who really knows where you might run into one of these things the only safe place seems to be your bathtub and can we really be sure about that one the saltwater croc will happily eat just about anything that it can sink its teeth into and its legendary death roll makes it almost impossible for anyone or anything to escape the saltwater crocodile is easily one of the most dangerous animals in the world and one that humans should 100 percent stay away from although really anything with a heartbeat should stay away from it this thing is relentless like the terminator number 11. sun bear you'd think that an animal with a name like sun bear would be fun and jolly like the care bears but you'd be wrong man you'd be wrong this is one of the most aggressive species of bear on the planet most aggressive bear that's a high bar to clear even before we look at why they're so aggressive we have to acknowledge just how dangerous these things are they're exceptional hunters using their heightened sense of smell and four inch long claws to rip open trees just to find something to snack on with their hyper-strong jaws bears have the opportunity to roam around this forest looking for food they also have a very long tongue so they can extract honey from bees nests but that's more adorable than frightening however the sun bear is also one of the most aggressive animals on earth known for its completely unprovoked attacks on pretty much anybody there have been many reports of human fatalities as a result of an encounter with a sun bear practically all of which have been completely unprovoked not a great way to die huh killed by a feral winnie the pooh number 10 wolverine not only did this animal provide the name for the beloved marvel character of the same name it's also clearly inspired the character himself except for the alcoholism and cigarette use we mean well actually we don't know that but probably not oh he now sees that the meat is not there it's right here but it's a violent and extremely aggressive predator and one that seems to enjoy the act of aggression given that they sometimes travel up to 15 miles a day just for food you can kind of forgive that as a little bit of stress relief although spare a thought for the victims i mean wolverines generally tend to feast on small animals like rabbits and rodents but have been known to attack animals significantly larger like caribou if they're already weak or injured that's pretty brutal and the wolverine loves it and it's not just weak or dying animals the wolverine has been known to dig down into burrows just to eat the unsuspecting hibernating animals within we never said he was a good guy for such a small animal the wolverine should not be underestimated this is a hyper aggressive and dangerous little creature that seems to really enjoy the act of violence it's also a mean drunk maybe number nine cassowary as my age-old saying goes be wary of the cassowary the discovery channel may have rejected it but the offer is still open if anybody else wants to purchase the rights i was very proud of myself when i invented it the cassowary is often labeled as the world's most dangerous bird and that's a title that makes a whole lot of sense yes this bird is pretty stunning to look at but so are fireworks and we know what they can do with drunk people who get too close in the case of the cassowary they tend to be naturally distant when it comes to humans but that doesn't mean we're safe in fact when provoked they become incredibly aggressive thanks to their strong legs and sharp claws a single kick from one of these birds can cause severe bleeding and lethal wounds on internal organs often resulting in death so pretty much like getting kicked by a firework there's no doubt that the cassowary is one of the most dangerous and aggressive birds on the planet outside of jean-claude van damme the human equivalent to the cassowary it's hard to think of another animal that has legs so strong they could physically kill someone maybe jane fonda number eight hippopotamus you may think of it as just another lazy animal that spends its days submerged in water eating but the hippo like myself is just trying to enjoy life however unlike me the hippopotamus is unpredictable and aggressive i on the other hand am very predictable and lazy for decades hippos have faced external threats to their lives ranging from environmental problems and habitat loss to the continued presence of poachers who forcibly take the hippo's meat and ivory teeth that is unless they accidentally alert the hippo of their existence if the hippo becomes aware of the poachers well those hunters are in for a shock as we all know hippos are not small or light and are actually surprisingly fast imagine being rushed by a hippopotamus moving at over 30 kilometers an hour that's what happens regularly and by the time you work it out it might be too late the hippopotamus is one of the world's most aggressive and unpredictable animals though many people don't know it while we think of it like a hungry hungry animal it's easy to forget that with great weight comes great responsibility and a lot of crushing power number 7. silverback gorilla in today's edition of movies lied to us mighty joe young sells us a whole bunch of lies about how gorillas and humans can coexist peacefully and fight poachers together and i don't know dance i haven't seen the movie anyway it's all lies probably any visit to a zoo would not be complete without a glimpse at one of these impressive primates but it's probably a good thing that there are so many barriers between us gorillas can get pretty aggressive in the right circumstances as anybody that has ever seen a documentary about them will attest if a gorilla believes that it's being threatened or possibly worse challenged for a female it has absolutely no problem fighting for its own property and be honest would you want to take on a silverback gorilla i didn't think so thankfully the silverback's aggression is predominantly targeted at other gorillas but it's not entirely unheard of for one of these animals to turn its attention towards humans and i think we all know how that battle would end up we bruise when we walk into walls for god's sake at least i do and i walk into a lot of walls man those things are everywhere number six grizzly bear do we have to say it the grizzly bear is one of the top predators in nature its aggression is a legendary and the advice is also legendary play dead make yourself big scare it off none of which is ultimately helpful you may as well just season yourself with a little salt and pepper make an effort you know and not to if you ever encounter one of these beautiful animals in the wild the grizzly bear can weigh anywhere up to one thousand and seven hundred pounds making it one of the heaviest animals in the world and we haven't mentioned its strength its claws its insanely strong jaw or even its territorial behavior basically this is an animal that will not only kill you but devour you and then it'll probably do it again just for the fun of it the reports of humans killed by grizzlies make up a pretty long list all considered like most animals though the majority of human deaths are caused by female bears often when they believe their children are in danger and that's why you don't mess with a mom the grizzly is one of the most aggressive and territorial animals you could ever have the misfortune to encounter and if you do find yourself in a grizzly bear attack what do you do the answer is simple bear pepper spray i'm not kidding that's official advice number five tasmanian devil yep he gets all angry or excited or something and turns into a cartoon tornado you know how it goes alright apparently there's something called a real life tasmanian devil which does not in fact turn into a cartoon tornado what's the point of that chances are if you were one of the early european settlers that discovered this animal it would have been the single most pants-ruiningly terrifying moment of your life the tasmanian devil got its name from the settlers who only discovered the animal after they heard a series of horrifying screams coughs and gravels coming from the tasmanian bush when they saw that the creature was a dog-like thing with wide jaws big sharp teeth and red ears they all thought the same thing devil they probably thought some other things too but we can't use those words the tazmanian devil is a hunter by nature willing to eat just about anything it can find its jaws and teeth are so strong in fact that they can completely devour its prey bones and all not so loony now i don't think i'm wrong to say that the tasmanian devil is a lot more fun in cartoon form there he doesn't kill anyone and also he has the cartoon tornado thing going on which is a lot of fun real life no thanks number four great white shark you know him you love him you fear him it's only the world's largest known predatory fish the great white shark and what are the thanks i'd get from that kind introduction he'd eat me he wouldn't even have the decency to chew rude everybody is aware of the great white shark's legendary aggression these animals are some of the most notorious and deadly predators on the planet with 300 teeth specially designed to rip flesh up into meth-sized pieces which they don't even chew thanks to their evolution the shark's body is efficiently designed to help them travel through the water they comfortably cruise while hunting for food and sustenance and then when it sees something fascinating or tasty looking it propels itself at high speed before catching and ripping its prey to tiny bite-sized morsels the great white shark is a predator to rival all predators willing to eat anything and everything if it tastes good i don't think there are any species out there that could get along with this shark and honestly i've always said it never trust anybody that doesn't chew their food number three cape buffalo even if you've never seen one in person chances are you'll know the cape buffalo this sad looking dude is one of the most aggressive animals on earth and that has those impressive curled horns for some creative kills i assume i don't actually know but i'm sure it's not a choice the cape buffalo is the only member of the buffalo species that is native to africa [Music] and it's so notorious that it even has a nickname the black death and since this animal has killed more human hunters than any other animal on the whole continent of africa the name does make some sense these mighty creatures are estimated to kill around 200 people every single year most of whom are foolish hunters looking to poach its horns with a weight of up to 870 kilograms the buffalo is capable of inflicting huge amounts of damage on our feeble human bodies and thanks to its curved horns can stab us in some very complicated positions evolution in action folks as the only buffalo in africa the cape buffalo always had some challenges to overcome and standards to meet but we'd guess that killing just about every human you encounter more than meets those standards in some places they'd probably give you a badge for that number 2. black rhino generally you should just assume that if an animal has a horn or two it's one to avoid thank goodness we've never seen a unicorn in the world eh that thing would be a mass murderer in under a week the black rhino is notable for having not one but two horns which come in handy to protect and defend their families he's lived amongst them for so long we knew we could trust him while female rhinos used them to protect their young the males used them for a more creative and purposeful motive fending off attackers you can already see just how these animals could prove to be incredibly dangerous right but it's not just about the horns the rhino will charge at anything it deems a threat including tree trunks and termite mounds yeah its eyesight isn't great but once it smells a human good luck surviving that one it's like a human tracking missile made of pure muscle the black rhino is so aggressive and threatening that it has no natural predators not a single animal is willing to deal with its anger management problems if only hunters would take the hint maybe we'd have a few hundred fewer rhino killings who am i kidding they'd still find a way to die number one blue shark some animals are so creatively named that you almost wonder where did that come from well in the case of the blue shark this is an extremely sad animal that often mopes around the ocean looking for food i'm just kidding it's coloring is a bit blue while other sharks may be notorious for their bulky build the blue shark is a more slender species with a genetic design that helps them to slowly cruise through the water with ease then they see something they want to eat maybe it's a squid or fish or a whale or a bird or even another shark but they see something and they charge at it with some force and when they get a hold of their prey well you know what happens with sharks the aggression comes out they start ripping the flesh from their chosen target and then it eats and go by by time the blue shark is like most sharks a determined and terrifying predator there are probably very few animals that have managed to wiggle out of its sharp-toothed grasp and for a good reason this thing moves so fast in its aggression that you probably can't even coordinate your thinking with its movements have you ever seen any of these animals in real life from a safe distance let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 118,689
Rating: 4.8585258 out of 5
Keywords: animals, most aggressive animals, in the world, wild animals, best, dangerous, most dangerous animals, nature, creatures, most dangerous, dangerous animals, strongest animals, aggressive, facts, planet, fearless animals, most powerful animals, bite force, dangerous animal, agressive behaviour, big animals, aggressive land animals, dangerous creatures, ocean creatures, animal, on earth, scariest animals, documentary, most dangerous animal, aggressive animals, animals attack
Id: 7tTmGTASTzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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