15 MORE Fascinating Lore Secrets in Elden Ring!

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Can you imagine? Coming back to the roundtable hold and hearing this, you follow the sound to the source and realize that it's the sound of the two fingers slamming together. This was brought to my attention by Bonfire of Iron, and in the comments below that video as well, folks are talking about how many different ways this could have been used. It could have been used to call you over to Enya. If she had new dialog, it could represent them clapping whenever you kill a demigod. Or it could just be an animation that gives the two fingers some actual motion to be read by the finger readers. This is one of those pieces of cut content that's kind of baffling, just in the sense that I can't think of a good reason why these animations weren't put to use in game. What do you think? But just because something is unused now doesn't mean it won't be used in the future. Which brings us to the three costumes of Elden Ring, the one in limb grave, the one in Caleb and the one in Lando. So long ago we speculated that these might be used in a future update as PvP arenas. And that fact now seems all but confirmed in the recent patch for new parameters For four new text banners have been data mined and they align with unused texts that read begin, match. You win draw and you lose. Once added, Presumably these costumes will work like the arenas from previous souls games that had dueling formats and free for all brawl formats as well. And the placement of these arenas across the lands between should give players access to arena PvP no matter where they are or what level they're up to in their journey. But in this video I'd like to mainly talk about some of the remaining lore secrets in the game. So this is the first one and it's that arenas have already been written into the game's lore. It was here that gladiatorial combat would take place and it was actually a sort of ritual combat that was held to honor the odd tree. We learned this from the ritual sword and shield talismans, which go on to state that this practice had died out by the age of king consort Rattigan. Therefore, this combat would logically have taken place during the age of the odd tree that Lord Godfrey reigned over. This is confirmed pretty much by the designs of the talismans which themselves resemble the sword and shields of Godfrey's Crucible Knights. Godfrey is a character that believed that the right to rule was warranted by strength. And fittingly, strength alone is what matters in the arena. There are two gladiatorial enemies that give us an idea of just how harrowing this combat was. There's the pumpkin heads. Who are these mad soldiers? They are broken gladiators without much sanity remaining. And apparently they find some degree of peace by having these dark, spacious helmets that calm them in a sense. Then there are the Duelists often found near gravesites. Underneath their cloaks are bronze snakes, which the audience delighted in seeing beaten and battered. This is because the snake is seen as a traitor to the earth tree, and that helps to explain why it was such a blasphemy when Rickard would go on to give himself to the great Serpent years later. The snake already had a reputation, even in the age of Godfrey. I speculate that these duelists were part of this ritual combat in the sense that they were there to be beaten down upon. They were driven from the Coliseum. As the description states, and I speculate again that the ritual combat probably would have been completed when they were defeated and the Crucible Knights of the Old Tree were victorious. Since this was ritual combat, it would make sense for the odd tree to be victorious over the traitorous snake. Speaking of making an example of people, a long time ago, we speculated on the crucified folk that you find dotting the landscape in limb grave. Many of these folk are burned yet live on screaming and suffering. But something I neglected to notice at the time was that a lot of these people wear the guilty hood item, which is made, of course cloth with a collar of sharpened branches that is worn by those accused of lesser crimes. And it only just occurred to me that keeping these so-called criminals off the ground might have been a way of delaying their return to the tree's roots. Again, this is just speculation, but it does kind of add another layer of punishment to their whole ordeal. Pretty crazy, though, that even lesser crimes get you strung up, unable to die, or maybe return to the old tree. Currently, living grave is under the reign of Godric the grafted. So it's possible that he's responsible for the punishment of these common folk. Next in line as the ruler of Limp Grave is Kenneth Hite, who has some choice words about Godric, the current Lord. First, he hid himself amongst the womenfolk to flee the capital, then hid from Rodan in that castle. Then he insulted Marlena. Lost her in battle only to lick boots rather than die like a man, as she knows. Shame. The big girl's blouse. So you might be wondering, how did Godric hide amongst the womenfolk? Well, the answer might actually lie in a dining room of God's own castle. The mimics veil. A golden veil of intricate design with the description that even references God. Rick's flight from the capital. When Godric was hounded from laying down the Royal Capitol, this was one of a multitude of treasures that he took with him. Of course, this item allows you to blend in with your environment and turn into other things. Thus, it's very fitting that this mimic veil is also known as America's mischief. Because, of course, America's biggest secret is that she is in fact also RATTIGAN And it's a great bit of characterization to know that America had a bit of a reputation for tricking others and causing mischief and maybe turning into other things. But what if it goes further than that? In the last main lore video where we talked about the eternal cities, we talked at length about the NOx and the Silver Tiers that can mimic any living thing. In that video, I shed some evidence that Marica might actually be from these cities. To put it briefly, these cities are named after her. If you don't mind some of the names. And looking back now, America's mimic Vale does seem like the kind of thing that the NOx would invent. First, its shade of gold actually matches the cloth of their assets. Secondly, it's a veil. And the NOx commonly have veiled eyes. And lastly, of course, the NOx are known for a similar sort of mimicry with their silver tears. And speaking of things that the NOx are known for, take a look at this. This is the black moon of NOx stellar. And it's a talisman that represents a moon that supposedly hung above one of their cities. And because we now have all of the game's icons in this stunningly high resolution and seriously, some of these icons look so good in high resolution when you look at the little details. And because we can look at them so closely now, we can actually see two birds above the talisman. Specifically, these are cuckoo birds. And we know this because that exact same design can actually be found upon the crest of Rhea Lou Carrier and on the cuckoo. So coat as well. This set worn by the cuckoo Knights of Real Carrier, depicts twinned cuckoos peering into a flourishing mass of glint stuff. So whether the cuckoo nights and really carrier know it or not, a part of their crest actually originates from one of the eternal cities. Except now the birds are peering into glint stone instead of a black moon. There's actually so much to discuss here, and we will explore this topic further in an upcoming LO video on Gladstone. So subscribe for that. You would have thought the Knights of the Cuckoo in eastern Leonia, but it would have also found them within Korea where they've been turned into puppets against their will. And as we discover, after giving Ronnie the Finger Slayer blade, Pidio was at least partially responsible for pulling the strings. Stop, please don't hear my puppet. I love you all. I know. How could you forget how much? I have a spreadsheet that contains all of the dialog in Elden Ring cut and otherwise. And in it I found what I think might be a fascinating little detail. Unlike other characters that have spaces between the dialog in this spreadsheet to mark when a new character's dialog begins. Pidio and Slovis have no breaks in between their dialog, and I don't know if this is just because of the way the dialog was extracted, but it might be just one of many things that hint at Pidio and Slovis being linked. That is to say, Slovis is a puppet of Pidio the albino Rick Mage. The most telling sign of this is that some of us dies in the same instance that Pidio is confronted by the cuckoo knights, meaning some of us can't be alive while Padilla is dead. The best test of whether they linked would actually be to kill Pidio and see if Slovis dies or is released from puppetry. But Padilla is a protected NPC, which I mean, that's pretty telling in and of itself. Fromsoftware doesn't want you to kill Pidio because they don't want you to ruin Sullivan's Questline prematurely. Or at least they don't want to code this interaction into the game. Adding immunity to Pidio is much easier. And to cap off this theory as fact. Note that Silva's death pose is actually identical to the death pose that the puppets have. You can find these puppets in a nearby basement, and they're all found in that same pose as if their strings have suddenly slackened and their lives are no longer their own. So Padilla is an albino prick who uses other beings as puppets, and it's probably nice for him to be able to control other people because these beings are able to walk freely and they don't face prejudice like and oryx do. As mentioned in a recent video album, Oryx are artificial beings that are born of silver, and those without legs are the older first generation creations. But one thing I failed to mention in that video was that first gen albino oryx might not actually be born without legs. Instead, they might be fated to lose control of these legs over time. This is something suggested by Albus in the Alba Nordic village. My legs will soon fade and with them my life. My life. This is the immovable fate of all albino oryx in this village. It becomes very clear that, yes, albino legs are clearly fading. Fading as in that literally turning transparent first channel generic legs fading over time might help to support the theory that Lauretta was an albino because perhaps she was able to walk normally and then transitioned to permanently being on horseback once her legs begin to fade. So there's a whole rumor in the game surrounding this, and it's something that began because of the Silver Mirror Shield that she wields its shape. Apparently imitates that of a silver sacred drop of do something that albino oryx are said to be born from. This, as the description goes, inspire to the absurd rumor that Lauretta herself was an albino. But is the rumor really that absurd? Let's talk about some of the evidence she's always found on horseback. Not unlike how the albino Rick Arches are on Wolfpack. And speaking of archery, Lauretta fights with a magical great bow with the sorcery, stating that the bow was Loretta's favorite weapon. Again, not unlike the Alba, nor wolfpack archers. And finally, after her service as a personal guard to carrion royalty, she would go on to search for a haven for albino oryx where they might one day live in peace. So while it's definitely still possible that she's just mirroring characteristics of albino oryx, you can definitely make a good argument that Lauretta might have had a very personal interest in finding a haven for others of her kind. And I've talked a lot about how, you know, albino oryx want to find peace in their persecuted. But it's worth noting that Alpine oryx clearly desire retribution as well. If you get really close to the second generation Alpine oryx specifically, you might just be able to hear something lost all night long. But this dialog is so hard to hear. So let's extract it and we can finally hear all of these lines way more clearly. All stars on the night or feet want to see them all and use the word entire on the same punish every living thing I've ever seen. Every time we speak to those who forsake on that day and I think, fuck, you know, we. The most interesting thing to learn here, I think, is the confirmation that these Alpine oryx do indeed have allegiance to the stars, to the night sky, and to its fate. In the last Love video, we speculated as such. So it's great to have that confirmation. So with all of this characterization added to the Alpine Oryx, let's finish up by talking about how they might actually be hope for these creatures in the end. So in at least a few forms of media, there's one thing that's often withheld from artificial lifeforms, and that's the ability to procreate because a big sense of agency comes from being able to both new life. But at the very end of a tennis questline. That ability to create new life through birth seems to be exactly the gift that is given to the Alpine Oryx, who are young yet towering sister of us net birthing to let in and create life for us. For all the Alpine oryx, this towering sister is called philia, we think. And while we clearly don't know why, Lieutenant clearly believes that she's special. I gave this character more thought. Thanks to you guys in the comments of the Last Love video, where a lot of you speculated that this giant Alpine auric woman might actually be related to the Giants on the thrones in the Eternal cities. And this is because lt confirms that she's delivering something called observing droplet to this large woman in order for her to create life. So it's not such a stretch to imagine that the NOCs were attempting to do something similar with their giants down in the eternal cities. If nothing else, it really is excellent speculation. So kudos to you guys for that one. The Alpine oryx converge at the liturgical town in the consecrated snow field, which is a town of worship for the young Lord Mikala, who many Melbourne Oryx see as their salvation. There is so much cut content for Mikala to go into and one day I'll do a full video on it. But for now, just know this Mikala already has a voice actress and she's even listed in the credits of the game. As noted by Zoli, which this voice actress was the voice of Clone in Dark Souls two I never planned to visit this godforsaken place. And Marie in Deracinated Mikala has a ton of cut dialog lines that we can access but never hear. Clearly, they changed their plans for him at some point in development. Hopefully they fleshed out this character in DLC, and if they do expect that voice to be the voice that you hear, Another piece of cut content that we haven't discussed yet is a cut item in Elden Ring called Miranda's Prayer. By consuming PHP, you would have been able to hold down beams of light, not unlike what the Miranda flowers can do. This description reads this statuette depicts a flower that preys on humans posed in prayer. Miranda Maiden of the flower Crucible is said to have been the very first of this breed, and according to one very astute wikicommons. The spell is actually constable by Milano. If you summon them during the fight with more good which is very interesting to say the least. For number 14, let's talk about Renata again. When we talk to her in-game, she's pretty far gone and she's cradling the egg that Rattigan gave to her. Clearly, she still holds some love for Rattigan, who abandoned her for the golden order. She even has a statue of him up in her room. But you want to know whose statue she doesn't have? America's not in the entirety of carry a kind of stake of America be found. Which, considering the grievances real Lucretia and Renata would have had for her. This makes a lot of sense in Renaissance eyes. Rattigan would have left for Nala for America, although we know that they were always the same person. But of course, anyone who has died, to her knowledge, knows that there's no stake of America here. The run back to Renata is one of the few long runs back to a boss that you'll experience in the game. So while you're running back, know that you can kind of blame the law for that one. Another little detail I can respect is found with the statues atop every hero's grave. There's a few of these game, and no matter where you find these heroes, Graves statues are unfailingly pointed towards the oak tree and that's because of all the people that are put to rest in the lands between. Those in the hero's graves are assumedly the highest priority for the tree, burying. So with bodies held before them, these statues represent that offering these heroes to the great tree. Before I go as a bonus secret, I want to talk about Godfrey and a character from another piece of media that I think might have inspired him. But before that, though, I do want to mention that this bonus secret is brought to you by Audible. Enjoy your first month and first free audiobook on me and visit audible.com slash vital video or text of audio video to 500 500 to claim your free 30 day audible trial. So one thing I've always found fascinating about Miyazaki's games is which pieces of media he draws inspiration from. I always go out of my way to read or listen to these books usually that he talks about. But there was one book in particular that he cited as inspiration way back before the game's release. This was called The Eternal Champion Series of Books by Michael Moorcock. And this is basically a story about a legendary warrior called Eric Hosey, who is pulled through time and space to fight in different wars at times of great need. In the first book, this legendary warrior is basically wielded like he's a weapon by the ruling powers, and they use him in order to vanquish their enemies. And I could be wrong, but out of anything else in the book, this reminded me the most of Godfrey, who is also a legendary warrior who is pulled out of his own age and used as a tool by Marika to vanquish her enemies and set up her order. Of course, you can also listen to thousands of other fantasy audiobooks, just like the eternal champion over at Audible, because new members can try audible free for the first 30 days, during which you'll get a credit to spend on an audiobook of your choice. Again, just head over to audible.com slash 40 video or text quality video to 500 500 where you can enjoy your all access to thousands of or you can listen audiobooks as well as original entertainment and podcasts as well included in the plus catalog. So please go and listen to something great or recommend a great audiobook for others in the comments. I'll be listening to some of your suggestions as well, but as always, thank you for watching and I'll see you next time.
Channel: VaatiVidya
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Keywords: guide, walkthrough, lore, dark, souls, dlc, two, bloodborne, story, vaatividya, vaati, vidya, videos, (video, game), shadows, twice, from, software, sekiro, combat, tips, tricks, elden, ring, trailer, demon's souls, remake, ps5, playstation 5, queen marika, demigods, great runes, radagon, godwyn, mohg, morgott, godrick, ranni, rykard, radahn, malenia, miquella, melina, omen, dragons, margitt, rennala, caria, liurnia, leyndell, elden beast, gideon, empyrean, scarlet rot, outer god, demi, gods, cut animation
Id: UHMk3jG39C0
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Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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