15 Abnormally Large Creatures That Really Exist!

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the animal kingdom is made up of an incredibly vast magnificent and beautiful collection of creatures each of which has its own role to play in the great circle of life but frankly some of them are just so ridiculously big from a 98-foot long whale to a bird that can't fly there are 15 abnormally large creatures that really exist before we begin make sure to hit the like button subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell for more amazing videos every day with that being said let's begin number 15 blue whale we start with an animal that's not just abnormally large but the largest animal ever to have existed the blue whale can measure up to 98 feet in length and around 173 tons in weight making it around half the length of a jumbo jet and heavier than the average unfurnished house it goes without saying that is a big animal until the beginning of the 20th century the blue whale lived in just about every one of earth's oceans until whalers began hunting them threatening their very existence in 1966 the international community worked to ensure that these incredible creatures were protected and in 2002 there were between 5 000 and 12 000 blue whales worldwide of course they're not entirely safe today but are recognized as an endangered species it's entirely possible that had they not been protected they wouldn't be on this list today despite being the largest mammal on our list the blue whale like many whales actually poses no threat to humans in the wild blue whales have no teeth making them unable to tear flesh of any kind forcing them to eat only krill and small fish they also have throats less than a foot wide so humans couldn't even fit boy we got lucky on that one eh time for the rare topic spiders are well known as one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet with pretty much every sizeable wild spider reported as having caused fatal injury to humans of course this isn't a list of 15 pretty big creatures so we have a beast that is downright terrifying for arachnophobes like me this photo sent in by one of our viewers shows a spider that definitely fulfills the brief with a spider of this size is it at all possible that there's a species larger or deadlier than this one or is this about as big as they come there may be more we don't know about but i personally hope this is it because yikes comment down below with the hashtag raretopic and we might pin the best comments in relation to this picture with that said let's keep things moving number 14 ostrich the biggest bird on our list also cannot fly so how about that for some diversity the common ostrich is the most giant living bird on the planet with the earliest fossils of similar birds first appearing as far back as 23 million years ago despite their common name common ostriches aren't actually that common in the wild and tend to be found natively only in the african sahel or savannah unless of course you consider zoos to be common in which case congratulations you found a loophole it won't happen again much like almost every single athlete ostriches make up for their inability to fly by running very very fast able to reach speeds up to 43 miles an hour the legs of an ostrich also like almost every single athlete are so strong that they could quickly kill a human or predator if necessary it's not unheard of for an ostrich to take out a line entirely through the use of its legs and honestly you have to admire that kind of commitment to leg day of course ostriches have something of a reputation for their mick jagger-esque walk and generally unpleasant behavior alpha males in ostrich packs are in charge of protecting their herd and they're not afraid of confrontation with humans or other animals for a bird that can't fly these guys are not something to mess with number 13. goliath beetles let's see david take these on named after the biblical giant goliath the goliath beetles get the title of our largest bug in just about every way size wait you name it this little thing is enormous measuring between 2 to 4.3 inches the beetles tend to prefer the tropical climate of africa's forests and are known to feed almost always on fruit and tree sap they also occasionally enjoy a little snack of cat or dog food but perhaps that's a universal thing what's interesting about the goliath is how little is known about it the larval cycle is generally a mystery in the wild a captive goliath raised on a diet of cat or dog food can't necessarily be trusted for an accurate reading after all who's to say they have scooby snacks in the jungle what we do know is that the goliath beetles feed only on food rich in sugar likely suffering huge sugar crashes that leave them very depressed i speak from experience obviously it goes without saying the goliath beetles pose no threat to humans meaning that we don't have to worry about being on the receiving end of their sugar cravings the male beetles do however like to fight other males over just about anything so if you believe in reincarnation try to come back as a whale rather than a beetle number 12. chinese giant salamander the chinese giant salamander gets our title of largest amphibian reaching over five feet long of course this is a little bit of a catch-all category as the salamander is actually three different species so just pretend that we're talking about all of them due to several issues including pollution and habitat loss the species has been named as critically endangered and many scientists consider it to be an important and essential species in need of protection giant salamanders tend to make their natural habitat in rivers throughout southern china though they can now be found all over asia as a result with a release from captivity while they can survive on land the salamanders are known to prefer small streams and rivers the longest salamander on earth was found at zhanjiji farm and measured just under six feet long making this both the single largest amphibian on the planet and also taller than the writer of this video perhaps surprisingly the chinese giant salamander is not a particular threat to humans while mostly preferring to eat insects crustaceans and small fish the salamander has been known to eat other giant salamanders that's right they're not threatening to humans because they're threatening themselves the circle of life ladies and gentlemen number eleven whale shark taking the role of our largest fish the most giant whale shark on earth had a length of around 62 feet that's the size of a single 10-pin bowling lane as with many creatures on this list they're sadly recognized as an endangered species asian countries including india taiwan and the philippines have banned any use of the sharks for commercial purposes while china continues to illegally kill the whales for their materials typically found in the open water of tropical oceans a whale shark is almost impossible to catch it's believed to live on average up to 70 years though disputed estimates have claimed they can survive as long as 130 they're known as filter feeders bearing jaws so wide around 4.9 feet that they can open up and gulp down hundreds of small fish at once not unlike our old friend the blue whale it goes without saying that the whale shark is incredibly dangerous to humans probably one of the most dangerous creatures okay no it isn't it's just more fun to say than it is the truth is that the whale shark feeds on plankton and small fishes due to it being a filter feeder so good news for us number 10. colossal squid the colossal squid is exactly what it claims to be a colossal squid and of course it gets the title of world's largest squid because it's a colossal squid capable of reaching a weight of at least 1 100 pounds some researched specimens have reached far beyond some as much as 1500 pounds for those who can't envision that it's about the weight of a typical cow and heavier than a grizzly bear seriously the squid was actually first discovered back in 1925 after scientists discovered two strange tentacles in the stomach of a sperm whale more sightings soon followed until the largest known colossal squid had been captured in 2007. a group of anglers fishing on the ross sea caught an antarctic tooth fish but upon reeling it in discovered that the squid had also taken to its prey and was not interested in giving it to some fisherman shimon caught the squid entirely by accident but opted to pull it on board and hand it over to the museum of new zealand te papa ton guerrera for display this creature is particularly hard to find and not much is known about them they're believed to be present throughout the southern hemisphere primarily feeding on large fish and small squid if this entry is anything to go by you can probably catch one if you're not trying number 9. saltwater crocodile known as the undisputed king of the reptiles the saltwater crocodile can grow as long as 20 feet long and as hefty as 2 370 pounds it's one of the most dangerous creatures on earth capable of winning just about any fight with any animal including sharks other crocs and humans no real surprise there i suppose the saltwater crocodile is recognized as the lowest risk of extinction almost entirely due to its sheer force and predatorial style this creature ambushes its prey and typically drowns or swallows it in one making it an incredibly tricky beast to kill or even survive no known animal on earth has consistently killed or survived an encounter with the salt water crocodile however up to the 1970s the saltwater croc skin was a favorite of hunters who made a notable effort to provide for the crocodile skin boots trend of 70s discos and while it may not be easy many hunters continue to kill saltwater crocs though few likely make it out of the experience with their desired crocodile skin all of this goes to say that you never want to be in an environment with this beast there are a few creatures as opportunistic and enthusiastic about devouring mammals than the saltwater croc he certainly deserves his place on this list and anybody encountering him better hope there's an all-you-can-eat restaurant nearby number eight african bush elephant widely regarded as one of the most beloved animals of the entire animal kingdom the african bush elephant is the largest living pachyderm on our planet standing at around 13 feet tall the bush elephants live all across africa living and traveling in herds while they're not quite endangered they're a vulnerable species due to habitat damage and hunters seeking their precious ivory tusks the african bush elephant is not only known as the largest pachyderm but the largest in both size and weight land animal on the planet living under the african sun as shall we say a bigger animal is no mean feat which is why the elephant uses its enormous ears some as large as six and a half feet to help cool itself down on hot days this creature is herbivorous meaning that they pose no direct threat to humans of course being family-oriented creatures any violent or suspicious behavior often triggers an aggressive defense mechanism to protect their young all this to say their fantastic parents the bush elephant is one of the most hunted creatures on the planet often targeted by poachers looking to steal their ivory tusks and their meat to sell on illegal black markets and while they're revered and beloved by those that live near them the african bush elephant is known to be somewhat dangerous if provoked many poachers have been surprised by the ferocity shown by these typically respectful animals still many adore them and believe they should be celebrated and respected number seven wandering albatross with the most enormous wingspan of any bird on the planet the wonder in albatross is our biggest flying bird try and find a loophole in that one measuring between eight feet to eleven and a half feet the albatross's wingspan helps it to become one of the farthest traveling birds in the world with some able to travel over 75 000 miles in a single year that's some impressive mileage for their original wings the albatross typically lives in the southern hemisphere and is often seen around the south island of new zealand of course these animals are such frequent flyers thank you that they can often be incredibly challenging to find and track while they're not endangered the species is considered to be vulnerable due to long line fishing and the effects of water pollution the albatross typically feeds far into open oceans than regular birds often picking out small fish to feed on or occasionally dining on the refuse found on ships however they have a tendency to overeat sometimes feeding so much that they're physically unable to fly in this case they usually try to rest on the water well i think we've all experienced that number six queen alexandra's birdwing perhaps one of the more obscure creatures on our list the queen alexandra's birdwing is the largest butterfly in the world with a wingspan of around 9.8 inches the bird wing is considered to be endangered due to increasing oil palm plantations destroying its typical rainforest habitat the queen alexandra's bird wing was discovered by albert stuart meek in 1906 while he was hunting for specimens in new guinea on behalf of walter rothschild he caught the first specimen with the use of a shotgun i'm not kidding and named it in honor of queen alexandra the danish wife of england's king edward vii i'm sure she was truly thrilled to hear that he shot her newly crowned butterfly with a shotgun the butterflies obviously feed on flowers and plants but have few predators a few spiders and birds particularly like to feast on these large treats but a much more significant threat is simple environmental changes in the 1950s the mount lamington eruption significantly destroyed much of these species habitat explaining their current rarity and today their rarity makes them incredibly popular commodities on the black market with many butterfly smugglers going to extreme lengths to secure the creature i doubt they still use shotguns though maybe number five capybara rodents are something of an acquired taste but the capybara is undeniably adorable the largest living rodent in the world capybaras can grow to around 4.4 feet in length and weigh between 77 and 146 pounds for a rodent that's pretty much a human weight the capybara is found in just about every country in south america and prefers to live near bodies of water surrounded by forests in fact when these creatures escape from captivity they tend to take solace near those natural bodies of water this makes them very easy to locate and has incited sightings everywhere from california to brazil capybaras are herbivores living mostly off of grass and plants but much like human vegans they're incredibly selective about the things that they eat and will carefully select which leaves they will and won't consume they also eat their own poop but we're not going to talk much about that sorry the capybara are incredibly social creatures typically found in large groups and families capybaras are very gentle and friendly creatures though it's generally advised for humans not to touch them due to the dangerous and infectious ticks they carry honestly i'd probably still risk it which is why i'm writing these videos and not out saving the planet number four giant clam not only is the giant clam the largest mollusk on earth but it's also one of the most endangered clams on the planet weighing over 440 pounds and measuring up to 47 inches across these creatures can only live deep under the ocean sometimes as deep as 66 feet that's about the length of a cricket pitch recognized as a vulnerable species the giant clam can be found in the shallow color reefs within the south pacific and indian oceans however the species has been considered extinct in areas where it was once common due to environmental changes clams can be a tricky species to try and understand due to its seeming lifelessness as an animal but contrary to popular belief these creatures certainly do have a life of their own in daylight the clam opens its shell to receive necessary sunlight for the purpose of photosynthesis or the generation of energy alongside that the clams feed on algae a densely nutritious plant that it cultivates within its own body if that made no sense to you then i've probably explained it right at one point in history the giant clam was known as the killer clam or the man-eating clam with many reputable science publications claiming that the creature had caused multiple deaths however this is mostly untrue while the clam can and has been known to grip a person the act is generally not considered to be aggressive but defensive and due to the clam's inability to close their shell completely it's unlikely to do much to a human being number three kangaroo one of the most beloved and potentially dangerous animals in the world the kangaroo is known as the world's largest marsupials an indigenous species to australia there are at least 34.3 million kangaroos living all across the country helping to make the creature the internationally recognized symbol of australia that and barbecues and maybe crocodile dande kangaroos are perhaps most notable for their method of travel hop in while they typically move at a reasonably fast pace around 40 miles per hour they can achieve incredibly fast speeds of up to 43 miles per hour if so desired as a result of this frequent hopping kangaroos have powerful hind legs capable of inflicting significant damage on predators or rivals there's a reason kangaroos are typically portrayed as boxes and it's not just because they look mean kangaroos are strict herbivores mostly sticking to grass and shrubs however while they're generally shy and pose no threat to humans unless provoked there are one or two cases of unprovoked attacks on humans there's also some unprovoked cases of kindness however such as the time alerted a farmer's family to his location after he was injured by a falling branch not all boxers are aggressive number two reticulated python while the anaconda is well regarded as the most giant snake in the world that record actually goes to the reticulated python one of which was measured at 32 feet and nine inches long again for those that can't envision it that's the size of two and a half volkswagen beetles parked end to end listen i'm running out of things to compare what do you expect the reticulated python lives in rainforests and swampy grasslands all across south asia regarded as an excellent swimmer capable of ambushing its prey for maximum effect the diet of the reticulated python is not dissimilar to other pythons mostly feeding on mammals and the occasional bird as a sort of dessert style treat however the snake is well known as an enthusiastic hunter of humans and has been recorded as the cause of several human fatalities the snake is so strong that when it wraps itself around its prey it typically requires at least two humans to remove it and even then the tightness of the grip may have crushed a few bones but then who needs ribs anyway the reticulated python is a popular pet among many though a good number of experts worn against taking in one of these creatures due to their general unpredictability and hostility toward humans in some countries however the python is often hunted for its skin and is frequently used in the production of traditional medicine a little trivia there number one great dane of course the number one choice on our list has to be man's best friend and what better breed to feature than the biggest of them all the great dane as far back as the 16th century great danes or the english dog as it was known were used as hunting dogs due to their large size but in 1878 a berlin committee agreed to change the name of the dog to deutsche dog or german dog but as germany began to make enemies of just about every other country the dog became known only as the great dane growing as tall as 32 inches danes are far taller than many other dogs and humans if the danes were to stand on two legs evidence of this can be found in scooby-doo arguably the greatest of great danes despite being one of the more imposing species of dog great danes are incredibly gentle and friendly however they can make fantastic guard dogs and are generally excellent at making criminals think twice one look at that creature and suddenly burglary looks less appealing still there's no better creature to end with than the great dane a huge gentle giant man's best friend is nothing short of adorable and very much deserving of a scooby snack which of these animals do you find most impressive and have you seen any of these animals in person let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time you
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 80,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abnormally large animals, abnormally large animal, abnormally, large animals, large animal, large, animals, animal, that really exist, viral, new, crocodile, spider, flying fox, cricket, salamander, gigantic, megalodon, largest animals, largest animal, largest, huge, big, unbelievable, creatures, creature, creatures caught on camera, creature caught on camera, caught on camera, caught on tape, biggest, top 15
Id: RhFp0ge_8BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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