15 INSANE Video Game Details That Will Impress Your Friends

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so in an effort to be down with the kids I upload pretty regularly over on Tik Tok Link in the description by the way and one of the series that I have going on over there is video game details that will impress your friends someone even uploaded a video of themselves showing one of those Tik toks to a group of Pals hey did you guys know that in Bayonetta you can oh my God sorry well with the future of Tik Tok being in the news right now I thought why not upload some of these details here too the main aim of this video is of course to impress your friends but if you're like me and have a small circle of acquaintances it's okay to show your mom or whatever oh and regular viewers of this channel will have seen a lot of these details before but that doesn't stop them being some of the coolest details video games have to offer Oh and before we get started I'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video Marvel Rivals Marvel Rivals is a PVP team-based action shooter and when you have the roster of characters that Marvel has you can get an idea of how crazy this could be now a big part of the Marvel universe is the way that the various characters interact and complement each other's abilities and Marvel Rivals knows that too Marvel Rivals let you use team up abilities that can sync up each superhero's unique powers swinging the momentum of battle in your favor in the blink of an eye given that Marvel Rivals is an officially licensed Marvel IP each character and map have a unique background story and Each corner of their destructible environments is filled with details inspired by over 85 years of Marvel history offering a level of richness that you just don't get with other hero Shooters now before you get too excited the game isn't out yet however the Alpha version is your golden ticket to early action with an impressive selection of over a dozen characters and two maps available for Alpha Marvel Rivals is setting a new standard for what Early Access can offer to try the alpha for yourself and play some of comic book's most iconic characters click my link in the description or in my pinned comment honestly I'm super excited to see how this game turns out thanks again to Marvel Rivals for sponsoring today's video don't forget to click the link in the description for all the details on the upcoming Alpha and without further delay let's get started so the first game to wowers with a really cool detail might be a surprise to some of you on the surface of things amazing frog is what some would call a meme game a game that isn't known for its amazing pun intended gameplay but is weird enough to attract an audience now the world of Amazing Frog can be a confusing one and that's why you're equipped with a phone that provides helpful hints and information it's also home to a really cool detail as you can see our Frog's phone currently has full signal however if we head into the sewers our Frog's phone will now have no signal at all I mean for a game that looks and plays like amazing frog does the fact that someone somewhere made sure the mobile phone signal strength was accurate is extremely impressive so when playing bayoneta you're never left wanting when it comes to things to shoot the game is eager to throw enemy after enemy at you and then leave you to figure out the rest however when you do finally get some downtime try shooting at a wall without aiming trust me it's worth it so shooting without aiming will cause Bayonetta to either draw the letter b or a love heart with B BLS which is really cool now one of the best things about the Hitman series is that it forces you to improvise you might have a plan laid out and ready to go until suddenly it isn't and you need to act quickly before the whole mission Goes Up in Smoke luckily for 47 there is no shortage of makeshift weapons that The Bard assassin can grab in a pinch and one of those weapons is the fire extinguisher reading the description of the extinguisher it says that it can be used to knock down large obstacles so let's put that to the test okay so one large obstacle removed but what makes the extinguisher so cool is that if you now inspect it after removing the large obstacle it will have a big dent in the side and be covered in blood perhaps show this one to friends who like violence so Sleeping Dogs is many people's pick for the most underappreciated game ever the 2012 action adventure game released without without much fanfare But as time has gone on more and more people have realized just how good the game is a big part of why the game is so loved is its impressive depiction of Hong Kong and that's sort of what this next detail is about when a car takes enough damage in sleeping dogs it will start to produce black smoke from the engine which admittedly is something that a lot of other similar games do well what makes the smoke in Sleeping Dog so special is that when people pass by your broken down car they will do this so random passes by Will cough at the smoke pouring out of the car okay granted they could just move away from the smoke but it's still a really cool detail so there are two different types of people in this world those that learn from doing and those those that learn from watching unfortunately this can be pretty hard to demonstrate in a video game but 2006's Bethesda RPG Oblivion somehow pulls it off outside of the Arena you can find people sparring in preparation for battle and if you watch a pair of Fighters long enough this will happen so watching The Arena hopeful Spar and cause your own hand-to-hand skill to incre increased by Five Points hands up if you wish things were this easy in real life now if I was to ask any Call of Duty fan when the Golden Age of Call of Duty was I'm guessing many of them would point to the early 2010s in the space of four years we had Modern Warfare 2 and 3 and Black Ops 1 and 2 which is crazy what was so great about those games is that not only was the multiplayer super addictive but they also came with fully fledged campaigns okay so the campaigns weren't the longest but they were still entertaining and fun to blast through in a couple of evenings while during the karma mission in Black Ops 2 you have to infiltrate a high-end exotic Island Getaway that is kitted out with the latest security and it's not just the security that is high tech if you approach any of the advertisements in the area this will happen whether it's clthes or accessies what are you waiting for ACC hey quit eyeballing the chicks we got to get our asses in gear let's move so the person in the ad's face will be replaced with the face of your character the thing is I can actually see this happening in real life now gambling is never a smart move for those looking to make money I mean sure some of you will have a story of a friend who won big that one time but that's same person won't tell you about the hundreds of losses they had before that the thing is gambling is a smart move in Fallout New Vegas when creating your character you can choose to make them one lucky so which in normal gameplay terms means more critical hits it also means that when you visit any of the game's casinos you can gamble safe in the knowledge that your luck rating will see you almost never lose a hand now the saying The House Always Wins is true and if you start to prove that saying Wrong by repeatedly winning you will be offered a complimentary gift so that you stay long enough for the casino to win their money [Applause] back you keep on spending money in here you got to give us a chance to win something back here's something nice for you if you continue to win after that then this will [Music] [Applause] happen Okay that's that no more games for for you go rob the tops you're done here have some drinks talk to some dancers but you are done at my tables so you will be banned from the casino and forced to leave but at least you leave a whole lot richer now truth be told this entire video could be made up of details from the various Metal Gear Solid games but the detail that I've chosen blew my mind when I was a kid during the tanker chapter of Metal Gear Solid 2 you begin outside in the pouring rain if you wait in the rain for too long snake will catch a cold which will cause him to sneeze now that is already pretty damn cool but what takes this detail to the next level is what happens if you sneeze near an [Music] enemy so catching a cold and sneezing can actually alert the guards which in my opinion is genius now have you ever watched a game trailer and thought that looks cool only to play the game and realize that it's nothing like the trailer well that's not the case with Dying Light 2 sort of the game cinematic trailer told the story of three different people all doing their best to survive and spoiler alert it didn't end well for anybody what's really cool is the people from the trailer can actually be found in game with the two women found dead in a building and the man being found outside on the floor extra bonus points have to be awarded for including the scratched face of the male Survivor something that we saw happen in the trailer so here's a detail to show any of your friends who love Marvel in the Guardians of the Galaxy game which is really good by the way you will eventually find yourself on the planet of nowhere nowhere is a strictly no combat zone but it appears that nobody told starlord I don't even want so pressing the fire button whilst on nowhere will cause starlord to whip out the most dangerous weapons in all of the Galaxy the finger guns now in most games you play as an all powerful hero who can take down entire armies on their own well in Disco alium you play as a down on his luck detective who is suff uffing from the world's worst hangover and who can't find his pants now much like New Vegas when you begin disco elesium you have to assign your character attribute points and one of the categories is physique which determines how fit you are well if you decide to put no points into physique or motoric something as simple as reaching for your tie that is hanging from a ceiling fan could prove fatal you reach out to grab the tie but what's this diffuse radiating chest pain Doom comes over you you feel something in your chest an unnatural pressure it's spreading to your left arm your jaw very very bad this is the end bad all you feel is pain and weakness you have to surrender now we all do it gets so dark you don't even see her face like you always thought you would you only see pain and fear so your character will have a heart attack therefore ending the game of all the ways that I've died in video games reaching for a tie hanging from a ceiling fan has to be the most embarrassing now if you've played any of the more recent Mortal Combat games then you will know who kenchi is if you haven't think of him as Marvel Superhero Daredevil but somehow more deadly you see kenhi is blind but that doesn't stop him snapping necks and cashing checks when the time comes in fact some may argue that kenshi's blindness is a positive one of Sonia Blade's moves is called the kiss of death this move sees Sonia blow a mysterious pink powder into the eyes of her opponents temporarily stunning them well as kenhi has no eyes the move doesn't affect him at [Music] all [Music] I must admit I do love this detail so the chances are that a lot of you won't have played this next game or perhaps even heard of it stacking is a game based around the Russian matka dolls you know the dolls that start off big but get smaller each time you open one up the main mechanic of the game is that you can assume control of pretty much anyone and use their position or uniform to get what you need done well when on the cruise ship you can assume control of an unlikely Ally so here is how the game looks when in control of pretty much anyone in the game and here is how the game looks when in control of man's best friend so when in control of the dog the game's colorful visuals will take on a more washed out tone this is because dogs see colors in more muted tones than humans do so that's it if you enjoyed this video then please leave a like I love making compilation videos like this one as it reminds me why I started covering details in games in the first place so even if this bombs I'm going to make more of them anyway as always thank you all for watching and I'll speak to you all soon
Channel: Captain Eggcellent
Views: 121,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easter, eggs, captain eggcellent, easter eggs, details, attention to detail, easter egg, video game easter eggs, video game details, gaming easter eggs, all easter eggs, hidden details, captain eggcellent easter eggs, gaming easter egg, new gaming easter eggs, easter eggs gaming, new video game easter eggs, video game easter egg, new easter eggs, dying light 2, bayonetta, fallout new vegas, fallout, hitman, sleeping dogs, black ops, metal gear solid 2, disco elysium, new games
Id: ce_Jmt0IA5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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