Elden Ring for dummies: Basics for EVERYTHING You Need to Know (But Were Afraid to Ask) PS5 GAMEPLAY

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[Music] a little while ago i published a beginner's tips guide to elden ring just letting players know some of the handy bits and pieces of info i'd find while exploring the world what i didn't realize though was that for some these tips weren't beginner enough you see as someone who knows fromsoft games fairly well there are a lot of things in elden ring that seem obvious to me but actually if it's your first fromsoft game a lot of the even really basic systems here are not obvious at all so i'm stripping it right back to the very beginning for anyone who might be struggling still this is eldon ring for dummies that is anyone who just needs a little bit of a helping hand from someone in the know explaining the things that from software maybe didn't so okay it might seem obvious if you find it but nothing is too obvious in this video and some players have reported strolling right on past it so here you go if you're new to fromsoft games you will want to play and complete elden rings tutorial and to do that you need to fall down a hole when you first spawn in the dark cave area your eye is drawn to the golden tree and the door behind it but you should go into the tutorial cave of knowledge first the tutorial covers most of the basics of combat so it is handy for understanding things like heavy and light attacks blocking back stabbing using magic if you have it and so on but as you're about to find out it leaves a lot of the game's more complex systems down to players to figure out for themselves so that's what we're here for first up let's talk about the building blocks of your character their stats slash attributes these can be viewed at any time in the equipment item crafting inventory and status section of your main menu and these are what makes your character more powerful as the game progresses killing enemies awards you with runes which can then be spent leveling up attribute points at sights of grace once you unlock melina who will appear to you once you touch three sites of grace and then rest at the third so let's explain a little bit about what each attribute actually does traveler from beyond the fog i am melaner first up vigor increases your overall hp or health i.e it makes your red health bar bigger which means you can survive more attacks before you die mind increases your blue fp or magic bar meaning you can cast more spells or use more special abilities before you run out endurance increases your green stamina bar and your equip load you can sprint roll block and attack for longer before needing to back off and recharge and you can wear and carry heavier stuff before having it affect the speed of your dodging strength is a damage modifier and a measure of requirement for strength based weapons dexterity is the primary damage modifier slash requirement for dexterity based weapons and a secondary modifier slash requirement for most other weapons it also slightly increases casting speed of spells intelligence is the damage modifier and usage requirement for sorceries and certain incantations while faith is the damage modifier and usage requirement for most incantations and certain sorceries finally arcane is the damage modifier and usage requirement for certain sorceries and incantations and it also determines your item discovery rate from enemies now when choosing what kind of a class you want to play as there are probably certain weapons aligned with that class that scale with certain stats when we talk about usage requirements and scaling you need to go into the item description and check out both the attribute scaling and the attributes required for a piece of equipment you're interested in using strength and dexterity are the most common usage requirements for weapons and can also help you deal more damage with good scaling s-scaling being the highest and best scaling you can get followed by a b c d and e bear in mind though that scaling contributes less to your overall attack power than simply upgrading your armaments themselves more on that later intelligence faith and arcane have a similar relationship with spells serving as both prerequisites and damage modifiers for magical abilities now upgrading is a crucial step in dealing more damage to enemies and bosses as you move through the world of eldon ring and it costs both runes and resources to do so before you commit to upgrading a weapon or equipping a spell be sure to carefully check its usage requirements if you don't meet at least the minimum stat requirements these will show up in red and you will be unable to use weapons effectively you'll stagger or stumble when using them or cast spells at all different weapons also have different move sets so before committing to upgrading one also make sure that you're happy with the way that weapon attacks do you want the stabbing thrust of a straight sword for example or the heft of a claymore have a thank before committing yourself to one type and make sure that you're putting the required points into the attributes that will bring out the best of that weapon while spending points to level up your strength dexterity intelligence or faith is important for better damage output it's a very good idea to focus on passively upgrading your vigor and endurance as you go too as these will be key to your survivability vigor is fairly self-explanatory as the more health you have the longer you live but endurance is also super important with the exception of movement that uses only the left analog stick so that's walking crouching or strafing all actions like sprinting rolling performing melee attacks and casting spells require stamina and will consume a fixed amount of stamina depending on the action and your equipment therefore effective stamina management is an essential aspect of combat running yourself out of stamina during an extremely close fight can mean being unable to deal the finishing blow in time to prevent a fatal conjure attack or being unable to evade a lethal hit yourself so you must always keep a close eye on your stamina at all times and take any necessary measures to avoid depleting that stamina gauge entirely if you're using a shield and it's recommended that you do so if you're fairly new to these games your stamina bar can be all that standing between you and critical damage check what kind of guarded damage negation your shield has 100 physical negation will block 100 of physical damage to you if your guard is up for example however you cannot block damage indefinitely or your stamina bar will run out but the longer your stamina bar is the longer you can block without getting staggered or having your poise broken a small tip when facing bigger enemies too your stamina recovers faster when you drop your shield i.e you aren't holding down the block button so get into the habit of backing off and dropping and recovering your entire stamina bar so that you can then get back in and take more punishment if necessary the other thing endurance helps with is equip load your overall equip load is shown alongside your character status now everything you carry in your equipment menu bar items in your quick slots has a weight and this weight is counted against your overall equip load the percentage of which determines how fast you move and most importantly how fast you roll rolling or dodging is an evasive maneuver that can be done in any direction and it is key to many victories in fromsoft games because for a very short amount of time during the animation of a role you are invincible the effectiveness of a rule that is how far you move and the duration of your invincibility is determined by your equip load the higher the load the slower your roll will be and the less distance it will cover making it harder to avoid attacks if all of your equipment combined makes up less than 30 percent of your equip load you'll do a light roll this is the fastest roll class that offers the maximum travel distance and invincibility frames less than 70 of your equip load and you'll do a medium roll which is slightly slower than the light roll and has average travel distance and invulnerability duration you generally don't want to be over that 70 limit otherwise you'll be heavy rolling and this incurs a severe penalty to travel distance and stamina cost and it provides basically no invulnerability you're kind of a sitting duck for incoming attacks and will take a lot of punishment so as a general rule just stay a bit light on your feet on to magic magic in elden ring is performed by expanding force points or fp and as we kind of touched on already it falls into two main camps magic that requires intelligence to wield and magic that requires faith to wield intelligence magic is known as sorcery faith magic is incantations now while they function similarly and draw upon the same resource fp to cast and they can share a limited degree of overlap in their stat requirements sorcery is primarily reliant upon intelligence and bias towards offensive applications whereas incantations are primarily reliant upon faith and they're biased towards defensive or supportive applications like healing now each category includes at least a few exceptions to this rule such as offensive incantations that may scale with intelligence or are kane in addition to faith so really it comes down to again investigating and reading each spell you wish to use to find out what their specific requirements are attribute requirements are not your only limitation though the repertoire of spells that you can attune simultaneously is limited by the number of memory slots available to you you'll likely only have one at the start of the game now the method of expanding your memory slots has changed in eldon ring compared to previous from software games in those you would gain additional memory slots simply by levelling up but here you must now collect key items known as memory stones which you usually find after defeating major bosses or clearing legacy dungeons each memory stone you obtain grants one additional memory slot up to a maximum of 10 with and here's the good news absolutely no stat investment required to have as many as you like when you find or purchase a new spell that you want to use though you need to equip it in your memory slots before you can cast it the process of equipping spells is referred to as memorization and it can be performed at any site of grace while basic spells usually only require one memory slot advanced ones sometimes require more so pay careful attention to this factor when choosing your loadout now aside from memorizing spells and having the slots to use them you also need a physical item with which to channel your spells into being meaning you have to have a particular armament equipped to actually do magic generally for sorcery this is a staff and for incantations this is a sacred seal so if you started the game as a class that did not come equipped with one of these items you will need to find them or buy them out in the world in order to access magic provided you have the required attribute points of course as with all items read the descriptions of staffs and seals to find out what they excel at different seals and staffs have different specializations glintstone fire holy or gravity magic for example and they may also possess unique affinities for particular subtypes of magic all that to say you get boosts for staffs and seals that suit the specific spell types you're using to put it simply a quick word on maps when you start the game you'll see that your map screen is almost completely grayed out save for sites of grace that you visit you'll find your first fragment of map and an encampment just outside the gatefront runes on the path to stormville castle and you'll find more as you explore the world here's something worth knowing though even if you don't have the map fragment for a particular region you'll still be able to see an icon marking the location of where to find that map fragment as long as you've cleared the fog of war in the general vicinity so map fragments are usually positioned around roads runes or other accessible spots but they do tend to be heavily guarded or surrounded by enemies we have to say though heading straight for these places is recommended because revealing the map just helps loads with exploring and planning where to go next plus if you're lucky you can just write in on torrent nap the fragment and ride out before anyone's the wiser [Music] speaking of torrent you gain access to your state when you meet melina for the first time she appears automatically after you touch three sites of grace and then rest at the third one during this chat she'll give you a spectral steed whistle you can equip this into your quick slot menu and your equipment screen and doing so will make it much easier to summon and ride on torrent whenever you're out in the open world of the lands between generally you cannot summon torrent indoors or underground now as soon as you speak to melanet and access torrent the first thing you should do is either ride or fast travel back to the church of ella where an npc called rena will be sitting on a wall waiting for you telling her you have the power to ride the spectral steed will cause her to gift you the spirit calling bell this is an extremely useful tool that gives you the ability to evoke the souls dwelling within any spirit ashes in your possession summoning them to your side in battle whenever a rebirth monument is present you can tell when spirit summons are available as a blue tombstone-like symbol will appear on the left side of your screen once rana gives you the bell you simply equip spirit ashes into your quick slots in the equipment menu and use the item whenever you're in a viable area be warned that spirit ashes cost fp to use and you can only perform one summoning per turn before having to reset the ability by resting at a sight of grace different summons have different abilities some like the wolves can run great distraction while others can poison enemies or inflict bleed build up for chunks of decent damage do not miss out on talking to rena when you can summons will make a lot of difficult battles easier for you in the long run and bear in mind spirit ashes can actually be upgraded in much the same way as your weapons once you've met rodericka near the stormhill shack in limbgrave and completed a few quests for her the materials required to upgrade your ashes are known as grave glove warts for standard spirit ash allies and ghost glove warts for more specialized spirit ash allies you can most easily find these glove warts in creepy mausoleum or crypt type optional dungeons upgrading your spirit ashes improves their health attack power and defense and sometimes increases the number of teammates summoned as well a few quick tips on your hud first of all eldon rings hud appears and disappears automatically by default but really you might find it more helpful to have it on all the time just so you can easily see what you have equipped and where what status your health and fp are at and so on simply go into the system menu scroll across to sound and display and change it to on from there next your quick slots you generally may not want to have loads of stuff in there if you don't want to spend ages cycling through lots of items in order to find a flask or a summon in the middle of a hectic battle but it may help to know that pressing and holding down on the d-pad will jump you directly to whatever consumable is in the first slot for your quick items which you probably want to be your flask of crimson tears this just means that you'll never have to fumble through a bunch of items to get to the one you really need and similarly holding up on the d-pad will jump you to whichever spell you have memorized in your first memory slot so worth putting the spell you use most often in there flasks are absolutely essential to your journey through elden ring and they come in two flavors crimson and cerulean crimson flasks top up your health while cerulean tops up your fp you manage flasks at a site of grace where you can specify how many charges should be dedicated to each type you gain more charges and increase the amount replenished by flasks here too golden seeds can usually be found at the foot of ethereal saplings and can be used at a site of grace to increase the total number of charges shared by your sacred flasks sacred tears can typically be acquired at the many ruined churches throughout the land and they increase your flask's potency when used at a site of grace most of the materials you accumulate over the course of your travels such as plants bones and other random bits and bobs can be turned into a wide variety of useful consumables using the crafting kit which is sold by the merchant kalei at the church of ella one of your first stops in limgrave craftable items have all manner of uses which include attacking enemies healing status ailments and temporarily powering up your weapons with specific effects you can craft items at pretty much any time except while in combat by just going into the menu however you need cookbooks in order to accumulate the recipes needed to actually make things cookbooks can either be found or bought and some merchants sell multiple cookbooks so if you're running low on runes be sure to check which recipes each book contains by opening their extended item descriptions in the shop menu and then you can decide for yourself which recipes are the ones you actually want a note 2 to say that items in the world of elden ring are permanent that is you do not lose these on death and once picked up they are yours forever until you actually use them if they are consumables of course runes however are another matter you drop these on death and they can be retrieved only until you die again at which point they're gone forever it's worth remembering too that elden ring doesn't really have a manual save system any progress you make will automatically update the current save file in real time meaning that if you tackle a new area and die you will not be able to undo the death by reverting to your previous save state well that'd be too easy wouldn't it the game will also auto save at regular intervals regardless of your progress or activities and you might have noticed already but eldon ring cannot be paused though it is possible to quit the game at any time except during an online multiplayer session and logging on to that character again will resume the game exactly where you left off however if you are in the middle of facing a boss you'll be teleported outside the arena when you log back in and unfortunately the boss's health will be fully restored basically just resist any temptation to close the game without using the quit game function in the options menu because then you run the risk of corrupting your save data which could result in the loss of all your progress when quitting the game always use the quit game function before closing it's just safer to do so now elden ring is a primarily single player experience but it does have some online functionality which you might have already noticed the most obvious examples of this are the co-op and invasion systems when you're online you can use summoning pools to gain access to other players who have left summon signs down in the world though you'll need to use a furl calling finger remedy to see and use those signs co-op partners can help greatly if you're struggling but be warned if you're playing online you can also be invaded by hostile players too these are not the only online elements of eldon ring though the white ghostly figures you see running around they're players making their way through their own game at the same time as you a nifty little reminder that other people are in the same boat and probably struggling too you'll also see bloodstains and messages dotted around as well blood stains can actually be helpful to pay attention to as if you see a lot of them in a seemingly random area it could mean you're about to get ambushed in which case it's wise to keep your guard up you can actually touch bloodstains to get a quick glimpse into how a player died though you won't see their attacker meanwhile messages range from incredibly useful warning you which direction to go to find an illusory wall or a sight of grace or a special item to downright duplicitous like telling you to jump off a cliff or do something otherwise dangerous just for a laugh just use common sense and take care of it there now this list is already getting quite long and we haven't really touched on combat at all so i'm thinking maybe that might make for an entire video on its own if anyone's interested let me know in the comments below because we can spend some time talking about poise super armor ashes of war status effects and ailments the difference between one-handed and two-handed weapons and much much more i really hope some of these tips maybe helped shed light on a few of the game's more complex systems for you and in turn will help you enjoy the game a bit more but if there's still anything you're unsure about just leave a comment down below and i'll try and get back to you enjoy and we'll see you out there tarnished bye foreign
Channel: Eurogamer
Views: 737,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring guide, elden ring explained, elden ring tips, elden ring explainer, elden ring basics, elden ring new gameplay, elden ring review no spoilers, elden ring character creation, elden ring classes, elden ring magic, elden ring scaling, elden ring attributes, elden ring coop, elden ring flasks, elden ring summons, elden ring quick slots, elden ring crafting, elden ring equip load
Id: SPIZxuH6xrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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