If These 15 Animal Moments Were Not Filmed, No One Would Believe It

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nowadays almost everything gets filmed so when you hear a truly crazy animal story it's pretty normal to respond by saying pictures or it didn't happen but there's some animal stories that you still might not believe nothing even though you're seeing it with your own two eyes from the man who puts his arm in the stomach of a crocodile to the cat who would work as a street grifter if these 15 animal moments were not filmed no one would believe it number 15 crocodile out in thailand the siamese crocodile is an important part of folklore and natural history like pretty much everywhere else that crocodiles exist people tend to regard crocodiles with a mixture of respect and fear because well a crocodile could pretty easily do some serious damage to a human being say tear your whole arm off even if this critically endangered species of croc is actually quite a bit less aggressive to people than some of its cousins the last thing you'd think of doing is put your arm in its mouth or your head but this reckless individual on a crocodile farm out in pattaya thailand did exactly that while the crocs gaping jaws lie open he lies down and puts his head right between them knowing full well that this mighty reptile has the power to easily crush his skull to dust then he opens the croc's throat and puts his arm down into the crocodile's stomach showing the crowd of tourists the goo he has just pulled out before giving it a taste himself remind me not to invite this guy over for dinner admittedly the crocs seem a little more relaxed here than they would normally be but still rather him than me a couple of years after this video was shot a big croc on this farm decided he'd had enough and took a bite out of one of the trainers so if you think this looks dangerous and stupid well it kinda is before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or slenderman will come from under your bed when you're sleeping [Music] number 14. very smart cat here's a house cat that seems to me way smarter than the guy in the last section of the video we've all seen the old cup and ball game out on the shadier streets of big cities designed to trick tourists out of a few bucks notice this attention thinking they can guess which cup the ball is under pretty easily and yet no every damn time just like magic the ball somehow ended up under a different cup well next time you want to play a street grifter at his own game consider bringing along a secret weapon like this genius cat for example kitty here cannot be fooled by his owner's attempts to deceive him by mixing the cups up real fast and all over the place which one is the orange ball in gets it right every time if this cat were all black i'd be short belonged to some kind of witch what gives it these special powers and as if to prove how smart this cat really is after a few games it gives its human a look of is this really how you spend your free time i'm heading out before wandering away to do a little sudoku or maybe kick back with some greek philosophy and a ball of wool number 13. wolf dog sings to a baby to stop his crying how to calm a colicky baby there's a whole variety of techniques siemens have developed since time immemorial to get a baby to shut up a pacifier is one or picking the child up and walking around but how about a lullaby a lullaby usually works making the baby feel safe and secure knowing its protectors are nearby and that everything is going to be fine but then you have to go to the whole effort of thinking of a song to sing then you have to sing it so why not get a dog to do it they know how to fetch a newspaper so it's not too much to ask of man's best friend to sing the new baby to sleep right well here's one dog that just loves to join in with a sing-song and the effect on junior is pretty much instantaneous going from screeching little demon to peaceful little angel all thanks to the wolf-like howl coming from this siberian husky who seems to know just the right tune now what kind of animal do i need to purchase which can sing a lullaby that will shut my dog up from howling number 12. chimpanzee smoking chimpanzees are pretty incredible animals maybe they fascinate us so much because we are so similar sharing an incredible 98 of our dna and they do a lot of things just like we do they can walk upright they seem to have human emotions they can use tools and some of them just love to unwind from a stressful day with a smooth satisfying cigarette that's right this chimp loves to smoke cigarettes while in most zoos around the world you might expect to see the zookeepers encouraging chimpanzees to play around with a swinging caretire out in pyongyang zoo in north korea the chimpanzee keeper throws in his pack of cigs and a lighter and this particular chimp loves to light one up not only that he's mastered the art of looking cooler than cool while he takes a draw looking back at the passing visitors like a young marlon brando but remember kids smoking isn't cool smoking is bad for your health so next time a north korean chimp tries to offer you a smoke just say no number 11. eagle snatches baby the old story goes that when a baby is born a stork comes down to deliver it to the happy mother and father the part they don't always mention is that a few months later a huge badass golden eagle shows up to take the baby back again this crazy scene took place in montreal canada back in 2012 a family is enjoying a chilly and sunny afternoon out in mont royal park when someone nearby spots a huge golden eagle soaring up ahead the camera follows the eagle who is surveying the scene below it but what our cameraman has not realized is that this massive bird of prey has made a decision to go for a more exotic meal than usual tonight human oh [ __ ] the bird turns in the air and then begins a terrifying swoop down to the young child who is playing with his mother just nearby the eagle opens its talons and strikes getting hold of the child by its thick winter coat before actually lifting it off the ground a few feet mother and cameraman give chase and the eagle seems to realize that this youngster is maybe a little heavier than he calculated so he drops the terrified child onto the ground and heads back up into the sky the child it seems was uninjured if not a little shocked number 10. cat feeding ducklings normally the last thing a baby duckling wants to meet is a cat it's far more likely that a baby duck would end up as lunch for a cat rather than becoming one of its adopted kittens but in awfully ireland one broody cat decided it would bring up three baby ducklings as though they were its own young the cat known as della already had three actual cat kittens to take care of but that wasn't enough for this maternal kitty who came across three newborn ducklings and very carefully picked them all up one by one and brought them back to her own little kitty nest normally cats would eat small birds but it was absolutely it was just it was awesome it was just incredible to see it amazingly the ducklings even began to drink milk from their adoptive mother something ducks as non-mammals do not normally do but when you're hungry you're hungry i guess a few weeks on and della was still protecting her baby ducklings even though they were becoming more of a handful but as the years went by and the ducklings grew up into fully grown ducks far larger than della they still followed their cat mother around the farm number nine smart octopus escapes a closed jar here's one super smart mollusk you might never have believed could be true unless you'd seen it aussie the octopus octopuses are among the most intelligent animals in the world displaying all kinds of super advanced behavior and scientists have declared octopuses like humans and gyms have a mind and a whole variety of complex personality traits on top of this they can use tools and that means those eight tentacles are extra dexterous it just so happens that ozzy is something of a record holder when it comes to dexterity as he is the first octopus to break the one minute barrier in the jar test the octopuses are given a closed jar with a screw lid and inside is a tasty little crab treat for them to eat marine biologists then measure how long it takes the octopus to undo the jar and get their dinner out in this regard ozzy is the boss clocking in at 57 seconds i've struggled with some pickle jars longer than that this test helps the active brained octopus simulate behavior it would display while hunting in the wild of the ocean number 8. whale plays rugby when they told me whales were good at rugby i thought they meant the country but it turns out that this beluga whale off the coast of south africa has all the skills needed to play for a top rugby team this group of south african rugby fans made a fan out on a boat in the ocean near the arctic where this beluga whale lives the whales seemed to be having a great time playing fetch and it seems to be another sign of the great intelligence of these social creatures back in 2009 a captive beluga saved the life of a struggling free diver who was running low on oxygen by pushing her back to the surface so she could breathe again although the bulbous head known as a melon isn't all full of brains but air and fat which helps them project sound the beluga is sometimes called the canary of the sea due to its highly talkative nature belugas are some of the smartest whales in the world but that's still three thousand pounds or one thousand and three hundred kilos of small whale a little heavier than the average rugby player next time you hook up with some friends for a game of rugby don't be surprised to see a huge beluga show up asking for a game number 7. two fish fight pretty much all species like to fight right across the whole of the animal kingdom and that includes fish usually it's down to disputes over territory food or mating and in the world of fish is probably restricted to biting one another maybe a slap of the tail but these two guys seem to have figured out another way to get on each other's nerves by scooping up big mouthfuls of sand and then spitting it at each other [Music] before turning back and hiding in their burrows in the rocks waiting for the next attack the fish involved in this ruckus are known as jawfish and as their name suggests it's their big mouths that set them apart they are known for burrowing into the sand and then spitting out the unwanted sand in this case right in the face of their next-door neighbor seems like a pretty tough neighborhood could this become some new kind of olympic event these two seem pretty evenly matched to me so place your bets number six elephants play football while beluga whales prefer the british sport of rugby it seems another giant of the animal kingdom is more adept at the sport of soccer out in bangladesh this group of five asian elephants living in captivity in bangladesh zoo have mastered the skills of ronaldo and messi as we can see in this video one of the elephants playing goalkeeper even manages to kick the ball into the crowd causing a complete wipeout of one spectator hey get up stop flopping no foul or maybe it really was a great shot by that elephant who has probably had enough and wants to get on with doing elephant stuff whatever that might be still some of these pachyderms have got serious skills could you see one signing up for real madrid or liverpool or maybe these guys will be the secret to the bangladesh national soccer team finally making it to play in the world cup one day number five world dog surfing competition there's nothing dogs love more than leaping into some water and especially playing with the lapping tide of the sea but how about surfing well this phenomenon is so popular now there's an official world dog surfing championship that's right every year the finest dog surfers in the world gather in northern california to face off and see who's the top dog when it comes to surfing the contest is divided up into four different weight classes for the dogs as well as tandem contest where two pup buddies surf together and a tandem dog human version where the dog and master or mistress hit the waves together the whole day wraps up with a fetch contest and then of course it is california after all a dog fashion show in the 2019 contest a french bulldog named sherry hailing from newport beach won the top dog award after winning her weight class so if your own pet doggy fancies its chances against some of these incredible surfers head out to linda mar beach in pacifica california to see if doggo will become the king of surf or just wipe out number four gorilla understand sign language coco the gorilla who passed away in 2018 at the age of 46 was one of the most famous gorillas who ever lived even featuring twice on the cover of national geographic in 1978 and 1985. the reason koko was so famous was her incredible ability with understanding words and sign language gorilla animal coco love and not only could she understand the instructions given to her but she was able to use signs to communicate her own feelings back to the humans she was in contact with coco could understand and replicate an incredible 1 000 signs as well as understanding 2 000 words of spoken english far more advanced than any other members of her critically endangered species yet studied the extraordinary range of emotions and thoughts she could convey included both a sense of humor and an ability to comprehend life after death when one journalist showed up to meet coco in the 80s koko didn't seem to warm up to her via sign language she called the journalist a toilet but later now used to the new presence responded to a question about where gorillas go when they die by signing to a comfortable hole a pretty amazing creature koko's life helped to raise awareness about the lives of gorillas both in human captivity or struggling to survive human destruction of their natural habitat rest in peace in your comfortable hull coco number three anaconda swallows a pig the green anaconda is one of the most badass snakes in the world this south american monster is the heaviest and one of the longest snakes alive today reportedly growing to lengths of 40 feet or 12 meters and even in captivity where they hit almost 20 feet they can weigh as much as 250 pounds or 97 kilos for anyone who wants to head out to the jungle and give it a try there's a 50 000 reward on offer for the first live anaconda in excess of 30 feet in length captured and delivered to a research facility its latin name is eunectes marinus which means good swimmer and miceder now the first part of this is beyond dispute anacondas are great swimmers but for an anaconda a mouse is a little more than a snack as this video shows these huge snakes are capable of devouring a whole pig the big boa first clamps its head down on the pick and then wraps itself around its body to constrict it the last thing this snake wants is a confused pig waking up after he's already on his way to being digested in this case the pig has been pre-slaughtered but still better safe than sorry it doesn't look like there's any way the pig will fit into the snake's mouth but just look at this guy gulp those are some huge jaws number two parrot rides a bike parrots are some of the most amazing birds and they have incredible levels of intelligence allowing them to mimic the human voice as well as learn a whole range of tricks they can dance they can fetch they can wave and they can ride a bicycle that's right according to this video there's nothing paulie loves more than hopping on its bike to get from a to b but it doesn't stop there these birds aren't content with riding around on solid ground oh no this bird had to jump on its bike and ride along a high wire like a daring circus performer a parrot with no fear imagine looking down and seeing the earth far below knowing one false move meant a long plunge to certain death unless of course you happen to have wings which parrots do so maybe not so courageous after all but still pretty impressive i'm hoping one day to see the parrot who can pull a wheelie or even better deliver me a pizza on its bicycle number one the world's first driving dog if a parrot on a bike isn't enough for you how about a dog behind the wheel of a car this is porter a ten-month-old beardy crossbreed who's made history by becoming the world's first driving dog at a track in new zealand this talented pooch managed to negotiate the corners in this specifically modified mini clubman with great success it took just eight weeks to train the dog up and he used his front paws to turn the steering wheel while his hind paws took control of the accelerator and brake porter who was a rescue dog has shown just how smart dogs really are capable of making complex actions and following instructions from their trainers yeah good white good boy although there wasn't any information on whether dogs were driving auto or not you would have thought they'd prefer stick right in any case next time you take your dog out in the car don't be surprised if he or she jumps right up in front starts the ignition and chauffeurs you down to the dog park for an afternoon of fetch would you have believed any of these crazy animal stories if you hadn't seen them on video which animal impressed you the most let us know in the comments below also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 182,884
Rating: 4.894598 out of 5
Keywords: if it were not filmed, caught on camera, moments, caught on tape, viral, unbelievable, unbelievable videos, caught on video, viral video, videos, insane, unbelievable moments, filmed, no one would believe, were not filmed, found footage, strange moments, camera, weird videos, video, rare events, caught on cam, security cameras, no one would believe it, try not to laugh, viral videos, interesting videos, gone wrong, compilation, scary, mysterious, strange videos, really happened
Id: 1FDupjYsfzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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