Drone Captures What No One Was Supposed to See

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drones are pretty cool if you know how to use them of course since their invention people are coming up with newer and more inventive ways of using them and some of them are quite crazy oh wow from saving a guy from being eaten by a ruthless marine predator to a drone literally shooting at people here are 15 weird things caught on camera by a drone number 15 kangaroo attack on drone apparently drones are not very popular in the animal kingdom but did you know that kangaroos in particular are quite weary of drones but don't take my word for it look at this fella chasing one down the kangaroo sees the drone and without skipping a beat starts aggressively hopping after it the marsupial even goes after it zigzagging like a professional boxer they do that to be able to avoid the opponent's blows more easily and he follows it for miles every time the drone seems to be getting away three hops later the kangaroos in arms reach and as we all know kangaroos are very good fighters you do not want to mess with them and then when you least expect it bam the angry marsupial just unleashed a right hook that completely destabilizes the drone but it isn't over yet the drone manages to stay in the air but as you might be guessing already not for long soon after the kangaroo approaches once more and delivers the coup de grasse and you can see how it's taken down from its own perspective that poor drone never stood a chance before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] now it's time for the star topic this breathtaking photograph was taken in vietnam and the man in the middle is a farmer crossing a small river surrounded by his own geese all the white birds seem to be peacefully looking at him and at the same time avoiding being near him those geese almost look like they're under a spell like they're being hypnotized do you think something like that can be possible if that behavior is not normal maybe we weren't supposed to see this picture comment down below with the hashtag starttopic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 14 cornfield clown have you ever heard of coulrophobia it sounds like a horrible virus but in reality it is the irrational fear of clowns or clown phobia if you prefer if you have it please do not watch this video just skip to topic 13 and even if you don't it's only healthy to find clowns well a little creepy i blame all the horror movies coming out that portray clowns like vicious bloodthirsty killers there's it of course and then there's also clown house 100 tears the clown murders all hallows eve and even killer clowns from outer space and that's just to name a few there are many many more but anyway if you enjoy being scared out of your wits this video's for you this video was taken in huntsville alabama by a teenager that was just trying to take footage of a cornfield a very dry and sad cornfield if you ask me and lo and behold spot on in the middle of the already creepy cornfield there's a clown wearing an orange light reflecting shirt and an orange curly wig at first you just think it might be a scarecrow until the clown starts sprinting towards the woods to escape the drone i don't know about you but i'll be paying attention to the murder section of the papers in alabama number 13 girl destroys drone with golf ball ruby cavanaugh is an eight-year-old little girl from new south wales australia and she has a very promising and bright future in golf how do we know well just watch her take down a drone with a golf ball and it isn't just any drone but an 1800 drone and the model is a unique typhoon oh wow with only one perfectly calculated swing she manages to take out the landing gear on one side making the drone incredibly unstable because the drone now has more weight on one side it'll probably fly out of control and by consequence crash miserably on the ground you can even see the footage that the drone takes of its own demise let this be a lesson on how to film something involving hard flying balls like the ones used in golf never place your drone in the direction of which the ball is gonna go little ruby seems to feel very sorry and guilty for the incident but to be honest the adult man that was controlling the drone should have known better wow i'm sorry alex so hey ruby we're on your team number 12 siberian tigers hunt electronic bird of prey watch this rather large streak of siberian tigers hunt down what they seem to think is a meaty and yummy bird only to get very disappointed when they discover that the juicy bird they took down was nothing other than a cold drone made out of inedible plastic and not at all the delicious treat they were clearly expecting in all fairness siberian tigers do hunt down and eat birds on a regular basis so their confusion is totally understandable but look how disappointed they get when they figure out that what they caught is a machine that can't be eaten or at least that doesn't taste as good as a yummy bird and for all you that are thinking that these tigers don't necessarily need the extra snack because they already look quite chubby keep in mind they live in one of the coldest places on earth and an extra layer of fat is not only welcomed but crucially necessary to survive the extreme weather of the unforgiving siberian forest so don't body shame the gorgeous tigers please they are perfectly equipped for their environment but don't take my word for it look at how high one of them jumps to catch the drone that is a perfectly healthy and agile murder kitten right there somebody get these beauties a bird to munch on number 11 drone chases kids running on rooftops watch these kids caught in fraganti while they were trying to run away from their school to skip classes but these kids have a lot of class and also balls they managed to escape the schools through the roofs little do they know there's a drone watching their every move and apparently it's being handled by a very skilled drone pilot look at that precision unbelievable the drone seems to be an mq-9 reaper and even if it is quite far up in the sky and those models are very silent the four boys quickly realize that they're being filmed and that's when they begin their escape maybe they're not trying to skip class maybe these little rascals are actually trying to rob a school looking back at the beginning of the footage you can actually see that they're checking out a window maybe the entry point for their delinquent quest and they're clearly startled when the drone approaches so my final bet is robbery in any case the scared boys end up running towards the woods passing the basketball court this school is clearly in the countryside plenty of places to hide the moral of the story is stay in school kids but don't rob it number 10 quadcopter scares golf caddy drones and quadcopters are a fairly new invention and most people that didn't grow up with them still aren't used to the idea of having a little robot hovering around them when a generation normalizes a new thing it becomes ordinary very quickly but for those who have to live through innovation at a later age it is let's say harder than it seems for them to get their head around it think of how difficult it is for your parents to use a computer let alone send an email so using a drone or a quadcopter like the phantom of this video can easily give a little scare to someone that wasn't expecting it look at how the caddy jumps in terror when he notices the quadcopter the older man golfing on the other hand is none the wiser during the entire footage he doesn't even realize him and his caddy are being watched and pranked i guess his reflexes aren't what they used to be or maybe is hearing or maybe both in any case frightening people like that with a drone or quadcopter is not a good idea and you should never do it a seemingly innocent joke can sometimes end in disaster and nobody wants that number nine a guy swats a drone out of the sky some people really appreciate their privacy especially in the land of the notorious cairns the united states where apparently there is a growing war on drones and if you don't believe me just check out this footage of a neighbor that swats a drone mid-air with his t-shirt in all fairness he did tell the pilot that if that thing flies over his house he would get very pissed off but the fact is the drone was in a public space and not even a foot from the ground which is completely legal in california which is where this incident took place and that is not your regular drone it is a 1300 drone so yeah that guy's probably getting sued for private property damage or at least he should i mean broken pieces went flying as the drone hit the ground the pilot is michael zanski and he works at lucky seven drones all he was trying to do was show the maneuverability on a street in huntington beach the result was a shattered lens and a very angry neighbor if you guys were looking for the male version of a karen this is it we found him number eight eagle knocks drone out of sky we all hate when a person takes down a drone but when a wild animal does it it's just hands down funny i mean what must they think when they see a tiny robot hovering above their heads is it food can it bite me the heck is that but if the animal is one of the most skilled birds of prey in the world well then the situation becomes a strike first and ask later kind of deal like this eagle that took down a drone with a single blow in australia now that is talent right there i imagine that is exactly like a smaller bird sees right before it's eaten alive by the almighty eagle it gives us a pretty frightening perspective on how it must feel to be the prey of such a majestic predator but don't worry the eagle in question wasn't injured during this curious incident just a little confused i reckon but there's a lesson to be learned from this unique footage if you're a drone pilot and you see a bird of prey of any kind it doesn't have to be an eagle just immediately land your drone or expose yourself to the risk of your beloved drone being taken down in less than a split second you can't say you haven't been warned number seven drone catches a great white below a surfer a lot of people get very annoyed with drones but the fact is they can sometimes save lives take this surfer in south africa for example he was minding his own business having a blast with his friend wake surfing at a beach but little did he know there was a great white shark lurking around and silently but closely looking from under the surface it's clear that neither the surfer nor the guy on the boat have any idea that such a monstrous danger is so terribly close but thankfully there is a drone hovering over their heads that is closely monitoring the great white and the drone pilot quickly realizes that the shark's a little more than just curious about the surfer the shark is getting closer and closer and for whatever reason the shark was there you do not want to be in the water when a great shark is nearby so the drone pilot figured out a way to let the guys know about the situation by flying conspicuously between the surfer and the great white the boat pilot quickly realizes the danger his friend is in and places the boat between the shark and the surfboard so that his friend can climb up on board and avoid well being eaten alive number six farmer in weld county defends crops against fire drones are now used for various professional activities in france policemen use them to monitor demonstrations from a safe distance power line inspectors are using them more and more and also the obvious rooftop inspectors but if you're your own boss you can also find very crucial and important uses for your drone take this farmer in weld county for example his hayfield crops were burning to the ground and the fire was spreading quicker than lightning so what to do the only thing that a farmer can do in this situation is to call the firefighter department and also start digging a fire line with his tractor as soon as possible but that's a very dangerous job if you don't have a drone watch in your sex if you're in constant communication with the drone pilot they can easily tell you if the flames are getting out of control where to drive your tractor and even if you should quickly get out of there it's like having a guardian angel telling you what is safe and what isn't number five epic fail the drone battery episode always and i mean always check your drone battery before takeoff otherwise you might find yourself one drone short seriously but don't take my word for it watch this man fly his drone over his town only to have it crash miserably on the ground after just a few minutes you gotta give it to him though the images of his lovely small town are very nice it even has a springfield vibe to it you know the simpsons town but suddenly the pilot decides to take a closer look of the fields outside of the town and by closer i mean a really really close look yeah you guessed it the drone crashed because the pilot's a newbie or maybe just not a very good pilot but the adventure of our little drone doesn't end there after it lies on the ground defeated it starts catching fire and those fumes don't look very safe to inhale i just hope this wasn't that drone's first flight what a disastrous and epic fail that was so yeah definitely make sure to check your battery before takeoff kids number four flash flood in dubai caught on drone a body of water in the desert is always a very interesting contrast to see would it be a river or an oasis they always look magically out of place like they shouldn't be there and for obvious reasons they're not very common at all we're talking about the desert after all and now that we have drones all over the place well those haunting and evocative images can be seen from the sky like this river that formed in the high desert region of sharjah in dubai the river was so mighty it was flowing all the way to um al kowain this is an exceptionally rare occurrence the river was even running through roads this is a majestic flash flood and you can see it from every possible angle thanks to the drone pilot and you can even see where the water stops spot on in the middle of the sandy dunes beautiful and because we're talking about dubai here the fleet of expensive 4x4s had to make its appearance the trucks can be seen showing off driving into the river and such but to be honest it looks like a lot of fun number three drone warfare don't worry we're not going to talk about real warfare but about a neighborhood row i mean we've all been there loud neighbors blasting music and being completely disrespectful what i usually do is i knock on their door and politely ask him to turn it down a bit and if that doesn't work i start banging as hard as i can on their wall so they know i'm not happy but this guy takes it to the next level actually no to the next galaxy watch how he attacks his annoying neighbors with firecrackers literally shooting out of his drone you gotta give it to him he is a very very skilled drone pilot someone's been playing lots of aircraft combat video games this guy means business and he is not subtle about it this is straight out of a sci-fi movie the revenge of the drones and yet it can be dangerous but look how effective his technique is the party animals immediately disperse in horror and nobody ends up getting hurt just a bit rattled that's all what do you think is this a legitimate way of dealing with loud and obnoxious neighbors number two wedding crasher drone rex picture weddings are a magical time and usually people want to immortalize that moment with a beautiful series of pictures that more times than not are taken by a professional photographer but what happens when you don't have a photographer that knows what they're doing but instead you have a teenage cousin that assures you they are really good at piloting a drone and that images from a drone are so much cooler than any boring photo well you get a disaster is what you get i'm sure this novice pilot meant well and he probably felt a lot of pressure i mean capturing such an important and pivotal moment in two people's lives can be a bit stressful but the result was just not up for the part and the drone unfortunately crashed after taking footage of parked cars no less well the happy couple will at least have a quirky anecdote to tell their future children and nobody got hurt so there's that but for future advice if you want to take a shot like the one this kid was trying to take start from a close-up and then back off you can always edit the video later and voila number one epic fail walking the dog episode meet biscuit he's a very good boy from what i think must be somewhere in the south of the united states judging by his owner's accent in this video you can see how biscuit's dad is trying to kick back and relax with a beer can in the middle of the forest and he apparently is too lazy to walk his dog even though he's literally in the outdoors so he decides to attach biscuit to a quadcopter and have the robot walk the dog instead of himself well as you can imagine at first it all goes very well but not for long soon the drone seems to have a mind of its own and simply takes off with the poor biscuit still attached if you've never seen a flying dog well here it is biscuit's dad starts running after both his quadcopter and his beloved pet screaming his name but too late the drone has decided to run away and take the dog with it you can probably guess at this point that this video is a parody meaning it's not real it's just a funny video your first clue must have been that no drone of that size could lift such a chubby dog like biscuit as you can see drones are used for many different purposes but we should all agree on one point no one should fly a drone if they don't know how to do you have a drone and if you do what do you like using it for tell us about it also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 470,447
Rating: 4.7594724 out of 5
Keywords: Drone, Drones, real or fake, caught on drones, caught on drone, caught on camera, caught on tape, scariest things, mysterious videos, caught, camera, top, list, drone videos, flying object, mysterious things, drone footage, chills, top15s, top 15s, chills narrator, top 15, top 10, top 5, countdown, real or fake videos, scary, creepy, scariest, mysterious, drone, drones, caught on video, unsolved, unexplained, mystery, scary videos, videos, found online
Id: kvgqBvY2rBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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