14,000 People Build a Level

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no what you're watching right now is 14 000 people building a geometry dash level at the same time every person can place or delete one object from the level every five minutes and after 50 hours we try to play it some friends and I spent two months planning and programming this and we had no idea if this was even gonna work alright it starts in one minute okay I'm so nervous there's like a 50 chance that it just explodes oh God three two one oh God there we go it's total chaos but now people are deleting stuff at least it's working it has not broken yet this is a freaking miracle [Music] but we do have like some kind of gameplay for me I think oh God we have Among Us yeah Among Us that's the first coherent thing of course wow is this block design they can't frighten you though because there's no u-block okay two J blocks we'll do it 2J box go guys yo we got it [Music] thank you this is Joe or it's not Joe yet but it soon will be right now it's just a regular block but soon after someone put a smiley face on it which inspired others to start building arms and legs the people then decided to write Joe in capital letters next to this being they had created which meant the figure no longer just had a body but also a soul this would be the first of the Joe kind a species that would soon flourish across the level meanwhile smiley faces were also giving a soul to the top left corner where for some reason a bunch of people had just started placing them there similar naturally forming projects were actually happening all over the place like these segments from bloodbath random club step monsters a bunch of flags this Abomination and many many more however unbeknownst to these seemingly innocent smiley faces they were about to go to war against streamer a legendary Spanish player Senor guester who in an act of incredible humility commanded this Army of fans to expand this characteristic checkerboard pattern right into what the smiley faces claimed to be their territory what kiester did not know is that despite the Mindless Expressions on those smiley faces behind them was immense tactical genius the smiley faces quickly sent numerous spies into enemy land to suss out their defense measures and cause disarray from the inside before at the right moment launching a devastating attack on the helpless checkerboard though they vigorously fought back Fiesta's Army eventually had to settle for a border further inside the original territory and peace was restored for now anyways back to whatever we were doing let me see if this gameplay here sinks not really I can't it's kind of hard to tell it's the start still playable there's there's a saw blade on the start guys I'm gonna delete it for you we're now about 12 hours in and at this point people were starting to consider actually making a playable level instead of just random artworks everywhere however during this period we'd also gone from Just 4 000 participants to over 10 000 and while most people wanted to make a good normal level others just wanted chaos The Impossible levels list team for example took it upon themselves to create this if you put this in a real level you would need to click at an accuracy of 0.00005291 seconds to pass it three times which is humanly impossible they were also making sure it was completely impossible to skip these clicks by making giant walls of portals and saws before it however it's a lot easier to hide skips than to make them impossible and some clever person actually managed to hide just one object in this mess that saved the level from impossibility meanwhile France decided their flag wasn't fat enough lots of cool pixel art was being made and people were slowly starting to notice the giant spinning picture of Obama in the top right corner Joe update the Joes have taken to the skies going way past where anyone ever thought they could go the Joes are also evolving and adapting themselves to the environment to further facilitate their Ascent towards the great unknown a Joe was also spotted way further into the level labeled Joe far from Dome symbolizing the Joe's endless lust for exploration the Joes are more powerful than they have ever been surely nothing can go wrong now [Music] hey remember how France made their flag fatter yeah they just kept going at this point the French flag was by far the biggest Creation in the level and not everyone was happy about it kiester for example having recently lost the war against the smiley faces had this reaction s now this sounds like a bit of a reckless decision but if his entire Army Struck it once it could maybe work all he had to do was wait for the right moments yester's Army started on top attacking from the corners after claiming the top they quickly started descending placing various random decoy objects along the way to confuse the panicked French defense as they made their way down the French tried to assemble as many people to defend as possible but this battle was already decided he had defeated the biggest player in the game and he could now rest upon his throne watching his personal icon beautifully rendered in Endless black and white knowing that he was on top and then immediately after he stopped streaming they rebuilt the entire thing in like an hour before brutally destroying the One Creation he'd spent ages on many times welcome to the programming language Corner featuring all your favorite programming languages such as C plus plus C sharp C holy c c sus Haskell Half-Life and of course spawn in other news we're now 30 hours in and surprisingly some parts of the level are actually starting to look pretty playable but there is of course no way of knowing that before the event is over at this point people were starting to realize that if they wanted to finish a project they would have to start now foreign [Music] [Music] let me tell you a story about a giant spinning picture of Obama so even though I had collected some of the finest programming minds of the solar system creating a huge collaborative level editor without everything exploding is quite a daunting task however from the very early days of development he was there it was not before he appeared to us leading the infinite Obama grid that we knew that what we thought was a temporary test image we had chosen had actually chosen us for what is work without inspiration what is a team without a leader what is a people without a God and what is a social experiment without weirdly ambiguous political implications Joe update the Joe's are brutally murdering and mutilating each other this is not a drill Joe's had been spotted killing shooting and ripping apart each other's limbs what was mere hours ago a peaceful civilization that's now descended into chaos could this be the end of this once thriving species [Music] there are now only few hours remaining and people are scrambling to get their projects finished groups of people are also scouring the gameplay to make sure there's a possible way through While others are focusing on causing as much destruction as possible [Music] thank you oh God there's like four minutes left thank you everyone Thanks for participating 30 seconds ready Charmander goodbye I'm hoping this goes correctly [Music] [Music] foreign Obama farewell before we actually played the level let's look at some Statistics over the course of the event over 14 000 people joined in most of them only placing one object these are the people who place the most objects the champion being this person yes that's their username who plays a total of 446 objects that's almost a hundred more than number two uh okay let's turn on like a thousand hacks and try to like this is not the official verification by the way we'll just figure out if it's possible okay it's impossible to see what's going on at the start here okay you can't go there apparently oh you can go through that okay [Music] this is an interesting way to go up the door we're out okay past the Joe's going through here why is this so playable what okay that that's not very playable though or is it oh wait that's not that's not a hitbox that's just a little cute guy why why have you not run into any issues yet this is insane no impossible sections yet somehow hey remember that impossible triple click someone made the people who built it made it completely unskippable by creating this giant wall of Q portals however there is a straight unobstructed line right here and if you had say a dash orb you could Dash all the way through this and continue on and as it turns out in the cube portals hidden in their own defense someone plays The One Singular Dash orb turning this section from humanly impossible to just really hard but none of that actually matters because there's a giant wall of cells like five seconds after it this wall goes all the way from the top of the level to the bottom so even if there was a secret path earlier in the level they would still die to this so the level is impossible right actually no if you go through the level normally to this point go through this Pixel Perfect Gap weave your way through this mess use the hidden gravity portal and land in this huge cluster of bull portals near the top you can roll all the way into the ship portal which is so far up in the level that the ceiling is just above the height limit enabling you to slide over the huge wall and miraculously you can follow this top path all the way to the end of the level however in the official level we decided to poke a hole in this wall and also delete a couple of other troll objects so that the path most people worked really hard on is the only possible path of course this made the level extremely hard and to upload a level you need to fully complete it first so we decided to hire some professional help what is this oh yeah this is beautiful what do I even do where do I go okay I think we're on the right path and then you go there is that a spike what kills me here I have no idea this this is certainly a level I'm very surprised that the the gameplay being functional I did not expect this ah we're playing bloodbath now I love how Vegeta Community just collectively decided yeah we're just gonna make bloodbath in the bloodbath part that is a tight way part oh my goodness gracious okay chill level so as it turns out this level is just really annoying to play because While most of the level is relatively easy some small parts are extremely hard so instead of torturing one person with this level we decided to torture 100 people simultaneously instead [Music] foreign [Music] person managed to Beat It and the level could be uploaded and we uploaded the completely unmodified version 2 in case anyone wants to try that one it might not be very good looking it might not be very fun but I think it's beautiful in its own special very special way so yeah that's pretty much it show update Frozen in their weakest moments the fate of the Jews is as somber as it is brutal one cannot help but wonder what mistake did they make what led to this once great people being set in stone as mere barbarians [Music] perhaps they grew suspicious of each other perhaps as they grew more diverse as each group different from the other one Joe could no longer tell the other apart from the rest of creation after all what is there in the Joe that grants him his identity who Among Us can call themselves a Joe who is Joe okay bye
Channel: Spu7Nix
Views: 4,407,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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