15 Cutest Baby Animals You Need To Pet

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there's a lot of cute animals out there and it's exactly the kind of thing that we need to see in these difficult times [Music] but we're going to go beyond just looking at cute animals we are going to look at the cutest baby animals you've ever seen oh my goodness from tiny baby owls to penguins that haven't yet got their tuxes here are the 15 cutest baby animals you need to pet number 15 baby owls it's a common mistake to assume that baby yowells are like most birds known as chicks you'd be very wrong to do so however baby owls actually have their own name owlets isn't that cute just one look at its big eyes and teeny tiny body and i think anybody would want to pet this little guy sadly the very nature of owl life is that some of the youngest owlets may not actually survive too long if there's not much food due to the bigger owls getting all the sustenance that's obviously not fair but it's the circle of life right outlets are so small and so cute looking that it's probably impossible to not be charmed by them however owls shouldn't really be touched by humans if an owl imprints itself on a human it will forever identify itself as a human it's definitely an interesting new existence for a bird we should also point out that owls tend to have some notably carnivorous habits so it's probably best that you never actually pet one whether or not it's just a little baby but man do we wish we could before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] number 14 baby penguin the best dressed birds on the planet the penguin more than makeup for its inability to fly with its sheer stylishness but what about the baby penguin chicks well they're just unbearably cute so it all balances out i guess when it comes to penguin chicks not all of them look alike in fact they look wildly different depending on the species for emperor penguins probably the most famous species the chicks are born with a grey coat that is gradually lost over time and transformed into the remarkable black and white plumage that we're all used to so there we have it not all penguins are born with their cute little tuxedo unlike some animals penguins are generally not too bothered by being around humans though it's obviously a bad idea to pet a fully grown one however many zoos offer a chick-petting experience allowing people to hug and pet the baby penguins something that one person described as like petting a soft adorable pillow while we're not in the business of ranking animals for their cuteness it's hard to think that the baby penguin would not be pretty far up that list right i mean look at this thing number 13. baby hedgehog like some other animals the baby hedgehog actually has a name all of its own the hoglet and while that does make it sound like a baby pig just trust us this thing is a whole lot of cute in a very small and spiky package the hedgehog was actually named for its unusual habit of foraging through hedges while grunting like a pig so maybe the hog comparison isn't totally unexpected but let's focus on the little hoglet itself while it seems slightly nutty to want to pet an animal covered in spikes the hoglet is just so adorable that i personally would take the risk one look at this little guy with his small eyes and tiny little paws is enough to make you want to hold it and cuddle it right i mean it might hurt you a little but worth it many wildlife organizations have been known to help orphaned or injured hoglets that have been discovered in the wild by good samaritans and it would seem that when they're hand-reared by humans hoglets are incredibly receptive to the human touch and you know what we love them in return number 12. baby duck ducklings are one of society's most beloved baby animals after all it's hard to imagine so many people embracing rubber duckies if they didn't like the real thing right there's a reason ernie always has one on sesame street the duckling is distinctly recognizable by its fuzzy fluffy coating something much different from the feathers we usually see on ducks a coat that comes later on in their life but you're not here to find out facts about what a duckling looks like right so let's get to the point here if you find a duckling out in the wild it's a good idea to leave it alone the duckling's parents will absolutely pursue you with some fiery vengeance however if you're in the proper setting and you're looking after these birds or you've been authorized to hold one they're perfectly safe to pet and in some cases they seem to really enjoy it ducklings are one of nature's cutest miracles and it's no wonder that our society likes them so much that we make bath toys of them that they're so gentle and open to being petted is just the cherry on top of this delightful little cake number 11. chick the chicken is one of the most prevalent animals on our planet as i'm sure everybody knows there's actually only one country in the world that does not have live chickens and that is vatican city now while you probably didn't know that you definitely know this chicks are adorable so adorable like most baby animals chicks are almost unbearably adorable with their fuzzy bright yellow coat and tiny little body they're also a very unique animal and one that is able to remember the faces of just about everybody that it encounters this is why so many chickens grow attached to the humans that take care of them and why so many chicks become extremely fond of being petted by humans others of course don't like it whatsoever so pretty much like any human i guess only these animals are much cuter there are many farms out there that offer the opportunity to pet a baby chick and the experience seems to be a hugely popular one with locals and families and when you think about it that makes total sense after all who wouldn't want to pet a fuzzy little thing number 10. baby giraffe the giraffe is the largest land animal on earth in terms of sheer height so it stands to reason that baby giraffes are also some of the biggest recorded newborns anywhere in the animal kingdom as well some of the most gentle towards humans and even other animals while giraffes can be found pretty much anywhere in the world hopefully there'll be something along the names of uh so to do with her speed the only place they can be found in their natural wild environment is africa the average giraffe can grow up to 18 feet tall but that's obviously not their size at birth when a giraffe is born the baby is usually around six feet tall and typically learns to walk on its own after around an hour three years later this little baby will finally grow to be as tall as its parents as well as gaining some thousand pounds of weight and entirely from eating plants imagine that baby giraffes are obviously one of the most adorable and gentle animals you could hope to find in the animal kingdom but they're also endangered with less than 100 000 giraffes in existence around the world so maybe before we start petting them we should work to save them number nine baby red panda anybody that is well-versed in animal knowledge will be able to point out this simple but important fact the red panda is actually not much like a panda at all in fact this animal is more closely related to the weasel raccoon and skunk family than the giant panda but that doesn't change this fact they're adorable meet two of linkin park zoo's most recent arrivals the red panda is most recognizable by its beautiful reddish-brown fur and its long bushy tail obviously neither of those traits are attributed to the giant panda and it's also probably a good thing to remember that you couldn't cuddle a baby giant panda the way some zookeepers hug a baby red panda you'd be squashed in seconds it's also important to know that many zookeepers do not touch adult red pandas whatsoever due to their fundamentally carnivorous behavior for that reason it's pretty difficult to even get close to a red panda come and it's probably something that only a handful of zookeepers will ever experience will inspire visitors to protect the species in the wild while very few of us will ever get the chance to hold and pet a red panda it's probably for the best after all we don't necessarily want to lose some fingers for a cute animal well actually i think i'd be alright with it number eight baby elephant anybody that has ever seen one in person will affirm that the elephant is one of the most magnificent and awe-inspiring animals you could ever encounter there's just something about the size of this magnificent creature as well as their intelligence that is just breathtaking and baby elephants are just as amazing most elephant calves are around three feet tall at the time of birth and they're just as adorable as you'd expect for the first few months of their lives these elephant calves don't usually know how they're supposed to use their trunks and can often be seen sucking on it as a human baby would suck on its thumb how cute is that by the time they're six to eight months old these calves finally begin to grasp what they're supposed to be doing with their trunks using them to eat drink and bathe getting to be up close and personal with these animals is considered to be an incredibly popular tourist experience around the world like many animals in the wild it's pretty tough for any ordinary person to get a chance to pet or even look after these intelligent graceful creatures number seven baby deer look we've all seen bambi we know all about the tragedies that can occur in the woodlands but today we're focusing more on the positive side of things baby deer also known as fawn although we don't have any bunnies today fawn are fundamentally sweet and pure animals that tend to shy away from any type of human activity likely due to the bambi situation which has obviously given them something of an elusive and mysterious quality that just makes them so lovable when a fawn is welcomed to the world the baby weighs around five pounds and relies entirely on its mother for survival in its first few months that includes protecting it from predators finding food and generally offering the unconditional motherly love we all deserve given the incredibly shy nature of deer it's very rare that anybody is actually able to pet or get close to the fawn but i think we can all agree that these animals are truly gorgeous in the wild the advice is generally to leave the fawn alone if you happen to see it after all it's still a wild animal however there are many instances of a wild fawn approaching a human and allowing some petting so we have hope number six puppies i don't think there's much i need to say here [Music] puppies are possibly the one baby animal that you've already had the chance to pet and what can we say dogs are already capable of so much love and baby ones even more so what many people don't know is that puppies can't actually see or hear until they're around two weeks old and have to rely entirely on their sense of smell to find their mother in fact their eyes don't open whatsoever until after those two weeks isn't that already enough to make you want to cuddle them and if that's not cute enough let's talk about baby talk there's always been a big debate over whether or not your pup can actually understand the things you say but actually the science is pretty clear puppies respond hugely to baby talk but when they turn one year old they're not so interested teenagers eh puppies are one of the most beloved domestic animals on the planet capable of never ending loyalty undying love and just sheer joy for their owner [Music] and i think we could all use a puppy to pet in these trying times don't you agree number five kittens whether you're a cat person or a dog person you can't ignore the fact that kittens are actually pretty cute it's almost hard to believe that these teeny tiny kittens will eventually grow into full-sized cats which will no doubt show immense love to you and complete indifference to others newborn kittens are almost unbelievably small often weighing around the same as a small lemon but that weight quickly changes over the following few weeks when they're born kittens lack quite a lot of the traits that they'll come to be known for all cats are born with blue eyes for one with the color changing as they grow they're also unable to see or even walk shortly after their birth something that they must work out over time like puppies kittens are entirely dependent on their mother during the early period of their lives and would be lost on their own so cats truly need love if you love animals you'll know that the dog vs cat battle is just another silly bit of overhyping nonsense puppies and kittens are beautiful animals and can of course exist with no judgment whatsoever i just want the pet one number four baby chameleon for some the inclusion of a baby chameleon on a list like this will be confusing the chameleon is not known as an especially cuddly or cute animal but trust us this is a very cute animal if a little difficult now and then oh they're so sleepy baby chameleons measure somewhere between three and four inches long after hatching but by the time they're eight months old they're fully grown and as long as adult chameleons that's somewhere between 8 and 19 inches long however they're far from the easiest animals to raise and take care of for the baby chameleon to grow correctly they must be fed with a varied diet of insects and kept in a carefully temperature controlled cage that shifts from a hot climate in the day to a cooler one in the evening all of this makes it a pretty tough animal to look after but when it's cute who cares many people would be turned off by the idea of petting an animal like the chameleon given the fact that it's covered in scales and not feathers or fur but they'd be missing out as this animal is pretty adorable and very gentle towards humans number three baby hippo we should definitely add a warning to this one while we absolutely would love to pet a baby hippo it's probably not a great idea still let's explain why it's so cute and then we'll explain about how we can't pet it when they're born hippos weigh around a hundred pounds some 300 pounds lighter than they will end up but the protocol of looking after baby hippos is completely unlike any other animal due to the fact that hippos spend the majority of the day under water as a result the babies must be able to suckle underwater in order to get all of their nutrients from their mother this goes on for about a year until eventually the hippo was fully grown and ready to begin a long and happy life of well doing absolutely nothing i suppose unfortunately for us the hippo is an incredibly aggressive territorial and generally unpleasant animal towards humans so the likelihood of us petting this little thing is pretty slim but we can dream right maybe eventually there will be a jurassic park but for aggressive animals that have been genetically edited not to kill us actually i take that back bad idea number two baby dolphin i'm sure that we don't have to explain just how beautiful dolphins are right they're immensely intelligent kind and gentle creatures and they seem to be truly capable of great empathy so it stands to reason that baby dolphins would be just as cute right very right baby dolphins also known as cavs are typically born somewhere between 39 and 53 inches in length and weighing between 22 and 44 pounds for the first three to six years of their lives the cavs stay close to their mother learning how to survive in this new underwater world hunting for food and evading danger but for those marine zoologists getting to work with and handle the baby dolphins is one of the best parts of the job as these animals are extremely intelligent even from a young age and show an excellent appreciation for the friendly presence of humans as far as getting to pet these baby animals the dolphin calf is likely one of the most accessible for the general public it seems that many tourist hot spots around the world have a swimming with dolphins attraction for enthusiastic tourists number one baby lamb for many people that spent their childhood on a farm the experience of feeding a baby lamb is likely one of the strongest memories they have there's just something uniquely adorable about this animal especially if you grew up around them a baby lamb is born after somewhere between 142 and 152 days inside their mother and typically is born around five to eight pounds in weight from there the lame is fed by its mother or if the mother is not around by the owner or farmer taking care of it it's during this period that many will be offered the chance to pet the animal and it's pretty special when you get that opportunity there are some farms and caretakers around the world that offer guests and tourists the chance to feed the lambs themselves so if you're interested in petting a baby lamb i'm sorry but there isn't a person on this planet that does not think baby lambs are adorable and if there is i do not want to hear about it just let me have the baby lamb utopia please which of these animals would you most like to pet let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 676,765
Rating: 4.8679857 out of 5
Keywords: cute animals, baby animals, cute puppy, top, best, education, funny, videos, video, compilation, dogs, puppy, cute, funny dogs, funny dog, funny puppy, cute animal videos, baby videos, cute videos, animal videos, cute animal, animals video, baby animals for kids, animal videos for children, for kids, for children, kids, cute baby video, puppies, small, cutest animals, funny videos, adorable cute animal, adorable cute animal videos, animal babies, baby cat, cat, exist
Id: zAEin8njPXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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