1 Minute VS 1000 Hour Level!

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this is what a level made in 1 minute looks like which doesn't look the greatest let's be honest but what would it look like if this person instead of a minute would have gotten a thousand hours to make their build would it still be as Scrappy as this or would it become a masterpiece well that's what you're about to find out right now because in this video I invited some of J tradition's best creators to decorate a level in barely any time all the way to them having 1,000 hours to decorate it but let's start off simple with our first group the one minute Builders meet moldy Brad and Clay fuzzy some pretty decent creators who made some cool stuff in the game they will only have 60 seconds to decorate this customade layout which I forgot to mention is empty except for a few portals being in it let's see what these creators are able to do in such a short period of time moldy brat clay fussy are you guys ready yep I guess so yeah then your time we start now oh yeah I forgot to say the level's empty what oh you're kidding okay okay it's fine it's fine 30 seconds are you kidding me this is crazy well 5 4 3 2 one time is up it was now time to judge and the first build did not impress [Music] yeah this is uh this kind of ass yeah yeah it's pretty empty bro that looked like it was made in 10 seconds he sneezed and just like placed random objects on the screen oh oh he actually made something I mean this is like probably the best now that we know who the winner is let's call him and see what he won moldi you just won $1 for winning the one minute round yo I love $1 the winner from each round will get a cash price that every round gets bigger so these Stakes are high as you can see the one minute Builders did a pretty bad but this just was a joke round since the players I invited in this short round were the real deal the actual good creators are in the upcoming rounds and believe me they are very good let's see what the 1 hour creators are able to do okay boys all three of you have 60 Minutes to decorate the following layout your time starts now even though they had way more time than the one minute creators these three people still were in a lot of stress to outperform each other in order to win okay fast and I can finish this trust me I'm speed running three two one time is up guys now that every Creator is finished let's see who the winner is okay we have something it doesn't look too bad for 1 hour yeah it does look kind of empty but for like 1 hour it's kind of logical yeah it's it's really cool for one hour I like it yeah yeah this looks a lot better I yeah I think this this slps this laps [Music] yeah oh it looks like feature worthy to be honest I mean by now it's like a little bit copy pasted but I it's definitely like very solid yeah from now on after reviewing each build we would also give it a rating from 1 to 10 based on how good it was and this round's winner was pretty obvious Jay-Z you won the one hour rounds how are you feeling feeling that's insane as you were able to see the one-hour builds looked a lot better than the one minute ones but we have three more rounds that each time would keep getting more impressive let's start with the 10hour one since these creators didn't record our builds except for this guy I asked them what they thought of their builds after spending 10 hours straight on them I'm going to say it sucks I kind of hate it honestly kind of terrible I almost lost my mind building as you can see all the players were confident that they were going to win but let's see who the true winner is oh what the hell bro this looks so cool oh W Al the gameplay going up that's crazy oh they get dark that's such a cool effect that's so cool since the first build instead of the original 18-second layout was a full one minute level I can't show the entire thing but it's got a great score I'll give it a 7.5 I think seven sounds really right yeah I'm going to put like 7.5 oh wow oh right wait this is amazing oh the the atmosphere is so good there little Among Us in the the beginning do you see that wait really oh wait oh yeah look on the floor I'm going to give it a nine um I'm going to give it like a eight I'll give it an eight with an average of 8.3 life check the creator of this level was in the lead and only one other level was [Music] left not going to lie little bit let down little bit let down yeah it doesn't look too bad but in comparison with like the other stuff it's like a little of a let down you know before we get into the final 1,000 hour round round let's see what our 100h hour contestants were able to do we got three levels here one made by blee a player nominated for being the best art Creator in the game won by enex a player known for some extremely realistic anend art he made and limit an unknown but incredible Creator I know I said these guys were good but when we opened the first level we couldn't believe what we saw oh my God oh my God Jesus [Music] that's so cool that's so well animated the book like everything yeah this is insane this actually like yeah this is like uh the best level ever Contender the first creader named blee was able to transform the simple layout into a masterpiece each small detail looking spoton with ble having gotten an average rating of a nine the next two guys needed to show something amazing and against all expectations this is exactly what happened oh dude the AR I bro this is so cool it's like a nine you know I'll give this one a 9 to eight this level made by enex looked fantastic but it wasn't just a level it told a story about himself he lives in a country that is currently in a war with another country and with this level he wanted to show exactly what was going on near him every single day which made the level feel really special to all of us with two Creations having been judged we were just left with the final one wait what the hell is this it was empty okay V you uh you won 50 bucks that's great that's great I'm so happy right now thank you so much the 100 hour creators were able to transform this layout into an absolute Masterpiece well most of them but what would the creators with 10 times as much time be able to do in the last and most timeconsuming round each competitor had exactly a th000 hours to build the best thing they could possibly make and since the previous rounds entries were made in Just 4 days we were expecting some incredible stuff we just didn't know what exactly to expect our competitors are medy and Viper since the winner would win $100 this round both competitors were that serious on taking home the win but just what were they capable of with so much time well me and the judges were going to find it out in a few seconds oh oh it's pretty cool I mean ah it looks it looks cute though I think it's cute at the end of the day but I you know you know that yeah that was it Viper who started with an empty layout ended with a realistic creation of modern nature and it looked beautiful would is rival medy be able to do even better though when we opened this level we would quickly get her answer oh okay okay yeah here we go oh okay that's okay while it was impressive what he did for a creation made in 1,000 hours we were a little disappointed and the winner was decided pretty quickly yo Viper you won $1,000 no way that's very awesome the 1,000 hour round results might not have been the greatest but we did learn one thing no matter how much time you get to create something you still have to put in the work subscribe so thank you uh Wabo for the uh like $1 I think we're going to we're going to get this okay let's let's go and pay
Channel: Waboo
Views: 2,274,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, build battle
Id: 4ukFOddhlM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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