Making Terrible Geometry Dash Shorts

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foreign [Music] this was a mistake okay so if you're into Geometry Dash you've probably started coming across some shorts or tick tocks for the game shorts have always been a little Infamous for being cringy or poorly made but nothing can compare to how awful the Geometry Dash ones are instead of showcasing the amazing creations and accomplishments in the community all people want to see is wave spam and the 200th you've been trolled layout it genuinely amazes me that people will go out of their way to make videos this terrible just because they want views which is why I called up some friends and we tried to do even worse all right I am here with Azure Turk electrified geoblitz hell Castle Juniper lemon cake polygon donut and tried I don't know why you guys agreed to this but uh welcome what's up my life yo I will make a masterpiece today all right so here's the deal you guys are all gonna have an hour give or take to just make a GD short it can be as terrible as you want in fact I encourage that and uh whoever makes the best short by the end will win 50 billion dollars that's a lot of dollars there we go retention is high now is it like the best worst or worst best I guess we'll find out try to kill as many brain cells as possible all right three two one and go yeah um now that lemon Cake's deafened uh if you look at General I made a little no all right so here's the plan you know those tear terrible levels of difficulty shorts I'm basically going to do that just on drugs I'm not entirely sure yet but uh we're just gonna see what happens my plan is to just like make a level one to level like five I guess uh also accompanied by world's smallest violin I'm gonna make the layout look good from the start and then like it progressively just gets lazier and lazier over time like I I don't know if you can tell this just gets lazier alright so basically I'm doing face reveals of every Geometry Dash YouTuber but the funny haha twist is that oh would you look at that the the face reveals are not entirely accurate as you can see after researching on some Geometry Dash shorts and just YouTube shorts in general a lot of them feel like they only exist to just simply waste your time so my goal with this short is to just waste the viewers time as much as possible I'm gonna do something like his reaction to beating the level is legendary but the video just goes on like multiple minutes straight and there's just no reaction at the end the thing is that the audience of GD shorts is usually people who aren't familiar with GD so show them Duo mode and they're gonna like lose their minds man this resource bet looks so weird everything looks too blocky and kinda ugly oh the bed is a cat I think people will like that okay so it's time for me to get started on my short um it's gonna be one of those traditional like should I give you one of this or do you want me to double and give it to the next person but it's gonna be significantly worse because it's Geometry Dash and it's me and I haven't edited videos in a long time it all starts with the scripting process you know what I'm saying yeah for reference uh let me just pull it up real quick I know what I'm doing are these the world's most crispy fries let's find out [Music] okay how's everyone doing so far progress I'm stripped in it you're scripting it you're writing a script for yours I was halfway through a voice typo when you when you message I was like wait no are you gonna do like the terrible Loop that ends with like so that's why uh don't worry about it don't worry about it all right watch this hardest thing in the game [Music] oh you know what you know what I should just speed hack it I'll just speed this up in post later recently I found this Twitter account called GD loops and they basically just make perfect Loops of Geometry Dash levels so this one I found for limbo I think is pretty good it's a pretty good length it's like 48 seconds until the loop happens so this is definitely gonna waste a lot of people's time so what I'm planning to do here is just conglomerate everything that has been awful about any of the previous shorts I've seen and just put it all into one single creation one thing I've noticed about these shorts is that they always use layouts and never fully decorated levels so if we just use layouts of really popular demon levels instead of the actual level it'll attract way more attention from little kids instead of like the actual thing here we have limbo but it's just the layout this looks impressive this looks harder than you've been trolled I'm gonna download this hold on Geometry Dash Noob versus Pro watch until they end for the hardest level in the game oh my God it's perfect so I got a little bit of the intro edited and I'm just gonna like put as many like things as possible on the screen to just overwhelm you you know the funny Geometry Dash things the funny Geometry Dash hahas I don't even know why I'm in this video I literally have not played Geometry Dash in five years you can't see it on camera right now but I'm recording some Subway Surfers footage this will come in handy later just trust me right now I'm downloading some freaking Subway Surfers gameplay so uh I can put it at the bottom of the screen because you know every good Tic Tac or YouTube sure just got one of these you know how much have you guys made so far I can't I can't even describe it I made a script editing it already and I'm starting the editing process and I have to do some voice over work s Australia now to start promising it just needs like a fart sound effect to go with it so I need to get an image of tried I have no idea who this is but I I might as well use him why not there it is okay no there can't be a curse word in there how am I meant to get 50 billion views on this now dude it's gonna get age restricted and everything okay I did a little bit of audio editing uh perfect okay so I'm making good progress but it just looks like chaos right now it doesn't look that bad now that I zoomed it out but I don't really know what's going on it's fun it's fun all right reporting in this is the seventh crash of the Season we're getting spicy up here haven't even just got started with this one so with the resource pack that I got for Minecraft the Minecraft menu looks like Geometry Dash as you can see here and I made it so when I clicked single player in Minecraft it actually takes us to the Geometry Dash single player tab the offline levels which I thought is a pretty neat thing that they might like okay I wasn't really sure how to end the short but I convinced walzy to send me this clip of him so uh we're gonna use that I love beauty cologne [Music] okay I made a few final touches and I think I'm done what is sketch heads I've never seen sketch heads before I have no idea what this is I'm drawing I don't know I'll draw as well why does he have four legs I don't know someone else through that who drew that don't worry about that oh my God this is one of the fault codes [Music] okay that sucked guys do you want to say hi to Patchy yeah okay everyone submitted it's time to watch these monstrosities all right we're gonna start off with electric go for it give us something good what up sure all right I hate this thumbnail already wait world's hardest violin not even world's smallest violin no why is there so much what level even is this where did you find this level wait why is it no way what is happening wait you can see the start position switcher in this it's either wave blocks here or you're no clipping this I'm not flipping yeah oh no oh no thank God I'm not Geometry Dash YouTuber oh my God [Music] oh God I'm okay okay that one's pretty good all right so original this is moldy [Music] watch until they end for the hardest level in the game we're getting harder incredible um [Music] this is genuinely atrocious I was in a call with Woolsey earlier and he was like oh I have to go record something and I can't say why and I was like what do you mean okay okay hell Castle okay looking at all of yours so far I think mine is the tamest that is not Geometry Dash I don't like what I'm seeing already hello guys in this YouTube short I will quickly guide you on how to play geometry stop I can't watch this there's no fancy text popping up on the screen how am I supposed to know what you're saying where's the parkour as we know it is a very complex game mechanically why is he playing with two keys so the first thing you need is my computer that turns on and yeah preferably not a Logitech Q5 that's uh too slow for the average attention span and then that's a middle finger and to learn how to use a G5 just don't use it too creative and finally you need to steal your dad's wallet find the magical codes on the back and front email them by Geometry Dash from Steam if you've done everything right your screen should look like leave a like Thank You Hell Castle I'm now educated I hope you learn how I enjoy it it's really educational yeah very educational honestly all right Juniper this one's a minute 17 so you're cheating shorts I watch Tick Tock sometimes Dooney your tick tocks are great I just want to say that oh thanks I put so much effort into it so good all right well let's see how much effort you put into this one excuse me excuse me hello uh so do you want this one star or should I double it and pass it on to someone else oh I know this okay cool thank you when did you get the voice lines for this do you want two stars give it to the next one double it awesome gotcha thanks hey there um excuse me who are you um would you rather have four stars or have me double it and give it to the next person you didn't answer my question double it double it okay sweet thanks it's so good excuse me can I ask you a question whoa yeah I double it and pass it on 2015 2017 GD YouTube yeah eight stars or a double it so then it's 16 Stars 16 stars and I give it ask him what song he's listening to oh okay wait if you give the 16 stars to someone else do I still get the eight Stars no oh that's kind of the point then I want the eight Stars you want the eight Stars yeah really yeah it starts us a lot like that's more than jumper and that took me a hot minute so yeah I want the eight Stars okay cool enjoy yourself [Music] wait that's it I was expecting the world to like explode at the end but that was still very enjoyable we should make this a feature-length film would you like to watch the next short or double it and give it like for part two okay polygon donut wants us to see it from their screen share I'm scared are you guys ready let's go ahead let's go um hello um this guy's reaction to beating the level is legendary make sure to watch until the end to see it but also make sure to like And subscribe comment on the video reply to some comments scroll away then scroll back so I get more views a legendary reaction all right let's see this epic reaction it's just limbo I love the long pause in between why is your limbo decorated it's supposed to just be the layout layouts wait wait you guys are watching the geometry dash part eyes dude he's cracking myself he's getting all the coins oh no he lost his hoverboard wait he's so excited bro oh he's starting another run is something gonna happen I think it's just looping limbo how much Subway Surfers footage did he record s what is going on yeah oh my God everywhere it's 270 000 how did you make this that's so good that's amazing all right let's uh let's move on to trides okay girls let's count to ten oh no wait why is the mouse actually sink the mouse isn't supposed to actually be singed what in the how am I meant to get 50 billion views on this now dude it's Gonna Change restricted and everything all right oh okay you know I have an idea just roll it from the top okay girls let's oh wow [Music] gonna be infinite heck and now you know did you really Loop it with that well if you say and now you know it's gonna be a seamless Loop all right next up lemon cake lemon Cake's like the pro at this [Music] it's so loud why is scratch Sands please upload this please upload this problem I'm sweating [Music] Jones what I can't take this was that me yelling the f word at the end I did I did take care now I see why your video crashed like five times man those difficulty faces were making me feel uncomfortable and be real honest here's geoblitz is the pro editor himself is this the world's longest dashboard I don't know let's find out oh no you know I think maybe you're wrong there so 2.2 news channels can cover them so gdps showcases can be made and those channels tip him off what's he gonna do make more money from updating honestly everybody has Geometry Dash releases all these channels are gonna collapse what are they going to make normal geometry why does he need all this money for Trend below and acetate come on there's there's no way a Game Dev looks like this Natty and this is why I love underliners [Laughter] all right well what if we learned today nothing hey well I lost a few IQ points I love underline slapper all right I think that's gonna be it for this video I don't know what we were thinking but I could not be happier with the results thank you so much for watching this is why Wow we did not sync that
Channel: GD Colon
Views: 1,351,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gdcolon, gd colon, geometry dash, geometry dash shorts, geometry dash hardest level, geometry dash worlds smallest violin, geometry dash noot noot, geometry dash impossible, geometry dash youve been trolled, i cant believe i'm typing these
Id: 43nHtxuFUyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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