Every Version Of Hulk Ranked By Strength

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who would win in a fight mark ruffalo's hulk versus edward norton's hulk versus eric banner's hulk and throwing lou ferrigno's hulk in there too why not that's a lot of hulks and speaking of all those hulks did you know that the gigantic green rage monster has had an abundance of different personalities and character traits over the years that has made him one of the most fascinating characters in marvel comics but what version of the hulk is the strongest well that's what i'm here today to discuss join me as i break down every major version we've seen of the hulk the characters strengths and weaknesses and whether or not we could see these characters in live action let's get started right now okay i want to talk about professor hulk no not the version from the comics who is actually pretty rad but the version of the character we saw in the mcu because i have a serious bone to pick look both bruce banner and hulk were on one of the best character trajectories of anyone in the mcu bruce started the mcu scared and on the run because he couldn't control the other guy and did whatever he could in order to keep him locked away then over a few more movies we saw what happens when hulk totally loses control like in age of ultron and then the hulk personality took over completely for a few years and spent his time as a gladiator on sakhar with banner not realizing how much time had passed as evidenced by him thinking ultron was still around after thor cokes to banner back out then there was the plot point of banner being afraid of turning into the hulk again because it meant banner might be gone forever but he decided to take that risk anyway by jumping in and making a huge impact literally in fighting the giant wolf of fenris then infinity war happened and the whole personality refused to come out after getting his butt kicked by thanos the russo brothers have said that it wasn't because hulk was scared but because he didn't want to fight banners battles anymore which uh sure infinity war ended with banner telling hulk that the two of them had major issues to work out but do we see it no end game had a lot going on so they skipped past any dramatic character resolution for a sight gag that reveals that banner and hulk had merged together combining the brain and the brawn but there's a lot of problems with this for one where was the hold personality the writers seemed to ignore that the hulk was his own person with his own thoughts and feelings and you think he would just be okay being basically completely erased no i'm sorry i just got so angry all the time all goes always angry it would be one thing if it was said that banner could still hear hulk's voice or let hulk take over now and then but nope goodbye hulk and you know what my big issue is the hulk is generally a gigantic rage monster who gets stronger and more powerful the angrier he gets but by having banner's mind in a hulk's body it completely hinders his strength remember the scene where they go back in time and hulk has to pretend to be his earlier self and pretends to half-heartedly smash things where's the anger going to come from imagine a scenario where end game picked up with hulk still not coming out and banner being on his own for a while but then when it comes time to snap the homemade infinity gauntlet the whole persona takes over and wants to do it in order to be the hero and because he knows the body can take it i think that would have been better than what we got but i digress so as we all probably know the hulk was originally supposed to be gray but then due to ink problems it looked more green and stanley ended up liking that more can you imagine a world where the hulk was grey all the time i think he'd lose some of his sparkle don't you the green totally makes him stand out but just like a lot of things in marvel comics riders ended up retconing the whole gray issue and making it canon it was written so that yes the grey hulk from the very beginning was the very first color the hulk ever was but then eventually the green hulk that we all know and love eventually took over and always comes out instead because it's stronger though that means there is a grey hulk persona somewhere deep inside banner let me tell you it's one of the wildest versions later comic writers would tweak the gray hulk persona even more making it a side effect of all the abuse that bruce banner suffered in his childhood and manifesting itself as a gray version of the hulk who would wind up being a tough guy las vegas enforcer how wild is that this version is like the guy who'd make you sleep with the fishes if you crossed them the wrong way he calls himself joe fix it which i'm guessing he saw on the side of a local plumber's truck or something this version is technically more intelligent than the original hulk and is often tricky manipulative and doesn't really care about people because he's morally ambiguous that's his whole shtick and although he has a solid intelligence level he's not as strong as the other version of the hulk sure he still possesses that whole the matter he gets the stronger he becomes ability but it happens at a much slower rate than his green counterpart see i wouldn't have minded if the mcu made it so that when banner and hull could combined and became a professor hulk that the whole personality got split from banner and that version could become a version of grey hulk how would the mcu's hulk process things now that he's a little smarter but also not as strong that would have been awesome to see right okay this next entry is a fun one yes seeing bruce banner hulk out and smash stuff is a lot of fun but every so often the comics get a little weird and create hybrid characters because why not which brings me to a few of the funniest versions of polk that i can think of hulk pool and spider hulk yeah you can kind of guess who those combinations are let's start with hulk pool in the comic series titled hulked out heroes a gamma-powered deadpool sent back in time to eliminate the original deadpool because of all the bad stuff that wade had done but while traveling through time hulkpool gets a little lost he first gets sent back to the year 1717 where he becomes a pirate under a captain blackbeard version of the thing which is just awesome to think about they then take a few more johns throughout time including to the old west and to world war ii where hulkpool ends up saving bucky and helping captain america and bucky hunt down and eliminate both hitler and the red skull after that he accidentally stops the origins of a few marvel heroes including the original hulk and then finally meets the og deadpool and eliminates him completing his mission like i know what if would never adapt this storyline but please please please can it adapt to this storyline but i'm not quite done with the hybrid characters because there's also spider hulk this one isn't a bruce banner version of the hulk but hey deadpool got really mad at me when i didn't include his best friend spidey in the same entry as him and i don't want deadpool mad at me okay spider-hulk is a version of spider-man that was zapped with energy from the hulk and when spider-man next got angry he turned into spider-hulk and i just want to say i think hulk and spidey make a powerful combination sure spider hulk loses intelligence which is kind of spider-man's big thing but it's funny to think of spider-man's dexterity and agility paired with the brute force of the hulk what if there was a version of bruce banner and the hulk that was just fed up with both bruce banner and the hulk well that's where doc green comes in thanks to exposure to the extremist virus this new version of the hulk was able to manifest itself and cause a good amount of damage dot green hates to be called either hulk or banner which probably represents some deep-seated self-esteem issues from banner and daca green set out on a quest to depower all the gamma-mutates not caring if they were good guys or bad guys he just wanted them all gone this version is similar to the professor hulk in terms of intelligence and strength but he definitely has more of an edge when it comes to getting what he wants so the more of the story is don't take extremist kids is bad for you dot green's ending is both kind of funny and tragic so doc green suffered from losing his intelligence over time and while he was smart he made an ai duplicate of his personality but then that ai duplicate saw that dot green's intelligence wasn't as smart anymore and then turned against him anyway i think a dot green would be interesting to see in live action because so much of bruce banners and the hulk's arc has been about them battling with each other so it would be fascinating to see another personality who's sick of both of them rise up and take control sometimes it's just hard to beat the original right the standard version of hulk that we all know and love has gone on some incredible journeys both in the comics and the mcu the og hulk is normally a gigantic rage monster who gets stronger the angrier he gets so by that rationale if there's a villain who keeps fighting him and making him more mad it's only a matter of time before hulk will start to overpower his opponent it's why in the mcu the top villains really have to knock him out fast or else he'll eventually overcome everything take the thanos fight for instance in infinity war that opening scene saw the mad titan deliver a brutal beatdown to our hulk after a brilliant introduction by loki we have a hawk but we know that the hulk only gets stronger the angrier he gets so i really think if that fight had gone on longer the hulk could have won same with his thor fight from thor ragnarok thor knocks him out with lightning but given time the hulk would have just gotten so furious that lightning might have just bounced off him is that true well i guess now we'll never know since the og hulk persona has a lot of the same powers as a lot of hulks on this list i'll take this time to ask which hulk do you think has the best design mark ruffalo ed norton or eric banner i'll say now that ed norton's design is actually really cool and i wish they would have kept that a bit more rather than slowly turning the hulk into mark ruffalo but that just might be me so with the mcu now pivoting to explore the multiverse it's only a matter of time before we see different versions of some of our favorite characters some of them will be heroic others will be villains and some will be downright terrifying that's the case with the ultimate version of the hulk who hails from earth 1610 the backstory of this character has shades of the og version but i think it's overall much darker basically that universe's first super soldier nick fury gathered genetic engineers to attempt to recreate the super soldier serum a more flawed version of banner thought he perfected a version of the serum but didn't want to share it because he thought he wouldn't get credit so he took it himself and it resulted in him hulking out then later he took things a step farther by mixing the super soldier serum with the hulk serum and turning himself into an even worse version of a grey hulk now this version has proven to not be as strong as his other universe counterparts but it should be noted that the ultimate hulk is way more vicious he's not just angry all the time he's unhinged sadistic ruthless and even cannibalistic so yeah if i had to choose between meeting the og hulk or a cannibal hulk in a dark alley somewhere then yeah i'm choosing the og hulk every time the devil hulk is the darker more sinister version of the hulk basically how it's explained is that if the normal hulk is bruce banner's inner rage then devil hulk is banner's inner evil he's a truly monstrous version that hopefully never gets unleashed on an unsuspecting public right off the bat he's just as powerful as the regular hulk but also comes with a few nifty upgrades like increased intelligence some elemental powers and even terrakinesis which is the ability to manipulate terrain and rock formation he's also just downright terrifying to look at eventually this version of the hulk was locked away forever and it made way for the immortal hulk this version is actually content with waiting inside of banner and his transformation is limited to night time the immortal hulk can also release massive amounts of gamma blasts capable of destroying everything in a nearby area as well as having the ability to drain gamma from other gamma mutates he can also sense liars because it wouldn't be a hulk iteration without some weird random power right there's one version of the hulk that fans have been clamoring for for a long time and that's planet hulk mark ruffalo's version of the character has been incredibly well received by fans that for a long time there was a push to give him his own solo movie now complicated rights issues stop that from ever happening which is why hulk is always a side character in movies but if there was one story that fans would want to see adapted in the mcu it would be planet hulk in the comics hulk is deemed too dangerous to stay on planet anymore so like any good problem solver the heroes of earth decided to put hulk on a rocket and fly him somewhere else of course things don't go well and the rocket gets knocked off course landing on sakhar instead of the abandoned planet that was the original destination from there the hulk has to work his way up as a gladiator in the rings until he eventually overthrows the whole system and gains control himself now there's two things with this for one the planet hulk persona is really just og hulk but this whole storyline is probably hulk's best so i thought it was worth the mention and two yes we technically already saw this storyline play out in some regard in thor ragnarok and while it was nice to see gladiator hulk it's kind of unfortunate to have seen it all through thor's eyes right and the side storyline means we'll never see a proper adaptation of planet hulk in the mcu and that's kind of a bummer maybe a what if episode down the line who knows don't you just love alternate futures and comics i do it allows for things to get quite wild and one of my favorite and most powerful alternate versions of hulk is maestro basically this version lives in a time where nuclear destruction has wiped out just about everyone including mostly all the heroes and villains but hey when life gives you lemons you make lemonade right the only one that the nuclear war didn't hurt was this version of the hulk who only absorbed the radiation and it made him even stronger and he's not just all brawn either he's also incredibly intelligent and rules over a land called dystopia but really the reason maestro hulk is so high on this list is because of his rock and white beard come on devastatingly powerful and a thick white beard it's like a reverse santa kinda maybe anyway you wanna hear something cool about maestro he was initially defeated after he was sent back in time at the precise moment when bruce banner turned into the hulk and the explosion that blasts banner with gamma radiation is powerful enough to incinerate maestro real circle of life stuff you know so i already have mentioned planet hulk but i specifically saved the most powerful version of the hulk for the end and it directly relates to planet hulk so by the end of that event planet hulk is happy on his planet with a wife and an unborn son but then the ship that brought the whole tusa car in the first place explodes and everyone that planet hulk loves is gone just like that he's so upset that he absorbs the entire planet of zakar's radiation and becomes world breaker hulk and can you guess what he does that's right he breaks worlds he becomes capable of splitting entire planets with his incredible cosmic power and then sets his sights on revenge thinking it was earth's mightiest heroes who planted that bomb in his absolute rampage she takes out everyone including professor x dr strange black bolt tony stark etc the only one he didn't just wreck was namor who specifically voted against sending hulk away in the first place so how powerful is he well his stomps cause earthquakes across continents but even when he's just standing still he's radiating enough energy to rattle the earth's core it truly is the most powerful hulk of all time and it's one who i desperately wish we could see in the mcu in some capacity this video didn't even mention she-hulk she's an exciting character on her own and she looks to have a bright future ahead of her will she step up and be the future avengers powerful heavy hitter now that the og hulk is a bit out of commission only time will tell but that sounds kind of cool don't you think you
Channel: CBR
Views: 579,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cbr
Id: 7G0FTn5J68M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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