MASSIVE FISH Caught on an ICE ROD!! (River Camping)

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river rats the sun is getting lower the light's getting softer and generally that gets me pretty excited because that means we're close to happy hour unfortunately i'm not on the water right now and i barely have any bait so we gotta hustle up it and get some so let's go all right here's our first and hopefully only stop i see a bunch of little bluegills and sunfish swimming around but you're gonna need some baits more substantial than that i do have some bait like i want to fish all night so i need more but uh just in case you know hot bite or i snag a lot run into a lot of turtles which is probably more likely than a hot bite can we do it without falling down it's not that it's muddy but this luscious vegetation down here makes it slicker sorry made it so far and there's so many dink bluegills and stuff in there and i see dink largemouth or those creek chubs i'd prefer they were creek chubs i'd use the largemouth for bait i don't feel bad about it it's just it'd be illegal they'd have to be 12 inches i believe there's a lot of stuff just looks all small might be sorting away just a smidge it's going to be instant bites what are you you're a creek you're going to be cut bait just for the record i'm going to fill this bucket up with water but i'm not going to transport them in the water i'm just going to use it i mean i'm transporting my truck not on the road because you i have treated tap water in my bait tank oh there's some good-sized creek chubs in there yeah once i uh home up to my truck i'm gonna swap them and put them in the treated tap water and dump this on the side of the road yeah there's some quality creek chubs in there i got hit oh yeah there's some dang nice ones in there it's not expecting these but i'll take them hopefully i can get them yeah keep doing that you're not gonna have any that's not the jumbo but he goes in the bucket too they're nice and aggressive i've been able to get creek chubs all year i also haven't tried this spot either so there's that your work looking like it's going to be an evening of smallish baits just lift power oh yeah get up oh that's that's what i thought the creek jobs were first right there so i'm not crazy i did see little larry's down there i need a creature of that size oh that's more the size i'm looking for chill out bro a lot of dudes who flathead fish snub creek chubs not this dude though i am a fan and if you're like they get bit by channel cats this is true but if you're fishing in the right spot it's not as much of a concern see if i can tease up the one i want those are all larry's got dan dang it larry there's a big creek chub swimming around down there it's so quiet i mean i guess there's bugs but no birds put a bigger chunk on maybe that'll get the big creek chubs attention i don't see them no more and you're the one that i hook too bad you weren't like five inches you'd be pretty a-okay by me take you lots of little baits oh we got a worm trying to escape you stay in there don't blame me i would have tried to just heard a skeeter get away i have too big of a chunk of worm too beefy making it hard to get a hook in them yep instant difference made and you got away so it almost made a difference yep also instantly flick the bait off i'll trade it that's gonna do it i will see you on the river i don't even know if you can see me it's getting dark i got here as quick as i could and the downfall running late i gotta get a tent set up tonight because it's actually supposed to rain hopefully i'll see you when uh something cool happens plenty of bugs of course it's starting to rain i'm gonna get these rods set as fast as i can turn this light off all right lights going off getting baits out oh is he still on [Music] he like shot out of the water channel rat or small flat head that's oh no it came off well that's cool to get some action but not the most encouraging thing when you're flat fishing but i'm here so i'm going to keep fishing oh this might actually be the right kind you long ways out there he's also across the log yeah i'm not big head shakes about didn't even get on my tent just got freight trained by a channel cat a little bit ago there we go yeah this is good fish [Music] it's all defeated and stuff [Music] oh yeah this thing goes just gonna be dealing with channel cats all night and he's like nah i got you yeah he's a nice one wow i had some heat on him too he did that he's tough oh thanks for making my day come here also getting me soaked and possibly pulling me in the water no quit taking my time because i keep looking at that other hook and i'm fighting him on an ice rod so there's that he's not quite as big as i originally thought but pretty nice wouldn't look real good all right i've been getting uh pestered by channel cats all evening and i figured that was a sign i wasn't gonna run into a big ugly one like this but uh he told me i'm an idiot and i'm around don't worry i'll show up for that i appreciate it i appreciate him or her i also feel naked without my cubs hat all right fatso see ya that never gets old especially when they don't splash me that's nice snoopy for the win yeah that's what i caught this thing on nice rod that's what it looked like the whole time got a bull head out still bull heading got a green sun fish got this double hook rig with cut bait on you need the cut bait more cut bait it is we're gonna put a little sunfish on one so sunfish on the bottom hook creek chub on top i suppose the other thing with the whole no channel cats where there's flat heads when the water is this low everything is like condensed together so it's possible i suppose that you know there's going to be more overlap because there's less real estate to roam whatever i'm just glad i caught one morning i just got woke up because i wished one on that rod right there it was the right one too didn't let the rod load up enough apparently see how much water is in my kayak it's a pretty good amount of water in the kayak yeah it rained last night quite a bit nice thing is she's pretty much empty so getting it out shouldn't be too big of a deal my life jacket was up here so it wasn't sitting in the water and did it on our way to plate pardon me it's six in the morning not as tough as i like to think i am and just in this dinky little creek some big fish live in these dinky little creeks it's pretty neat yeah this tangled because the flathead uh that bit on the other rod ran into this rod so not only did he not get hooked he eliminated the opportunity for some other flatheads to get hooked it's like he knew considering it's light i'll toss him closer to some cover be cool if that actually worked not hold my breath oh yes it's in a hurry in the hardware store i stopped at to grab worms on the way down didn't have sugar free so i'm drinking red bull with sugar in it i'll get over it and i will stop crying about it yup that's what i needed what to do first i think i'm gonna get the water out of that kayak first step one empty everything out of here mostly bait free that one has all kinds of gnarled on i can't believe old snoop dogg was the one who got the deed done yesterday i'm proud of you little phil i just noticed my tent stake went flying apparently when i got that bite and whipped him glad i noticed that also surprised i noticed that those are the ones that you at least for me i'm scratching my head like where'd that go and then it's never to be seen again okay now for the fun part that's a lot of it out like i can live with the rest of it alrighty river rats i got plenty of stuff to clean up so uh yeah i'm gonna get that taken care of then i'm gonna go catch some bait then i'm gonna go on another adventure i'm gonna have a good little uh three three-day run out in the uh out in the wild bush of central iowa but uh and i should probably brush my teeth anyway i hope you enjoyed the video i really do and if you did hit the like button if you want to see more hit the subscribe button i have a podcast it's a link in the description it's a lot of fun it's mostly my buddies making fun of me and i stop swapping like fishing and hunting stories and stuff like that thanks for taking the time to watch this video though for real means a lot hope you catch jay [Music] you
Channel: River Certified
Views: 29,655
Rating: 4.9735537 out of 5
Id: GpHhoQWD19w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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