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yesterday officially marks one week since four night season seven release and i think i could say that unanimously the community loves it and while most people have been having a blast somewhat a few things changed i mean not everything is perfect in season seven yeah so as always we listen to our fans on twitter to see what they think needs to be changed or fixed so if you want to get our next video be sure to follow us at top5 gaming x but one thing everyone thinks needs to be fixed is the third party ufo spamming okay if i ask you what the most disliked thing about season 7 was i can guarantee that 99.9 percent of people would say the same thing first the ufo spamming ufos themselves are super fun in season seven and they are honestly one of the coolest vehicles that epic have added in a while but that doesn't mean that the freaking gun on this thing isn't the most annoying thing in fortnite right now there is almost no counter to the gun and it absolutely burns through all of your builds a lot of people might think hey you know shoot down the ufo well try telling that to this guy what even if you shoot them down the pilots of the ufos just don't take fall damage so they either get back up in the sky or just calm down in third part of you on the ground we've all been in this situation so yeah these ufos need to cool down or something but from overpower to underwhelming we have the mythic pulse rifle there aren't many mythics in season seven that's just a fact in the past seasons we had so many that was hard to keep track but with season seven there's one i'm not kidding it's literally just one and unfortunately that one mythic is the pulse rifle you can get this thing from killing dr sloan at corny complex and you know kind of sucks the effort alone to get this thing is kind of annoying having to land at corny which is already a really hot drop and then taking out both the io guards and sloan all for a gun which feels like the stark rifle from season 4. actually it's worse than the stark rifle so yeah i could understand why a lot of the community dislikes his gun but way more people think that this is the worst feature of season 7 let's talk about the gold prices something that came up time and time again when we were looking for the most hated things about season seven was this and i'm sure you agree too gold this season is both much harder to get and much harder to spend the price of upgrading weapons is insane and buying stuff from npcs feels almost impossible sometimes this poor guy got the worst of it no problem i just spent all my gold why was that so expensive it's 1k i thought that said a hundred there goes 3k gold it's so bad that you can literally use an upgrade bench for 200 gold and then go around the corner and find a vending machine selling the same thing for just 25 gold and if that isn't just extortion i don't know what is i mean maybe the alien invasion caused some like economic crisis or something i don't know but in all seriousness we got to mention problems with the railgun with a new season of fortnite there's always something that is super broken the unibeams the cuttlefish you name it it's tradition at this point and this time around it's a gun that literally shoots people through walls you know the one i'm talking about the railgun is absolutely devastating especially with pros that have gotten their hands on it all you need is good aim and knowing where your enemy is and boom one shot kill through their own build it's pretty hard to counter too if you're not expecting it like if you're inside a build you don't see the red laser until it's the last second and even if you build a ramp in your box they could just shoot two rail guns at the same time it never ends this is pretty much the number one complaint from across the entire community in season seven and i'm sure epic will do something about it in the future the railgun itself is so fun to use and it's honestly making me want to come back to fortnite over and over again but they do need to fix it a little and it's not just guns because people are also been complaining about the llamas yes llamas are finally alive in season seven and it's their first big change since they came out four years ago while it's awesome that these guys are running around now some players are finding it pretty annoying unless you're on squads the llamas can be super tough to catch and open while it's fun going on a wild chase after them they have way too much health and you end up either getting third partied while chasing them or you waste all of your ammo and only get half of it back so yeah maybe giving these guys a little less health would be awesome a lot of the community wants to see that but something that has everyone picking sides is the chimera skin i gotta admit the battle pass for this season is pretty top notch except for one item who a lot of people think is up there for the worst tier one skin of all time chimera has a ton of customizable options and is our second custom skin in chapter 2. but the difference between chimera and maya are both the designs and also the grind a lot of people think chimera is extremely ugly but they have a ton of different faces to pick from so someone's ugly alien could be another person's favorite skin and that's why the main complaint is that chimera styles are way too difficult to get there aren't enough alien artifacts around the map which means you gotta grind cosmic chests and we'll get to why that is a problem in itself later let me know what you guys think do you like the chimera skin or not let me know down in the comments but for now let's talk about the no live event season six gave us an entire playable event to open the season in a huge way and it seemed like this season was gonna have something similar epic t's phone numbers crop circles around the world they showed us a television in the lobby i mean they even had a mysterious character called mari giving us radio messages and a creative puzzle map that spelled the last reality it really seemed like it was all leading up to something but then season 7 began and there was no event no build up nothing just a scene and we are straight in the game so we all kind of wish that we could have had something more like spectacular for a mother ship that size in the sky it would have been cool to see it actually invade the actual map but maybe when the welcome party or future live event happens we'll get some justice let's just hope that they're working on a bigger live event and that's why one didn't happen last season for now we are left with the new team rumble so like 80 percent of people who play team rumble use it for challenges and just exploring stuff they can't do in a regular match which is why the new changes to team rumble have annoyed a lot of people so you spawn in and half the storm is already there so you can't go to any poi you want for challenges it also moves in super quickly so you barely even have time to drop and loot up epic has removed all exploration from team rumble and made it pretty much entirely about the combat and yeah it's fun but now all you can do is shoot people and a lot of people are upset with that but something way more frustrating are the cosmic chests i think the cosmic chess and season 7 are a really neat idea and i love the concept a lot but everyone agrees that they're a little too complicated and take a long time to open way too long a lot of people don't have all the time it takes to get your whole squad there and spending forever to open it you're left out in the open with just your pickaxes and the chest tells everyone where you are on the map not just that but you can't even open it in solos at all and if your teammate leaves it breaks the chest entirely so yeah there's a little room for improvement here but the idea is still awesome and i can't wait to see more features like this in the future but something epic didn't really think about enough was the recon scanner the recon scanner is such a cool gun in fact it's probably my favorite item they've added in the last three seasons but the whole community agrees it's a little opie great for looting but the power of the gun is scary it shows everything on the map it stuns llamas it combos with a railgun a little too well i mean that combo is deadly it's borderline hacking and as we were making this video epic games actually just removed both of these guns from competitive i mean talk about timing as for what they could do to make the recon scanner less op well epic could give it actual ammo rather than just like an infinite supply of wall hacks but that might make the gun completely useless i'm not exactly sure what the best fix is but it needs fixing and something that also needs fixing is bowling in fortnite so yeah ufos have the overpowered spam laser but what's even more annoying is when you're just running around minding your own business and suddenly a truck gets thrown at you and hits you i never see a comic people are getting real good at playing bowling with ufos and it's getting out of hand and i'll completely level with you guys it's really fun when you're the person doing it but it sucks when you're the victim i mean i guess that's like every single op item in fortnite though but you're also getting randomly abducted by ufos i mean if you're in the middle of healing or trying to do something and you get abducted it's it's annoying you know especially if they throw you right into the storm like i'm not even mad at this it's just kind of annoying i think we could all agree something that really needs changing though is still not having a hundred percent chest spawns it's been months since epic removed 100 chest spawn and we still haven't got it back or even a reason why it got removed in the first place it's a pretty simple addition but it would make fortnite's pace way better we spend so long looting and then just die in our first few encounters this has been one of the most requested things to come back and we agree it definitely should while we're here we have to talk about the rick and morty crossover i'm just going to come out and say it everyone here at top 5 gaming absolutely loves rick and morty but a ton of the community was actually very upset when rick got added into the game this season and i'll explain why some people think it's way too mature for kids and a lot of them just don't like the show or rick in general and fair enough everyone has their preferences but it's no surprise to see these guys in fortnite i mean they are known for selling out to everyone to promote their show it's part of the joke but not every collab actually made it into the game and that brings us to number two which is the cancelled collaborations in the weeks leading up to season seven epic games teased samus the ray comic loki through the fortnite crew hover bikes and loading screens and naruto and court documents and guess what none of these actually came to the game samus was canceled months ago so we're not sure why she was in the fortnite comic and loki's show has already premiered but the skin is still not out i'm sure loki will come eventually but we all expected him to be here by now because of how long ago they teased him will we see people like naruto or lebron james in the future i mean maybe but i am losing hope by the day and just before a final spot we have to talk about skill based matchmaking and that's because it's the most hated feature in fortnite's entire history at least it's up there with the mech and the infinity blade but unlike them skill based matchmaking is still in the game right now and it isn't going away anytime soon and while normally we wouldn't have mentioned this but the community will not let it go we asked you guys for your most hated parts of season 7 and you certainly gave us consistent answers but now it's time for one thing that everyone in the community had a problem with which are the map changes every season of fortnite usually starts off with a bang and we get a massive amount of map changes on day one but with season seven a lot of people are saying that it's underwhelming last time we got a huge primal area that changed so many pois it made the whole map feel different but this season we just got the primal area removed and not much else bony burbs is still on the map so they didn't even remove the primal biome fully the middle of the map has a crater now which practically has nothing in it and really isn't worth dropping at usually the middle poi is one of the coolest but it's kind of dead this season and also coral castle is still here i mean luckily according to leakers who won't be here long so i'm happy to hear that and apparently a lot of other people are too but yeah that's everything that most people are hating on the season like i said we normally make these videos just to kind of give like constructive criticism to epic games so if you work at epic hi um and also we don't hate you epic please please don't cancel our creator code anyways this has been top 5 gaming thanks so much for watching and i'll see you guys later
Channel: Top5Gaming
Views: 1,755,147
Rating: 4.9036345 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite season 7, 15 Most HATED Things In FORTNITE SEASON 7, fortnite, fortnite season 7 new, new fortnite season, fortnite new season, fortnite new, new fortnite, fortnite most hated, most hated fortnite, fortnite season 7 most hated, fortnite season 7 items, fortnite season 7 update, fortnite new update, fort, nite, battle royale, season 7, new, update, video
Id: NM84LolTpe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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