15 Most Dangerous Animals In Australia

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huh australia a land of great beauty and many wonders both natural and man-made the sydney opera house the great barrier reef the most extensive reef system in the entire world the sacred rock of uluru not to mention its extraordinary wildlife most of which wait literally almost all of which wants to kill you all the time in a whole variety of terrifying ways so from giant constrictor snakes to the ocean's most feared shark here are the 15 most dangerous animals in australia number 15 python with all the venomous snakes that inhabit the continent of australia it's almost easy to forget that there's a whole variety of snakes living there which can simply crush you to death if the mood takes them pythons are sometimes more often associated with india perhaps due to one of the most famous fictional pythons kha from the jungle book but this constrictor snake family live in africa and australia too in fact australia has 14 different species of python almost half the total number in the world many australians will have encountered the most common type of python the carpet python in their own backyards they are incredibly abundant especially in the state of queensland and it's not uncommon to witness one of these monsters which grow to as much as 30 feet or 10 meters dragging some poor local marsupial up a tree to crush and then swallow hull or sometimes they just chew down on a whole alligator while not generally aggressive towards humans and without any venom a python is still a force to be reckoned with and you certainly wouldn't want to find yourself in an overly friendly hug with one especially since they have a habit of slipping into australian's homes at night and waking the occupants up with a curious flick of their forked tongues right in their sleeping faces would you jump 10 feet high if you were woken up by a giant python on your bed i'm sure i would before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or slenderman will come from under your bed when you're sleeping [Music] number 14. great white shark sharks in australia are no joke since records began australian bathers surfers and fishermen have been attacked more than 900 times resulting in more than 200 fatalities some of the most dangerous waters in the world for sharks and the most fearsome shark of all is the great white and for good reason a full-sized adult weighs about the same as two suvs has 300 razor sharp teeth in seven rows and is about half the length of a bus that's a lot of shark if you've seen the old hollywood movie jaws you might think that human beings is a great white shark's favorite dish but in truth they much prefer the taste of sea lion seals and small whales or dolphins when great whites attack humans it's not usually supposed to kill it's just a little nibble of curiosity like trying a sample of cheese at whole foods only when a great white tries to bite a human he can take off a whole leg and doesn't usually need a cocktail stick these amazing predators can perform something called a breach where they propel themselves out of the water like a missile gobbling up their stunned prey as they go in a spectacular surprise attack these super predators are more threatened by us than we are by them and are now so rare they are classified as vulnerable to extinction still if one swims by you while you're out in the waters around australia you better hope it's not in the mood for a snack number 13. saltwater crocodile the saltwater crocodile ore salty is one mighty australian predator 22 feet or seven meters long at their largest they are notorious for their special move the death roll this spectacular attack is performed when a salty is wrestling with a large prey animal such as a water buffalo the croc takes the poor animal by the neck and rolls him around and around in the water hoping that drowning will finish off what the five thousand pounds per square inch of jaw pressure began a salty is a mean predator just as comfortable in a freshwater river as in a saltwater coastal sea as the name suggests they can swim as much as 600 miles or 950 kilometers at a time devouring prey as they go including other top predators like sharks furthermore a salty won't hesitate to take down a human who has wandered into its territory and crocodile attacks are statistically a hundred times deadlier than shark attacks with half ending in a fatality and attacks on humans by salties are rising due to habitat destruction what can you do to avoid it run humans can run faster than a croc as long as you're on land that is if you're in water well just try and avoid the end with all the teeth number 12. fox jellyfish of the 50 species of box jellyfish that live in the waters off australia only a few have venom which is deadly to humans wait a minute that touched something but those that do have some of the deadliest venom in the world on top of that they are almost transparent and so difficult to see in the water and measure only around 7 inches or 22 centimeters a sting from a box jellyfish releases venom which attacks the nervous system and heart and more than 60 people have died from box jellyfish attacks in the last 100 years hollywood you've done sharks you've done piranhas we're all waiting for the box jellyfish horror movie what's more global warming means that there are more jellyfish than ever before and they are heading closer to the shore where we all like to go for a surf or a swim meaning the chances of brushing against one of their 15 tentacles which can grow to 3 feet or 9 meters in length and contain 5 000 stinging cells are getting higher all the time unlike a lot of other animals on this list jellyfish only sting as defense rather than to stun prey who can save us well sea turtles are their only predator with skin thick enough to withstand the sting the mighty sea turtle savior of our waters and more badass than a box jellyfish kinda number 11. inland taipan here's the first thing you need to know about the inland taipan it is the world's most venomous snake that's right numero uno one bite from this killing machine contains enough venom to take down a hundred adult men [Music] and death usually occurs around 30 minutes after the bite without anti-venom being administered they are fast agile and are specially adapted to attack mammals that's you and me friend this is one seven feet or two meter long monster that you do not want to mess with and they only live in australia of course luckily for australians they are kinda shy and generally avoid humans if they encounter them in the sparsely populated central and eastern desert regions of the country they inhabit so their other name of fear snake is all about the venom and not about its behavior in fact inland taipans have some of their own problems having to fend off predators such as the king brown snake and monitor lizards they prefer to save their venom for killing their favorite foods which are rats and mice and they have enough venom per bite to kill 250 000 mice seems a little like overkill to me but better be sure that mouse is times dead then just once i guess number 10 tiger snake pretty much every australian will have heard of the tiger snake as in run for your life tiger snake they may not have venom quite as powerful as the inland taipan but it packs more than enough of a punch to kill a human and these babies are the shy retiring types the tiger snake mitch this is an absolute beauty i mean they did name it after a tiger right they're much more aggressive and will strike a pose like a cobra before attacking not to mention they can climb trees and are excellent swimmers this is some kind of super snake they look a little like tigers too with yellow and black stripes along the bodies of some kinds of tiger snake but unlike tigers they like to lurk in creeks lagoons and bad news for us humans drains mostly carnivorous they will feed on frogs and other small mammals but even the tiger snake is not safe from the terror that is the tiger snake cannibalism in the species is fairly common so if you ever encounter one better hope that maybe another one will show up and eat it before it sinks its fangs into you number nine blue ringed octopus if you thought that the worst an octopus could do to you was get stuck in your throat at a seafood restaurant you'd be right for every species other than the blue ringed octopus which is the only species which is venomous to humans in fact these tiny and colorful little guys not much bigger than a golf ball carry enough venom to kill 26 people in one bite worse still they're a kind of stealth killer since not only are they small and camouflaged in the ocean but their bite doesn't cause any pain so by the time you figure out you've been bitten it might be too late already while sitting around watching you die they'll probably be looking out for trouble elsewhere as this is the most aggressive species of octopus most octopuses will run from a fight but not these guys they go looking for trouble and frankly who would want to take them on like a pocket-sized squishy blue and yellow russell crow the bad news is is that there's no anti-venom for the sting of a blue-ringed octopus and the venom attacks the muscles rather than central nervous system meaning you pretty much seize up and die while still conscious the good news is that attacks are rare but still if you ever think hey look at this cute little guy seems pretty harmless remember in australia everything wants to kill you number 8. red back spider the female of the species gentler more sensitive kinder more than twice the size of the male filled with deadly neurotoxic venom and of course enjoys cannibalizing her sexual partners that'll be the red back spider if you encounter one of the puny males barely half the width of a fingernail there's not a whole lot to worry about in fact the males and baby spiders tend to live nervously on the edges of the mighty female's web when some unfortunate creature flies into the web it is first sprayed with a kind of spider super glue before trussing it up with spider silk once in this mummified state the female redback will then repeatedly bite the head and limbs of its victim with a highly complex and powerful venom paralyzing it before sucking the liquefied insides for breakfast humans too must be careful the spider won't seek out people to sting when a brave male falls in love with one of these terrifying lady spiders he usually finds himself on the menu as the mating goes on the females will eat the males during intercourse kinky female red back venom is extremely dangerous to humans and to make matters worse they seem to love setting up web in places where humans like to live such as you know our homes luckily they tend not to leave their webs so as long as you keep your hands out of there all should be fine but boys count yourselves lucky life as a male redback is no picnic so to speak number seven funnel web spider more spider action from down under this time another notorious menace to society known to every sensible australian the funnel web spider this hefty spider measuring up to two inches or five centimeters across packs a powerful bite it has the downward pointing fangs you'd find on tarantulas rather than the kind of fangs which sit horizontally common to most spiders it's sort of like when someone knocks on your door when they come to visit to let you know that they're there and these are some tough sharp fangs capable of biting through a shoe or a human fingernail on top of that the funnel web delivers a nasty dose of venom along with its bind funnel webs live in small burrows rather than webs usually under rocks or logs or pretty much anything else you might have piled up in your little backyard shrub garden where they just love to terrorize unsuspecting humans out putting their hands into any cool dark and moist places outside their burrows can usually be identified by a kind of a regular funnel of silk which serves as a kind of tripwire as soon as the spider gets a vibration she's out and ready to sink her fangs into whatever was clumsy enough to stumble by number six cone snail the cone snail that's right it's a snail a relative of the little slimy guys who slowly shuffle about your patio after a little rain but this snail isn't like the other snails first of all it's a sea snail and secondly it lives in a pretty neat brown and cream shell which looks like a pair of pants from the 1970s and so for that reason a lot of divers and beachcombers have reached down to pick one up and take a closer look and pretty quickly come to regret it the cone snail has a sharp needle-shaped proboscis which launches into action when it feels threatened or when it senses prey nearby the proboscis is sharp and powerful enough to pierce diving gloves and has a double whammy contained within first of all it hits you with a venom strong enough to kill 10 people and then with a painkilling serum meaning you have no idea you've even been stung only hours or sometimes days later a strange tingling and numbness begins which is the beginning of the venom taking hold of the body and at least 30 deaths have been attributed to cone snails and there's no anti-venom so you're on your own against the venom of this mighty snail the cone snail has a long-range weapon a harpoon on the upside the painkiller produced by the cone snail is 10 000 times more effective than morphine and without the addictive properties so one of our worst enemies could one day become one of our greatest allies as scientists strive to understand more fully the cone snail painkiller number five platypus the platypus it's a kind of duck seal cat pelican thing that lays eggs like a lizard but a mammal like you and is venomous like a snail only in australia this is a really weird animal there's no two ways about it first up they don't have a stomach it's pretty much straight in straight out as far as a platypus dinner goes then there's the crazy bell which isn't just for foraging underwater but also allows it to detect electrical fields actually go into the water for the first time meaning it can hunt without using sight sound or smell once upon a time they were huge three feet or 1.5 meters long whereas evolution has brought these crazy animals down to about half that size now which must be a relief to australians country-wide they are technically mammals but branched off from the rest of us some 160 million years ago and share genetic information with both birds and lizards a real hybrid just to add to the freak show they lay eggs made of what seems to be leather and the young drink milk not from the mother's nipples but from ducts in the fur on top of all this the males have spurs on their ankles which contain a nasty venom which becomes active during mating season when they have to fend off rival males although not fatal to humans the venom is nonetheless pretty nasty so while you're looking at it and wondering what the hell it actually is don't linger too long especially if a male mistakes you for a love rival unless you want a nasty dose of platypus venom number four tasmanian devil okay let's be straight up the tasmanian devil is a pretty crazy little creature but he doesn't spin around like a mini tornado making weird growling noises whenever he gets excited [Applause] just in case you had that idea from somewhere first up they are hungry really hungry they can eat up to 40 percent of their own body weight in a day and they are great meat-eaters in fact they are now the largest carnivorous marsupial on earth since its distant cousin the tasmanian tiger sadly went extinct during the 20th century their favorite food is carrion and they have one of the most powerful bites relative to the size of the animal in the world helping them to crush and eat bones they only live on the australian island of tasmania hence the name but fossil records suggest they lived on mainland australia until 400 years ago generally tasmanian devils aren't a threat to humans and they would rather run than fight but if they are threatened and they get those jaws around you prepare for some bone crushing force number three wedge-tailed eagle the first bird on our list is no joke it is australia's largest raptor and a majestic predator of the skies with a wingspan which can measure up to almost 10 feet across or 2.75 meters life is tough from the outset of the wedge-tailed eagle in the nest chicks often kill or cannibalize their siblings if food gets short on supply the first chick out of the egg will have the best chance of survival especially if he grows big and strong on the meat of his brothers and sisters the nests they build are huge sometimes 12 feet deep by six feet across that's four by two meters and the eagles will defend their nests aggressively from other birds using their powerful claws and beaks to inflict major damage on the cute side partners mate for life loyal until the end of their lives of carnage and predation [Music] stories abound that wedge-tailed eagles have swooped down and taken up human babies in their claws no documented evidence exists but you wouldn't take your chances leaving a newborn out in the habitat of one of these flying monsters number 2 cane toad these toads are tough mean and pretty often considered to be unwelcome arrivals to australia by some australians and pretty much any native wildlife that comes into contact with them this south american toad species was introduced to australia in 1935 and became a rampant success spreading across the country at a startling rate in their natural habitat in south america that would be substantially less because they do get predated on 102 were brought over to help control the population of cane beetles in the country which were destroying crops but the toads couldn't reach the beetles to eat them not that this stopped the toads exploding to a population of more than 200 million today their skins and even eggshells secrete a deadly toxin which causes out-of-control heart rate paralysis and death and what's worse many of australia's native animals find the toads sweet-tasting not having had enough time to adapt to this new menace legend has it that licking the toads can get you high but it's more likely to just make you sick there on the march through australia will eat anything adapt to all conditions and usually wipe out ninety percent of native predators pretty soon after their arrival in the region that's one dangerous toad number one dingo one of australia's most famous lines a dingo ate my baby back in 1980 a young mother cried out these words near uluru resulting in a long-running court case which saw the parents of the baby convicted of murder and then finally having the conviction overturned as the courts decided a dingo really did eat her baby one hollywood film starring meryl streep later and the dingo's reputation as a baby killer was cemented in popular culture a little unfairly perhaps as this relative of the wolf is of little threat to humans even if australia's largest predator can be something of a pest feasting on flocks of shape australian farmers have resorted to a variety of tactics including deploying guard donkeys to kick the dingos away from the sheep and building the world's largest fence to keep them out a wild dog with a bad reputation still some australians even keep them as pets so they can't be all bad i mean just look at that face dangerous a pest a baby eater me so that's our roundup of australia's most dangerous animals how would you feel waking up to a python in your room have any of you fantasized about life as a female redback spider let us know in the comments below also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 143,383
Rating: 4.8388739 out of 5
Keywords: australia, animals, most dangerous animals in australia, amazing, incredible, large, dangerous, scary, weirdest, animal, most dangerous animals, dangerous animals in australia, dangerous animals, bull shark, stonefish, inland taipan, fact, sea wasp, unusual, viral, animals in australia, biggest, scariest, most dangerous, dangerous creatures, deadly animals, wild animals, scary creatures, deadliest animals, epic wildlife, list, facts, australia animals, dangerous creature, poisonous animals
Id: g91R-OxGqko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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