The Last Pocket Pistol I Would Ever Sell!

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it caught 45 here pocket pistols we're talking about today oh it's empty but it was in my pocket yes pocket pistols which did a holster of course so that's why I have all these lying out on the table let's put that back out there and in my holster file so yeah holsters uh pistols pocket pistols that's the subject the last pocket pistol I would ever sell all right again this is not about selling guns YouTube this is the last one I'd ever give up all right uh my favorites in other words I'm working down towards my favorites and my very favorite perhaps okay the last pocket pistol I would give up now this is of the ones I own currently there might be one out there that is better than any of these if I were to discover it who knows uh so we will walk through and I'll show you what I have these are all mine uh ones I have purchased and owned so I probably don't have a lot of hate for any of them does that make sense at some point I purchased these some of them years ago over a decade ago I guess on some of them all right before we start I want to thank Bud's Gun Shop for all their support uh some of these we probably got in as a uh you're borrowed from buds at some point you know and then I liked it we sent it back if we did a video and then bought one that happens with some Firearms right but we really appreciate their support in great place to uh to order buy a suppressor they walk you through it they really Excel well not only in making great suppressors but helping you through the process as Sarah claimed to fame that's what makes them extra special and of course the Sonoran Desert Institute you could be extra special if you learn to work on Firearms or just learn more about them right and that's a great place to do it through distance learning and uh here we are okay what do we have now I've got several I won't belabor and I will try to get my brain focused and and not Mis speak on models and all that sort of thing so they're kind of out here randomly and we what we have here a good old classic the next DS 3.3 45 remember these still like that gun feels great yeah 45 you know Springfield Armory uh let's go this way what do we have here we have a Glock 380 a model 42. that's a little gun but it feels good has a nice crisp trigger I I have carried all of these of course in a pocket holster of course and look at here we even done a chapter two on this yet we got to do that uh this is the Hellcat from Springfield not even that old great pistol great pistol uh what do we have here this might be familiar to you a p365 a Sig yep seen those before haven't you and these are all unloaded of course and then we have the Glock 43x very very favorite firearm I've been carrying it lately you know there's a lot of them have towel and grips on them of course and this one even has them on the slide because they're a little slippery on the slide with with the Glock 43x but uh yeah 43 like that and then the ok6 Kimber known for decades and decades hundreds of years of revolver manufacture right not exactly but that's a nice one nice revolver I've got a holster of that somewhere all right man 357 Magnum if I didn't say so here's another oldie but goodie LCP this is a early model the first generation where the trigger got all the way back you know long pull man the newer ones are so much better than that but I still have that baby it still has that gun what is this oh you know what that looks like that looks like the p365 XL with the Wilson Combat grip module on it so you know that's our favorite right and then look at this baby oh yeah my LCP Max pretty cool huh LCP Max yep uh another generation or two from from this baby okay and we've got the old PM9 another oldie but a goodie PM9 I carried that a lot still kind of like that it's got a nice trigger and then you know what this is my 642 just did a 25 year or a 25th anniversary for this baby uh not long ago you saw that I hope so that's a good one and then here we have this looks like another sick p365 what the heck is that yep it is p365. this one has the uh yeah it has the XL grip module on it doesn't it looks like a 12 rounder there I've got both of them out here all right what else we have we have a Glock 43 still very popular for a lot of people okay you know you got 43x up here but it's got a much longer grip so this one suits a lot of people a little bit better and then we have the LCP another LCP another 380. this one is the uh the lcp2 and a much better trigger and much better feel right okay so that's what's out here I probably have some other Pistols that maybe could be classified you know with a good holster and I've got a holster for the Glock 19. I could actually get that in my pocket I probably should have brought out the Glock 26 because I have a pocket holster for it and I have carried it in my pocket a fair amount it's just that these have kind of replaced those as a pocket Choice all right I've got a 50 uh caliber Desert Eagle that thing is this big I used to carry it in my pocket but then I kind of shrank and I can't carry it anymore pretty funny huh so anyway we're these are I don't know if they're finalists but I thought I'd bring them out like for example let's just start eliminating them I don't want I don't want to keep y'all too long this year Pizza dinner and all that this LCP uh you know the old one obviously that's not going to be my first choice that's going to be a finalist PM9 as much as I like it there are firearms that have come along that I like better and the thing about the PM9 is cool you know one thing and some of you probably have the same feeling one thing that always bother me a little bit you load the mag and if you just sort of try to find feed that round in a first round in it would hang up almost every time you had to really make that thing slam forward on that first round or it wouldn't feed it and I don't think I've ever had trouble with them feeding and shooting them but that always bothered me a little bit you know all right what else here uh okay this guy I'm looking for ones to maybe eliminate from the finalists uh the good old XDS is a great gun if I if I feel like I've just got to have a 45 with a just a few rounds like five uh yeah I still might dig it out sometime so let's put it over there uh the Glock 42 I like it it feels good you know on a 380 I don't know uh it's kind of a tough choice between it and the uh the match now you don't have as much capacity though I think it just holds what six something like that so I'd probably go if I want something really small and light with the LCP Max yeah or yeah the LCP Max and in fact I think the LCP 2 holds six uh I know and but these things as small as they are uh I can aim them and shoot them pretty well so I'd probably go with a smaller even though the Glock might be a little bit better quality so I'm going to eliminate it and I'll tell you another reason this is one of the very few Glocks I've actually had some malfunctions with and I don't know it's something maybe the wrong ammo but it's a little more particular in terms of the ammo of the bullet configuration and everything as far as feeding and some of you all might have experienced that too okay once you get the right ammo I don't think you have a problem with them anybody else I can eliminate I think if I'm going down to one and it's going to be a revolver as attractive as having six rounds you know is and as good as this k6 feels I love it nice size great Revolver I'm I would I would choose the 642 because this thing is kind of a chunk when it comes to weight so if I'm going to carry revolver and go for the advantages of a revolver whatever that is and that would be maybe reliability in the field and all that I'll just go down to five and I'll have just an incredible little lightweight piece okay so we're making progress now we got some what's that oh yeah the 43. uh 43 is nice uh feels great I could live with it too but uh and I think uh Shield arms has a magazine I believe I I saw a red even for these to where it holds 10 maybe so you know it might be a pretty nice choice too if you want the shorter grip because that is one thing about the 43x it feels great in a hand I love it and I carry it a lot uh uh grip if it were just a hair shorter I think I'd like it better I'm going to eliminate 43 because I'm going to go with the 43x if I'm going to carry it 43. all right now what do we have we got some sort of duplicates uh what do we have here we got three of these crazy p365s don't we uh this is the standard let's eliminate this one this is the uh I don't know it's got the XL grip on it and it's got the standard uh you know slide that's a nice combination but I Also let's see you're awesome well you gotta you can make any configuration you want I if I'm going to carry the p365 I've about decided I I am going to carry the 12 round flush you know grip module all right and since I prefer the Wilson it gives me a little more of meat I'm going to eliminate the standard one and then it comes down between the the two this is your standard p365 which feels great but I really have grown accustomed to that XL grip I like the XL grip and I can carry it with any trouble so I'm gonna I'm Gonna Keep It In the finalist pile here okay we're making progress people oh here's what is this this is the old Hellcat I like this thing and if it's all I had I'd be perfectly happy but I don't know what it is I I end up not carrying it uh you know I end up with the Sig or the 642 or the 43x for some reason I don't know what it is but maybe too many guns too many choices this thing this thing is nice I really have maybe we have to revisit this I'm gonna put him over here for now I gotta eliminate them trying to get down to one and then again with the uh LCP you know if I'm going to go with the LCP I guess I would be dumb not to go with the 10 shot right so let's uh do the LCP Max and eliminate the standard one all right we're down to four making some progress huh this is tricky uh I think since it's simple enough uh to get bigger than 380 in the pocket you know with that 38 or nine millimeter I'm going to eliminate the 380 I like that and uh and again of course it kind of depends on what you're wearing it could be that the LCP II not even the max is the perfect gun to carry it could be with however your dress so I'm quite aware of all that you got some swimming trunks on it or something in your running sure it's got to be you need something extremely light maybe even almost lighter than 642 so there are different scenarios right for different Farms would be more appropriate okay so down to three you know what I think I'm gonna have to do and maybe take a shot before I can make this decision okay and let's find some ammo I've got uh let's see some 38 Special here and speaking of that I want to thank our new ammo supplier and uh check the description for more information but that's why you're seeing a variety ammo here 38 Special I'm going to take some shots there so check out wideners order you some bullets all right like we do let's shoot this thing I need to remind myself again how's it feel how does it feel Let's bowl with this sucker look at that look at that strike about this target bullseye nice and of course that reminds me speaking of uh pocket uh Carey I think this pile of holsters I have to back through the years the 642 of course these are the Alabama holster we appreciate their support they are a sponsor and as what as you see that stack of holster that's the reason uh I've been using them so long and they're just so extremely pleased to bring them on board you know they make great holsters both belt holsters and pocket holster purse holsters and everything else Alabama holster uh so I have one for almost all these firearms because if I'm going to carry it in my pocket it's going to be in one of these holsters uh so yeah I always like the the old 642 and I have a magazine loaded for I think just an anticipation let's shoot the 640 or the 43x okay a favorite bit in my pocket a lot lately in fact that is hard to beat it's uh the only thing is where's my 43x holster you notice how to label them it becomes a nightmare if you don't uh the grip even in my large pockets is a little a little long but it works it works it does oh yeah 43x hit the 642 and that leaves uh to fire the 365 and I think I have a MAG here 12 round mag yeah I think I'm shooting some Underwood Ammo here today all right is that the uh oh you know what I forgot about it with that well I don't know what that's not overloaded is that creating a that's the XL and it's the Wilson Combat grip module so there's something about that that uh exact floor plate yeah interesting oh you know what it is duh this is uh I'm sorry I'm not quite as dumb as I appear maybe I am this is for the regular p365. I did that on purpose just so a learning moment okay see so if you've got the the magazine for the standard p365 you don't want to try to put it in the longer grip because it holds 12. or else it'll it'll it'll that will happen it won't lock in okay I was just trying to show you all that believe that all right there's the dead SDI badge how about the gone oh man it feels good about a bowling pin right here nice yeah that's a sweetie that's a sweetie and uh let me remind myself too on the grip yeah I kind of get just a little less length on the grip just a hair and I and of course I get 12 rounds instead of 15. that's only because I've got the shield arms mag in here that I get 15. but the grip's the same length either way so all right so I'm down to two then I think between these two if I had to choose one it would be this uh p365 XL or with the up the small shorter slide either one but with the I like the Wilson Combat grip on that okay between these two babies I've got to make a decision for the rest of my life for a pocket pistol and it's the only pocket pistol I can have that's what they've been telling me so pop them in a holster uh y'all help me out yeah look at this isn't that crazy uh I'm down to two I'm having difficulty choosing between and they're so different you know five rounds versus 12. and you could basically go to war well you all know what I mean y'all they're Shooters uh you could go to battle with this thing it I mean this is how how different is this from a even a Glock 19 not that much it feels about as good and I think I could shoot it almost as well and yeah you gotta really uh effective pistol here with 12 rounds and you can get mags to hold more so it ought to be that it really ought to be uh but uh I still can't get away from this 642 because no matter what I'm wearing or you're wearing you could handle this thing okay and it is so light it is so light and I'm just gonna have to choose a 642. I'm sorry just for all around something to put in your pocket and it's gonna go boom and if you get killed for lack of shooting back more than five rounds maybe that's your fault you're you're just destined to for that to be the last day of your life on this planet you know so I'm going to choose that as number one but and I'll shoot it let me get some ammo here again appreciate wideners and uh I'm gonna choose that one as my gun my last choice but I'm going to also emphasize is not my final choice this is not going to happen I'm not giving up any of these and I'm certainly not giving up my p365 and what ends up happening is uh it just depends on the day or what I am wearing or actually where I'm going okay as to which of these I I carry okay so these two and even the 43x this is my rotation this is what you're looking at right here so even though I'm going to choose this one if I don't have any others I have to live with it for a lot of different reasons uh it it's this is my rotation okay and uh I'm going to put it in my pocket this is about pocket guns right and if I encountered a desperate situation no matter what I'm wearing now how in the world did that happen on that two liter Ally look at that and how the world did I not smokes in pots yeah I'll tell you I got a couple left so I'm gonna put him back in my holster and I'm gonna go down here close enough so that the uh cowboy Desperado can insult me and I can hear it and I hear him right now out of my left ear yeah he's saying really uh he's threatening me it's what a pocket pistol's all about so you can address a threat and then also I had another round man how did I miscount that was that's right two is four okay so I guess five rounds is just too many right so this is my final Choice uh but it's really not because like I said I rotate around putting on my attire and uh yeah what desperate situations I might encounter is uh you can't beat this as an all-around pocket pistol but then again uh there are times when being able to have that that Sig p365 or that 43x Glock is extremely comforting and while both are a little heavier and a little larger uh they're very very doable as well so last pocket pistol I ever sell and uh and this the one doesn't get into sentimental either I meant to bring the other one out uh you know I always like to eliminate any sentimental guns right away you probably saw the 25th anniversary on this exact pistol I've got another one that is just like this and it's headed out in that video I think and it's not so what I would do if I were going to give one of these up I'd give up the new one I would keep this one because I've had so long so the cinnamon is not an issue with this but uh this is the last pistol I would keep this one or the new one whatever all right that makes sense life is good oh yeah that's better this is a great gun for defense oh hey didn't see you guys there uh well I've got you here I want to remind you of our friends over at Talon grips and ballastal Italian grips makes uh grips can you believe it uh for all different types of firearms you can get rough texture or more of a rubberized texture uh just sticks right on there you know really affordable really cool option to and improve the grip for your handguns or or rifles so please check them out at you'll be glad you did and also ballastal dad has been using ballastal for many years it's a cleaner and a lubricant and it's non-toxic it works really great and we're happy to have them on board since it's been a part of our shooting Endeavor for a very long time so go to and also while you're out there I'm juggling all these things here also uh while you're on the internet please do check out our other social media like Hickok45 on Facebook there's also hickash 45 on Twitter the real Hickok45 on Instagram there's a John underscore Hickok45 on Instagram where I do some things there's you can find us also on gunstreamer so check out all that stuff and then watch more videos
Channel: hickok45
Views: 1,008,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hickok45, shooting range, steel targets, gun safety, second amendment, Federal Premium, Budsgunshop, SDI, Ballistol, Talon Grips, 9mm, pistol, magnum, target
Id: cgVxU1kC_Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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