15 Strangest Things Recently Discovered In Thailand

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thailand is a very ancient country and also one which is filled with mysteries and strange things this is surely one of the most fascinating countries in asia and even in the entire world from the magnificent beast that has made a dramatic return to the archaeological find which gave us a look at the life of a prehistoric giant here's the 15 things recently discovered in thailand [Music] number 15 rare tigers after their all-time low in 2010 tigers are making a comeback for the first time in four years camera traps in a forest in western thailand have acquired film of tigers in the region according to a conservationist the finding gives hope to efforts in the southeast asian country to save the species the indo-chinese tiger is a tiger that belongs to a sub-species of panthera tigris tigeris that is endemic to southeast asia myanmar thailand and laos are home to this group it has been categorized as endangered on the iucn red list since 2008 since the population has fallen significantly and is approaching the critical endangered level the population was projected to be 342 individuals in 2011 with 85 in myanmar and 20 in vietnam with the biggest population block surviving in thailand estimated to be 189 to 252 individuals between 2009 and 2014. three male tigers are seen wandering at night in recent videos and images even staring directly into one of the camera traps at one point before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] now it's time for the rare topic now here's a ha ha well what the hell is this thing even no doubt this picture proves that thailand is filled with some of the strangest things out there this creature was pulled out of the water by a fisherman recently in the waters near thailand and as you can see it's a fish mermaid except unlike a regular mermaid it has a fish for a head too which is not quite how we were led to believe it would be by disney's ariel and in fact if you look closely this isn't a maid at all but some kind of fish-headed murdered dude sadly it had to come to the end of its life and before the fisherman could even take it off the boat it was taken away by the thai secret service and never heard of again what do you think this creature was have you ever seen one of these as always comment down below with the hashtag a rare topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen let's move on to the next one number 14 5000 year old whale skeleton recently thai archaeologists discovered a unique partially petrified and fully preserved whale skeleton in the west of the capital bangkok estimated to be over 5000 years old the 12.5 meter long skeleton was discovered in early november by a biker who saw massive vertebrae protruding from the ground in a place 12 kilometers from the sea the dig has been going on for almost a month and researchers believe it is asia's lone find of its type the right shoulder and finn were the latest to be discovered giving them a total of 36 backbone fragments the crew is putting the skull back together and patching up cracks before transporting it to the lab for cleaning and preservation the gender of the bird whale is unknown thus the bones required to be carbon dated to ascertain the skeleton's exact age there are few whale sub-fossils in asia mammal researcher marcus choi of the national university of singapore said and even fewer ones are in such good condition the scientist points out that the gulf of thailand has an intriguing history in the previous 10 000 years with sea levels probably up to 4 meters higher than they are now and significant tectonic activity number 13. cave art kaneka premgai and her small team of archaeologists have been scouring samroy yacht national park some four hours southwest of bangkok for months following a ranger slashing a path through thick jungle with a machete they had examined over 40 caverns and had yet to locate cave art until they came across this one the cave art was first hidden by the black cave walls but it was discovered after thorough inspection and the use of a smartphone application to enhance the artwork kanaga estimates the age of the painting to be between three thousand and two thousand years ancient temples and towns have been discovered in thailand including the remains of the historic former city of ayurya and northern chiang mai however because of these strenuous walking involved finding cave art is more difficult for thailand's understaffed department to fine arts a lot of their primary work is just preserving what is already found and that already takes up a lot of time there are a lot of places in thailand that are still unexplored explains noel hidalgo tan an expert with southeast asia's regional center for archaeology and fine arts number 12. missing soccer team a well-publicized cave rescue in thailand's chiang rai province in june july 2018 saved the lives of members of a youth football team who were trapped within the tham luang nang nom cave after football practice on june 23rd 12 members of the squad ranging in age from 11 to 16 and their 25 year old assistant coach entered the cave heavy rain soon followed partially flooding the cave and obstructing their exit rising water levels and strong currents impeded effort to find the group and no communication was made for more than a week the rescue attempt grew into a large operation as a result of widespread public interest and the participation of foreign rescue teams british divers john valenthan and richard stanton discovered the party alive on a high rock approximately four kilometers 2.5 miles from the cave opening on july 2nd after pushing through small channels and filthy waters unfortunately during the rescue saman kunan a 37 year old former thai navy seal died of asphyxiation while rescue diver and thai navy seal bayrat pakhbara died of a blood infection received during the mission in december 2019 number 11. ancient giant did archaeologists discover a giant skeleton in a cave near krabi thailand that was perhaps slain by a horned snake kinda scientists claim to have uncovered an ancient enormous skeleton as well as massive snake bones it's a remarkable find and if it's true it provides evidence that giants once walked the earth it also validates the naga's old mythology however there's others who say it's just the work of skilled artist tuwai chang who is from the area and specializes in fake archaeological art installations this one was inspired by asian mythology especially the nagas it is said that the giant transformed into a human and that the nagas changed another human into a giant they'd both fallen in love with a princess who lived in this town and they battled it out till death the giants became mountains on each side of the krabi river the nagas sometimes known as the serpent people are referenced in hindi mythology these strange animals are claimed to reside in patala and bogovati meaning peopled by snakes or delightful two splendid underground towns number 10 ewok like troll monkeys when a group of visitors were met by a family of ewok like troll monkeys performing music on the outskirts of a thai island they were taken aback some of the critters moved around in the shallows while others sat on the rock edges as they moved about they resembled the tiny reddish fictious aliens from star wars tourists hiding behind the boulders in raleigh crabby thailand noticed them as they went by in a row boat and canoes despite their unusual look the monkeys were actually theater actors and the sound was provided by tory reigns a traveling singer who had created the weird scenario with thailand biennale a local acting troop jamael kawaja a bystander who captured the footage said we were kayaking around relay bay in thailand turned a corner towards a cave and found ourselves confronted with perhaps the most surreal and bizarre situation i've ever experienced ewok like troll creatures engaged in some cacophonic ritual in the water it went on for like 30 minutes what on earth is going on here number nine huge new shark-toothed dinosaur local farmers produce maize and tapioca on the ground near bonsfontin in central thailand which is sprinkled with thin reddish dirt however more than 113 million years ago this area was home to ancient floodplains ravaged by a terrifying dinosaur with shark-like teeth the 25-foot beast's bones are the latest in a long line of big dinosaur discoveries in the area and they provide new insight into how a large group of predatory dinosaurs moved over the ancient world another group of enormous predatory dinosaurs reigned tens of millions of years before huge tyrannosaurs like t-rex emerged on the scene the allosaurids a group known as the carcara dontasaurus was among these meat-eating giants carcharodontosaurus were ubiquitous across the earth during the early cretaceous era according to the findings by that time several other dinosaur families notably allosauroids had also extended their ranges north america was attached to europe and asia at the time enabling dinosaurs from all three continents to meet and interact number eight new ant species discovered the national science museum of thailand has reported the discovery of five new head species in southeast asia by its experts two of the five nuance species were discovered in thailand's attack and nakhon si thammarat provinces while the other three were discovered on the malaysian island of borneo they were given the names of the three people who discovered them sischa chalad tanyaki jaetrong we want wataya yamanei 2020 and sischa reticularis jaetrong we wat 2020 are the two species discovered in thailand rolls right off the tongue and totally didn't take multiple takes to probably butcher it in the end but you know we tried but the guys who named it red ant and carpenter and kinda feel you know inadequate now the purpose of their research according to nsm president raouen raui wang is to learn about biodiversity in the region and assess the ecological habitats health according to the nsm in january of this year researcher bang orn changlam discovered two species of snails including the reticulated micro snail number seven king cobra cotton sewer in 2019 a massive 13-foot king cobra was rescued from a sewer in southern thailand after an hour-long effort a guy chased the cobra the world's longest poisonous snake into a dark and narrow drainage pipe according to footage from the daring catch the cobra splashed around in the water attempting to crawl back into the pipe but was repeatedly yanked out by the tail a security guard on the housing development where it was discovered initially notified the rescue group the king cobra is a massive epilid indigenous to indian and south east asian jungles it is the biggest venomous snake on the planet the king cobra is a well-known emblem in indian sri lankan and myanmarese mythology and folklore it is india's national reptile members of myanmar's pakoku clan tattoo their upper bodies with ink laced with cobra venom and a weekly immunization that may or may not protect them from the snake however no scientific evidence supports this the king cobra is most endangered in southeast asia because of habitat degradation poaching for its meat skin and usage in traditional chinese medicine is also a problem number six two thousand dead fetuses until february 2021 abortion was strictly outlawed in thailand inevitably this led to many illegal abortions which hugely endangered women before the new laws and one example was especially grisly as the full magnitude of the macabre find became known in 2010 thailand authorities discovered the remains of 2000 unlawfully aborted fetuses stashed at a buddhist temple in bangkok the bodies were discovered into the temple's three mortuary chambers wrapped in plastic bags and police determined they had completed their search with all bodies discovered as a result of the findings thai's public health ministry authorized a statewide crackdown on abortion facilities predicting that 80 000 pregnancies are unlawfully terminated in thailand each year this crackdown exacerbated the situation until the new judgment was issued in 2021 two undertakers were detained at the time and they detailed the circumstances they would typically have disposed of the dead by mixing them in with the remains of others who were being incinerated but the furnaces had failed and the number of dead in storage had grown while repairs were being made in thailand buddhist temples not only execute cremations but also preserve the dead in properly chilled chambers number five crocodile buffalo if crocodiles weren't terrifying enough check out this mutant which despite being born from a buffalo mother has reptile-like scaly skin and a crocodile-shaped skull the bizarre appearance of this strange beast startled and alarmed the people of a thai community a mob gathered around this strange creature which was set out on a table with lights lit around it to inspect its scaly skin and skull the creature was born in sisaket according to tai news saint wrath villagers are claimed to be visiting the animal's body in the hopes of winning money in a local lottery in biology a hybrid is the outcome of sexual reproduction combining the traits of two organisms of different breeds varieties species or genera significant hurdles to hybridization such as genetic and anatomical variations varying periods of fertility mating behavior and signals and physiological rejection of sperm cells or the developing fetus keeps species reproductively separated normally such barriers would exist between buffaloes and crocodiles however as jurassic park famously stated nature finds a way number four mystery tree a weird tree in thailand appears to yield fruit in the shape of a young woman which has the internet mystified while many people are awestruck by the form of the green fruits others are less impressed by the jumbled video in buddhist mythology the narefun tree is thought to grow in the fabled in the fabled hemaphon forest and yield the fruit of young female deities according to legend buddhist god indra built a woodland dwelling for his wife vasantara and their two children vesantara on the other hand was in risk of being attacked by terrible milk creatures when she walked out into the jungle to obtain food indra then fashioned 12 unique narafan trees that would grow fruit in the shape of his bride to keep the monsters distracted while she gathered her own food the male demons would return home with these fruits make love to them and then sleep for four months losing their superpowers are these real or fake the internet still just can't decide so let us know what you think below number three rare orange pearl found on the beach after discovering a rare orange mellow pearl valued over three hundred thousand dollars on a beach in thailand a penniless fisherman is in line for a huge prize on january 27th 2021 hatchai nyomideka 37 was collecting up shells with his family in nakhon si thammarat province when they came upon the remarkable find hachai discovered a disused buoy washed up on the beach with many shells attached notably three snail shells that his brother worshiped neo-medeca 35 carried home they took the snail shells to their dad bang mad neomedeca 60 who was cleaning them when the pearl approximately the size of a dime was discovered hachai the man who discovered the shells claimed to have experienced an odd dream a few days before discovering the valuable jewel an old white man with a long mustache told me to come to the beach so i could receive a gift he claimed i believe he guided me to the pearl i want to get the best price for the pearl money will not only transform my life but it will also change my destiny everyone in my family will have a better life he thinks the old guy is a divinity who wants to help him get out of poverty since the pearl might be valued up to 10 million baht number 2. strange fish with human-like face thailand has captured an odd fish with a human-like face the unnamed pale fish which had large human-like lips and protruding blue eyes was caught by fishman pressure cool to make this situation even weirder the critter looked to be stunned after being cut the fish weighed 6 pounds and measured 17 inches in length by the time shukul returned to shore it was dead according to him i almost threw everything back into the water when i saw the scary fish shakul said it was looking at me and it had a face like an ugly frowning man this fish's body was shorter than it should have been and it had big lips but no teeth nobody knew what this creature was in our village including the elders i did not dare to cook it for myself or anybody else it was so weird shakul was visited by a local marine center which examined the fish it's thought to be a polycarus fish polycarrots buried their heads in the sand with their jaws wide to capture little fish in it which explains the horrible luck shukul on the other hand handed the fish to the wildlife center because he was afraid it would bring him ill luck and to be frank that's what i would have done too number one bodies of 40 tiger cubs a thai buddhist monastery has been accused of wildlife trafficking and animal mistreatment after 40 dead tiger cubs were discovered in a freezer in 2016 police and wildlife officials began an operation to remove all of the tiger temples live tigers the 40 cubs were lined up on the floor in pictures taken by photographers on the scene and shared on social media the renowned tourist destination in kanchanaburi was temporarily closed after the incident wildlife officials will pursue additional criminal charges after the finding according to colonel bandith myung sukham who said that the cubs were just one or two days old when they died traditional chinese medicine uses tiger bones and body parts and some suggest they were about to be sold to the chinese the temple's monks were unavailable for comment though they have repeatedly refuted charges of trafficking the temple stated on its facebook page that the death rate for tiger cubs and the temple was very low and that it used to cremate deceased cubs but that a vet modified the policy in 2010 probably to keep as proof against allegations of selling cubs what's the craziest thing you've heard of being discovered in thailand do you live in thailand or have you ever visited let us know in the comments below also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 4,559,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mysterious creatures, new species, mysterious creature, most mysterious, discovered, animals, creatures, discovery, mysterious, amazing, facts, unexplained, unbelievable, science, strange, discoveries, creature, strange creatures, animal, recently discovered, sea creature, species, strange animals, rare, extinct animals, animals discovered, education, animal kingdom, discovered animals, newly discovered, discovered fish, strangest, rarest animals, real, new animal species, In Thailand, Thailand
Id: rIZjVjEPZi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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