We Caught a MONSTER from a GIANT RAGING RIVER!! (Rising Water)

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too yeah i thought it was a snag and just never moved we're just floating down the river freaking rain i don't know sam you think the rain's good luck no well river rats me and the um the ogre we're heading south to uh blue cat country gonna i don't know my goal on all these trips whenever we leave home is to catch a fish bigger than we'd probably catch at home in the summer the it's a little tougher than it is you know fall and winter but 50-pounder bust and every other time we've been down here we busted so i feel like we're due all right let's go oh there's some water we should fish that it actually has a little bit of water in it right now oh gosh there's a creek mouth over there that look juicy it amazes me how much i know there's corn but the landscape is way different down here yes there's actually trees [Music] we oh we forgot the fish finder that could be moderately important man it feels good to be on the water don't take much to make me happy hey stay up fish finder graph so much trash actually it's not that bad it's probably gonna get worse so it's getting coming off it's gonna get worse before it gets better oh there's a powerade bottle mountain dew is that a bucket right skunk in it probably a skunk in it poof we are on the river right now we're going to do some bumping sam's taking over the driving for the moment so i can mess around and get rigged uh pretty much live live by the seat of my pants so uh i got some work to do real quick but we got skips we got shad we have asian carp we have the full buffet and we're gonna feed it to them hopefully sam would you think less of me if i squash an asian carp on my hands to cover up with the gas smell i'll take that as a no oh yeah hopefully what side imaging doesn't do you much enough no so that's right off the edge of it okay cool i need my little snippers look at like a real guide with my snippers on my side i uh i broke a pair of pliers the other day did you but i snapped it right there i just kind of felt like a man i did a good set of stainless ones one time really i think i'm going to quit playing around and just get some alloy ones we're doing something a little bit different out here it's called bumping and basically i'm going to drop baits out the back of the boat to the bottom and we're going to lift and drop lift and drop and let line out and you feel the sinker bump the bottom and you let it sweep away from the boat when you get a bite you feel it and it's honestly pretty awesome but rigging there's a few little things but it's a three-way rig three-way swivel the thing you do weird though is you want your sinker dropper in line with your main line so you feel that thump a lot better and then you also want to put a chain swivel in there because that really reduces line twist and we're in big current so it's going to twist a lot and then uh 80 pound leader 85 pound uh mainline braid you want braid because it's more sensitive and then you knot circle hook with a big old chunk of skip or asian carp or shad those are options today but uh you uh you want a rod that's got a lot of graphite carbon in it so it's more sensitive this whisker seeker bumping stick and it does the job quite well i think that's what sam's using too yup yep i feel like how much weight it depends what do you what are you using i got three so you got a three i got a three it's probably best to vary your weights but uh we're gonna try this and see how it goes supposedly the fishing sucks right now only takes 100 pounder to make your lifetime all right oh she's dripping blood in the water already makes me excited get out there this gets me all excited just the anticipation i did this a lot i'd have me a little pedestal seat to lean on i'd say we're right about where we need to be yep all right now that i've mastered bumping i've been doing it for a half hour so you'd say i'm an expert i'm gonna try to run a side rod while i do it we'll see how this goes it'll probably be uh why am i doing this to myself until i hook a hundred pounder definite railroad tie maybe yeah i see caught lumber that's for sure yeah oh yeah while you're up there do your job she's in it's on sam 20 ounces of lead i need to probably unwrap that line around that rod tip that'd be good step number one back that drag you can tighten her smidge down she goes can i run the circus i don't know i couldn't tell what was going on you have a snag well that's about the most excitement we've had in a while probably been bumping for like two hours the middle of the river the edge of the river by wing dams behind wing dams and frontal wing dams and had side route out for a while busted that off that was exciting had a couple nibs actually sam's trying to push me out of the boat he doesn't know how feisty i am i'm slippery [Music] or something skip jack oil so far has not helped me catch any fish but will help me stay in the boat if you try to toss me out all right we've lost the battle but we haven't given up yet it's not a battle it's not a war we're just fishing i did have a bite and he just took my bait so we figured that was the signal it's time to go eat pizza but uh see you in the morning bright and early hey sam it's five in the morning how do you feel about fishing today after yesterday's trip has to be positive because it can only get better you haven't seen anything positive since we've woke up well i'm saving it for the camera oh good good job yeah all right we do have the power of positivity on our side we have bait so we have good bait i'm gonna try some different stuff mainly just different size baits [Music] we're gonna try smaller baits today well i am sam can do whatever he wants there's a moon eye i'm gonna go that route you want to try munai oh we better throw out some variety i don't know what's good man well you want the moon eye either skippy phillip they're both sitting there for you see if the fishes like the speed it's like i'm lost too can i get it back though yep what is going on i got a nice bow in your life i did he's solid five pounds well maybe bigger i don't know how can you tell my mind is officially blown there are fish there are fish in this river heavy ain't popped up yet very popped up a little bait i don't know how much of a difference it made come here just flopping around not the best hook set in the world but good enough he's he he's sporty he's not very nice and it is a fish and i don't know i was in la la land snoozing because we fished for like five hours haven't caught anything so big or small i'm just happy to feel a little tap on the end of the line as dumb as that sounds [Music] i don't know man yeah this is a fish yeah i thought i was snagged and now it's kind of moving and we're playing the circus with multiple rods for sure just solid i'm not convinced one yeah i just i swear i felt it shimmy though oh yeah this is a pretty pretty yeah yeah this is the biggest fish i've hooked down here yep this thing wow and i didn't have my drag set good i only made a run it was just a thud and solid and i don't know for the moment i'd reel it in yeah i ain't moving him my legs are cramping from adrenaline not even joking want to hit that camera behind me there he goes a little bit stay pinned i'm just not doing much with him man this is definitely my longest fight with a catfish in a long time he was right where he should have been too yeah i thought he was a snag and just never moved we're just floating down the river i don't want to go all the way on straight drift no are we straight drift no it's fine right now i'm not even getting them off like up yeah we got a good clear shot oh there's the leader what is this thing oh yeah all beat up from spawn too yeah um he's barely hooked so i'm gonna walk behind you yeah or try to turning the boat yes ready he's ours he's not like what i've dreamed he was but he's pretty dang nice leave him in the net get the hook out yeah it was not the world's best hook set by any means but he's in the boat want to hand me the grips i'll just lift him in all right he's long look at this weird nub tail sweet one fish turns the whole day around there we hope i don't know what to say man like for real my leg was cramping up it's been slow then all of a sudden you get one like this and it's just like everything's right in the world again so i don't know i don't know what he weighs i don't really care he's a dandy and he's beat up from the spawn he's got i don't know he was in somebody's mouth at some point in time he's still peeing all right you gonna tear me up that's one of the ugliest blue cats i've caught in a long time beat up full of leeches and he thud it and we've just been snagging and i'm like oh a snag and then felt the shake and didn't know what's going on sweet i wanna go start that run again yup good idea little bait itty bitty i'm gonna keep running the little guys maybe where it's at down this one goes the bottom and yeah just bonked him on the head just blows me away then barges how everything's big the barge is big the ropes are big the cleats are big the chains are big just big mmm corn you know you know what likes corn me and kitty cats it's almost sweet corn season man yeah i'd flathead fish that probably like five here drops immediately off right on that seam i put a bait on that seam put one in the pocket probably try to get a couple of them in there before i get one do i anchor them try this yeah let's give her a shot yeah after the excitement of that first fish tuned down i had to poop we got that taken care of and we marked a bunch of fish on the front side of this wing dam so we're gonna try that out [Music] hey [Music] my camera is not working we're good oh i'm getting tinner tap too are you in my line i might be in your line i can't tell but yeah i think so is any good it's tough to tell on current i mean he's not fall we have a net yep yeah he's getting lighter now you're just doing it the old-school way oh he ain't bad you're fighting that and a 12-ounce weight dragging on the bottom i think and i think he was mouth-open to me he was five-gallon bucket yeah yep and you're like i'll get that untangled first i can catch one yeah oh it's not bad no no it was just through nice one bud cleaner yeah we're just sitting here re-rigging you know hanging out then finally had one i can't complain finally one actually took it right and he struggled he struggled to get it down too but proud of him yeah he took a big bait did he all right success we haven't even made lunch yet no but we've also been fishing for six hours minor detail one every two hours it would be great if we were flathead fishing i'm to the point of being really hungry oh yeah yeah my first wave of real hunger today it's a little better 136. all right big takedowns to put my grill together what happened it's seen some things good that's on shouldn't oh wait where's my there it is there she goes all right get hot these are beefcakes man yeah look at that marble in them they're ultra premium levi's steaks oh sweet where'd them tonks go well if you'd look in there you'd find them garlic pepper flavor enhancer salt you'll need salt with cookies on there gotcha now i just need one big take down to interrupt all right seasoning done she's got to be getting warm smell that grill stinks like asian carp that would that one did slime it oh yeah the slime slid down yeah sam's talking about what i didn't have the camera on for we drove through a slow pocket and the asian carp jumped up and smoked my grill it didn't smoke it it was more of a glancing blow i you know you know over dramatized things that's what i do slimed it effectively like she's warm enough i think it'll be okay should have let her go a little longer i take my grilling as serious as i take backing a boat in the water backing down a trailer i want perfection just like that she'll probably need a little bit maybe one flip that one i don't know they were coming out really cold i should have set them out should have sent them out 20 minutes ago that's well cooked to perfection there's there's sparks in there i'll get to them wait till yours is done let's find out i i don't know if i've ever had steaks on a boat before ah duck boat i've done it this might even fill me up dude yeah that's what i call rare that's exactly how i like my steak now i just need big take down well river rats don't let that big fish fool ya the it's been a trying day and after snag 127 we decided it's dinner time we're gonna head it in we're gonna get a good night's sleep we're gonna be out here again trying to do it tomorrow and fingers crossed we can you know at least catch a fish like that last one makes uh days like this substantially more tolerable so i hope you enjoyed the video if you did hit the like button um you want to see sam shirtless it's right here more right there i don't know how many likes to get your shirt list 5 thousand i'm already shirtless yeah it's not that hard that dude likes to make me put it back on yeah five thousand likes and well then then nobody'll like the video that's true yeah anyway if you want to check out the podcast uh it's me and then a bunch of guests like this guy and handfuls of other people it's a good time go check that out spotify there's a link in the description but either way really appreciate you watching uh hope you enjoyed it hope you catch giant there you go no i really do i hope everybody does even you [Music] you
Channel: River Certified
Views: 67,584
Rating: 4.9465055 out of 5
Keywords: lake fishing, bank fishing, camping, best, spot, location, river, lake, stream, iowa, midwest, pig patrol, kayak catfish, catfish dave, flathead, catfish, blue, channel, hook, rod, reel, whiskerseeker, tackle, giant, huge, enormous, monster, survival, bait, kayak camping, creek, shallow, deiter melhorn, exploration, exploring, ty pigpatrol, missouri, deep, camp out, mud cats, remote, hidden, fishing trip, adventure, road trip, mississippi, We Caught a MONSTER from a GIANT RAGING RIVER!! (Rising Water)
Id: Ylj_yzyYAb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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