15 Most Dangerous Beaches In The World

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if you're looking for some well-earned rest and relaxation you can't do much better than planning a vacation to a stunning beach with the Sun beaming down the powdery sand beneath your toes and the cool clear sea lapping up against you there really is nothing more serene but not all are like this and instead of being the epitome of calm they have a more sinister edge to them these are the 15 most dangerous beaches in the world number 15 Stella 10 coast Namibia Namibia has a 976 mile long coastline but rather ominously its northern part is known as the skeleton coast it's a stunning Beach and is one of the only places in the world where you can actually hear the roar of the sand dunes but it's also treacherous for those who get too close the reason for this is the unpredictability of the ocean conditions and many ships have fallen foul of the currents over the years the coast is littered with thousands of shipwrecks and it's not just people who get caught up in it there are countless whale carcasses and the remains of many other species - all of whom found themselves too close in to land and unable to swim back out to the depths yeah this is a whale ripping and this is part of the vertebra well back bring as you can imagine numerous crews have found themselves stranded there and it's in such a remote location that there's no way to return to civilization without the aid of a four-wheel drive vehicle the most frightening story took place in the 1940s however when twelve human skeletons were found on the beach all lined up in a row and all were missing their skulls before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or Slenderman will come from under your bed when you're sleeping time for the rare topic surfing is undoubtedly one of the most popular beach activities around the world what could be better than swimming out to the wave standing on your board and becoming one with the natural world but there are risks involved not least the threat of any dangerous animals that might be hiding beneath the waves this image which was taken at a surf competition shows just how close one surfer got to a grisly end at the time he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary and continued with his run to try and score as many points as possible it was only when he returned to shore and his publicist showed him the image that he realized what had been sharing the wave with him an enormous shark it's so big that it could have eaten him whole quite a sobering thought if you think about it what would you have done if you were confronted with a beast like this and can you even believe that such ferocious predators actually exist in the oceans as always comment down below with the hashtag rare Tom pick and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen let's move on to the next one number 14 North Sentinel island beach in Indian Ocean on the face of it the beach of North Sentinel island in the Indian Ocean looks like a beautiful place to be but it's strictly off-limits to any visitors as for the last few people who went there it was the last thing they'd ever do the reason for this is that the island is home to one of the last known indigenous communities that have resisted integrations or even communication with the outside world there are a number of reasons why this is the case mainly because of unfortunate encounters with shipwrecks and explorers in the past two centuries and along with the risk of them contracting deadly diseases from outsiders that could wipe out the entire community it's been decided that the best option is to leave them alone it's not known how many people live there because of the thick forest cover but they violently attack anyone who lands on the beach recently an American missionary fell foul of his greeting and his body was later seen on the sand while two local fishermen also met the same fate around a decade ago number thirteen black sand beaches Kilauea Island the islands of Hawaii are stunning volcanic formations deep within the Pacific Ocean but the processes that formed them and that are responsible for their beauty are also what makes some of the beaches dangerous the black sand is made up of volcanic debris that's being pulverized by the waves and is just as fine and soft as the sand you'll find on any other beaches in the world there is of course the continual danger that a nearby volcano will erupt however just like what happened in May of 2018 when Mount Kilauea caused at least 480 million dollars worth of damage going into the water can also be a risk because there are extremely strong currents following beneath the surface it won't take much to be swept away but even if you can overcome this you won't want to put your feet down the seafloor is also made up of volcanic rock but there are some areas that are sharp and jagged basically the best way to take a vacation here is to lie on the beach in the Sun well keeping an eye open for however one around you is acting and stay out of the water except to briefly cool off number 12 Copacabana beach no trip to Brazil would be complete without visiting Rio de Janiero and you can't go to Rio and not go see the world-famous Copacabana beach oh this is Copacabana right here huge beach it's synonymous with the country and its culture so much so that songs movies and books have been written about it and if you're there you must keep your wits about you because it's not exactly the safest place in the world the first problem you'll face is the sheer number of people that go there on sunny days it can prove tricky to find a patch of sand to set up your towel and you might even find there's a queue to get into the water as with anywhere that attracts so many people crime levels are high as well every day there are several armed robberies of visitors and officials advise two tourists is to leave all of your valuables at home just in case the most unfortunate thing though is the beach just isn't as pristine as you would hope it to be it's covered in huge amounts of trash which you'll also find around your feet in the water so if you really want a nice day at the beach your best bet is to go somewhere further down the coast number 11 New Smyrna Beach in Florida Florida is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world thanks to the glorious weather the best theme parks in the world and the coastline that's covered in some of the best beaches you'll ever see there is however a danger that every visitor must be made aware of and rather than being the result of human behavior is all to do with what lurks in the water New Smyrna Beach is the focus of this risk and is known as the shark attack capital of the world in 2019 there were nine reported cases of people who were bitten by the ocean predators and according to some estimates if you swim in the water you're never more than ten feet away from one it's only the fact that sharks usually try to avoid humans whenever they possibly can that means that more attacks don't happen and they only lash out towards people if they feel that they are of themselves at risk stell if you want to brave the water for yourself and perhaps even want to see a shark then there's probably no better place to go number ten cape tribulation beach in Australia Australia is surrounded by stunning beaches and while you'd certainly enjoy yourself at any of them one of the best can be found along the Daintree coast at Cape Tribulation there are a number of separate beaches there and it won't take you long before you can find one that's completely deserted and that you can have to yourself but be warned you might want to make sure you have close access to a vehicle just in case you need to make a trip to the hospital the reason for this is that there are two animals that live in the area that can cause serious injury to people the first are crocodiles which seemed to have significantly increased in numbers in recent years in 2017 a woman was killed by a salty in the area and there have been several serious attacks since the other creature you want to avoid and the one that's most difficult to see is the box jellyfish between November and May each year during the height of summer they swarm into the waters around the beaches and it's quite possible you might be stung by one notorious for their toxic venom if this happens you'll experience severe pain and irregular heartbeat along with plenty of other symptoms all of which will mean you'd have to seek urgent medical attention to prevent death number 9 I am 'w island beach in kenya i am o island beach in kenya which is close to the border with Somalia is one of the most gorgeous beaches in the world swimming in recent years however tourists and even locals have been discouraged from taking a swim in the water for a risk that comes from political unrest in the region security agencies have increased the alert level as a result of gaining Intel that suggests al-shabaab militant are continuously planning attacks on the area the intent behind this is to damage the local tourism industry to get noticed and hopefully have their demands listened to but the consequence is an increased military presence and searches of anyone that authorities deemed to be suspicious this forces the militants to occasionally carry out attacks to show that they are serious about their threats and it's never predictable when this might happen while you might want to swim there there really is no point in risking your own life just to do so and there are plenty of equally as nice Beach around the world for you to choose from number eight Duma beach in India along the coast of the Indian state of Gujarat is Duma beach a place that is renowned for being one of the most beautiful black sand beaches in the world very creepy and disturbing but that's why I say that legend has it that this site used to be the burial site for local Hindus and because they were burned their ashes mixed in with the sand and gave it its jet black color because of this history it's also believed by many to be the most haunted place in the country consequently it's expressly prohibited to visit the beach at night time when the spirits are out in force but even if you don't believe in the existence of ghosts there's something else that calls the beach home that will surely convince you to stay indoors it's home to a large community of king cobras and if you ever disturb them or scare them they'll launch towards you and inflict a dangerous bite you'll be guaranteed to experience excruciating pain and if one delivers a large enough dose you could even die number seven Playa Ziva let a beach in Mexico playa zipolite is a beach on the southern coast of Oaxaca in Mexico and at first it seems as if it's got everything you could want from a beach there's plenty of Sun the sand is perfect and the water is the ideal temperature and if that's not enough of a draw its Mexico's first and only legal nudist beach there's a much darker side to it though as the name translates to mean Beach of the Dead it was from here that the local tribes used to offer the bodies of their dead to the ocean and it used to be off-limits until the practice ended in the 1960s it seems the beach also takes the bodies of the living too though because the dangerous rip tides that flow offshore visitors are tempted in by the cool water but if they go too far out one moment they'll be swimming around and the next they are pulled under never to be seen again if you ever get the chance to go it's probably a better idea to focus on the sights to see on the shore rather than drifting too far away from the sand number six Fraser Island in Australia Fraser Island in Australia attracts numerous visitors each year who wants to experience the perfect weather and stunning beaches but this place comes with a serious health warning because of certain animals you might encounter as with other coastal areas in the region there's a large number of fish in the surrounding waters and these attract various species of shark who swim into the shallows to feed while they normally avoid humans altogether there's always a chance you might swim into one's path and if they feel under threat they'll be the ones to strike first shark attacks are thankfully rare though but there's another creature that's arguably more vicious dingos while they seem cute and friendly they are wild animals and you can never predict what they'll do next they get excitable around children and people having fun and have been responsible for the death of at least one young girl in recent years because of the risk local authorities recommend keeping children close by never to feed the dingoes and to take photographs from a distance number five Reunion Island in Madagascar around 130 miles off the coast of Madagascar is the gorgeous French island of réunion a place that's virtually untouched and is known for its jungle waterfalls stunning landscapes and idyllic beaches very few people have heard of it let alone visited it but it's said to be one of the most relaxing places on earth so long as you don't spend too much time in the water its economy relies heavily upon tourism but visitors have to be careful because the beaches around the island pose real risk of shark attacks global statistics indicate that there's a greater chance of dying from a bee sting than a shark attack in fact per capita this is where the highest incidence of shark encounters in the world happen and since 1980 13 people have died as a result the two species that are responsible for most of the problems are tiger sharks and vicious bull sharks which both swim close up to the beach in shallow waters one victim had his arm torn off by a bull shark while he was surfing around Devil's Point and subsequently died from his injuries which probably goes some way to explain why not many people who visit the island and why those that do are very careful about entering the water number four Dan's by South Africa located on the coast of South Africa's Western Cape Gansbaai is a fishing town that has a beach facing out towards the Atlantic Ocean but this probably isn't somewhere that you'd want to go swimming it's thought to be the second most popular tourist destination in the country after the Kruger National Park because it's from here that they offer one of the most extreme activities anywhere in the world cage diving with great white sharks the waters just off the coast are home to one of the densest populations of the man-eaters in the world all thanks to the region's unique geography just a couple of miles out is an island chain and there's a narrow channel between two of them Dyer Island and geyser Rock geyser Rock also happens to be the home to a huge colony of Cape fur seals with an estimated 60,000 of them living there at any one time it's essentially an all-you-can-eat buffet for the great whites who go there in their droves and will quite easily mistake a person in a wet suit for a seal if they see them in the water number 3 Darwin Beach Australia as the capital city of Australia's Northern Territory and due to its perfect position on the coast Darwin relies heavily on the tourism industry with hundreds of thousands of people travelling there every year to take advantage of what it has to offer the beaches are a particular draw but visitors have to be constantly aware of their surroundings because this can soon become a very dangerous place indeed thanks to two particular species of animal saltwater crocodiles also call this place home and even though they are the largest species of reptile in the world they're adept at sneaking up on you without you having any idea they are nearby between October and May each year the water also fills up with blooms of box jellyfish that can inflict horrible and potentially lethal stings and authorities have so far resisted installing nets to prevent them from coming too close into the shore while locals are more than aware of the risks visitors aren't so familiar with them and so warning signs have been installed across the city's beaches there are designated safe spots to swim and as long as you stick to those you should be totally fine number 2 Kanaka VI beach in Hawaii located on the shoreline of Kauai is na pali coast hana copy i beach is a stunning place that is very popular with tourists but as soon as you arrive here you'll notice warning signs all over because this is one of the most deadly beaches in the world it's a great spot for surfing because of the large waves that form just a short distance out from shore but the real danger lurks beneath due to the underwater geography of the region and the lack of any reefs very strong rip currents circulate and are impossible to see this combined with the high surf and shore breaks makes the ocean a treacherous place to be and in the last 50 years at least 30 people are known to have drowned there 15 of whom have never been recovered the true figure could be much higher though because locals keep their own tally on one of the signs on the beach and this currently shows a count of 82 people who have fallen victim to the currents number one dirgham chowpatty beach in Mumbai Gurgaon chappati Beach which is on the coast of Mumbai India is an important place for locals every year thousands of people flock to the ganesh visarjan celebrations where they immerse the gods in the arabian sea the festivities are marked with 10 days of celebration but for health reasons it's not recommended that you go anywhere near the water [Music] [Applause] while the sand may look nice this is one of the most polluted beaches in the world this is because nearby factories dispose of huge amounts of untreated sewage into the water and tests regularly show dangerously high levels of fecal coliform bacteria in both the water and the sand furthermore huge amounts of garbage are left here and washed up on the shore and while extensive efforts are made to clear it all up it's replaced almost as quickly as it can be taken away it's almost worth seeing just to understand how bad the situation has become and you certainly won't find yourself wanting to stay around for long which of these do you think is the most dangerous and have any of them put you off ever wanting to go to a beach again make sure to let us know in the comment section also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 389,288
Rating: 4.7751656 out of 5
Keywords: most dangerous, dangerous, beaches, world, beach, travel, ocean, in the world, most dangerous beaches, swimming, dangerous beaches, shark, sea, most dangerous beaches in the world, sharks, places, water, surfing, swim, most, never ever swim, scary, australia, dangerous sea in the world, dangerous sea, dangerous beach, earth, shark attacks, dangerous places, attacks, shark beach, shark attack, vacation, island, dangerous animals, most dangerous places, beach (geographical feature category)
Id: J_0Ib7Vbu60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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