Flathead Catfish CATCH AND COOK!! (All Night Sandbar Camping)

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this is like the prime rib of the flathead if i'm gonna eat some while i'm out here i'm going to take the prime stock well river that's the mythical bonus here just starting the rigging process but i'm taking out the kayak for one big reason the ola jet lower unit is not here yet so it'll start it'll run but it won't go anywhere and we're still waiting on that with no definitive eta but i'm going fishing so let's go river rats i'm not gonna lie it's great to be on the water it's kind of like any time you have something bothering you you can come out here and it's like it's gone no big deal nothing to worry about as far as the boat goes yeah i got a boat so i'm a fish out of a boat but i'm also going to fish out a kayak i'm also going to fish off a bank whatever puts fish on the hook because honestly there's times where of all those three things one is better than the other it's not it's not always the same one thing right now i'm hoping kayak's the best way to catch him because that's what i have and then later tonight i hopefully fish off the banks the best way to catch him so that's what i'm gonna do i might fish out of the kayak a little bit longer i don't know so many options none of them bad i just need to get baits in the water can't catch them if you don't have baits in the water that's a guarantee i make i don't make guarantees in fishing i guess i kind of just did i make one guarantee in fishing if you want to know what my absolute favorite bay for fly heads is it's not bull heads i do like bullheads a lot and honestly i'll take whatever bait i can get but that guy the old green sunfish kind of have uh napoleon syndrome but they just keep kicking they're not as tough as bullhead but for whatever reason i seem to get bit more on just tough they're tough on a hook they're tough in a bait tank they're easy to catch if you can find them if you find them they're easy to catch they're easy to keep alive and they're easy to keep alive and lively it's one thing to have a bait that's alive it's another have one that's lively and lively is what gets bit so hopefully i'll get bit here and if not that's okay so then i'll try another spot another spot give him 10 minutes see what happens get eaten dude had one get hit and it hit funny it like and then ran at me to the side kinda and then line came tight the hook popped out of his mouth but who knows what that was yeah something messing with me most likely of the uh channel rat variety it's not oh yeah when they start going and let go and then come back maybe small flathead it's a small flathead he's dinner he's a channel caddy's dinner my sunfish is very dead unfortunately yeah time to move well he's not very dead but he's very beat up he's been on several fish's mouths scraping the scales off of him and stuff it's rough world down there he's still kicking because sunfish are tougher nails on to the next spot all right i guess the only thing left to do is wait for a bite pretty good at that so i got some pretty solid scenery i think i've said pretty i don't know how many times i've said pretty at least we're at least up to four maybe five times but uh i'm pretty good at sitting around waiting for a bite so i vote that's what we do hopefully it won't be that long [Music] got him pretty bad get big dude i don't think he might be a meter too uh borderline thanks bud he's hooked kind of deep even he's releasable he's got a hole in his mouth like he's been on somebody's stringer weird definitely a little eater right there i i don't know you can't ask for much better than that honestly he's probably like i don't know seven eight pounds something like that he's also breakfast and probably lunch and dinner well i eat a lot so these will be the only two i keep hopefully i get a few more tonight but uh if not i believe you're pretty dang happy all right hang out guys now the only thing we need is a big one this a real fish is he gonna take it down or i don't know there's a lot of stuff going on right now oh that's more solid and less solid well this is dead bait so there's definitely something alive on the end it's acting like a flathead we're gonna have a little flathead number three of the evening this is testing my patience to like the maximum degree he snagged and also on there at the same time pull it off of there oh feel something solid what is going on come on get off of there he got himself out it's very generous of him what are you a little flat head number three and he's like snagged well he can't keep a foul hooked fish unfortunately he's hooked right there i don't know i'm sure he went after it but i don't know i like to play by the rules and you know i got two i don't need three but it's nice of him to work himself out that's two uncut bait and two little guys uncut bait and a better one on live bait either way it's action and can't ask for much more than that especially flat fishing man the perfect eater it's okay got to meet some for breakfast and the rest of it eat for lunch or dinner some other time go grow up and get really big see ya back out there for a little while before i put some new chunks on all right recap i just woke up i went to check these to see if i had any bait and uh this guy never pulled the clicker off another wonderful eating specimen [Music] there's a spider hopefully [Music] easy does it champ he's too deep yeah this guy never even pulled any clicker off didn't pull any line off the reel and i have a line counter so that's kind of how i know because i remember what it was before i went to sleep but he's got hooked so i guess i will add him to the pile for tomorrow morning i probably won't eat tomorrow morning i guess he'll probably go in the free fridge and we'll have something to eat right down the road morning uh this is cracking down survive the evening evening without turning into a popsicle which is good unless you want to be a popsicle then it wouldn't be as good but uh we'll go get their butt heads clean probably drink some caffeine got my flathead cooker buried real nice bullets freaking out i might have a flat on one of them rods by the way i forgot to mention that which is what the reason i am up at 6 15 in the morning otherwise it would be a real possibility of me not being awake unfortunately for me i don't have to be in a hurry at this very moment so um let's see if one of these guys gets stumped and then we'll eat they definitely got hit by something see the scrape marks down the side very feisty channel yeah yeah just going behind the picture i think it's about that time probably the most essential part of a camping trip is the next morning i did slip a little bit forgot my toothbrush sorry to anybody i run into on the way home it wasn't on purpose i feel like i could take on the world now and i just need to take on playing some flatheads what a beautiful place little iowa beauty that most people don't even realize is here including a lot of iowans iowa pretty much looks the same except the rivers that carve up the landscape and make things different expose what's underneath peels back the layers getting pretty philosophical it's amazing when one drink of caffeine will do to you okay check out the the spoils of our labor if you want to call this labor you know really not much to complain about four flathead night kept uh kept three of them one because it was i was only gonna keep two but one was get hooked so you're gonna keep one you might as well keep a gut hooked one a lot of them will survive anyway but the odds definitely drop i'm gonna get these clean probably only i'm gonna fry up some and take some home and have a wonderful lunch and dinner i always let the big ones go but i don't think there's anything wrong with keeping flatheads this size i mean they uh these are the youngest fish these are the best ones for you because they have the least amount of uh contaminants in them and i don't know i wouldn't say they necessarily taste better but they got that stuff going for them all right got those flatheads dismantled cut them into little chunks because they got they're pretty watery they hold a lot of water so if you want them to fry up real nice and crisp cut them into smaller chunks and it seems to work a lot better got them marinating in some frank's red hot and this is like the prime rib of the flathead this is all belly meat so if i'm gonna eat some while i'm out here i'm going to take the prime stock gotta bread them though time to get everything else set up got some tortillas they're kind of beat up and moist everything is moist out here today and where's my tongs i don't know where my tongs are this could get interesting no tongs and broke my spoon and my fork oh bummer let's get her started there she goes supremely enjoy that sound it's gonna get hot it's gonna get hot fast that's reasonably level i asked for much more than that out here's probably asking for a lot so take what i can get it's almost sunglasses 10 but almost it's definitely sunglasses time yeah this is this is a definitely going to be interesting with one little fork to flip them with don't know if you could ask for much better breakfast than what this is going to be assuming i don't burn my fingertips off because uh trying to flip them with a piece of a plastic fork yeah at least i have some instrument to do this imagine you're trying to do this with your fingers so i could always use a filet knife if it came down to it that's hot oh it forks melted yes i will be using a fillet knife that's probably not healthy it's reasonably clean clean enough for this environment with reasonably clean there's lots of times asking a lot well we got them burning they won't be everything they could have been but they'll still be pretty phenomenal and they'll still get eaten which is all that really matters i guess considering i'm the only one eating them nice part about cooking for yourself really gotta please make it good enough for you [Applause] last round splash myself we'll warm up these tortillas just to smidge i'm gonna be hanging out in the burn up stuff but whatever heat them up make them a little more pliable getting consistent heat while cooking in the outdoors might be one of the most difficult things in my life but i guess if that's my biggest problem i'm doing pretty good let's grab a couple pieces and check this out look pretty ds yup there is the final product let's find out if it's edible i bet it is oh my hands are gross one bite then i'll wash them drop the beet flathead i didn't do a very good job of cooking it's still really good all right one i'm just gonna eat this and wash my hands my hands aren't clean but they are definitely cleaner i have to wash all this stuff down when i get home but i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did hit the like button if you want to see more like it hit the subscribe button if you want to you can go check out my podcast it's on spotify it's river certified podcast a lot of people making fun of me and some pretty good stories to go along with it it's a good time really is if you like fun i highly recommend checking out the podcast it's the river certified podcast anyway seriously thank you for watching means a lot hope you catch giant [Music] you
Channel: Spencer - River Certified
Views: 260,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lake fishing, bank fishing, camping, best, spot, location, river, lake, stream, iowa, midwest, pig patrol, kayak catfish, catfish dave, flathead, catfish, blue, channel, hook, rod, reel, whiskerseeker, tackle, giant, huge, enormous, monster, survival, primitive, bait, kayak camping, creek, shallow, exploration, exploring, ty pigpatrol, missouri, camp out, mud cats, remote, hidden, fishing trip, adventure, bridge, catch and cook, small stream, Flathead Catfish CATCH AND COOK!! (All Night Sandbar Camping)
Id: Ia_hKqYpG5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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