27 INSANE Hidden Details In Batman Arkham Knight

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so not only is Batman Arkham Knight my favorite superhero game of all time but it might just be one of my favorite games of all time period That's why I look for any reason to revisit the Rock Steady Masterpiece and that's why you're watching this video today now some of the details I had already recorded from Arkham Knight were from the Xbox One version which is looking pretty rough these days so I went back and recorded those same details on the still stunning looking PC version of course beware of spoilers and without further delay let's get started so instead of saving the best details until the end of the video which is the usual YouTube way let's run through these details in the order that they appear in game with the first area of Interest being Paulie's Diner here we're placed in the shoes of Officer Owens a Gotham City police officer before Owens gets to enjoy his waffles he is Poisoned With the scarecrow's fear Toxin and all hell breaks loose now at this point you're given two options either shoot at the feral creatures that are wreaking havoc or into instead hold your fire regardless of what option you choose the outcome is the same Owens is knocked unconscious well I say that the outcome is the same that's not quite true if you refuse to shoot in the diner after your first visit to the gcpd lockup you can find two officers discussing what happened God knows how we got out without shooting anyone the people in that Dina tore each other apart is it just me the taxin don't seem to be wearing off I hope you're wrong he's going through hell in there and if you choose to shoot whilst in the diner those same officers will be having a very different conversation acknowledging the fact that Owens killed people in the diner poor bastard he ain't going to be able to live with himself when he finds out what he did in that Diner he's going to lose his badge for sure Owens is a good cop lives for the job he don't deserve this this is such a cool detail because the game never demands that you notice the conversation you could simply walk past and not notice Owens sitting in the cell anyway back to py now it's never made explicitly clear what happened to the other people in the diner though you can find the bodies of two people who were in The Diner when things went South during the shadow Wars side mission the body of the waitress who serves you can be found in the morg along with the man who reported the person smoking again the game never draws your attention to the corpses instead letting the player connect the dots okay times to move on from the dino now and onto the streets of Gotham where we find ourselves in pursuit of one of scarecrow's henchmen after disabling the man's vehicle Batman will break his wrist back at the gcpd lockup you can find the man now behind bars with his arm in a sling though seemingly he hasn't learned his lesson as he still gos The Dark Knight from his cell well if you press the attack button this will happen hey Batman I guess scarecrow gave you the slip you broke my wrist for nothing he's got plans for you Batman you and all your friends tonight's the night we finally break break the bat now you might think that's it you've broken the man's wrist and probably given him a concussion but when you're next at the station the man is still talking nonsense at which point you can make him look really stupid things not working out the way you planned told you never faced anything like this so after tracking down the scarecrow's location which turns out to be ace chemicals Batman Must Destroy a bunch of tanks and an unman drone before moving on the whole time this is happening the Arkham Knight is talking smack in Batman's ear but he's nowhere to be seen that is unless you look to the rooftops if you look really really closely you can see the Arkham Knight watching over the battle it's a really cool detail that is very easy to miss so after making your way inside the mixing chamers scarecrow gives bats the slip now if this is your first time seeing Scarecrow in Arkham Knight you might have noticed that he's had quite the makeover well if you look on the floor of the chamber you can find the mask that scarecrow used to wear in the previous Arkham games so now that Batman is infected with the scarecrow's fear toxin things will start to get a little weird starting with a flashback to how Oracle AKA Barbara Gordon ended up in a wheelchair during a flashback sequence it revealed that the Joker shot Oracle in the back what's very easy to this is the fact that written on the Joker's baseball cap is the word flashback which given that we are in a flashback is kind of fitting oh and it's probably the best time to mention that if you enter detective vision and look at oracle's back her spine will indeed be broken which is something that could have been easily overlooked now the flashback isn't the only time that Batman will see things whilst under the effects of the toxin when exploring Gotham the Joker's face will appear everywhere with most of these appearances being so subtle that many players might have missed them here are just a few of my favorites so those Joker cameos are all really cool but I've saved the best for last if you stare at the lady of Gotham statue and wait for lightning to strike this will happen so for a split second the statue will change into the Joker before changing back it's brilliant so it's soon revealed that penguin might know where the Arkham Knight is holded up and Batman and Nightwing Gate Crash a weapons deal to ask him a few questions after learning of the knight's whereabouts Batman decides to destroy the weapons so that they don't end up on the streets of Gotham now before I detonate the explosives pay attention to this sign which says Iceberg Lounge which is penguin's base of operations well after we destroy the weapons the sign will now read clunge now if you're from the UK you'll probably know what that word means but if you're not and you don't here is the Urban Dictionary definition of the word I mean this could be a coincidence but I highly doubt it the next detail of Interest plays more tricks on Batman's mind now we all know that the Joker Is Dead in Arkham Knight but thanks to the fear toxin he is still present in Batman's mind but remember he's not physically there well when you finally track down Oracle she will also be under the influence of the Toxin and seeing a 6ot plus man dressed as a bat is sure to put the Willies up anyone let alone someone under the influence of a gas meant to enhance fear Oracle is in a room with a gun and the Joker moves the gun closer to her which isn't possible therefore revealing that this entire scenario is all in Batman's head because if the Joker isn't real he can't move Real World objects like the gun it's another detail that I'm guessing people wouldn't notice on a first playthrough but may pick up on the second time around now this next detail is relatively small but it's still something that some of you may have missed after gaining access to Founder's Island Batman will call in the Batwing to scan for the cloud burst what's really cool is you can actually see the Batwing flying overhead like I said it's a small detail and it does make sense but it's very easy to miss right time to skip ahead now to panessa Studios where Batman must recapture the people in infected with the Joker's blood one of these people is Johnny Charisma who has locked himself behind a keypad guarded door now what you're supposed to do here is review CCTV footage of the door revealing the code in the mirror however if the concept of mirrors and codes is too much to handle you can repeatedly enter the wrong code multiple times at which point bats will do this this is taking too long rud Forest works too I guess so it turns out that if something's in your way just break it with your fist now after finally locating the Arkham Knights Hideout Batman has to make his way through a bunch of the knight's goons given that the combat in Arkham Knight is so much fun it's very tempting to just jump in fist swinging and see who's left standing when the dust settles however if you opt for a more patient approach you can actually sit and watch an entire briefing in about Batman carried out by the knights henchmen now admittedly this briefing is kind of long but in my opinion it's definitely worth watching our training training personally designed by the Arkham Knight gives us the Tactical Advantage here how does he know so much about Batman why don't you stay back after this briefing and we'll go see him you can ask him personally who cares I'm not scared of Batman you put me in a room with him and I'll tear his head off and that is why you will fail he won't come at you straight on he'll watch you he'll study you from the shadows and when you make a mistake he'll be ready if you need an example of how to act look no further than right here there is no way that he will get near me which brings me to point two the Arkham Knight has chosen me and me especially to test out his latest weapon in the fight against the bat that vest what is it bulletproof what good would that be against a man who doesn't use guns no this vest offers a whole different kind of protection what kind of protection should I be rendered unconscious while wearing this baby it explodes you're wearing a suicide vest you're crazy don't you get it Batman doesn't kill not even indirectly with this thing on that pacifist crybaby can't touch me he wouldn't be able to live with the guilt besides didn't I say I'm testing this out for the night none of you cowards have to wear one so let's review our other tactics Medics some of you have been trained in a number of field medical techniques most notably Revival this is where others have failed if we maintain our numbers the Batman will fall value the medics they save your life next up sentry guns now you're talking these automated assault cannons will provide cover when you're told to place one you place it fast it will protect you from attack and make one hell of a noise if he comes at you from that direction remember he may be smart he may be difficult but he is human you fire enough bullets into him he'll bleed like anyone else the automated Cannon will lay down suppressing fire and Destroy anything within its targeting volume your weapons will not remember Target the areas you've been trained to Target the legs the shoulders again do not waste time on the chest that symbol is designed to focus your attention where his armor is thickest what's next Vantage points Batman uses key architectural objects to his Advantage he can quickly access these points think gargoyles think water fires think where would I hide if I was that sneaky son of a [ __ ] and you'll probably be right the Arkham Knight has developed a number of solutions to counter these attacks first one's easy destroy the Vantage points by shooting them simple and effective want to stop him from using the other Vantage points Target them with a sticky mine and watch your heads when they blow when Batman loses the space above you he'll be forced into the ventilation system stop him by deploying thermobaric charges fill the vet with gas and bur the the bastard by utilizing these assorted techniques we can keep him moving and out in the [Applause] open now let's focus on what Batman will bring to the party as you know that suit of his hides a billion dollars of high-tech equipment surveillance systems scan the room to help him pick the correct strategy these systems contain a unique identifiable signal that we can track when he uses these systems we will pinpoint his location and take him down any questions yeah you do know that there's no way in hell any of us are wearing suicide vests right if you don't want the safety and comfort that only 30 lbs of highquality explosives strapped to your stomach can provide then that's your risk to take but make no mistake this will be difficult you are all handpicked the best of the best study these images use these tactics and we will prevail so towards the end of the Arkham night story the gcpd finds itself under attack it's up to Batman to stop the attack because that's what he does the thing is if Batman fails to stop the assault which would mean that the gcpd gets overrun by the Arkham Knights militia this brutal cutscene will play out now initially I never plan to include this cut scene in a video I shared a a couple of years ago mainly because I didn't know it existed but after legitimately failing this Mission and seeing this cut scene I wondered how many people knew that this was a thing right That Just About Does it for the main story let's tackle some of these side content now beginning with everyone's favorite know it all the Riddler now the Riddler's whole thing is that he thinks that he's smarter than Batman though it's almost like he doesn't want Batman to fail too badly as that will make his victory less special for proof of this look no further than the fifth Riddler trial if you struggle to land on the third pad The Riddler will start to lose his patience you can't do it can you does this mean I've won yes I've won it feels empty Hollow too soon look just hit this switch and I'll adjust the difficulty of the challenge to kindergarten leveler l so after initially celebrating beating Batman The Riddler decides that this is a hollow Victory and doesn't feel as rewarding as he would like so he provides a button for Batman to press so that the challenge becomes easier I know I've said this a lot in this video but this is brilliant now two fa's whole thing is that he was scarred on one side of his face so now has two personalities one being the crazy too face and the other being the not as crazy Harvey D the thing is you're never really sure which personality you're speaking to that is unless you've enabled subtitles with subtitles on when talking to Batman as Twoface his name in the subtitles will be Twoface they say time is the best judge well the verdicts in and God them's time is up however when speaking to the Harvey Dent Persona the name in the subtitles will change to reflect that sure you're on the right side of the bars badman from where I'm standing you you look guilty as hell it's a really subtle detail but I'm a sucker for details like this one Speaking of Twoface the damage on one side of his face is on Full display in Arkham Knight and given the game's overall impressive visuals you might see more of the former Gotham da scars than you would like if you pay extra close attention to Harvey's face you might notice this how's it going over there see anything nothing me neither okay so you can see two faces veins moving as he lays unconscious which is both really cool and really really gross now one of the more tedious tasks in Arkham Knight are the militia watchtowers you must infiltrate said Tower take out any enemies and Destroy whatever the game tells you to destroy saying that there is one watch tower that stands out from the rest if you approach the Gate of this specific Tower this excellent conversation will play out look it's Batman let's keep away from the door why he can't get through there it's solid iron hi Batman I'm sure you'd love to burst in here use your fancy Kung Fu stuff on us and then wreck our radar console but well you're not on the list so you're not coming in don't provoke him and don't put your fingers through the bars he uh looks different up close bigger kind of mean and strong you uh think I pissed him off I don't know maybe ask you uh Batman you know I was joking right that the whole list thing I mean we really can't let you in here but you know we're just doing our job you're just doing your uh hobby so no hard feelings yeah is he going looks like he's going uh bye Batman what the hell are you doing you don't go the Batman oh hey Batman I bet you'd love to come in here and be the crap out of us yeah he would and you just gave him another reason to do it that's cool we had an understanding you don't need to worry about him anymore now when Arkham Knight released I was like a giddy school girl when I heard the voice of Lex Luther on Bruce Wayne's answering machine of course everyone knows about that message along with a couple of other ones that reference characters in Bruce Wayne's life but have you heard the Joker's voicemails when under the effects of scarecrow's toxin if you listen to the answering machine these mess can be heard you have two new messages uh Bruce this is your father calling it's time we had a talk son you know about the dressing [Music] up next new message Bruce this is your mother calling now I just sorry sorry it's so funny you know cuz they're dead now this next detail is perhaps my favorite detail in the entire game as you progress the story some enemies will come equipped with a Tracker that can detect when Batman is using his detective Vision well if you stand behind an enemy when they realize where you are something funny will happen I've got a lock he's right behind me no no no no this doesn't make any sense it says he's right behind me so the final Arkham Knight detail for this video can be found in the 1960s Batcave set time trial this set is full of callbacks to the show but how are you supposed to know that if you've never seen it well before making this jump you can turn to the left and do this Bruce and dick with characteristic speed and resolve descend promptly to the Batcave so you can actually watch a small part of an episode of the show whilst on the set of the show once again it's brilliant so that's it thanks for watching and giving me another excuse to play this awesome game I know a lot of people prefer Arkham City and trust me I get it but to me Arkham Knight is the best in the series if if you are a fan of Easter eggs and secrets and games then perhaps consider subscribing as that's what this channel is all about thank you all for watching and I'll speak to you all soon
Channel: Captain Eggcellent
Views: 260,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easter, eggs, captain eggcellent, easter eggs, details, attention to detail, easter egg, video game easter eggs, video game details, gaming easter eggs, all easter eggs, batman, batman arkham knight, arkham knight, arkham knight easter eggs, arkham knight details, batman details, batman arkham knight details, things you didnt know arkham knight, things you didnt notice arkham knight, the joker, hidden details, captain eggcellent easter eggs, video game easter egg, batman arkham
Id: OyEetp82vu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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