Geometry Dash, But ONLY Cube...

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stereo Madness is impossible because I just installed a mod that removes every portal in this challenge I have to get 1 000 stars with just a cube that jumps which usually results in deaths like these if I reach 50 000 attempts I have to give this guy one thousand dollars nah bro there's no way you're gonna be this challenge like it just straight up sounds impossible well every main level happened to be impossible except polargeist this level only had one easy ship part which required me to jump over a few blocks going into the online realm since Poltergeist was my only lead I decided on playing every level with the song polargeist if they take enough inspiration from this Banger then maybe I can beat them out of the 183 rated Poltergeist levels I was only able to beat seven now I have 31 Stars so only 969 more stars to go why do I force myself to do this my next idea was to search up wave I unintentionally found this level wave the Galaxy after passing this icon part what was normally meant to be a ship her was actually a secret way after checking a ton of other levels out I would find secret ways in door Bay basic 5 Bloom and Demon Park this is the first demon and it was hardly possible I had a hold with my icon to give my second jump a slight boost making this normally Impossible Jump possible I kept going and instead of going through this gravity ball part I fell into a secret way I wasn't out of the clear yet though you see this block here there was Zero reason for him too cold to place that block in the editor 8 years ago but for the first time in Geometry Dash history it would actually be used I was able to briefly get back into the main route and sneak right under this Spike Gap to complete my first demon I would have to be creative with my skips in cap Kingdom there's this normally robot part where you just jump on the edge of these blocks rather than holding then there's this boss fight the first Target is obviously impossible to get but with a precise jump the second target is possible and the third target is automatic after eliminating this fun specimen I decided to check every single easy rated level in the game I had no other ideas even though these were 2 Stars over 90 percent of them were still impossible for my Cube to complete there were with pretty easy secret ways some didn't even require a click there were also a few levels which were either entirely Cube only anyways or hardly contained as although there were some interesting ones the tragic end I kept getting killed by a mysterious room after some investigation I realized that a precise timing would be needed to race to the finish in varying Christmas I don't know why but the Creator decided to randomly put 47 triple Spike jumps in a row for anyone unfortunate enough to make it to the bottom of the level which shouldn't even be possible if you're playing normally whatever free two stars am I right in air I shifted below the level but in order to avoid dying to a future wall I had to get back into the level to finish it normally well as normal as icon only gameplay gets at least in mystical Forest I hopped over some gems and skipped the rest of the level goodbye would have been impossible if the Creator didn't Implement a generous health bar system I still died to parts that were meant to be Auto while there was still some difficult deaths I was eventually able to make my way to Mercy a level where I had to precisely jump from structure to structure in order to avoid the void some other levels would have been way harder if the Creator didn't make pretty much every part automatic monody should actually be impossible for my icon because of this orange pad but for some reason the Creator decided to make these spikes friendly we take those I don't even know how it's possible to die in app too I disobeyed all the directions and yet I was chilling this was nice and all but there were three final easy levels that I had to beat which had demon level timings chronology was terrible there was this blind jump into the first ship part and I had to precisely jump over certain structures and slip right in the middle of these invisible lines in the last half of the level I couldn't afford a single mistake I had to know what to jump over or if there was an invisible blue pad somewhere because honestly it felt randomized then there was Loft a level which is pretty much Auto until I had to do this Frame perfect clip into this structure the final easy level I had to face was gloomy Forest which required me to go through this weird coin route to jump over what would normally be an impossible Gap in the main routes now I have to go through over 1 000 normal levels and as you may expect over 90 percent of them were impossible this is gonna be interesting The Time Machine easy I was able to jump over all of these Rockets during Felix I had to jump on the edge of this structure to get to the next part the riding on the whale and clicking on square or part wasn't too bad and now that's good sync everything was fine until I got trolled I beat it the next attempt though in elemental power I just had to do a few jumps and watch these two cubes have an epic battle to the death boom plus was interesting because without this coin router level would have been impossible the issue is there was an invisible wall at 96. however I remember that there was an odd set of blue pads that were probably misplaced and still remaining when the level was uploaded by hitting this blue pattern jumping over these blocks I was just about able to secure boom Plus's Stars endings was free aside from this one difficult jump entering the void I got real lucky with these hitboxes after a streak of easy secret ways I was about to confront my greatest challenge yet stuff I used was an extremely slow level and this ship part unintentionally contained some really difficult jumps it only gets worse from here playing normally in Celestial you'd think to jump to the next structure but it turns out that taking a brief dip in the lava lake is the more appealing option after escaping the secret base I had to rematch Jeff in dash Fighters Jeff was here with a Slater ninja and I realized my issue I was trying way too hard to strategize in this match really all I had to do was pick the boxer with the highest attack stat and smash in choices I obviously chose the easy route and went through the secret way after getting some useless items in the vault I was able to go through some secret ways I thought reach would be like the others until I faced an invisible wall at least that's what I thought but in reality I had to precisely time a jump to get to the end screen now destination Utopia is already pretty hard for a three star but with icon only it's brutal I had to do a very precise input to get over this structure there was an invisible wallet 73 but if I held before the part started and got lucky I was able to land on a cloud and make it to the final destination in this ancient Adventure I have to quote unquote collect the keys to success or do absolutely nothing hope that didn't hurt too much for this guy and last one I clipped into the structure which you'd think was a block design because of the black background but no it's just empty with layout lines the rest wasn't too difficult and Over the Horizon these clouds have tiny hitboxes luckily they are tiny enough that I can slip through them after beating shayo and limbo I would find a somewhat promising lead Super Mario Bros levels while some were impossible I was able to complete a few I finished off the normal difficulty with several basic looking levels and my star count was still under 400. now there are 600 Auto levels but unlike in the no jump video most of these are still impossible usually because of different physics between game modes ironically the first possible Auto I found was Canon which is one of the few remaining Auto levels where you have to jump to completed normally so my long end exhausting grind of Auto levels began during this time I realized I had a major problem on my hands even if I checked through all of them I still wouldn't have 1000 Stars and I'd eventually be forced into investigating far harder levels at least the auto level grind distracted me from my inevitable Doom during this time I had a interesting experience with lip sync monody foreign [Music] is a story about this dude and his dog that live a peaceful and quiet life until boom dude dies in the hospital truly a sad fate okay this is just a messed up thing to put on a gravestone guess what happens to his dog yeah I haven't seen a story this side in the GD level since oh anyways I beat and slide which is the only automatic six star map for your microbiome I was able to face through the hitboxes of these structures I was surprised to find out that I didn't have no clip enabled after jumping over what's meant to be gravity ball gaps I went fishing this level was further proof that every perfect game has to have a fishing minigame after going through this saw once again not no clip I got into a car and I fueled up for an epic race who needs NASCAR when you have Geometry Dash I won the race obviously but I came to the quick realization that it could quite possibly be my final Victory to my knowledge all of the easy levels had been eliminated and I still had over 400 stars that needed to be collected to win the challenge with no way out I folded under the pressure if you don't get the rest of those scars bro the 1K is in my bag I quit the challenge for months feeling hopeless until I realized what helped me succeed in my previous 1000 star challenge which wasn't just the Autos it was also a bot that scanned specific levels in the server to help me advance after asking many coders and getting denied I found GD colon who came up with an interesting Solution by tracking the amount of portals in every rated level he created a list applying a danger value to each level the maps with a score of zero are a breeze with the gameplay only consisting of a cube while on the other hand almost everything above 20 was practically impossible as I began grinding I wasn't sure if even the list could save me from my misery sure there were some low scores but danger scores as low as 5 tended to make the level impossible luckily I was able to get dozens of stars from old levels since Cube used to be one of the only game modes back then for some odd reason there were also four dinosaur theme levels that only use the cube this part in Cretaceous route could have totally been a gravity ball but the Creator clutched up and made it a gravity flipping icon I even got easy stars from the no internet dinosaur after hopping over T-Rex's I entered Quantum Heaven yeah this stuff looks worse than Discord light mode luckily there's a low detail mode which saved me from being blinded during this journey I commonly had to control things that didn't look like a cube like this penguin this slime and the same outfit the levels only got harder after I reached 700 Stars Mira had a ton of memory segments forcing me to pause every second like I was Paco verifying silent club step no level I faced up to this point could prepare me for heaven a ripoff of The Impossible game that only has Cube gameplay this sounds like it'd be three stars but it was the hardest level yet these blocks fell down too early these blocks appear too late after a hundred attempts I quit this level feeling defeated the next few levels I completed didn't feel satisfying and I was running out of normal levels to play but luckily there's still a truckload of mini game levels first was box fall at first it was extremely difficult but shortly after doubting that it was possible I fluked the victory after lasering monsters dodging asteroids and destroying the final boss in an epic space fight I entered wizard kill which contains so much interesting lore skip pretty much I gotta beat this dude up to get the ultimate drippy chain at first he was destroying me but then I came up with the perfect strategy to own this fraud spamming in Mobility I had to be patient in order to not get crushed and make it to the ending after a few rounds of mini golf I played knife hit luckily I'm a knife throwing professional world renowned for my knife throwing ability I guess then I was hired to spend one night at Rob tops I'm not gonna lie this was actually scary instead of actually trying to outsmart the animatronics I just looked at the top comment and followed the directions classic Matt Mart Behavior I know after hitting 800 Stars I finally returned to somewhat normal Geometry Dash Maps it felt great until I encountered platform Adventure which nearly made me quit everything this level was terribly made despite me not hitting the keys here I would end up dying a lot to these awful trigger hitboxes this last part was barely possible and after all of this ahead of me was the worst obstacle I had faced in eight years of playing Geometry Dash this god-forsaken box it's only possible if I precisely jump beforehand and increase the height of my second jump so that I dodged the hitbox by a few pixels I proceeded to spend a hours and hours down to mostly stupid things platform Adventure demoralized me and I quit trying to beat it after this L I needed some W's so I went to Alcove which may look tricky but these spikes are as Tiny as they look so I was fine after playing some of the worst levels for hours on end I was finally able to catch a break despite the level being a demon starquick only had Cube gameplay by using my past experience I seized 10 new stars with ease unfortunately on Cove wasn't so easy by the end of this level this object representing my icon tended to become very inaccurate so I was forced to play by Instinct after my space Expedition I played limbo no worries it's just a three star but a very sad one to look at not as sad as alone this woman just leaves me and I spent the rest of the level traveling through different environments just to get a girl she better be a baddie shush next I would spend over 10 minutes getting humiliated by a tic-tac-toe computer sure I got my two stars for now but if the singularity ever happens I'm losing to the tic-tac-toe AI first at least I passed door Bay quiz where I proved my reading ability by copying the directions of the top comments this spike is over there just kidding it isn't this level constantly tries to fool you with a song made just for the level but nothing can fool me if I use the power of the top comments after cheating a questionable amount of times I was forced to return to mini games sadly after being destroyed by glass Joe I went to ax fight where guess what I did that's right fight with axes except not really after destroying a few NPCs I picked up this double-bladed sword very nice looking ax as you can see after many hard-fought battles I finally survived what I had a harder time surviving was agario a game which I'm historically not very good the timer for this level was more annoying than the viruses eventually I won and went out Alpine skiing towards the bottom of the mountain the level became extremely fast the only thing saving my completion with the several lives I had soon I would have to go on my longest journey yet master game is the ultimate Mini-Game level it's an entire RPG made in Geometry Dash that would take hours for a normal person to be but I'm no simpleton after looking at the comments entering the passcode and barely beating the evil penguin boss I added a third demon to my collection next I had to play some difficult Auto levels animation Rift 3 was weird if I did nothing after this part with blue pads I'd end up face to face with an unavoidable wall by using a mod to study the hitboxes of these segments I was able to memorize the invisible slopes on my next run and carefully jump over the gaps for the lion City I had to remember two pads that were particularly deadly because of Icon physics fortunately I was able to take a break and watch a few animations 900 Stars only a hundred more to go while my journey was close to ending the levels that I had to beat were only gonna get harder and harder I couldn't understand his strength which forced me to watch a YouTube video and follow the route perfectly at this point skipping levels wasn't an option as it would risk me playing far worse levels in the high danger tier after chopping a lot of wood in timburman I was forced to re-enter the boxing ring for years I was never even able to beat glass Joe but this time I decided to study all of his attack patterns these health bars are misleading the biggest threat is actually the timer after getting bodied a ton of times I channeled all of my Smash Bros skill and annihilated glass Joe the next fighter would be bald bull who is way tougher for hours I struggled to finish him off but on one lucky attempt I got to Bald Bull's final attack I perfectly timed this hit and KO punched bald bull out of the Arena my time in the ring taught me that no candy was quite sweeter than revenge I thought about it and realized that I couldn't truly beat the icon only challenge without first beating my inner demons I was ready for hell so I returned to heaven with my past experience I actually memorized most of the traps allowing for a much easier completion this was my most satisfying Victory yet primarily because this level features a lot of triple spikes the most famous way of testing your skill as a cube to become a cube master I would not only have to get 1 000 stars but I'd also have to be become a master of the triple Spike jump I began the end of my journey by beating Spike Spike spike 980 stars then I got two more stars in the double triple trial 982 Stars after entering the triple trial I had to jump over 50 triple spikes in a row 990 Stars ten more to go this is trip an insane demon if I was a top player this would be one of the easiest parts of the video but I'm matmar a guy who's never beaten an extreme demon this was an intimidating challenge but I knew I couldn't end this video another way so I spent thousands of attempts grinding if you're somehow able to get through all these crazy timings you still have to beat the final two jumps first is a six bike jump from digoxy my strategy for this was pre-jumping in the middle of the O then the final jump was created by Michigan an extended triple Spike I realized I had to keep going if not for myself then for my subscribers and especially my members yes yes after eight months it's finally done one thousand stars more shiny let's go dude you actually like have like no no clue I can't believe I'm saying this but it was actually possible thanks for watching and I'll see you later
Channel: MatMart
Views: 2,387,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geometry Dash, 2.11, GD, MatMart, GMD, Can You BEAT Geometry Dash Without Portals?, Challenge, Geometry Dash Challenge, geometry dash all levels, Geometry Dash Extreme Demon, Geometry Dash 2.1, Geometry Dash 2.11, Geometry Dash MatMart, Geometry Dash Easy Demon, Geometry Dash Demon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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