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[Music] so hey everybody welcome back to the channel when i left you guys last it was a bit of a sour note we went through all that trouble of putting the uh shift solenoids in the cobalt we picked this up at the auction in case you missed it and uh she had a shifting problem going from third to fourth gear we figured it was the shift solenoids and went through and actually replaced pretty much all the shift solenoids and then i'll be down if it wouldn't shift afterwards so we went from bad to worse so it's back to the drawing board and we're going to get in there and just i i know for a fact that i've run the uh the shifter the the cable it's not routed right and it's not giving me full range on my shift selector so we're going to go in and route that the right way right from the start we're going to fix what we know is wrong and we're going to try to avoid cracking that transmission open that's going to be last resort so let's let's fix what we know without a doubt is wrong and we'll just go from there so yeah i went through and watched my video clips and immediately realized that that shifting cable which is routed down underneath everything is routed wrong apparently it needs to come up through here and kind of loop around and go back in and i've got it down underneath all of this stuff which could i mean that could definitely cause a binding issue while we've got that apart i want to get in there and actually shift it by hand manually and just see what happens see if we get our gears that way wouldn't that be great that would be amazing if that's all that's wrong with this thing and i got my fingers crossed that we don't have to go inside of this transmission again and waste all that transmission fluid that stuff is not cheap we're talking like 12 or 13 quarts of transmission foot i mean that adds up really quick by the way i apologize for the sound of the fans and things going on it is extremely hot here in oklahoma and even though it's first thing in the morning it's already hot and muggy in here so i got several fans going i do apologize hopefully the sound isn't too bad that's the first thing we want to do is get in here and pull this shifter bracket off alright just a couple of more bolts here to get loose this one you'll have to work around that hose not too bad though just got a nut inside of here we'll get that off and then there's another one up in here that will pull off these are all 13's with the exception of the one we pulled off of the actual shifter shaft itself which was a 15. so we'll get these out this only takes a second we can have this thing rerouted and that problem will be solved at least i'll show you that guys this comes off really really easy nothing to it there we go let's get this on out of here and i'm going to set the camera down it's going to take both hands and we will reroute that the way it's supposed to be they don't give you much room but i think we can get it let's see this is going to need to come up through here i think yeah something like this now you want to be careful because we don't want to damage it and that i could see that happening you see us breaking the clip off the end of it or something like that so we're going to be very careful not get all frustrated and all that that doesn't get us nowhere but we're getting it we're getting it little by little it's coming through all right we got it there we go now believe it or not that's actually how it shows that this goes and then this will wrap back around in here like like that kind of strange you wouldn't think this would be all up in here out of you know all in the way but that's what it is some of you guys suggested that while i've got that linkage off of there i should try to ship this thing manually see what happens like get in there start it emergency brake and then come out and see if we can get it to go into gear manually leaving the linkage completely out of the equation i wonder if that would work it's worth a shot we'll have to hook our fuse box back up obviously but that's not a big deal we'll just drop it down and hook the wire back to it it's worth a shot i would love to see this thing go into gear and to know that that's all the issue was man that would be a huge blessing i'll tell you that so this box here that holds our computers in is a total nightmare to get in and out because of this big long bracket that goes down into the frame rail so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to remove the computers oh out of the whole bracket just get rid of it we don't need it right now anyway um these come out super easy look there's just a little clip that kind of holds it in and they slide right up out of there tcm this is specific for the transmission so we gotta have it let's get that over there so we can plug it in this one's the same way you'll have to get kind of down inside of there and you will see that there are two little clips you just get your little screwdriver in there and that thing will pop right up out of there sometimes it's halfway oh look at that like i said sometimes it's half war out and it'll just slide up out of there with ease look at that i didn't have to use the screwdriver that's the two little clips i'm talking about there just set this down in here and plug it in figuring out easier ways to do it where we don't have to involve all the some of that others like taking this apart i was dreading messing with all that again but look i don't even have to involve it in this we're just going to get it all over here and plug it all in and test it out so let's get the fuse box back down we'll get this down here we'll get our wires plugged back to it there's that one there is that one screw this bad boy back on there tighten it all down we got one more plug back here that has to be plugged back in let's get all this tight let's fire it up now we've got room [Applause] to get in here and just kind of move it around and we could get to that shifter down in there kind of see it there we'll manually shift it forget about the cable for now and see what we're working with [Applause] car is up on jack stands we're not going to do this with it on the floor obviously so let's go see if we can get it in gear manually i got a nine millimeter wrench seems to fit on this perfectly and we are going to manually shift this and see what happens there we go you see we are moving and here's we're moving forward and that should be reverse right so that's weird that definitely shouldn't be going that direction in reverse i'll promise you that it appears we're going in i don't know what else to do it's obviously not an external issue i don't believe i mean we just manually shifted that to reverse and it's going forward very strange at least this time we know what we're getting into and i feel like i could do it twice as fast now that we know exactly what to expect i mean there's there won't be any kind of surprises or anything we know exactly what to do and i feel i honestly feel like i pulled this thing apart in about five minutes is what it feels like that's just because you know everything's fresh on my mind and yeah so and no sense of crying about it might as well just just get in there and do it obviously with used car prices being through the roof right now we could probably still get a good 1500 bucks for this thing even as a fixer sell it as a mechanic special let them know hey it's got a little bit of a transmission issues probably an easy fix i'm just not going to spend no more time on it i mean the interior looks awesome at this point got in there cleaned it up good i didn't really show you guys the final details on the last video i was gonna wait and do it on this video hopefully with everything all ironed out and tied up in a nice neat little package you know the deal this one's fighting me there's just it's like no bro we're not it's not going to be that easy not this tall and that's the flip game right there you just never know man you just never know we thought this was going to be something simple easy dry cut and dry and to move on and it's just aim but i am not ready to throw in the towel yet like i said i am not going to sit and let you guys down we are at least going to try to track down the problem see where we went wrong see if we can't get this old girl to move well on the bright side i got the shifter to work i rerouted it and we have full range so at least we fixed one thing i guess she still goes forward though in reverse i mean look we're in reverse and we go forward i don't know like i've got it in drive now and it tries to pull i mean it pulls really good like there's just nothing wrong with it but then reverse it's just all wrong i don't know these ass backers y'all so even though we got the cable and everything working just fine i mean it goes into gear it shifts perfectly everything obviously that wasn't the actual issue of why this thing isn't working properly i don't know what's going on so uh here we go again man i've already dug in check it out we've got everything cleared out of the way we've got the suspension everything cleared out of the way i'm ready to pull that side cover off some of you guys were suggesting that maybe we got the wires backward on the solenoid i've already gone back look through all of my footage and trust me i i can with confidence rule that out there's just no way those plugs were backwards uh that i don't think that's our issue i don't think so at all some of you guys are thinking maybe the uh the shift lever inside the transmission maybe the rod came off or something like that that's something that i i'm i couldn't tell you for sure so we are just going to get in there and find out down to the last two bolts we got our first bit of transmission fluid dripping into the pan we'll get these last couple of bolts out get a peek inside see what's going on yeah we'll let that drain out for a little while we'll pull this last bolt out up in here right there and that'll come off i've already got the subframe dropped we've got the steering undone of course we showed you that on the last video so we'll just get the fluid out we'll pop that off there see if we can see anything visibly wrong inside what i'm curious to see when i get this cover back off is right inside of here is the shift linkage in fact you can see right here at the top let's see we raised my camera up a bit you see right here that's where the shifting linkage hooks up and that rod goes down inside of there there is some sort of a little mechanism in there with a rod on it maybe it popped loose i don't know it's very strange that you put it in reverse and it goes forward i mean what's what's going on there right so something definitely up uh this should come off here i do believe at this point we want to be very careful not to mess up our shifts illinois that is over here in the this far corner you guys remember remember in there gonna be careful hey you guys remember last time we pulled this off we broke this plug on this shift solenoid that sticks out you got to be very very careful with that you don't want to get too rough with it we've learned our lesson on that so we're going to be very careful here try not to mess this one up i came up here to look at that shifting linkage that fork i was talking about that goes just inside of the the cover there on the top and look this is what i'm talking about look that is supposed to be hooked up to this thing here i believe it goes in between that and it's just out here floating around i wonder if that's our issue or if i just now did that i don't know i don't think so i think that may i mean i i've been very very careful getting this off here so i don't see how i could have just now did that maybe we did it when we was putting it back on the first time and by we i mean me so i don't know let's go ahead and finish getting that cover out of there and get a full visual inspection [Applause] okay so some of you guys are thinking maybe these two were backwards there's really no way if you look this one is is zip tied to this one which goes down here if we were to switch those i think i don't think this would reach this bottom plug anymore so these i've went back and i've looked uh from when i first pulled the pan off this is exactly how it was also i've looked at other other uh videos of people that were rebuilding transmissions and uh seeing what it looked like when they first pulled the pan off and this is exactly how it looks this has a red wire and kind of a green colored wire that's what's supposed to be up top so nothing wrong there but this right here is the shift linkage and this rod here like i showed a minute ago is supposed to go up its side of this deal over here and it acts like something broken or wrong inside i'm not really sure so i went up top to find the piece that that the rod clicks into and it it just went up in the hole and it's not coming back out so something is broken right there i thought maybe we would take the top solenoid back out just so we could see what's going on see there now we can see the end of that rod i don't know if i can get a good shot of this or not but can you see this hole here pointed out with my pick that hole has a little thing for that shift that that rod here see the rod sticking out it has a little fork it outfit for that to click into but somehow this thing has gone up inside of here feels like there it is there it is we got it out now this guy right here you see that i don't know if you can even tell is it okay to pull that out of there let's see i don't know it won't even come all the way out okay so anyway that rod is supposed to click inside of there i believe like this see if i could do this one handed y'all i don't know if i can [Applause] and i believe that to go in there like that but it's not staying you see you see that's not staying am i missing something here huh i didn't know let's see i see a hole in it right there i don't know if you guys can tell this has like a little clip on it i'll try to pull that off okay so i got the clip what it seems like needs to happen is it seems like this needs to go into this hole here look that goes up in the hole like that and then the clip will snap back on the bottom and actually hold it together i don't know if i could do this one-handed without sending the clip flying across the shop [Applause] all right so that was no fun but i did manage to get it in [Applause] check it out there you go just like that can you see can you see what we got going on here that is in there where it's supposed to be and that little clip holds that into the hole and so now when we put it in gear that should work like it's supposed to i guess that's all that was wrong i mean that's all i could visibly see wrong with it i don't see anything else out of the ordinary and we didn't go very deep into it anyway i mean all we did was a couple of solenoids for anybody that missed it we replaced this one we replaced that one that i just took out a minute ago just to gain access to the rod and i replaced this one down here which i believe is called a downshift solenoid the only reason i replaced it because i actually broke it pulling the cover off so just in case you missed it you're brought up to speed uh we we got it all put together put it filled it full of fluid it drove about halfway up the driveway and it just stopped everything went weird on us uh reverse was forward and no reverse at all just really weird stuff so i'm gonna be blown away if that's what caused all of that now obviously that had to have been an issue there's no way this would work properly with this just laying in there not hooked up so i'm pretty optimistic at this point give you guys a quick little demonstration on how this works i've just got me a crescent wrench up here on the shifter okay that's where the shifting linkage hooks up is up there uh when you shift you know you can see there it goes from that's park to reverse neutral drive well the whole time it's doing that it's moving that rod in and out of there and so obviously if that's not hooked up it's not going to do what it's supposed to do right i'm pretty optimistic this is going to be our issue fingers crossed everybody so i did manage to get it all buttoned up check it out everything's all put back together only thing i got left to do is i got to put that little box in here that holds my computer and this fuse box and everything i'm going to wait and do that in just a minute we'll check everything make sure nothing's leaking and we're going to give it a shot man put it in gear and see what happens see if this thing's going to go in the right direction your guess is good as mine i did go ahead and fill filled it back up with fluid i filled it till it ran out of the uh overflow underneath that you guys remember we did that in the last video all right something worth mentioning is you want the vehicle to be up and level so that you can actually get underneath it but still level at the same time so i've got this jacked up on all four corners enough that i can get underneath there and keep it level all at the same time let's fire it up see what happens let's get underneath here check it for lakes i don't see anything nothing dripping out anywhere that's always a plus that is sitting here warming up for a few minutes now i think i'm going to uh give it a shot you guys cross your fingers let's uh put it in reverse to see if the damn wheel spins backwards remember before you put it in reverse and it would go forward so here we go let's try it out put the foot on the brake all right reverse let's go check it out seriously yo we're gonna figure this out together there check it out it's going backwards that's what we wanted dude let's get in here checking the other one let's put it in drive we'll go from reverse down to drive you see there we're in drive there we are all right all right well we at least got her going in the right directions all right so we've been here before we're going to give it a shot there's drive see what happens now last time we did this it moved everything was fine we got all the way up the top of the driveway and it just quit with no warning so i'll believe it when i see it let's see if we did any good we're moving i'm gonna have to stop get out and open the gate and we'll get out on the open road hopefully one of these days i'd like to get me an electric gate wouldn't that be nice all right we've got the gate open we are in drive see what happens let's put it down let's see what she does she's pulling great there's our shift that's the shift we was missing before y'all we finally get to see our shift solenoid work there it is there it is right there we did it we got all the shifts everything's working just like it's supposed to all right got her up to speed here i think i'm doing about looks like 60 miles an hour there we go that's what the rpm gauge was supposed to look like 60 miles an hour about two grand on the rpms we've got all of our shifts i need to get my seatbelt on all right there we go ah so far so good we're doing great i'm gonna get turned around i think i'm gonna i think i'm gonna head into town with it i'm feeling i'm feeling pretty froggy y'all shoot yeah y'all it is friday night in the big town i'm gonna go get my good clothes on we're gonna take this old girl into town i'll report back to you guys just a little bit hopefully she's still going i'm not gonna lie that was a lot of work especially having to go back and do it two times but i i kind of do that for you guys y'all seriously um i felt like leaving you guys on such a bad note on that last one and you guys were following along we got really good views on the on the cobalt videos and i just felt like man i got to do something i got to make this right so we we went back in we went in for a second try and i was convinced i was about to rebuild this transmission i'm not even playing with y'all i already bought a rebuild kit and everything that's part of the reason why the next video was taking a little while to get out i was waiting on parts that i turned out to not even need i should have just jumped in there and just got a second look right from the start i shouldn't waited on anything but hey live and learn uh we ever have to do another one of these it's gonna be super easy that second go-around was like butter i mean i got through that in half the time it took the first go-around and i mean it was like nothing it was nothing to it the second go around so i'm really really glad i'm glad i got in there and gave it a second try i didn't just send it on through the auction sell it at him as a mechanic special whatever uh we got it so we got us a driver y'all check it out man i think we may have about i don't know maybe a little over 150 in parts uh not to worry though uh one of my subscribers we're gonna call him steven r i'm not going to give out his last name uh he sent me a 200 uh uh what do you call him it's not a gift card it was it was basically a debit card it was a card that had 200 bucks on it and uh that's what we what's what we spent for the parts on this all that transmission fluid solenoids everything was on him very much appreciated stephen r you're awesome man that showed up at just the right time and uh we got everything we needed for this car and it was all on steven man much appreciated i can't thank you enough i never thought in a million years anybody would care enough to to send money to help out with these projects and these flips man you guys are the greatest so that brings me to this one this is an 08 saturn aurora some of you guys have been asking about it some of you seen it in the background and a couple of my last videos and we're asking about it well i picked this one up out at the el reno auto auction that is a public auction by the way and uh we got it for eleven hundred dollars it's an 08 143 000 miles and she is in great shape inside and out dark tinted windows the paint's good no clear coat peeling none of that stuff really really good shape on this one even the interior look at the interior of this thing it needs a little bit of cleaning you can see it's kind of dirty there it looks worse on camera i'm looking through the lens there and that looks terrible but in person it's not as bad it's just normal dirty but the seats look at this they don't have the normal cracking you know normally the gm seats they're all cracked and busted all to hell these are not man this interior is in very good shape it's just dirty you can see over there in the floor nice and dirty so she does need some cleaning i thought maybe we'd see if we can get it to fire up of course the hood strut doesn't work typical uh battery's dead it showed up that way see if we can get our booster pack fire this thing up let's get in here see we can get it to do now the full story on this thing is that it uh i got it for 1100 and i left it at the auction uh because the transmissions battle yeah yeah we got another one with a bad transmission uh i was fine with that wasn't nothing i could do about it anyway right it was mine but uh it showed up here with a rod knock and it didn't have that when i bought it i know that for a fact in fact i've got video of me firing it up on camera when i went out there and first won it i don't know why they decided to send it to me i didn't ask them to deliver it i've never had a car delivered ever i always bring my own cars home it's kind of part of the channels trying to get them home right and my intention was just to re-run it through the next week's auction because i i wasn't going to fix this one this has that 3600 motor in it and they're terrible and in my opinion they just ain't worth fixing ain't worth all the trouble so this one was one i was gonna just send on through and just get rid of it and cut my losses and just see what happened but she's here she's my baby now i gotta figure out what i'm gonna do with it and uh basically what i think happened was since the transmission doesn't work properly you have to give it you got to kind of rev up on it to get it to move i think when they loaded it on the transport trailer they gave it just a little too much to get it up on that trailer causing the rod to start not start knocking because it didn't have any freaking oil in it i pulled the dipstick out and there was no oil on the dipstick so i had to fill it up with oil and kind of break it loose just to get it going before it would even crank over but whatever man nothing i can do about it i'm just going to dump this one it's not worth fixing in my opinion if somebody out there had any one of these that was kind of ragged out or maybe it was wrecked had a good engine and transmission it maybe it would be worth somebody spending the weekend to swap all that over but i'm not the guy you guys saw what we just did we got to get moving again that one kind of held us up a little bit we need to get that momentum going that we had going before we got the cobalt we don't need to be nested with this one again see if it'll do anything [Music] you see what i'm saying i mean it doesn't even want to crank let's try this out maybe this will get it going again let that sit there and charge for just a second all right here we go there we go do you hear it man she knocks pretty good when she first starts up that's for sure i'm sitting here idling it sounds fine you don't hear anything at all but hang on i'll show you [Music] yeah she knocks pretty good tires on it looks like brand new and it's matching set all the way around so i mean she's worth fixing but she just ain't worth fixing to me not after what i just went through on that that uh cobalt like i said i mean maybe we can let it sit around on the back burner for a little bit while we move on i don't know but for right now i'm not really interested in messing with it i can tell you that much i'd rather just send it on down the line let somebody else mess with i'm sure somebody else else out there would be more than willing to uh straighten this little girl out i said it had 143 000 i was mistaken it's actually got 137 000 the same amount of miles as the uh the cobalt's got on it i don't know much about the transmissions on these i don't think it's the same one as that cobalt has in it so i don't know what it would take to straighten this out but even if i did go through all of the trouble of uh fixing the transmission i mean you still got a an engine that's knocking and no power steering i don't know man i think it's a deal breaker i think it'd be a lot to fix this one but we are in it for only eleven hundred dollars i mean that's not too bad and the ac blows ice cold so it's working really good i was gonna see if maybe we could take it up the driveway see what happens i was curious if it would pull its way up this driveway hey it's actually shifting that was a first to second gear shift i wasn't expecting that actually i don't know maybe it's just maybe it's just reverse is gone it seems to be shifting okay let's get it outside the gate and see what happens hear that old motor ticking around here it's got a bit of a misfire to it too it's not bad and that scares me with these 3600 motors turn this air off so y'all can hear me a little better these 3600 motors man they scared me to death i had a traverse that was the same way it had that old motor in it no matter what i did i could not get rid of the misfire and it has something to do with those extra long timing chains and cam phasers and all that mess that makes these motors so bad i'm not gonna mess with it i could go through all that trouble to make the knocking go away and still end up with a motor that's just misfiring it's just random misfires it's not isolated to one cylinder it's just randomly misfiring across the board and when they start doing that it's usually in need of a rebuild of some sorts and uh we can't do that man we got to get moving let's get it out here on the road see what it does oh it died oh okay nice good luck getting it to start back up push it back out of the road here good grief well we're off to a good start i seriously doubt it'll fire back up just trying [Music] i mean it's trying no i don't think it's gonna do it y'all well it looks like we're pushing him back down the driveway well here we go again i'm gonna coast down the driveway here this ought to be fun with no power brakes last time we did this at least the car was running kind of hard to do this and video at the same time but i think we'll get it main thing is to get it through the gates kind of like threading a needle right let's see if we get it through the gate without running into it there we go all right it's a good way to practice your backing skills driveway's about a quarter mile long and she's a windy one so far we haven't hit nothing yet oh my god this is where it gets kind of wild okay here we go well it's always a good time man i lost my ac that's the worst part it's getting hot in here quick okay that's all it's going to give us there we go uh so hey y'all i think i'm going to end it on that note right there um don't worry about that old car we'll just get past it i don't think we're going to mess with it it's just too far gone all right like i said it'll make somebody a good fixer we'll probably just put it up for sale as a mechanic special and to see what happens see if we can make up as much of that eleven hundred dollars that we have into it as possible and just get on down the road to the next one like i said we're going to build up some momentum like we had going before we got to this one and uh and just move right on past it i mean that's kind of the way it goes that's part of being a dealer car flip or whatever man you can't fix all of them you just can't some of them you got to cut your losses and move on and we've already spent enough time on this one we don't need to jump right into another one so that's how that's going to go take another look at those headlights man that really does brighten up the front of this car tremendously i mean that made a big difference oh and hey for anybody that was doubting me check it out this is what i was waiting for this is what made the video take a little longer to get to come out i was going all in yo this is a transmission rebuild kit it's got all the clutches the steels everything you need the seals everything i'm telling you man i was about to rebuild this thing i'm not even kidding you this kit came with everything everything you need complete rebuild kit cost me about 300 bucks and guess what she's going back we don't need it man i feel like we dodged a bullet on that one for sure i mean not only do we get to save 300 dollars that we don't have to put into the flip but think of the amount of work pulling that transmission out and doing all that rebuilding when all it was was just that little rod so we lucked out man please like share subscribe all of that good stuff i really do appreciate you guys watching thanks again steven r i would throw your your last name out there but i'm not going to i don't know if it would be cool or not so stephen r man you're a cool dude really do appreciate that 200 uh money you sent in the mail like i said it all went into this one so we're doing good we're actually sitting okay on this one uh you guys leave me a comment what do you think it'll go for i think i'm gonna try to get around 3 500 we'll see how it goes she cleaned up pretty good so we'll see tune in on the next video hopefully we can find out by then uh so i think you're all updated some of you guys are asking man come on weird beard send us something man we need to know what's going on so there you go there's your update i appreciate everybody following along i'm going to get out of here i will see you guys next time
Channel: Weird Beard
Views: 111,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Copart, IAAI, Tarvarish, Salvage, Rebuild, DIY, BHPH, Car lot, flip, samcrac, DIY Gang, B is for Build, Auto Auction Rebuilds, Cars, Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Honda, Mercedes, Infiniti, Land Rover, Mazda, Nissan, Datsun, cobalt, 4t45e transmission problemes, cobalt shift solenoids replacement, used car dealer, dealer license, dealer only auction, public auto auction, rock auto, orielly's auto patrs, 4t45e transmission shift rod, 4t45e transmission shift cable, how to fill a 4t45e transmission with fluid
Id: wOXxb5IRces
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 41sec (2261 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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