14 Miles ALONE on the River!! (Crazy Fishing)

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[Music] they're both getting hit [Music] no freaking way river rats i am one mile in on a 14 mile float and it's just me myself and i i guess i got snoopy too he's coming along but uh i haven't had much of a chance to fish by myself this year and this is just kind of my little getaway where i can do what i want when i want and don't have to be considerate of everyone else's feelings even the people who say they don't care i still want them to enjoy themselves and i take that new account so but when i'm by myself no matter how crazy of fishing i want to do nobody's telling me not to so let's go sheds can i get one to land in the kayak the only thing i forgot so far is a throw net at least i think that's the only thing i forgot the only thing i know i forgot so far i'm sure there'll be something else i'll get over the shad if i can catch me at white bass i love shad for cut bait white bass is hard to argue just as good if not better just gotta find some hungry ones oh and there's also a chance of rain too so that's cool i was just thinking about how i wish i brought my cast net no joke just got a cast net saw the uh old foam loop sticking up that's crazy looks like um i might get to use some shad after all it's not a cast that i would have ever bought phytax are good ones but this one isn't the greatest but there's so many shad around i don't think it's going to matter that's kind of funny see if lady luck keeps rolling first flathead spot i'm gonna get one of these big ol oxygen sucking bluegills out of the bait tank probably gonna get two of them out actually because uh they're stuffed in there pretty good ironically i just put out i just put out a bait video about don't overfill your bait tank and i'd say she's probably overfilled i don't know i'll get over it if my bait survives and i catch flathead there's a jumping spider duh sorry man i don't like you you don't like me either i get it all right other one is rigged sharps my hook pretty sharp shrogs not sure if you can hear that but there was definitely a carp sucking on the bottom of my kayak now if it was my other kayak that's been used a lot he'd probably find something to eat on the bottom of there this one not as much on the road again actually felt like it might have happened in that spot but it didn't no hard feelings i'm sure there's a fish in here but not a hungry one plenty spiders hopefully they're not hungry either or at least not bitey [Music] was in la la land looking at the cubs box score there's a fish in the kayak the way he hit it i thought he was the right one we just went thud nothing and started going down and it's lots of times what flat heads do the heads aren't as big as jerks as this guy is fine specimen um see ya oh i just got splashed such as life that was nice it's been uh as slow as the cubbies have been i've been listening to him on the radio and uh surprised right all right so there's no way you're gonna be able to see this but i swear i've been hearing a loon for better part of the last two hours and i think that's it right there it's not normal for here that i'm aware of i'm pretty sure that's the first loon i've ever seen in iowa i've seen them in canada i haven't spent much time in minnesota they might get them there too i bet they do if we get the occasional one in iowa or maybe that one's just lost definitely the most exciting thing that's happened today flathead fishing's about about wet as i expected i figured the majority of the action if we're gonna get action is gonna be after dark but uh i was really hoping i'd run across the white bass blitz or something like that so i don't know mornings are usually better we're almost to camp i finally got a bite on the inline spinner it's um not what i was expecting but uh it's kind of comical kitty and he freaking choked it uh i don't think i have any pliers because i just rigged this kayak and haven't put pliers in it yet because i wasn't thinking i won't ever tell you i'm smart i mean prime example i'm floating down river and not looking where i'm going but i guess this is uh me just going with the flow literally it's that time of day when the kitties are in the riffles where the white bass are supposed to be did not expect to see the slime on there though it's definitely not unheard of think of the cats where that tuned up you'd find some white bass tuned up but i'm not a white bass ologist or a wiperologist so there's that okay kayla [Music] and we're home i think i like it i'll like it a lot if i catch a 50. well if you're wondering what the three-headed dragon is it's right there and we are working with dueling three-headed dragons and if you're wondering how many shad scales are on my camera the answer is a lot i'm gonna try to lob this dude with a leader longer than the fishing rod the good old results of the helicopter on the ice rig yeah they don't cast wonderful you want to fix that in case king kong hits which is possible that one set leave that one while we get everything else figured out no it's getting hit already gar turtle looks like as soon as they hit the bottom car turtle turtle or gar can't even pull the rod tip down yeah he made it click a little bit and he dropped what are you relentless is what you are that's probably not good for it i set it right into a log oh man that's that's good for your reels that sucks for multiple reasons that sucks so i know there's a log there hmm we might have to move i would hate to hook a giant and not even have a real opportunity to fight him because of scattered timber if you're like oh just control and keep them out while they run into it or your bait wiggles and makes its way into it and then you're screwed from the get-go all right caught some more shad i'm starting to warm up to this place we'll see at the end of the night how i feel but there's bigger shad here than there was at that other spot so that doesn't hurt my feelings done i'm gonna try to lob him a pretty good distance and then uh i'm gonna float a bobber down there even further okay there's some dip there he doesn't like being there okay that one's set i'm fishing so small but she's gonna eat my bait might as well try and catch him [Music] yeah he's just swimming with me yeah this might be temporary what are your little flathead little flathead i think yep cool his uh his mouth is pretty full yeah you can see he was uh hungry i have no idea what that would have been this one for real [Music] well i think i got him too i was trying to uh get a battery in my other gopro this feels uh similar to what i just landed just getting smaller first flathead double of my life not the most impressive one but that's pretty sweet they're comparable so i guess there's flatheads here got me a couple of very sandy little flat heads and they're lucky that i don't have a cooler or means of keeping them they're also lucky because i'm gonna leave that bluegill in his mouth you can have it but i mean i'll call this good start not magnums but we're in the right species okay see ya sweet [Music] better not sure yeah maybe it's so hard to tell an ice rod this is crazy action if this is another flathead though even if they're small no channel rat not a bad one though big fat headed one it's gonna wallow in the muck calm down my channel cat standers i consider this a pretty nice fish and then they're such jerks and then uh by any fish standards i consider this a very sandy fish see what i did there i'm so awkward sometimes all right dude [Music] quality just increased substantially that's pretty dang nice fish i uh this is the third flathead in 45 minutes which is probably a new record for me so [Music] not a bad fish good head shakes yeah just me this is the hot rod right now i realized my camera was off on that last one is it on this one it seems to be he might be just like that last one he's a little smaller put that hook in me that was almost bad yeah the hook point was right by my hand it will work [Music] this is getting borderline crazy i mean i feel like i need to break up the fish fights in the dark with like something else to add to the entertainment i'm just chilling watching ufc fight videos like a real millennial quality fish fun fish like a lot of fun [Music] what are you going to do gonna freak out or what disappear like a ghost okay that's cool right on that drop-off i might have said that already it's interesting that bobber's got no love oh absurd well if you're wondering jon jones won his fight that i was watching but i already knew he won his fight so uh it was just fun to re-watch this fight insane i mean they're not big and they're a couple of them pretty nice five flatheads never experienced anything like this [Music] it's crazy i'mma run out of bait i can't believe it they just keep running up that giraffa bonkers he splashed me i got him in quick and thrown back quick i guess so there's that okay yep that's a pretty nice one it's like running at me like a dang channel here he's heavy big head shakes am i gonna be able to keep really looking in here [Music] [Music] yeah look he's just barely hooked on the bobber you need to actually flathead fish to be able to appreciate what's happening right now i mean there's no monstrosities but six fish in an hour and a half this doesn't happen here i'm kind of speechless oh weird [Laughter] [Applause] sorry um took off like a bat out of you know what and now he's just running right at me confused flathead hey a big channel sorry for the crazy camera stuff i don't know okay i guess he's taking off quick release let's see him left in here not much for big stuff he's pretty big you'll do when you hook them i like hooking them right behind the dorsal fin right in that general area and then i do it at an angle and i get poked and the most important thing though make sure there's no scales on your hook point no scales on hook point check we're good [Music] okay back to chillin [Music] they're both getting hit [Music] no freaking way [Music] okay i got that [Music] one big double on flatheads i wish no did i oh no i did not with him he's not real big this is crazy yeah he's just a little tyke okay he's not even a flat head he's a channel yeah this is definitely funny [Music] almost as funny as standing here with this fishing pole between my legs no big head shake so yeah i guess there's definitely weight a decent amount of weight it's not doing much probably keep this line tight i don't know how oh booty really big holy crap oh no should have quit screwing around with that channel cat that's my 40-plus for the evening that's my luck this year on big fish i blame myself i can't blame you channel cat got greedy that was weird he just didn't do nothing until he got to the bank oh man see ya maybe i'll get another shot maybe at least i got to see him he was really freaking big just sitting here being blinded but i'm also thinking about um how much that sucks i lost that fish that was an easy 40 to 50 pounder easy probably closer to 50 than 40. so i'm stuffing my face and um not actually crying that light's just really bright i might be crying a little bit kind of sick and tired of talking about the one that got away though if we're being honest i just i would just like to catch him [Music] nice fish now i'm gonna play with this guy big head shakes [Laughter] i think the one i lost there's a fish right at my feet oh yeah he's a nice one another teener teeners are tuned up he's so good number seven but who's counting should be eight i think i'd trade them all for the one that got away fun fish nice fish gave me a good fight and i'm gonna let them go when i'm gonna go to sleep hopefully i get woken up here in about 20 minutes this is crazy okay he's waiting for one to do that enough to dry off before i go to sleep oh you're inside get out this fight's so funny [Applause] oh you got my other line big bluegills so hot right now all right moderate tangled mess well very moderate look at that rebates everything weird things are happening yep i wondered you ain't all the way to the beginning and came right up on the bank heard it zitzit and then splash splash and then got up and looked at the line and it was slack and here we are sweet see ya well that was a wild ride of an evening should probably try to catch some more shad considering uh we don't have much other bait because the flatheads ate it all what a bunch of rascals you did not catch a single flathead after one o'clock i don't know if it was because uh ran out of them good baits or uh they just quit biting but eight it's a crazy night i think i have some of that energy sauce oh scar yeah one of them protein cookies you got those in there good because if i would have remembered it was in there it would be eaten already gonna be a pretty decent amount of sleep for camp evening to eat this and drink some energy sauce brush my teeth and catch bait and pick up and try to catch some more fly heads so weird i just quit it's not that weird yeah i'm gonna get this stuff picked up and i'm gonna catch you shads i hope you enjoyed this part of the video i guess it's gonna be a two-part video so i mean it is a really long ways to float downriver so there is that but uh i hope you enjoyed it and i hope you uh kind of understand where i'm going coming from when i was talking about how crazy that flathead fishing was so i probably edit the videos to make it look that crazy all the time but it's not like one fish every six hours or so it's about about average six fish in an hour that's insanity anyway hope you enjoyed it and if you did hit the like button if you want to see more hit the subscribe button i got a podcast you can check that out link's in the description regardless i really appreciate you taking time to watch hope you catch giant [Music] you
Channel: River Certified
Views: 31,259
Rating: 4.9635997 out of 5
Keywords: 14 Miles ALONE on the River!! (Crazy Fishing), lake fishing, bank fishing, camping, best, spot, location, river, lake, stream, iowa, midwest, pig patrol, kayak catfish, catfish dave, flathead, catfish, blue, channel, hook, rod, reel, whiskerseeker, tackle, giant, huge, enormous, monster, survival, bait, kayak camping, creek, shallow, deiter melhorn, exploration, exploring, ty pigpatrol, missouri, deep, camp out, mud cats, remote, hidden, fishing trip, adventure, road trip, mississippi, bumping, kayaking, kayak, shad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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