15 Rare Things You’d Be Lucky to See Once in Your Life #2

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everyday life is pretty standard most of us end up in a consistent routine with nothing out of the ordinary happening but some people encounter some pretty astounding things that definitely shake up their routine from the worst sandstorm in a decade to volcanic sharks here are 15 rare things you'd be lucky to see once in your life number 15 company removes 45 snakes from under a house i'll just start off by giving you a warning if you already have trouble sleeping you're gonna want to skip this story except for me i guess i have to do this a man near albany texas crawled under his home to fix the television cable as it was being affected by high winds while he was under there he noticed a few rattlesnakes which are venomous not want to take any chances he decided to call professional snake removers to take care of those few snakes but there weren't just a few as the snake professionals crawled on their torsos under the house they shone their torches on several babies a massive pile of snakes and several large males in total there were 45 rattlesnakes under the man's house the snake removers used their special tools to carefully remove the closest ones to them first then slowly work their way back to the far corner according to the property's owners they kept their yard nice and clean and would typically only see a few snakes each year though according to the company rattlesnakes don't actually care how nice your house is or what car you drive they're only focused on surviving before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] number 14 white mountain petroglyphs these days the only pictures you see on walls in public places are those painted with spray paint by naughty kids in the dead of night but if you pay a visit to the red desert in wyoming north of rock springs you'll see a rare unique type of ancient graffiti known as the white mountain petroglyphs carved into the eocene bridger formation sandstone bedrock are hundreds of figures dating back to anywhere between 200 and 1 000 years ago some of the pictures are tiny footprints bison and elk hunting scenes and geometric forms while others are horses and even warrior figures holding swords the rock face tells a story about european cultures and members of ute arapaho and shoshone tribes believe it to be sacred some even think it was the birthing place for great basin and plains tribes if you happen to pay a visit to the white mountain petroglyphs you can take photos but don't touch the last thing we want is to erase this history accidentally oh and watch out for the raptors they nest in the cliff too number 13 tucson's queen of the night if you thought your house plants were dramatic then you clearly haven't seen the night blooming sirius or queen of the night in arizona throughout the year these uninteresting cacti look like gray sticks they certainly aren't the type of plant that adds a lot of vibrancy to the average garden but for one night every year that all changes those weird gray sticks produce beautiful milky white flowers then the next day the flowers are dead and they're back to being boring gray sticks according to a native plant nursery manager the bloom typically happens as early as june 12th and as late as july 12th in tucson you can go and see hundreds of them bloom for one day only at 3500 west river road the desert park known as pima prickly park has hundreds or even thousands of cacti that have been donated from private donors or saved from development sites they used to end up at a local nursery before the park space became available after it was deemed unsuitable for ball fields now you can go and view around 7 acres of cacti such as the rare queen of the night that demands your attention number 12 jindo miracle c road moses is that you but you'd be forgiven for thinking that if he was responsible for parting the red sea he may just be responsible for parting the jindo c as it turns out there is a more scientific explanation for this one each year people at the southern tip of south korea take part in the jindo miracle sea road festival to celebrate the jindo sea opening up to expose 1.8 miles of sand that you can walk on the stretch of sand connects two islands in south korea and it only happens around three times a year the phenomenon was first brought to people's attention in the 1970s and has been a popular attraction ever since but it's not the miracle it looks like i'm afraid we all know that the earth's and moon's movements affect the tide as does the earth's rotation cycle these produce gravitational forces that present as repeating patterns in the tide every now and again these title patterns line up just right to produce either a low tide or a high tide as you can see from the jindo c it's a low tide number 11 salvator mundi if you ever set eyes on the salvatore mundi painting by leonardo da vinci you're looking at one of the most exquisite and most expensive paintings in history it dates back to between 1499-1510 and was thought to be a copy of a lost original with over painting it was rediscovered and restored before being included in a leonardo exhibition at the national gallery in london the painting shows a depiction of jesus in a blue renaissance dress making the sign of the cross with his right hand he's holding a transparent crystal orb in his left hand which has something to do with the celestial sphere of the heavens there have been around 30 copies and variations produced by students in leonardo's followers since in 2017 the artwork sold at auction for a whopping 450.3 million dollars by christie's in new york which now holds the title of the most expensive painting ever sold at a public auction prince batter bin abdullah was the lucky purchaser the current location of the painting remains unknown but rumor has it that it's either on saudi arabian crown prince mohammed bin salman's yacht or in storage in switzerland number 10 giant ice volcano freezing cold temperatures in upstate new york is generally not anything to enjoy even heading outside in your winter woolies isn't enough to stop you from shivering but if there's one saving grace about the plummeting temperatures it's that some pretty amazing natural things can happen namely the ice volcano in letchworth state park there's a gravity-fed fountain outside the glen irish inn which used to be home to a successful businessman named william pryor letchworth he had the house and a fountain built in around the late 1800s the fountain would use water from a pond uphill to create a fountain spray that would form around 50 feet in the air during winter though things get interesting the water freezes and creates a type of ice volcano as the water comes through a pipe from a pond and sprays out the fountain the small droplets will freeze on top of each other when the cold weather continues it continues freezing in layers until it may eventually reach the height of the fountain itself in 2021 the ice volcano reached 20 feet in height and has been gaining national attention since 2015 when it first froze in fact it's now an attraction at the park that people flock to sea once winter sets in number 9 the last wild apple forests have you ever looked at a piece of fruit and thought i wonder where this orange came from we may not be able to answer that question for all fruit but we can now answer it about apples and no we're not talking about apples in the biblical sense biologist nikolai vavalov managed to trace the apple genome back to a small town near almaty in kazakhstan in the tian shan mountains when he visited he was surprised to find apple trees growing wild and densely something you don't see anywhere else in the world scientists now believe that birds and bears transported tian shan apple seeds out of kazakhstan before humans even cultivated them when humans started growing and trading apples the domestic apple called malice versi had already begun growing in syria once romans discovered it there they managed to disperse this apple all around the world once genome sequencing was complete and the domestic apples we see today were confirmed as being from this town it became really proud almaty which means father of apples now has reserves throughout the tianshan mountain range to ensure the last remaining wild apple forests were grown safely number eight worst sandstorm in a decade most of us know how annoying sand can be i mean have you ever tried to have a picnic at the beach sandwiches anyone but a trip to the beach is nothing on what happened in china's capital of beijing and in mongolia in early 2021 a massive sandstorm covered beijing in thick dust in what is being described as the worst sandstorm in 10 years air pollution measurements were taken with some districts experiencing pollution levels 160 times what they should be the whole city was covered in an orange haze that looked like it was straight out of an apocalypse film scene because of the sand flights were either grounded or canceled according to reports strong winds in mongolia were to blame there the severe sandstorms had resulted in dozens missing and at least six deaths at least 12 provinces were affected and everyone with respiratory diseases were told to stay indoors schools and outdoor events were also being advised to cancel sadly these sandstorms are becoming all too common but steps are being taken to limit them including reforestation fewer cars on the road and prohibitions of new coal-fired power plants number seven the rarest baseball card baseball cards are big money these days so if you or a family member collected them years ago you might just have a few diamonds hidden among the piles of cards but one card is undoubtedly more valuable than the rest and that's the t206 honest wagner baseball card this card depicts honest wagner known as the flying dutchman from the pittsburgh pirates he was a dead ball era baseball player and considered one of the best of all time american tobacco company atc designed and issued the cards from 1909 to 1911 as part of the t206 series however either because hoeness wanted more money from atc or he didn't want kids buying cigarettes he put a stop to the sales of his card in total only up to 200 were produced they immediately started increasing in value and year on year sales of the card jumped in price sometimes even doubling in the year 2000 card collector brian siegel purchased one of the cards for 1.27 million dollars he sold it privately for 2.35 million dollars it was then sold again less than six months later for 2.8 million dollars number six shikoku japan glowing forest unless you stumble across some glowing nuclear waste like that from the simpsons you would never think to end up in a glowing forest although if you visit japan at a specific time of year you can visit shikoku in japan at night and you'll be treated to a landscape of beautiful luminescent mushrooms that light up the forest in a lovely shade of lime green visitors from all around the world come to see these mushrooms with the glowing present from may until around august apparently the glowing green light comes from a chemical formation in the mushrooms during rainy weather shikoku is the most well-known habitat for the mushrooms but they also exist throughout europe other parts of japan and south america but they aren't just any mushrooms there's only one type that can glow and it's neo-nithoponius gardner-eye researchers isolated the chemical reactions and found that it's due to the interaction between the luciferin compound and the luciferase enzyme in the presence of oxygen they form a compound called oxyluciferin when the oxygen molecule is released light is produced with the fungi hoping to attract insects number five the long you caves in 1992 farmers in the xi jiang province of china were draining ponds when they discovered a series of caves and we're not just talking one or two here we're talking about five massive artificial caves and 19 smaller ones the 24 artificial caves in total were carved into fanguang hill and most were independent of each other five caverns measured up to 34 meters or 111 feet long with heights of up to 20 meters or 65 feet they also had supporting pillars and beautifully distinct shapes strangely none of these caves look like any other ancient caves mines ceremonial caves or quarries that experts had ever seen before they discovered that each cave had one portal with a carved stairwell that allowed rainfall and surface runoff to come into the caves to combat that there were several drainage troughs water traps and drainage channels carved into the base of each cave to collect the water they were also aligned with a south to southwest orientation to maximize sunshine along with inclined walls to reduce the risk of collapse in the caves archaeologists found glazed clay pots that date back to the western han dynasty this means the caves could have been created around 2 000 years ago number four volcanic sharks because sharks in the open ocean aren't terrifying enough we're now finding them in active underwater volcanoes or shark canoes as people are now calling them when scientists were on a national geographic expedition they discovered that sharks were actively living inside some of the most active underwater volcanoes we know to exist today given the dangers of entering these volcanoes they were hoping to send in robots to investigate on their behalf but why bother because really the sharks shouldn't even be there logic says that aside from the occasional bacteria there shouldn't be anything inside an underwater volcano that is extremely hot and acidic they even measured to confirm that but if sharks are living in there there must also be fish otherwise why would they bother so the team's goal is to create the robot and send it in there with the ultimate result being to tag a shark and investigate it further when asked what it felt like to be so close to the most active underwater volcano the researchers had some great answers they said the boat was vibrating above it and they could feel it in their chest they said it was a relief to head home in one piece ah yeah that was a great day that was awesome now let's get far away from it number three the gate of the sun the gate of the sun also called the gateway of the sun is a monolith carved to form a gateway or arch on an andean civilization of bolivia in the andes of south america it's positioned around lake titicaca and dates back to around 500 to 950 bc the monolith stands around 9.8 feet tall or 3 meters and about 13 feet or 4 meters wide it features a single piece of stone and is estimated to weigh about 10 tons when european explorers rediscovered the arch in the 19th century it was lying horizontally with a massive crack through it now it's standing in the sight it was found but it's unknown where its original location was take a close look at the gate of the sun and it's hard not to be blown away by its detail it has 48 squares carved into it around a central figure with 32 effigies with human faces and 16 anthropomorphic figures with heads of condors they're all looking toward a figure of a person whose head has 24 linear rays around it to represent the sun's rays number two the svalbard global seed vault have you ever wondered what would happen if something happened to a particular fruit vegetable or flower crop and we simply ran out of seeds you might think we'd have no more of that particular type and it would be game over well the svalbard global seed vault exists to make sure that doesn't happen it's a seed bank on spitzbergen a norwegian island in the remote arctic svalbard archipelago its goal is to preserve plant seeds that are spare copies or duplicate samples of those held in gene banks around the world if seeds were lost in other banks because of global crises there would be backup seeds to fall back on the seed vault is managed under specific terms spelled out in agreement with the nordic genetic resource center crop trust and the norwegian government the norwegian government funded the entire vault's construction around 8.8 million dollars but depositors can store their seeds for free norway and the crop trust cover all the operational costs to get seeds out of the seed vault you have to comply with the international treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture it must also be approved by 148 countries or parties number one nazca nazca lines are line drawings that appear to be etched on the earth's surface on pampa colorada in southern peru northwest of nazca these lines cover over 190 square miles most of the lines were constructed around 2000 years ago by people from the nazca culture and some even earlier than that from the parakas culture the images in the lines from around the paracas culture are more human-like with some bears but later ones tend to be plants and animals there's a 360-foot monkey 210-foot killer whale a 443-foot bird and other animals like spiders pelicans and hummingbirds there are also plants trees and flowers along with geometric shapes like spirals triangles and trapezoids they don't look like anything but lines on the ground but they are definitely noticeable above the ground experts say you can't really figure out what they mean without walking what they believe is a sacred path although american historian paul kosok viewed them from a plane in 1941 and said they might have had some astronomical purposes i guess we'll never know for sure imagine removing dozens of snakes from under a house or walking on a road in the sea those are definitely rare things you don't see or experience every day have you ever encountered something rare or out of the ordinary please share your experience down in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 146,740
Rating: 4.8706264 out of 5
Keywords: world record, on earth, things, you will see, for the first time, in your life, unusual videos, interesting things, caught on camera, phenomena and processes, never seen before, viral video, viral videos, in the world, will see, first time, your life, things you, things that you will see for the first time, unusual objects, animals, animal, phenomena, unusual things, rare things, rarest things, unique things, once in a lifetime, rarest thing, once in your life
Id: nSA0kOJoLsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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